Patterico's Pontifications


Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin Harasses Blogger for Telling Truth About Him

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:04 am

Aaron Worthing reveals how convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin has turned his life upside down for the crime of telling the truth about Kimberlin’s past:

Regular readers of this site know that for some time the convicted domestic terrorist known as Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me. He did this because I dared to offer a bit of light, free legal help to a man he was suing named Seth Allen and then as he came after me, I told the truth about his deplorable criminal background and the fact he lied under oath in a hearing on November 14, 2011 and recommended that he be charged with perjury. . . .

Starting on January 9, 2012, Brett Kimberlin actually attempted to frame me for a crime.

. . . .

[H]e convinced the Montgomery County State’s Attorney to maintain second degree assault charges against me for over two months—with a punishment of up to ten years in prison, if convicted—taking it so close to trial that I was forced to take the time and expense of preparing much of my defense. He has cost me and my wife our jobs because our workplace was frightened that this violent bomber might show up at work. After all, he had published my home address and work address in court filings, for no reason other than to harass me. He has obtained a peace order (similar to a restraining order) against me in part for supposed “harassment” for having told the truth about him on this blog. And you will learn that after the video emerged, the charges were dropped and the peace order was dismissed on appeal.

This is not an isolated instance, by the way. Kimberlin and his supporters have used frivolous accusations of criminal activity, frivolous lawsuits, and harassment and intimidation to attack every blogger who dared reveal anything about his past — including me. That story is coming.

Aaron has video disproving allegations that Kimberlin made. He has audio showing Kimberlin lied about his past under oath. Yet, despite all this evidence, authorities in Maryland will not act. Read all about it here.

128 Responses to “Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin Harasses Blogger for Telling Truth About Him”

  1. Also, Aaron reveals his real name!

    Patterico (feda6b)

  2. Patterico: legal question. Has this guy really filed hundreds of lawsuits? You would think that would make the courts leery of him.

    I want these people to leave Aaron alone. I doubt he can get anything from them.

    Simon Jester (a51dc4)

  3. TL;DR you say?
    This is how BK sees himself. This is BK Especially slide number 7

    SarahW (b0e533)

  4. I believe Citizen K reported that he has filed over 100 lawsuits. And me made that claim when he threatened to sue me. He has filed lawsuits over not being able to have electric guitars in prison. If memory serves, I believe Citizen K even reported that he sued a porn company for having insufficiently provocative porn.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  5. this asshat should still be in jail over the bombings…

    in fact, IMHO, he ought to get a murder charge over the death of Carl DeLong, but that’s just me.

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  6. Sounds like a real douchebag.

    EC (dda60e)

  7. Re: Slide #7

    Seems legit.

    Meanwhile at a different store, a Westside print shop, the proprietor was becoming suspicious of customer who wanted to reproduce military drivers licenses. The shop owner called the U.S. Army and when the customer came back, on Sept. 20, an Army investigator was there too. The customer was wearing a security guard’s uniform with Department of Defense insignia. It was Brett Kimberlin.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  8. There’s a word for people like that. Terrorist. It is possible to fit the definition of terrorist without doing anything overtly illegal. But its still terrorism.

    John T (77fddb)

  9. BK and Rowhowser and RonB are a vile disgusting nasty group of asshats. Someday they will get the karma they so richly deserve.

    JD (266e42)

  10. John T

    Well, there is also the fact he blew up bombs. That kind of makes him a terrorist, too. 🙂

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  11. I find Brett to be one of the worse types of monsters – one who blatantly abuses the legal system in wage his vendettas.

    But the world will, very soon, close in on The Speedway Bomber, this man who’s actions cause a man to take his own life, and who engaged in acts that today would find him placed in GitMo in a small cell.

    I consider Brett Kimberlin to be nothing more than a loathsome thug. The litany of crimes and civil violations I believe him to have engaged in over the past twelve months or so will very soon cause him much grief.

    His time, it grows short. I believe that his actions will someday soon see him punished rather harshly.

    And I will be there to point at laugh at him as he is taken away in chains.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  12. Well this story really is alarming. Sorry to hear of Aaron’s becoming a target.

    Visiting Bethesda beginning of June, now with some ennui, but hope to get a feel for the environs.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  13. Well, it is Maryland, after all.
    What else would you expect from the State that gave Princess Nancy her Basic Training in Politics.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  14. A convicted felon, on parole, commits perjury and harassment…and the police don’t do anything about it? I knew there was a reason I stayed the hell away from Maryland.

    Robocop (8efdaa)

  15. It’s important that people spread the word on this.

    This video is proof that Kimberlin lied in many of his under-oath claims about Aaron. However I believe that he and his allies have created a convoluted mess, to borrow Socrates’s word for it, and in that mess one prosecutor in Maryland thinks this is just two guys hassling eachother online. He probably didn’t even review the video personally and compare it to Kimberlin’s police report and testimony.

    When you lie under oath in a way that is designed to get someone charged and convicted with a crime they didn’t commit, that’s serious. Frankly, the context greatly exacerbates the wrongfulness in my eyes, but if someone in MD disagrees with me about the context, it’s not relevant. Even if Brett Kimberlin had no criminal record and was actually trying to protect himself from lies about his bombing conviction (which is absurd), then it would still be absolutely unacceptable for him to lie under oath and in sworn statements to police. He filed false charged and perjured himself, and I urge MD’s authorities to do something about it.

    They have ironclad proof. Anyone watching this video and comparing it to Brett’s testimony can see that.

    Folks need to give Aaron a hand here and help spread the word about this story.

    Dustin (330eed)

  16. Scooter Libby wants to know who BK knows?

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  17. This is Frisch level crazy and criminality. And maybe even a order of magnitude worse.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  18. Even if Brett Kimberlin had no criminal record and was actually trying to protect himself from lies about his bombing conviction (which is absurd)

    Oh, it is even dumber than that.

    In his court case with Seth Allen, Brett claimed to have recieved a secret exoneration .

    I don’t think Brett is capable of telling the truth in any way, shape, or form. I find him to be utterly without worth, and beyond contempt.

    Scott Jacobs (7afd19)

  19. “This is Frisch level crazy and criminality. And maybe even a order of magnitude worse.

    Comment by SPQR”

    I tried to explain that to a couple of Protein Wisdomeers (Who are welcome to help spread the word about this thug). It was frustrating because I have to keep confidences about a couple of details. Not for long I don’t.

    They have attacked Patterico too.

    I’ve only spoken to Aaron’s wife a couple of times. The first time I did, I could hear the fear in her voice. Imagine having a psycho like this ruining your life just because your husband told the truth about him. Not psycho in the typical usage, but a bona fide psychopath who sets bombs and worse.

    I’ve got a lot of motivation to help, but not a lot of ways I can do it. Anything I can think of I’ve done, and it just hasn’t been enough.

