This Seat’s Taken
In the wake of Clint Eastwood’s discussion with an empty chair (representing Barack Obama) at the GOP convention, Barack Obama tweeted this:
Oh, man, the fun we’re having with this.
And, while this Photoshop was not done with Obama’s tweet in mind, it seems appropriate to note that this seat’s taken too:
Don’t get too comfortable, Mr. President.
P.S. Amid the blame game over Eastwood’s appearance, let me just note that I kinda liked it. Sure, they might have done better to show the material humanizing Romney instead. But Eastwood was hardly the disaster that the liberal media proclaims.
I removed a comment which was not funny.
Patterico (83033d) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:13 amMr. President, prepare to be unseated.
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:19 amI saw another picture photo-shopped with Alfred E. Neumann’s head in it, but as I did not realize what Obama had tweeted, I did not realize the significance.
Sometimes ignoring teasing is the best one can do, but ignoring an insult is not President Obama is known for.
All I can say is, if Eastwood ever takes the podium at an event where the President is, watch his hands.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:21 amIn that first photo, is it just me, or do the alcoves with the presidential portraits kinda make it look like President Dumbo is wearing big hoop earrings?
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:23 amEastwood’s appearance was so bizarre and unintelligible to liberals that it resulted in a petulant tweet from our jug-eared, empty suit, failed president and narcissist-in-chief.
Good message disciple Team D!
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:25 amI forgot thin-skinned.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:26 amI’ll take a wild stab and guess that the unfunny comment involved Obama taking a seat at the back of the bus.
That’s okay, though. The way the campaign is going he will soon be throwing himself under the bus, crank first.
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:28 amComment by Icy — 9/1/2012 @ 10:23 am
Yes, yes it does.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:31 amNope. It didn’t. Don’t worry about it. The commenter knows who he is and why it wasn’t funny.
Patterico (83033d) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:34 amMaybe Clint allowed for a bit of “strangeness” and ambiguity in it just to stir up more interest and attention.
There sure are lots of people with lots of opinions and impressions talking about it.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:38 amOK, here’s a welcome shocker. Bill Maher defends Eastwood. “He killed.”
elissa (e27c37) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:41 amThat reminds me. What happened to that last caption contest?
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:45 amIn that first photo, is it just me, or do the alcoves with the presidential portraits kinda make it look like President Dumbo is wearing big hoop earrings?
Those are his ghostly angel wings. The halo is just out of the image.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:46 am___________________________________
Oh, man, the fun we’re having with this.
Even more so since photos of him from behind tend to accentuate his big jug ears.
It’s also a given that in most cases — since he has an ego that’s a mile wide and a mile high — people are laughing at him, not with him. Otherwise, I’d assume that, for example, the photo he posted in response to Eastwood’s comment was done in a 100% good-natured way.
That shot of him from the backside reminds me of this other shot of him the other day:
Mark (88885c) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:54 amit wasn’t me
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:55 amObama’s photo reminded me of my post from the 2008 campaign about the Great Seal of Obama (do you remember “Vero Possumus”?), which in turn reminded me of my post shortly thereafter about his special airplane seat. What is it about this guy and chairs? Am I correct that this photo shows his chair to be slightly taller than all the others at the table, or is that just a trick of the perspective? In any event, one has to wonder whether those who’re expected to sit with him at that table are really so dense that they’d sit in the POTUS chair if it weren’t conspicuously labeled? Surely Biden’s handlers guide him to his own seat and seat-belt him in before they step back.
Beldar (eed156) — 9/1/2012 @ 11:05 am
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 11:06 amor better still…
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 11:07 amso what, we are listening to the lsm tell us what is good politically?
no one in the klown kar media is going to say anything but that it was a disaster, when in fact it was a home run
Obummer’s first reaction was to show how petty and thin skinned he is
it hit the mark, and is hurting the left
oh, the chair will be with us for a while yet
kinlaw (8f4928) — 9/1/2012 @ 11:12 am____________________________________
my post from the 2008 campaign about the Great Seal of Obama
And close on its heels was this.
Taking that and the fake Greek columns the Democrats used for their convention in 2008 leads to this.
Mark (88885c) — 9/1/2012 @ 11:22 amI’m sure it has been posted, but this was over at Ace’s place:
Andrew Breitbart was at that convention. And laughing at that oh so dignified tweet from the White House.
Breitbart is here.
Simon Jester (c8876d) — 9/1/2012 @ 11:40 amThe left was just burglarized, and did not notice.
mg (44de53) — 9/1/2012 @ 12:56 pmSharp as a marble.
Eastwood smoked that room. That audience was quiet when he made a point (ya gotta let ’em go) and howling with laughter at real jokes. The ‘tension’ liberals felt, was the tension that they didn’t know what was coming next from all the canned speeches practiced hundreds of times. He also handled an unexpected crowd interplay (I don’t do that anymore…well maybe this once!) very well. I cannot remember a word Gingrich’s three chins and third wife uttered; but Eastwood is an 82 year-old man who rocked that room and spoke to everybody in the country who cares what happens.
TimesDisliker (ce620f) — 9/1/2012 @ 12:56 pmClint didn’t “allow” anything. Every blink and quaver was part of a performance, by a professional. And if you can’t believe your own Gramps, who can you believe? It was a masterful performance. It doesn’t hurt that it moved the ball a ways down the field.
phunctor (6e8a27) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:16 pmMeanwhile, President Empty Chair does it again while addressing the troops at Ft. Bliss, claiming the defense cuts he insisted on in January were not his responsibility.
Somebody else did that.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:17 pmI listened to Clint’s talk while driving and was a bit uncomfortable listening. But, once he finished and it was apparent that he was doing it all as planned, I realized that he had another classic. It may have upstaged Mitt a bit but he and Rubio did great and Eastwood’s bit will be tough for the Democrats to handle next week. I’m betting they still don’t understand what happened and will try to either copy it or attack it; both bad ideas.
Mike K (4c76c8) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:30 pmPoor Roger Ebert’s now trying to half- backtrack/soften his ugly tweet about Eastwood from Thursday night. But he still can’t quiiiite do it.
elissa (e27c37) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:39 pmMike K, I can completely understand what you’re saying about “listening” to Clint. When he first came on I was preoccupied in the kitchen (the war on women) and just hearing it I couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on. Then I ran to the livestream and saw, “oh, it’s a comedy routine–a sight gag”. Watching versus listening made all the difference in the world.
elissa (e27c37) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:45 pmYes, the “old crazy guy” meme tossed about by the MSM is going to work out quite well with older voters.
Do you think that, just maybe, Romney’s team has woken up to the concept of…strategy? Using the thin-skinned, humorless arrogance of the current administration of a target?
Gosh, I hope so.
On that subject, how ironic that Ebert finds it okay to insult someone based on what he considers to be a medical situation. But, of course, it’s okay when he does it.
Simon Jester (c8876d) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:51 pmEvery Which Way But Loose! Teh Old Man has left the Dems befuddled. Let them attack Clint and then let’s see how well that works for ’em, lol.
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:55 pmI read somewhere that the Romney campaign is using Alinsky-style strategy against the 0bama campaign. Suhweet!
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 1:57 pm“The Outlaw Bill Ayers.”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:04 pm“Six Trillion Dollar Baby.”
