Patterico's Pontifications


Newly Unearthed Obama Video: “Rich people are all for nonviolence. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got what they want.”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:27 am

In the wake of the Daily Caller’s release of President Obama cheering Rev. Wright and invoking the race card in various ways, our friend Morgen Richmond decided the time was right to release some little-known Obama video of his own. He authorized me to release the video here first.

The following clips are from 2002. Obama is speaking in a church at a 2002 Martin Luther King Jr. Day memorial service.

The full speech is here, and by and large it is a nice speech by a rising politician. Obama speaks about the need for empathy in society, about taking responsibility for our actions, and the audacity of hope. He levels barbs at the wealthy and unempathetic, but also criticizes those who blame the system for the arrest of O.J. Simpson and the crack epidemic. Although the audio quality is poor because of the echo in the church, one can tell that Obama is well spoken and articulate. Joe Biden would have been proud.

But there are a few times when the mask slips, just a little.

My favorite clip is this one, where he speaks of Dr. King’s philosophy of non-violence, and explains that it works only when there is empathy:


The philosophy of nonviolence only makes sense if the powerful can be made to recognize themselves in the powerless. It only makes sense if the powerless can be made to recognize themselves in the powerful. You know, the principle of empathy gives broader meaning, by the way, to Dr. King’s philosophy of nonviolence. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but rich people are all for nonviolence. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got what they want. They want to make sure people don’t take their stuff. But the principle of empathy recognizes that there are more subtle forms of violence to which we are answerable. The spirit of empathy condemns not only the use of firehoses and attack dogs to keep people down but also accountants and tax loopholes to keep people down. I’m not saying that what Enron executives did to their employees is the moral equivalent of what Bull Connor did to black folks, but I’ll tell you what, the employees at Enron feel violated. When a company town sees its plant closing because some distant executives made some decision despite the wage concessions, despite the tax breaks, and they see their entire economy collapsing, they feel violence . . .

Other clips are linked below. I was struck by the way that Obama portrayed those who commit crimes and become imprisoned are “caught up” in a “prison industrial complex” that would not be tolerated if white people didn’t think of blacks and Latinos as unlike them.

And the class warfare talk never ends.

    What Obama really thought about the Clinton years. Quote: “Among African American males, one third to one fourth caught up in the criminal justice system, so that the number of young men incarcerated exceeded the number enrolled in colleges and universities. Throughout the nation inequality up, trust in mutuality down . . . the evidence was there if we cared to look.”

    Local funding of schools is “fundamentally unjust.” Quote: “And Illinois, like many states in the country, has an education system that is funded by property taxes. It is fundamentally unjust. So you have folks up in Winnetka, pupils who are getting five times as much money per student as students in the South Side of Chicago.”

If you use any of these clips or transcripts, please credit Morgen, and mention that you saw them here first.

238 Responses to “Newly Unearthed Obama Video: “Rich people are all for nonviolence. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got what they want.””

  1. Technically it’s not newly discovered. Morgen has had it for a year, he tells me. But you all are newly discovering it…

    Patterico (83033d)

  2. I’m changing it to “newly unearthed.”

    Patterico (83033d)

  3. Patterico, given the cover-up of the content of this speech by the press, doesn’t that argue even more strongly for the release of the Khalidi tape? The LA Times assures us there’s nothing on that tape, but no one reported this at the time, either.

    Rob Crawford (c55962)

  4. You know who loves the term “prison industrial complex?” Bill Ayers.

    Crank (9e6061)

  5. Racists

    JD (ab8eee)

  6. I think Angela Davis, came up with it first.

    narciso (ee31f1)

  7. 1. It is important for people to see what Obama was saying. However, unless the words can be associated with actions of the Obama administration, the talking heads will suggest Obama has outgrown the comments. I would start with the Justice department.

    2. The words may bolster his credentials with those in the Black community who had decided not to vote.

    Davod (8bf616)

  8. Obama seems to me to be a sissy boy whe never threw a punch, or received a punch, is his life. Probably not even ever ate the skin of a baked potoato. How does he fool the poor people, holding down three jobs, struggling to keep their kids alive on the way to schooll?

    nk (875f57)

  9. Would Obama say that the perpetrators of the torture-murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Knoxville, Tennessee were “caught up” in the “prison industrial complex?”

    The killers are getting new trials even though there was no exculpatory evidence, nor juror or prosecutorial misconduct. The presiding judge (who went out of his way to give the defendants a fair trial) was buying drugs from a probationer in his court.

    DN (b2f1fb)

  10. NK,

    I just spit out my orange juice laughing so hard at your comment about Obama probably never even eating the skin on his baked potato.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  11. The problem with “justice” in results is the Feds use funding to grease the skids of corruption. The Department of Education, a comparatively minor example of this money laundering, employs 4000 averaging more than $100K per year.

    Its budget is $100 Billion doled out to the rich and poor alike inorder that diversity and alternative lifestyles be inculcated K-12, certainly, but primarily to make politicians more powerful and incidentally richer.

    You’re right BootBlack, Amerikkka has had the rich and powerful up to its eyeballs.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  12. Comment by Elephant Stone — 10/3/2012 @ 8:21 am

    It would not surprise me that if he also instructed the kitchen help to only wash his veggies in Perrier.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  13. but I’ll tell you what, the employees at Enron feel violated.

    I think the people of Mexico felt violated the other night watching UniVision.

    Knowing that real earnings are down $4,000/yr while a share of the national debt is up over $10,000 ought to make a lot of people feel violated.

    A lot of people sitting at home who would have been working on a drill in the Gulf or on the Keystone Pipeline or one of the businesses supporting the workers feel violated.

    Anyone with a brain that prefers honesty feels violated.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  14. LA Times’ James Rainey tweeted about the Obama video last night a link to a David Frum piece and declared, “Obama’s right: we failed black New Orleans after Katrina.” Hack.

    LukeHandCool (eb8fe6)

  15. Dishonesty and fields of strawmen. A typical Obama speech.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  16. Comment by daleyrocks — 10/3/2012 @ 8:43 am

    Hewitt last night gave a little “scouting report” on what to look for in how the one would handle questions by stalling to use up time, filibustering, using straw men and the like. If only the referees were fair it would be a slaughter.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  17. If you can’t keep people down with tax loopholes, how are you supposed to do it?

    Dave (ddcd4b)

  18. LukeHandCool – New Orleans failed New Orleans after Katrina. Remember that there was gobs of money available for rebuilding, but the politicians down there couldn’t get their beaks out of the pie long enough to stop squabbling over the plans and move forward. This happened.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  19. Rainey and Frum, that a moebius strip of stupidity.

    narciso (ee31f1)

  20. He’s right.

    The normal people of this country are too whipped. We let ourselves get peppersprayed and beaten by pigs in uniforms who don’t have to worry about their own safety.

    libarbarian (803b96)

  21. LukeHandCool – One of my relatives helped to manage a Red Cross facility in a neighboring state for residents displaced by Katrina. Jesse Jackson showed up with a camera crew and posse trying to interview the displaced residents and stir up racial animosity when they just wanted to be left alone to heal and lick their wounds. My relative ultimately restricted his access.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  22. 1. ” …Winnetka, pupils who are getting five times as much money per student as students in the South Side of Chicago.”

    Can this be verified?
    2. And am I right in saying that chicago schools are also funded by state taxes?
    3. And am I right in assuming that Chicago teachers make more than Winnetka teachers?
    (I see where the acg teacher pay is $73K for HS, $62K for middle school ( And I remember the number $78K being bandied about for avg in Chicago during their strike.)

    If any or all of these can be verified, then Obama lied on this subject too.

    john b (450786)

  23. Purple SEIU T-shirts count as uniforms too, don’t they?

    andycanuck (d2e666)

  24. Well, you Mr. Obama may have hit this one on the head but not in the same context as you may have thought. Violence you say? How cute…..

    Tina Rocha (4160d2)

  25. 20. Oh another of the psychotic parasites begging UC-Davis jackboots to be sprayed for pay?

    Thank God Kali can no longer afford to school local kids.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  26. Why don’t you get back to us when you unearth a secret video of Obama speaking at a fundraiser or other PRIVAT event where the press were NOT present and where he says all the Evul Librul things you ODS sufferers JUST KNOW he MUST be saying.

    Pathetic, really. By contributing to this dog-and-pony show you make Republicans look desperate.

    Which you are.

    P. Tillman (fcbc8b)

  27. the troll using the name “P Tillman” is complaining about derangement and desperation? He spends most his waking hours screaming at us in allcaps. He has nothing to contribute but messages informing us of how awful those who disagree with him are.

    The internet has given the severely mentally ill the means to annoy and harass healthier people. I guess that’s a price I’m willing to pay if it means they can have something to do other than sit around their basement skinning cats.