    Aaron’s asking people to help. And this time everyone needs to help. What are you going to do? You can tweet a link to Aaron’s post, or RSM’s or Dan Collins’s or this one by Patterico. You can write anyone you know in journalism. If you work for Fox News, Aaron is a great interviewer. I’ve seen him in a video interview for the NRA and he’s well spoken. You couldn’t ask for a better story. Ask your congressman about this. If you’re in Maryland, inquire if your state has defacto legalized perjury. I don’t think they intended to. I think the truth is they are overwhelmed and didn’t realize how strong the evidence is in this case.

    Watch the video.

    Then write:

    State’s Attorney for Montgomery County
    50 Maryland Avenue, 5th Floor
    Rockville, Maryland 20850

    Politely tell them how the evidence proves perjury.

    Dustin (330eed)

  20. And if you have a blog, write a post about this. Your reactions. It doesn’t have to make the whole case. Just get people talking about this.

    Dustin (330eed)

  21. Dustin

    thanks as usual for having my back.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  22. I’m so sorry this nightmare happened to Aaron and his wife, but I’m impressed with their courage and resourcefulness in response. May God bless and protect everyone who has been victimized by this group.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  23. Is there like a large number of people including nationally known heavy hitters backing this guy, or a relatively small number of very determined bad people, FWIW?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  24. Is there like a large number of people including nationally known heavy hitters backing this guy, or a relatively small number of very determined bad people, FWIW?

    In a roundabout way, a lot of heavy hitters have some kind of tie of support to these bad guys. Tides Foundation, Soros, etc. I think merely because they support activism. I don’t think most of the left has a clue. In fact, I think they are being suckered and Brett is not all that sincere about his politics.

    The core is a determined set of truly wicked people. Exposing the latter will help alleviate the former’s support. Or expose their nature. Whatever the case will be.

    Daily Kos banned Rauhauser when they saw what he was up to. They don’t want to be associated with it. As this is discussed more, I very much hope to see more folks on the left criticize these evil people who are engaging in lawfare to squelch speech and freedom. One of the most genuine lefties I’ve ever come across has been extremely critical of them. He would not appreciate it if people said this is the left. I think he deserves to see many other lefties prove how right he is.

    Dustin (330eed)

  25. Doesn’t this guy fulfill the criteria for vexatious litigant ?

    Mike K (326cba)

  26. OK, let me start by saying I like Aaron and his blog and I absolutely think Kimberlin is a scumbag and a thug who belongs in prison for a long time.

    That being said, this whole thing would probably have been a lot less messy if Aaron hadn’t taken Kimberlin’s iPad. His testimony that he felt “threatened” by the iPad just doesn’t past the smell test to me. I mean, if Kimberlin was holding it cocked back in a threatening manner, that would be one thing…but that doesn’t seem to be the case (at least from what I can tell from the blog post). I think it more likely that Kimberlin was going to take a picture of Aaron and this pissed Aaron off (and I don’t blame him given everything that had come before). Aaron probably let his emotions get the better of him and took the iPad in the heat of the moment. It may be more clear if Aaron was a bit more descriptive in how Kimberlin was raising “the iPad as if to use it.” What does that mean? Was it lifted over his head like he was about to strike you with it? This would help me understand whether you had a reasonable fear of imminent harm.

    Now this is not to excuse any of the behavior of Kimberlin before or after that part of the story. Kimberlin is beyond reprehensible. Kimberlin belongs in jail. But I can kind of understand how a prosecutor might look at the whole iPad part of it and say, “Wait a second, you were threatened by the iPad?” and decide to just wish a pox on both of Aaaron and Kimberlin’s houses and refuse to listen to any of it.

    Anyway, I really do hope this works out such that there is a happy ending. I hope Kimberlin and his buddies end up in jail. I hope Aaron finds a new job. I hope his wife finds a new job. And I hope the truth of Kimberlin’s conduct gets widely publicized.

    HappyMillardFillmore (e77ff3)

  27. Amen, DRJ.

    MayBee (0d68a6)

  28. Page 46 might add a little clarity.

    …”Kimberlin proved to be a difficult prisoner, filing civil suits against many of the witnesses against him and threatening the rest with similar actions. After his conviction, police released yellow legal pads the had confiscated from him that they said detailed his plans to kill key witnesses and prosecutors and rob and intimidate others.

    Even more troubling, as Kimberlin awaited trial, one of his suspected coconspirators, his younger brother Scott E. Kimberlin, twenty, was shot and killed on October 20, 1980, with his own gun in a mysterious case in Dayton Ohio.

    Small potatoes? Mostly. Except for the psychopath part.

    Also The abuse of process and the courts needs stopping.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  29. His testimony that he felt “threatened” by the iPad just doesn’t past the smell test to me. I mean, if Kimberlin was holding it cocked back in a threatening manner, that would be one thing…but that doesn’t seem to be the case (at least from what I can tell from the blog post). I think it more likely that Kimberlin was going to take a picture of Aaron and this pissed Aaron off (and I don’t blame him given everything that had come before).

    In good faith I see where you’re coming from, but

    A) it’s a crime to take someone’s photo in court. Aaron was stopping Brett from committing a crime. Though he didn’t figure out what Brett was doing at first.

    B) I think Aaron only had a split second to react. Brett has set a lot of bombs. He got angry, yelled “and I got it!” in response to Aaron’s comment that Brett did prior stuff just to find out who Aaron is, and then Brett raised up a device quickly. Aaron didn’t have time to ponder what was going on.

    Think about it. If you ran into Jared Loughner or Bill Ayers and they got angry with you and suddenly pulled out an electronic device, wouldn’t grabbing the device from them be a plausible reaction?

    C) as soon as Aaron could, he gave the device to the police and asked them to resolve the situation. He didn’t touch Brett or intend to keep his property. He simply saw that Brett was doing something in anger with a device, recognized in a split second that the range of things that could happen were not good, and I think was in reasonable fear. Turns out the iPad wasn’t going to detonate a bomb, but I don’t think scoffing at the split second fear is fair unless you’ve had a convicted bomber wave a device like this at you and didn’t flinch.

    “Wait a second, you were threatened by the iPad?” and decide to just wish a pox on both of Aaron and Kimberlin’s houses and refuse to listen to any of it.

    If so, that’s really horrible. Proven perjury is a serious crime. Framing someone is a seriously evil thing to do.

    Imagine if Carl Delong had felt threatened by the gym bag that Brett Kimberlin hid a bomb in. You might scoff “Wait a second, you were threatened by a gym bag?” But if he had, he’d still be alive.

    Dustin (330eed)

  30. Excellent link, Sarah.

    Police described the plans they found of Brett’s as planning murder and intimidation against witnesses. People who have a problem with Brett often wind up dead in mysterious circumstances. Such as being shot in the face.