“The Bridges to Madison Avenue—That were Funded by the Government !)”
“A Fistful of Victory”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:07 pmRains wash away ‘Mount Obama’ in Charlotte…
hahahahahahahahahah HA!!!
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:09 pm“Teh Unforgivable”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:11 pm“The Good, the Bad and the too F*ckin’ Funny”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:15 pm“Barry’s Bluff”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:16 pm“The Biden Sanction”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:18 pm“HalfHonky Man”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:19 pm“Half-White Hunter, Half-Black Heart”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:20 pm“Teh Rookie”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:20 pm“The Tampa Sanction”
kaf (81bcc7) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:21 pm“The Pale Derider”
Teh Colonel is, dare I say it: En fuego!!
reff (8865f2) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:24 pm“Thundermouth and Lighthead”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:24 pm“Magnum Farce”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:25 pm“Dirty Barry”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:26 pm“High Office Grifter”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:27 pm“Teh Befuddled”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:28 pm“Sudden Retirement”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:29 pm“Two Mules For Sister Valerie”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:30 pm“Play Pissy For Me”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:31 pm“Absolute Disaster”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:32 pm“Where Beagles Dare”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:33 pm“For a Few Trillion Dollars More”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:34 pm“Firehimnow”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:35 pm“Paint Your Prius”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:36 pm“Rawhide”
mg (44de53) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:36 pm“Code Pink Cadillac”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:36 pm“In the Line of Eastwood“
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:37 pm“Teh Outlaw Josey Bidenopoulos”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:37 pmThis title need not be abridged nor added to…”The Rookie”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:38 pmI think Eastwood did the ultimate “dog whistle” humor(not racially). He used humor that the right (& center) could appreciate, but the left was deaf to and didn’t understand what was going on.
roy in nipomo (d31d1e) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:38 pm“Bronco Barack”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:38 pm“Absolute Executive Power”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:39 pm“Joe Kiddin'”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:40 pm“Free Rider”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:40 pmand I’m spent…
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:42 pm“The Bad, The Bad, and the Ugly”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:43 pmYou should be…you left no stone unturned. You even got “Paint your Wagon”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:43 pm“Play Reggie for Me”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:45 pm“Trillion Dollar Baby”
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:49 pm“Any Which Way You Can Get Reelected”
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:51 pm“Escape from Capitalism”
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:51 pm“Alinsky’s Heroes”
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:52 pmThe proper response would have been something self deprecating. But the Ego In Chief cannot do that and instead tweeted something that only showed how well Eastwood got under his skin.
SPQR (85d823) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:58 pmA Fistful of Golf Tees
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:58 pmFor a Few Golf Tees More
Is “Bird” racist? How about “Honkytonk Man”?
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 2:58 pm“Play Golf for Me”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:06 pmYou guys are such amateurs.
“Death Pool”. (Obamacare.)
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:10 pmThe following film is still in production, but it’s current working title is, “The One Term President Who Was Defeated by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:11 pmI’m looking forward to seeing a “Hitler reacts” overdub regarding the RNC getting Clint. “Conjure up the ghost of John Wayne”!!!!
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:11 pmChevy Volt (for Gran Torino)
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:13 pm“Reel Idiot”?
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:16 pm(“Tingle up the leg”, not Eastwood.)
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:19 pmObama’s response makes him seem so small; I mean, the President of the U.S. is so insecure that he feels compelled to personally respond to a verbal dressing down by a private citizen? And, his response wasn’t even witty or clever. That Obama even felt compelled to “tweet” a response to Eastwood’s speech, stating the infantile equivalent of “I’m President, and you’re not, nyah nyah,” merely confirms how insecure, petulant and thin-skinned Barry is. He really resembles nothing so much as a frustrated, vain child in his manner. His fawning sycophants like to think of him as Mr. Cool-as-a-Cucumber, but, as with everything else about Barry, that is just so much window dressing and projection.
Guy Jones (851e14) — 9/1/2012 @ 3:46 pmAnd, really, with all the problems facing this country, this imbecile has time to post tweets?
“Sudden IMP Act”
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:06 pm“Thunderboner And Lightworker”
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:09 pm“In Teh Line of Liar”
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:10 pm“Three Mules for
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:24 pmSister SarahImam Shareef”“For a Few Dollars More, You Can Enter the Raffle to Eat Dinner with the Obamas.”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:25 pm“High
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:27 pmPlainson Choom Drifter”“Paint Your Wagon with EPA-Regulated Non-Toxic Paint.”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:28 pm“Dirty Harry Reid”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:30 pm“Every Which Way but the Constitution“
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:31 pm“A Fistful of QE3 Generated Dollars”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:33 pmObama is a cool kid. The cool kids cannot be mocked. To not respond would mean Obama is not a cool kid. Obama is a cool kid. Rinse, repeat.
East German Judge (a5dac7) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:34 pmKnock it off, guys, I’m trying to have a drink here.
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:41 pmIf Insty doesn’t link to this there is no justice in blogland.
elissa (e27c37) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:46 pm‘Bout a minute in
“Josey: When I get to liking someone, they ain’t around long.
Wrinkled Old Indian: … when you get to not liking someone, they ain’t around long, either.”
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:53 pm“Barry’s Zeros”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:57 pm“Well, maybe, you have enough electoral votes and maybe you don’t. You know, in all the confusion, I forgot, myself. So the question you have to ask yourself is, ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you punk?”
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:02 pm“Escape From Nairobi”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:03 pmOn a serious note, Zerobama got a serious kick in the pants. That seat is painful.
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:09 pm“Midnight in teh Garden of Good and F*cked”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:09 pm“Fighting Terrorism is my Middle Name”
EPWJ (4380b4) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:10 pmPresident Empty Chair has gone viral.
From the revision history for the Wikipedia entry on Gestalt therapy:
I’m thinking that it was a bad idea for the Narcissist-in Chief to let Clint provoke him into that arrogant and classless tweet. He’s now a punchline.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:13 pm“In teh Line of Unemployment”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:14 pm“Gran Pinto”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:16 pm
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:22 pm“Escape From Alibaba and the Forty Months of over 8% Unemployment”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:33 pm“The Bridges of Madison, Wisconsin that Built Paul Ryan’s Mom’s Business !”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:34 pm“FireFoxNews”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:36 pmFree campaign advice to Obama: spend less time on Twitter, more time researching “The People’s Seat.”
(From the best of my recollection, the debate went thus:
bridget (862c19) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:36 pmModerator: How can you campaign for Teddy Kennedy’s seat by promising to be the 41st vote against ObamaCare?
Scott Brown: With all due respect, sir, it’s not the Kennedy’s seat, it’s not even the Democrat’s seat; it’s the People’s Seat.)
The more that the media decries Clint’s appearance, you know that Clint hit a Home-run; threw a Touchdown; hit a Hole-in-one; etc.
If it was as bad as they say it was, they wouldn’t be talking about it, and Teh Won wouldn’t have Tweeted about it (which he shouldn’t have, anyway).
Shouldn’t a President have thicker skin?
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:38 pm“Hang ’em (On a Ch00m) High”
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:40 pm“
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:42 pmBarack Obama’s 2009 World Apology TourUnforgiven”Bridget, that’s awesome…”Mr. Obama, that’s not your seat—it’s the People’s Seat ! You’re our employee !”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:44 pmIt blows my mind this guy is our president.
