Patterico's Pontifications


(Former) Yahoo News Bureau Chief: Romney Happy to Party While Blacks Drown

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:51 pm

Those open mikes are killers:

During live coverage of the Republican National Convention here in Tampa, Yahoo News Washington bureau chief David Chalian provided the perfect example of the pervasive anti-Republican bias Mitt Romney faces in his bid to unseat President Barack Obama.

In video broadcast Monday night by ABC and Yahoo over the Internet, Chalian can be heard claiming that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his wife Ann are unconcerned about the fate of residents of the New Orleans area who are currently being hit by Hurricane Isaac.

“They aren’t concerned at all,” Chalian can be heard on the live broadcast. “They are happy to have a party with black people drowning.”

Enjoy the clip:

Meanwhile Obama campaigned and did an online chat, oddly drawing no criticism from Big Media. He’s drawing criticism from Bobby Jindal, however, who says the federal government could be doing more. Even more odd: Obama could actually do something, whereas Romney cannot.

But Romney is the Republican so he gets the criticism.

Funny how that works.

71 Responses to “(Former) Yahoo News Bureau Chief: Romney Happy to Party While Blacks Drown”

  1. Racists

    Patterico (83033d)

  2. I was genuinely shocked to see that the obamawhores at yahoo! actually fired him

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  3. I’m not surprised: he’s just an expendable cog in the machine.

    The unsurprised Dana (f68855)

  4. I too was surprised to see Yahoo act so decisively and I have to credit that. Meanwhile, Chalian certainly put paid to any idea of his own intellectual capability.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  5. Patt’s making a very good point here.

    Chalian is upset that the RNC isn’t shutting down… because of drowning black people? How are those two things related? If these objective reporters are upset that the government isn’t doing enough… why aren’t they critical of the people running the government?

    Elissa noted all the news organizations Chalian has run. His level of bias is normal for those organizations and almost all the rest of our news media.

    These people have an unhinged and bone deep hatred of the GOP.

    Dustin (73fead)

  6. yeah but they put all their other propaganda whores on notice that there are lines not to cross

    this is a new thing for that bunch

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  7. Cole Sear David Chalian: I see dead black people.
    Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?
    [Cole shakes his head no]
    Malcolm Crowe: While you’re awake?
    [Cole nods]
    Malcolm Crowe: Dead black people like, in graves? In coffins?
    Cole Sear David Chalian: Walking around like regular people. They don’t see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don’t know they’re dead black.
    Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?
    Cole Sear David Chalian: All the time. They’re everywhere.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  8. We all know only black people live on the Gulf coast.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  9. And David Chalian sees them drowning.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  10. Marissa Mayer is the new CEO of Yahoo!, and she has already proved to be a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners executive. She has to: Yahoo! has been declining for some time now. She probably didn’t take the decision herself; an underling who doesn’t want to have to answer to Mrs Mayer almost certainly took the decision, in order to keep his job.

    The Dana who doesn't own Yahoo! stock (f68855)

  11. they put all their other propaganda whores on notice that there are lines not to cross

    You mean the ‘don’t get caught’ line?

    I suspect Chalian has been describing Republicans in this ridiculous manner quite openly for years, and his mistake in this case was doing it in front the peasants.

    It’s like Dateline blowing up that pickup truck and Mary Mapes relying on the time travelling MS Office suite. The only line they can’t cross is getting caught.

    Dustin (73fead)

  12. Or the NBC producers who edited the 9/11 tape,

    narciso (ee31f1)

  13. The White House is aiming to balance leadership on the storm with the president’s campaign plans…

    …Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Tuesday that while Obama would address storm developments during his travels, the focus of his trip would be to make his case for re-election to young people.

    Paging David Chalian. Paging David Chalian.

    Barack Obama didn’t interrupt his politicking to respond to the black people drowning.

    The thing about Romney is, if he saw you drowning he’d actually come to your aid.

