Patterico's Pontifications


Obama to Wright: Your Problem Is You Have to Tell the Truth

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:18 am

I predict a blizzard of media coverage over this. If by “blizzard” you mean “complete absence.” Rev. Wright has said that a close friend of Obama’s offered him (through a church member) $150,000 to shut his mouth during the 2008 campaign. This was followed up by a visit from Obama, asking Wright to shut his mouth — and telling Wright that his “problem” was that he had to tell the truth:

“And one of the first things Barack said was, ‘I really wish you wouldn’t do any more public speaking until after the November election.’ He knew I had some speaking engagements lined up, and he said, ‘I wish you wouldn’t speak. It’s gonna hurt the campaign if you do that.’

“And what did you say?” I asked. “I said, ‘I don’t see it that way. And anyway, how am I supposed to support my family?’ And he said, ‘Well, I wish you wouldn’t speak in public. The press is gonna eat you alive.’

Barack said, ‘I’m sorry you don’t see it the way I do. Do you know what your problem is?’ And I said, ‘No, what’s my problem?’ And he said, ‘You have to tell the truth.’ I said, ‘That’s a good problem to have. That’s a good problem for all preachers to have. That’s why I could never be a politician.’

On a more important note than bribery and a flippant attitude towards truth: did you know that Mitt Romney forcibly cut a kid’s hair when he was in high school?

90 Responses to “Obama to Wright: Your Problem Is You Have to Tell the Truth”

  1. what are the odds this is coming out the same week Betty White made her endorsement?

    I question the timing

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  2. The problem is that Obama has been vetted, such as it was…. From the media’s pov Mitt is at bat, and will be talked about endlessly, but The O is old news. Romneys gotta get used to it and get better at answering it. It ain’t stopping.

    Alex (b07679)

  3. Of course, Patterico, let’s be fair.

    Wright was the fellow who actually claimed that the US government “constructed” HIV and pushed into the black community intentionally.

    So I don’t know which of these two racial Vanity Smurfs to believe. Both people are pretty odious.

    Simon Jester (47427b)

  4. When Alex, given his history, writes about a person being “vetted,” I kind of threw up a little in my mouth.

    Simon Jester (47427b)

  5. I feel kinda bad for Betty because I really like her and I suspect somebody she trusts convinced her it would be a good idea to make an endorsement, and that it would make her look like one of the cool kids.

    elissa (672288)

  6. When Simon, given his reading comprehension skills, comments on my posts, I laugh, has he always misunderstands them. 😀

    Alex (b07679)

  7. Well shame on Betty then, elissa. She’s 90 years old, she should be way past needing to be one of the kewl kids.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  8. Well, it’s easy to see why you are misunderstood, Alex, given that sentence.

    “I work here is done,” perhaps?

    Simon Jester (47427b)

  9. 8: oh have some sense of humor, and u started it. 😀

    Alex (b07679)

  10. Who paid for that new house Wright got in 2008?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  11. Dana-

    I thought Betty’s hosting SNL was sort of a cool kids play, too, no? Sure, she’s 90 and she seems sharp, but that doesn’t mean she’s not paying for and getting career advice from her agent who wants to keep the gravy train flowing.

    After apparently not making a public endorsement over the roughly 17 presidential elections of her lifetime she decides to make one now? However it came about it’s very unfortunate.

    elissa (672288)

  12. New book for you to buy by clicking on the Amazon link on Patterico’s sidebar, “Tears of Abuse” by Obama’s long-suffering Aunt Teuti. Howie Carr describes it as follows:

    “Auntie Zeituni has written a book. It’s called “Tears of Abuse,” on account of how tough she’s had it.

    Have I read it? Of course not. Have you read her nephew’s best-seller — Dreams from My Ghostwriter, I mean Father? No one has — it’s sold millions of copies, but until two weeks ago, not a single reader got far enough into it to learn that Obama was a dog-eater with “composite” girlfriends.

    Anyway, I have the press release on “Tears of Abuse,” which describes Auntie Zeituni’s journey to the United States “where she faces the unthinkable; failing health and quarantined in a hospital while on vacation in a foreign country.”