Dustin (73fead) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:46 pmColonel, you always do good work, but “In the Line of Unemployment” caused me to fall backwards out of my chair, and possibly Into the Line of Disability !
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:46 pmThanks, that was fun, stones… lotta good ‘uns from all!
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 5:55 pmMark Steyn’s Sunday column; caution; may cause laughter and numerous exclamations of “Amen, brother !”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:01 pm1. Shoving a stick in the cage is never wise. I denounce myself.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:07 pmIt blows my mind this guy is our president.
It blows MY mind that his support isn’t at 20%.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:12 pmPresident Benjamin Netanyahu: Are you new to the presidency, Obama?
President Barack H. Obama: Yes, sir. Just came over from community organizing.
President Benjamin Netanyahu: Were you good at that?
President Barack H. Obama: Yes, sir!
President Benjamin Netanyahu: Well then, stick to it because you’re a walking cluster fuck as a president. These other men are hard chargers, Obama! Governor Romney and Representative Ryan took a handfull of young fire pissers, exercised some personal initiative and kicked ass!
Adapted from Heartbreak Ridge
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:16 pmWilliam Hurt, meet Barry Obama, you have a lot in common.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:16 pm“Pale Rider; The Elizabeth Warren Story”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:20 pm123. Rasmussen today puts affliation at 33/37/30.
With an undervote of 40%, Urkel is going to fumble the Gauntlet.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:21 pm“Next on E Channel, it’s an hour-long biography of Former President and current golfing aficionado Barack H. Obama entitled, “Barack Obama; from the White House to the Caddyshack”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:24 pm50 Shades of Petulant.
htom (412a17) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:52 pmWonder how long THIS seat is taken.
Imagine this with subtitles …
“MSNBC host discovers that ….”
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/1/2012 @ 6:54 pm130. The 52% Beguiled become the 37% Beclowned.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:04 pmHow many service men will it take to fill out BOA stadium next week? AWOLs set to peak outside combat.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:10 pmThe funniest thing about the President’s ridiculous tweet is that seat is never “taken.”
It belongs to the People of the United States. He can sit in it, but it is not his.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:12 pmthey don’t shame easy
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:15 pm“please give me a mulligan”
Barry teh Beggar
if 0’s real lucky
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:19 pmhe may win seven of his
fifty seven states
It’s a shame our congress critters can’t make their point as well as Clint.
mg (44de53) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:23 pmWas I the only person who instantly associated Eastwood’s improv with Newheart’s “empty chair” routine, and even a bit of borrowing from Newheart’s persona in that routine? I really saw it as an homage and a quite clever play on that homage.
Dianna (f12db5) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:30 pm“Thin skinned Drifter”
mg (44de53) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:35 pmBrokeback Ridge, the incumbent’s assault on his constituency for contributions to his campaign commensurate with those of the Red State Horde.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 9/1/2012 @ 7:55 pmComment by Dianna — 9/1/2012 @ 7:30 pm
I don’t remember the Newhart bit, but I have seen other people comment on it, and how Newhart would have an imaginary conversation on the phone.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/1/2012 @ 8:10 pmVery interesting take on media not wanting to understand some very plain-spoken points Eastwood made…
Colonel Haiku (c74636) — 9/1/2012 @ 8:41 pmMy baby brother was in Grenada. He came out of it fine, Gracias Dios.
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 8:57 pmVery apropos Clint clip.
Gazzer (bbc82b) — 9/1/2012 @ 8:57 pm
There were a lot of echos or homages. Bob Newhart. Will Rogers. Mark Twain Tonight (Hal Holbrook.) Andy Kaufman. Red Skelton. Stan Freberg. Maybe some I imagine. George Burns. Jack Bennie’s slow burn.
Bill Maher gets it —
Of course, he hates Eastwood’s politics and called him names … but at least one liberal actually “got it”. Most of them, still blind today.
The only question in my mind is whether the “Say it” was a plant, but I’ve heard audiences call that out before.
htom (412a17) — 9/1/2012 @ 10:35 pm“Midnight In The Rose Garden of Good and Evil”
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:07 am“Absolute Powerlessness”
“Choomer’s Bluff”
“The Dead Pol”
“Escape From AlGoretraz”
“A Fistful of Devalued Dollars”
“For a Few Worthless Dollars More”
“High Plains Grifter”
“Honky-talk Man”
“Mystic Liver” (Chris Matthews)
“Two beers for Sister Sara”
mg (44de53) — 9/2/2012 @ 3:30 amAt his blog, Hugh Hewitt published excerpts from an email he received from someone who knows Eastwood professionally, and that person mentioned Jimmy Stewart’s character, Jefferson Davis, in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” as a potential influence on Eastwood’s speech, if not merely just a comparison in style and demeanor.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:28 am“Cystic Liver” (Matthews, again)
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 7:19 amR.I.P. Hal David, songwriting partner of Burt Bacharach
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 7:36 am
Colonel Haiku (d037c7) — 9/2/2012 @ 8:39 amJefferson Davis, in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”
I think that’s Jefferson Smith.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/2/2012 @ 8:49 amR.I.P. Hal David, songwriting partner of Burt Bacharach
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:22 amwhat’s it all about, Icy?
Colonel Haiku (78d44b) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:27 amDidn’t realize how widespread the ‘disinformation’ campaign had spread about Clint’s speech, until my own mother told me she ‘heard’ it was sad and Clint seemed to be ‘losing it’. Wow.
First off, I sent her a link so she could see it herself. And for anybody still not sure what they saw, watch it again; this time you will know what is coming, and it is like watching a magic trick or standup comic the second time. The craft in Clint’s speech is undeniable.
Secondly, Clint Eastwood is a master director who’s Academy Awards are proof that he knows storytelling. He is also a fantastic actor (Bridges, The Beguiled, Gran Torino) who is still in pro form with a new movie coming out, “Trouble With The Curve”.
Thirdly, I wonder if the US culture of ‘throwing away’ our elderly, dismissing them as unproductive and less-than-capable, might work in this speech’s favor in the long run. It was a refreshing break from the entire 4-day program of predictabe slickness. I gotta restate: Clint Eastwood rocked that room, and he knows it. For proof, check out his smirk as he takes a bow at the end. Nice~!
TimesDisliker (6fef4d) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:28 am“Trouble With The Learning Curve”
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:31 amStarring: Joe Biden
“Dreams of Our Fathers”
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:36 am“Letters from Iwoa”
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:48 amRowdy Yates starring in “Thin-Skinned”.
PatAZ (a00d6c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:48 am“The Tiger Sanction”
PatAZ (a00d6c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:49 amThe LA Times, Sunday, subhead:
“Frustrated at bridge-building, Obama’s campaign gambles that Partisanship can play to its advantage.”
Are they joking? The only example of bridge building they cited was a 2004 speech.
Obama has been nothing but partisanship.