    All Aaron did was hold Brett’s iPad, not laying a finger on Brett, and hand it to the police. Brett is now proven to have been committing a crime with that iPad when Aaron took it.

    Why did Brett want to take the photo of people in court who Brett opposes? Why does the court outlaw such behavior? I think we all understand that part.

    But all that interesting discussion aside for a second: did Aaron prove that Brett perjured himself in order to frame Aaron with a crime? Yes.

    Reading SarahW’s link reminds me that prosecutors have good reason to be afraid of Brett Kimberlin. It’s a lot of trouble to prosecute him. It’s extremely dangerous to prosecute him. I hope someone in Maryland’s State’s Attorney’s office is brave enough to do their job, because imagine what it’s like for Aaron to stand up to him.

    Dustin (330eed)

  31. BTW, The twitter account I believe is Brett Kimberlin’s recently posted a poem that seemed to me to be a death threat directed specifically at Patterico and ‘theirs’. Meaning Patterico’s friends.

    This is as serious as it gets. Aaron’s fear of this sociopath is the most reasonable thing about this fiasco. I sincerely believe this will either end with Brett resorting to more violence or law enforcement stopping him first.

    They started with Seth, were encouraged by the court’s lethargy, and upped their game to Aaron, and now they are referencing death @ Patterico. Things are escalating.

    If something happens and Maryland had a great case they didn’t pursue because ‘a pox on both your houses’, that is a grave injustice.

    Let me add I know HappyMillardFillmore qualified his comments with this exact same sentiment that Brett needs to be incarcerated. And I think HappyMillardFillmore is pointing to a valuable lesson for anyone else who winds up facing Brett. Don’t let him provoke you. I don’t know how exactly people are supposed to balance their self protection instinct against being savvy about convolution and smears.

    Dustin (330eed)

  32. “Threatened by an ipad” seems hilarious until you understand the threat of exposure was rather more serious to Aaron than most people.

    Why, BK certainly agreed with him about that risk and after drawing as big a target on him as possible, in the reddest ink, made sure to concern himself with the terrible risk to Mr Worthing and point out what great danger Aaron was in to very nearly every major combination of letters in law enforcement. Out of kindness.

    I’m sure the photo would only have advanced such amiable motives.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  33. I wish I could get to the point as well as Sarah did.

    That’s a great point, Sarah. Merely taking the guy’s picture as he tells everyone how Aaron being outted places him in great danger is, alone, a compelling reason to stop him from the crime of taking a photo in a courtroom. I don’t think Aaron had time to make that calculation in a split second, but I could be mistaken about that. I do think Sarah is on target about what Brett was thinking, though.

    Dustin (330eed)

  34. These are Nadia Naffe’s new buddies.

    JD (764530)

  35. “courtroom” should say court building, to be more accurate.

    And sorry if I’m overwhelming the thread. I’ve been bottling up my views on much of this stuff for a long time. Still am.

    Dustin (330eed)

  36. And Crissy Hooten’s old buddies.

    JD (764530)

  37. I don’t know how exactly people are supposed to balance their self protection instinct against being savvy about convolution and smears.

    Comment by Dustin — 5/17/2012 @ 2:55 pm

    Me, neither.

    Kimberlin must be in his 50’s, now, but it doesn’t require youth and strength to use a gun, or to use a whole range of things that could hurt someone seriously.

    Aaron’s reaction struck me as more restrained than might have been good for him, given who he was facing.

    Dianna (b7aa4f)

  38. If he had written down detailed plans of ways he was going to intimdate, harass, injure, and kill witnesses against him, what happened to all of that?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  39. I wish Aaron (and his wife) the best. This whole ordeal has to have been incredibly stressful on their relationship, especially since they both lost their jobs as a consequence. Kimberlin is apparently a psychopath, and it looks like nothing will stop his reign of terror until he is returned to prison. I’m not even sure that would stop it, since he’s abused the court system from prison in the past.

    If a desire to “hide” his past was the original goal in starting this war, Kimberlin has utterly failed in that regard since this series of events has only served to widely publicized his sordid history.

    fryguy in NZ (5d3670)

  40. When you guys hear everything else that these vile f@cks have done, you will be amazed.

    JD (429c83)

  41. Oh, and Alex is a cowardly lying liar, obsessed with me.

    JD (429c83)

  42. I still don’t get why he sock-puppeted your name, JD. Crazy.

    But I meant what I wrote on the other thread: trolls are just trying to get some weird jollies. But Aaron (and some other people) have suffered at the hands of these people. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone here—trolls and lurkers and serious posters—agreed that people like Aaron needed support, and tried to do something about it?

    Games are games, but this is a serious business.

    Simon Jester (a75754)

  43. “If he had written down detailed plans of ways he was going to intimdate, harass, injure, and kill witnesses against him, what happened to all of that?”

    He’s got “friends” all the way to the top of the food chain in the Democrat Party (Carl Levin, just to name one name), and they can fix anything, if they want to bad enough.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  44. Has anyone passed this on to PJMedia? I think this would be right up their alley, might also give you an Instalanche.

    Might also try looking for organization that work to stop malicious litigation or excessive prosecution.

    Aaron, I’d also recommend backing up your blog, possibly on your own hosting service.

    OmegaPaladin (a63d4d)

  45. Aaron’s taken a lot of precautions. If someone does take his blog off the web, I’ll post it.

    If someone does something to him, they’ll have to do something to me to shut this down. If they do something to me, they’ll have to do something to people they’ve never even heard of to shut this down.

    Remember that Brett Kimberlin’s partner is Brad Friedman of Brad Blog. They try hard to hide this fact. If one goes to Brad Blog and types the name “Brett Kimberlin” in a comment, your comment is instantly deleted.

    Unfortunately one of my favorite links about this guy, a Liberty Chick link, is not working. But follow her twitter account, @liberty_chick. @prepostericity is also worth paying attention to. He blogs here. Conservatives will find his politics totally wrong, but it’s good to expose yourself to different points of view, and he’s sharp.

    Dustin (330eed)

  46. Our republic is wobbly to the point of falling. That it stands at all due to the courage and vigilence of the Walker’s and Frey’s of the world.

    God bless them all.

    Ed from SFV (8e8548)

  47. it doesn’t seem fair
    that pond scum like kimberlin
    breathes same air as Us

    Colonel Haiku (1d11b8)

  48. Our republic is still the greatest nation in the history of the world. Man up, and cut that crybaby/victim nonsense out. So you found out there’s no Santa Claus, and it’s not a constitutional right.

    nk (875f57)

  49. Have there been any investigations into Brett Kimberlin’s supposed two non-profit organizations? I have a hard time believing that this man is capable of doing anything honest, and should most certainly not be trusted with people’s money.

    Book (20a430)

  50. Have there been any investigations into Brett Kimberlin’s supposed two non-profit organizations? I have a hard time believing that this man is capable of doing anything honest, and should most certainly not be trusted with people’s money.

