Patterico's Pontifications


Iran Rejects Obama’s 10-Year Nuke Offer

Filed under: General — JVW @ 1:01 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Back to the drawing board.

Look for the Obama/Kerry Axis of Stupid to cave in 5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . .


29 Responses to “Iran Rejects Obama’s 10-Year Nuke Offer”

  1. By Jove, I think I’ve got it. Obama can prevent Iran from developing their own nuclear bomb by giving them one of ours.
    Badda bing badda boom.

    ropelight (a2eadb)

  2. Recall that Obama/Kerry originally wanted 20 years. How much contempt must Iran have for our executive branch to believe they can barter them down below 10? They must sense that Obama is desperate for a deal.

    Oh, and this will no doubt be spun as Boehner’s and Netanyahu’s fault.

    JVW (05e1e2)

  3. Asked if the two sides had reached an agreement, Zarif replied: “We’ll try, that’s why we are here.”

    “The only way to move forward is through negotiations.”

    That’s precisely the rationale the Mullahs have settled on. Especially since the Iranians have seen Obama’s bargaining position slip from obstructing, to containing (remember Hagel’s Freudian slip during his Senate confirmation hearings), to enabling.

    The grovelling and begging was never a negotiating position, as some have observed; rather, it was President Jarrett/Obama’s preferred tactic.

    Kerry told reporters: “We’re working away. Productively.”

    “Very productively,” Hassan Rouhani thinks to himself as he smiles and nods in agreement.

    Steve57 (127339)

  4. It’s the PLO and Arafat yanking around the Clinton Administration all over again. You might have thought that Team Obama would have learned from their folly, especially since this time around the stakes are so much higher.

    JVW (05e1e2)

  5. they have a lot of common ground they should be able to reach a deal

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  6. 2. …They must sense that Obama is desperate for a deal…

    JVW (05e1e2) — 3/3/2015 @ 1:08 pm

    The Iranians don’t need to smell blood in the water or otherwise read any tea leaves in order to divine the fact Obama is desperate for a deal.

    Obama has told them in no uncertain terms.

    Recall during his first term when Obama sent the same “secret” letter to the Iranians via three separate means. Rice to the Iranian ambassador at the UN, via the Iraqi president, and via the US Interests section at the Swiss embassy in Tehran.

    The Iranians found it such a howler they gave it to a member of parliament to make a public mockery of it. The WH was eventually forced to admit the contents were genuine. Thus revealing these negotiations are being conducted by a love struck 14y.o. girl who really, really, really wants the cool jocks to like her. So after starting off threatening to T.P. the Strait of Hormuz if the jocks don’t invite her to their next party, she then grovels and swears if they do then at the party they can put date rape drugs in her punch, do what they want, and post the video on YouTube. As long as they blur her face and don’t include any English subtitles. Just don’t hurt her anymore.

    Another way we know the administration has flat out told the Iranians they are desperate for a deal were the repeated warnings to Bibi not to include any details about the deal in his speech to Congress. Why? The Iranians know the details. The Russians and the Chinese know the details. Why shouldn’t the American people and Congress know the details?

    I think we all know the answer. President Prom Queen has been sexting the Mullahs again.

    Steve57 (127339)

  7. Learning requires an internal admission that there is something desirable to be learned. I suspect that Team Empty Chair has been in We Won mode since they did, and can’t conceive of there being anything else to learn. Even their defeats seem to produce no change, they go on as if they’d won (again.) He’s going to have a very hard time transitioning to “ex-President”.

    htom (4ca1fa)

  8. We need to stop talking as if anybody in DC engages in negotiations anybody anymore.

    The correct word is “capitulations.”

    As in, “John Boehner concluded his capitulations with de facto House Speaker Pelosi over DHS funding this morning,” or “Secretary of State Kerry will return next week to Switzerland for another round of nuclear capitulations with his Iranian counterparts” or “Barack Obama warned Putin to abandon further territorial designs on the Ukraine thus setting the stage for further captilations in the ongoing conflict.”

    Steve57 (127339)

  9. obama should send boehner over to get this deal done.

    mg (31009b)

  10. the word you are looking for is hudna, as in hudabiyah, a temporary truce,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  11. obama should send boehner over to get this deal done.

    You have it backwards, mg: Boehner apparently needs to have the Iranians negotiate on behalf of the House GOP since they are so successful at getting Obama to cave.