AZ Bob (1c9631) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:50 am“The Won’s Heroes”
PatAZ (a00d6c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:50 am“Hope and Changeling”
PatAZ (a00d6c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:54 am“Where Cuckoos Dare”
PatAZ (a00d6c) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:00 amI wonder how long this will keep going, and whether it will get more action on the internet than the DNC.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:05 am“Frustrated at bridgebuilding …” is an especially annoying lie. Obama never attempted any bipartisan efforts at all. In fact his first two years, he had difficulty getting Democrats to support much of his legislative agenda. If Obama really thinks his efforts amounted to anything, he is delusional,
SPQR (46256a) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:14 am“A Fistful of Seats”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:34 am“Play Barcky For Us”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:35 am“For a Few Months More”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:36 amWhy do you suppose Paul Ryan offered a PR that was over an hour faster than his actual PR for the marathon? I’m a runner and I can’t imagine forgetting something like that. Granted, it has nothing to do with being Vice President, but it is quite troubling nonetheless.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:47 amCan you really describe yourself as a “runner” when you’re really trolling? Wouldn’t that make you more of a “stroller”?
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:54 amYou know what’s “troubling”? Millions of unemployed Americans and a government that’s going bust from overspending. Proportion. Priorities, Sean. Thanks for dropping by.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:55 amWhat is trolling?
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:55 amWith 300 million residents in the United States, ‘millions’ is deceiving. Millions could be unemployed with an unemployment rate of less than 1%.
But still… why lie about that? If you are willing to blatantly lie about the seemingly unimportant stuff it raises character questions.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:07 amCarly Fiorina and Newt were both pretty danged good on teh MTP panel this morning.
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:13 am“Let me be clear: If you like your doctor or healthcare provider, you an keep them. If you like your health care plan, you can keep that too.” President Obama, July 15, 2009…
==If you are willing to blatantly lie about the seemingly
unimportant stuff it raises character questions.==Good point. Thanks for dropping by, Sean.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:15 amI’m sorry I can’t come up with any witty rip-offs of Clint Eastwood titles related to our current political mess, but I can come up with a name for this giant “Rushmore-style” Obama sand sculpture that will be displayed at the DNC convention.
Barack Back Mountain.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:17 am“But still… why lie about that?”
Sean – He misspoke about his time. Lying is what Obama and Biden do every time they speak. Please get your terminology straight.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:17 amI have the same health care plan. I like it. I kept it.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:17 amMisspoke? “Under two hours” and “over four hours” are not even close to the same thing. And when his interviewer reacted with awe that didn’t clue Ryan in on an error? Instead he responded with something like “I was fast when I was younger, yeah”. I understand if you are willing to vote for him, but don’t cover for a lie. It was a bold faced lie, plain and simple.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:23 amClint movie titles and empty chair jokes are so much more fun than the troll. No sense of humor obviously, that guy. Pity.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:23 amBrilliant, Mr. Sean. The taxes haven’t even gone into effect yet, which will cause millions to lose their plans. Maybe even you. Because the provisions that will cause those millions to lose their health insurance were deliberately delayed until after the election in order to fool idiots into believing there will be no ill effects.
Also thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands more, have already lost theirs due to the HHS mandates, which have gone into effect.
Is that what they teach you trolls to say at the David Axelrod School of Astroturfing? Talk about how wonderful things are for you personally.
Based upon the assumption that conservatives are just as unaware of what’s actually going on as your average Obamabot.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:24 amNewt gave Tom Friedman a spanking he won’t soon forget.
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:27 amMy dear wife says Newt gave him a swift kick to his raisin-sized stones…
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:29 amSo you’re complaining about something that will potentially happen? Do you also believe the ‘apology tour’ lie? I just want to know what type of person I’m talking to and if you answer that one in the affirmative I will have all of the information I need to dismiss your opinions.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:30 amHaiku– Doesn’t Tom Friedman live in a sprawling one percenter’s mansion somewhere in New York?
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:31 ambuf·foon (b -f n ). n. 1. A clown; a jester: a court buffoon. 2. A person given to clowning and joking. 3. A ludicrous or bumbling person; a fool. 4. see: “Mr. Sean”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:31 amMr Sean is a clumsy troll.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:31 amNot nearly as big a bold faced lie, plain and simple, as when Obama publicly told the American people his mandate was not a tax. Then told his Solicitor General to argue it was a tax. Thus convincing Roberts to call it one, too.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:31 amHaiku– Doesn’t Tom Friedman live in a sprawling one percenter’s mansion somewhere in New York?
Comment by elissa
Yes, he does…×173.jpg
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:33 amSo you’re admitting that it was a lie, Steve. Why lie about that? Quite adolescent if you ask me. I wonder what else he would be willing to lie about. Maybe that the 716B cut to Medicare (which wasn’t actually a cut to the recipients) was something that he had in his own plan?
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:37 amJoe Bideopolous. Plagiarist. Damn glad to meet you.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:37 amMy caption for the contest is “What is Grover Norquist doing in my seat?”
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:38 amSo you’re admitting that it was a lie, Steve.
Nope, it is just sophistry from you. That you double down with your wailing about a lie by lying yourself is cute though. It lends to your imagined credibility.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:39 amLook… a squirrel… and he’s running, mr. sean!
teh chase is on…
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:41 am“Every Which Way But Stewed”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:42 amIf that was aimed at me, troll, let me tell you first I know what kind of person I’m talking too.
The same kind of hack who dismissed, as Obama and the Democrats did, the objections of the CEOs from companies such as Caterpillar, John Deere, ATT&T, etc., that they would take billions in losses if Obamacare passed.
The Democrats said they were lying.
Obamacare passed, and these companies declared those losses to their shareholders. The Democratic fools in Congress declared they were playing politics, and announced they would hold hearings. Until their staffers finally got their attention and told them these companies were required by SEC regulation to declare losses in the quarter they learned of them.
So there’s nothing “potential” about this. Just like these companies announced that they’d be declaring losses, at least 10$ of companies will stop offering health insurance in the next few years. Probably more.
There is nothing “potential” about it; it will happen.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:43 amWhat’s your PR in a sprint distance triathlon JD?
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:43 am“Escape From teh 0bama Dinner Table”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:44 amim throwing my photoshops into the ring.
rumcrook™ (4a9bee) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:44 am==Mr Sean is a clumsy troll==
Ain’t it the truth, JD. Why oh why do we always seem to get the ones that are still learning and still wearing training pants pampers? And to think–this is what the people who signed over their wedding gifts to The Obama gift registry are getting for their money.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:44 amNo lie, troll. That was exactly what Obama told those CEOs when they told him they’d be taking losses.
You’re as much a fool as he is. To you and the rest of the libs a “lie” is a fact you’d rather not hear.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:45 am“A Fistful of Dog Bisquits”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:46 amCompanies with staunchly conservative leadership are doing some creative accounting. You can be fooled by it, but I won’t.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:46 am“Letters From Indonesia”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:47 amMr. Sean, you need to go back that Klown Kar of an Obama campaign and get talking points that haven’t already been thoroughly debunked. We’ve seen them before.
Just because you don’t understand the economics of Obamacare doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t see the predictable results. Those companies that will be dropping health insurance coverage certainly can’t.
Or are you really so ill-informed that you can’t see a connection between the fact that several companies have already announced billions in losses due to Obamacare and the fact that other companies will be cutting their losses by dropping coverage?
