Patterico's Pontifications


More Evidence Emerges of Brett Kimberlin’s Involvement in Nadia Naffe Litigation Against Me

Nadia Naffe has filed a civil claim against me and my boss Steve Cooley. This claim gains special relevance today — because of the identity of Nadia Naffe’s lawyer, together with an email that just emerged this evening.

Yesterday evening, Brooks Bayne broke news of a May 24 email from Brett Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser to a lawyer named Jay Leiderman. Here’s the email:

If this email is genuine, it cements the evidence of: 1) a friendly relationship between Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser and attorney Jay Leiderman, and 2) efforts by Rauhauser to turn a person thought to be an enemy of mine against me, by referring that person to Leiderman.

As Stacy McCain says:

I’m not a lawyer, but what Rauhauser appears to be doing in this May 28 e-mail — besides lying about me — is attempting to inveigle California attorney Jay Leiderman into representing Mike Stack in a nuisance lawsuit against Patrick “Patterico” Frey.

There is a reason I find this particularly interesting.

Namely: in an amazing coincidence, Jay Leiderman happens to be Nadia Naffe’s attorney. In her post about how she desires to sue me and my wife, she posted a link to a document showing service of a civil claim against me and my boss Steve Cooley. That document indicates that her lawyer is Leiderman:

There are many more connections between Naffe and Kimberlin / Kimberlin associates. Perhaps in a future post I’ll have time to lay them all out.

But for now, this one is pretty interesting, eh?

P.S. Here is one more I have time for.

On May 26, 2012, Nadia Naffe also threatened to file a State Bar complaint against me. If she follows through with her threat, she will join Brett Kimberlin in sharing the honor of filing a State Bar Complaint against Patrick Frey:

Naffe also threatened to file a State Bar complaint against my wife, a Democrat who cancels out my vote in every election. She joined Ron Brynaert, Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser, and anonymous Brett Kimberlin supporters OccupyRebellion, BreitbartUnmask, LulzShack, and Gaped Crusader (and probably others I am forgetting) in making creepy comments about my wife:

106 Responses to “More Evidence Emerges of Brett Kimberlin’s Involvement in Nadia Naffe Litigation Against Me”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  2. I posted this on an earlier thread, but those comments have pretty much died out and it fits better here anyway, so I’m reposting here…

    168.Is this all part and parcel of trying to smoke out bloggers’ real names and identities, e.g. Nadia Naffe’s strangely intense efforts to out Ace of Spades? To what end? Does it dovetail with those two links RSM posted to old Neal Rauhauser strategy proposals where Neal seems to think that they can keep working backwards to finding a mythical deep-pocketed “Mr Big” who’s bankrolling and directing virtually all of conservative blogosphere?

    And was Nadia Naffe one of the progressive activists Neal described as being “working undercover as low-key right wing operatives”?

    Somehow I get the strange feeling this ties in with the left’s desperation to connect the Koch brothers to everything under the sun.

    Comment by radar — 6/12/2012 @ 6:51 am

    radar (257ad5)

  3. When is AW’a next hearing?

    JD (95e569)

  4. Patterico,

    I find it hilarious that you describe your wife as “Cancel[ing] out your vote in every election.” I am in the exact same boat. My wife rolls her eyes at all the “fringe right-wing blogs” I read like you and Ace, and reliably goes and votes against all the things I vote for. She sometimes says that she wants to hear how I am going to vote, so she can save herself the trouble of studying the issues and just vote against me.



    David, professional internet troll (725724)

  5. Perhaps to these nimrods, all the world is a puppet.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  6. Interesting comment, Radar. And probably something to that.

    Dustin (330eed)

  7. radar, these people have gone to extraordinary lengths to create a fantasy world where they are heroes fighting this great evil Moriarty.

    Drug induced fantasy in all likelihood.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  8. btw, my understanding is that before Patterico knew many details of the suit from Nadia, it was all over that “Not Brett Kimberlin” website, as Robert Stacy Mccain calls it. How did that site get this information before the defendant in the suit? It’s as though that site and the lawsuit are actually working hand in hand!

    BTW, the suit appears to be ridiculous. I did not understand how an attorney could seriously expect to prevail. Though this email probably helps explain what they are really doing, which has nothing to do with settling damages, but rather has to do with settling to avoid discovery. And what do they mean by discovery? I guess Nadia’s game in the past is to get someone’s private emails, and I guess Kimberlin’s game is to get those emails from Nadia.

    Didn’t Neal take credit for creating so much stress it killed Breitbart? Wasn’t he basically bragging about it? I don’t think that’s true, but it’s an insight into what makes these people tick. I pity anyone stupid enough to actually follow Neal’s manipulations. I notice a lot of other people seem to look awful in situations Neal is hovering around but not provably responsible for. I’m guessing he’s asked other people to sign those liability waivers. kinda puts them in a bad situation if they realize Neal screwed them over, and revealing the plot might only burn one side of the scheme.

    And that email reveals that Neal is blaming his own associates (at least that’s what I think the beandogs are) with the swatting. That’s not very loyal, Neal, and I repeat my question: did you give this tip to Velvet Revolution’s tip line? And if so, did you offer your basis for this view and when was that received by the FBI? Your associates claim to have been working with the FBI for months, so I would assume the FBI knew of your theory prior to May 27 if I didn’t realize you were just manipulating a victim in that crime to further victimize the other victim in that crime. How stupid did you think these people were?

    Dustin (330eed)

  9. Dustin-

    There’s just nothing about Naffe that makes sense. Let’s even leave aside the details of the bizarre barn story. She willingly went to work with O’Keefe, right? He was no mysterious figure – his agenda and methods were widely known for a long time before she hooked up with Project Veritas. So, it’s safe to say that a)such a person would be of conservative belief and b)such a person would have no issue with aggressive and edgy tactics.