    Vacation? Surely she meant to say “welfare.”

    “As her story unfolds she becomes a resident of (a) homeless shelter and a subject of deportation.”

    How dare they! Just because she’s an illegal alien, they want to deport her.

    Have they forgotten the immortal words of Marsha Coakley: “Technically it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

    And if you don’t believe Marsha, just ask Uncle Omar, Auntie Zeituni’s brother, or half-brother, or whatever. Technically, it is also apparently not illegal to be driving drunk illegally in Massachusetts, at least if you’re an illegal alien.

    Auntie Zeituni was victimized in Kenya but, believe it or not, “she was later victimized in the U.S.””

    More at the link.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  13. 150 thousand for rev.wright to keep quiet, I wonder how much Solyndra execs. have been paid to know nothing?

    mg (44de53)

  14. Alex,
    You’ve said a lot of grossly inaccurate things here, but “Obama has been vetted” has to be the worst.

    Ghost (6f9de7)

  15. She’s a very endearing figure to Americans, elissa. She’ll bring in a few voters with this endorsement. It’s easily seen through, I agree.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  16. “Barack said, ‘I’m sorry you don’t see it the way I do. Do you know what your problem is?’ And I said, ‘No, what’s my problem?’ And he said, ‘You have to tell the truth.’ I said, ‘That’s a good problem to have. That’s a good problem for all preachers to have. That’s why I could never be a politician.’

    Heh. Obama tacitly admits that he (the politician) doesn’t have the problem of having to tell the truth.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  17. 14: gotta work on my writing I guess, cause people just can’t understand; I was talking from the media’s pov, for them
    Obama’s history in a story from 2008.

    Now ghost, would you please list a few of the other “grossly inaccurate things” I have said? Go!

    Alex (b07679)

  18. Uh, yeah. This is 1000X worse than Romney’s apparently pretty bad mistake as a kid 45 years ago. (no sarcasm intended).

    Dustin (330eed)

  19. I feel kinda bad for Betty because I really like her and I suspect somebody she trusts convinced her it would be a good idea to make an endorsement, and that it would make her look like one of the cool kids.

    Comment by elissa

    Betty White does some work for a children’s charity organization that my brother’s father-in-law chairs and she has been their guest on several different occasions when she is in the Palm Springs area. Make no mistake… she has been a liberal (leaning much more to the left than center) for several decades. Knowing my bro’s in-law’s a strong conservative, it’s her generosity and the fact that she’s as funny as all get out that fuels their friendship.

    Colonel Haiku (74682c)

  20. I’m surprised people aren’t understanding Alex’s intent regarding President Obama’s ‘vetting.’

    All Alex seems to be saying is the typical media playbook: a big issue comes up for one of their favored sons. Ignore the issue. While the right tries to make an issue of it, continue to ignore claiming that no one wants to hear about it since no one is reporting it. When it finally hits mainstream, continue to ignore it since it’s now old news.

    That’s how the media operates. They’ll say that anything negative that comes out about Obama now is just ‘old news’ and doesn’t count because if it was important it would’ve been news in 2008. Now Romney, that guy cut someone’s hair and had a dog on his roof. That’s big news!

    NJRob (fe68e7)

  21. I think it is interesting that the press is more interested in Mitt’s high school career than they ever were in obama’s entire life.

    I believe the media’s approach to obama is “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” Of course they have to do that with blinders on and ear plugs in.

    Jim (bd60ff)

  22. “Now ghost, would you please list a few of the other “grossly inaccurate things” I have said? Go!”

    Alex – I’ll play. You have still not admitted your mistaken understanding that hate crime laws only apply to “protected groups.”

    Alternatively, if you continue to insist your position is correct, you have failed to provide any citations supporting it.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  23. Alex – Make that legal citations.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  24. Betty White ate dog.

    AZ Bob (1c9631)

  25. 14: gotta work on my writing I guess, cause people just can’t understand; I was talking from the media’s pov, for them
    Obama’s history in a story from 2008.

    Now ghost, would you please list a few of the other “grossly inaccurate things” I have said? Go!

    1. Zimmerman racially profiled Martin
    2. Zimmerman followed Martin after dispatchers told him not to.
    3. Zimmerman’s HOA could possibly be found liable.