    Comment by Book — 5/17/2012 @ 7:26 pm

    Not that I’m aware of, but I do find their 990 rather odd. No real board of directors, and I’m at a loss as to how they manage to spend approximately $250,000 making and sending out DVD’s telling youth about their voting rights.

    It’s weird. I read 990s and audits all the time. This one was just…empty feeling. Not much detail, and most non-profits tell you more than you ever wanted to know.

    So…I’m not sure what an investigation would center on, but I’d love to know. That’s my long-winded way of saying, “I’d love to see an investigation.”

    Dianna (f12db5)

  51. I loved the Circuit Court Judge eating Kimberlin’s lunch over evidence – You don’t understand Mr. Kimberlin, you have to provide actual evidence in this court.

    He should have handed the diminuitive convicted drug smuggler, perjurer and terrorist a paper bag in which to carry his ass out of the court room after denying the Peace Order.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  52. On the other hand, Aaron still has charge(s) on his record, lost his job (and his wife too?), and Mr. Kimberlin is still free as a bird (at least, no sanctions that I could see) and will live to harass another day as well as a thriving business of some sort.

    The good guys have not one this one–so far.

    BfC (fd87e7)

  53. “Wouldn’t it be great if everyone here—trolls and lurkers and serious posters—agreed that people like Aaron needed support, and tried to do something about it?”

    – Simon Jester

    Part of me wonders more about what would happen if everyone here decided that Brett Kimberlin needed to have his life turned on its ear, rather than deciding that they needed to provide reactive support to Aaron.

    The bad part of me.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  54. “He has audio showing Kimberlin lied about his past under oath.”

    I’ve noticed that convicted perjurers have a tendency to do that.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  55. Put me in the camp that doesn’t buy that Aaron was “threatened with an iPad” (and Dustin at #29, your justifications are wrong/laughable).

    You can also place me in the “a pox on both their houses” camp. I mean, Aaron devoted several hundred words of totally irrelevant background insinuating (without outright asserting or proving) that Kimberlin might be a statutory rapist. Anyone who thinks that Aaron isn’t “out to get” Kimberlin is just plain blind. So, yes, a pox on both of them.

    That said, I was disturbed to learn (back at the time) that Aaron and his wife had lost their jobs. I’m still bothered by it, but I can’t lay the blame for that entirely at Kimberlin’s feet, nor entirely at the feet of Aaron’s employers. There were dozens of instances when Aaron could have walked away and spared himself this ordeal. But something tells me he wanted this ordeal (although obviously, not the outcome). Would that he had the discipline not to “feed the trolls”, so to speak.

    The whole thing makes me think of this — a rather pointless battle where nobody wins.

    And I would think that if people here really wanted to support Aaron, they would help him seek gainful employment, and then advise him to move on, rather than sink more time and effort and money into this fool’s errand. He’s not going to get Kimberlin on perjury or false statements. Any trial lawyer worth his salt knows this (which isn’t to say that Kimberlin didn’t commit perjury technically — it’s just that perjury charges are rarely prosecuted).

    Kman (5576bf)

  56. Oh my. SUPERPOWERS

    Once, a source recalled, Kimberlin bragged that his brother Scott had traveled to India where he supposedly studied trancendental meditation with a famous guru. He said his brother learned the hidden arts of the mysterious east and passed them on to him. “Brett bragged the cops might arrest him but never hold him. You see, he claimed his brother taught him how to levitate and disappear. He said he could just disappear from jail.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  57. There were dozens of instances when Aaron could have walked away and spared himself this ordeal

    How has that worked out for all the other people that BK, RB, and NR have targeted?

    JD (429c83)

  58. Aaron devoted several hundred words of totally irrelevant background insinuating (without outright asserting or proving) that Kimberlin might be a statutory rapist.

    How in the world is the alleged motive behind all those bombs Kimberlin set irrelevant? It’s critical information.

    And no, Aaron did not outright prove something he can’t prove. I don’t understand your point.

    Put me in the camp that doesn’t buy that Aaron was “threatened with an iPad”

    And Carl Delong probably didn’t feel threatened by a gym bag. But Aaron knew what Kimberlin was.

    I don’t think you’re the best person to evaluate Aaron. You’ve shown honor in dismissing Ron Brynaert’s effort to out Aaron, which were immediately followed by Brett’s efforts, which to me are one of 100 times they sure look like they are coordinating. But you’ve spent a long time seeing the world completely differently than Aaron does. It’s no surprise that if Brett got angry and pulled out a device, you and he would have different reactions.

    That said, it doesn’t matter very much. Aaron handed the iPad to police and it’s now proven that Brett was using it to break the law in a way that harmed Aaron. So I guess you, Kman, were mistaken, and Aaron was at least partially right that the iPad was there to cause him some sort of harm (I’m referring to how Sarah discussed it).

    Dustin (330eed)

  59. Just found the following at Free Republic:

    (I have no idea if it’s the same Seth Adams or not.)

    According to Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office a deputy shot and killed( during an altercation.

    PBSO spokesperson Teri Barbera reported that “Seth Adams, 24, was shot by the deputy near the One Stop Garden Shop on 1950 A Road and Okeechobee Boulevard in Loxahatchee Groves (Florida) and was pronounced dead at St. Mary’s Medical Center Thursday morning.

    A family spokesperson is calling his death senseless. Robert Saylor, a family friend speaking on behalf of the family, said Adams was shot four times in the torso in the parking lot of the shop and was unarmed….”

    ropelight (550379)

  60. Reporter Joe Gelarden PDf

    Look for these two dates:

    Nov. 17, 1978

    and, final paragraphs

    Sept. 20, 1978

    You know there are forensic tests unavailable in 1978.

    Perhaps all evidence is destroyed and long gone. Perhaps not.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  61. Kman wrote,
    “You can also place me in the “a pox on both their houses” camp.”

    Kman, we call that ‘moral equivalency.’

    It reminds me of the clever moral equivalency dismissal, articulated by the late great William F. Buckley, when he hypothesized about how one guy pushes a little old lady in front of an oncoming bus, and then another guy pushes a little old lady out of the way of an oncoming bus, yet both men get labeled as “the type of guy who pushes little old ladies around.”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  62. JD:

    How has that worked out for all the other people that BK, RB, and NR have targeted?

    It worked out fine for me.

    Kman (5576bf)

  63. There were dozens of instances when Aaron could have walked away and spared himself this ordeal.

    In other words, allow them to prevail in their intimidation.

    You didn’t allow that, Kman, when you stood up to Brynaert.

    And you don’t know the full scope of what has been going on. Trust me on this.

    I can’t say I approve of every last little action Aaron took — for example, I think it was a bad idea to talk to Kimberlin at all in court. But that doesn’t make him equally culpable, any more than you were culpable for standing up to Brynaert.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  64. Your ignorance is staggering, kmart.