    Dustin (73fead)

  28. Way more powerful than the Daily Caller video, IMO. He’s calling for a marxist revolution.

    Jeff (22354d)

  29. ___________________________________________

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but rich people are all for nonviolence. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got what they want. They want to make sure people don’t take their stuff.

    But George Zimmerman wasn’t rich, yet according to the noble wisdom of Obama, if he had sons, they’d look like Trayvon Martin. And, yep, based on that same great wisdom, the cops in Cambridge, Massachusetts, were being racist and unfair to Henry Louis Gates Jr, who, oddly enough, Obama at the time never said looks sort of like himself.

    Has a person who’s as socially, politically dogmatic to the left — as ultra-liberal — as Obama ever been president, ever occupied the White House before?

    I’d say he represents a sea change in the history of this nation, and we’re now well on that road to a long, slow decline.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  30. Because videos from 2002 are way more relevant to the 2012 campaign than videos from 2007. Or something.

    When I was in college, I called for a Marxist revolution too. Then again, I once voted for Bob Dole.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  31. A lot of sophistry and redefinitions of words here. Some of these are actually probably old arguments, familiar to him or his audioence, although not to us.

    His basic message is:

    Every psuedo-intellectual extremist, even if wrong on balance, and he’s going to find things to say they are, or can be, wrong on some thingd, is really OK.

    He doesn’t outright go against anything that is around in his mileau.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  32. “He spends most his waking hours screaming at us in allcaps.”

    By your calculations I’m only awake for about 8 minutes per day.


    P. Tillman (fcbc8b)

  33. “The internet has given the severely mentally ill the means to annoy and harass healthier people. ”

    This site is proof of that, ain’t it Dustin?


    P. Tillman (fcbc8b)

  34. What’s not to like about Critical Race Theory?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  35. Because videos from 2002 are way more relevant to the 2012 campaign than videos from 2007.

    Whatever influences voters is relevant.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think the voters are as concerned with the debt or Obama’s foreign policy disaster and walkbacks from nearly every plank and promise related to those two issues.

    By his own measure, Obama is a failure.

    But videos showing him saying embarrassing things is more in tune with how politics actually works.

    Besides, his comments are indeed pretty marxist and naive. I think it’s clear enough that Obama is not nearly as moderate and reasonable as presented. He thinks of the word ‘violent’ when he discusses accountants because of his devotion to class warfare.

    I’d rather a discussion of his legal work vs Citi pushing the lending disaster that he blamed on Boooooooooooooosh, but I don’t think the voters do.

    Dustin (73fead)

  36. ___________________________________________

    The following clips are from 2002.

    Obama was born on August 4, 1961, and that video of him was recorded on January 21, 2002. So he was 40 years old at the time, meaning he can’t at least use the excuse that his extremism and naivete — and foolishness typical of a bratty, college-age leftist — are due to a lack of maturity, at least chronologically speaking.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  37. The people who worked for Enron lost their pensions. You can they felt, and were, violated. You can say there was lack of empathy by the people running Enron. (Enron also cheated people who used electricity in California, thanks to a flawed artificial market that regulators created)

    But that’s violence?

    I guess Skillings and Ken Lay were rich – so their (presumed) opposition to violence, and the opopposition of all rich people to violence is what – only for their opponents? And non-violence wouldn’t work against Enron? You need a lynch mob or something?

    That’s what he would be saying if he completed the thought, but he’s not doing that – he’s just talking nonsense on that point.

    The speech is some tentative, cautious, common sense, mixed up with some nonsense.

    BTW, if he doesn’t want a town’s only plant to close, then he ought to be very careful about the estate tax – that it doesn’t contribnute to the end of local ownership.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  38. This site is proof of that, ain’t it Dustin?


    Yes. And it is evidence of the historically superior tolerance of conservatives to voices of dissent.

    Meanwhile, you use the name of a war hero who perished in order to make your endless nastiness just a little uglier, democrat.

    Dustin (73fead)

  39. 31. If you called for a Marxist revolution post-Dole then maybe you’re a slobbering idjit.

    The Russians, Chinese, and Cuba have had every opportunity, and no significant internal obstacles, to make it work.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  40. P. Tillman – You are one of the 47% of which Romney was speaking. You confirm it here everyday by wasting bandwidth. You can’t even make a positive case for reelecting Obama.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  41. You are one of the 47% of which Romney was speaking.

    Good point. That one will never contribute a penny to the enormous cost of democrat policies.

    You can’t even make a positive case for reelecting Obama.

    He’s positively sure that any quote or fact proving something about Obama is ODS and racist and to be ignored because Rethuglikkkans are the devil.

    Dustin (73fead)

  42. 34. PeeTee amuses himself. Life is good.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  43. __________________________________________

    “It’s hard to imagine that the powerful in our society would tolerate the burgeoning prison industrial complex if they imagined that the black men and Latino men that are being imprisoned were something like their sons.”

    Oh, my. That line just caught my attention, and I now just realize how it therefore does apply to the way he treated, or spoke about, Trayvon Martin.

    I wonder why Barry and Michelle have resisted sending their two daughters to schools — first in Chicago and now in DC — where most of their classmates would have looked like Trayvon Martin or, in turn, Obama’s sons if he had sons.

    Limousine liberals are a dime a dozen.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  44. If America only knew….

    Will America be lost because noone had the guts to expose Obama?

    The best Obama exposure site on the net:
    (by our own FReeper, Beckwith)

    The Obama File

    The United States Library of Congress has selected for inclusion in its historic collection
    of Internet materials

    Just a few of the pages:



    katy (a5b3be)

  45. Comment by Crank — 10/3/2012 @ 7:46 am

    You know who loves the term “prison industrial complex?” Bill Ayers

    There was no big prison industrial complex then, as all almost prisons were state owned. You could say teh Correctional Officers Union had a state in it.

    We are getting that now, with immigration jails. The private prison industry is supposed to have lobbied for Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Law.

    Of course for such purposes, you want people locked up for as long as possible, and neither here nor there. And that’s what you’ll get as there are all kinds of proceedings possible.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  46. If you react to crime just slowly enough, you’ll get a lot of people in prison, and a lot of crime. We’ve had crime rates go down, but they may now be inching up

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  47. ____________________________________________

    It is fundamentally unjust. So you have folks up in Winnetka, pupils who are getting five times as much money per student as students in the South Side of Chicago.”

    Oh, look at how the compassionate liberal is so-o-o concerned about the plight of the underprivileged! Strange, therefore, that he not only didn’t move mountains and earth to keep the school-voucher program going in, of all places, Washington DC, he pretty much yawned when his fellow “progressives” disbanded the ability of parents to take advantage of vouchers.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  48. “It is fundamentally unjust. So you have folks up in Winnetka, pupils who are getting five times as much money per student as students in the South Side of Chicago.”

    Mark – Based on my false statistic, we will get better results in Chicago schools if we just throw more money at them (so we can pay teachers more and they can pay more union dues and the unions can contribute higher amounts to Democrat politicians).

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  49. It is fundamentally unjust untrue.


    carlitos (49ef9f)

  50. You just got a hat tip from Rush.

    RokShox (6dec9f)


    Black lawyers called for Obama to release “political prisoners” aka cop killer types that the rappers like to sing about.

    Missy (e7d25d)

  52. 37. Obama was born on August 4, 1961, and that video of him was recorded on January 21, 2002. So he was 40 years old at the time, meaning he can’t at least use the excuse that his extremism and naivete — and foolishness typical of a bratty, college-age leftist — are due to a lack of maturity, at least chronologically speaking.

    Comment by Mark — 10/3/2012 @ 9:44 am

    There is absolutely no reason to believe that Obama (and Holder, given the revelations about his radical past at Columbia) aren’t the exact same un-American, anti-American revolutionaries they always were.

    Because they’d rather believe the lie. And that is especially true of “Christo” Buckley who pronounced Obama a “rara avis” based upon nothing and of Brooks or Frum (I’m constantly confusing the two east-coast pet conservatives the liberals keep) of the elegantly creased pants.

    If you read Obama’s ostensible autobiographies you can’t come away believing he’s the dispassionate centrist that Axelrod conned the American electorate into believing he was.

    And that he has proven not to be.

    Had we a press, instead of a wholly owned PR firm that’s sold its soul to Obama’s Organizing For America that is intent on insulating Obama from his entire past as opposed to exposing it, Obama never would have been President.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  53. Rush describing Mr Richmond’s video: “This is Barack Obama selling seething anger.”

    Dustin (73fead)

  54. 38. The people who worked for Enron lost their pensions.

    Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 10/3/2012 @ 9:45 am

    So did the salaried employees of GM/Delphi.