    If you’re speaking from the medias point of view, they have actively refused to vet him. He’s not “old news,” he’s their guy.

    Ghost (6f9de7)

  26. I bet this is the kind of book that gets the cover of TIME and Newsweek, and is widely excerpted and praised. After all, it is from one of the liberal literati.

    Or, maybe the coverage will be more about where Edward Klein went wrong, why he’s an evil man now, and how his children hate him.

    Place your bets.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  27. Comment by Alex — 5/13/2012 @ 11:54 am
    gotta work on my writing I guess, cause people just can’t understand; I was talking from the media’s pov, for them
    Obama’s history in a story from 2008.

    — Everybody knows what you meant; however, that doesn’t make it any less dumb. You are in effect saying that the media will excuse itself from covering this NEW story by claiming that they properly vetted Obama four years ago. Even though the very existence of this story kinda proves that they didn’t vet him at all.

    Now ghost, would you please list a few of the other “grossly inaccurate things” I have said? Go!
    — Perhaps you will make a PayPal donation so that Patterico can purchase more bandwidth first?

    Icy (12b2db)

  28. NJRob gets it.

    I think this method was perfected during the Clinton administration. And I think Clinton was a lot better at pulling it off.

    Dustin (330eed)

  29. America’s puppies . . . have come home . . . to roast!

    Icy (12b2db)

  30. cover of TIME and Newsweek

    Heh. Speaking of which, Time and Newsweek have outdone themselves this week. Controversy sells!

    Dana (4eca6e)

  31. It is all so inconsequental.
    If Teh Won loses in November, some semblance of sanity will be restored, and most of us can get on with our lives.
    If, on the other hand, he wins; we will further devolve into the miasma of the Third-World where a best result will be some form of anarchy and coup-counting.

    AD-RtR/OS! (8f3829)

  32. So, before he publicly denounced Reverend Wright — and his grandmother — when he signed up for the “Throw Your Friends and Family Under the Bus” plan, Teh One used a surrogate to attempt to bribe Wright into silence?

    THAT’S the Chicago way!

    Icy (12b2db)

  33. I take a backseat to no one in my contempt for Dear Leader’s subtle race huckstering, but in this case I would be willing to bet that Wright is flat-out making this story up. I detect more than a touch of cuckoo-cuckoo in the Good Reverend, with a degree of self-aggrandizement that would impress even Cindy Sheehan.

    But you know what really amazes me? I received an email message from the DNC inviting me to send a Mothers’ Day card to First Lady Michelle Obama. WTF is up with that? Do the Democrats really want to make Mrs. Obama into the Mother of Our Country? How Eva Peron-ish of them. This group in the White House continues to exceed even my expectations with the degree their wholly undeserved self-regard.

    That said, happy Mothers’ Day to all of you moms out there.

    JVW (4d72aa)

  34. Betty White served as a presenter at the 2011 American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards ceremony at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on October 1, 2011 in Los Angeles.

    — In the Indonesian household of her candidate of choice a “hero dog” was any animal that successfully avoided the frying pan.

    Icy (12b2db)

  35. Glad to see that several people have made the point: if this were Wright saying that Romney had offered him $5 million dollars to make up a bunch of stories about Obama’s sordid past, no one would believe it.

    On the other hand, this story sounds plausible to me where the alternative (Romney) story does not.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  36. Hero dog, gyro dog — what’s the difference?

    JVW (4d72aa)

  37. Icy @ 33,

    It’s worse than that: the NYT is running an ad below the banner for it. If you refresh, it alternates between wishing Michelle Happy Mom’s Day and fundraising for Obama.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  38. Did Alex flounce off again?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  39. Happy Mother’s Day, Michelle!

    Ya know what? You’ve had a tough year. Why don’t you take a half mil out of petty cash and fly off to some place nice. Treat yourself! Do some shopping and just take your mind off of things for awhile.

    You deserve it!

    [One might almost say that you’re entitled to it.]