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:49 am“Teh Undigestible”
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:49 amI would have signed over my wedding gifts to Obama, but I’m from a town that Bain destroyed. My family was out of work until Obama took over, and they’ve had jobs since then. It has taken them a while to recover from the Romney/Bush slam though.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:50 am“Misspoke? “Under two hours” and “over four hours” are not even close to the same thing.”
Sean – Since Ryan never said under two hours, you are the liar.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:50 amA sprint distance tri and a full marathon are about as similar as Sean and honesty. I run a half marathon once a week, but have only done 7 in official races, 2 in half ironmans. How many half marathons can I claim to have competed?
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:50 amSean – How does Bain destroy towns? Please explain.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:52 amand so barckys made of sand, melt into teh sea… eventually…
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:52 amSean – troll, please quote where he claimed under 2 hours. Or did you lie?
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:53 am“I work here is dun”
– Mr. Sean
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:53 amHealth-care overhaul to hit Deere, Caterpillar with charges
Companies have to plan for the future, troll. And this is just one of the predictable costs. As Nancy Pelosi said, “we have to pass it to find out what’s in it.” There will be other surprises.
Oh yeah. Companies will be dropping coverage for their employees and dumping them on the exchanges. That’s as certain as death and taxes.
The rates of both of which will go up under Obamacare.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:54 amR 48%
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:54 amO 44%
Democrat Governor: We’re Not Better Off Now…
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:55 amDon’t you just love it when those college interns working at OFA come here posing as actual adults with life/work experience?
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:56 amSo JD, did you finish a sprint triathlon in less than ten minutes? Did you barely beat Ryan? Or was he seven or eight minutes ahead of you?
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:56 amSean – Did Obama eat a dog in under ten minutes?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:58 amSean misspoke himself.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:58 amI see you’ve decided to stick to what you know, troll. Running on the high school track team.
And avoid things that you’re clearly over your head in. Like debating rising health care costs that will force companies to drop coverage under Obamacare or explaining how Bain/Bush destroyed your town.
At least until you get a response to that email you sent to the Obama campaign’s Chicago headquarters.
When does school start? Is this your freshman year, or are you still in high school?
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:00 pmNope, never claimed to. Why don’t you tell everyone all the names you have trolled under.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:00 pmDid he lie about eating a dog? No, he told the truth. Honorable man, he. Ryan not so much.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:00 pmSean – Did Bill Ayers ghost write Obama’s memoir in under ten minutes?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:01 pm“Did he lie about eating a dog? No, he told the truth.”
Sean – That wasn’t the question. Why do you keep avoiding questions, Sean? are you afraid of the answers?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:02 pm#216: I expect many of these are precocious high schoolers (i.e. the President’s peers).
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:03 pmSean lies along with Barcky about how they didn’t loot Medicare, and don’t understand the difference between what they did and what Ryan’s plan did. And Ryan is dishonest. Bidenopolous plagiarized and Ryan is bad.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:04 pmSean – You’ve already proven to be a liar multiple times on this thread, why should anybody pay attention to anything you have to say?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:05 pmSo if you are claiming that Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s book maybe it was Bill Ayers that ate the dog. Either way, I’m sure the dog was killed in much the same way that cows are for beef. The dog was most definitely not slowly tortured on the roof of a vehicle for hours on end.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:05 pmIf Sean hasn’t lost/won’t lose his health insurance, he must work for the Government.
PatAZ (a00d6c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:06 pmSean – Since Ryan never said under two hours, you are the liar.
Comment by daleyrocks — 9/2/2012 @ 11:50 am
Mr. Sean certainly did lie, or was it misspoke? If he lied one need no longer listen to him.
If he misspoke, he understands how one can do that. Paul Ryan, when his misspeaking was brought to his attention, like the honorable man he is, acknowledged it and even told the questioner good-naturedly that his (IIRC) brother, who is also a runner, gave him quite a ribbing when the latter heard it on TV.
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:07 pmIf I had a dog
Colonel Haiku (dde750) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:08 pmhe would look just like teh dog
that 0bama ate
Sean – did you lie when you claimed Ryan said under 2 hours? What are the other names you have used here?
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:09 pmHaving run my last marathon 35 years ago, I suspect he meant under two hours for a half marathon.
AZ Bob (1c9631) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:09 pmHe misspoke about two details? Not only was it “over” and not “under”, but it was “four” instead of “three”. In my post I made one error, the Liar made two. Not only that he claimed to be ‘fast’ when he was younger when his interviewer reacted with awe. That should have been a clue. A four hour marathon is quite average and not ‘fast’. Not an honorable man, he.
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:10 pmRomney’s repeal of the health care bill will increase the deficit by an additional 100 or so billion. FYI
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:11 pmI thought Romney was about deficit [object TextRange]
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:13 pmMaybe someone can enlighten me as to what the intent or purpose of the paying of people to troll conservative website is. Was never sure if it was to cause discouragement among conservatives, or take their time (due to causing time consuming arguments) away from working for their candidates or what. Is is either, both or something else?
In 08, even though I supported Sarah Palin for VP (wasn’t that excited about McCain), I didn’t work beyond financial giving. And I’ve certainly spent a lot of time lurking on various sites, getting more excited by the day by what I hear from and a about this terrific conservative team.
Tues morning I’m calling the local election office and volunteering as much time as I can doing whatever they need to help get out the vote and encourage people to vote for Romney/Ryan. I hope lots of people in this city and around the country are doing the same.
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:14 pmGotta go fill the car gas tank. In our area the price of gas is twice what it was when the miracle worker took office. Hope and change!!
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:14 pmA four hour marathon is quite average
You just proved you are an imbecile.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:20 pmSweet Allah! Now you’re exposing your ignorance about how things work in the third world! You’ve never been to a market in a country like Indonesia. I have, kid. I spent 20 years in the Navy. And those animals are tortured, kept in small cages in the hot sun, so small they can’t move. Not fed or watered. Until somebody comes along to buy them. And then they’re slaughted if the buyer doesn’t want to take the animal home and do it him or herself.
It’s not neat nor quick like a slaughterhouse in a first world country.
And that’s where it’s legal, and the sellers don’t have to hide it.
Where it’s illegal it’s much worse.
Phillipines illegal dog meat trade
You are quite sure about things you don’t know about, junior. Look at that video, with the dogs already dead from heat and thirst and others crammed in dozens to one small cage, and tell me those dogs weren’t tortured.
And quit bothering us with your stupidity, troll. You’ve already demonstrated you know nothing, and will try to lie ineffectually to cover it up.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:20 pmRomney’s repeal of the health care bill will increase the deficit by an additional 100 or so billion. FYI
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:11 pm
Outright lie
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:20 pmHe weeely weeely weeely doesn’t want us to talk about the empty president in the empty chair that Eastwood exposed so brilliantly last week.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:21 pmRomney’s repeal of the health care bill will increase the deficit by an additional 100 or so billion. FYI
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:11 pm
Yes, I think you’re right. Attempting to insure lots of additional people at taxpayer expense (even though millions will remain uninsured), at DMV levels of fiscal and practical efficiency instead of trying to get it done locally, really does lower the federal deficit, and not raise it. Also, Obamacare has no negative effects whatsoever on funding for Medicaid for states. *pats Mr. Sean’s head*.
Do go read some CBO reports and get back to us, Mr. Sean. Heh.