    JVW (05e1e2)

  12. 7. Learning requires an internal admission that there is something desirable to be learned. I suspect that Team Empty Chair has been in We Won mode since they did, and can’t conceive of there being anything else to learn. Even their defeats seem to produce no change, they go on as if they’d won (again.) He’s going to have a very hard time transitioning to “ex-President”.

    htom (4ca1fa) — 3/3/2015 @ 1:33 pm

    An excellent and very insightful observation. This is why Obama keeps saying that in addition to everything else history is on his side. No matter the issue. For instance:

    “I think the law is on our side and history is on our side,” Mr. Obama said in remarks at the White House.

    This is what passes for deep thought in the Freshman Karl Marx Dorm at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC. If history is on your side, what more do you need to know?

    I think there are a couple of things to keep in mind when evaluating our Resident-Assistant-in-chief, the prism through which he views the world, his likely courses of action, and his perceptions of success.

    First, there’s what passes for his religious faith. No, he’s not a Christian. But he did sit in a Black liberation theology church for 20 years and everything he heard just went to confirm everything he learned from his anti-American mother and communist mentor FMD taught him. To serve the “gospel” is to fight the oppressor. The evil white oppressor is the problem, resulting in an oppressed that has no choice but to fight back. This is one of the reasons why he kept touting his unusual name and compelling personal story as foreign policy assets when he first was elected. And embarked on his apology tour. His very healing presence was supposed to reassure the justifiably angry Muslim world that a sufficiently rebuked America had learned its lesson. So while America had given them plenty of reasons to hate us, he was proof that they didn’t have to hate and fear us anymore.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Obama has never read a book, but if anything and everything in a book conflicts with his own limited personal experience or something somebody he likes and trusts told him, he’s going to dismiss the book.

    So he learned everything he needed to know, he told us, about the Arab-Israeli conflict at the kitchen table of former PLO spokesman Rasheed Khalidi.

    Besides, he spent a couple of his childhood years in overwhelmingly Muslim-majority Indonesia. He visited his Muslim family in Kenya once. And don’t forget he spent a couple of weeks with a college friend touring Pakistan. And how could we forget? He constantly reminds us of his amazing expertise by insisting on pronouncing the name of the country Pock-ee-ston.

    If these rock-solid credentials weren’t enough, his trusted adviser was born and spent her toddler years in Iran. So his administration is the first in history to know the Islamic world inside and out.

    So we damned Crusaders just need to get off our high horse and recognize we’re to blame. We need to address the justifiable grievances the Muslim world has against us because of our greed and arrogance and start providing those poor jihadists jobs. And let the oppressed Iranians have their nukes.

    It’s very hard to take a hard line position against someone you’ve been taught all your life has been 100% right all along.

    All the right people are giving Obama the thumbs up for his approach, and that includes the Iranian Mullahs, and as far as Obama can see all the indicator lights are glowing “green.”

    He just knows better than us. Besides, did I mention he majored in international relations at Columbia, haters?

    Since those Marxist professors he sought out (per his biography) so he wouldn’t be seen as a sell-out, like those suburban black kids who would sit at the same lunch tables as whites at Occidental, are telling him he’s on the right side of history, that just confirms that everyone in the Freshman Dorm administration already knows everything. Just like freshmen everywhere.

    Steve57 (127339)

  13. 4. It’s the PLO and Arafat yanking around the Clinton Administration all over again. You might have thought that Team Obama would have learned from their folly, especially since this time around the stakes are so much higher.

    JVW (05e1e2) — 3/3/2015 @ 1:23 pm

    As far as western leftists are concerned, there are two countries that symbolize western arrogance and imperialism (just ask Jimmuh Cahtah). And therefore shouldn’t exist at all.

    Israel and the US.

    So when Obama gives away the nuclear farm to Iran, and rebukes Israel for settlements in the West Bank and apartment construction in Jerusalem, and demands that Israel returns to the 1967 “borders,” soon to be followed by backing the Palestinian demands for a “right of return,” he’s merely correcting a historic mistake.

    When he fundamentally transforms the US he’s correcting another.

    No one is more adept than President Light Worker when it comes to perceiving the sweeping arc of history.

    Steve57 (127339)

  14. Touche JVW.

    mg (31009b)

  15. Target ranges should have targets with traitor boehners face.

    mg (31009b)

  16. do I hear eight years, 72 days?

    ParisParamus (194d44)

  17. Well the mullahs know that Barack will simply lay down and ask them–which side do you want to violate me on? And when they’re done, he’ll ask them if they’d like to violate his other side.