    Icy (12b2db)

  40. 25: ghost, in response
    1) I never said that not do I think it true. Perhaps you can reference my writing where you thought I said that?
    2) I don’t know. There is evidence he may have, and he may not have. The prosecution says he did. I don’t think anyone who wasn’t there can definitively say. Certainly not grossly inaccurate to wonder if he did.
    3) I am right about that as far as I can tell. I have set up hoas before, and many real estate blogs (which I linked) think this is possible, in fact likely.

    So try again or admit I don’t say grossly inaccurate things? I will wait 😀

    Alex (b07679)

  41. speaking of eating dogs

    When a hot dog stand was booted from Westborn Mall last month after the opening of a nearby restaurant, residents turned red hot.

    They’re boycotting the new eatery, Red Olive. They took to social media to decry a small businesswoman being squashed by a big restaurant chain.


    When first contacted, restaurant owner Pete Goulas said he didn’t know anything about the controversy. He then allowed that the “hot dog lady,” whose name is Anna Ford, could draw customers away from his business.

    “I spent half a million dollars to open a restaurant,” he said. “If I lost business and can’t pay rent, will she help me pay rent?”

    Goulas sounds like a douchebag to me he could easily use his influence with the landlord to help the hotdog lady I think

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  42. It has ruined the taste of the sweetest lies
    Burned through my best alibis
    Every sin that I deny
    Keeps hanging ’round my door
    Oh the trouble with the truth
    Is it always begs for more

    And the trouble with the truth
    Is it just won’t let me rest
    I run and hide but there’s always another test
    And I know that it won’t let me be
    ‘Till i’ve given it my best
    The trouble with the truth
    Is it just won’t let me rest

    — One verse for the president, one verse for Alex. Neat & tidy.

    Icy (12b2db)

  43. I am right about that as far as I can tell. I have set up hoas before, and many real estate blogs (which I linked) think this is possible, in fact likely.

    — Clever strategy on the part of the family, waiting to file that long-predicted lawsuit against the HOA until the moment is . . . just . . . right.

    Icy (12b2db)

  44. 43: I would assume they are waiting for the trial. Certainly that would make sense.

    Alex (b07679)

  45. Don’t know exactly where to post this:

    Comptroller John Liu’s former financial fixer is tight with the hard-line Chinese party boss who busted blind dissident Chen Guangcheng, anti-government protesters in New York alleged.

    They said Liu’s ex-campaign treasurer Jia “Jenny” Hou, who’s facing federal fraud charges and is accused of lying to the FBI, played host to the official’s top deputy when his rep visited the city in January…

    The thing is this – this could be connected to Weinergate.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  46. Hate crimes restricted to protected classes. In what states? All!
    200 bankruptcies.
    This sites’ obsession with race.

    JD (0d91a1)

  47. 38) Henry Luce screamed from the great beyond, Harriman wants his investment back.

    narciso (1c125b)

  48. 46; I suspect trolling, but I will answer:
    1) hate crime law is based on certainly protected classes, like race, religion etc….. This is basic stuff. If I beat you up because you are ugly, that’s not a hate crime, cause that’s not a protected class. If I beat you up cause you are white, I could be charged with hate crime enhancement.
    2) you know I never said that and repeatedly tried to explain it to you, stop trolling that.
    3) the site? Never said that. I found some commenters saying I am a racist cause I referred to a black lady as “the black lady” bizarre. But in retrospect I think it was a dishonest attempt to smear me and not sincere.

    Sigh, so can we admit I don’t say grossly inaccurate things, or is this silliness going to continue?

    Alex (b07679)

  49. Sorry folks. I shouldn’t have bothered. It is cute to watch him squirm trying to run away from his own words though. It is revealing, some might say.

    JD (0d91a1)

  50. I would assume they are waiting for the trial. Certainly that would make sense.
    Comment by Alex — 5/13/2012 @ 1:38 pm

    — Why does it make sense? They would be suing to hold the HOA civilly responsible for the death of their son; right? Zimmerman has already admitted to killing their son, so what else do they need? Do you actually think that the prosecutor in his criminal case is going to attempt to connect the HOA to the neighborhood watch? Not likely. It gains them nothing.

