Emails, I Get Emails . . . from Neal Rauhauser
It’s always nice to hear from Neal, whether he is threatening to get California Attorney General Kamala Harris investigating me for my alleged connection to Weinergate (crazy Neal believes I set up Anthony Weiner):

Or asking me whether I have completed responses to “interrogatories” improperly served on me, a non-party, by Neal’s associate Brett Kimberlin (I ignored the interrogatories):

Or falsely accusing me and others of intimidating witnesses:

Or talking about how Aaron Walker is likely to kill himself:

I have never written an email to Neal Rauhauser in my life.
One thing I’d like you to notice about these emails: they’re all indented in a characteristic way that I almost never see from anyone else.
Brooks Bayne is the one who noted that idiosyncracy of Neal’s.
It’s interesting, because it’s an idiosyncracy shared by a fellow calling himself the “Gaped Crusader”:

The Gaped Crusader published a picture of a naked man and said it was me; wrote posts about my wife; published my home address; and generally made it explicitly clear that Kimberlin and Rauhauser were out to intimidate and harass folks like SWATting victim Mike Stack, me (another SWAtting victim), and Kimberlin critics Aaron Walker, Seth Allen, and Mandy Nagy.
The Gaped Crusader is a critical link between the harassment SWATting victims and an associate of Kimberlin’s.
And the Gaped Crusader is tied to Neal Rauhauser through far more than the indentation quirk above. He is also tied through subject matter obsession; quirks of language; admissions regardings recent trips . . . and an IP address.
Among other things.
I will be devoting an entire post to the connections between Neal Rauhauser and the Gaped Crusader. Consider this a tease.
P.S. The links in that first email go to a) a dead link to Brett Kimberlin’s State Bar Complaint against me, and b) a Daily Kos entry encouraging readers to phone Kamala Harris and have me criminally investigated for the reasons set forth in Kimberlin’s State Bar Complaint. In that latter post, Neal talks in a comment about the price of my house, and how he’d love to sue me because I would be a “payday.”
UPDATE: Has Rauhauser served as an investigator for the “Stop Rush” campaign?
Patterico (906cfb) — 6/22/2012 @ 12:40 pmMen in white coats bearing a straitjacket should be visiting Mr. Rauhauser. He needs serious help.
JVW (b090ff) — 6/22/2012 @ 12:42 pmHe did indeed call me at work and leave a voice mail, as well.
I have never called Neal Rauhauser.
I believe he calls me a cyberstalker. Yet he has phoned me and emailed me. I have never contacted him in those ways. Ever.
These aren’t all the emails, either.
Patterico (906cfb) — 6/22/2012 @ 12:43 pmP.S. The links in that first email go to a) a dead link to Brett Kimberlin’s State Bar Complaint against me, and b) a Daily Kos entry encouraging readers to phone Kamala Harris and have me criminally investigated for the reasons set forth in Kimberlin’s State Bar Complaint. In that latter post, Neal talks in a comment about the price of my house, and how he’d love to sue me because I would be a “payday.”
Patterico (906cfb) — 6/22/2012 @ 12:46 pmget some Pat!
redc1c4 (403dff) — 6/22/2012 @ 12:46 pmPat, BK has filed for ANOTHER peace order in Montgomery County, this time against John Norton of Fairfax,VA. The electronic record online says it’s for a temporary order with a “hearing” scheduled for today at 2:46 p.m. (about 75 minutes ago as I type. There’s not much other info out there.
I wonder if they roll their eyes whenever he walks into the court house to request another peace order.
Mari (3133a3) — 6/22/2012 @ 1:03 pmBrett Kimberlin, the brilliant jailhouse lawyer, is trying to propound discovery illegally upon you ?
What a freaking loon.
SPQR (32a911) — 6/22/2012 @ 1:04 pmMari, do we know who John Norton is?
SPQR (32a911) — 6/22/2012 @ 1:04 pmMaybe the main thing is that he is Virginia, and close to Brett Kimberlin.
Today is “Everybody Blog Brett Kimberlin Day.” Before this week I had no idea who Brett Kimberlin was, but thanks to the efforts of Michelle Malkin I do now.
