So I read this excellent Legal Insurrection post about the composition of the Zimmerman jury and thought: this sounds like a good defense jury. Maybe one clearly prosecution-oriented juror in the bunch. Maybe Zimmerman has a chance!
Then I saw this:
Just because you think something doesn’t mean you have to say it out loud. Humor with a jury on a murder case is a tricky business.
Ken at Popehat has the best line I saw all day on this:
Knock-knock joke still not as bad as the time I got drawn into a game of the dozens against the jury foreman.
I was listening to one of my favorite voices on the economy, Peter Schiff, when he made a comment about the latest revelations by Edward Snowden, whom he considers a hero. Schiff said that he is more scared of the government’s powers than he is of anything the terrorists might do to him.
It got me thinking: a big part of the way people view the actions of a guy like Snowden has to do with this fundamental question: which concerns you more? The government’s far-reaching surveillance abilities combined with its power to investigate, harass, incarcerate, and perhaps even kill (at least by seeking the death penalty) its citizens? Or the terrorists, who may not always be in the forefront of our minds, but whose top aim is to kill us all, and would be thrilled to do so with a nuclear weapon if they could?
In short, which frightens you more: the government, or the terrorists?
Stop now and answer the poll. We’ll pick up the discussion below the fold.
Answer it before you click the “more” button. I don’t want to prejudice you. I’d like it if everybody who reads this post would answer the poll question.
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