Romney News
Fun stuff here:
Meanwhile there is this poll showing Romney up by four in Pennsylvania, but I’m skeptical.
Any way you slice it, though, we have papers who endorsed Obama now endorsing Romney, and voters who are starting to pay attention realizing that they have been lied to about him being this evil guy. Americans are starting to see this guy as presidential material.
I think he might win.
Finally, no post about Romney can be posted today without mentioning Crazy Larry O’Donnell challenging Romney’s son to a fistfight:
I don’t say this about everyone with whom I disagree, but O’Donnell is disturbed, he is not well.
Whoopi is another who comes to mind who I think needs help.
Obama? Nope, just a lefty I disagree with. But the first two have some serious problems they need to deal with.
kinlaw (2fb87c) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:14 amI love how he tries to exaggerate his southie accent, an accent I had never heard from him until he tried to get all manly mannish thug in this video. Classic. And, BINDERS!
JD (318f81) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:20 amIf the Romney embed does not work for you (it does not for me) try this link.
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:25 amIt’s not uncommon for the Lace Curtain Irish (O’Donnell is a product of prep schools and Harvard) to pretend to be tough street guys from the projects. Boston is full of that type. JD is absolutely right in the second comment above.
JVW (f5695c) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:33 amSend Larry over to Marblehead. They’ll give’m what he’s looking for.
Media Mutters (3451fc) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:35 amOuch! Check out the lefties at Wonkette really sticking it to O’Donnell. Classic!
JVW (f5695c) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:35 amJVW – great link. That faux southie BS was just too much for me.
JD (318f81) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:48 amWhat is it with these fake working-class-Irish MSNBC hosts? Do they put something in the Evian they sip at work? Has the champagne they’ve been drinking while getting their pedicures in the staff spa been soaking their brains too long?
Recall how Chrissie “Tingles” Matthews was going off on how he can decipher GOP racist code because lives in “black majority” DC. Except he doesn’t. And I don’t know if he ever has. He lives in whiter-than-a-Klansman’s-sheet Chevy Chase Village.
Now we have this idiot O’Donnell, who “didn’t have that luxury in the paht o Boston” he grew up in. WTFO? His dad was a well-to-do lawyer. His mom an office manager. They sent him to St. Sebastian’s in upscale Needham, nearly as non-diverse as Matthew’s Chevy Chase Village, to keep him out of Boston public schools. 26 acres. 350 students. 11 to a class. These days it’s a cool $34,750 a year to send your kid from 7th to 12th grade there. Then for poor, underprivileged Larry it was off to Hahvahd.
Give me a break. These guys are jokes.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:01 amArrgghhh…Don’t know who is a bigger pussy, this assclown or Olberdouche. How come so many libtards are so repulsive? algore, lurch kerry, chrissie matthews, the breck girl/silk pony. So now sHrillary says a 2016 run is out? So I guess that leaves the idiot Biden, whom I was told is way sexy and Cuomo. Oh, I forgot Mooch, who is also deemed one of the world’s great beauties?
Calypso Louis Farrakhan (e799d8) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:04 amLarry O is sick, and now he’s even faking the Southie accent.
I hate to jinx it, but I think it’s going to be a landslide for Romney.
Patricia (e1d89d) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:09 amI once fought Larry O’Donnell to see who could kill more brain cells.
He won.
Icy (95bf80) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:12 amLook for O’Donnell to — within the last week before the election — to go on a vile, venomous anti-Mormon rant. I predict that it WILL happen.
Icy (95bf80) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:16 amThese people, Matthews and O’Donnell, are such BS artists I doubt O’Donnell really grew up in Boston. Just like Matthews doesn’t live in DC, O’Donnell probably grew up in some wealthy bedroom community around Boston like Needham.
He just says he grew up in Boston for the fake grittiness he imagines it gives him.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:17 amApparently there is more coming out to indicate there is evidence that the WH did the “it was protest over the video” purposefully to cover the suggestion that terrorism was alive and well, especially in Libya that is in danger of being/becoming (if isn’t already) a “failed state” where the central government, even if responsible people, do not have adequate control over the country.
This is not a surprise to most of us, but apparently there are enough intel people calling BS on the “bad intel” comments and willing to disseminate it to the public in some way.
But I’m not sure how Romney should handle this. In one way it is just ugly, ugly and Obama should quietly “concede” to Romney and publicly admit a serious mistake….but unlikely that will happen.
On the other hand, I think Romney would do well to focus on the reality in Libya (and Syria) that the admin wants to hide rather than call out Obama on his purposeful deception. I think a lot of the public doesn’t want to see the president accused a dishonest cheat who cares more about his reelection than US personnel and foreign interests, even if it is true.
But someone should.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:46 am
>> Meanwhile there is this poll showing Romney up by four in Pennsylvania, but I’m skeptical.
This sort of thing is going on in a number of states. It makes sense.
The Obama Administration is circling the drain, although Romney somewhat slowed the momentum down with his performance at the second debate.
This Libya fiasco combines the worst features of the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis (with Jimmy Carter constantly predicting they’ll be released soon for half a year) and Iran-Contra (with Ronald Reagan’s difficultly in explaining himself)
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:46 amA Pennsylvania margin of 4% is about double what Bush got against Dukakis but half of what Reagan got against Carter in 1980.
In 1988 and earlier, New Jersey voted more Republican than Pennsylvania. In fact, both in 1968 and 1976, New Jersey was carried by the Republican candidate for President and Pennsylvania was not.
As I said, the greatest mystery in American politics is why Pennsylvania is considered a swing state.
After 1988, I guess especially after James Carville won the 1991 special election for the United States Senate for Harris Wofford, they’ve been campaigning very heavily in Pennsylvania, under the delusion that it is a swing state, so the margin is closer than it should be expected to be compared to other states.
The heavy campaigning makes Penn more Democratic now.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:48 amStreet cred and MSNBC hosts;Al Sharpton did not expose his 2 daughters to the wilds of NY public schools. Instead they went to $40K a year perp
Bugg (642d2d) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:51 amstudent Poly Prep in Brooklyn. Quite a feat when Sharpton under oath has repeatedly claimed to have no income nor assets. Among their classmates were Bon Jovi’s kids.The only way kids will get in there is if they work for a contractor.
Rush Limbaugh’s perennial explanation for late polls, is that the polling organizations know they have to be more accurate close to the election.
Everyone only looks at their last poll.
So they change assumptions (actually also sometimes take bigger samples) and that makes it more accurate.
But I think there’s a real change and not all of it is related to the first debate. there’s also the Benghazi scandal and that started to really attract attention, and people at large really started to realize something was wrong, just about the time of the first debate. (Wed. Oct 3)
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:52 amAs recently as 2010 a conservative Repub won a US senate seat, and the seat held by conservative senator Santorum was lost in 08 (?) to the Dem advertised as Pro-life.
Bob Casey father the gov was very popular as a pro-life Dem, I think more popular than Ridge a pro-choice Repub. “Compassionate conservatism” wins the day in PA, FWIW, and Obama is not running any kind of conservatism, and Romney is compassionate only in the long term sense of not wanting everything to crash.
I have not heard an ad on radio or seen anything in terms of signs, etc. for the Senate race here in Philly for either candidate. I’m assuming both sides are focusing efforts elsewhere in the state.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:59 amDon’t think so, Sammy. The second debate never really mattered. Obama wasn’t going to change anyone’s mind in any of the debates. He’s had four years to convince people to reelect him. He failed to make his case.
Romney had to make a good first impression. He made a great first impression. He didn’t make any fatal errors in the second debate, even on the Libya issue, that would have reversed that first impression.
As a matter of fact, with the new info coming from CIA as well as Crowley walking back her fact-free impromptu debate fact check, Romney has the Libya issue teed up nicely for the third and final debate. Which is the last opportunity the candidates have to leave an impression on the voters.
I haven’t seen any evidence the second debate changed the trajectory of the election at all. Which is to be expected; barring a complete meltdown it wouldn’t. It’s the first and last debates that count.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:03 amComment by MD in Philly — 10/19/2012 @ 9:59 am
I have not heard an ad on radio or seen anything in terms of signs, etc. for the Senate race here in Philly for either candidate. I’m assuming both sides are focusing efforts elsewhere in the state.
I saw an ad for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Her theme is that she puts all her personal information on the Internet and is for something to make Congress more honest. Just rolling up her margin in a non-campaign.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:04 amComment by MD in Philly — 10/19/2012 @ 9:46 am
Apparently there is more coming out to indicate there is evidence that the WH did the “it was protest over the video” purposefully
Not true, and that’s actually worse. I’m somewhat with to John Bolton on this that he really believed what he said about a video.