    Skeptical Voter (12e67d)

  18. “they have a lot of common ground they should be able to reach a deal”

    Mr. Feets – We must avoid offending the delicate sensibilities of the Iranian Mullahs of the mostly peaceful medieval rapey terrorism exporting death cult with things like speeches to avoid the possibility of derailing bad deals.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  19. You’d think at least one person would recognize this tactic. It’s from the era
    and conflict he used and uses to elevate himself into the supposed Peace Warrior
    that he pretends to be.

    I’m referring to the North Vietnamese and their dithering at the Paris Peace talks.
    They were there strictly to delay and defer and action by the US. And for the most
    part it worked. (one of the reasons I find the applause and praise awarded Kissinger
    to be so misplaced).

    All the while these talks are going on, the centrifuges are spinning away. Building
    up more plutonium and uranium. Kerry should know this. (of course he does but his
    master WANTS Iran to have Atomics)

    IRAN WILL NEVER AGREE TO ANYTHING that will shut the centrifuges down. Never until
    they have enough material to create some bombs and then they’ll light one off to
    show they have it.

    It’s indeterminate whether they will do it as a test or as a first strike.

    jakee308 (49ccc6)

  20. Kerry should know this. (of course he does but his master WANTS Iran to have Atomics)

    Kerry is a brainless internationalist whose purpose in life now that the Presidency has eluded him is to get a Nobel Peace Prize, so he’ll gladly play in the charade where Iran strings us along if he can get his Chamberlainian piece of paper to wave in triumph. People like him who base their self-worth on the flattery of the international elite are contemptible, and I am extremely grateful that he was not elected President in 2004.

    JVW (05e1e2)

  21. 19. …I’m referring to the North Vietnamese and their dithering at the Paris Peace talks…

    jakee308 (49ccc6) — 3/3/2015 @ 4:16 pm

    You don’t need to go back even that far. This is the way the NORKs got their nukes. There’s a certain brand of people who are married to process. Warren Christopher, steepling his fingers pensively, and Madeline Albright toasting the Dear Leader who kept agreeing to more process! So the NORKs kept the US et al involved in endless talks and negotiations, and people like Kerry kept spouting off about how productive taht all was. And then, Bam! The nuclear tests started.

    I’m sure you can find examples of this before the Vietnam war, too. People like Christopher, Albright, and Kerry have always been with us. The wonder is, why do we keep listening to them?

    Steve57 (127339)

  22. obama’s floundering around trying to get nukes for Iran and Netanyahu’s all like Jesus you’re such a loser get it together

    National Soros Radio is spinning like crazy but it’s cultivated this readership of rich white people what hate jews really really passionately – even more than Obama some of them

    the comments are really gross over there

    happyfeet (831175)

  23. I give you the Arab-Israeli “peace process” as another example of the faithful in action. They are convinced that we’ll have peace with the Muslim world when they can force enough concessions on the Israelis. Then Muslim separatists in Thailand will stop blowing up Buddhists and Muslim fundamentalists in Bangladesh will stop hacking atheist bloggers to death, since they are clearly all angered to violence by the plight of the Palestinians. The keepers of the faith will keep their noses to the “peace process” grindstone until their noses are gone and so is the state of Israel.

    Steve57 (127339)

  24. Of course, it will be blamed on *that* speech.

    Rush pointed out today that Netanyahu’s speech wasn’t for Obama or the United States, but first and foremost, it was for and directly to Iran. Rather like Obama was a pawn or something.

    Dana (86e864)

  25. Over at AoSHQ there’s a link heavy post at the top of the page right now. I recommend clicking on all of them, but most relevant to this thread is:

    It builds on what I was trying to say about Obama earlier.

    …It was similarly telling that Obama’s first trip to the Middle East, in April 2009, was to Turkey. “Turkey’s democracy is your own achievement. It was not forced upon you by any outside power,” he told the Turkish parliament in an obvious rebuke of his predecessor in the White House.

    His own life experience, he told the lawmakers, informed his decision to go to Istanbul. “The United States has been enriched by Muslim-Americans,” he said. “Many other Americans have Muslims in their family, or have lived in a Muslim-majority country. I know, because I am one of them.”

    As I said earlier, I wouldn’t say Obama has never read a book. But whether he believes what he just read or not depends upon how well the book comports to his “own life experiences.” Which are of course his ultimate authority. Followed by Rasheed Khalidi’s, Valerie Jarrett’s, Rev. Wright’s, or some other trusted adviser’s “own life experiences.”

    So while Ataturk’s reforms were very much the product of a defeat forced upon Turkey by foreign powers, otherwise we’d still have the Ottoman caliphate, there is no amount of reality Obama can’t reject in favor of his “own life experiences.”