    But they didn’t belong to the UAW so they didn’t matter when Obama set out to pick winners and losers.

    Someone tell me again why that fraudster Corzine isn’t in jail?

    Oh, that’s right. Obama bundler.

    But Bernie Madoff bad!

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  55. So what? There could be a video of Obama having a bowl movement on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the morons who make up the majority of this stupid country would still vote for him.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  56. I wonder why Barry and Michelle have resisted sending their two daughters to schools — first in Chicago and now in DC — where most of their classmates would have looked like Trayvon Martin or, in turn, Obama’s sons if he had sons.

    Only people who have kids know what parents do for their kids. Icluding becoming billionaires and/or President. Please let us avoid that subject.

    nk (875f57)

  57. 55. So what? There could be a video of Obama having a bowl movement on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the morons who make up the majority of this stupid country would still vote for him.

    Comment by CrustyB — 10/3/2012 @ 10:22 am

    As long as there’s a free phone in it for them. Or a coke and a slice of pizza.

    Beggars are easier to please, the Dems have learned.

    Hence the new normal. If you don’t like the economy now, they figure, you’ll get used to it. Then you’ll be grateful for the crumbs they offer when elections loom.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  58. ““This is Barack Obama selling seething anger.”

    A “hat tip” from a proven racist is nothing to brag about.

    Unless of course you agree with him.

    “Be afraid of the Angry Black Man!!”

    P. Tillman (fcbc8b)

  59. FYI, that “church” is the Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago.

    Lou (589003)

  60. 56. I wonder why Barry and Michelle have resisted sending their two daughters to schools — first in Chicago and now in DC — where most of their classmates would have looked like Trayvon Martin or, in turn, Obama’s sons if he had sons.

    Only people who have kids know what parents do for their kids. Icluding becoming billionaires and/or President. Please let us avoid that subject.

    Comment by nk — 10/3/2012 @ 10:23 am

    nk, when Obama has authority over what other parents are allowed to do on behalf of their own children the subject becomes unavoidable. And the obvious hypocrisy overwhelming.

    I’d love to leave Malia and Sasha out of it, but if Barack Obama is going to go and national TV and say he can’t negotiate with Republicans because those two girls are growing up so fast he doesn’t want to miss a minute of it, I’d say I’m not the one making an issue of his children.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  61. Some choose to outlive their child at the child’s birth. Obama. But it’s a hell of a thing to think about a father.

    nk (875f57)

  62. r.e. Tilly @ #58: be not afraid of the beyond-parody libtard.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  63. ___________________________________________

    we will get better results in Chicago schools if we just throw more money at them

    And, daleyrocks, there are a LOT of people, of all ideological orientations (both Democrat and Republican), whose hearts start to bleed when “children” and “education” are a part of the agenda. A lot of people who think “if it’s for the children — for our next generation — all is forgiven!” So a large number of voters become emotionally very touchy-feely and therefore are 10 times more vulnerable to the junk spewed by the left.

    They’ll look at this hard-core reality and think, “how can this be?! The data must be wrong! It must be propaganda put forth by shortsighted members of the Tea Party (such as that silly Sarah Palin) or greedy CEOs in bed with the industrial-military complex! After all, politicians like Obama say we’re shortchanging our children, we’re not being generous enough to the noble causes of American life!”

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  64. I think it’s hilarious that the angriest troll starts screaming “racist” for no apparent reason. He is proving Rush right, isn’t he?

    Dustin (73fead)

  65. For himself, he gave his children the best he could. For other black babies, aborted alive, he gave a forceps to the base of the skull. Hard thing for me to handle, but Sasha and Malia are innocent.

    nk (875f57)

  66. “Be afraid of the Angry Black Man!!”

    Petey – So you are admitting you are afraid of angry black men now? Racist.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  67. ________________________________________________

    Only people who have kids know what parents do for their kids. Icluding becoming billionaires and/or President. Please let us avoid that subject.

    Why? If the two-faced nature of stereotypical liberals, if not ultra-liberals, isn’t relevant when scrutinizing people like Obama, then nothing else is. Moreover, Obama has happily inserted himself into the middle of controversies and personalized them by evoking his children, or at least referring to his hypothetical sons if he had sons.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  68. 65. For himself, he gave his children the best he could. For other black babies, aborted alive, he gave a forceps to the base of the skull. Hard thing for me to handle, but Sasha and Malia are innocent.

    Comment by nk — 10/3/2012 @ 10:36 am

    Yes, they are. But I’m not making an issue of them but talking instead about him.

    If he chooses to weaponize them, I’m not going to place him off limits when he does.

    He remains the object of derision no matter whose skirts he’s hiding behind.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  69. Probably not even ever ate the skin of a baked potoato.

    — Only if it was beagle-flavored.

    Icy (a427f8)

  70. I would claim age thirty-three for a man’s conscience.

    nk (875f57)

  71. Mark – The Democrats own and perpetuate the Racist Industrial Complex. It is the only way they win national elections. If reason and facts are involved, they lose.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  72. “Where’s your dollah?” Barry Boo Boo!

    Chip (d76272)

  73. Just that we’re not our parents’ property, Mark.

    I have also read that for every year you are under your parents’ ifluence, you need a year to recover. I am always telling the daughter she should have picked her parents better. ;

    Not the right thread, for “no women, no kids”?

    nk (875f57)

  74. ________________________________________

    And that is especially true of “Christo” Buckley who pronounced Obama a “rara avis” based upon nothing

    I recall speaking with someone back in 2008 who leans right and is generally a Republican (although a somewhat greenie-earth one, similar to Patterico) saying that he wouldn’t mind seeing Obama elected. But his naivete at least could be excused by ignorance, since I recall his not knowing what I was referring to when I pointed out things like Obama’s former good buddy and spiritual adviser Jeremiah Wright.

    I don’t think Christopher Buckley — in the middle of the world of information and analysis — has a similar excuse to fall upon.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  75. The Buckleys have been the boll-weevil on the Republican cotton tree for sixty-plus years.

    nk (875f57)

  76. Well Buckley, fils, who fulfilled that old aphorism about a ‘thankless child’, who walked out on his wife, who was the daughter of a friend of the family, and of is employer, the first George Bush, well you see that pattern.

    narciso (ee31f1)

  77. *cotton Bush* pun intended

    nk (875f57)

  78. ______________________________________________

    Just that we’re not our parents’ property, Mark.

    nk, I have absolutely no problem with where Sasha and Malia went to school, and any parent with sanity would not have sent them to a typical public school in Chicago or DC. But I do have a problem with the phony-baloney nature of their father when it comes to the nature of the socio-cultural (and mindlessly leftwing) quirks of those who’d look like his sons if he had any sons.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  79. Pathetic, really. By contributing to this dog-and-pony show you make Republicans look desperate.
    Which you are.
    Comment by P. Tillman — 10/3/2012 @ 9:26 am

    — In other words: There’s nothing wrong with class warfare and charges of elitism; right?

    By your calculations I’m only awake for about 8 minutes per day.
    Comment by P. Tillman — 10/3/2012 @ 9:40 am

    — You are correct to be angry about this. After all, there is no viable evidence that you are EVER awake.

    A “hat tip” from a proven racist is nothing to brag about.
    Unless of course you agree with him.
    “Be afraid of the Angry Black Man!!”
    Comment by P. Tillman — 10/3/2012 @ 10:25 am

    — The ONLY people making an effort to divide us along racial lines here are Barack Obama and those that agree with him.

    Icy (a427f8)

  80. Didn’t like the old man either, narciso. It’s not just that he never listened but only talked, but you could not understand a thing he said in that Barney Frank voice.

    nk (875f57)

  81. Lying Barbarino needs to move to a better neighborhood

    Icy (a427f8)

  82. 66. “Be afraid of the Angry Black Man!!”

    Petey – So you are admitting you are afraid of angry black men now? Racist.

    Comment by daleyrocks — 10/3/2012 @ 10:38 am

    I tend not to be “afraid of the Angry Black Man.”

    I learned growing up that TV teaches people that whitey is afraid of blacks. I can use that. Then there’s “the Haymaker.” OMFG! In my experience these guys will telegraph a punch from a week ago Sunday. I could have lunch while they’re cocking that fist. Or, more rationally, land a few blows.

    Now, the “Angry Black Woman” is another matter. And not because of what I’m worried about she’ll do to me. But my car. I visit the old neighborhood and park in what some black chick thinks is “her space” and I generally move it. Because it’s hard to enjoy a beer when you know your tires are getting slashed and your car keyed.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  83. That’s not really the point. I’m getting at, NK, it’s about common decency

    narciso (ee31f1)

  84. Anyway, as the election is nearer and nearer, I am trying to figure out parking and how long I’ll stand in line to vote.