Except I don’t think it’s Socialist type ideology (although there is the fact that Barack Obama probably finds it easier to excoriate Americans than people in certain other countries) and I don’t think he came up with this on his own.
He had help. There was faulty intelligence.
Of course you could ask the question who made the decision to believe the foreign intel over the reports of the people on the ground in Benghazi.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:14 am_____________________________________________
especially in Libya that is in danger of being/becoming (if isn’t already) a “failed state” where the central government, even if responsible people, do not have adequate control over the country.
It may be worse than that, because sprinkled throughout the mindset that likes to promote the idea of a video on Youtube being responsible for the terrorism in Libya is the notion that mean ol’ Americans, or mean ol’ non-Islamic outsiders, haven’t been tolerant and kumbayah-happy-face enough towards the Middle East. So that plays well with the “blame America first” (or “blame the Western World first,” or “blame Euro-centric capitalism and imperialism first”) crowd, which includes a large number of folks on the left. And Obama — who happily shrugged off the “goddamn America” rhetoric of his former close adviser only until controversy forced his hand — is very much in that category.
Mark (ece7bc) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:17 amBut I’m not sure how Romney should handle this. In one way it is just ugly, ugly and Obama should quietly “concede” to Romney and publicly admit a serious mistake….but unlikely that will happen.
Reagan did that with Iran-contra. That came out right after the November 1986 mid-term election.
(the initial leak was on Nov 3 – the election was on Tuesday, November 4, 1986)
Ronald Reagan appointed a bi-partisan commission,
on November 26, 1986, just about 3 weeks after it first became public. No sign of that from Obama.
No sign of any investigation about what went wrong with the intelligence AFTER the attack in Benghazi. No sign of anything except a State Department sponsored look into why requests for more security were ignored.
The three members of the Tower Commission were
1) Former Republican Senator John Tower of Texas,
2) Former Democratic Senator from Maine, Vice Presidential candidate in 1968 and Secretary of State under Jimmy Carter after Vance resigned Edmund Muskie,
3) and former National Security Advisor under Republican Gerald Ford Brent Scowcroft.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:19 amAnother on the Kieth Olberman career path.
( someone check the Kool-Aid )
Paul from the Cape (0dd47d) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:24 amOn the other hand, I think Romney would do well to focus on the reality in Libya (and Syria) that the admin wants to hide rather than call out Obama on his purposeful deception.
he shouldn’t accuse him of purposeful deception. there wasn’t. He should accuse him of doing nothing about a collossal intelligence blunder.
The Democratic position has tended to be that the CIA or somebody said this, so it was reasonable to say that this was not pre-planned, and the Republican position has tended to be that it was unreasonable to say that, and therefore the CIA or somebody in intelligence didn’t say it.
But they did. I think they are telling the truth here.
Martha Radditz asked Joe Biden the right question and he avoided answering it. Just didn’t answer it.
I think a lot of the public doesn’t want to see the president accused a dishonest cheat who cares more about his reelection than US personnel and foreign interests, even if it is true.
It’s especially bad to make such an accusation if it is not true. And why not take him at his word that there was faulty intelligence after the fact?
But you can’t stop there. That would be a horrendous intelligence blunder. And a failire of evaluation. Where somebody decided to believe a source or sources rather than the eyes of the people in Benghazi.
Now my feeling is that there wasn’t just one source. There was a whole bunch of sources.
They’re not explaining it because this was all
sooper sekrit intelligence.
The question is: What other intelligence did they have??
The Administration has said they had contradictory information, if I remember correctly. I think they did.
Oh, look – the worldwide intifada has resumed:
Top [Lebanese] Security Official Among the Dead in Beirut Blast
It’s 1:30 pm on the East Coast. How can this article be dated October 20?
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:31 amOf course this is maybe really only connected with Syria.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:32 am15. …although Romney somewhat slowed the momentum down with his performance at the second debate.
I so disagree with this assessment, Sammy. Romney was composed, firm, expressed himself clearly (with one exception during the Benghazi scuffle), but other than that he was reliable and I believe he reinforced people’s impression of him from the first debate. They saw him consistently defend his positions, question the president’s and reveal himself to be a very capable and learned candidate.
The “momentum” for Romney is far more than one or two debates. It’s all of his speeches, campaigning, interviews and experience all rolled up into a wave of support for him. At a certain point in time, the momentum develops a life of its own and I think we’ve passed the threshold. Aside from doing something really, really stupid, the momentum will continue until November 6.
Dana (292dcf) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:33 amfake working-class-Irish
Joe Biden is actually another one of those, on occasion.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:33 am15. …although Romney somewhat slowed the momentum down with his performance at the second debate.
Comment by Steve57 — 10/19/2012 @ 10:03 am
Don’t think so, Sammy. The second debate never really mattered. Obama wasn’t going to change anyone’s mind in any of the debates. He’s had four years to convince people to reelect him. He failed to make his case.
Romney could have intensified the momentum but I think people got a little deflated. I think he slowed down movement by about one day or two.
Romney had to make a good first impression. He made a great first impression. He didn’t make any fatal errors in the second debate, even on the Libya issue, that would have reversed that first impression.
But he wasn’t what people expected maybe.
As a matter of fact, with the new info coming from CIA as well as Crowley walking back her fact-free impromptu debate fact check, Romney has the Libya issue teed up nicely for the third and final debate.
If he masters the facts and gets them right. He should not let himself be spoonfed some talking points or even a half page by someone else. He’s got to understand the issues so if Obama says something wrong, he knows what’s wrong.
Which is the last opportunity the candidates have to leave an impression on the voters.
I haven’t seen any evidence the second debate changed the trajectory of the election at all. Which is to be expected; barring a complete meltdown it wouldn’t. It’s the first and last debates that count.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:37 amhe shouldn’t accuse him of purposeful deception. there wasn’t.
In what world do you live, Sammy?
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:45 amSo, I see O’Donnell is still on his quest to be the new Keith Olbermann.
I find O’Donnell so very representative of the left – a perpetually angry people always looking to gin up a fight, no matter how foolish they appear. And no matter how impeccable the mani, or sharp the suit, a fool is still a fool, albeit a well dressed one.
And the irony of him challenging Tagg Romney to a fight while castigating him for wishing to protect his dad is, well, once again, typical of a fool.
Dana (292dcf) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:47 amJHim Gergharty at NRO has a peice baout “prefernce casccade”. Basic idea-incumbent loses momentum to challenger when the rationale for keeping the incumbent falls apart. We may be witnessing that right now. Obama has no plan, it’s a host of little ideas to cobble 50% +1 to get to an Ec victory. tehre is no central theme nor any economic plan at all.
Bugg (642d2d) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:48 am________________________________________________
he shouldn’t accuse him of purposeful deception. there wasn’t. He should accuse him of doing nothing about a collossal intelligence blunder.
Oh, please.
Sammy, I know those left-leaning voices in the back of your mind are always beguiling you, but try not to listen to them. They’ll steer you time and time again to the land of ambulance-chasing trial lawyers and used-car salesmen. They’ll make you either want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge, or try to sell the damn thing.
When there are various reports that have circulated for quite awhile about political correctness corrupting the US military and FBI, and undoubtedly seeping into the CIA too, it’s ridiculous to make the idea of “intelligence failure” more complicated than it really is. It’s absurd to give Obama a pat on the head over the question of whether he was being deceptive in his insistence that a non-PC obscure video was the crux of the terrorism in Libya. He may be a fool, but I don’t think his foolishness is quite so humongous that even he couldn’t figure out what the public already suspected was behind Benghazi rather early on.
Mark (ece7bc) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:51 amApparently there is more coming out to indicate there is evidence that the WH did the “it was protest over the video” purposefully to cover the suggestion that terrorism was alive and well…
I’ve noted before how Petraeus has deliberately stayed out of the limelight. He seems to be playing his cards now. The CIA joins State in confirming that wherever the admin came up with their “spontaneous Muslim film criticism” spin, it didn’t come from them.
This confirms a suspicion that I long held since Rice said she based her comments on talking points provided by CIA.
Intel doesn’t provide talking points. Campaigns do that.
This latest CIA info seems in reaction to the latest spin, just in time for President Eye Candy’s next debate appearance, that Rice wasn’t sent out to mislead on 16 Sep. She was, unfortunately, already prepped and on her way out the door for those Sunday shows when “intel” began to get an idea the “spontaneous Muslim film criticism” theory might be wrong.
