Anderson Cooper Victim of Attempted SWATting
I almost reported this last night, but the only source was a article that was very tentative in its conclusions. I see it being reported by multiple sources now, however, including the New York Post, which I will quote for the entertainment value of how wrong their facts are:
Anderson Cooper has become the latest victim of the “celebrity swatting” pranking craze — after a flurry of cops descended on his Hamptons home over a bogus report of a shooting.
It was the first time the hoax — in which pranksters create false reports of violence to trigger SWAT-like responses at celebs’ homes — had been pulled off outside Los Angeles.
That is so far from true as to be laughable.
A 911 caller last month told Southampton Town cops a man had just shot his wife at the CNN anchor’s home in Quiogue. Cops from four departments flooded the streets but found no signs of a shooting, sources said.
Interesting fact about this one that I’ll keep under wraps for now.
Here is the (partial) roll call of the SWATted: Anderson Cooper; Magic Johnson; Mike Rogers; Wolf Blitzer; Ted Lieu; Erik Rush; Ryan Seacrest; Russell Brand; Selena Gomez; Justin Timberlake; Rihanna; Sean Combs; Chris Brown; Tom Cruise; Paris Hilton; Clint Eastwood; Brian Krebs; the Jenners and Kardashians; Justin Bieber; Miley Cyrus; Ashton Kutcher; Simon Cowell; Aaron Walker; Erick Erickson; Mike Stack; and me.
Since AC is widely known to be gay, you’d think that the cops could have connected the dots on this one quickly.
Charles Curran (78e0c1) — 5/7/2013 @ 9:58 amRead carefully, Charles.
Icy (a81239) — 5/7/2013 @ 10:22 amPatterico, your undisclosed interesting facts are what keep me coming back multiple times a day.
Darn you!
Pious Agnostic (6ff605) — 5/7/2013 @ 11:02 amPatterico, next time, can you try to be on the forefront of a different trend? Sure, keep all the cool kids, the celebrities, the A-listers, but can you try something less – frightening?
bridget (84c06f) — 5/7/2013 @ 8:37 pm