    Democrats would just make sure they had a credit card for a hotel room before abandoning the sinking Oldsmobile.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  14. still Mr. Dustin you can bet it’s given an integrity-challenged whore like Henry Blodget a bit of pause

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  15. Ryan and Martinez would have rocked.

    Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60)

  16. One small step for civility, one long journey still to go.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434)

  17. but… but Gwen Ifill says Chalien is such an honest, , even-handed, fair-minded guy. What gives?

    Colonel Haiku (da0b1e)

  18. I read somewhere that it is customary courtesy for a sitting Prez to NOT campaign during his opponent’s convention. That Barry, huh?

    Gazzer (a90f39)

  19. This kind of honest, even-handed, fair-minded guy … deserves The Cut Direct.

    htom (412a17)

  20. Mitt and Ann KNEW based on decades of success, that the LDS Church was swinging into action to render aid EVEN WHILE they were being slandered (unknowingly):

    FACTS AND SOURCE: “Much of what is done in the Church is to bless and help those who are not Mormon. The Mormon Church has donated more than $1 billion in cash and material assistance to 167 different countries in need of humanitarian aid since it started keeping track in 1985. Many of these countries have few to no Mormons, but are also non-Christian. More than 53,000 Mormon missionaries serve through the world today. All of their service is to help those who are not Mormon.” See,

    Thousands of “Mormons” will be mobilizing to help EVERYONE THEY CAN–without regard to Race, Creed, or Color.

    David Chalian WAS an a$$hat

    Baby Clock (a613f3)

  21. ___________________________________________

    Chalian majored in theater during his college years. People into that tend to be artsy-fartsy, creative types, the ones who love sniffing flowers and emoting, emoting, emoting. Shedding tears and bleeding their heart. I wish such people would stick with the arts and stay out of politics.

    And, yea, I know that Ronald Reagan was an actor. But he at least matured during his life and left behind the silly liberalism of his youth. Regrettably, that ability to evolve doesn’t happen to a fair number of people, including middle-aged adults like Obama or, for that matter, Reagan’s younger son, Ron Junior.

    Mark (cf1ca8)

  22. 21. David Chalian WAS an a$$hat

    Comment by Baby Clock — 8/29/2012 @ 8:54 pm

    I believe the only thing he’s recently stopped being is an employee at Yahoo.

    Everything else, I understand, is proceeding as before.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  23. Ron Junior is very fancy heel toe heel toe and curtsy and a one two three madonna madonna martha graham martha graham FosseFosseFosse!

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  24. Speaking of off-the-record comments caught on an open mic, I think Dick Cheney’s “Big time” remark characterizes this Chalian person beautifully !

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  25. Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”


    sleeeepy (b5f718)

  26. Speaking of Asshats, look what just showed up.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  27. It’s almost like you whistled for him.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  28. Or even called his name.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  29. Somebody’s so scared that he is—very wide awake—grasping at straw figurines pulled from his dishonest and hypocritical fundament.

    I still want to know if this silly troll has posted here under another name, and been banned (and for what offense).

    The fact he has time for asspulls, but not to answer those questions, speaks volumes.

    Simon Jester (f3ca55)

  30. Hey, guys – you are being a tad harsh on poor sleeeepy … not only can he not help it, he actually has to go through life knowing that, like the recently fired guy being discussed, he is integrity-Chalianged …

    Alasdair (2cd241)

  31. Before the blacks drowned, they were fed dog food by the rnc. Then pushed into the water.

    mg (44de53)

  32. sleeeepy is focusing on the most substantive case he can make for Obama’s reelection, avoiding his record.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  33. Ryan’s speech. Attacking Obama: “He created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”

    Ryan was on the commission. He voted against the proposals. There was no final report.

    Here, have a peanut.

    sleeeepy (b5f718)

  34. That’s the best you can do, sleeeepy? Pathetic.

    SPQR (0c9c0a)

  35. The L.A. Times’ James Rainey, who tweeted that Joe Biden’s “They’ll put y’all in chains,” was just Joe being Joe, but who acted (and tweeted) like the world would end because of Akin’s stupid statement, now, very predictably, thinks Yahoo! News’ Chalian deserves a break!