No way, sez the CIA. We knew within 24 hours. So Rice and Carney flat lied when they said there was no information it was anything other than spontaneous. These timely leaks from the CIA prove them liars. Or the administration, which may well have been cherry-picking the info they fed to their mouthpieces.
…apparently there are enough intel people calling BS on the “bad intel” comments and willing to disseminate it to the public in some way.
Let me see if I can help. Sammy, for one, keeps talking about bad foreign intel.
No. That’s bad foreign information. Information isn’t intel. It doesn’t become intel until it’s been vetted for validity, importance, and relevance. Whatever this admin may have received, or merely is pretending to have received, is not intel until it’s been through the US intelligence cycle. These agencies that would have been responsible for doing so are leaking that it did not come from them, ergo it had not. Therefore, bad uncorroborated RUMINT (Rumor “Intelligence”), but not actual intelligence.
Jay Carney, for another, keeps talking about no “actionable intelligence.” By definition intelligence is actionable. If it isn’t actionable, it’s trivia and not worth wasting time to collect and analyze. Saying “actionable intelligence” in ignorance that intelligence is actionable is like saying “Pizza pie” in ignorance that “Pizza” is Italian for pie.
Apparently the inside the beltway careerists are not going to cover for the amateur bunglers in the WH. I can hardly blame them. And I really do regret the fact they are amateur bunglers.
NYT: Suspect in Libya Attack, in Plain Sight, Scoffs at U.S.
Because everyone’s noticed. And even when we send President Prom Queen back to Chicago we’ll be repairing the damage he’s done for a long, long time.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:54 amRush Limbaugh October 16, about polls
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:55 amComment by Mark — 10/19/2012 @ 10:51 am
It’s absurd to give Obama a pat on the head over the question of whether he was being deceptive in his insistence that a non-PC obscure video was the crux of the terrorism in Libya. He may be a fool, but I don’t think his foolishness is quite so humongous that even he couldn’t figure out what the public already suspected was behind Benghazi rather early on.
Of course he couldn’t come to this conclusion by himself.
There was some sooper sekrit intelligence that said that.
I think that really happened. They all say it.
They don’t say it was sooper sekrit, but they never describe it, so it must have been sooper sekrit.
he shouldn’t accuse him of purposeful deception. there wasn’t. He should accuse him of doing nothing about a collossal intelligence blunder.
Even if you think it’s not likely, give him this out – but then hold him to it. You can’t just say: The CIA said it, therefore it was reasonable to say it.
And neither should you say, it’s not reasonable, OK, and therefore the CIA didn’t say it. And there was no information that there was a demonstration. And Barack Obama made it all up, and then went public with it.
I don’t think so.
I don’t think this is political correctness run amuck.
It’s very good disinformation, that, however, should have been rejected. And the people who relied on it ought to be replaced or something.
At any rate, what the Obama Administrations’s explanations amount to is a colossal intelligence blunder after Sept 11, 2012. (they are still blundering by the way)
It does not become reasonable to go against the testimony of multiple people on the ground because the CIA says it has contradictory information.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:07 amSammy,
The only “faulty intelligence” is found between Obama’s ears.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:07 amHe shouldn’t accuse him etc. is my sentence.
Romney shouldn’t accuse him of deception (all that Obama says then is that it is offensive and Romney has to prove it and then other people are brought out saying they got the same intelligence)
But he should accuse him of tolerating an incredible blunder by U.S. intelligence agencies..
I mean after September 11, 2012.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:09 amBest line “Screen Beret”
That’s some funny shit, there.
Space Cockroach (8096f2) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:15 amYeah, he could have. Obama doesn’t listen to anybody.
Except dreams from his father, Frank Marshall Davis, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid Rashidi, and dear old communist mom who taught him the evils of American imperialism while living in Indonesia.
Damned straight, after that indoctrination he could have come up with this on his own.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:16 am___________________________________________
I don’t think this is political correctness run amuck.
Sammy, again, you’re making it more complicated than it really is.
Obama is a 51-year-old hard-core liberal. As such, people like him are notorious for not just being amiss when it comes to basic common sense but also being lazy when it comes to basic ethics. So a combination of stunted logic (“an attack on our consulate in Libya on 9-11, and the peculiar date of 9-11 are merely coincidental!”) and limited integrity (where Barack “Hubris-and-Thin-Skinned” Obama will lie through his teeth to protect his delicate ego and the cause of liberalism) explains the current president, and not anything more complex or involved than that.
Mark (ece7bc) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:19 am___________________________________________
The only “faulty intelligence” is found between Obama’s ears.
Ya know, that bit of snark did make me chuckle. But there’s some truth to that. After all, Obama is 51 years old:
Mark (ece7bc) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:23 amSF: he shouldn’t accuse him of purposeful deception. There wasn’t.
Comment by JD — 10/19/2012 @ 10:45 am
In what world do you live, Sammy?
The Sammy Zone, and so do you. John Bolton says the same thing:
There was no purposeful deception about there being a protest about a videotape. But that’s actually a worse thought.
See: (hot off the press) Something may wrong with this URL. This is 2:24. the show is still going on:
RUSH: Here is John Bolton. So he was again with Martha MacCallum today on Fox and talking about the way the regime handled the aftermath of the attack……
BOLTON: Some say, of course, there’s a cover-up going on and that the administration’s lying. I’m afraid there’s actually a more disturbing explanation. The president’s ideology has put a screen over his consciousness. And when the real world tries to intrude on it, it can’t get through. Because after all: The War on Terror is over, Al-Qaeda’s been defeated, the Arab Spring has brought democracy to Libya. And a terrorist attack that brutally kills four Americans is wildly inconsistent with that ideology and worldview. The president can’t process reality, and his aides can’t get through to him.
Now what I think is, the President had help in not processing reality, and some of the problem is that some people in the CIA can’t believe their good sources have all been lying to them, been moles or double agents, or that some foreign intelligence agency they have trusted is purposely misleading the United States.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:25 amThis is another example, Sammy, where you read something that isn’t there. Bolton is not denying a coverup in that quote.
SPQR (dab943) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:29 amSammy @ 43,
As much as I respect Bolton, and I largely agree with him about Obama, he can’t let those aides off the hook. They aren’t trying to get through to him. They’re lying on his behalf.
They are putting Obama’s reelection prospects, and maintaining his delusions, before the best interests of he country.
Nobody seems to be trying to get through to him. Those in DC who are unwilling to carry his water are leaking info to put as much daylight as possible between then and him.
As far as Obama goes, the problem is he doesn’t know where his delusions end and his lies begin. So it’s useless to try to figure out where the line is drawn in his muddled mind. But he is an incorrigible liar in addition to being a blinkered ideologue.
He is the worst of all possible worlds. I wouldn’t be surprised to find DWS is really Obama in drag.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:33 am“all that Obama says then is that it is offensive”
Sammy – It is offensive for the President to mislead the American public over attacks on U.S. territory and the deaths of Americans overseas, which is why the public deserves straight answers from Obama instead of continued obfuscation and blame shifting.
This is not hard and kicking the can down the road is not winning the president further support.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:33 am______________________________________________
Now what I think is, the President had help in not processing reality,
Yea, help from his nonsensical leftist biases.
Bolton is expressing a theory about Obama that is a distinction without a difference. Or the difference about whether Obama is being purposefully deceptive about Libya or is so philosophically extreme that he, in effect, is being unconsciously deceptive.
Bolton is willing to downplay the ethical lapses of Obama and play up his dogmatism. Either way, the guy now in the White House comes off as totally unfit for office, assuming the United States isn’t a two-bit Banana Republic.
Mark (ece7bc) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:43 am“all that Obama says then is that it is offensive”
Obama has been accusing the GOP of “putting party before country” since 2010. Before that he was accusing GWB of being unpatriotic.
Now, it’s “offensive” to accuse him of doing what he’s clearly, in fact, been doing.
Romney needs to turn that around and beat him with it.
Speaking of beatings, back to Larry O’Donnell.
His tough guy schtick reminds me of this:
Chris Matthews Bombs on ‘Jeopardy!’ After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for How She’d Do
Who wants to bet O’Donnell fights like Matthews does jeopardy?