He linked to the biog May 25 post.
This is his home page.
Maybe we should thank BK for recommending anothdr blog.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 6/22/2012 @ 1:12 pmNow that AW is strongly fighting back against the peace order, I’m afraid BK, et al, will ramp up and double down on their madness. He’s seemingly undeterred considering Mari’s comment at 6.
Dana (4eca6e) — 6/22/2012 @ 1:19 pmGaping Crusader
Colonel Haiku (8be704) — 6/22/2012 @ 1:52 pmis more honest to teh point
or Bung teh Mirthless
I see that Aaron Walkers legal team has filed an emergency motion for a partial stay or a modification of Kimberlin’s peace order:
But that leaves the question, what is the end game here for Kimberlin and Rauhauser? You’d have to think that Kimberlin’s two “charities” are, along with him, completely radioactive. And without the money those provide I can’t see how Brett can continue to feed the beast (NR).
Where do they go from here? (and yes, I am aware of NR’s threat of further legal actions, but even that seems to be a dry hole)
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:02 pmPat, if this knucklehead’s home address was made public, some interested citizens could print up some simple flyers regarding his terrorist past and hand them out to his neighbors. Anyone thought about taking up a collecttion to buy billboards to publicize the history of these individuals?
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:11 pmI’m waiting for the end of all this – when Neal and Brett get their names changed to “Federal Inmate # xyz”.
brian (617f46) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:14 pmNope, I won’t do that and I discourage anyone from doing anything like that. That’s just what they want.
Patterico (906cfb) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:20 pmYuma, you can’t read? Or did you crib that from Neal?
SPQR (3190d9) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:25 pmKamala’s got enough problems, she doesn’t need to get involved with dodgy “activists”.
Space Cockroach (8096f2) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:35 pmSPQR
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:35 pmNot sure what you mean by can’t read. I think the way to deal with bullies is to gang up on them and kick their teeth in.
Pat, I just read your response above. Just making suggestions. I’m not real subtle. Nor am I afraid to tackle jackwagons like the ones you are apparently dealing with. It’s your fight. If there is a way to help, other than publicizing these shenanigans, post about it.
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:39 pmOne other obvious point: the name Gaped Crusader seems to be a reference to Rauhauser’s appearance. Just sayin.
It’s funny, I always thought that was a nick name that Patterico came up with for Rauhauser, not one he came up with himself.
Ipso Fatso (7434b9) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:47 pmEveryone that eggs on people for escalation i s a Moby or a moron. Don’t be an M&M.
SPQR (3190d9) — 6/22/2012 @ 2:50 pmwhat SPQR and Pat said…
the way to deal with this is to get better lawyers and higher courts to destroy their arguments and their public personae.
“that’s not litigation: *THIS* is litigation…”
JY is either a troll or an idiot… or both.
redc1c4 (403dff) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:01 pmIf you have email addresses, you can file suit and get subpoenas out for useful ID’ing info. Have you tried this? I’m an attorney and handle cases like this frequently.
doug (4c13c7) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:04 pmIt’s a double-edged sword SPQR, while the objective is to let more and more folks know what’s been going on, those new folks get to first see the snake hole with a lot of shock and dismay (I don’t know how new to this saga John Yuma is, but…)
The first reaction is WTH!!! They want to do something It isn’t necessarily escalation, just what can they do to help…
They don’t know yet about the legal methods the principals are using to combat this, nor the depths to which the NR, BK side will sink to…
To John Yuma ~ at this point our job is just to keep spreading the word & to back up the principal players here (Patrick, Aaron, Ali etc).
Just keep getting the word out about what the left is doing.
flicka47 (5c4ad9) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:09 pmIf you have email addresses, you can file suit and get subpoenas out for useful ID’ing info. Have you tried this? I’m an attorney and handle cases like this frequently.
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:28 pmThis is my first commenting on this site. I am not a troll, and I would suggest that the giant step to that conclusion is indicitive of its own lack of perception and wisdom.
I have been following this saga since before blog about Kimmerlin day, and I am sickened by it. I am not a lawyer, but I’m fully aware of the damage and cost frivilous lawsuits poison our judicial system with.