    JD (429c83)

  65. Kman,

    I know you remember when Aaron tried to keep his identity secret to protect himself and his wife. IMO the danger of the iPad was that it enabled Kimberlin to take Aaron’s photo and disseminate it, thus even further identifying Aaron and possibly endangering his wife.

    As for the argument that Aaron could have just walked away and spared himself this … in retrospect, maybe he wishes he had. But you’re a blogger who doesn’t get easily intimidated. I doubt you would want people to argue that you should have pushed yourself away from the keyboard instead of saying what you believe.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  66. Patterico:

    In other words, allow them to prevail in their intimidation.

    It’s only intimidation if you allow yourself to be intimidated.

    I don’t think they are equally culpable, either. And if I were to take the measure of both men, as men,… well, it’s not even a contest. Aaron wins.

    But I don’t think one can wear the mantle of either the crusader against intimidation, nor the victim of it, when one provokes a known aggressor. If I poke a stick at a rabid dog, is it entirely the dog’s fault if he bites?

    That said, I accept your assertion that there is even more to this that meets the eye, and I temper my opinion with the understanding that my knowledge is incomplete.

    Kman (5576bf)

  67. Aaron needed counsel that day and before that day. No question. (though Beth did a fine job on the limited issue she handled for the reward of being BKs new crush).

    I’m guessing most people aren’t used to dealing with psychopaths, for whom no victory is phyrric, nor any pretext too petty, and who tend to be relentlessly vindictive as a point of pride (although they will sometimes setlle comfortably into victim status if the perks are very nice.)
    If nothing else they are exhausting.

    Imagine trying to do it when you are the target, and can’t be detached.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  68. Now, I have long thought that Kman is a creepy stalker with some kind of fixation on Aaron. I’m not being snarky; it fits his behavior.

    But he is very concerned with his own anonymity (remember the website business?), which I personally have reason to understand.

    This business, however…

    “…I’m still bothered by it, but I can’t lay the blame for that entirely at Kimberlin’s feet, nor entirely at the feet of Aaron’s employers….”

    …kind of reminds me of telling women its their fault for being assaulted.

    I think it is clear where the blame for this is, and it’s not on Aaron.

    In addition, Kman has acted bizarrely and creepily toward Aaron for some time. Aaron never “outed” Kman. But if he had, wouldn’t it have been Kman’s fault? It’s not like Aaron’s fingers did the typing.

    Sheesh. Get some empathy and a memory.

    Simon Jester (a75754)

  69. And if the iPad and its camera is no big deal, Kman, why not just post under your own name and link your website?

    Since it’s not a big deal and all.

    Simon Jester (a75754)

  70. It’s only intimidation if you allow yourself to be intimidated.

    When employers are brought into the mix you don’t get to be so ruggedly independent. Aaron’s job fired Aaron because they were concerned about the danger. What if these people had targeted you harder and your employer had fired you? How would you feel if someone said that is not intimidation unless you chose to be intimidated?

    Patterico (95bac2)

  71. In this case, Patterico, folks need to not hear “We are the Champions” in their heads, and recall the history of the aggressors.

    Simon Jester (a75754)

  72. Imagine trying to do it when you are the target

    I don’t have to imagine.

    Patterico (95bac2)

  73. when one provokes a known aggressor

    Telling the truth is provocation what did all the others do to provoke these people, kmart?

    JD (429c83)

  74. when one provokes a known aggressor

    Telling the truth is provocation. What did all the others do to provoke these people, kmart?

    JD (429c83)

  75. There are some genuinely brave people involved in this battle, and I salute them. I meant what I wrote before: I want to find ways to help directly, without making the situation worse. Aaron has some ideas about this, and later on, some of the other people involved will, as well.

    Silly trolls and odd stalkers are one thing. This business is serious.

    Simon Jester (a75754)

  76. Aaron’s job fired Aaron because they were concerned about the danger. What if these people had targeted you harder and your employer had fired you?

    I’m not sure how they could have targeted me “harder” (I don’t know what that means).

    My point is that Aaron knew full well that he was inviting risk when he put up his “Everyone Draw Muhammad” website.

    When you do something provocative, guess what happens? You provoke people. That’s what happened. Aaron invited danger (which he had a right to do), hoping that his anonymity would protect him. It didn’t. I feel bad about that, but if I were a close friend of his, I would have told him at the time that it wasn’t worth the risk.

    But I think some people here are casting a blind eye as to how Aaron got in this situation in the first place (as opposed to themselves). That’s all I’m saying.

    Kman (5576bf)

  77. Here’s news: Kman is a f’ing moron. Kimberlin is a person who is known to employ violence in the pursuit of his obsessions. Only a blithering idiot would not be intimidated at the prospect of having such a violent criminal focused upon them and their family with malevolent intent.

    I’ve never been a criminal prosecutor like Patrick but I’ve been involved in civil litigation with true nutjobs. It takes a lot of mental energy and focus to be prepared for what these sociopaths will do, because they don’t act in a rational manner.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  78. This has f@ckall to do with Everybody Draw Mohammed, kmart. Good Allah, you are denser than lead.

    JD (429c83)

  79. Beth should have known better than to represent Aaron. By kmart’s “logic” that was ample provocation and complaints to her law firm and the bar, etc … should have been expected. She shouldnt be surprised that when she wore high heels and a short skirt …

    JD (429c83)

  80. Notice that the very brave Kman still won’t post under his actual name and link to his site.

    Probably afraid of provoking someone.

    That’s fine. It’s the tough guy crap that annoys.

    Simon Jester (a75754)

  81. Good Allah, you are denser than lead.

    At least lead serves some useful purposes.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  82. With all due respect, f— you Kman.

    The problem with you is you have virtually no sense of right and wrong. A person is not blameworthy for something happening unless they do something morally wrong. Exactly what immoral act did I do to bring this on?

    Was it giving Seth Allen legal advice? For free?

    Was it defending myself against his attempt to out me?

    Was it telling the court about his blatant perjury on November 14, 2011, as part of my effort to defend against his attempt to out me?

    Was it coming to court to get that creepy motion to withdraw—which included by real name, my real home address, etc. on it?

    Which of those acts were immoral?

    Of course he did lay out the terms of surrender against him in that extortionate settlement offer. Withdraw my response (which pointed out his probably perjury), withdraw all posts about him and apologize and tell the world to leave him alone. Is that what you think I should have done?

    Of course you have made two specific insinuations in how I supposedly was responsible for this. First you suggested that I should have let a convicted terrorist who had tried to get me killed use a device in my presence. I am glad to see you value my life so highly.

    It’s easy for you, with the benefit of 20-20 hindsight and indeed plenty of time to think to say I should have felt safe with this convicted bomber who has been known to place bombs in ordinary objects, using a device in my presence with malice in his heart. But I had a split second to think and given those circumstances I was justified in believing he was attempting to do me harm and I was justified in doing the small thing I did to protect myself—take that iPad away from him.

