Patterico's Pontifications


Stacy McCain on the Loesch/Breitbart Lawsuit

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:33 pm

Stacy McCain, on the Dana Loesch suit against

Having further explored the background on what is now a matter of litigation (Loesch v., I think three things are obvious:

1. Andrew Breitbart never would have let this happen;
2. There’s much more to the story; and
3. Dana Loesch has already won.

I am always wary about expressing opinions when I don’t know the facts. I’ll go this far: if Loesch’s lawsuit is accurate, somebody over there was not treating her properly.

And if that happened, it wouldn’t be the first time. I never said this before, but I was personally the recipient of some pretty shabby treatment myself from that organization, after Andrew died. It was bad enough that I suddenly had no interest in contributing to them — as long as the people who treated me that way stayed in charge. And they have.

I think I’ll keep the details to myself, for now. But my experience was not the only such experience. Not by a long shot. And having been through it, it is plenty easy for me to believe that Loesch was also treated shabbily.

And when you treat people like crap, it doesn’t stay a secret.

So do I know whether Dana Loesch’s suit is accurate from top to bottom? No. I don’t. But I have my suspicions. And I bet a lot of other people do too.

And yeah. I know pretty much for a fact Andrew would have handled things differently.

Stacy says:

And I think everyone involved in this unfortunate mess — defendant, plaintiff, and the horrified witnesses — can agree with this four-word sentence: Damn, I miss Andrew.

Damn straight.

UPDATE: Still more from Stacy here.

Occupy Dresses Up Activist in Santa Suit

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:38 pm

But Santa couldn’t follow the rules everyone else has to follow, so Santa got arrested.

Vinger said a Texas State Preservation Board employee asked Peterson to stop defacing Capitol grounds, and he refused. Another suspect was arrested for criminal mischief as well, Vinger said.

Members of Occupy Austin, which “believes that the use of washable sidewalk chalk is constitutionally protected free speech,” gathered at the Travis County Courthouse on Friday night to protest the arrests, according to a statement.

Another man was arrested, who was “named by Occupy Austin as Corey Elf.”

Watch as this douchebag cries while a crowd, including at least one small child, watches.


Not every idiot in a Santa suit is Santa, little guy. Best you learned now.

Chevron Moves Hundreds of Employees to Texas from California

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:32 pm


Chevron Corp. will move as many as 800 jobs to Houston from its California headquarters to support its exploration and production operations, the company told employees Thursday.

The oil giant will maintain its corporate headquarters in San Ramon – just east of San Francisco – where 6,500 employees work.

In an email to its workers, Chevron said jobs moving to Houston include employees in support groups involved with technology, procurement and business development.

“Moves in these groups are expected to take place over the next two years to support our growing upstream business,” the company email said.

I wonder how many businesses are relocating employees from Texas to California. Somehow, I suspect not many.

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