    She then breaks with him over said barn story. OK, things happen between men and women which defy logical explanation. Maybe she really believes he was trying to assault her (despite all evidence to the contrary). However, what does she do? She immediately starts associating with the fringe left, who in turn immediately embrace her and her story uncritically. Does this make any sense to anyone, on the part of either? Had Naffe truly been an O’Keefe operative (rather than a lefty mole), would they have so quickly and wholeheartedly accepted her, rather than keeping her at arm’s length as part of a possible O’Keefe trick? Wouldn’t they have been suspicious of her? And wouldn’t a distraught conservative have run to the arms of the supposedly more “respectable” right, the people who may share her ostensible political beliefs who also deplore the aggressive tactics of O’Keefe (and Breitbart)? Instead she schemes with those who are the polar opposite of what she purported to stand for.

    I don’t know the answer, but there’s something rotten here.

    radar (257ad5)

  10. Drug induced fantasy in all likelihood.

    Perhaps. But someone keeps them supplied in cash.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  11. “Nadia Naffe”

    The name Naffe is to backstabbing as the name Lynch is to frontier style justice (although, IMO Charles Lynch was nowhere near as despicable as this thing Nadia Naffe).

    She’ll be your friend/associate/ideological comrade one minute, and then file suit against you the next, if she thinks she can profit from it.

    A truly vile individual.

    But, that’s been known for years.

    O’Keefe was a fool to get involved with her.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  12. Thanks, Dave. You are almost at quota for insulting victims for the year, and the we’re just finishing the second quarter!

    Victim insult quota union (330eed)

  13. Good post by Dan Collins, at the Conservatory, here:

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  14. Dave, lucky Kimberlin has her now.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  15. Sandi Barton was willing to sacrifice her own kid, and cover for Kimberlin, ffor money and emotional support. Weak people are weak.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  16. 4. Wish I had an understanding with the better half like you guys.

    Mine tells me how to vote, what to think, etc., and she’s learned how to forego breathing while doing so.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  17. ______________________________________________

    Jay Leiderman happens to be Nadia Naffe’s attorney.

    Just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and only a peek at how disgustingly perverse a situation can become. But the attempted “ambulance chasing” in this instance is more for ideological than merely financial gain. But whether one or the other, it occurs on a daily basis throughout American society.

    I wonder how much waste of time and money occurs in this country because of the sue-happy nature of too much of the public? As we’ve grown more and more liberal — where the idea of personal responsibility and personal shame is downplayed or rejected — what is being ramped up in other societies already is at a high level in the US., April 2006: For much of the postwar era, Japan didn’t feel it needed many lawyers. That worked in a consensus-driven society bent on economic growth. Court battles in Japan were always a last resort and considered very bad form. Today, with patent disputes and cross-border mergers on the rise, the nation is discovering that legal sharpies actually come in handy when settling disagreements. But with just 22,000 licensed attorneys, compared with more than a million in the U.S., “it’s extremely difficult to get talented lawyers [in Japan],” says Stephen Bohrer, an American who heads cross-border transactions at Nishimura & Partners, a big Tokyo law firm.

    Japan’s legal community finally seems to be getting serious about easing the shortage. In 2004 the government for the first time allowed universities to begin offering graduate programs in law. Since then 74 new law schools have opened their doors, with the first graduating classes — some 3,000 students — to hit the streets this spring. Prior to the shift, Japan’s sole graduate-level legal program was a two-year course of study sponsored by the Supreme Court — but it was only offered to those who managed to pass the bar exam first. And only 1,000 to 1,500, or about 3% of those who sit for the test, were allowed to pass annually. That meant most candidates took the bar exam at least five times before they passed — or gave up.

    Despite the changes, it’s unlikely Japan will ever fully embrace the kind of legal conflict common in the U.S. Litigation is messy and flies in the face of Japan’s cultural preference for harmony. But a more sophisticated, and contentious, legal system may be just what the country needs in order to keep its economic overhaul on track. And that means tolerating unseemly courtroom brawls that once might have shocked.

    Mark (f820cf)

  18. I can’t see NNs claim surviving demurrer, and would expect a stay of discorver pending resolution of demurrer.

    I t all reads more like a rather unpersuasive PR statement, anyway. Of course my reliance on the state of jurisprudence in Amercis has taken some blows of late.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  19. Sorry again re thumb typing fails.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  20. Given Leiderman’s role in covering for occutards, anyone know if he’s a member of the “National Lawyer’s Guild”?

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  21. 11, 12. Black Hole Succubus obviously has been misrepresenting herself to act as a counter insurgent.

    President of a Florida Jeb Bush fan club is one example. Doubtless Keefe would like to have trusted the impressions he dismissed to engage the Gorgon hag in any way, shape or form.

    I suggest reading some Carlos Castaneda and doing Mescaline, nude, in the Sonoran desert at dusk as remedial sensitivity training.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  22. “Thanks, Dave.”

    You’re welcome.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  23. Is Neal Rauhauser representing himself – even obliquely, as he did in the email exchange with the Boston Occupests – as working for or with Velvet Revolution and its innumerable “campaigns”?

    Dianna (f12db5)

  24. lucky Kimberlin has her now.

    Comment by Sarahw

    Astute. There are a lot of backstabbers in this little pack.

    And California is an awesome state for SLAPP defense.

    I didn’t know that Jay L had argued that a Denial of Service attack on a website was ‘civil disobedience’. I don’t think he’s a winner in the courtroom. I think he’s such a good lawyer that his clients sometimes flee and he’s on the hook for their bail.

    Dustin (330eed)

  25. Has she been to Kimberlin’s rapey bomb barn yet?

    Icy (74e911)

  26. Icy, perhaps Nadia’s too old for Kimberlin’s tastes.

    Dustin (330eed)

  27. _______________________________________________

    She immediately starts associating with the fringe left

    When surveys indicate that over 90-plus percent of black America is politically or emotionally comfortable, or formally affiliated, with the left, it would have been naive to take the core biases of Nadia Neffe at face value. Moreover, I’m assuming she’s rather young, and certainly not well into her middle-age years, so that means her political orientation is far more likely to have been squishy or quite susceptible to left-leaning gameplaying from the beginning.

    I won’t even mention the way that most guys, including Patterico (ie, his liberal wife) or “David, professional internet troll” will excuse or rationalize away political conflicts when they’re attached to a pretty face or soul mate, and — ta-da! — some girl manages to skate on by.