    Icy (12b2db)

  51. The problem it’s ‘only the truth, from Wright’s twisted point of view, which Bell is the legal counterpart,

    narciso (1c125b)

  52. so can we admit I don’t say grossly inaccurate things

    — It would be grossly inaccurate to do so.

    Icy (12b2db)

  53. Happy Mothers Day to all of the wonderful mothers reading.

    JD (0d91a1)

  54. narciso is on to something. Obama felt that what Wright said was the truth, and that what he (Obama) was telling the American people were the distortions and half-truths? This is getting scarier by the minute.

    Icy (12b2db)

  55. 50: though you insult me with no basis or claim in 52, I will answer you. I’m too nice I guess!

    Anyhow: I would wait to see if Zim is convicted of a crime, that would make the civil suit stronger if he were. And it’s possible that if the family’s goal is truely justice (from their pov) and not money, that they may not pursue civil action if zim is found criminally liable. The trial and it’s result will provide more concrete info, we will have to wait

    Alex (b07679)

  56. 49: so JD you proudly admit, you were just trolling. Of course you will understand why I will no longer respond to you.

    Alex (b07679)

  57. hate crime law is based on certainly protected classes, like race, religion etc….. This is basic stuff. If I beat you up because you are ugly, that’s not a hate crime, cause that’s not a protected class. If I beat you up cause you are white, I could be charged with hate crime enhancement.

    — And once again, for the umpteenth time, I invite you to cite the text of ANY hate crimes law currently on the books, either federally or in ANY state in the union, that reflects what you wrote.

    Icy (12b2db)

  58. 57: taking your question in good faith, easy enough:

    Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person’s protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. The U.S. Department of Justice(DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.

    Can I get my apology now? Jeeeez…. 😀

    Alex (b07679)

  59. cover of TIME and Newsweek

    I thought that Newsweek cover was a parody.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  60. “Can I get my apology now? Jeeeez…”

    Alex – Still waiting for a legal citation. Is there anything unclear about that request? Geez.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  61. 60: sorry, I’m not gonna spend time researching law books on the Internet, I think my link is sufficient, and within it are further links to multiple sources. In fact, I think you request is insincere and just a troll. Sorry if I’m wrong. Funny how icy was so quick to respond, until now.

    Well I gotta go, lots of stuff to do around town now. Bye.

    Alex (b07679)

  62. What Davis, and Wright and Ayers taught him is what he believes to be the truth, what the real world
    is; is the lie, I know it’s like the Matrix.

    narciso (1c125b)

  63. “Goddamn America” is telling the truth?

    Avidbuff (5ab807)

  64. I thought that Newsweek cover was a parody.

    Don’t worry, Kevin M., that’s understandable. Newsweek itself is now a parody of a news magazine. More like Tiger Beat for the Obama-worship crowd.

    JVW (4d72aa)

  65. I thought the cover was a parody too, The ONion!

    Re the book, it’s loads of fun gossip, but it sounds kind of Kitty Kelly-ish, IOW, made up. However, the left hasn’t bashed it yet, so maybe it is true?

    Turbo Tax (e1d89d)

  66. “60: sorry, I’m not gonna spend time researching law books on the Internet”

    Alex – Are you aware that there is a difference between a Wikipedia description of a concept and the actual underlying laws? For the Patterico post on which you advanced your theory of hate crime law I was able to produce the relevant Wisconsin legal statute within minutes.

    My request is sincere. Your refusal to produce a legal citation to support your position is what is insincere and I believe there is a reason for it. Prove me wrong. Go!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  67. The hilarious thing about LIBTARDS like Alex…is that he asks for proof of his own idiocy, and when it is presented to him, he continues.
    He should run for office in California.