    And you have suggested I never should have involved myself in the everyone draw mohammed movement. I am glad to see you value freedom of speech and religion so highly.

    I mean if you advocate just giving in to the islamofascist terrorists, you are going to have to do a lot more than just not depict their prophet. You’re going to have to abolish democracy for at the very least a mullahcracy like they have in Iran. You’re going to have to put the women you know in a veil, maybe a burqa. You will have to take away their driver’s licenses and tell them they is not allowed to work for a living. You are going to have to convert to their brand of Islam. You’re going to have to consent to alter the constitution so that everyone else can be forcibly converted to their brand of Islam as well. You’re going to have to let them kill every man, woman and child they believe to be a Jew.

    I mean you know what else provokes islamofascist terrorists? Our tolerance of gays. In Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, they literally killed suspected gay people by pulling walls down on them. So if you want to please your new terrorist overlords and thus prevent any further acts of terrorism, you will have to convince Barrack Obama not to support gay marriage any more, you will have to convince congress to put back into place don’t ask, don’t tell. You will have to convince the S.C. not only to overturn Lawrence v. Texas, but also Kennedy v. Louisiana, because you will have make being gay a capital offense.

    That is the terms of their surrender. So go ahead and do all of that since apparently you don’t believe in doing anything “provocative.” And yes, not doing all of the above is “provocative” in their eyes.

    The metaphor of blaming a rape victim because her skirt was too short is exactly on the mark. The fact is that if a woman is dressed sexily men will want to have sex with her. Men who do not concern themselves with whether a woman consents will be more likely to rape her. So in some sense that hypothetical woman caused herself to get raped. But as I have said over and over again, there is a difference between causation and blame. She may have in some sense caused the rape, but we are not going to blame her for it. Indeed it is precisely the logic of blaming a woman for her rape that leads backwards people to advocate for burqas.

    Sheesh, just when I was starting to think you had a decent streak, you go and say something like that.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  83. AARON: I said to him at one point, “The truth is you didn’t want my testimony, you just wanted my identity.”

    And he turned to me and in a flash of anger, he said, “And I got it!”

    For a moment he let his guard down, and let off a flash of triumph. The purpose also was to dispirit Aaron.

    Aaron: Shortly after he said those words, he took about two steps back and with a smirk, he raised his iPad as though to use it.

    I think it is a very reasonable fear that he would just hit him with it, even at the risk of damaging the iPad and voiding its warranty.

    Since there was a smirk, maybe he wanted to show Aaron something on the screen.

    Aaron: As I thought about it I realized that more than likely Mr. Kimberlin only attempted to take my picture.

    That makes sense too, but wouldn’t he have to pose and carefully aim the camera? He may have already had a picture!

    Brett Kimberlin then made up a wild story.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  84. Aaron:

    A person is not blameworthy for something happening unless they do something morally wrong.

    Morality doesn’t necessarily enter into it. A person who refuses to wear a seat belt is inviting certain risks, especially if they exceed the limit. Making it about subjective “right” versus subjective “wrong” doesn’t enter into it.

    You can make this about morality if you want. That’s not MY point however. It’s about taking risks, and at several key moments throughout this saga, you engaged in risky behavior — from the Draw Muhammad thing to pestering Kimberlin in court — when you could have just chosen not to (or done something else less provocative). I don’t see how you can even argue with that.

    And you have suggested I never should have involved myself in the everyone draw mohammed movement. I am glad to see you value freedom of speech and religion so highly.

    What kind of a false equivalent is that? You mean that the ONLY way to demonstrate that a person values freedom of speech and religion highly is to become involved in Everyone Draw Muhammad movement? If a person doesn’t do that, then they don’t value freedom of speech and religion? They are “giving in to Islamofacism”, condoning that women wear burqas, etc?

    You chose to do something provocative, and despite what you say, I have nothing against doing provocative things, even in the political arena. But don’t whine about the response as if you are shocked — shocked! — by the consequences.

    Kman (5576bf)

  85. It’s only intimidation if you allow yourself to be intimidated.
    — Perhaps a definition will help:
    Intimidation (also called cowing) is intentional behavior “which would cause a person of ordinary sensibilities” fear of injury or harm. It’s not necessary to prove that the behavior was so violent as to cause terror or that the victim was actually frightened.
    If someone throws something at you, but they miss, they’re still guilty of throwing something at you.

    But I don’t think one can wear the mantle of either the crusader against intimidation, nor the victim of it, when one provokes a known aggressor. If I poke a stick at a rabid dog, is it entirely the dog’s fault if he bites?
    — So, Aaron wasn’t saying “Hey, tough guy, I’m not taking any of your crap anymore”; he was actually saying [metaphorically] “Hey, tough guy, why don’t you take a swing at me”? I wonder if Aaron feels that this is what he did. But of course, using Kpax logic, in not allowing himself to be intimidated he still did something wrong . . . or, by responding at all he actually was showing that he had been intimidated . . . or something. I sure do wish we could call Mr Miyagi to sort this all out!

    I temper my opinion with the understanding that my knowledge is incomplete.
    — Which should be read as “If I’m wrong, then you should disregard everything I’ve said.”

    Should be the tagline to all of your posts.

    Icy (e4590c)

  86. Comment by Dustin — 5/17/2012 @ 2:37 pm

    A) it’s a crime to take someone’s photo in court. Aaron was stopping Brett from committing a crime. Though he didn’t figure out what Brett was doing at first.

    I think mostly it is a violation of court rules, and contempt of court (in most courts)

    It’s sounds almost like, by grabbing it, in Nixon’s words, he gave Brett Kimberlin a sword…

    Still, why should anyone have paid attention to
    BBreet Kimberlin’s absurd exaggerated version of events? The fix must have been in.

    I suppose he could have had some fear Brett was about to commit suicide by cop. More likely, cause him some trouble. Even more likely, show him something to make him feel he lost.

    B) I think Aaron only had a split second to react.

    That’s true. Brett wanted to surprise Aaron with something. Probably a picture of him or a document.

    Brett has set a lot of bombs.

    That’s the mistake everybody makes. Brett had owned a number of bombs, or the materials for them. I don’t think he set off any of them personally. He was too careful. In jail, he tried to get someone else to set off a similar bomb as an alibi. That’s probably what he did the first time also.

    Back then, Brett possibly wanted a federal investigation to supercede a state investigation -that’s why he did all of that.

    Aaron did not understand Brett. Why should he?

    The only thing he knew is Brett didn’t care about right and wrong and was very strange.

    He got angry, yelled “and I got it!” in response to Aaron’s comment that Brett did prior stuff just to find out who Aaron is

    Not angry, triumphant.

    and then Brett raised up a device quickly. Aaron didn’t have time to ponder what was going on.