    Mark (f820cf)

  28. Nadia’s also too dark for BK, given his little prison anecdote from Citizen K.

    radar (257ad5)

  29. True, Radar.

    Dustin (330eed)

  30. “civil disobedience” is an explanation, not a defense.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  31. Before you hire a lawyer, don’t you have to get the client?

    What I do think is that this is a deliberate leak, and this leak must be a cleverly crafted, or maybe not so cleverly crafted, distortion of the facts. And, most important not the only communication between Neal Rauhauser and Jay Leiderman nor even an honest and genuine one, although it is likely to be found in the lawyer’s files.

    But what, exactly is the purpose here?

    The simplest explanation of this letter is that he’s trying to explain why he hired this lawyer, and it contains multiple lies..

    First, really Neal is not trying to get Mike Stack to sue Patterico. Point 3 is the only thing important, and real. And even that is not really the main thing.

    A settlement of a lawsuit between Mike Stack and Neal Rauhauser would undoubtedly impose legal restrictions on Mike Stack you normally wouldn’t legally be able to do. If part of a settlement between is that Mike never say another word about Weinergate, Neal can invent any version of the facts he wants. So he can invent a lawsuit too. I’m sure there wouldn’t be any settlement anyway.

    Part 1 and 2 make it look like Mike Stack is now at odds with Patrick Frey, and make Patterico look like some vague kind of manipulative bad guy who might be willing to settle a lawsuit by Mike Stack for $10,000 or $20,000 just to avoid discovery. His minions might have fed things about Neal to Mike. For good measure Stacy McCain is ALSO mentioned as a presumably bad guy who might share these minions with him.

    Point 1 is actually even incoherent and needs a footnote or two to explain it. You can’t derive what’s going on in Neal’s imaginary universe from the letter alone. It’s probably not really intended to make too much sense – it just states that Mike has a cause of action against Patterico. Maybe somewhere else this is explained.

    The reference to a hate crimes investigation of Mike Stack may allude to some claims Neal has made and perhaps is making to Mike Stack. Maybe somebody knows something about that. This may not even be an approximation of what Neal may be trying to tell Mike Stack, but part of the inducement to get Mike Stack to play along with this game could be the (nonsensical) threat to investigate him for a hate crime. Maybe that would in fact only be the cover story, and something else would be the inducement.

    The admission (or claim, with the disclaimer that it is probably untraceable) that Mike Stack was Swatted by a “beandog” (beandog means someone on Neal’s side, although you have to be pretty familiar with his history to know that) may be in there because the evidence is very strong that Ron Brynaert SWATted Mike Stack, but that’s the only way somebody on Neal’s side comes out looking bad, and of course he’s supposed to be at odds with on Brynaert anyway, from time to time.

    Other than that, there’s negative about anybody associated with Neal mentioned.

    But anyway, all of that is a secondary point or red herring. The real point of this letter is Point 3. This letter was written to be disclosed, and what it is trying to hide is the motive for Neal to hire Jay Leiderman.

    It has nothing to do with any proposed lawsuit by Mike Stack against Patrick Frey, and maybe not even too much with a proposed settlement agreement between Neal Rauhauser and Mike Stack that he is hoping to intimidate him into agreeing to.

    Note: The real reason Neal may have hired Jay Leiderman may be something totally different.

    Lawyers’ billing records are not required to be accurate and may be written in fact to mislead anyone who gets a copy of the letter. That’s considered part of attorney client privilege. The lawyer can collaborate with the client to mislead auditors, or anyone who gets a copy of the letter, as long as the lawyer has a right to charge the stated amount for the stated purpose.

    A lawyer may choose to bill for one thing while really or primarily doing work mostly on something else. So if anyone ever gets access to the records it may show work on this proposed Rauhauser-Stack issue only and not show work on some other stuff.

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  32. Patterico,

    Aren’t you concerned about complaints being filed against you with the bar assoc?

    Anne (e37667)

  33. Anne, what aspect of the complaint do you think are worrisome?

    I admit it’s got to be concerning to have someone attack your livelihood, but I think this is yet another attempt to end Patterico’s political commentary via thuggery.

    Dustin (330eed)

  34. 13. that website says:

    Mike Stack emails to state that he pressed charges against Rauhauser for harassment, but that neither is suing the other.

    But then Neal would not be interested in a lawsuit but in a settlement silencing Mike Stack. The lawsuit might be filed and settled in one or or a few days, and sealed and the settlement certainly sealed. Neal wants Jay to work on this maybe, but really hes probably just contriving to explain his association with Jay. Only an hour or two of Jay’s time, or will there really be more?

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  35. Anyone have any idea what the supposed hate crime is??

    radar (257ad5)

  36. I won’t even mention the way that most guys, including Patterico (ie, his liberal wife) or “David, professional internet troll” will excuse or rationalize away political conflicts when they’re attached to a pretty face or soul mate, and — ta-da! — some girl manages to skate on by.

    Mark lives in a dark world, where even love is colored by politics. Last person who thought politics was that important was Lenin

    Timb (a668e0)

  37. See, timmah and I can agree

    JD (95e569)

  38. I agree it’s a thug’s tactic. I guess I am still trying to get my head around all of this insane stuff that is happening – maybe my question should have been something more like ‘aren’t you going a little crazy dealing with these constant attacks?’ I really like this website but it is getting to a point that I feel I would need cliff notes to fully understand it. I kinda miss the days of just getting an update on the latest stunt Obama is pulling or whatever. You know? I’m not complaining, I fully support Patterico in trying to get the truth of what is happening to him and the others out there…but I do miss his normal conservative blogging.

    Anne (e37667)

  39. “Mine tells me how to vote, what to think, etc., and she’s learned how to forego breathing while doing so.”

    gary – That’s just poor training on your part.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  40. “If everyone would just vote for the candidate representing the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party, then we could win the White House in November and have control over nominations to the federal bench—-you know, and can potentially have a say in the judges who will consequently sit on the federal cases pertaining to all this left wing harrassment of good people such as Patterico, Aaron Walker, Liberty Chick, et al.”