Seriously, what 60 y.o. guy goes on TV and starts a spiel ostensibly aimed at Tagg Romney with “let’s talk, just you and me…”
I bet this dweeb got beat up a lot as a kid. If I were Tagg I’d take him up on his offer to meet him “anytime, anywhere” and challenge him to a charity-benefit smoker.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:49 amMark, to be fair to Bolton he isn’t really downplaying Obama’s ethical lapses so much as emphasizing the fact he’s divorced from reality. Which Bolton thinks is more dangerous.
Bolton is on record saying that whether Obama is lying or deluded either one is horrible for the country and unacceptable in a President, but at least if BHO was lying it would indicate he has some grasp of material facts. Then he’d be able to lie about them.
He can’t even do that. Which Bolton finds terrifying for the sake of the country.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 11:55 amHere are some of the Al Smith dinner jokes:
From Romney:
“It’s nice to finally relax and wear what Ann and I wear around the house.”
“Usually when I get invited to gatherings like this, it’s to be the designated driver.”
“In the spirit of Sesame Street, the President’s remarks today are brought to you by the letter O and the number 16 trillion.”
“My tip for debate prep is, first, refrain from alcohol for 65 years.”
“It’s good to have someone you can depend on at the end of the day. I have my wife, Ann. President Obama has Bill Clinton.”
“The headlines will be: ‘Obama embraced by Catholics, Romney dines with rich people.’ ”
“I was actually hoping the President would bring Joe Biden along this evening, because he will laugh at anything.”
From Obama:
“Everyone please take your seats. Otherwise Clint Eastwood will yell at them.”
“I had a lot more energy in the second debate. I was well rested after the nice long nap I had during the first debate.”
“Four years ago, I gave Chris Matthews a thrill up his leg. At the first debate, I gave him a stroke.”
“Earlier, I went shopping at stores in Midtown. I understand Gov. Romney went shopping FOR stores
in midtown.”
“Mitt is his middle name. I wish i could use my middle name.”
“Unemployment is at the lowest since I took office. I don’t have a joke here. I just wanted to remind people.”
They both said something about not taking the election too seriously:
“We don’t carry the burden of disliking each other. He has many fine gifts and a wonderful family that would make any man proud. There’s more to life than politics.”
“Family man and loving father are two titles that matter more than any political ones.”
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:00 pm“Seriously, what 60 y.o. guy goes on TV and starts a spiel ostensibly aimed at Tagg Romney with “let’s talk, just you and me…””
Steve57 – It would be sort of like Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean King, with Loud Mouth Larry in the role of over the hill sexist Bobby getting his butt whipped, but making some good coin from it.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:03 pmMark, over on the “Not Optimal” thread daleyrocks writes:
Which is the point Bolton is making about Obama and his infantile foreign policy. It’s a point others have made. Such as Obama booster (on domestic policy) Martin Peretz in the liberal “The New Republic” back in March 2010:
The Multitudinous Disasters Of The Obama Administration. Here: On Syria And Iran
His foreign policy instincts are untutored and unteachable.
He is a liar, as I said. After the debate at Hofstra he sought out Kerry Ladka, the individual who asked him about the security at the Benghazi consulate, and Obama said he couldn’t name the individuals who denied the security requests because that would put them at risk.
But even his lies are pathetic because he isn’t aware of reality. The individual who denied the request was Charlene Lamb who had been testifying, and consequently in the news, that she denied those requests.
He comes up with this crap on the fly, thinking he sounds convincing. He doesn’t realize how stupid he looks because, as daleyrocks observes, he doesn’t understand the real world.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:11 pmThe tide is against Obama and things do not look good. Today’s Real Clear Politics has a map without tossups. Whoever is ahead in the polls gets the state. RCP is an average of polls and therefore tends to lean to the Democrats due to weighting. The map has Obama 281 electoral votes and Romney 257.
So let’s look at the battleground states and assume the reds stay red given Romney has momentum:
Nevada, Iowa and Wisconsin are six, six and ten votes in the Obama column. Nevada’s weak senate candidate, who is falling further behind and Obama bad mouthing Las Vegas will turn Nevada to Romney. Iowa early voting and absentee ballot requests favor Republicans compared to 2008 when they favored the Democrats so Iowa looks to turn to Romney. After the Walker recall victory, unless they ship 1 million people from Chicago to vote in Wisconsin, no way Wisconsin is going Obama with Ryan on the ticket. Walker’s victory showed the Madison-Milwaukee leftist axis is not enough.
That alone gives Romney the win. However…. Pennsylvania in a recent poll has Romney ahead and Ohio will go Romney if they keep reminding the locals about coal and Delphi. The Delphi retirees (formerly a part of GM), got their pensions screwed in the GM bailout. That’s another 38 electoral votes.
I smell a rout.
Cheshirecat (d16616) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:13 pm^..^(____)~~~
daleyrocks @ 51, that’s why I’d make it a charity event.
So the only thing O’Donnell got out of it was some serious public humiliation.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:14 pmThe CIA says they knew what happened within 24 hours and so did the WH and admin. If they willfully deceived or had ideological
bindersblinders on maybe Krauthamer can discern, but it wasn’t bad intel.Petraus, just wanting to do the job and get results, as stayed out of it publicly and has allowed previous CIA chiefs and Home Land Security Sec. call the BS.
As pointed out, Bolton has not exonerated Obama by agreeing with bad intel, the only issue is whether Obama is more dishonest or delusional.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:18 pmHilarious. And this begs the question, since Romney’s sons like to take a swing at things to defend their daddy why isn’t any of them in the military? Just asking.
The Emperor (f41c84) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:33 pm“the only issue is whether Obama is more dishonest or delusional.”
MD in Philly – This is America, why do we have to choose one or the other instead of both.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:37 pm“since Romney’s sons like to take a swing at things to defend their daddy why isn’t any of them in the military?”
Lovey – So you are saying that all people who potentially want to defend their family’s honor from outright lies in front of more than 60 million people on national television need to join the military? That passes for liberal logic these days? Seriously?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:40 pm53. “I smell a rout.”
I concur. PA has 5 power stations sheduled to close due to the EPA and death of coal, Harrisburg will be in default by election day, Casey was only a point ahead last week, Rendell has been on O’s case for ages, all the ingredients indicate upset.
NH and WI never had a chance to go O, the former was marked for Red a couple years back, and Walker defeated Recall by 7. OH in 2004 went Bush by three and registrations have been closed since voting began, Dims down 16% over 2008.
Even MI has closed to 3, the only O-leaning state outside the solid Blue that should be anti-GOP due to Snyder.
Real Clear(-1 for Maine) has Dog at 200, he’ll give back by election.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:41 pmNaw, chimperor. It
begsraises the question (thanks for misusing the term biden style; literally), If O’Donnell likes to call people out why didn’t he take his precious liberal butt down to the recruiting office and join the military.Tagg just used a common expression for feeling angry, which any sane person understands.
O’Donnell actually said he’d trade blows with Romney anytime, anywhere.
And not Reggie “Bodyman” Love Chicago-bathhouse meaning of the term.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:42 pm…And this begs the question, since Romney’s sons like to take a swing at things to defend their daddy why isn’t any of them in the military? Just asking.
Comment by The Emperor — 10/19/2012 @ 12:33 pm
Devoid of substance, the twit tries to bring back the “chickenhawk” meme.
SPQR (768505) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:48 pm44. Comment by SPQR — 10/19/2012 @ 11:29 am
This is another example, Sammy, where you read something that isn’t there. Bolton is not denying a coverup in that quote.
Yes, he is. This is a place where Rush Limbaugh can’t grasp reality, because it doesn’t make sense to him.
BOLTON: Some say,
Is he included among the some?
Some say of course, there’s a cover-up going on and that the administration’s lying.
But Bolton says:
I’m afraid there’s actually a more disturbing explanation.
No, he’s not included among the “some.” He is not among those people who say there’s a cover-up going on and that the administration’s lying.
Some say that, but he’s afraid there’s actually a more disturbing explanation.
When he says he’s afraid, it means he thinks that’s probably really the answer. Not a cover-up, but an incredible misreading of reality.
Now Bolton thinks everybody but Obama gets it right. I think there had to be more than one person. When people can’t get through to someone there’s probably a reason:
Sooper sekrit intelligence.
Which I think continued to pour in as time went on the week of Sept 11.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:51 pm“the only issue is whether Obama is more dishonest or delusional.”
Comment by daleyrocks — 10/19/2012 @ 12:37 pm
MD in Philly – This is America, why do we have to choose one or the other instead of both.
