Patterico's Pontifications


Pelosi Doesn’t Remember Saying ObamaCare Would Lower Everyone’s Premiums

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:59 am

“I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium.”

Let The Weekly Standard jog your memory:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

“Everybody will have lower rates.”

Malkin Recalls Weiner’s “Cape and Tights” Reference

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:01 am

Michelle Malkin:

Remember: Democratic women on Capitol Hill stood by Weiner and his Twitter tawdriness until a critical moment almost exactly two years ago this week: It was the moment news broke that among the bevy of online groupies he hit on, Weiner had communicated with at least one teenage high-school student in Delaware.

Weiner had flirted with the underage girl through Twitter direct messages using a macho line about donning “cape and tights” — a quip he had also used with an adult woman with whom he had exchanged raunchier sexually explicit messages. Conservative blogger Patrick Frey ( first uncovered the evidence. Fox News then broke the news in the mainstream media that Delaware police had visited the girl’s home and questioned her about her online communications with Weiner. The 17-year-old said she had met Weiner on a school trip to Washington.

At his watershed press-conference circus on June 6, 2011, Weiner claimed he “never had an intention of having a relationship with underage women” and blustered that the girls he communicated with “weren’t young, per se.” Per se? Just a few days later, Weiner was forced to admit that he had exchanged “at least five private messages on Twitter” with the Delaware girl, not two messages as initially reported. He also denied that any messages to the teen were “explicit” or “indecent.”

But can the serial liar be believed?

Indeed. Can he?

It is amazing indeed how often people forget about “cape and tights.” Weiner’s opponents would be well served to remember that line. Good on Michelle Malkin for remembering.

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