    Jesus Christ, everyone, pull your heads out and vote for Mitt Romney in November. He’s the only one with a shot at replacing Obama.

    Gary Johnson is not going to win the election, okay ?

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  41. Anne,

    And maybe that is the point – it costs the left a few operatives (and their time) but it ties up bloggers who would otherwise be talking about general political issues.

    There was a story in a Tom Clancy novel about klansmen in the south never letting a rabid dog go to waste – dump the dog in somebody’s yard.

    Maybe that is what is happening here? Maybe ignoring them (where you can) and concentrating on larger targets would be better? But I have no real idea.

    John (5d6fe8)

  42. Though this email probably helps explain what they are really doing, which has nothing to do with settling damages, but rather has to do with settling to avoid discovery.

    That’s how it struck me, Dustin: using lawsuits as quasi-extortion. You pay them a settlement or else they will find out stuff you don’t want known.

    Chuck Bartowski (3bccbd)

  43. Sammy, a deliberate leak is a reasonable consideration.

    Can’t take anything at face value.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  44. John and Anne – One way to get around your concern is to take up your own “pen” and blog away.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  45. Comment by radar — 6/12/2012 @ 10:08 am

    Anyone have any idea what the supposed hate crime is??

    That’s what I’m wondering. I may have an idea. But that’s getting ahead of my story.

    From the letter it would sound like a hate crime directed against Neal Rauhauser, but that doesn’t make too much sense.

    Neal saying that Mike is willing to talk to the FBI “to get at these guys because of what they’ve done to him” but that he, Neal, doesn’t think hat that is a good plan (and proposes this lawsuit instead)

    …sounds like something totally made up out of whole cloth.

    I don’t think Mike is talking openly to Neal – AND suing him – and that Neal wants to settle and also help Mike sue Patterico.

    Points 1 and 2 in his letter is just total fiction, bu tincluded to make something other than Point 3 look like the main point of the letter while getting in some interesting half assertions that take for granted Patterico is a bad guy)

    And Point 3 (the drafting of a settlement agreement between Neal and Mike) is a distant hope. While it actually probably is some work being done by Jay, it’s only in this leaked letter to “explain” why Neal is hiring Jay.

    So Neal says Mike has repeated stuff told to him by peole connected to Frey and maybe Stacy McCain and that could make him an accessory in a federal hate crimes investigation.

    I think I know what this might be. The hate crime is not something Mike said about Neal, but what Mike said about others

    The cleverly crafted misleading sentence fragments:

    Mike has said things to and about me and others….the nature of this is he could be considered an accessory in a federal hate crimes investigation

    Should read maybe:

    Mike has said things about others….[so that he] could be considered an accessory in a federal hate crime

    I think this is connected to Aaron Worthing’s “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, and perhaps an accusation that somebody threatened some Moslems.

    I found this:

    The Crying Wolfe – Live with Wolves and You Learn to Howl has a post simply going:

    R.I.P Andrew
    Published March 1, 2012

    One of the comments says:

    ….Neal Rauhauser will take an incident that Aaron Worthing is suing him for in an unrelated matter and somehow try to tie Mike Stack into the Islamaphobic hate-crime scenario and lie to Muslim attorneys to get them to represent him for free because no one else will….

    So that seems to be what it’s about. Or a lead.

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  46. I read this stuff every day, but I literally need a flow chart to follow this stuff now.

    NessImp (82ae94)

  47. The psychology of a political thinker that puts them on the fringe? To medicate or not medicate? If they intrude upon the freedoms of the middle class in a violent or non productive way they need to be moderated, medicated, made to go away.

    I see not an iota of good in anything of Team Kimberlin. I see a bunch of people loosely hinged getting obsessed over politics and reacting to small offenses with lawsuits, threats of violence and character assassination.

    Any public official seeing this as a benign effort probably has his head up his ass.

    scable (40a8c6)

  48. Comment by NessImp — 6/12/2012 @ 10:58 am

    I read this stuff every day, but I literally need a flow chart to follow this stuff now.

    Last year, on June 28, when this was barely a month old, Lee Stranahan made a flow chart, but of only the puppets:

    I think there may be only 60 to 150 people that can follow this. It could help maybe if various parenthetical explanations were put in from time to time, or a condensed core of this were maybe explained.

    It’s complicated because there are other things to go back into, like Anthony Pellicano. The political history of the last 35 years in the United States may be less complicated.

    And then I read references that I want to research – like Black Adder (correctly surnmised as a fictional character – turns out to be a series of BBC programs) and Cyrus Sanai (turns out to be a real person – not fictional – a litigator who was mentioned on Patterico before Weinergate time.)

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  49. #49 – I always felt that it would be helpful to simply group sock-puppets by identified manipulator.

    Or even just under boxes of “Manipulative Tendency #1” etc.,with names filled in as identified. This would at least let the bewildered get a sense of which sock-puppet belongs to which faction. That would help. Lots.

    During the Weiner muddle, all too many people couldn’t take the time to follow it, and got hopelessly confused. I know I did, and some people seem to think I am fairly bright.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  50. “I won’t even mention the way that most guys, including Patterico (ie, his liberal wife) or “David, professional internet troll” will excuse or rationalize away political conflicts when they’re attached to a pretty face or soul mate, and — ta-da! — some girl manages to skate on by.”

    Who me?

    I don’t get paid.

    Even if that’s not directed at me…my sweetie is slightly to the left of Trotsky, but I love her anyway.

    We have three kids (and a couple of adoptees), a grandkid (my kids aren’t doing their job…I should have a fleet of grandchildren by now) and we’ve been hanging out together longer than a lot of you guys have been alive.

    We’ve been through a lot together, and if you think I’m going to kick her to the curb over some stupid crap like politics…you’re dreaming.

    Love, friendship, shared experience and responsibilities mean everything. Politics basically means dick. It’s just something to play with when you’re not doing something important.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  51. Re: cancelling out votes

    The other day I gave my best buddy a ride to the polling place, so he could drop off his ballot, after we went out and had some lunch, and he says: I make it a point to vote in every election just to cancel out your vote. I said: Yeah, that’s what you’ve said every election for the last 25 years.