    Everybody, out the same please? Vote.

    nk (875f57)

  85. Not the right thread, for “no women, no kids”?

    Comment by nk — 10/3/2012

    I see what you did there.

    Dustin (73fead)

  86. Missed your comment, narciso. I type too slow. But I believe we mostly agree. If we don’t, please remember I had brain surgery. 😉

    nk (875f57)

  87. hey remember that one time mitt gave a haircut to a wee small gay guy and cbs news made him apologize later? It was in all the papers.

    happyfeet (3b4f26)

  88. 87. hey remember that one time mitt gave a haircut to a wee small gay guy and cbs news made him apologize later? It was in all the papers.

    Comment by happyfeet — 10/3/2012 @ 11:09 am

    The past is off limits. Except when it concerns Mitt Romney. Then it’s fair game.

    Religion is off limits. Except when it concerns Mitt Romney. Then it’s fair game.

    I suppose now Obama can use his daughters as the political equivalent of a drug mule.

    Because to point out that Obama is cynically using his own daughters for political purposes is to “attack” them.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  89. Obama? Man? Stands on two feets? Or supported by woman? Hides behind kids?

    nk (875f57)

  90. Strange that so-called “small government” conservatives seem to be offended by Obama’s suggestion that the prison-state is out of control.

    Andrew (bedcea)

  91. ________________________________________

    I visit the old neighborhood and park in what some black chick thinks is “her space” and I generally move it.

    The mindless liberalism (if not leftism gone berserk) that pervades so much of the black community is, in a way, a balm that does protect that part of society. Or creates sort of shield around it in the same way that a child who has chronic tantrums will affect (and perhaps neutralize) an adult.

    I imagine there are various fair-minded people out there (more likely to be on the right or center than on the left) who are extra cautious when dealing with any community that’s full of bratty leftism. That includes an outsider’s fear of being hit with a nonsensical lawsuit, or facing the wrath of a troublemaker in the guise of Jesse Jackson.

    It’s sad because I recall some time ago (certainly in my youth) thinking that the generally racially segregated nature of American society was puzzling or totally irrational. Some of it still is or can be—eg, hello, casting agents of Hollywood! But I now realize that quite a bit of it actually is anything but irrational, that it, in fact, is quite rational. That in reality it’s a matter of various people maintaining and protecting their sanity and well-being.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  92. I don’t know…If things like this were going to stick, they would have stuck in the ’08 campaign. I’m frankly more anguished about my children & foreseeable descendants being expropriated, so we can borrow from China and send it to Pakistan.

    The Sanity Inspector (0472b5)

  93. Hey remember that one time Mitt violently assaulted a gay man and a bunch of right-wingers tried to downplay it?

    If Obama held down and forcefully cut off a Jewish guy’s sidelocks I’m sure you’d think it was relevant.

    Andrew (bedcea)

  94. So what? There could be a video of Obama having a bowl movement on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the morons who make up the majority of this stupid country would still vote for him.

    Why do you hate America?

    Andrew (bedcea)

  95. __________________________________________

    Strange that so-called “small government” conservatives seem to be offended by Obama’s suggestion that the prison-state is out of control.

    It would be if crime rates were much lower, if the typical person in society never had his own problems with, for example, robbery or burglary, or didn’t know anyone else who did. But, regrettably, that isn’t the real world.

    However, it does annoy me to think of the way that some people in the US who aren’t necessarily nonsensical liberals will feel a secret glee about high crime rates. Because such people’s businesses (eg, home-security systems) or profession (prison guards) is dependent on those who are victimized by felons.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  96. Pat T(he)-ill-man

    So desperation is showing speeches, public speeches, where OBama has actually penned the speech, and I see no teleprompter so Barack committed it either to memory or this is so CORE of him that he can ad lib his racial divisions carefully masked in duoble speak just enough to have an out in the proverbial “out of context” get out of racism card, he plays oh so often.

    I hope you are getting ready your victory spin tonight as Loki tells Hulk he is a god debate.

    EPWJ (4380b4)

  97. One thing that bugs me about this whole “rich” thing. The Romneys aren’t all that rich. Considering what Mitt did for his career and considering how successful he was, they don’t have all that much money. Dianne Feinstein and her husband are about twice as rich as the Romneys. John Kerry and his wife are about five times wealthier than the Romneys. Mayor Bloomberg of NYC is about 100x richer than the Romneys. Ted Turner is 10x richer. The Pelosis are probably about equal with the Romneys.

    The Romneys have an estimated net worth of $250 million. There are ranchers with a larger net worth than that. The Romneys have probably given away more in their life than they currently have to their names.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  98. Dummerer than a sack of Andrews

    JD (ab8eee)

  99. The teachings of Gandhi and MLK are in tongues he does not understand.

    htom (412a17)

  100. And someone somewhere had a good point about the garbage men in the stupid video – they only operate the truck – in Romney’s neighborhood the garbage pails are emptied by the mechanical arm – heck – even here in the sticks of Tennessee – the rural trucks use the Mechanical arm to pick up the cans and dump it in the back.

    EPWJ (4380b4)

  101. Crosspatch

    Pelosi’s husband is as rich as Kerry

    Remember Kohler – the seantor from Minnesota – loaded

    Lots of almost billionaires in the Democrat stables in congress

    EPWJ (4380b4)

  102. _______________________________________________

    If Obama held down and forcefully cut off a Jewish guy’s sidelocks I’m sure you’d think it was relevant.

    And isn’t it interesting and ironic on how so many liberals rationalize away the cruelty and barbarism directed at, among others, Jews if the culprits just so happen to be sad, misunderstood, dejected members of Islam. People of third-worldish background who happen to be heroic underdogs (hip-hip-hurrah, Palestinians!!) fighting the good fight against American imperialism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and the greed and hegemony of Israel or what-not.

    Mark (6d5e0d)

  103. The real bombshell is at WND and HillBuzz:

    Time to tell everyone you know about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” #BarackObama

    baydemocrat (d01bf4)

  104. That is not “just a church” that is Rockefeller Chapel, which looks like a cathedral, on the University of Chicago campus with the U of C flag on the podium. It is in Hyde Park. The cadence and accent used in the speech seems to be turned on and off by Mr. Obama depending on the audience.

    George Broderick (0be513)

  105. If Obama wins re-election I guess it just proves that America has become a nation of worthless, freeloading parasites, huh? Just a lot of riff-raff and “strapping young bucks” waiting in line for their ObamaPhones.

    Why don’t you guys just go Galt already? You’re obviously so far superior to the Rest Of Us.

    Andrew (bedcea)

  106. The irony is that Hampton speech and the previous one, back in 2002, illustrates exactly the mindset
    that Romney was talking about.

    narciso (ee31f1)

  107. 47.

    Obama in 2002: “It is fundamentally unjust. So you have folks up in Winnetka, pupils who are getting five times as much money per student as students in the South Side of Chicago.”

    Comment by Mark — 10/3/2012 @ 10:00 am

    Oh, look at how the compassionate liberal is so-o-o concerned about the plight of the underprivileged! Strange, therefore, that he not only didn’t move mountains and earth to keep the school-voucher program going in, of all places, Washington DC, he pretty much yawned when his fellow “progressives” disbanded the ability of parents to take advantage of vouchers.

    That wasn’t extra money for education. That was maybe even, less money per pupil, but the parents get to spend the money, or at least choose what schol gets it.

    Here we have the unspoken assumption, which can never be spoken, because to say it is to say something ridiculous and untrue:

    Markets are most efficient when the government is spending the money

    His whole preference for Obamacare instead of vouchercare or flexible spending accounts is based on it. The sme thing with schools. When government is spending the money, you need not fear it’s not being spent wisely. Differences in outcomes are explained by differences in money spent. We all knw that’s untrue.

    Now it’s true different school districts gave different sums of money, but education is one of those things least affected by the amount of money spent on it.

    Sammy Finkelman (8423d6)

  108. Ghandhi drank his urine and forced his grandaughter to give him enemas. We are America.

    nk (875f57)

  109. 103. Thanks for the heads up.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  110. Obama is more likely Michelle and in vitro.

    nk (875f57)

  111. Thank you, Andrew. Your point is not well taken.

    JD (ab8eee)

  112. This is a newsworthy video and post. Well done, Morgen Richmond and Patterico.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  113. “but I’ll tell you what, the employees at Enron feel violated.”

    Hey, Barry: I and at least half the USA feel violated by YOU and the rest of you leftist thugs!

    Nate Whilk (095050)

  114. Comment by Steve57 — 10/3/2012 @ 10:14 am

    Obama…..aren’t the exact same un-American, anti-American revolutionaries they always were.