It depends on the subject matter.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:52 pmMD in Philly, not to rehash that whole Dottie Sandusky issue but if you thought I was being obtuse on the subject of denial…
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 12:56 pmRout is on cont. With landslide territory broached coattails attend.
I wouldn’t be shocked to see Senate 56R and the House majority widened. Moreover, with VP Ryan a successful first term sets GOP up for another couple.
Dhimmis, pour dust on your head, rent a hair shirt and get used to locusts sans honey.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:01 pmI ask you, I ask you, if you ever thought you had heard everything, I ask you, how about taxing cow farts:
Greenhouse gas regulations, including the infamous “cow tax.” The EPA will finalize proposed regulations that will virtually eliminate coal use in electricity generation, thus driving consumer electric bills sky-high. This cluster of new regulations will also impose an annual fee on farmers for every ton of greenhouse gases emitted by their animals. The EPA estimates that 37,000 farms and ranches will have to pay on average a $23,000 annual “cow tax.”
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:02 pm64. Re the Sandusky evilness, yahoo news has story on victim 1 and the awful protection given Sandusky. People tripped over themselves to enable the PSU hero. Kid interviewed on 20/20 tonight at 10. Lots of heads should have rolled.
calypso louis farrakhan (0f7f16) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:04 pmThe Emperor,
Why would Tagg Romney need to join the military in order to defend his father ?
Obama is the person attacking his father—not some gunnery sgt in the Iranian army.
Dude, the Cialis is cutting off blood flow to your
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:05 pmheadbrain.64. Dottie Sandusky is not in denial – she’s just lying.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:07 pmSammy, “… there is a more disturbing explanation …” is not a refutation of the idea that there is a coverup. Its not mutually exclusive.
SPQR (768505) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:08 pmSammy, what you’re not getting is that even if the President personally is divorced from reality his administration is deliberately perpetrating a cover-up on his behalf. To fit his desired narrative, no matter how much of that desired narrative is the product of delusion and how much is the product of a willful desire to be dishonest with the public to his own benefit.
In other news, Ace has a great post up about Larry O’Donnell, notorious Boston thumper:
Very Tough Guy Lawrence O’Donnell, Who Became A Hardass Fighting Through Vietnam… Imagery on TV, Challenges Son of Presidential Candidate to a Fight on National TV
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:10 pm“Sooper sekrit intelligence.
Which I think continued to pour in as time went on the week of Sept 11.”
Sammy – Run hard with that. Let us know when you have it figured out instead of reposting the same material.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:17 pmComment by Steve57 — 10/19/2012 @ 10:54 am
Let me see if I can help. Sammy, for one, keeps talking about bad foreign intel.
No. That’s bad foreign information. Information isn’t intel. It doesn’t become intel until it’s been vetted for validity, importance, and relevance.
You might have higher standards for calling something intel than the administration did, and they may not have used that word.
But we don’t know everything they got.
We also don’t know who evaluated it, and who perhaps, decided one story was more reliable than the other.
Whatever this admin may have received, or merely is pretending to have received, is not intel until it’s been through the US intelligence cycle. These agencies that would have been responsible for doing so are leaking that it did not come from them, ergo it had not.
no,no, no, no.
They are leaking that they were not the original source. The state Department never had any such information. the CIA station chief in Benghazi never said that.
So what was the source?
1. Some people in the Libyan government (but not the president)
2. Some sources brought in by a foreign intelligence agency, or maybe even a foreign intelligence agency that refused to reveal much about its sources.
3.A contemporaneous telephone conversation between a member of Al Sharia and someone in AQIM – which did NOT direct that as all the people involved here in higher positions came from Egypt, not Algeria or Libya..
Therefore, bad uncorroborated RUMINT (Rumor “Intelligence”), but not actual intelligence.
Jay Carney, for another, keeps talking about no “actionable intelligence.” By definition intelligence is actionable. If it isn’t actionable, it’s trivia and not worth wasting time to collect and analyze. Saying “actionable intelligence” in ignorance that intelligence is actionable is like saying “Pizza pie” in ignorance that “Pizza” is Italian for pie.
I think you probably have too narrow a definition of intelligence.
Apparently the inside the beltway careerists are not going to cover for the amateur bunglers in the WH. I can hardly blame them. And I really do regret the fact they are amateur bunglers.
They are only excluding themselves as the source, not saying someone relied on obviously untrue information.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:20 pmNYT: Suspect in Libya Attack, in Plain Sight, Scoffs at U.S.
I was meaning to post that before I saw your link..
Read that article.
Witnesses and the authorities have called Ahmed Abu Khattala one of the ringleaders of the Sept. 11 attack on the American diplomatic mission here. But just days after President Obama reasserted his vow to bring those responsible to justice, Mr. Abu Khattala spent two leisurely hours on Thursday evening at a crowded luxury hotel, sipping a strawberry frappe on a patio and scoffing at the threats coming from the American and Libyan governments. …
…Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
Now you know what the true source of the bad intel was:
The perpetrators!
The story wasn’t invented in the White House by Barack Obama or David Axelrod or Valerie Jarrett..
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:23 pmThe CIA gave it’s story and is sticken’ to it. between them and the NYT I will trust…
Know let’s please change the subject to cow farts.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:35 pmObama campaign spent money to make an ad about BINDERS !
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:41 pmMore coordination of WH speechifiers and WaPo et al.
Don’t ‘spose I can interest the Right on a Steaming Pig-Skin Sh*ts*ck meme?
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:42 pmYou know, according to the feds high efficiency wood burning stoves are a good thing, because wood is a renewable fuel.
Since one can burn dried cow chips, I think the cow fart tax should be set aside for farmers and ranchers who use the renewable chips for heat. If there isn’t enough wind to spin the turbine and too many clouds for solar, one can burn the cow chips to run the steam engine to turn the turbine.
The burning chips do generate CO2, but all is forgiven since it is renewable.
Of course, I guess an alternative is to insert rectal tubes into all of the bovines and collect the gas directly.
Then again, we can elect a new president who puts someone else in charge of the EPA.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:44 pmComment by gary gulrud — 10/19/2012 @ 1:42 pm
I do find it discouraging to realize that even if R+R wins, the Repubs take over Congress, Conservative Repubs have leadership positions, there will still be millions of people who somehow will believe that if only Obama had 4 more years he would cut the deficit, bring world peace, heal the sick, and stabilize the climate and ocean levels.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:52 pm“I think you probably have too narrow a definition of intelligence.”
Sammy – I think you are probably just making it up as you go along since nobody has indicated they got bad intelligence except you.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 1:57 pm79. There is that, OTOH, those critters are more often single and if they do reproduce more prone to disposing of the prob, more given to tats, body piercings, urban residence, casual sex, emerging infectious diseases and, in general, Darwin incidents. IOW, diminshed genepool contribution.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:00 pmComment by MD in Philly — 10/19/2012 @ 1:35 pm
The CIA gave it’s story and is sticken’ to it. between them and the NYT I will trust…
They are not the best sources, but they are not totally worthless too.
I don’t know if it was the CIA that was the source of the bad intel that the attack in Benghazi was preceded by a demonstration related to a video (like the one that had taken place in Egypt)
Staging the demonstration in Egypt made it easy for people in Washington to buy the story that the same thing had haopepned in Libya. But Libya was a surprise attack.
And that story meant there was nothing to find out.
Nothing you could investigate.
It was not pre-planned. It was all spontaneous.
Organized on the spur of the moment.
Nobody in the background. No planning.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:03 pmdaleyrocks @ 80, he is just making it up on the fly. I don’t have a personal definition of what constitutes intelligence. And neither, frankly, can a President have a soooper sekrit definition of intelligence.
Information that is not corroborated and not analyzed is not intelligence. There’s a reason for that.
I have to admit this leaves me sort of speechless.
The only conclusion I can draw is that it’s pointless to continue to engage Sammy anymore.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:03 pmNow – the New York Times just reported that the man who directed the attack on the consulate on benghazi says that that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video.
He’s not just saying that now – that’s also what someone in his organization (which he denied being an actual member of BTW) told someone in Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in a telephone conversation that was eavesdropped on by U.S. intelligence
(that would be the NSA – and their intelligence target, I surmise, was AQIM not Ansar Al Sharia, so they don’t have what they said to anyone else).
The “demonstrattion sparked by a video” story was the cover story from the very beginning!
And the Obama Administration, bought it, hook, line and sinker. Even though that contradicted what should have been known facts about how the attack went down.
There…was…an…intelligence…failure. or better yet, blunder.