    If we had any brains we’d just agree not to vote, and save ourselves a whole lot of trouble.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  52. Some materials for a flow chart: (somebody else can add (or subtract) names and organize themn better and explain)

    Here are some of the things to find out about (I made a list)

    People and organizations mentioned by Andrew Breitbart. He said he had been told by law enforcement that the number one target(of the Anonymous hackers) was Andrew Breitbart. Named
    as being involved in what he called President Nixon’s enemies list on steriods, where some people were hyper co-ordinated, and

    1. Michael Moore

    2. Anonymous, “the hackers at the highest
    levels of Occupy” whom he said were breaking into police servers and disseminating information)

    3. Media Matters

    4. Al Gore’s network (Current TVmwhuch had Olbermann afteer MSNBC fired him)

    5. The Daily Kos

    6. The Huffington Post

    7. “Crooks and Liars”

    8. MSNBC used to be part of that in the past

    He also said Tucker Carlson said this goes all the way up to the White House itself, at least as far as the accusations against James O’Keefe
    are concerned and as far as Media Matters going against James O’Keefe and himself is concerned. James O’Keefe did the Acorn video and some other things and was at that point being accused or semi-accused by Nadia Naffe of imprisoning her and maybe wanting to rape her or something.

    Other dramatis personae (more connected with what is being discussed here)

    1. Raw Story,

    2. AfterDowning Street

    3. BradBlog.

    4. Larry Flynt

    5. Larisa Alexandrovna

    6. Larissa and (Jason) Leopold’s website.

    7. Velvet Revolution

    8. (founded Dec. 2, 2010)

    9. @OccupyRebellion (Darrah Ford?)

    10. @BreitbartUnmask (server in Iceland)

    11. “Just Call Me Lefty.”


    13. Prosecute Rove (late 2009)

    14. Kevin Zeese (lawyer on board of Velvet Revolution.)

    15. Op-Critical rock band

    16. “Justice Through Music Project”

    17. Tides Foundatoon (exec. dir Jeff Cohen)
    (Donor Advised Fund)

    18. Brett Kimberlin aunt Harriet Crosby of General Mills fortune and Threshold Foundation

    19. International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)

    Neal R writes as

    1. WeOccupyAmerica and used to as

    2. StrandedWind at Daily Kos.

    3. Gaped Crusader

    4. @spedwybabs = Beth Becker – relationship with Rauhauser Progressive PST or PPST = “Progressive
    Political Strategy for Twitter” – the “beandogs” who followed Tea Party on Twitter (called Twittergate) Twittergate = twitter harassment of tea party) Tea Party Tracker hashtag.

    5. Neal Rauhauser said he had “44 clients in total” but only listed 15.

    6. Anonymous.

    7. anonymiss, as in female – Laurelai Bailey. Neal is in his mid 40s, a bit older than Laurelai Bailey, who is 29. Both originally from different places in Iowa. Neal suddenly annouinced move from Illinois toWashinbgton DC area July 7, 2011 and moved in October where Kimberlin is now located.

    8. LulzSec?

    9. AnonyOps and Molly Good / Texas Tim5 Kyle Kiernan

    10. Infragard. (Neal R founding member?)

    11. InfoWar, Anonymiss Dkos, and Anonymous Dkos.

    12. firm of (Jay) Liederman and Devine (also close to Neal R, who attended hearing against Aaron Walker (Worthing May 29)

    13. HBGary (double agent) (Imaginary “Christian Infowar Militia”)

    13. funded by NAACP? beandogs

    14. PermaCulture

    15. Project Vigilant – with Chet Uber. (Mark Rasch, Ira Winkler) one time only post on FireDogLake about quitting and about Uber
    (like he’s dead)

    16. Progressive Congress News (1,000 Cong staff subscribe?) Started before HBGary supposed break-in. Neal is not on payroll of Prog Cong News
    Proj Vigilant or Media Matters, or any other known employer, but gets equipment and traveled late last year between D.C., New York, (for Occupy Wall Street) and probably, Boston (but secretly)

    Associate (?) turns in Bradley Manning, the WikiLeaker. But not till after the diplomatic cables has been leaked to Julian Assaunge – although noboy knew he’d also leaked that besides the military reports.

    Linked to Julian Assaunge: Birgitta Jonsdottir in Iceland. David House in Boston. Anonymous Project Chanology leader Gregg Housh in South Boston.

    Neal R links: Cutting Edge News (anti-oil) editor Edwin Black. Turning Oil into Salt conference in Chicago in 2008 (org by Gal Luft and Anne Korin – James Woolsey a endorsee name) Ammonia Fuel Network conference in Minneapolis,

    Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (Neal R member?)

    Adrian Lamo (homeless hacker) – what side?

    “such things as Bev Harris, Andy Stephenson, Jason Leopold and Truthout, the Clint Curtis junk, and the biggie for me was the more recent
    Michael Connell hoax” debunked by Creeksneakers2

    (Theresa Duncan story

    MajorFlaw of the UGOG’s

    Good guys:

    Imitation or fake posters with name of Socrates (see below)

    Dave Weintraub memory Internet zeitgeist

    Twitter user PeterPavel1 – good, bad? Attacked by Neal on Daily Kos)

    Socrates = Prepostericity: started late in the time of Plamegate. Huffington Post. Was on BradBlog as Socrates – Brad challenged him to do research Found out about BK April/May 2008.

    Long thread on Kimberlin suddenly deleted. Went to Daily Kos and Democratic Underground as Prepostericity. Secret identity discovered by lawsuit. As of late 2008 a player. “The spin that I am a super troll actually got started around 2007”

    “lot of scoop nuggets” like Brett / Raw Story (Larissa A. there)

    “amateur internet cybersleuth”

    “Brett Kimberlin Exposed” thread – a big thread with over 5,000 views and nearing 100 replies, unceremoniously scrubbed while “Election Integrity” threads at DU were lucky to get 200 views and ten replies. (I need to get that straight. Was that DU?) Had saved pages and went to Daily Kos.