    LukeHandCool (eb8fe6)

  36. ___________________________________________

    He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”

    And Ryan pretty much said it as it is, and was. He didn’t say the report was formally approved and Obama then ignored it. Ryan merely states that after the commission had done its work, Obama pretty much blew a kiss to its members and turned his back.

    Moreover, Erskine Bowles, the chairman of that group (ie, the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform) doesn’t appear to be underwhelmed by or unhappy with Paul Ryan. He instead appears to be quite underwhelmed by what Obama is all about—and, admittedly, towards Romney too., August 4, 2012:

    Erskine Bowles, co-chair of President Barack Obama’s budget-deficit commission, had unusual praise for Paul Ryan at a 2011 event, shown in a video posted to YouTube on August 12. “I’m telling you this guy is amazing,” Bowles said in the video, reportedly taken at a 2011 University of North Carolina event.

    The past praise for Ryan and his budget plan is a stark contrast to his recent criticism of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Bowles also criticized Obama’s plan at the time, saying nobody “took that budget very seriously”:

    “I always thought that I was okay with arithmetic. [Paul] can run circles around me, and he is honest, he is straightforward, he is sincere. And the budget that he came forward with is just like Paul Ryan. It is a sensible, straightforward, honest, serious budget and it cut the budget deficit just like we did, by $4 trillion…

    The President came out with his own plan and the President, as you remember, came out with a budget, and I don’t think anybody took that budget very seriously. The Senate voted against it 97 to nothing. He, therefore, after a lot of pressure from folks like me, he came out with a new budget framework, and in that new budget framework, he cut the budget deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. And, to be candid, this $4 trillion cut was very heavily back-end loaded. So, if you looked at it on a 10-year basis and compared apples-to-apples, it really was about a two and a half trillion dollar cut.”

    Mark (cf1ca8)

  37. I suspect Chalian has been describing Republicans in this ridiculous manner quite openly for years, and his mistake in this case was doing it in front the peasants.

    He and many other soi-disant “journalists”. The new tactic is to call debatable GOP statements lies. This is supposed to be bold new journalism.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (b8ad3a)

  38. Yahoo? Is that thing still around?

    nk (875f57)

  39. Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

    Good one by Graham. More liberal heads explode.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  40. ‘Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”’

    Translation from Leftloonese:

    Look! A squirrel!!!

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  41. 39. I use Yahoo tho it’s prolly just a Goog filter.

    At least someone is detracting from the Kremlin’s counter-insurgency effort.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  42. Yahoo? Is that thing still around?
    Comment by nk — 8/30/2012 @ 12:11 am

    — Yes, and still giving free accounts to every third-world scam artist in existence.

    Icy (584273)

  43. As Mrs. Reff and I sit in a hotel in downtown New Orleans, the front half of our roof stolen by Issac, ceilings down in three rooms, she and I were wondering how the people that Chalian were talking to, and LAUGHED, would also still have jobs…..

    But, I digress….

    (On that first line, we’ll be fine…we’ll rebuild, and stick our fist out the next time one comes, and get ready again….)

    reff (8865f2)

  44. And, the sun just came out after about 45 hours of varying rain…

    reff (8865f2)

  45. Sorry to hear of your damage, reff. Best wishes.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  46. Me too, reff. You around anywhere near Tulane? Had some happy times there, with the wife and kid, not all that long ago.

    nk (875f57)

  47. Comment by Steve57 — 8/29/2012 @ 7:04 pm

    We all know only black people live on the Gulf coast.

    A hurricane can only flood the 9th ward of New Orleans. Because the hurricane will be an exact duplicate of Katrina. Once it is taking place on the same day of the year, you know everything else will also be exactly the same.

    Actually, there was more flooding east of New Orleans in 2005. But not as many pictures. And you know: “Out of sight, out of mind.”

    And very few people drowned in New Orleans The people in nursing homes who died didn’t drown.