That is what Barack Obama’s own version of the facts means.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:04 pmSF: Now you know what the true source of the bad intel was:
The perpetrators!
Comment by Steve57 — 10/19/2012 @ 2:03
I have to admit this leaves me sort of speechless.
What, you don’t believe anyone could make a blunder that big??
I said “true source”
There must have been intermediaries.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:08 pmI know – don’t call that intel. Intel is only when the CIA gives something a stamp of approval. But that’s quibbling, even if that would be correct.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:08 pmYup. No reason to debrief the survivors here. Witness statements, schmitness statements. Who cares what the on-site personnel actually saw, when there’s nothing to investigate.
Of course, this sort of contradicts the various administration tools who kept spouting off about “fog of war” since there can be no such fog when there’s nothing to find out. But why quibble.
This is not addressed to you S.F., I’m just making general observations for my own amusement.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:09 pm80. Speaking for the low-value information consumer I figure the SS, NSA, CIA, Pentagon, and WH all had staffs watching closed circuit feeds on the entire assault with each other on speaker phone.
The woke the Spokesmodel up at 3AM and told him the Ambassador was missing they tucked him back in and told them his lines would be awaiting him in the TV room in the morning.
At 11AM the janitor came into Rice’s residence, watered her with Miracle-Gro and turned her backside to the window and read her the dispatches.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:11 pm“The only conclusion I can draw is that it’s pointless to continue to engage Sammy anymore.”
Steve57 – Heh! On this subject it has been for a while, although a tweak here or there just to see what new fabulism pops out is amusing.
Sammy, my latest theory is that Scientologists are to blame for the mysterious bad intelligence that exists in your brain.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:29 pmStumbled across this. It’s an update on Lawrence “The Boston Mangler” O’Donnell, noted blue collar brawler.
According to his mom’s obit:
Kind of blurry, I suspect deliberately as Larry seems to be the guy providing the info, but by the time tough guy was 10 or so they weren’t living in Boston anymore (I suspected as much). Apparently they were part of the “White Flight” that left Dorchester. And they had a summer home in Falmouth; essentially Cape Cod.
It’s hard to say when exactly those two events took place, but suffice to say by the early ’60s both had.
It appears precious might have been a street fightin’ man sometime before he was 10 though.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:36 pmComment by daleyrocks — 10/19/2012 @ 1:57 pm
Sammy – I think you are probably just making it up as you go along since nobody has indicated they got bad intelligence except you.
Of course, not. They’re saying the inteligence (or information) was incomplete.
They are not even quite saying that anything was wrong.
The whole point is: Something was
Sammy Finkelman (d7b8a6) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:50 pmYou all are so cute, deliberately misunderstanding my point in my comment. So I will rephrase it, why isn’t any of Romney’s five sons in the military: defending the honour and pride of the country they love? And Romney is supposed to be the picture of strength and American military superiority to the world? The actions don’t match up with rhetoric on fighting for what one truly loves and believes.
The Emperor (e1814e) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:56 pmWhatever happened to Sock Puppet Friday? Doesn’t seem to be happening too much lately. Too serious about the election?
Sock a Puppet (b63f79) — 10/19/2012 @ 2:57 pmThe Emperor, you attempt to pump new life into the chickenhawk meme is as offensive as your bad faith accusations of me as a racist. You are slime.
SPQR (dab943) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:01 pm“So I will rephrase it, why isn’t any of Romney’s five sons in the military: defending the honour and pride of the country they love?”
Lovey – This is a different question than you asked above which related Tagg’s desire to slug Obama to joining the military. This is not rephrasing.
What do the decisions of Romney’s sons whether to join the military have to do with Romney’s election as president anyway? Please answer that question?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:12 pmEmperor when you had the chance to vote for War Hero Bob Dole over Clinton did you? How about John McCain over Obama? Didn’t think so.
Dennis D (d91acc) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:12 pm“They are not even quite saying that anything was wrong.
The whole point is: Something was”
Sammy – What was wrong and who reported it?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:22 pmTroll @ 92,
Anything will be a step up from President Tiger Beat.
Turning now back to Larry “The Slayer of St. Sebastian’s Boy’s Prep School” O’Donnell, toughest guy ever to stalk the editorial offices of the Harvard Lampoon, I forgot to mention I got the link to the obit from Legal Insurrection.
I find it amusing how he portrays himself now; hardscrabble Bahstahn background, practically mixing it up with the Vice Lords and the Hells Angels. Motorcycle chains, ball peen hammers, and shivs and all.
Just as long as everyone promised he could be home in time to change for the ballet.
I have no idea what insecurities drive libtards to become fake Indians (Ward Churchill and Elizabeth Warren) or fake Boyz from the Hood like Matthews and O’Donnell. It’s pathetic. Almost as pathetic as The Chimperor’s trolling.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:23 pm“I find it amusing how he portrays himself now; hardscrabble Bahstahn background, practically mixing it up with the Vice Lords and the Hells Angels. Motorcycle chains, ball peen hammers, and shivs and all.”
Steve57 – He needs a neck tattoo to have any white guy street cred from Boston.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:27 pmI would leave Mitt Romney’s kids out of it – and remember our military is run by civilians
EPWJ (2925ff) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:36 pmWhy didn’t Barack or Michelle serve, Chimperor/lovie?
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:45 pmdaleyrocks, I think it’s going to take more than a neck tattoo in O’Donnell’s case.
I hate to interrupt the broadcast from Planet Finkelman, but here’s a tidbit from Reuters. Just the link, no headline, because in the finest Al Reuters tradition they pick the least significant thing they could to put in the headline so they don’t embarrass the Prom Queen in Chief:
I’ve been saying from the start this story was doomed (from the Obama permacampaignistration’s POV) to unravel.
This stinks; it reeks of blatant politicization and cover-up and the whole mess is brewing up and is about to blow sky high.
There was no way they were going to keep the lid on this.
The campaign wove together a narrative they thought they could maintain, a campaign narrative to fit Obumble and Tickle Me Biden’s line that AQ was on the run.
Now the best they can hope for is the public is stupid enough to buy that Clapper deleted the AQ connections from the public talking points “by mistake.”
Hello! If doofus is producing talking points, the DNI “the MB is largely Secular” Clapper has joined the campaign (and yes the allusion to the MB was meant to make the point redundant).
You may now rejoin the regularly scheduled broadcast from Planet Finkelman, with only brief interruptions by the Chimperor and his pathetic attempts to hijack the thread.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:48 pmIn case it’s not clear from my synopsis, and you don’t want to read the article, from day one the lawmakers were briefed that the attackers had AQ links. But that isn’t what the mouthpieces for the admin relayed to the public.
Recall if you will that Axelrod sat in on the highest-level National Security meetings, Obama’s chief campaign strategist, and all becomes clear.
No wonder King Putt tried to warn Romney not to go there; “it’s offensive” to accuse him of politicizing this debacle that he invited.
Unlike “Big Bird” and “Binders full of women” there’s lots of there there.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 3:53 pmI bring up his children because one of his son’s expressed desire to take a swing at the president of the united states. So if he can exhibit that type of passion over his dad what about any of them being in the military to actually defend their dad and family and nation? Romney likes to talk tough about showing more strength militarily to the world and has alluded to more wars. What moral authority will he have to send other people’s kids to war while he keeps his 5 sons safely at home?
The Emperor (fc6588) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:03 pmEmporer,
What if he had no children? Would that disqualify him from being President because he might have to send young men and women to war?
Dana (292dcf) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:11 pmLibtard idiot: it’s an all volunteer force, and only adults can join it. Romney can’t send his own kids off to war anymore than he can send anyone else’s.
I realize this is a hard concept for libtard idiots to grasp; apparently they send their daughters off to DC internships to service their libtard icons so then can get free healthcare and to thank them for keeping abortion legal. When they’re too over the hill to do it themselves:
Nina Burleigh, Time magazine, as quoted by the WaPo’s Howard Kurtz.
I can’t imagine what it must be like, being a libtard dad sending young Chandra Levy or Monica Lewinsky off to “do their duty” in DC, with a hearty slap on the back and the parting words, “The sheep gotta take care of the shepherd, baby girl,” after all the years mom demonstrated the proper technique on a banana.
But, Chimperor, it don’t work the same way with the military.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:15 pmThat was Nina Burleigh speaking in 1998 about Billy Jeff by the way. But it’s obvious that Dan Rather, Connie Chung, et al, felt the same way.