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:22 pmOh, by the way troll, dog meat is illegal in Indonesia. So if they trade in dog meat it looks more like what I’m familiar with in the Philippines.
Tell me again, troll, that dog Obama ate with Lolo wasn’t as tortured as Seamus who rode in a nice, custom made, air conditioned crate, until he died of old age.
You are exactly the fool I took you for.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:24 pmEastwood was brilliant? Is that why everyone this side of the fringe right panned it as ridiculous?
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:25 pmLink for Mr. Sean.
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:27 pmLike who, lying troll? And “everyone?”
But, again, why don’t you explain this stupid ass comment first:
Tell me how sure you are about how things work in the third world. We’re dying to know.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:28 pmMr Sean – last chance. What are the other names you have used?
If Eastwood was so ineffective, why would TOTUS respond with a taunting tweet?
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:29 pmEastwood was brilliant? Is that why everyone this side of the fringe right panned it as ridiculous?
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:25 pm
You mean Bill Maher?
This is actually getting fun. Keep it up, Mr. Sean. But only till Monday. Tuesday morning I get to go start work for your worst nightmares. *smiles*
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:30 pmSo seriously (wasn’t kidding up top) — what’s the goal behind OFA or whoever paying trolls to come on websites?
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:32 pmOne clarification: dog meat is illegal in the majority Muslim parts of Indonesia. And was when Obama lived in Jakarta.
So if he ate it, he ate a dog that was smuggled in like those dogs crammed in and dying in the back of that locked cargo truck in the video I linked to.
But our troll, “Mr. Sean,” is sure that things work in Indonesia like they work here, where animals bound for slaughter are transported and killed in as humane a manner as possible.
What an ignoramus.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:33 pmelissa – I was thinking about occupying some sidewalk in front of my congressloon’s local office in a giant vagina costume with a “Respect Women” sign.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:34 pmholy cr*p. 4.499 a gallon!
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:34 pmBut at least we know the main office for the Obama campaign responded to his email request for new talking points, JD.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:35 pmClint gave America the best political add of all time.
mg (44de53) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:37 pm“And down goes Frazier”.
add or ad?
Mr. Sean (db27ab) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:38 pmdaley–I’d come to take a picture of that. I’m curious about that whole thing though. Is there a Vogue or Butterick pattern which is available at fabric stores for large pink vulva costumes or do the gals have to rely mostly on mirrors and the internet?
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:41 pmadd or ad?
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:38 pm
LIAR!!!!!!!!!! This speaks to your character.
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:44 pmOur old pal Mr. Karl has an excellent post over at hot air about the Eastwood speech. Well worth a gander. Like Steyn and several others who have opined on the Clint performance he mocks the idiots who half-listened, took it at face value, and know nothing about the proud history of cultural comedy.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:52 pmTroll, we’re all still waiting for you to explain why you have such vast experience or insight into how well dogs bound for slaughter in the third world are treated. Why you’re sure they’re treated so much better than a beloved family pet riding safely and securely in an air conditioned crate.
After all, I provided video evidence of just how humanely those meat dogs are transported and treated.
Tell me why you’re so sure I’m wrong.
Oh. I see. You’d rather discuss running and have a spelling bee.
You really are an ignorant high school/college freshman student, aren’t you?
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:55 pmI hope everyone else is getting as tired of exposing this idiots lies as much as I am.
Sorry if I keep harping on the dog meat trade in the third world. It’s just that our ignorant troll made such a telling statement when he declared how “sure” he was that the dog Obama ate wasn’t “tortured” like Seamus was.
I really have been to the third world. People there have enough trouble getting by themselves. They don’t treat animals well at all. Especially an animal they plan on eating as-is from the market. In general, why would they waste time and food caring for the damned thing. (In Vietnam they will fatten up a python before slaughtering it if they’ve got a special occasion coming up that requires a feast, for instance. But that’s an exception to the rule.)
Anyone who declares he’s sure about how much better the dog Obama ate in Indonesia was treated better than Seamus is a fool. The difference between someone who’s a fool or merely acting foolish is that the fool doesn’t know he’s making a public spectacle of his idiocy.
And that is our Mr. Sean here.
But I’ll shut up about the dog, now, since it’s obvious our troll will avoid the subject since I’ve provided video evidence that he’s a complete friggin’ idiot.
Why can’t Axelrod send us interesting trolls?
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:04 pmad
mg (44de53) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:08 pmNOYK–as to the why of generic trolling, I cannot possibly answer that very big question. But today, on this particular thread it is clearly to derail and thwart any discussion of Clint’s very effective convention star turn which has clearly resonated more and more with the broader public as each day passes. The Obots are apoplectic. Mocking the president must be stomped down! Mocking the president is verboten! The truth about the president’s failures must be spun away by yammering about anything and everything but the Obama legacy of economic doom and gloom!
(I don’t think the trolling’s working too well, though.)
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:12 pmMr. Sean pretends to be a sentient being. He just can’t pull it off. Select which ever descriptive synonym you wish; there are hundreds. OFA isn’t getting its money’s worth.
Expat (c83900) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:18 pmOk, one more pic for Mr. Sean, who’s so sure the dog Obama ate was so much better treated than poor “tortured” Seamus.
Dogs arrive after three day journey by truck-photo credit Animal Asia
Enjoy viewing how much more nicely these dogs were treated on their journey then if Monster Mitt was driving them around.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:27 pm“Is there a Vogue or Butterick pattern which is available at fabric stores for large pink vulva costumes or do the gals have to rely mostly on mirrors and the internet?”
elissa – I don’t know the answer to that question and don’t feel like exploring the Code Pink website to see if they have any patterns posted online. A friend did tell me about a store in the city where you can rent such costumes as well as a similar costume of the male portion of the anatomy.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:34 pmComment by elissa — 9/2/2012 @ 1:12 pm
Well said. And re: the mocking, my opinion is that the fact of Clint’s actually daring to go there and mock “Dear Leader” was the single best service he did the campaign in that whole presentation. As many blogs have already pointed out, he was making it mainstream, if you will, from the average TV-watching American’s POV, to mock this President and not get called racist for it.
This was very related to his point later about politicians working for us. President Obama is not an emperor or dictator, much as that fact hurts the feelings of his supporters, the producers of sand sculptures and pictures of haloed Obamas. I’ve wondered for a long time why Republicans chant “USA! USA!” at rallies but Democrats chant “Obama! Obama!”
As TimesDisliker said above, Clint’s little smile and bow at the end said it all — he knew what he’d done, and knew he did it well.
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:35 pmWhich dog was better off four years later, Seamus or dinner?
kaf (81bcc7) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:40 pmthis side of the fringe right panned it as ridiculous?
And you consider the committed Marxist in the WH to be a centrist?
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:55 pmMr. sean… come back… we hardly knew ye…
Colonel Haiku (eca090) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:56 pmvillalagrossa says
Colonel Haiku (eca090) — 9/2/2012 @ 1:59 pmdemocrats are party of
I’ve wondered for a long time why Republicans chant “USA! USA!” at rallies but Democrats chant “Obama! Obama!”
Comment by no one you know — 9/2/2012 @ 1:35 pm
A very telling point.
