Patterico's Pontifications


James O’Keefe Catches Democrats Encouraging People They Believe to Be Illegal Aliens to Vote

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:46 pm

And new evidence of illegals being registered emerges all the time.

And we all recall the recent study that suggested over a million non-citizens voted in the 2008 election.

But there’s no such thing as voter fraud!

44 Responses to “James O’Keefe Catches Democrats Encouraging People They Believe to Be Illegal Aliens to Vote”

  1. Democrats always cry, “But there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud!”

    They should know. They’ve been in the business of not getting caught doing voter fraud since 1828 (at least).

    Like the ineligible voter in the video, the Democratic fraudsters can’t be caught most of the time. If there is no requirement for photo ID, you can vote for anyone who hasn’t already voted with just the card. In states with mail ballots and lax absentee rules, you only have to get the ballot and fake the signature. In Colorado right now, Democrats posed as Republicans to take the GOP slots as election judges and are approving signatures that aren’t even close.

    In Minnesota, there were only Democrats present when each of the mysterious boxes of ballots for Franken began turning up during the last recount.

    All they need is no ID needed at the precinct or a room with no Republicans or honest Independents watching to get their phony votes counted. And they do – almost everywhere, especially in the heavily-D precincts.

    This is why they fight against these laws so hard, despite evidence there is no “disparate impact” on minority voters.

    Estragon (ada867)

  2. *crickets*

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  3. OT: are you going to share your views on judicial candidates for Tuesday?… there’s a bunch on my ballot.

    i can scan & e-mail them, if it would help. i know i’m always grateful for your thoughts on them, even if you can’t make a personal recommendation for some of them.

    redc1c4 (589173)

  4. “voter fraud” will only be a news story if they catch someone who *isn’t* a Demonrat doing it.

    redc1c4 (589173)

  5. To be fair — there was one worker supporting a Republican candidate who also gave the green light. That was the one who made the phone call.

    L.N. Smithee (2fa36d)

  6. At least he didn’t have the Brazilian chick try to get these guys onto a boat with fuzzy handcuffs. That would be unethical.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  7. more your type of ethical publication, I gather

    narciso (ee1f88)

  8. There ain’t a long enough wall, enough rope or bullets to rectify this situation.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  9. The Democrats will just say that it is impossible for a real illegal immigrant to even register.

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  10. As we can see, the left plans to win by hook or by crook. Honest and fair elections are either a thing of the past or a Republican pipe dream. Either way with the “modern” voting techniques it will become harder and harder to thwart election fraud.

    They’ve done their job well, these Alinsky leftists. First they took over the schools and turned education into propaganda. Then they took over Hollywood and the entertainment industry so as to promote their cause de jour, they entrapped the women with shows like The View, and the men with a steady stream of constant sports games for every season. They taught the youth to get their “news” from John Stewart, Colbert and The Daily Show. And as the “education industry” cranked out leftist after leftist they infiltrated the News Media to the point where almost everything we see or read with few exceptions is “approved” by the leftist so-called journalists who run the information show. Now we are to the point where the IRS and NSA as well as EPA and other government agencies are used to suppress any perceived opposition and the force of law brought down on people like Dinesh Desousa who dare to stand up. Even the Supreme Court is no longer regarded to determine if a Law is Constitutional, but rather how to “get around” the Constitution by any means necessary, like “let’s declare a law a tax” or invent the right to abortion, or even re-invent what a marriage is after 10,000 years.

    The left wants illegals and non-citizens to vote because they vote Democrat. After all, they have to replace all those aborted kids. That’s why this is the most important election of my lifetime. And I encourage all of you to vote. Just because a candidate on our team is flawed, imperfect or does not agree with you 100%, don’t let the left go unchallenged. Don’t waste your vote or worse yet, not cast it. You can bet your life the Dead will be voting for the left! So it’s urgent that we the living vote for the best possible anti-leftist candidate available. We can argue after the election. Right now what’s important is winning.

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  11. Just pulled down a comment from carlitos that, disappointingly, seemed to have no real purpose other than to troll.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  12. I think that illegal immigrants are too busy just trying to put food on the tables of their large hungry families to worry about voting. Right?

    Pious Agnostic (7eb3b0)

  13. I’m impeaching your source. I thought that this was a legitimate thing, in legal parlance.

    Plan for Abbie Boudreau (2010)[edit]
    In August 2010, O’Keefe planned a staged encounter with the CNN correspondent Abbie Boudreau, who was doing a documentary on the young conservative movement. He set up an appointment at his office in Maryland to discuss a video shoot.[1] Izzy Santa, executive director of the Veritas Project, warned Boudreau that O’Keefe was planning to “punk” her on the boat by trying to seduce her—which he would film on hidden cameras.[1][74] Boudreau did not board the boat and soon left the area.[1][74]