    Democratic Underground censored like Daily Kos. Soapblox world? chemtrails

    Brad and Alexandrovna had inside power at DU.

    He found out about Lori Grace plan to give money to Brett Kimberlin and prevented contribution to Kimberlin?)

    Dem Underground started by Brad in 2004. Without BK Brad probably would still be a nobody.
    Brett Kimberlin etc = Team Numbnuts. Another nickname: Lefty Liar’s Club.

    Other side: Team Breitbart

    (Socrates) socratisation

    Steven Hertzberg, the Director of the Election Science Institute

    Patrick Frey of Aaron worthing and Mike Stack (goatsred) [rpbably don;t need to be identified.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  53. Some interesting comments here, I think I’ll just wait for the legacy media to explain it all to me.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  54. “Some materials for a flow chart:”

    There’s a problem with your flowchart, Sammy.

    It’s so huge that by the time you get to the end of the flowchart process the sun will have expanded into a red giant and the flowchart will be burned up.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  55. 43. Comment by Sarahw — 6/12/2012 @ 10:42 am

    Sammy, a deliberate leak is a reasonable consideration.

    It screams out at you. The hard part is figuring out what the idea is here.

    It screams out at you: The e-mail puts Neal Rauhauser in a favorable light, but contains obvious lies and implausibilities, and someone seemed to have confienmce in the source.

    Motive probably is Point 3 (draft of settlement agreement between Mike Stack and Neal Rauhauser)
    but the focus is put off it. Point 3 “explains” Neal hiring Jay right now. Probably real work, but on spec.

    Points 1 and 2 are just lies. Point 1 is a question – does he think Frey would settle a lawsuit by Mike Stack for $10,000 or 420,000 just to avoid discovery. Of course this will nbe answered no.

    Misleading background information is put in points 1 and 2. It concedes a link betwene him and to Swattings (for those who know what the beandogs are) but claims unprovable.

    Link would be conceded because evidence against Brynaert, whom he doesn’t mention, is strong.

    Point 2 is more lies but the bottom line of Point 2 is that a lawsuit against Patterico/Worthing/Mccain/whoever is better than Mike co-operating in a prosecution. That’s just there to explain Point 1.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  56. “Some materials for a flow chart:”

    Comment by Dave Surls — 6/12/2012 @ 12:20 pm

    There’s a problem with your flowchart, Sammy.

    It’s so huge that by the time you get to the end of the flowchart process the sun will have expanded into a red giant and the flowchart will be burned up.

    You need several different flow charts. Less than a dozen. It’s no more difficult than an historical atlas. This is only part.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  57. Comment by Elephant Stone — 6/12/2012 @ 10:24 am

    ….everyone, pull your heads out and vote for Mitt Romney in November. He’s the only one with a shot at replacing Obama.

    Gary Johnson is not going to win the election,
    okay ?

    I suppose some people found Gary Johnson a favorote.

    The question I have is:

    Just what was the matter with Jeb Bush that he didn’t run for President this year? Was it really better to let Mitt Romney win the nomination? Was he so afraid of something looking like nepotism?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  58. Obama came up with a semi-plausible excuse for not campaigning in Wisconsin before the recall

    June 11, 2012
    Obama: I Didn’t Come To Wisconsin, Because I Was “Too Busy” Oh?

    (except that he spent that week showing up at fundraisers and could easily have squeezed in a Wisconsin appearance.)

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  59. How NOT ROMNEY could have had a campaign issue against Barack Obama on immigration in the hispanic community (and how Obama basically tried to be on both sides)

    This is part of his actual record in the United Sattes Senate. He, after some time, got the people trying to work out a compormise to make some changes – then still voted for an amendment that would kill the bill – which he knew would kill the bill because Senator Kennedy and several other Senators said so and Jim DiMint voted for the (Dorgan) amendment.

    No other Senator (is that correct?) apparently quite played the issue that way. They were mnore clear where they were going. They didn’t claim they were happy and then they were not.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  60. It seems much easier to gain notoriety and fame by being a dishonest pain in the butt (and worse) than working at something that contributes positively to the human condition.

    Is there a “bulletin board” or something somewhere that posts these opportunities? Are there colleges that have majors designed to prepare one for a career in this?

    I am not at all denying the problem, it is just sad how much trouble can be caused by a few people with malevolent intent and relatively childish ways of conducting their lives. It is great that in our country a person of little standing has opportunity for recourse against the powerful, but sad when so many are willing to use those mechanisms to cause chaos and injustice.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  61. I read this stuff every day, but I literally need a flow chart to follow this stuff now.

    Welcome to the world of conspiracy theorists.

    Not Likely (3efcc2)

  62. “not likely” is back to be an apologist for Kimberlin. Again. How many names is that?!

    JD (318f81)

  63. Comment by Not Likely — 6/12/2012 @ 2:14 pm

    Welcome to the world of conspiracy theorists.

    There is no doubt a conspiracy theiory is true – the question is the right conspiracy (and also not to make people look like both idiots and super-competent)

    Either there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy or there is Vast Left Wing conspiracy but no conspiracy you cannot say.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  64. Sammy,

    You always seem to have so much to say, why don’t you start your own blog?

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  65. I’ve figured out why I’ve found this so hard to follow. I thought it would somehow become rational. It never will. It’s all crazy, with or without the flowcharts. Humans at their worst.

    htom (412a17)

  66. It seems much easier to gain notoriety and fame by being a dishonest pain in the butt (and worse) than working at something that contributes positively to the human condition.

    No kidding. Everyone has heard of Genghis Kahn (even John Kerry).

    Can you name one of the numerous civilizations he committed genocide against?

    Pious Agnostic (ee2c24)

  67. I for one am disgusted. Your wife is a frickin’ Democrat?

    Is divorce out of the question or something? Are kids involved?

    Kevin (12fdb4)

  68. Kevin, thanks we were wondering if there was a troll shortage. Evidently not.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  69. MD in Philly sez:

    Are there colleges that have majors designed to prepare one for a career in this?