Not directly related, but inspired by the process…
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 2:01 pmRomney could have said that with his nomination, “It will be said that this night was when we saw the rise in the national debt start to retreat, and the wounded international respect for the US start to heal”…
“Two Poodles For Brother Barry”
Colonel Haiku (eca090) — 9/2/2012 @ 2:11 pm“Dead Duck P00l”
Colonel Haiku (eca090) — 9/2/2012 @ 2:38 pmApparently the idea that Clint was a weird flop hasn’t caught on:
Still waiting to see Hitler reacting to Eastwood.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 2:53 pmSean, I am truly surprised that you would so brazenly lie about repeal of Obamacare raising the deficit. The original scoring of Obamacare by CBO said that Obamacare would “only” increase the deficit by approx 900 billion over ten years. Increase.
But even that was a deceptive number because it counted only 7 years of costs combined with 10 years of revenue from Obamacare’s taxes.
So repeal would save money, not increase deficit – not least because even the CBO expressed skepticism of much of the claimed savings included in the budget impact assumptions.
But hey, lying trolls are sooooo unexpected.
SPQR (46256a) — 9/2/2012 @ 2:57 pmDon’t forget, the one thing the SCOTUS got right is that the Obama admin can’t force the states to expand Medicaid by withholding Medicaid funds; only the increase they would have gotten had they expanded (which the feds would later draw down leaving the states holding the bag).
Which means states will now opt not to expand Medicaid, meaning those uninsured who might have been eligible for that program will have to get their insurance through the exchanges with a federal subsidy.
Further driving up costs to the federal government.
It’s all a shell game of course; the Obama admin wanted to shift costs to the states so they could say they saved money. Although the same taxpayers would see their taxes necessarily go up, through some mix of state or federal.
But now the Obama admin can’t shift the costs off their books and onto someone else’s. So the increased federal deficit will be further increased.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 3:05 pmStill waiting to see Hitler reacting to Eastwood.
Comment by MD in Philly — 9/2/2012 @ 2:53 pm
LOL can’t wait. You know it’s coming. Didn’t Hitler have a meltdown about Paul Ryan the same day he got named? Oh yeah…
no one you know (9eb25c) — 9/2/2012 @ 3:31 pmOT, but maybe this thread will last till November.
You may or may not know there is a book coming out by one of the SEALS that was in on the Bin Laden raid, a short bio reads,”a former SEAL chief with five Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart, along with many other decorations”. Unlike a movie being made with the blessing of the administration and military, this book was not authorized and the fellow involved is being threatened with prosecution. Apparently he had enough of what was being released and how, and how it was being politically motivated.
There is discussion over at for anyone interested. There are some taking a hard line stand that this should not have been done, whether the admin leaked things or not (two wrongs don’t make a right), others are taking a more watchful waiting attitude to see if the info given was justified or not, and whether done for personal motives or for the sake of larger and more noble reasons.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 3:32 pmFWIW, I googled Hitler reacts to Eastwood and found one thing from a Democrat perspective, mocking Eastwood as an old crazy person and whose idea was it to let him do it. Funny in parts, language more obscene than many such overdubs.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 3:43 pmIf that were actually true, it would be because you have nothing important in your life, and trivia like your race times are all that keep you from committing suicide. People like Ryan, who are occupied most of their time with important things, don’t have their running times for 20-year-old races at their fingertips.
Milhouse (73b659) — 9/2/2012 @ 4:12 pmOops, I hit “submit” too early. Comment continues:
However, I don’t believe you are a runner, or if so that you do remember all your times. Not because you have anything more important to remember, but because you’re a lying troll and can’t keep track of the truth.
Milhouse (73b659) — 9/2/2012 @ 4:14 pmI posted this on the earlier thread;
narciso (ee31f1) — 9/2/2012 @ 4:20 pmAs usual, a nice link, narciso, thanks.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 4:59 pmObama claimed he was born because of Selma, AL. Not an honorable man, he.
DrSteve (7f3705) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:00 pmenjoying my popcorn during the “Preference Cascade”.
mg (44de53) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:07 pmthanks, narciso
Just so you know, I’ve signed those same non-disclosure forms as well. But I did those early in my career, so my impression is that everything I want to publish has to go through DoD/CIA.
This SEAL is in a different position. The letters I’ve seen published from DoD finding him in material breach reference non-disclosure forms from 2007. So if this “Mark Owen” is a retired CPO then he had already been in at least 15 years before gaining access.
I would guess that if the DoD got a copy and has already found him in material breach they’ll be basing it on the fact that Mr. Owen didn’t submit it for review in the first place. It’s too early for them to conclude there’s any classified info in there.
Oh, and the DoD general counsel is a Jeh Charles Johnson:
This Jeh Charles Johnson:
Obama bundler and
flunkypolitical appointee.It’ll be an interesting pissing match. The SEAL was wise enough to get legal counsel before going ahead with this book.
Lawyer: Ex-Navy SEAL didn’t break Pentagon secrecy in bin Laden book
Clearly, if he didn’t sign any non-disclosure agreements until 2007 not everything a SEAL does is classified or needs to be vetted by DoD/CIA.
One things SEALs are good at is mission planning. Like I said, it’ll be an interesting pissing match. But this guy’s a Chief as well as a SEAL and I’m sure he scraped his doo-doo into one nice neat little pile before sticking his neck out like this.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:20 pmHas anyone noticed that, when a a new troll appears, some of our Usual Trolls don’t post?
Simon Jester (c8876d) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:28 pmComment by Steve57 — 9/2/2012 @ 5:20 pm
You obviously know much more than me about this. From what I’ve gathered at BlackFive this guy was there when Bin Laden died, so whatever he is saying is after his non-disclosure agreement. I guess his argument will be that there is nothing in his writing that is classified, once considering what has already been divulged.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:41 pmAs I said, some there (Uncle Jimbo) don’t care how important his info may be to “clarify the truth”, he doesn’t like the precedent. Many others are reserving judgement until they see what he has actually written.
Nobody is giving him any slack to simply make money and personally benefit from the book. But it seems that would have been a pretty naive and lame idea, too stupid for someone who appears to have been a seasoned warrior.
So, I guess Johnson can be overtly p[political because he is a civilian working within the DoD, not a member of the uniformed military?
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:44 pmWell he’s donating the funds from the book, one does wonder who exactly is behind this, because Patton Boggs, and the attorney of record, is particularly strongly affiliated with the Democrats,
narciso (ee31f1) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:47 pmdespite having been Rove’s counsel,
I can’t resist copying this comment from Tam:
Found here.
SPQR (26be8b) — 9/2/2012 @ 5:52 pmMD in Philly @ 290,
I’m in the wait and see camp.
I don’t know what his non-disclosure agreements require. I know what’s required of me by mine. But lots have things have changed since the early ’90s when I signed mine and 2007. I have a hard time believing that he’d expose himself to the kind of risk involved when you violate them.
The fact that he retained legal counsel before proceeding indicates to me that he doesn’t want to expose himself to that risk, either.
Really, it’s going to depend upon what he wrote.
I want to boot Obama out as much as the next guy. But I’d never violate my agreements to do it. If Mark Owen crossed the line he needs to get what he deserves. But if he just walked up to it, well, I’m OK with that.