    Obama never was an un-American Anti-American revolutionary.

    If he was, he’d have turned the Harvard Law review into a propaganda sheet, and done his best to ruin it. He didn’t. And the people who voted for him on the upteenth ballot, knew he wouldn’t.

    Obaba has another problem.

    He doesn’t argue with people. He doesn’t openly disagree with anyone on a fundamental level.

    Unless 95% or maybe 98% of other people would.

    Or you are a political opponent of his. And even hen his lies will be confined to “the issue” or maybe a non-invidious – he’s always careful not to be invidious – evaluation of the limitations of his opponents’s background.

    Had we a press, instead of a wholly owned PR firm that’s sold its soul to Obama’s Organizing For America that is intent on insulating Obama from his entire past as opposed to exposing it, Obama never would have been President.

    Or at least he would have had to apologize for that or something. But they protected other people, too.

    Sammy Finkelman (8423d6)

  115. * And even then his lies will be confined to “the issues” or maybe a non-invidious – he’s always careful not to be invidious – evaluation of the limitations of his opponents’s backgrounds.

    Sammy Finkelman (8423d6)

  116. No rational person would think that the ‘prison industrial complex’ would actually be used to lock up people who hurt other people, would they.

    torabora (247738)

  117. “The internet has given the severely mentally ill the means to annoy and harass healthier people. ”

    This site is proof of that, ain’t it Dustin?


    Comment by P. Tillman — 10/3/2012 @ 9:41 am

    Well, you’re here.

    Nate Whilk (095050)

  118. “Obama never was an un-American Anti-American revolutionary.

    If he was, he’d have turned the Harvard Law review into a propaganda sheet, and done his best to ruin it.”

    Sammy – The problem is you are assuming he actually did any work on the Law Review after his election.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  119. Wait, I thought as a white Republican, I was for the Iraq and Afgan wars and therefore I’m all for violence. And now I’m against it? So confusing. I wish the Left would hurry up and define me as well as they’ve defined Romey.

    Brian (182cf3)

  120. I thought Jews were smart people. Why are so many apologists for Obama? Sammy here comes to mind. Blacks are not happy about Jewish businesses in the hood. Check out Hardcore Pawn sometime on TruTv. I guess it is mutually satisfying relationship but blacks or maybe Detroiters in general exhibit a plethora of angry behavior.

    So Jews and many Asians believe in gaining knowledge, stick together as a family and excel at getting an education. Blacks seem to be ploar opposite. Of course Choom was raised by whiet grandparents. I don’t believe he is the genius level IQ or brilliant constitutional scholar which so many people attribute to him. Other than running for office and often getting his opponents disqualified, just what has he done that comes anywhere close to the success of Mittens?
    Why would an arrogant narcissist spend millions hiding his records if he were indeed so successful in school? Personally all I see is one big phony asshole and cannot fathom why so many like sleeepy and illman have the urge to bury their heads up his ass and remain blinded to his many failings. Unless perhaps they are ecstatic to see America going down the tubes.
    Can you imagine how Duh Won will act if reelected? Will he even accept defeat? I’m in hanging chad Florida and would not be surprised if the infatuated by Obama Jews once again play a big role. And how many snowbirds will be once again voting in both Florida and New York? Ok, so their votes in New York mean little because New York idolizes Obama.
    Anyway let’s see how fair a job people like Jim Lehrer` do with Presidential debates, particularly since Romney wants to cut fed funding to PBS. And why does the RNC agree to the simply biased moderators in any case? I’d much prefer Univision doing it as opposed to esteemed jackasses like Gwen Ifel.

    Calypso Louis Farrakhan (e799d8)

  121. Stockholm syndrome, Calypso, you already know the answer to the first question,

    narciso (ee31f1)

  122. Well done gentlemen. This video is now sitting on Breitbart and the Daily Caller. I think Tucker Carlson is getting a tingle up his leg.

    Bets (6b53e9)

  123. Breitbart is here.

    Dustin (73fead)

  124. I actually agree with him about schools having more or less money based on local. A free public education is supposed to be the great equalizer, and if your school is poor and that’s the reason you don’t do well, then that’s not very fair.

    That said, I don’t think (with very few exceptions) how well students do has much to do with how much money the district gets. Kids will learn and do well when they are supported by their parents culturally.

    My own parents went to school in a one-room school house in rural Texas with the barest of accoutrements, and they did great because education was important to the family and everybody else they went to school with, too.

    Claire (9c059a)

  125. @124. So far there has not been shown any correlation between increases in school spending an changes in SAT scores of the students. Per student education spending nationally has been increasing rapidly with no changes in scores. In fact, scores have dropped a bit.

    I am not aware of a single instance where an increase in spending in a school system has resulted in improvement. Salaries are simply increased in order to absorb the increased spending. In fact, salary increases usually lead spending increases because the salary increases threaten the curriculum so spending must be increased to maintain the curriculum.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  126. Oh, and in 2006 the Romneys didn’t even make the top 50 richest people in the city of Boston.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  127. “I thought Jews were smart people. Why are so many apologists for Obama?”

    Calypso Louis Farrakhan – Because for so many leftism is their religion and Judaism is merely their ethnicity and culture.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  128. Strange that so-called “small government” conservatives seem to be offended by Obama’s suggestion that the prison-state is out of control.
    Comment by Andrew — 10/3/2012 @ 11:17 am

    — The New Conservatism: fewer laws, and less enforcement of those laws still on the books. Smart.

    If Obama held down and forcefully cut off a Jewish guy’s sidelocks I’m sure you’d think it was relevant.
    Comment by Andrew — 10/3/2012 @ 11:20 am

    — We already know that he’s an anti-Semite, but it might wake up a few of the libtard Jews out there.

    Icy (a427f8)

  129. narciso – President Bush suspended the Davis-Bacon Act following Hurricane Katrina to allow for speedier reconstruction and Senator Obama was one of the sponsors of a bill to reimplement the Act’s provisions in the affected areas.

    Funny how he doesn’t mention that.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  130. ya got a shout out at NRO, too.

    Colonel Haiku (429c44)

  131. Not to mention the Jones act, for Katrina, and not

    narciso (ee31f1)

  132. This “mask” that supposedly “slips” is revealing a radical concept called “Christianity” which is also at the center of Obama’s comments in Tucker Carlson’s newly re-unearthed clip. Obama appears to believe Jesus was serious when he said “Blessed are the poor.” A lot of Christians treat that line as a misprint which should have read “Blessed are the motivated who start businesses from scratch.”

    Dave R (a47e50)

  133. how ’bout a campaign ad called “RomneyCamp”, with Romney, Ryan and a group of supporters just sitting by the campfire… Romney’s eating a plate of beans and casually sharing some wisdom… Ryan’s adding his while he ties knots on a short length of rope… and then at the end Biden comes staggering in, bleeding from a massive head wound and falls on the camp fire… that would tear this “race” a new one…

    Colonel Haiku (429c44)

  134. Evangelical liberals such as Dave R are pretty funny. I always want to ask what church they attend, but that really doesn’t matter, so I don’t.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  135. and another lizard slithers in from under a rock… welcome, DaveR.

    Colonel Haiku (429c44)

  136. 133. This “mask” that supposedly “slips” is revealing a radical concept called “Christianity” which is also at the center of Obama’s comments in Tucker Carlson’s newly re-unearthed clip. Obama appears to believe Jesus was serious when he said “Blessed are the poor.” A lot of Christians treat that line as a misprint which should have read “Blessed are the motivated who start businesses from scratch.”

    Comment by Dave R — 10/3/2012 @ 2:51 pm

    Yeah. Thanks. None of us have really understood the Bible until Barack “I am my brother’s keeper” Obama ‘splained it mandated income redistribution and abortion.

    Even teh Pope was sorta surprised by the last one. But Sandra F******g Fluke and Obama straightened him out.

    Again, thanks.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  137. DaveR, interrogative.

    Do you assmaggots at OFA just sort of surf the web on your own and make fools of yourselves independently or do you coordinate your efforts?

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  138. This “mask” that supposedly “slips” is revealing a radical concept called “Christianity”

    Yeah. Christianity. It’s what Obama’s HHS is inflicting on the Catholic Church.

    Per DaveR, the Bishops are just too stoooopid to know it.

    I guess by the same measure the Palestinians are just trying to whip up some judaism for the Israelis.

    Good and hard.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  139. A lot of concepts seem to be above Dave R’s pay grade and/or mental capabilities.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  140. How desperate…

    The Emperor (010de3)

  141. I do believe the sales pitch Obama’s Organizing For America uses to entice college freshmen like DaveR to spoof Americans revolves heavily around the idea that no on will figure out they’re frauds.

    No one, they are helpfully told, will uncover the fact they are inexperienced fools.