Sorta like Chrissie “Tingles” Matthews feels now.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:17 pmThe Emperor, no you bring up Romney’s family because dirty cheap shots is all the defenders of Obama have left now that even Obama has given up defending his record of abject failure and incompetence.
Oh, and because you are name calling slime.
SPQR (768505) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:18 pmActually, intelligence, was fine, before, and subsequently;
narciso (ee31f1) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:18 pm“I would be happy to give him a b****** just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”
hey… wait a minute!… that was Eleanor Clift
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:19 pm@Dana. You know that is not what I am implying. If he had no kids that wouldn’t affect his ability to be a great commander in chief. But in Romney’s case he has 5 capable sons. Didn’t they believe enough in the American military and what they do around the world enough for at least one of them to volunteer? Does the Romney household believe in fighting to protect American freedom and liberties abroad and at home?
The Emperor (b2c6a3) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:25 pmWait just a minute… I’m checking the by-laws… yes, there it is:
“1.12.98A: Every third Friday of each calendar month shall be a ‘Whimperor-free’ Friday”
c’mon, people!
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:25 pmteh Whimperor Chicken-squawk…
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:26 pmCold Barcky, has got him… on teh run…
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:28 pmlovestain is something to behold. I think I’d rather read the bs that illthing writes
Media Mutters (721840) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:29 pm‘My son is not very optimal – he is very dead’: Mother of diplomat killed in Benghazi attack slams Obama’s comment on raid.
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:31 pm@ SPQR. Don’t you find the issue embarrassing? Me thinks you do, that is why you are resorting to your usual diversionary tactics. It gets old you know.
The Emperor (9ae02a) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:34 pmhaiku is easy
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:36 pmbut sometimes they make no sense
Emperor Smegma
PBS Newshour just did a short segment on how the administration’s Benghazi video story and tap dance has pretty much fallen apart as the actual intel data and timeline is publicly fleshed out. The reporter sounded shall we say, rather skeptical, about how the administration could have been on such a different page than most of the intel organizations which supposedly were in close touch with the WH from the very beginning. Newshour also said that one of the suspected ringleaders of the terrorist attack has been seen roaming free and apparently has not been either picked up or interrogated.
Also from the Newshour coverage of the Benghazi murders–On the campaign trail today, Paul Ryan made a strong statement saying the president must avail himself of the opportunity to explain what really happened on Sept. 11 (and since) when the American people watch the final debate on Monday evening. Mr. Obama’s not going to be able to avoid this unpleasant subject.
elissa (dd5b58) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:36 pm. What moral authority will he have to send other people’s kids to war while he keeps his 5 sons safely at home?
He has no moral authority to compel them either. This is such a disingenuous meme. Chimperor/lovie is nothing if not douchey n
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:37 pmme thinks… ha ha ha HA!
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:38, why didn’t Choom serve in the military? Yeah, I know, he’s commander-in-chief now and KILLED Osama bin Laden when Dubya did not. Judge Napolitano has a survey of all of Obama’s illegal acts against innocents. Why didn’t media expose Barack’s past in the mode they did W? Oh my Gawd, W had a DUI. Choom spent a whole year in college coked out. Why do O apologists like Lovey, sleeepy and sillyman fester at Urkel’s anus?
Calypso Louis Farrakhan (e799d8) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:40 pmThe Library of Congress report, in the earlier link, reveals a whole panoply of Islamist radicals, from Bin Qumu, to ben Hamid, who had
narciso (ee31f1) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:41 pmexperience in Iraq, the one person they don’t mention is the ‘ringer’ today.
Why didn’t your personal messiah and his bride serve?
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:41 pm@jd. Notice I did not ask about the candidate himself.
The Emperor (09061e) — 10/19/2012 @ 4:58 pmhe will not condemn
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:00 pmhis own personal jesus
it’s not optimal
It doesn’t matter. Parents cannot make their children join the military. It is a BS meme you are pushing, and you know it.
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:01 pmObama Ad: ‘Mitt Romney — He’s Not One of Us’
Yes! and thank God for that!
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:09 pmNot pushing a meme jd, just asking a legitimate question. Off course parents don’t compel their kids to join the military. I am sure Sarah Palin did not compel her son to join the army. It just has to do with the sought of inspiration they get from their parents.
The Emperor (3db71b) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:12 pm‘It’s insensitive to say my son is not very optimal – he is also very dead. I’ve not been “optimal” since he died.’
– Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was murdered in Libya
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:12 pm@ SPQR. Don’t you find the issue embarrassing? Me thinks you do, that is why you are resorting to your usual diversionary tactics. It gets old you know.
Comment by The Emperor — 10/19/2012 @ 4:34 pm
Falsehood. I don’t find the issue embarrassing. I find you an offensive little git.
SPQR (768505) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:15 pmwhat sort of inspiration does teh Whimperor think 0bama’s two impressionable daughters absorb having to sit through sermon after sermon by their daddy’s mentor, teh racist Jeremiah Wright?
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:16 pmNot pushing a meme jd, just asking a legitimate question.
It is not a legitimate question.
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:16 pm0bama’s chickens are coming home to roost and I just sacrificed a plump one in teh Won’s honor…
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:17 pm@colonel. U re just wasting a great talent.
The Emperor (9ae02a) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:28 pm@SPQR, point of correction, I may be a lot of things but “little” is not one of them. I am really big. Wink wink!
The Emperor (3db71b) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:32 pmHaven’t heard a lot from The Emperor for a while, but now the P-Dilly has been stinking up the threads, he surfaces to drop a few turds in the punchbowl.
Feeling threatened by the new talent, Emps?
Pious Agnostic (2c3220) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:46 pmSPQR! did you call teh Whimperor a li’l CSer?
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:49 pmI’ll go with the Onion
“Nation Tunes In To See Which Sociopath More Likable This Time”
HEMPSTEAD, NY—According to reports, millions of viewers across the country are expected to tune in to tonight’s town-hall-style presidential debate at Hofstra University in order to determine which complete and utter sociopath they find more likable this time around.
“I’m very curious to see which one of these two clinically sociopathic individuals will present the most convincing and authentic approximation of an actual human conscience tonight,” said Cincinnati-area voter Miranda Harrick, 40, adding that both candidates, like all successful politicians, were undeniably skilled at such calculated artifice. “I think whoever is able to best manipulate me into thinking they experience normative emotional states such as empathy and regret will probably have my vote come November, so I’m excited to see what happens.”
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:57 pm,29946/?ref=auto
watch and learn, whimperor… and then feel shame… probably for the first time since you got a chubby while teaching high school Algebra…;mostpopvideo%3C
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 5:58 pmSlurpy knows all about sociopaths.
JD (8a1df4) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:00 pmChimperor
My daughter chose west point – she chose it because she wanted to do something bigger than herself, after being in the middle of the middle east she chose sides.
I had absolutely nothing to do with it and was gobsmacked when she chose the academy – now she is a 2nd lt and right now is in the middle of the woods completing SERE school training.
In other words kids make their own choices – some chose on their own to do incredible things – it seems that you want to credit the parents rather than the kids.
You need to chose service based on whats uin your heart – not whats going to look good if daddy or mommy run for office
EPWJ (d84fb0) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:04 pm142. Thanks for sharing. Mine is 4 1/2, I just want her to turn out better than Dad.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:13 pmgary
once she was 12 annnd furious at me yelling at me that she was smarter, better organized and better looking, and I repied “thank god!”
EPWJ (d84fb0) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:17 pm@ pious. Glad to know I was missed.
The Emperor (5647ed) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:22 pmAnd Chimperor – in your faux concern that Romney’s kids chose not to serve – doesnt it bother you that your idle – whoops idol has refered to 4 people who CHOSE to put themselves in harms way and died for us were refered to by your president as “bumps in the road” and well I just cant say it
And you want to vote for that man?
EPWJ (d84fb0) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:25 pmWho is chimperor?
The Emperor (3db71b) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:28 pmoh, boy… now we prepare for a soliloquy…
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:32 pmis he man… or just a wanker?
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:33 pmMore unfortunate news for BootBlack, poll today has IA to Romany by one. Hinderaker, while not optimistic, says private polling has Willard within 2 in MN.
Poll averages should give Romany VA, FL, CO, NH, OH and NV very soon, like next week, and then the whole Left will go ‘Pfffffttt’.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:33 pmwho is chimperor
Colonel Haiku (eccff9) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:35 pmevolving up from li’l snails?
or just wind in sails
Mooch played Racine and Wausau WI this afternoon, Bubba just finished speaking in Green Bay with Tammy Baldwin cheerleading.