I understand Uncle Jimbo’s point. He’s right, we don’t want leftists doing the same thing if we have a Repub in the WH. But recall the CIA leaks during Bush. And Plame/Wilson. I realize the Director of the CIA vouched for her “classified” status, even though she in no way met the criteria. But then the CIA under his leadership sent her hubby Wilson on a “secret” mission to Niger. Yet never had him sign a non-disclosure agreement leaving him free to publish a gotcha editorial in the NYT.
In other words, that train has left the station. They already do publish embarrassing (both kernels of truth and mountains of false) either openly or secretly when there’s a President in the WH.
Mark Owen is simply playing by the left’s rules.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/2/2012 @ 6:05 pmWell that train left the station long ago, ironically Obama is prosecuting Rosen’s source on Merlin, and Shane and co’s Kirikaou, no good deed,
narciso (ee31f1) — 9/2/2012 @ 6:08 pmI realize the Director of the CIA vouched for her “classified” status, even though she in no way met the criteria.
I remember examing that document released by the CIA. I forget the details, but I (with whatever “can I read the mind of the CIA?” ability I have) observed what I thought was a crafty weasel way they said “yes, her status was (italics mine) classified [once upon a time, but not during the period of interest] (my addition).
I would think the over-riding oath anyone makes is to defend the US against all enemies, domestic and foreign. It would be the rare and extreme circumstance that would make a person feel obligated to reveal classified information to fulfill that higher oath, and subject to prosecution as to whether a civil or military court agrees with the individual’s decision.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 7:47 pmI wondered about that, if she were really a NOC, the Agency would not know her identity, the INR analyst wouldn’t have identified her, hence Armitage
narciso (ee31f1) — 9/2/2012 @ 7:50 pmwouldn’t have complained to Woodward among others.
She drove to work at Langley. Unless she used a secret “Bat-entrance” tunnel, not too under-cover
unless her cover was as a secretary with no clearance…
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 7:56 pmHe threw them under the bus, as well.
narciso (ee31f1) — 9/2/2012 @ 8:11 pmComment by narciso — 9/2/2012 @ 8:11 pm
Unbelievable. Balancing time with family is a huge issue for anybody, but you don’t use your family as an excuse/blame-shift for the results of your own behavior.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/2/2012 @ 8:36 pmI would have signed over my wedding gifts to Obama, but I’m from a town that Bain destroyed. My family was out of work until Obama took over, and they’ve had jobs since then. It has taken them a while to recover from the Romney/Bush slam though.
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 11:50 am
— Pure bull**** is the best kind of bull**** to spew.
Did he lie about eating a dog? No, he told the truth. Honorable man, he. Ryan not so much.
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:00 pm
— So, it’s honorable to eat a dog, just so long as you admit to doing it?
Comment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:05 pm
So if you are claiming that Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s book maybe it was Bill Ayers that ate the dog.
— That’s a pretty funkin’ stupid thing for you to say, since everybody knows that Ayers and Obama met during the time between those two events.
Either way, I’m sure the dog was killed in much the same way that cows are for beef.
— Old Yeller style? And not a peep about it from PETA. I guess, when it comes down to it, some values are quite malleable.
The dog was most definitely not slowly tortured on the roof of a vehicle for hours on end.
— It’s a step in the right direction for you to admit this about Seamus.
Good boy!
Romney’s repeal of the health care bill will increase the deficit by an additional 100 or so billion. FYI
Icy (e071b2) — 9/2/2012 @ 10:52 pmComment by Mr. Sean — 9/2/2012 @ 12:11 pm
— Oh, Good Allah! What ARE you babbling about, now?
It may be OCCUPIED but it BELONGS to the People of the United States.
Prepare to get up and move.
Jcw46 (b4329c) — 9/2/2012 @ 11:41 pmDoc, c’mon! He made a noble choice.
And of course, St. Savior of the planet and 1/3 of the auto industry is the only guy in the mix who is forced to choose between spending time with his kids and fixing what’s broken in the country.
I mean, it’s not like Paul Ryan or anyone else in the House or Senate leadership has young kids.
Consider the “most powerful man in the world’s” grueling schedule. After a late night shaking down Wall Street fat cats at a black tie dinner in Manhattan he’s got another full day that starts early with chatting with the ladies on The View, then while heading back to DC on Air Force One he’s busy jotting down a few bullet points on a post-it note and declaring it a “jobs bill” so Carney can draft a press release demanding the House GOP take action on it. His first action upon arrival back at the WH is issuing a directive to the staff to tell Netanyahu he isn’t in to take his call so he can prepare for another hard-hitting interview from the hostile press corps of Glamour magazine, followed by congratulating a championship women’s basketball teams, planning that next Hollywood fundraiser with George Clooney, beer summits, then practicing his short game on the WH putting green with Biden before dinner. I’m sure after that our Preezy (that’s what Jimmy Fallon called him when Obama did his show) just needs to relax at home with the kids.
You think a schedule like that is easy? Hah! He just makes it look easy.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/4/2012 @ 2:56 pmYou know, he still has time to decide that the next 4 years are the most important, so he is stepping out of the race to take more time with his family.
Nr. President Clinton can introduce Mrs. Secretary Clinton as the new nominee.
Stranger things have happened, like claiming that saying President Obama plays too much golf is racist…
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/4/2012 @ 3:06 pmDoc, did you read the linked Breitbart article in which Obama hides behind his kids?
The man’s a loon. He’s beyond delusional. He’s deranged. Not only does he blame his kids for keeping him from doing what the people (not me; I wasn’t taken in by him) sent him to DC to do. He obviously thinks he’s coming off like a saint. Like everyone’s going to swoon, “Oh, what a good family man!”
Nooo! He comes across like a jerk. Who blames their kids for not putting in a few late nights at work? You can tell he’s never had a job that actually required him to be productive, just show up and punch the clock. It’s because of your kids you work late, a-hole! (Speaking to Obama, not you, Doc.)
Then there’s this quote from the reporter, CNN’s Jessica Yellin, in the article:
Good question. Especially because we can all remember those overhyped “date nights” Barack insisted he promised Michelle. I don’t know how often, once a week? A couple of times a month? Who can forget him and Michelle living large on the taxpayer dime, jetting off to NYC in a government jet because Barack promised he’d take Michelle to a Broadway show.
That, he has time for. That’s his priority. Not the economy. That right there is reason to can his skinny butt and send it back to Hyde Park. Or is it those new $13+ million digs in Hawaii; I can’t’ keep track.
If that wasn’t enough, there’s this:
Third wheel? Donate to Obama, win a ‘date night’ with Michelle
There’s no one he won’t throw under the bus, not even his own kids or the grandma who raised him, and nothing he won’t sell. Not even one of his precious date nights.
He is such a fraud I don’t know how people fail to see through him. There’s not even a veneer of sincerity about the man.
Steve57 (40573d) — 9/4/2012 @ 3:34 pmComment by Steve57 — 9/4/2012 @ 3:34 pm
Yes, yes I did, which is why I made the comment.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 9/4/2012 @ 3:54 pmBy the way, Doc, I always meant to ask. How much do insurance companies pay you to cut off diabetes patients’ feet instead of treating the disease, and needlessly taking out kids tonsils, like Obama tells me is the heart and soul of your racket?
I’m looking for a new gig.
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