    CNN later published a 13–page plan written by O’Keefe’s mentor Ben Wetmore.[75] It listed props for the boat scheme, including pornography, sexual aids, condoms, a blindfold and “fuzzy” handcuffs.[1][74][76] When questioned by CNN, O’Keefe denied that he was going to follow the Wetmore plan, as he found parts of it inappropriate.[74] Boudreau commented “that does not appear to be true, according to a series of emails we obtained from Izzy Santa, who says the e-mails reveal James’ true intentions.”[77]

    Following the Boudreau incident, Project Veritas paid Izzy Santa a five-figure settlement which included a nondisclosure agreement.[78] Funding decreased from conservative political organizations following this CNN incident.[78]

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  14. Nick Kristof, has never apologized for what he allowed to happen to Steven Hatfill,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  15. The relative strengths and weaknesses of the proponent are not necessarily a reflection of the merits of his ideas. Even a blind hog finds an acorn.

    And, no, that’s not what impeachment is.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. I’m impeaching your source.

    And yet, Carlitos, you don’t mind giving a million benefits of the doubt to the global-warming and same-sex marriage, I-love-the-GLBT’s-agenda crowd.

    Mark (c160ec)

  17. Exactly what does Abbie Boudreau, Izzy Santa or Ben Wetmore have to do with James O’Keefe’s report/video on voter fraud? I’m not making the connection here.

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  18. ‘ardilla’ that’s squirrel, in the local idiom,

    second is coincidence, third is enemy action:

    narciso (ee1f88)

  19. Can I impeach sources by pointing out connections between the White House and the MSM? Is that a thing?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  20. carlitos comes on in full-weak suck mode. It is Halloween, but it’s no costume.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  21. Why I remember the time Michael Mann claimed he was a Nobel Laureate because of his work on Global Warming. The Nobel Foundation has no such record. I guess that must impeach all Mann’s scientific work.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  22. Narciso, I suspect chicanery in that Maryland case, and not on the Democratic side. Look up Frederick County’s political history and demographics. Why didn’t they pick a county run by the Democrats, and with a larger Hispanic (and therefore presumably larger immigrant) population?
    The most innocent answer I can think of is that the local GOP agents or elected officials assisted them in their investigation.

    Also, there is the alternative that people were lying to get out of jury service. A not unheard of phenomenon. Where I live, the law says they should be immediately purged from the voting rolls if they claim to be non citizens or living at a different address–but I don’t know how well that works in practice (I would not be surprised if practice does not follow legal theory) and I don’t know if Maryland has the same basic idea in their law books.

    kishnevi (acc65c)

  23. all you need to know about election integrity (to use a term loosely) here in Lost Angels County, #Failifornia, is that the Registrar actively recruits non citizens to w*rk the polls.

    ’nuff said.

    redc1c4 (589173)

  24. Cariltos

    As a noted critic of Jame Okeefe, he does catch people more than he misses, and the fact that he like myself, is a flawed individual, it doesn’t take away the fact that democrats some democrats will try and steal elections

    Florida 2000 comes to mind

    EPWJ (abd159)

  25. Also Pat paid a price from the enemies of Okeefe something I failed to fully realize and appreciate at the time, so Carlitos, why don’t you ask your questions concerning the background of the people in the video – I bet if I start investigating, this will not be the first dance with controversy

    EPWJ (abd159)

  26. The scene in Lord of the Rings where all the long-dead knights storm ashore and crush the forces of evil was not done with just special effects. The first part, where they storm ashore was shot with night vision equipment on the Chicago waterfront shortly after the polls closed in 1960. The part where they filed in orderly fashion into the voting booths was deleted and replaced with the special effects carnage. And they weren’t knights, they were hoodlums from prohibition and the Farm Labor party. Nor were they engaged in defeating the forces of evil. It was quite the opposite.

    bobathome (5ccbd8)

  27. I’m impeaching your source. I thought that this was a legitimate thing, in legal parlance.


    You seem to be suggesting I am criticizing you for your comment about O’Keefe.

    Why are you suggesting that? It’s still there.

    As for the comment I was actually referring to, I obviously pulled that comment down. Of course, people can’t see why I did that. So, I will now quote the comment I was actually criticizing — the one that was trolling, and which I removed. That is the comment which you left just after Hoagie’s comment:

    Needs more misspelling, random punctuation and capitalization. 4/10.

    THAT is the comment I pulled down because I thought you were just trying to troll.

    You knew you had left that comment, but nobody else did. Why did you act as if I was criticizing your for the comment about O’Keefe (which I had left up) rather than about the comment attacking Hoagie’s writing (which you, alone, knew you had made, and which I had taken down)?

    Patterico (9c670f)

  28. oooh, oooh…. I know!!!!!

    /me waves hand wildly, trying to get the teacher’s attention


    redc1c4 (589173)

  29. what We need is MOAR poasts like that, not feweer of them…

    i miss teh Usenet daze….