    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  142. Dave R., I don’t recognize any Christianity in the race-baiting bile-filled screeds Obama plagerized from Rev. Wright.

    SPQR (6c816e)

  143. Regarding the content of the video – you are a fraud. You should post the entire video so that people know that this one clip is but one of many examples Obama used to put forth the idea of EMPATHY!!!!!

    1. HERE IS THE FULL VIDEO: http : // www . youtube . com/watch?v=HgJyFTfV0DgTo understand what the speech is about, start at 14:00. He starts talking about empathy in 14:35 and keep going until 20:45. It may be a long time, but this is a complicated concept. It is a complicated idea. Its layered and it does not belittle your intelligence.The other key example start at around 18:30 and go on until 20:45.

    2. So what is Obama saying? Right before this quite, Obama says “We have become so cynical that it seems naive to believe we can understand each other across race, class, religion….it is easier to stay in our neighborhoods…” THEN, Obama goes on to give examples of how the world may be different if the violent actors exercised empathy. The rich example above is only one example. If you watched the entire video, its clear that the people who TOOK VIOLENCE INTO THEIR OWN HANDS were the people who felt they HAD THEIR RIGHTS TAKEN AWAY or those who WANT TO GET VENGEANCE. Another example he used was the 9/11 actors, who probably wouldn’t have taken the violent route if they saw their victims as their mother, father, siblings or as their own kids.

    When Obama says “The philosophy of nonviolence only makes sense if the powerful can be made to recognize themselves in the powerless” he is saying that in order for individuals not to take out their vengence and their feeling of being deprived of a right on others in a violent way, they have to feel empathy toward each other. HE IS SAYING EMPATHY IS THE WAY AGAINST VIOLENCE.


    3. Think about it – why would obama preach violence on MLK day talkinga bout a man who preached nonviolence all his life? That should be a clear signal that there is something wrong with what the author is saying.

    4. Wow. Masks slips a little? Has the President of the United States had a mask on for 4 years? What a joke! Someone check this author!

    Nubian (a2aed2)

  144. Pre c… Wolf Blitzer on his swang-sung.

    nk (875f57)

  145. Fox should have fired Shep a long time ago.

    nk (875f57)

  146. Nubian, you’ve failed to address the point – that the campaign theme of Obama as “post-racial” was a lie. A lie supported by a MSN in the tank for Obama.

    Oh, and the all-caps makes you look like a loon.

    SPQR (6c816e)

  147. DaveR

    “Blessed are the poor” is a bit different from – “Obama gave me a phone!”

    EPWJ (d84fb0)

  148. I believe Jesus also preached non-violence, but then, he was the son of someone important, so he can be dismissed, just like Barry said!

    P.S. To the “Obama has reinvented Christianity” guy: Jesus encouraged people to give to the poor, as much as possible. He then noted that what is God’s is God’s and what is Caesar’s is Caesar’s. Get it? Give all you can to charity (a la Romney, for ex), and all the rest (i.e. nada) to the state.

    Also, if you then read a little further in that book, you’ll find (spoiler alert!) that the state was NOT his friend.

    Bye, troll. Your best wasn’t very good today.

    ras (be1e0d)

  149. Let’s start the debate, on Fox, with Pizza Thong Cutter.

    nk (875f57)

  150. “how dethperate”, mewls teh Whimperor…

    Colonel Haiku (429c44)

  151. Jesus said a lot of s**t that He mostly stole from Socrates. I’m still paying for my cell phone service. And you Jews and IEytalians, with your big garlicky noses, killed little black baby Jesus before He could give me a cellphone.

    nk (875f57)

  152. Here’s a measure of the worth of Obama’s word: Guatanamo Bay still holds detainees and many have not had a hearing on their status.

    SPQR (6c816e)

  153. That’s AGAG and Scalia, SPQR, and I am not being sarcastic. Guantanamo is a turd AGAG pooped up out for The Shrub and nobody has the Lysol to clean it up with and I don’t blame them.

    nk (875f57)

  154. Ted Nugent is my choice for moderator!!

    mg (44de53)

  155. nk, cleaning it up was and is entirely in Obama’s power. And it was an explicit promise he made his supporters. Result? Nothing. That is the main product of the empty suit(tm). Nothing.

    SPQR (6c816e)

  156. Dang it… I want a job on Hillary Clinton’s new “Accountability Review Board”!

    Colonel Haiku (429c44)

  157. Here you go, SPQR. Please sign this:

    I SPQR, after being captured, some way or another, NOT NECESSARILY in a battlefield or another place,and being held, without clothing, hydration, or nutrition, for a time which was indeterminate to me because I was locked in a coffin, under heavy sedation, or NOT MECESSARILY because Taliban who had arrested me for the bounty were abusing me, consent to be sent to a place where I can be water-boarded 183 times, just so that the country that I love, the United States of America can have skim lattes (with sugar) a McCafe.


    nk (875f57)

  158. I type slow, SPQR. Illustrative, not personal.

    nk (875f57)

  159. Gitmo is a holding pen, we’re moving on nearly 1/3 of the detainees released becoming foot soldiers,
    financiers, or leadership

    narciso (ee31f1)

  160. The CMOJ is made for military discipline, not punishment. Where it tries to punish enemy soldiers, it thinks what would they do to our soldiers.

    If you want to say SCOAMF, say Alberto Gonzalez. But you started it, SPQR. I promised to be nice and I did. 😉

    nk (875f57)

  161. *UCMJ* Too many initials to control.

    nk (875f57)

  162. Well he bought the Levick Grp/CCR ‘template’ of innocent detainees, so did the Court, although they started walking the cat back, after Boumedienne,

    narciso (ee31f1)

  163. In a speech at Harvard a couple weeks after Hurricane Katrina, the main point that I noticed that Pres. Obama’s speech revolved around was the charge that our greatest deficit is an “empathy deficit”.

    That is a judgment that is dangerous for a leader to believe they can make on behalf of other individuals. It doesn’t matter what examples he gives, he should not be an amateur providence for others. That is not his job.

    Start at 0:01-2:00.

    “uploaded by obamaharvardvideos”

    “Harvard Law School Association Award Luncheon (part of the “Celebration of Black Alumni” weekend) featuring Sen. Barack Obama as keynote speaker, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sept. 17, 2005 (7 of 11)”

    [There are a number of other sections of the speech found uploaded by the same handle (5, 6, and 8) are the rest of the speech. Questions are after (9,10,11), introductions are 1,2,3,4]

    ltw (0baa71)

  164. And the claim of an “empathy deficit” was pure horse manure. America had an immense volunteer and charitable push to aid the people devastated by Katrina.

    Similarly we put a large number of volunteers and money into relief of Haiti.

    We have a lot of empathy for others. Obama is a bile-filled clown.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  165. 165. And the claim of an “empathy deficit” was pure horse manure. America had an immense volunteer and charitable push to aid the people devastated by Katrina.

    Similarly we put a large number of volunteers and money into relief of Haiti.

    We have a lot of empathy for others. Obama is a bile-filled clown.

    Comment by SPQR — 10/3/2012 @ 4:58 pm

    It doesn’t count unless it’s the result of government taxation.

    Perhaps you haven’t fully explored the mysteries of the “government is one thing we all belong to” meme.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)


    Obama knows if you’ve been naughty or nice, he knows if you’re empathetic towards others or a white, rich, racist, homophobic, hater who doesn’t pay enough taxes. Because that’s just the way he rolls.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)


    Was Obama giving his speech to 12-year-old boys? Because I think that would be the right audience for such a banal message.

    Pious Agnostic (2c3220)

  168. Nick Gillespie nails it:

    So freaking what? Compare any and all of that to the grim landscape that Obama has presided over like a dime-store Ozymandias. The guy got just about everything he wanted – expanded auto bailout, mega-stimulus, health-care reform, troop surge in Afghanistan, a free pass to deport immigrants and raid legal-under-state-law pot dispensaries. And it hasn’t worked. The best that the Obama administration can do to defend its objectively awful record – don’t forget the inability to muscle a goddamn budget through the Democratic Senate or deliver a deficit under $1 trillion – is to say that it would have been even worse if McCain had been elected. That sort of counterfactual – and the insistence that it’s alway George W. Bush’s fault – is the last resort of a scoundrel. That was the essence of Clint Eastwood’s bizarre but memorable appearance at the Republican National Convention: Obama hasn’t gotten the job done. If anything, he’s made things worse.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  169. “There is absolutely no reason to believe that Obama (and Holder, given the revelations about his radical past at Columbia) aren’t the exact same un-American, anti-American revolutionaries they always were.”

    Other than the fact that, for one, they’re basically continuing the Drug War Prison Industrial Complex whatever unabated.

    unskew (fce22b)

  170. 170.