I can certainly understand Patterico’s response. Were I in his situation, I would probably hold the same position, and use the judiciary to my advantage if I could.
Howevwer, I will reiterate the idea of setting up a fund to publicize the antics of the idiots that are stalking conservative bloggers, and shame the party they represent at the same time.
Recall that during the last presidential campaign, similar knuckleheaded “we’ll sue and it’ll cost ya'” tactics were used to threaten anyone who said anything negative about Obama in Missouri. This is not new.
Like I said, just thinking out loud.
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:33 pmNow what rock did doug crawl out from?
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:34 pmAnd let me add that the Alinsky tactic of “isolate, personalize and freeze” the target would probably apply in this case…
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:35 pm6.Pat, BK has filed for ANOTHER peace order in Montgomery County, this time against John Norton of Fairfax,VA. The electronic record online says it’s for a temporary order with a “hearing” scheduled for today at 2:46 p.m. (about 75 minutes ago as I type. There’s not much other info out there.
Comment by Mari — 6/22/2012 @ 1:03 pm
If you would have told me sooner, maybe I could have driven to MD and filed a motion against BK, so that when he showed up for his motion against Mr. Norton he could get arrested for a charge against him…
MD in Philly (f0e1bd) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:39 pmowevwer, I will reiterate the idea of setting up a fund to publicize the antics of the idiots that are stalking conservative bloggers, and shame the party they represent at the same time.
If there is one thing that should be clear to you by now is that Kimberlin, a convicted perjurer, drug dealer and terrorist bomber, is completely incapable of shame, nor does he fear being “outed”.
Another thing that should be even more clear is that he can turn the slightest incident into a horrible attack against him. He managed to get Aaron Walker arrested for nothing more than writing about, not to, him.
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:42 pmTomB, I don’t doubt that you are correct re shaming someone. There is a certain service aspect to warning a sociopath’s neighbors about him, though…
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:47 pmI doubt Kimberlin’s neighbors know he is a convicted bomber.
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:48 pmYuma, if you are trying to convince me you are not a Moby, you are failing.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/22/2012 @ 3:50 pmSPQR, you overestimate your signifigance. Nothing I have written is directed at you. If you will re-read the thread, I think it is you who started the name-calling. I don’t care if you disagree with my suggestions to out-thug the thugs. But profiling commenters is the MO of liberals, not folks who can think rationally…
Why don’t you give it a rest? I will stipulate that I am indeed whatever it is you determine, if you will limit your critiques to my suggestions rather me.
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:06 pmOh, yes, I’m famous for “giving it a rest”. Its my middle name … right after Populesque.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:12 pm“I mean, it’s a girl’s car…”
BK was probably still sitting on a telephone book to see over the dashboard.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:20 pmThis has to be one of the weirdest threads on PP I’ve ever seen.
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:24 pmTomB, I don’t doubt that you are correct re shaming someone. There is a certain service aspect to warning a sociopath’s neighbors about him, though…
Then go for it Sparky…
(whoever you are)
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:25 pm#38 Agreed
Dustyn H (acf6c9) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:26 pmPatterico, bear with me please :
I live in SLO county. About 4 or 5 yrs ago there was a fellow who blitzed through the county extorting all sorts of businesses(shops to schools to mom and pop wineries) under the auspices of violations to American Disabilities Act In short, pay me off or I sue. This guy was hitting 10-15 places a day, demanding 10K $ +. Most places couldn’t or wouldn’t pay so he sued. He was finally stopped and (I believe in LA Sup Court) disallowed to ever file a suit again.
Could something like this apply to BK and friends?
Angelo (d64931) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:26 pmJohn, whoever you are, give it a rest. Bad ideas all round.
Sarahw (b0e533) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:28 pm#41 Angelo:
Dustyn H (acf6c9) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:32 pmThat is the hope, but apparently Maryland has a very hard to prove law on the subject.
Could something like this apply to BK and friends?
Above and beyond all the other things, I hope Kimberlin is somehow forced to make good on the money he owes Carl DeLong’s widow.
After he’s banned from filing any more litigation.