    Think about it. If you ran into Jared Loughner or Bill Ayers and they got angry with you and suddenly pulled out an electronic device, wouldn’t grabbing the device from them be a plausible reaction?

    The meeting wasn’t planned so the chances the iPad was modified in some way, were small. But he could always hit him with it.

    At worst anyway interfering is disorderly conduct. He had no intention of stealing it.

    C) as soon as Aaron could, he gave the device to the police and asked them to resolve the situation. He didn’t touch Brett or intend to keep his property. He simply saw that Brett was doing something in anger with a device, recognized in a split second that the range of things that could happen were not good, and I think was in reasonable fear.

    For anything really bad, Brett would have had to be prepared to die on the spot or go to jail for life. Which was not likely. As Aaron almost immediately realized. He just didn’t realize it when Brett made the sudden motion.

    Turns out the iPad wasn’t going to detonate a bomb, but I don’t think scoffing at the split second fear is fair unless you’ve had a convicted bomber wave a device like this at you and didn’t flinch.

    What he did is no big deal in any case. C’mon has something like that never hjappened before between bitter litigants?

    Proven perjury is a serious crime. Framing someone is a seriously evil thing to do.

    Framing someone lot like Jamie Bulger. The top grade of organized crime criminal uses law enforcement. That’s Brett Kimberlin. Except that some of his tactics are out of date. They would have worked in the 1970s maybe – not so well now.

    Imagine if Carl Delong had felt threatened by the gym bag that Brett Kimberlin hid a bomb in. You might scoff “Wait a second, you were threatened by a gym bag?” But if he had, he’d still be alive.

    Nobody knew about him then. And this was not in a courthouse, with many armed police officers nearby.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  87. Kmart is a douchenozzle. Next, he can explain what Patterico did wrong. Or Stack. Or Dustin. Ready, go!

    JD (605175)

  88. Comment by SarahW — 5/18/2012 @ 7:23 am


    He said he could just disappear from jail.

    If somebody at least half believed that, maybe they would think this could be the explnation of a jailbreak.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  89. So if she didn’t want to get raped, she shouldn’t have been dressed so provocatively, or so your logic goes. I suppose all those civil rights marchers deserved to get hosed and beaten by the Bull Connors of the world, too. Or at least it is their fault.

    Seriously, what is wrong with you? Do you not get the concept of human agency? do you not get the concept that if a man tries to extort you and you don’t give in, that it is not your fault when he does what he threatened to do? I suppose if the mafia breaks a guy’s kneecaps for not paying protection money that is his fault, too.


    And next answer tell me precisely what i should have done to walk away from this. name it. i want to hear the terms of surrender i should have given in to in order to avoid being blamed for this monster trying to frame me for a crime.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  90. So if she didn’t want to get raped, she shouldn’t have been dressed so provocatively, or so your logic goes.

    No. My point is that she shouldn’t have dressed in a short skirt, gone up to someone she KNEW to be a rapist, alone in a dark alley, and hike up her skirt a little while she danced (all of which, she has a right to do).

    And next answer tell me precisely what i should have done to walk away from this. name it. i want to hear the terms of surrender i should have given in to in order to avoid being blamed for this monster trying to frame me for a crime.

    When you left the courtroom on January 9, you should not have been right behind him, and certainly should not have peppered him with questions and comments.

    I mean, seriously. If you REALLY think he is SO dangerous as to carry a bomb with him into a courthouse (and apparently you do), then why would you spar with him verbally in that courthouse?

    Now, keeping your mouth shut and keeping your distance isn’t a “surrender” in my book. It’s just being smart and civil.

    But no. You went the “provocative” route.

    And despite what you and others may think, I really feel awful about the consequences. But you should be old enough to know that when you are dealing with someone who you know is dangerous, determined and random, sometimes provoking them “on the fly” isn’t going to get them optimal results. Indeed, it may bite you in the ass. Which it kind of did, unfortunately.

    Kman (5576bf)

  91. Kman (what is your real name and website—since you are so tough and all?): you may feel awful about Aaron’s situation, but you. Just. Can’t. Help. Being. A. Jackass.

    What a jerk, truly. Aaron, I hope you are sorry that you ever defended him.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  92. He asked, Simon.

    Kman (5576bf)

  93. Kmart is a douchenozzle. Next, he can explain what Patterico did wrong. Or Stack. Or Dustin. Ready, go! Doing nothing hasn’t worked out too well for a lot of people.

    JD (605175)

  94. You can either be a doormat or a locked door. You can either allow people to step on you as they will OR you can bar their way and only allow those that behave in a civil manner to interact with you.

    The Kimberlin’s of this world is the neighborhood brat that eggs your house, or spray paints graffiti on your back yard wall. You don’t tolerate it in any way, shape or form.

    Icy (e4590c)

  95. Icy, you are wrong. Kimberlin is not a petty graffiti vandal at all. He’s far more malevolent than that. He’s responsible for the deaths of people, not paint spatter.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  96. More linkage via Theo’s “Last of the Few” blog, through Douglas’ American Power blog.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  97. What happened to the girl?

    What has become of her mother, Sandra Barton, who invited this creature into her life – who seemed to resist meeting with with the ATf?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  98. Kman’s opinion greatly differs from mine here, and I could easily reply with the kinds of comments others have, but I ask people to remember that after many years of angry arguments with Aaron, Kman was honorable and refuse to let Ron intimidate him into outting Aaron when Brett and Ron were trying to do so. And Ron immediately went to Kman’s HR department. Because that’s the kind of evil person Ron and Brett are. They go after livelihoods.

    Kman has earned my respect for that. I really don’t appreciate the ‘it works out for you when you just move on’ attitude though. What Brett did to Seth was wrong. Aaron offered minimal help and also told the truth about who Brett is. For them, for Liberty Chick, for Patterico and his loved ones… there needs to be some justice.

    What’s Aaron asking for? A public discussion about the truth, and for the authorities to prosecute perjury and false charges (because they have sufficient evidence and then some!). I am sick and tired of reading about all the crimes Brett appears to have gotten away with. Like the plans police say they found about ‘robbing’ and killing witnesses and a prosecutor. How does someone get away with that? How does someone get away with video proof of perjury?

    Well, with all due respect, Kman, they get away with it because people like you are saying ‘move on’ and let the thug do this to someone else. And yes, that’s Brett’s plan. One of those tweeters, which I believe is Brett himself, is mocking Aaron’s ordeal with ‘have you learned your lesson?’ and telling people not to mess with Brett.

    That is not a functional justice system. What we need is a community, connected via the internet, of people who chime in about Brett. Make it impossible to silence because there are so many people who are saying it. And hopefully law enforcement can handle this issue too, but I don’t see how to make that happen, honestly.