    “There is absolutely no reason to believe that Obama (and Holder, given the revelations about his radical past at Columbia) aren’t the exact same un-American, anti-American revolutionaries they always were.”

    Other than the fact that, for one, they’re basically continuing the Drug War Prison Industrial Complex whatever unabated.

    Comment by unskew — 10/3/2012 @ 5:18 pm

    There’s a test that’s not a test. Like Pol Pot or Castro emptied the prisons.

    Dude. What communist weed r u smoking?

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  171. O’Reilly’s no better. Just because they’re on Fox, does not mean they’re with us.

    nk (875f57)

  172. Saw the clip on the O’Reilly Facter.

    Did not see any attribution.

    jeff (ad7c70)

  173. We can all be secure in the knowledge that Barack Obama is not an un-American anti-American because he’s behaved like the Chinese politburo and kept the prisons filled.

    Or sumpthin’

    sez the ever clever and insightful unskew, who no doubt is in love with himself and his clever insightful own butt.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  174. I’m watching the pre-c*** shows. Sorry.

    nk (875f57)

  175. Actually, Steve, does a very good job emptying its prisons — turns about 20,000 prisoners into spare parts every year.

    nk (875f57)

  176. Hey, everyone! Gather round. We now know Barack Obama is not a Marxist.

    Cuz if he wuz, our prisons would look like North Korea’s.

    Ghost towns. No one is in those.

    Unskewed has lifted the veil from my eyes, I’ll tell you what.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  177. *China* does a very good job …

    nk (875f57)

  178. nk if I get your meaning @ #176 we’d still be filling our prisons on man or woman at at time but, if we were communists, emptying them a limb or organ at a time.

    Still don’t see how that helps Obamaton unskew’s cause, but you’ll get no argument from me.

    Yeah, body parts, eh, unskew?

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  179. 178. *China* does a very good job …

    Comment by nk — 10/3/2012 @ 5:33 pm

    China does a good job at a lot of things I’d have nothing to do with even at gun point.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  180. “There’s a test that’s not a test. Like Pol Pot or Castro emptied the prisons.”

    In that same vein, they also haven’t yet opened the FEMA re-education camps. But maybe they’re saving it for the second term?

    unskew (fce22b)

  181. We imprison people because we are too kind to kill them. Penitentiaries came around about the same time as the Eighth Amendment. I believe in punishment, in some instances, but in most others if we can only stop them from hurting people?

    nk (875f57)

  182. Actually this is all s***. It reminds me of EPA’s regional director Armrendariz’s stupidity concerning the Romans and crucifixion.

    Which makes me wonder if historical illiteracy is one (but not the only) criteria for participation.

    There was no money in indiscriminate crucifixions, pace Armendariz. And the rich are not universally against violence. They aren’t worried about others taking their stuff in a world where they’re taking other people’s stuff.

    If Armendirez can hearken back to what he imagines the Roman world consisted of, then so can I. And with much more accuracy. If the only way you’re going to keep your vast estates going concerns under the empire’s latifundia system is with a steady supply of slave labor produced by warfare, you’ll not be against violence.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  183. FEMA re-education camps? Where Delta shanty-dwellers, too lazy to go to Chicago, got flooded out and went to Texas and never had it better?

    Why hasn’t Barry Stanley Soetoro Barack Robinson Hussein Obama closed them yet. I thought he became President on January 20, 2009. Or is that Muharram 9, 1430?

    nk (875f57)

  184. Too many comments in this thread for me to read every one at the present moment, so I don’t know if someone else has already mentioned this, but I was listening to Mark Levin about an hour and fifteen minutes ago, and he talked on the air about this particular post, Patterico. He mentioned your blog.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  185. As I understood it, Steve, crucifiction was a Phoenician thing that Romans thought ok for pirates, bandits, and rebebeliou slaves. No more than that. The Romans were, otherwise, a kind people. The death penalty was rare. They buried alive some adulterers. They executed traitors horribly. They exiled poisoners to dry islands.
    They cut the head off every tenth soldier in a mutinous legion. 😉

    nk (875f57)


    He starts with an Ode to Michelle. Good.

    Then goes BS.

    nk (875f57)

  187. They’re both going “who cares” so far. Obama did good with the love letter to Michelle. Romney sounds like he has laryngitis.

    nk (875f57)

  188. 105. BootBlack isn’t going to come close to re-election.

    Politico is reporting Romany up by 4 in toss-up and battleground states, up by 8 in Red states and the Manchurian is up 22 in Blue states.

    NM and NV will go Willard, OR and DE will be the toss ups.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  189. Among African American males, one third to one fourth caught up in the criminal justice system, so that the number of young men incarcerated exceeded the number enrolled in colleges and universities

    So he admits that African American males were, at the time, as criminal as Irish American males were in the 1890’s.

    Whose fault is that?

    They want to make sure people don’t take their stuff.

    And what is wrong with that?

    Michael Ejercito (2e0217)

  190. nk, I don’t know if I’d go so far to call the Romans “a kind people.” Although, relatively speaking in the ancient world such a categorization is conceivable.

    The Romans sure as hell knew which side their bread was buttered on, it’s true. And if for a few measly concessions they could turn you into nice docile taxpayers as opposed to violent revolutionists they were down right social radicals.

    The Romans could be brutal and they weren’t shy about it if they thought the occasion called for it. But their army, good as it was and it was no doubt the best and most efficient between its day and the late 19th century, was too small to rule through brutality alone. They coopted people, and the benefits of Roman rule outweighed any downside.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  191. Ooh, ooh, the President killed Obama and free enterprise and Lincoln. Well that sways my vote.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  192. Are all of the trolls just gonna spew their nonsense and then run away, tonight?

    I miss tye.

    Icy (a427f8)

  193. Obama appears to believe Jesus was serious when he said “Blessed are the poor.” A lot of Christians treat that line as a misprint which should have read “Blessed are the motivated who start businesses from scratch.”
    Comment by Dave R — 10/3/2012 @ 2:51 pm

    — A lot of pretenders to Bible knowledge conveniently forget that the line is “Blssed are the poor in spirit,” and that it has NOTHING directly to do with a person’s financial status.

    Icy (a427f8)

  194. They want to make sure people don’t take their stuff.

    He incites violent covetousness right from the church pulpit.

    j curtis (f85cbf)

  195. R.I.P. to R.B. Greaves, writer/singer of “Take A Letter Maria”

    Icy (a427f8)

  196. Regarding the content of the video – you are a fraud. You should post the entire video so that people know that this one clip is but one of many examples Obama used to put forth the idea of EMPATHY!!!!!

    Reading comprehension problems much?

    It’s linked twice in the post. Do I have to put it in ALL CAPS so you’ll understand??

    Patterico (83033d)

  197. A bit late (or early) to this site but given all the Fast/Furious news that keeps breaking, Obama has about as much empathy as my shoe.

    Ginny Pierson (09fc2a)

  198. He seems to have forgotten to empathize with poor non-minorities

    Icy (537b0c)

  199. nk, I don’t know if I’d go so far to call the Romans “a kind people.” Although, relatively speaking in the ancient world such a categorization is conceivable.

    Comment by Steve57 — 10/3/2012 @ 6:23 pm

    I suppose the Spartans were a bit better. They were not permitted to kill except under a declared state of war but, even then, not enemies who were fleeing. When they needed to execute someone they either put him in leg stocks and gave him a knife, or walled him up, leaving it to his will or that of the gods.

    nk (875f57)

  200. We, humans, are kind of weird in the way we revere life and then find ways to get around the reverence.

    nk (875f57)

  201. 201. They were not permitted to kill except under a declared state of war but, even then, not enemies who were fleeing.

    Comment by nk — 10/4/2012 @ 6:17 am

    I hate to disabuse you of your notions of Spartan honor, but if you prefer I can cite specific examples of Spartans executing defeated enemies. For instance, during the summer of 427 B.C. when they and the Thebans finally completed the siege of Platea they executed the remaining garrison to the last man.

    I couldn’t give you exact body counts, but I could give you the names of the Spartan officers who had captured oarsmen executed during the Peloponnesian war to deny them to the Athenians.

    As a practical matter, when the Greeks fought a traditional hoplite battle almost no victorious side executed fleeing enemies. Ever try chasing down a fleeing enemy while burdened with a 1/4 inch thick bronze curaiss, vambraces, grieves, sword, spear, shield, and corinthian helmet? When the losing side is ditching those as fast as they can so they can outrun you? The ancient greek words for “coward” largely revolving around epithets like “shield tosser” the winning side could hardly be expected to ditch its armor to join the chase.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  202. The newly released Wright tape, this one that people saw today ….still have not been seen by many people. The MSM is already calling both tapes attempts to bring …race…back into the accounting of Obama . And then there was Biden…today, asking for $1 trillion in new taxes. One wonders if any of these revelations will move voters. They should. Obama’s huge domestic and foreign failures should move so many of them even if they voted for Hope last time around. There is no excuse to continue the social experiment with Bama who simply has become a socialist in attacking our American heritage, history and values.