    Gus (694db4)

  68. Alex – Read a little further down the Wikipedia entry which you linked. It debunks your own position, which is nice:

    “Classification of crimes committed against white people

    Donald Altschiller, librarian at Boston University, asserts that hate crimes against white people are hate crimes as much as any other. “Hate crime laws are colorblind.”, he states. Although there are fewer hate crimes directed against white people than against other groups, they do occur and are prosecuted.[16] In fact, the case in which the Supreme Court upheld hate crimes legislation against First Amendment attack, Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 476 (1993), involved a white victim. Hate crime statistics published in 2002, gathered by the FBI under the auspices of the Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990, documented over 7,000 hate crime incidents, in roughly one-fifth of which the victims were white people.[17] However, these statistics have caused dispute. The FBI’s hate crimes statistics for 1993, which similarly reported 20% of all hate crimes to be committed against white people, prompted Jill Tregor, executive director of Intergroup Clearinghouse, to decry it as “an abuse of what the hate crime laws were intended to cover”, stating that the white victims of these crimes were employing hate crime laws as a means to further penalize minorities.[18]”

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  69. I don’t watch much TV anymore. There was an ad that said:

    If crimes against black people was an Olympic event. It showed a Klansman, “This guy would win the bronze”. Next, it showed a neo-Nazi, “This guy would win the silver”. Then it showed a young black man in a hoodie, “This guy would win the gold”. I believe it was made by the NAACP.

    So if a black gangbanger shoots me, a more or less white person, it’s a hate crime. But if he shoots a little black girl, in a drive by, just because it’s another gang’s territory, it’s a love crime. Cheesus.

    nk (875f57)

  70. Whatever he or Obama may say now, Rev. Wright has most assuredly toned down his public rhetoric since Obama “threw Wright under the bus” in 2008. That’s objectively certain.

    Based on nothing but my assessment of these two men’s characters and habits, however:

    I am convinced that everything either Obama or Wright has said about each other since at least mid-2008 has been ruthlessly, relentlessly scripted — jointly approved, but with Obama’s priorities driving every angle of spin and every pound-foot of torque.

    Even in this tale, the arguable attempt at bribery is carefully laid off on an unnamed, unverifiable “close friend” of Obama, insulating him from responsibility or even knowledge. When Obama re-appears in person in the story, it’s to make a grudgingly (but endearing, charming, flattering) comment about Wright’s righteousness. Obama is painted as pragmatic, burden to the occasional necessity to shade the truth that all politicians must recognize from time to time in order to serve the greater good. Oh, but Obama is wistful, too — unspoken, but in bold flashing subtext, is the familiar argument that Obama would be noble, bipartisan, and post-political if only it weren’t for those pesky, hyperpartisan Republicans!

    This is just maintenance-level public relations. Pulp fiction.

    Beldar (2a462a)

  71. Sorry … meant “pesky, hyperpartisan, homophobic, misogynistic Republicans.”

    Beldar (2a462a)

  72. Oh oh … and racist, my gosh how did I leave that out?!?

    Beldar (2a462a)

  73. Funny how icy was so quick to respond, until now.
    Comment by Alex — 5/13/2012 @ 2:35 pm

    — Sorry, but those of us that do NOT still live with our parents have to occasionally go to this place called “work”.

    Icy (011ff5)

  74. This story has been on the New York Magazine webpage:

    There hasn’t been coverage about that but there’s been about another thing Edward Klein reported.

    He claims to have been privy to one or more secret conversations between Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and half a dozen friends in his office.

    Supposedly, Bill Clinton staged an “intervention” was in his home office in Chappaqua to get Hillary Clionton to run for president. Besides Bill and Hillary, the only persons mentioned as present were Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezhvinsky, who arrived later, in the middle or near the end of this.

    As Edward Klein tells it:

    “The economy’s a mess, it’s dead flat. America has lost its Triple-A rating . . . You know better than Obama does,” Bill said.

    Bill Clinton insisted he had “no relationship” with Obama and had been consulted more frequently by his presidential successor, George W. Bush.

    Obama, Bill Clinton said, “doesn’t know how to be president” and is “incompetent.”

    But Hillary resisted the entreaties, according to two of the guests interviewed for the book.

    “Why risk everything now?” a skeptical Hillary told her husband, emphasizing that she wanted to leave a legacy as secretary of state.

    “Because,” Bill replied, his voice rising, “the country needs you!”

    “The country needs us!” added Bill.

    He later even joked about the prospect of having two Clinton presidential libraries — about the only time that Hillary cracked a smile.

    “I want my term [at the State Department] to be an important one, and running away from it now would leave it as a footnote,” Hillary argued.