    (alt.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk %-)

    redc1c4 (589173)

  30. You knew you had left that comment, but nobody else did. Why did you act as if I was criticizing your for the comment about O’Keefe (which I had left up) rather than about the comment attacking Hoagie’s writing (which you, alone, knew you had made, and which I had taken down)?

    Patterico, as much as I love this blog, you, and I love the guys who comment here, you need not ever worry ” about the comment attacking Hoagie’s writing “. I’m an old man, and I have dyslexia. Frequently I rely on spell bcheck. Frequently I fail. (yes, I let the (b) in front of check stand). I’m not stupid. Not the britest bulb in the room….but I love your opinions.

    Just remember that every vote not cast Republican this time around goes for Obama. That means if you vote Libertarian, Constitutional….you vote Obama. Vote Republican…if you value and love The Republic. I do. Pull the top lever, and laugh as they try and stuff the ballot box. Cause if we all work together, they can’t win!

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  31. You knew you had left that comment, but nobody else did. Why did you act as if I was criticizing your for the comment about O’Keefe (which I had left up) rather than about the comment attacking Hoagie’s writing (which you, alone, knew you had made, and which I had taken down)?

    Patterico (9c670f) — 10/31/2014 @ 5:49 pm

    Don’t tell me carlito’s dishonest.

    Gerald A (d65c67)

  32. He’s not.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  33. Patterico, as much as I love this blog, you, and I love the guys who comment here, you need not ever worry ” about the comment attacking Hoagie’s writing “. I’m an old man, and I have dyslexia. Frequently I rely on spell bcheck. Frequently I fail.

    I wasn’t being overprotective, I was just ridding the site of a comment that had no purpose other than to insult someone for no good reason.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  34. Whip me beat me make me write bad checks baby, just don’t insult me.

    This voice recognition is awesome

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  35. Try “Couer d’Alene” on it.

    nk (dbc370)

  36. Cortolane

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  37. Lake Pend Oreille

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. Crazy Idaho Nazi skinheads

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  39. He gone. Per John Fund at NRO:

    Guerrilla filmmaker James O’Keefe has prompted investigations into political operatives he caught on camera advising non-citizens they could vote. The North Carolina Board of Elections is looking into whether they broke state law.

    Meanwhile, Greg Amick, the campaign manager for the Democratic candidate for sheriff in Charlotte, N.C., has left his position.
    …Despite Amick being caught red-handed, the spokesman for sheriff candidate Irwin Carmichael tried to downplay the incident. “It is unfortunate that a social media virus has added noise and sometimes confusion to an election in our community,” Rob Brisley said in a statement.

    Brisley’s description of attempts to encourage voters to cast ballots as a “social media virus” has given new meaning to the concept of political spin.

    elissa (9d03ff)

  40. I love it when Dems make up euphemisms for their bad behavior.

    JD (285732)

  41. I suspect that what Rob Brisley wanted to say was, “I miss the good old days when some busybody Yankee Catholic boy would have been left alone in the sheriff’s jail with his cell door unlocked and all the deputies out to lunch, and some good ole boys came by with a pickup truck and barbed wire.”

    nk (dbc370)

  42. test….

    Yoda (d89de1)

  43. bobathome (5ccbd8) — 10/31/2014 @ 4:02 pm

    Nor were they engaged in defeating the forces of evil. It was quite the opposite.

    But they made a mistake. John F. Kennedy, and especially important, Robert F. Kennedy, was not his father’s son. Old Joe kind of misled them.

    Sammy Finkelman (7bb55f)

  44. You knew you had left that comment, but nobody else did. Why did you act as if I was criticizing your for the comment about O’Keefe (which I had left up) rather than about the comment attacking Hoagie’s writing (which you, alone, knew you had made, and which I had taken down)?

    Patterico (9c670f) — 10/31/2014 @ 5:49 pm

    Sorry, I hadn’t noticed which comment(s) was/were in moderation, so I had assumed you were referring to O’Keefe.

    As for Hogie’s rant, it just struck me as the stereotypical caricature of a conservative. Alinksy – check. Random Capitalization of Random Words like “News Media” – check. Misspelling of Jon Stewart – check. Quotation marks around words that aren’t quoting anyone – check. Conspiracy theories like Dinesh D’souza being oppressed – check. “Repacing aborted kids” – WTF?

    I now read that Hogie has dyslexia, which explains some of the writing. But I still find rants like this unhelpful to our cause. I imagine what an enterprising HuffPo intern/blogger could do with comments like this, which is ridicule the conservative cause. That’s why I mock. I like to think that is above such nonsense. For the same reason, I mock the birther and the global-warming conspiracy theorists. I like to think that we are above such idiocy.

    I apologize if my post wasn’t clear. It was not meant as trolling, the language was merely my way of saying – “hey Hoagie – your rant is unhelpful.”

    I suppose that rants here should be allowed – why not – so I will suppress my inner pedant and not “troll” further.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

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