    Glenn Koons (4e2462)

  203. I am a Spartan, Steve. Η ταν η επι τας. “[Come back] With it or on it.” That’s what Spartan mothers said to their sons, when they gave them their first* shield.

    *A sword would be passed down for generations, but a shield would be lucky to survive a battle. Is the word ρισπαψις? “Rispapsis?”

    And I am fine, Eric. Thank you.

    nk (875f57)

  204. The Spartans are said to have been punished severely for violating their own laws from time to time.

    nk (875f57)

  205. 206. Yassou. Takanis. Or however they transliterate it these days.

    Maybe some day we’ll share a bottle of retsina.

    I do have to admit you have it all all over me when it comes to telling my Brasidas, Gylippus, or Lysander from a hot rock, Spartan.

    I’d bet my Kopis.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  206. The Spartans used the xyphos. Double-edged, leaf-shaped sword. Sizes varied. Spartan mothers also gifted their sons with swords. Son says, “Mother, this sword is short”. Mother says, “Step closer”.

    nk (875f57)

  207. Yiassou is easy. It’s an abbreviated version of hygeia (health) to you.

    Ti kaneis is whatchadoing.

    nk (875f57)

  208. BTW, every hoplite lochos was supported by light infantry — javelin armed, practically naked. (Leonidas had about 2,000 at Thermopylae along with his 300 hoplite royal guard.) They were the ones would chase down fleeing enemies.

    nk (875f57)

  209. The Spartans used the xyphos.

    Yes, but I was speaking of the curved blade that evolved into the Iberian falcata and the Gurkha kukri.

    BTW, every hoplite lochos was supported by light infantry — javelin armed, practically naked.

    They had to be, they learned. If they fought a war in which the niceties of hoplite warfare weren’t honored they were too easily outflanked.

    They needed skirmishers or, as the Macedonians figured out, cavalry.

    You’re also opening a can of worms that would allow me to delve into just why the Roman manipular legion was way more flexible and efficient than the Greek phalanx.

    And I’m not sure you want that to happen.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  210. Shoulda just said “legion” and left it at that. The maniple being largely obsolete as anything more than an administrative unit when the Roman army really hit its stride.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  211. Good morning, Steve.

    Phillip took the phalanx to the max. And Roman mobile infantry learned how to disassemble it.

    A thousand years later, Swiss pikemen made knights obsolete. And Spanish armed with buckler and short sword made Swiss pikemen obsolete.

    You said it, above. Both heavy infantry and heavy cavalry need a level space.

    nk (875f57)

  212. And, BTW, you do know that a Roman legion had about three times its number in auxiliaries and supernumeraries, right? Which may have included Cretan archers and Rhodian slingers, both mercenaries.

    nk (875f57)

  213. Like the Ginzu knives commercial, ‘there’s more’

    narciso (ee31f1)

  214. Dude, are we going going to rehash the legion v. phalanx issue? Cuz I thought that was worked out at the battle of the dog’s head.

    And, yeah, the brainiacs in the Senate worked out that they needed to make people who could assist them in modes of warfare the Romans weren’t particularly good at into subordinates.

    What of it?

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  215. Swiss pikemen made knights obsolete.

    I thought the cross-bow had something to do with it, being able to go through armor when long bows couldn’t. But that is just something I saw once claimed in a museum, I think.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  216. nk, I hope you’ll accept my apology.

    I’m no good before coffee. My earlier remarks were unfriendly.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  217. Armor and arrowheads those days were both made of mild steel, like the common nails you’d buy at home depot. Longbow or crossbow, it depended on the angle in which the arrow/bolt would hit the target. Straight on it would penetrate, at an angle it would Rick O’ Shay.

    The Swiss pikemen were a reinvention of the phalanx. Basically, a wall of sharp things longer than yours that you did not want to charge your horse into.

    nk (875f57)

  218. Apology for what? Not to me. I saw no offense.

    Maybe we should apologize to Patterico for hijacking his site?

    nk (875f57)

  219. 218. Swiss pikemen made knights obsolete.

    I thought the cross-bow had something to do with it, being able to go through armor when long bows couldn’t. But that is just something I saw once claimed in a museum, I think.

    Comment by MD in Philly — 10/5/2012 @ 7:40 am

    What the crossbow did, doc, was make a powerful bow accessible. You had to have skill and strength to shoot a 150lb. longbow. If you just put your back into it you could cock and fire a 150lb. crossbow.

    Recurve bows were handier if you were riding a horse.

    Just sayin’; the long bow is not to be despised. If you wanted to plant a projectile into a knight before someone invented gunpowder a long bow would be a decent candidate. It would do the job just as well as any other.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  220. Ok, as long as we’re on good terms I give you The Battle of the Golden Spurs.

    July 1302. I notice a distinct lack of Swiss Pikemen amongst the Belgian Burghers.

    And they developed so many dead French knights their spurs gave the battle it’s name.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  221. Cool. The Flemish seem like pre-Marian legionaires, citizen soldiers, using flexible tactics and taking advantage of the ground.

    And I bet more than one of them had a large single-edged knife, or a pruning hook on a long shaft. Or even a Celtic point? 😉

    nk (875f57)

  222. I’m a farmboy and my boyhood on my side of the mountain was much like the peasantry of the back then. There’s hard work in the planting season, the lambing season, the harvesting season. In between, you spend a lot of time just watching wheat grow and lambs get woolier. You can fashion a flute from a willow twig, romance the neighbor’s daughter, and practice with the bow and arrow you made yourself.

    nk (875f57)

  223. October 3 Best of the Web column about this video.

    James Taranto is mostly unimpressed, but there are a few points to notice.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  224. 224. And I bet more than one of them had a large single-edged knife, or a pruning hook on a long shaft. Or even a Celtic point? 😉

    Comment by nk — 10/5/2012 @ 9:22 am

    Dude, if your peasant upbringing is all you say it is then I’d suggest it’s impossible that non one of them brought a falchion blade or grosse messer or a billhook or brush hook to the festivities.

    I hate to incriminate myself, but it you go into my garage and look at the various implements I use to maintain my yard you could with sufficient imagination outfit the kind of army that showed up outside of Transylvanian castles demanding vampire’s heads.

    I was at Ace hardware the other day looking at shovels, for instance. Thinking, you do not want to be on the receiving end of a shovel.

    Et cetera.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  225. Like it was fated, the Kopis is the deal of the day.

    A steal at less then 85 bucks.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  226. 209. The Spartans used the xyphos. Double-edged, leaf-shaped sword. Sizes varied. Spartan mothers also gifted their sons with swords. Son says, “Mother, this sword is short”. Mother says, “Step closer”.

    Comment by nk — 10/4/2012 @ 10:57 pm

    I’ll see your xyphos. And raise you a gladius.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  227. Did someone mention legions? I could wake up Marius.

    SPQR (ba4683)

  228. 230. Did someone mention legions? I could wake up Marius.

    Comment by SPQR — 10/5/2012 @ 11:54 am

    Let him sleep. He’s gotta be tired.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  229. No. Windlass is a fine company, but $85.00 is about $65.00 too much.

    The baby was in Grenada. He brought back a machete, two feet long, that he bought for a dollar. That’s how much farmers could afford to pay.

    This is mine. Safe. Different places, different times.

    nk (875f57)

  230. Back to topic.

    Yes, it is fundamentally unjust that 60% of our property taxes go to the school district, for one kid, and at the same time we pay for six Section Eight kids.

    [Sensored] lying piece of [censored] [censored].


    nk (875f57)

  231. 232. Windlass is a fine company, but $85.00 is about $65.00 too much.

    Comment by nk — 10/5/2012 @ 4:47 pm

    Notice you didn’t trip over me in the race to purchase the deal of the day.

    Windlass Steelcrafts is a fine company. Which is why they have many of the world’s contracts for ceremonial military swords.

    And if you’re into functional blades they do stuff like make Kukris for India’s Assam Rifles.

    I can’t see spending a much for one when Northern Tool is practically giving these things away.

    After using it for a year to clear shooting lanes from my deer stand, I can honestly say I’d rather have a hatchet.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  232. I’d love to see a recording of Obama meeting with Bill Ayers either one of his weekly visits to the White House or that meeting they had in a restaurant. And of course, Obama’s college records would be a lot of fun

    Rick (b805e1)

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