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:51 pmIf I recall correctly the guy I wrote about tripped himself up by filing too many suits per day and someone courtside noticed the frequency and amount (of suits) and I believe the court charged him. I can’t recall his name
Angelo (d64931) — 6/22/2012 @ 4:56 pmFolks, I apologize. I didn’t realize this was a closed forum. I wish you all the best.
John Yuma (6e609e) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:02 pmJohn Yuma
Ah, the usual parting shot.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:03 pmhe was a rebel… a loner…
Colonel Haiku (bfc615) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:04 pmI’m very confused. What is “whinging”? This is all getting quite insider-ish. But – it looks like Gaped Crusader is the same guy who sent the other emails. He needs help.
LASue (ba1869) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:25 pmJohn, since you are undoubtedly still reading this, there is a reason nobody here is willing to take unilateral, proactive action against Kimberlin (besides being a bunch of craven cowards). In the course of many posts on many blogs by all those named in one fashion or another by Kimberlin, they all have made the same request to all readers; “please take no action against Kimberlin yourselves”. That can (and may have already have been) turned around by Kimberlin and used against them.
So we honor their request.
TomB (4a72e4) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:39 pmThat’s right, TomB. Well said.
Dustin (330eed) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:42 pmAnd soon BK will be pointing out how “some commenters” on Patterico have advocated “kicking Kimberlin’s teeth in.” It’s how he works.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 6/22/2012 @ 5:50 pmYes, Kevin.
Strange how it’s always ‘this is my first comment here and I’m just trying to help’ guy who winds up saying exactly what they need said.
Dustin (330eed) — 6/22/2012 @ 6:05 pmI think Yuma really did just confirm my suspicions, eh?
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/22/2012 @ 6:08 pmJohn Norton,
If you took a picture of Kimberlin that was a very dumb and counterproductive thing to do. I disapprove of your actions and I wonder why you are commenting on my site. Part of me assumes you’re working for Kimberlin since this is the kind of nonsense he loves. Go away and do not involve me in your actions.
I’ll say for the umpteenth time: anyone who wants to take pictures of this guy or make comments about doing violence to him (like Seth Allen did) or anything else idiotic along those lines, leave me out of it. I want no part of it.
[I’m removing John Norton’s comments. It feels like a Kimberlin/Rauhauser plant and I don’t want that kind of garbage in my comments. — P]
Patterico (16598d) — 6/22/2012 @ 6:14 pmHow old is this Rauhauser fellow supposed to be? Curious as to why he is using 4chan(?) terms like ‘sauce’ and something at TheTrenches had him talking about EncylopediaDramatica, 4chan, and SomethingAwful which for the most part are communities for teens – 20-something internet users/’trolls’.
H.R. Hill (896452) — 6/22/2012 @ 6:16 pmstallablu (Neal Rauhauser’s ex-wife – 8:53 AM – 29 Aug 11) tweeted:
@NealRauhauser Fraud. Pay child support. respect your mother.
Anonymous (c2ee66) — 6/22/2012 @ 6:26 pmSince This clown goes out and does “investigative work” for money, he must, in all states be a licensed PI. That said, has anyone checked into his carrying of a concealed weapon, and/or his PI license, especially in VA, MD/DC, where it is impossible to get if you are a convict-even of misdemeanors. If he is “investigating” without a license, in most states that is a violation of stalking laws-and carries stiff penalties. Just a thought. Keep at these crazies-they are taking orders from on high-and you could unravel the DNC quickly by turning over stones!
MSH (793028) — 6/22/2012 @ 7:37 pmI want to know why this convicted terrorist bomber is out of jail after serving only 17 years of a 50 plus year sentence. Surely he is on some kind of probation, and violating it, and there must be some perfectly legal way we can get him tossed back in the slammer for the other 30+ years he owes to society. Fu**ing commie terrorist bastard. Surely one of the most worthless human beings drawing breath within our borders.
John Skookum (f7ebfd) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:00 pmThat’s our third flouncer-offer in about a week…
Gazzer (62c320) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:02 pmJohn Skookum, actually Kimberlin got out even earlier but was tossed back in prison for parole violations. At this point, however, I don’t know of any evidence that Kimberlin is still under any parole conditions.