    EW1(SG) (c9a468)

  70. SPQR, I don’t think Kevin is a troll. I think he was being facetious. I may be wrong, but if he is the same Kevin that has posted in the past then he is not a troll.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  71. peedoffamerican, if not he’s decidely unfunny.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  72. EW1(SG) – Hey there!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  73. EW1!!!!!

    JD (95e569)

  74. Just what was the matter with Jeb Bush that he didn’t run for President this year?

    His name. There is no way a Bush, no matter how good, could have a chance in 2012.

    Milhouse (312124)

  75. Jay Schmegelmann, Attorney at Law of Sandler, Schmegelmann, Trotsky, Hedcheese and Cheatham, LLP.

    Colonel Haiku (593ea4)

  76. SF: Just what was the matter with Jeb Bush that he didn’t run for President this year?

    Comment by Milhouse — 6/12/2012 @ 4:19 pm

    His name. There is no way a Bush, no matter how good, could have a chance in 2012.

    And just why is that so? This is stupid pessimism. It’s a minor handicap, possibly, but that’s all and candidates with handicaps have won many times.

    Was there some better candidate running this year? Some person he thought might make a better president?

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  77. Comment by peedoffamerican — 6/12/2012 @ 3:12 pm

    You always seem to have so much to say, why don’t you start your own blog?

    I didn’t research this. Although I actually did run a small occasional posting blog (for a business) that somebody else set up (which was invisible on Google, except maybe the first day it got a post)

    I know what blog software I don’t want. Not sure what I do want. This one is good and what Volokh used to have is good. This one costs, what, $150 a what period of time? Probably I’d also want a short .com name. Somebody recommended wordpress.

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  78. It won’t fly, Sammy. A good 40% of the country hates the Bush name, blames his brother for everything that has gone wrong with their lives and with the world, and a good many who don’t are worried about the ones who do. In a Republican primary campaign he’d be busy full time explaining why his name would not destroy him in the general, and that alone would destroy him in the primary. If he actually got to the general, he’d still be spending half his time distancing himself from his father and brother, but being careful not to distance himself too much. It just couldn’t be done.

    No, I don’t think he had someone else in mind to support. He just knew that this wasn’t his year. And by 2020 his time will have passed and it will be the time of the new generation just rising now. By 2020 we’ll be hearing from Jindal, Haley, Walker, Christie, McDonnell, Rubio, Paul, perhaps Palin, probably some more. It’ll be a crowded field, and Bush will be a reminder of a past era. So sorry, Jeb, it just wasn’t meant to be. Maybe George P, of “the little brown ones”, will make it in the 2030s.

    Milhouse (312124)

  79. 77. That flowchart is definitely not for me.

    By the way, I think I’ve seen it before. I’m not sure where.

    By the way, my list has got mistakes. I seem to have entered fake Socrates below rather than above the line separating bad guys from good guys.

    And Ron B needs to be there as a sort of fake defector – not a defector, but he seems to be always someone recently disillusioned about something. He would undoubtedly be the “beandog” who SWATted Mike Stack.

    Neal knows that already. By the way, notice the supposed e-mail is dated May 24, 2012 11:34 AM – the day before Blog about Breett Kimberlin day the day before Patterico posted the message that revealed the Swatting of Mike Stack – the day before most people learned that word.

    Now why – to lend credibility I guess to the claim that he’d been in discussions with Mike Stack. I think maybe BK and NR just want to shut him up and invent some history.

    Now I don’t know if that message was really sent or not, but Mike Stack would know because it’s addressed to him. It is entitled Mike sack/Jay Leiderman introduction and the first address is Mike Stack but there;s nothing there introducing Jay Leiderman to Mike Stack and only one too brief paragraph introducing Mike Stack to Jay Leiderman and then it goes onto its speil. You think of those spy movies where a letter is deliberately written to be read.

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  80. Did you know that RB wrote to JGCA on April 27, 2012 and said in part:

    If you won’t tell me [why a previous e-mail from him was never posted on her website] I hope you will talk to Mike Stack and his lawyer who are trying to catch the criminal who swatted him on June 23, 2011. And NJ police.

    So he knew all about that then.

    Sammy Finkelman (015e49)

  81. “Kevin, thanks we were wondering if there was a troll shortage. Evidently not.

    Comment by SPQR — 6/12/2012 @ 3:28 pm”

    Heh. I’m only a ‘troll’ when Patrick talks about Jeff Goldstein or gay marriage. And that’s only because he’s wrong on those issues. Other than that, I’m extremely supportive of him. Although I don’t know him personally, I would be willing to wager that Patrick Frey is quite a good person.

    Kevin (12fdb4)

  82. I’m trying to figure out why did Naffe file against O’Keefe when it came out in the court that there was no such harassment at least from what I read. She got compensated for the trip out to O’Keefe’s but her taking drugs that was accompanied with alcohol is her own damn fault. We know this because Naffe basically confirmed it when she accused Patterico of leaking her medical records. No such records exist publicly nor was it posted here because it was SarahW who was spot on when she guessed of what Naffe was taking and that freaked Naffe out. The drugs she was taking I believe was to treat her bipolar disorder which does not have a good combination at all with alcohol whatsoever hence why she was drowsy. I know because my best friend had an ex-girlfriend who he had a son with and she had major bipolar outbreaks which cost me over a grand in a trial he was facing. That’s another story to tell. Anyways, O’Keefe never slipped her roofies so there was no intentions to rape her at all contrary to the blubbering idiots on the left spectrum.

    I can understand that Naffe got pissed when Patterico exposed her hypocrisy and then turned her attention to him after Rauhauser convinced her to make a case. After all, we know that because of the whole finding out Ace of Spades’ name which has no place in the court room if it even got that far. Think about it, what does Ace of Spades have to do with it? So the court would find it absurd and tell her to move on missing any chance to find out his name. If Patterico knows it, I’m sure he’d argue that why she is pressing for his name and how it’s irrelevant to the case at matter. Especially I’m sure Patterico can testify under oath that Ace of Spades have no relevance to the whole matter so Ace can stay safe and keep his name out of the public limelight in order to keep attacking Democrats. Honestly Ace is one of the best “community organizers” when it comes to Republicans and right-wing people alike on the web.