    Dustin (330eed)

  99. Pardon my typos.

    Dustin (330eed)

  100. Sorry, SPQR. Was trying to refer to the lawsuits and false criminal charges and perjury and such.

    Icy (e4590c)

  101. Icy’s right. What kind of society will we have if Brett and his pals can step on those who criticize them, and we all just ‘move on’ so we can have a peaceful existence? The problem isn’t the Aarons and Seths and Pattericos. It’s the people who keep walking down the street when they see this happening.

    Dustin (330eed)

  102. They’re not stepping on us, Dustin, they’re crawling around our heels. From what I see, they’re running from Aaron’s stomp.

    BTW, kicking their b***s in court is peaceful.

    nk (875f57)

  103. Yep.

    Dustin (330eed)

  104. Icy, I understand and didn’t intend to offend you. But I really think that your comment – unintentionally – downgrades the true malevolence and danger of this man. He is orders of magnitude more dangerous than a punk with a can of spray paint.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  105. I take it there’s no such thing as a private prosecution in the US? We have them here, but they’re rarely used – one family unsuccessfully took a policeman to court who shot their son who was going psycho.

    scrubone (4f0412)

  106. Dustin

    Yeah, what am I so hung up about? I mean he only tried to put me in prison for a crime i didn’t commit and might try again. What’s the big deal?

    And if I didn’t do everything I could to make Kimberlin feel justice, how would I feel if he tried to frame someone else for a crime and that person didn’t know enough to successfully defend themselves from this. I mean, if he did this to me a second time, I probably would only have to show them this video and the charges would be dismissed. But what if it happens to some random third party out there who never heard of Kimberlin but did some minor thing to cross him? That person could be sent to prison for a crime he or she didn’t commit.

    How would I feel knowing that this happened to a third person and i didn’t do everything i could to prevent it? I couldn’t live with myself, frankly.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  107. Seriously, move on with your life, Aaron.

    I mean let’s see here, i don’t have a job. Every time I go to drive I check under my car to make sure there isn’t a bomb. I keep a gun with me all the time in case i catch him trying to set a bomb or maybe have one of his buddies do me like Julia Scyphers. And since just about January 9, i have never been alone in public–i have always made sure a second person with with me, so that if Kimberlin tries to frame me again, I will have a witness to refute him. So, I have never had a moment alone with my thoughts in four months.

    But hey, I should just move on with my life. Why am i hung up on this?

    Seriously, just when Kman seemed relatively human, he comes out as an @$$hat all over again.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  108. scrubone

    I know there used to be private prosecution to a degree in the US. But sadly not any more as far as i know.

    So unless the State’s Attorney changes his mind…

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  109. The trouble is with the “don’t provoke him” is pretty simple.

    The person who everyone is tiptoeing around gets bolder and bolder. And that is *clearly* the case here. This guy has a history of using the legal system to intimidate people. He will keep doing that until someone (like Aaron) is able to stop him.

    As someone said above, prosecutors are clearly putting this in the “too hard” basket, due to his history. Because of that, he is becoming more and more dangerous to anyone who crosses his path.

    scrubone (4f0412)

  110. Aaron,

    In the spirit of sunlight being a disinfectant–the newspapers in Indiana who covered the initial crimes seem to stay somewhat interested in this guy. They do updates and retrospectives occasionally that are found on line. Have you contacted any of those investgative reporters to see if they might be interested in doing a story or interviewing you about this?

    elissa (5acf19)

  111. No offense taken; criticism accepted, SPQR. I should have used a more apt metaphor.

    Icy (e4590c)

  112. The person who everyone is tiptoeing around gets bolder and bolder. And that is *clearly* the case here. This guy has a history of using the legal system to intimidate people. He will keep doing that until someone (like Aaron) is able to stop him.

    Would not abolishing the legal system be a solution?

    We should replace it with the following.

    Nithing or niding was more than a common insult, because Scandinavian culture required its subject to fight a duel with the accuser or become an outlaw: totally devoid of rights, honor, and even recognition as a human being.

    Kimberlin’s actions would be futile if our justice system was like Scandinavia’s.

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  113. Congress could lead the way by repealing the ban on dueling within the District of Columbia that it passed in 1839.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  114. I believe the last legal duel took place in S.F. S.F. Golf Club is now home to that spot.

    mg (44de53)

  115. It’s exposure that’s lacking. Kimberlin has been playing with the court system to get at his perceived enemies for 3 decades (though he’s happy to resort to all sorts of methods). He’s not there to resolve legal disputes. He’s there to punish and control and to make the monkeys dance.

    Here’s the main reason he gets away with it, at least to the extent that he can keep doing it:

    Most people have consciences, and BK has gotten the sort of default credit we normally extend to our fellows, of possessing one.
    Most people would never consider making such claims or taking such actions in bad faith. He takes advantage of human nature.

    So his claims are given the credit of conscience that never applied to their assertion. If he can find a hook, a soft target, or make a reasonable first impression he’s in like flynn.

    His abuse of the courts is legendary, and his victims are usually isolated and confused. That should never happen again to anyone.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  116. Aaron,

    Elissa has an idea worth thinking about. The way to get justice when law enforcement doesn’t respond is to go to the media. When it comes to Kimberlin, the most sympathetic media is probably in Indianapolis.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  117. DRJ and Elissa

    Actually, I think that is exactly right and that is one of the avenues i am going to pursue. I don’t want you to think my silence on a point like that is me blowing either of you off.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  118. That’s the furtherest thing from my mind, Aaron. Whatever you think is best for you is what I want.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  119. Unbelievable, Aaron. Hard to feature that a malevolent sleaze like that is left to roam our streets and infect all who have the misfortune to come into contact with it.

    Colonel Haiku (480259)

  120. I’m tempted to write a letter myself, but I’m guessing that something written by a non-US resident may do more ham than good.

    scrubone (4f0412)

  121. I agree with DRJ about this completely, Aaron. There is no reason for you to show your hand as to a plan or the timing of any future strategy. I want you and your wife to be safe.

    elissa (5acf19)

  122. Aaron – Do I need to send Brett some lifts for his shoes so he can make eye contact with the judge when he makes a fool of himself?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  123. If you want to be *really* save, you could always come to New Zealand. I know someone who could put you up in a place where you get Lord of the Rings views right outside your window. 🙂

    scrubone (4f0412)

  124. …and we haven’t had a major earthquake for months now!

    scrubone (4f0412)

  125. I should just hush my mouf if I don’t have something nice to say.

    Where is Mr. Feets to admonish me?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  126. He has cost me and my wife our jobs because our workplace was frightened that this violent bomber might show up at work.

    Wow, crazy stuff. This and all the rest.

    I hope he and his wife are OK. I hope Brett Kimberlin gets what’s coming to him and then some.

    As far at the authorities go, well, they usually suck, our host excepted.

    Random (fba0b1)

  127. Our host is a member of the authorities?

    Sheet! I have incriminalated meself! Gotta run . . .

    Icy (e4590c)

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