    Sammy Finkelman (2ae267)

  48. I saw on TV, and read, some people are ready to give up on living in New Orleans, especially if they lose anything..

    Sammy Finkelman (2ae267)

  49. Steve wrote:

    21. David Chalian WAS an a$$hat

    Comment by Baby Clock — 8/29/2012 @ 8:54 pm

    I believe the only thing he’s recently stopped being is an employee at Yahoo.

    Everything else, I understand, is proceeding as before.

    Well, perhaps by no longer being an employee of Yahoo!, the two $$ instead of ss have now become inappropriate. 🙂

    The snarky Dana (3e4784)

  50. Funny thing: according to Samuel L. Jackson’s logic it’s God, and not the GOP, that hates black people.

    Icy (584273)

  51. Lindsey Graham: Harry Reid is a dirty liar.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  52. Icy: Well, the esteemed Mr Jackson did say that he didn’t understand God’s plan here.

    The Dana who noticed (3e4784)

  53. And very few people drowned in New Orleans The people in nursing homes who died didn’t drown.
    Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 8/30/2012 @ 9:18 am

    — Seeing as how you are Internet-challenged, allow me to assist you: the leading cause of death from Katrina WAS drowning (40% of all victims); second was hurricane-related injury (25%). [Source: official study released by the Louisiana Dep. of Health & Human Services]

    Icy (584273)

  54. Turns out I predicted as much from the MSM, on a comment on a National Review. I should have known that it’s impossible to satirize these people anymore…

    The Sanity Inspector (79aa38)

  55. There are a lot of things that Mr. Jackson does not understand.

    Like fer instance, how did all of those god**** snakes get on that mother****ing plane?

    Icy (584273)

  56. Inspector, you mean that comment on The Corner was supposed to be satire? I thought you were completely serious.

    The amused Dana (3e4784)

  57. “Seeing as how you are Internet-challenged, allow me to assist you: the leading cause of death from Katrina”

    Icy – How many did the cannibals kill or did they just feast on the already dead?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  58. Why does Barack Obama hate black people?

    Why was he campaigning yesterday when the hurricane was ravaging Louisiana?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  59. Thanks Icy, now we’ll get a fourteen page dissertation on Katrina casualties …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  60. You’re welcome

    Icy (584273)

  61. There could be a storm which hits during the Democratic National Convention. As of August 28, the national debt stood at $15,978,918,589,911.74. Under President Obama, we have averaged adding $4.067 billion to the debt every single day. If the average hold true, the national debt will cross the $16 trillion mark on Sunday, September 2. Since the Treasury only reports the debt as it stands on business days, we should get the report that the debt has topped $16 trillion on Thursday, September 6th, the day of the President’s acceptance speech.

    The mathematical Dana (3e4784)

  62. Why does Barack Obama hate black people?
    — Think “small donors” and “did not sign up for the gift registry”.

    Why was he campaigning yesterday when the hurricane was ravaging Louisiana?
    — Ego: he couldn’t stand to be seen in the same state with something that blows harder than he does.

    How many did the cannibals kill or did they just feast on the already dead?
    — Well, if by “cannibals” you mean ACORN, and by “feast” you mean collecting-voter-ID-cards-for-safekeeping . . .

    Icy (584273)

  63. Just so long as you amused yourself, Icy … after all, that’s my standard. 😉

    SPQR (26be8b)

  64. Chris Matthews and other idiots on the left are still obsessed by mythical birther nonsense. I don’t give a crap where Obama was born, the real problem is where he lives now.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  65. SF: And very few people drowned in New Orleans The people in nursing homes who died didn’t drown.”

    Comment by Icy — 8/30/2012 @ 9:45 am

    Seeing as how you are Internet-challenged

    My computer is, sometimes. Sometimes I am at one that is really slow.

    allow me to assist you: the leading cause of death from Katrina WAS drowning (40% of all victims); second was hurricane-related injury (25%). [Source: official study released by the Louisiana Dep. of Health & Human Services]

    From Katrina, but I said New Orleans

    And I think there were more deaths outside of New Orleans.