Looks like the Dhimmis have the drop on the pollsters.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 6:42 pmdiversionary tactics.
Comment by The Emperor — 10/19/2012 @ 4:34 pm
Sometimes the irony and hypocrisy is downright painful to behold.
It’s like I said about the whole “binder” thing, people who want to complain will complain about something.
“John came neither eating nor drinking, and you say he had a demon, the Son of Man comes eating and drinking, and you call Him a glutton and sinner”. (Non-authorized paraphrase).
Who will be the last to get it right about Benghazi, Obama or Sammy?
Over at PowerLine they have some nice interviews of Obama voters…
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:12 pm
Oh, and as if they dint have problems enuf:
I’m beginning to think Mooch has more brains, talent and gumption than the ticket en toto.
She’s nasty too, tho.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:14 pm“John came neither eating nor drinking, and you say he had a demon, the Son of Man comes eating and drinking, and you call Him a glutton and sinner”. (Non-authorized paraphrase).
As good as any and better than most, MD. (nk, unauthorized interpreter of koine.)
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:17 pmIt really annoys me “that camel through the eye of a needle” is the interpretation of what should be “a camel’s hair anchor rope through a needlehole”. And the explanation! What on earth did Galilee fishermen know about Jerusalem’s smallest gate, anyway? 😉
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:32 pmI meant that your “paraphrase” was as good as any and better than most, not my interpretation.
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:35 pmThe Emperor with no
clothesbrains,You’re actually against the wars, yet you still want Tagg Romney to go fight Muslims half way across the world as a way of settling his score with Barack Obama ?
That’s such a weird way of settling a score with someone. It’s also a violation of your principle regarding war.
So, I guess you believe that if a batter has an argument with a home plate umpire, he should run into the stands and fight the hot dog vendor !
This kooky “chickenhawk” left wing narrative that a Commander-in-Chief must either have served in the military or he must send his 40 year old son to go fight overseas, is just plain bizarre.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:40 pmIt’s also a fraudulent argument on your part becaue John McCain spent a number of years in Vietnam, yet you still voted for that chickenhawk Obama. As a result, you don’t reallly subscribe to that principle—you’re just desperate to disparage the Romneys.
Seriously bro, mixing alcohol with your sinus medication is not advisable.
Elephant Stone, forgive me if you already know this, but Emperor is something like name #7 for an unknown number of spammers who show up during Presidential elections claiming the same identity. Ignore it or insult it. Don’t waste your time engaging it.
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:48 pmI meant that your “paraphrase” was as good as any and better than most, not my interpretation.
Comment by nk — 10/19/2012 @ 7:35 pm
Understood, and thank you. I was aiming for something that would adequately communicate the main point.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:53 pmAnd, BTW, don’t grant them “chickenhawk” as a legitimate word anymore than you would grant Anderson Cooper “teabagger”. It is, originally, a homosexual term for old men who like young boys. Let’s not legitimize their jargon.
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 7:54 pmIt really annoys me “that camel through the eye of a needle” is the interpretation of what should be “a camel’s hair anchor rope through a needlehole”. And the explanation! What on earth did Galilee fishermen know about Jerusalem’s smallest gate, anyway
Comment by nk — 10/19/2012 @ 7:32 pm
Actually camel thru the eye of the needle is correct. The needle being referred to is not a sewing needle but the “needle” that is used in King James English for the small gate in a wall usually located next to or close to the larger main gate that would be the one used in times of siege or at night. The gate was a small one about 3 feet tall and about 3 feet wide, and almost impossible to break thru from outside. They varied in size and shape, but were basically what most would think of as bolt-hole sized and could allow a man to pass thru quickly without opening the main gate and subjecting the walled in area to danger. Hence the old saying, “He threaded the needle with room to spare”.
Hence its small size would make it very difficult for a camel to go thru. The way they had to get the camel thru the eye of the needle required people both pulling and pushing from both ends, couldn’t be done quickly or easily, and definitely not with someone slinging stones, throwing spears, shooting arrows, or charging you with weapon in hand.
And Galilee fisherman would know what the “needle” looked like quite well since they had to go by them at least once a year in order to make their sin offering at the temple. Not to mention the other offerings that were required for the different Holy Days, childbirth offerings, etc….
peedoffamerican (2b389a) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:19 pmShould have also specified that the camel had to be on its belly and basically was dragged and pushed thru. Now, if you have ever had close up and personal dealings with a camel, then you will also know that they don’t take too kindly to being treated in such a manner.
peedoffamerican (2b389a) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:23 pmEmperor also used to be known as “lovey”. Ain’t quite sure what sex it is tho, he/she/it seems to be a bit confused about that.
peedoffamerican (2b389a) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:27 pmO’D is getting battered by Ace over his pathetic accent, seen at Twitchy:
.@Lawrence “You’re a real hot number, sweetheart, a real pip. Once I get done murdalizin’ these finks, I’ll jerk you a soda, see? Yahh.”
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:39 pm162. Thanks for the scholarship, had not heard the ‘night gate’ explanation B4.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:43 pmSomething else that really pees me off is the way Hollyweird portrays the common Jewish men of that era as being illiterate. They had one of the highest literacy rates in the world and would even put the modern USA to shame. Young boys, young men, old men, would all be asked at some time in their lives to read from the scrolls of the TaNaKh which encompass the Torah (Teachings), Nevi’im (Prophets), and the K’tuvim (Writings of the ancient Sages) while in their local synagogues on the Shabbat.
peedoffamerican (2b389a) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:43 pmAlso this literacy rate is what caused the Romans so much trouble. It made covert communications easier, and the Jewish people were not a bunch of ignorant illiterate savages like a lot of the common peoples were in the other areas that Rome had conquered. mostly in those lands it was only the nobility and the wealthy that were literate.
peedoffamerican (2b389a) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:50 pmΤρυπα βελονις can mean mean either hole made by a needle or hole in a needle, true. Therefore, καμηλος can mean literally camel or camel hair [anchor] rope. When can I expect The Inquisition? 😉
And thank you for confirming the spammer. It will be gone on November 7.
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 8:54 pm*βελονης* Don’t trust my Greek spelling. Or my English for that matter. 😉
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:05 pmAnd, to go back a little on topic, were I writing a speech for Obama, in praise of Catholic charity, I would not have written what he said. I would have conjoined his socialist principles with Christian values:
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.
But he went with his tribulation, perseverance, character and HOPE.
nk (875f57) — 10/19/2012 @ 9:29 pmTalk about creepy.
AZ Bob (1c9631) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:31 pmPeople get inspiration from all sorts of sources, not just their parents. And aversions toward things their parents might otherwise have influenced them toward.
I’m sure lots of kids today probably don’t want to join the military seeing how the libs denigrate the service.
John Kerry, 2006
And now, I’m sure, a lot don’t want to join and get sent in harm’s way just so Obama can yuk it up about your death with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central. Nor would their parents want that.
This is a new low.
I realize libs like Kmart are missing the forest for the trees, criticizing conservatives for nitpicking Obama’s word choice. (Binders!). We’re, taking it “out of context.” Somehow it’s supposed to be a mitigating factor because Jon Stewart used the words “not optimal” earlier although in an entirely different context. Somehow that meant the world’s greatest orator couldn’t help it.
Hello! Context! Jon Stewart! Daily Show! Comedy Central!
Dustin gets it. Dana gets it. That was the whole point of my post #102 on this thread.
I don’t remember Johnson going on “Laugh In” to discuss the latest casualty figures from the Tet offensive. Or even Carter announcing the debacle of Operation Eagle Claw in the course of light hearted banter with Johnny Carson.
But for some reason President Eye Candy sees nothing wrong with going on Comedy Central, and only Comedy Central, for what turns out to be his only interview thus far about Benghazi.
And you wonder why people don’t want to join.
Steve57 (c8ac21) — 10/19/2012 @ 10:42 pmGarbage. It’s never been true, and it doesn’t become truer by being repeated. Oh, and Churchill never said it. It’s a paraphrase of something some 19th-century Frenchman said: “Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head.”
Milhouse (15b6fd) — 10/20/2012 @ 8:56 pm
Colonel Haiku (2e0f70) — 10/20/2012 @ 9:16 pmIs there a particular reason they should be? Because they like good health, fire safety, and reading, should they also all be doctors, firemen, and librarians as well?
Milhouse (15b6fd) — 10/21/2012 @ 2:35 am