    Now compare Kos to Ace of Spades. Kos only managed to create a community with an outlet during the Bush Administration but there isn’t really a “community” per se because it’s just unveiled hatred of Republicans being combined in 1 spot like Democratic Underground where every poster can just make a journal or thread displaying that. Ace of Spades on the other hand does not do that because he mercilessly exposes Democrat hypocrisy on his website by himself.

    Kaitian (da9520)

  83. 76, 79. Jebbie’s daughter got arrested for selling coke, too.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  84. Except that we tracked down the Brett Warren video over the weekend and listened to it, and it does not sound like the swatter IMO.

    Which makes the story a little less interesting.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  85. Good to know Patterico. I am searching for it right now.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  86. That’s the best I could find. I don’t think it sounds like the Swatter.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  87. Here’s a comparison that I found more compelling.

    Imagine Brett, with that southern voice, saying “I shotter” like that.

    Dustin (330eed)

  88. See, timmah and I can agree
    Comment by JD — 6/12/2012 @ 10:12 am

    — Hear, hear!

    Icy (74e911)

  89. Nope, not Warren. Almost an instant nope; he’s got a man’s voice, that’s as close as it gets.

    Why do they even attempt such a poor match? It’s not like it would build credibility.

    sarahW (b0e533)

  90. Except that we tracked down the Brett Warren video over the weekend and listened to it, and it does not sound like the swatter IMO.

    Which makes the story a little less interesting.

    Comment by Patterico

    I didn’t think the voices sounded that similar. Further, I’m almost certain that email was written as a distraction; it reads like Rauhauser’s rants, and follows his patterns.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  91. If that vid is Brett Warren and Brett Warren’s voice, I’d exclude Brett Warren as the false report maker.

    More squid ink from the squid ink factory.

    sarahW (b0e533)

  92. I didn’t think the voices sounded that similar. Further, I’m almost certain that email was written as a distraction; it reads like Rauhauser’s rants, and follows his patterns.

    Comment by Dianna

    Someone I trust has semi-vouched for Danny, so I kinda hesitate to go down that path.

    But I get where you’re coming from. The idea conservatives were holding nude picks as a deterrent, calling beandogs at home, posting pictures of their family’s home?

    That sounds like what Neal would claim Beandogs are faced with for offenses like “called me a fag”.

    And the email did sound a lot like Neal’s lame persona management and it did bolster Neal’s claim it’s just a beandog behind all this.

    Dustin (330eed)

  93. That sounds like what Neal would claim Beandogs are faced with for offenses like “called me a fag”.

    And the email did sound a lot like Neal’s lame persona management and it did bolster Neal’s claim it’s just a beandog behind all this.

    Comment by Dustin

    Someone linked to a blogspot site that belongs to this Momus character. I went and read. Momus really doesn’t like this Brett Warren, and maybe with cause, but “Momus” is injecting himself into this affair for no reason I can fathom.

    And this is one strange way to spend my vacation!

    Dianna (f12db5)

  94. I’m surprised your wife is a Dem. Do you guys ever discuss whether tax cuts for the rich create jobs?

    Also, every time I’ve checked this site in recent weeks, it’s been all Brett Kimberlin, all the time. Doesn’t this mean he’s winning? Is this maybe his real purpose, just tying up people in knots without care as to any later outcomes?

    the ragman (1dfb6b)

  95. ragman, Patterico’s job seems to demand most of his time.

    He doesn’t have any co bloggers.

    So when he blogs, he’s mostly blogging about the serious events that have happened to he and his friends.

    Doesn’t this mean he’s winning?

    I don’t get it.

    Dustin (330eed)

  96. the ragman, first its Kevin now its you that think this thread is about Patterico’s wife?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  97. Ragman:

    Also, every time I’ve checked this site in recent weeks, it’s been all Brett Kimberlin, all the time. Doesn’t this mean he’s winning?

    Comment by Dustin — 6/13/2012 @ 11:19 am

    I don’t get it.

    Meaning, suppose Brett Kimberlin’s purpose is to avoid having Patterico talk about politics? Or whatever.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  98. 77 @ Colonel Haiku

    Here’s aflow chart ABC News put out about teh Supreme Court Obamacare decision:

    I think Flow Chart is the wrong word for what 46. NessImp on 6/12/2012 at 10:58 am wanted.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  99. 53. Here are some more facts to include:

    Joe Lauria: Mark Singer (author of Citizen K) puts Socrates in contact with journalist
    Joseph Lauria, who in end does no story – Lauria’s identity is later (?) stolen by Jason Leopold. Lauria also told Singer Prepostericty was a “player” He gave Socrates information about Kimberlin having an aunt named Harriet Crosby.

    Dave Weintraub site: Kimberlin petitioned a Maryland court to have the website turned over
    to him to satisfy $100 default judgement Seth had not paid. It was denied. He also wanted many posts removed and charged him with interfering with business. (Truth or fairness was not a issue in his complaints.

    Brad Friedman had said kind words about Pat Buchanan at one point, according to Socrates – maybe Brett Kimberlin did so also,(according to the poster known as The Scyphers Murder) unless they are talking about the same thing.

    Neal Rauhauser claims he had to move twice since late 2010. And (because of that?) lost the love two good women (?!) Works now part time (? – home at 8:46 am and back home from his daily duties by 3:24 PM on a Monday) on Capitol Hill. Was once a Republican. Was once a telecomm engineer and a hacker. (Q. Any connection to Anthony Pellicano?)

    Reconciled with Catholic Church in first half of 2012 after 18 months of talks with a bishop (and
    compliance with large package of penances?)

    Some medical problems? Claims Mild Asperger’s Syndrome (not a problem actually) Lyme disease since 2007, polycystic kidneys, and periods when he has bad days and need to sleep in day if eats the wrong thing.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  100. Anexconsview claimed to Neal R he graphs things – maybe he really did this?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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