    Deaths by drowning may be correct, but they weren’t primarily from the ninth ward:


    Levee breaches in New Orleans also caused a significant amount of deaths, with over 700 bodies recovered in New Orleans by October 23, 2005.[56]

    Reference 56:

    Although Hurricane Katrina’s deaths are widely believed to have been concentrated in the Lower 9th Ward and eastern New Orleans, new estimates show large numbers of bodies were found in a swath from the Industrial Canal to the 17th Street Canal….the largest numbers of bodies were found in ZIP codes 70117, covering the Lower 9th Ward and some neighborhoods to the east bordering St. Claude Avenue, and 70122, including Gentilly and other neighborhoods between Old Gentilly Road and the Lakefront. Between 31 and 75 bodies were recovered in each of the two ZIP codes…The map didn’t reflect deaths at hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities, or bodies that lacked a reliable geographic record. State officials didn’t explain why they used wide ranges for body counts…In Orleans Parish, accounting for more than 700 of 1,056 bodies recovered by Friday, drownings and exacerbated medical conditions were leading causes, with the dividing line between the two often difficult to discern…In St. Bernard Parish, swept by a storm surge estimated at more than 20 feet, drowning is the suspected cause of death for nearly all of 123 victims recovered so far, but in Jefferson Parish, carbon monoxide poisonings, suicides, accidents and drownings were cited in 22 Katrina-related deaths, officials say….Age has emerged as a central theme in early post-Katrina death analyses. Victims tended to be older, unable or unwilling to travel and, in many cases, suffering from medical problems that increased the risk they would drown or succumb to heat exhaustion, experts said…Although many drowned, she said, others couldn’t stand the sweltering conditions without medical care: “You either died from heat, dehydration, or you were overcome by exacerbation of your chronic medical condition and the lack of attention to that.”

    Saussy recalled one frantic call from an eastern New Orleans woman who asked for instructions replacing an oxygen tank an elderly relative needed to stay alive…

    [Orleans Parish Coroner Frank] Minyard [said] said. “We do know lots of people drowned, but drowning is a very difficult diagnosis to make two, three, four weeks after it happens, unless you find them floating in the lake or river or something. . . . The decomposition was so bad on most of these people.” In many cases, the exact cause of death will never be known, Minyard said. When a body was found floating outside a building, drowning is listed as the cause of death. When there was no sign of trauma and there may have been long-term medical problems at work, the death is simply listed as hurricane-related….New Orleans homicide detectives will look into at least eight Orleans Parish deaths that resulted from gunshot wounds, Minyard said. Cataldie said one or two of those deaths might have been suicide….Although deaths in St. Bernard were widely dispersed, there were some gruesome spots. At St. Rita’s Nursing Home near Poydras, 34 elderly patients died inside the home, many drowning in their beds and wheelchairs as they hoped in vain for a rescue. Another body with a feeding tube in it was found weeks later behind the home, and officials suspect it was another patient…

    So a lot of very disabled people died, sometimes from lack of food, water, medicine, or working life support equipment, or the heat. If somebody died in a place that was later flooded, they would have been in the water, and anyone unable to move would have drowned.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  66. 60. I don’t think this would print out to even one page.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  67. I didn’t turn off the bold when it should have been..

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  68. 66.

    allow me to assist you: the leading cause of death from Katrina WAS drowning (40% of all victims); second was hurricane-related injury (25%). [Source: official study released by the Louisiana Dep. of Health & Human Services]

    From Katrina, but I said New Orleans

    Yeah, but you originally said “New Orleans” in response to my earlier post. And I said:

    We all know only black people live on the Gulf coast.

    Everything that followed was just non-responsive and displayed sort of a weird fixation on New Orleans.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  69. ZOMFGWTFBBQ sammy

    JD (ca5af2)

  70. Yahoo has moved so far left that they are shills for the Democrap party. They are mocking Eastwood because they can’t counter his message or his delivery. An empty chair is an appropriate prop to represent Obama, better than the empty suit.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

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