Sad … given that there is some reason to think Kimberlin tried to get Paul Lemmons’ parole revoked for writing about him.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:09 pmCan anyone place BK & Co. in LA on or about Feb 29?
CA Holly (402a21) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:15 pmWhy?
Patterico (906cfb) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:16 pmMaybe dumb but The Brentwood crossed my mind.
CA Holly (402a21) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:22 pmI don’t trust Paul.
JD (318f81) — 6/22/2012 @ 8:31 pmI’ve never understood how people who engage in social terrorism like Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser can stand themselves. Their acts are so despicable and low that I don’t understand how they can ever really be proud of what they do. Such hateful games seem like a wretched and miserable waste of life. And deep down they must feel it too.
As is so often true in these cases of obsession such as Rauhauser has for those whom he associates with the late Andrew Breitbart, the scorched-earth tactics and cruel gambits he uses reveal so much more about Neal Rauhauser than they do about any of the poor men (and their families) whom he cynically targets. Rauhauser’s vitriolic attacks tell me little or nothing about Patterico, Aaron Walker or Stacy McCain; but they show me that Rauhauser is a terribly wounded young man who is himself tortured by feelings of worthlessness and failure. His actions cry out that he is simply consumed with self-loathing.
I take absolutely no pleasure in seeing Rauhauser’s very public display of the pain he suffers from his desperate personal wounds. Indeed, while I deplore his unconscionable acts against the targeted men and their families, I am nonetheless moved to pity for Rauhauser. He reminds me of an animal with a limb caught in the terrible steel teeth of trapper’s snare, which is in such pain that it lashes out viciously at everything around it, and often winds up biting its own foot off to try to escape the torture it suffers. And if it does escape and survives, it often lives the rest of its life maimed and crippled.
I say this in all humility and love, but I see this as the future for Neal Rauhauser. I hope he can change it. While I detest the ruthless and cruel tactics he employs, and call on him to cease them immediately, I truly feel sorry for Neal Rauhauser and hope he can admit and address the demons which force him to strike out at others who have done him no wrong. And even if they have harmed him, it would go a long way to healing his hurts if he could find a way to forgive.
It would be a huge change and take a lot of courage, Neal. But you’d have more support than you could dream of, and from places you would never believe. So how about giving it a try?
Sardon (dac723) — 6/22/2012 @ 9:04 pmExcellent comment, Sardon. I hope Neal is capable of taking it as you intend it, but I am convinced he is not.
Dustin (330eed) — 6/22/2012 @ 9:13 pmSardon,
Rauhauser is in his 50s.
This is who he is.
Patterico (906cfb) — 6/22/2012 @ 9:42 pmIt’s odd. My crazy stalker emails and faxes me and my firm incessantly while I ignore her, all while claiming I am the one stalking her.
Is that a thing now?
Ken (c24d1b) — 6/22/2012 @ 10:14 pmIt’s seems a bug, not a feature.
narciso (8bfa44) — 6/22/2012 @ 10:15 pmDoesn’t Neal have gaped teeth also? So there is that connection.
Noodles (3681c4) — 6/22/2012 @ 11:24 pmThese IDIOTS must belong to a secret society of sociopaths and psychopaths. It is often difficult to put them in straight jackets but their words and deeds are going to put them behind bars.
Keep up the good work, Pat. These jackasses are screwing themselves with their words.
crypticguise (7705a4) — 6/23/2012 @ 6:57 amNoodles – good point about the diastema.
Sarahw (b0e533) — 6/23/2012 @ 7:45 ami wish you luck and Godspeed. Thank God we have folks like you willing to stick your neck out for justice.
matt g (51e2a1) — 6/23/2012 @ 8:26 amI would encourage everyone to listen to the tape that Pat Dollard posted on here where he combines the 911 Patrick got with the voice of Ron Brynaert. It’s clearly the same voice:
Anita Busch (1c1971) — 6/23/2012 @ 1:40 pmThat ethical sense would apply to people who don’t have certain types of emotional disorders. Also, Neal strikes me as someone with a overwhelming need to control, to the degree of being dangerous. He’ll go to whatever level necessary to maintain the belief that he has has the power to make you kowtow.
ghost_in_the_wind (ad80a5) — 6/24/2012 @ 10:32 pm