    …At a recent gathering of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations, the eminent former director general of the Foreign Ministry, Prof. Shlomo Avineri, called Obama’s foreign policy “provincial.” It was a strange choice of words to describe the policies of a president with such a cosmopolitan outlook and so much eagerness to engage the world.

    But Avineri had a point.

    Obama’s remarkable memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” includes a powerful account of how his experiences as a young, keenly observant social organizer in South Chicago instilled in him the sensibility that would come to define his presidency.

    …The world was one large Chicago, its essential problems not categorically different from those of South Chicago’s blacks, and the solutions to those problems were rooted in the same essential human capacity for overcoming social divisions and inequities. This was Obama’s “provincialism” — his vision of the world that favored the disadvantaged and downtrodden, that saw the ideological and political clashes between governments as secondary to the more universal and ultimately social crises that troubled a tumultuous world.

    The problem isn’t much Obama’s “provincialism.” It’s his solipsism.

    We are dealing with a very sick and very dangerous mind.

    Steve57 (127339)

  26. We are so screwed.

    JD (86a5eb)

  27. Oh, yeah, JD. Very much.

    Nothing exists outside of Obama’s social conscience. The whole world can burn, and that won’t change. As far as Obama is concerned the world is divided between those who recognize the supremacy of his vision, and enemies.

    As far as the Mullahs and Putin, etc., are concerned Obama is a wet dream.

    Steve57 (127339)

  28. Obama’s a pawn. Yes, and the game being played is Wéiqí (Go.) He’s not even a playing piece on the board.

    htom (4ca1fa)


    In an interview with Reuters published yesterday, President Obama launched a pre-emptive strike against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned speech before a session of Congress…

    Now keep in mind the prime minister, when we signed up for this interim deal that would essentially freeze Iran’s program, roll back its highly enriched uranium – its 20 percent highly enriched uranium – and so reduce the possibility that Iran might breakout while we were engaged in these negotiations, when we first announced this interim a deal, Prime Minister Netanyahu made all sorts of claims. This was going to be a terrible deal. This was going to result in Iran getting 50 billion dollars worth of relief. Iran would not abide by the agreement. None of that has come true.

    You don’t even need to read the rest of Prof. Jacobson’s post to know Netanyahu’s “claims” did come true. Beginning with the fact that this was going to be a terrible deal. Not even Obama’s most reliable surrogate liars are defending this as anything approaching a good deal. Rice tried to defend this abortion on the basis that a bad deal is better than no deal. Which isn’t true even on that basis. But if that’s the best you can do, then you’re still defending it as a bad deal.

    But let’s proceed to the key part.

    What I do know is false is that as much as the President pretends that Iran abided by the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), Iran violated it with impunity. The JPOA (.pdf) spelled out an obligation that Iran had to come clean with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about its past nuclear research. Here’s the language:

    A Joint Commission of E3/EU+3 and Iran will be established to monitor the implementation of the near-term measures and address issues that may arise, with the IAEA responsible for verification of nuclear-related measures. The Joint Commission will work with the IAEA to facilitate resolution of past and present issues of concern.

    How do we know that 15+ months later Iran has not fulfilled this obligation? Because the IAEA reported the ongoing violation … yesterday morning!

    Concerning safeguards implementation in Iran, the Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of nuclear material declared by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement. However, the Agency is not in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities.

    The Agency continues to undertake monitoring and verification in relation to the nuclear-related measures set out in the Joint Plan of Action agreed between Iran and the E3+3 countries.

    Iran has yet to provide explanations that enable the Agency to clarify two outstanding practical measures agreed in May 2014 in the third step of the Framework forCooperation. Iran also has still to propose new practical measures.

    So the preezy attempted to discredit Netanyahu before this speech. And two of Netanyahu’s “claims” are indeed verifiable facts. It’s a terrible deal (not even Obama’s own spokesweasels say it’s good), and Iran already is flagrantly violating the deal. All that’s left is to quibble over whether or not Iran got closer to Israel’s estimate of sanctions relief or the USG’s.

    And evaluating that claim first involves verifying what Netanyahu actually said (really, since when does Obama accurately represent one of his most hated enemy’s positions) and whether or not Obama would actually disclose the true amount anyway. Who here would put it past Obama to fudge the numbers by dealing out cash to the Mullahs under the table?

    For some reason Obama imagines he has some remaining shred moral authority, and that people rely on him and the words coming out of his mouth to help shape their view of reality.

    Steve57 (127339)

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