    She said she had the option of running again in 2016.

    But Bill wouldn’t let go.

    “I know you’re young enough!” Bill said, his voice booming. “That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried that I’m not young enough.”

    “I’m the highest-ranking member in Obama’s Cabinet. I eat breakfast with the guy every Thursday morning. What about loyalty, Bill? What about loyalty?” she responded.

    “Loyalty is a joke,’’ Bill shot back. “Loyalty doesn’t exist in politics.”

    Bill’s verbal battle with Hillary over the presidency, if anything, intensified when daughter Chelsea showed up with her husband, Marc Mezvinsky.

    “You deserve to be president,” Chelsea said.

    Bill was clearly pleased that Chelsea was on his side and vowed to have allies commission polls on a Hillary-Obama matchup.

    “What are you trying to do — force my hand?” Hillary said.

    “I want everyone to know how strong you poll,” Bill said.

    -Hillary said, “Go ahead and knock yourself out.”

    This was clearly leaked by the Clintons, but that doesn’t make it true, of course, unless this whole episode was staged for some people’s benefit.

    Edward Klein has previously reported in another book that Hillary is a lesbian and had to be raped to become pregnent with Chelsea.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  75. * Supposedly, Bill Clinton staged an “intervention” in his home office in Chappaqua to get Hillary Clionton to run for president.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  76. * Hillary Clinton.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  77. Comment by Icy — 5/13/2012 @ 2:11 pm

    Obama felt that what Wright said was the truth, and that what he (Obama) was telling the American people were the distortions and half-truths? This is getting scarier by the minute.

    If this story is true, would Obama find it easier get Wright to keep quiet by telling him he was wrong, or by telling him he was right?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  78. Sammy,

    Edward Klein has been mad at Hillary ever since Hillary did not punch out Arafat’s wife for saying bad things about Israel. Do we really need the IAPAC view? They’re going to back Obama, anyway.

    nk (875f57)

  79. ______________________________________________

    But you know what really amazes me? I received an email message from the DNC inviting me to send a Mothers’ Day card to First Lady Michelle Obama. WTF is up with that? Do the Democrats really want to make Mrs. Obama into the Mother of Our Country? How Eva Peron-ish of them. This group in the White House continues to exceed even my expectations with the degree their wholly undeserved self-regard.

    By getting such correspondence from the DNC, I’m assuming you’re a registered Democrat and, in general, lean left. I try to imagine my reactions to Obama — and Jeremiah Wright, and Michelle, etc — if they were the flip side, or ultra-conservative versions, of the current occupants of the White House. In such an alternative universe, I think I’d be just as irritated and as irked about them, if not more so. IOW, to think Obama and everything about him is fine and dandy, one has to be a super dyed-in-the-wool, rabid liberal.

    Mark (820190)

  80. Apparently the “friend” with the bribe was likely Alan Whitaker, the same “friend” of Barry that got the $5.9 million HHS grant and was head of the place Michelle was working when she got a 6-figure raise when Barry was elected to the US Senate.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  81. Meant Eric Whitaker, not Alan.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  82. It must be true if we are talking about it here…

    tye (810303)

  83. “tye” is biased, a regular think regress talking points spewer.

    JD (0d91a1)

  84. This is the same center that had Michelle’s $ 300,000 job, that was so indispensible, that
    it was abolished when she left.

    narciso (1c125b)

  85. 75. “Edward Klein has previously reported in another book that Hillary is a lesbian and had to be raped to become pregnent with Chelsea.”

    And your point is..?

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  86. Everybody “misquotes” the Bible. I believe the last time we burned somebody for it was in 1821?

    nk (875f57)

  87. Jay Carney believes in the Trinity:
    HILARY Rosen, Hilary ROSEN, and HILARY ROSEN.

    Icy (f903bf)

  88. All things are judged in light of their immediate utility to the sociopath.

    Space Cockroach (8096f2)

  89. This is the same center that had Michelle’s $ 300,000 job, that was so indispensible, that
    it was abolished when she left.

    Comment by narciso

    She did the job so well no one needed to do it anymore. Until another Chicago pol’s family member needs some income.

    Dustin (330eed)

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