Patterico's Pontifications


Romney Took a Dog on a Vacation; Obama Ate a Dog

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:09 pm

So a while back, Mitt Romney put the family dog in a crate on the roof of his car and went on a family vacation.

So a while back, Barack Obama ate a dog.

Here’s Jim Treacher:

Hey, if we’re going to talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago, let’s talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago.

Can you name the author of this quote?

“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

Yep, that’s Barack Obama, writing about his childhood with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia, from Chapter Two of his bestseller Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

“So what? It was a long time ago,” you say. “He was a lot younger. Customs are different there. He was just doing what his stepfather told him. And hey, you can’t even prove that the dogs were ever left on top of a car, you racist.”

Hey, whatever you have to tell yourself, libs. Say what you want about Romney, but at least he only put a dog on the roof of his car, not the roof of his mouth. And whenever you bring up the one, we’re going to bring up the other.

Treacher has had some fun with this tonight on Twitter (h/t daleyrocks):

That’s just a few of them.

I demand blanket press coverage.

290 Responses to “Romney Took a Dog on a Vacation; Obama Ate a Dog”

  1. Naturally, the libs will point to all this as making a big deal out of nothing, while making a big deal out of the nothing of the Romney crate trips.

    Irony ain’t their strong suit.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  2. Racists

    Patterico (feda6b)

  3. It would be so funny if Ed Henry or Jake Tapper asks Obama about this at a press conference, and Obama snaps, and says, “Bill Ayers made that stuff up !”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  4. I guess the White House will be cancelling those scheduled appearances with Michael Vick !

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  5. If I were the proprietor of Pink’s, or any other hot dog stand where they name items on the menu in honor of famous people, do you know how much fun the menu could be during the campaign season…particularly during the dog days of summer.

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  6. German Shepherd pie anyone?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  7. Obama is definitely the underdog in this election.

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  8. Being President is a difficult job. Every day, something totally different gets thrown on your plate.

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  9. While it’s kind of funny, I don’t blame Obama for anything to do with while he was a child, especially eating the food he was given.

    But also, Romney did nothing wrong, certainly not intentionally. I’m sure the dog was wagging his tail when he was let down.

    Random (fba0b1)

  10. mmmm… gum Bo

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  11. The tweets about this are hilarious.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  12. I guess Barry’s dog played “dead” for keeps.

    Gazzer (75ef82)

  13. Mittens had a dog on his rack. Barry had rack of dog.

    Gazzer (75ef82)

  14. Neutered, spayed and fileted…

    Gazzer (75ef82)

  15. Gotta love the hypocrisy on the part of the O’2012 campaign.

    Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it? [/rimshot]

    qdpsteve (f1c59f)

  16. that was good

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  17. The other thing about this whole Seamus story is, in the 80’s we (as kids) rode in the back of an open pick up truck all the time. Am I the only one that remembers this kind of stuff? Seat belts were not looked at like they are now. Lots of people littered also.

    We used to drive cross country every summer. My Dad built this frame for his truck (topper on) that was half as long as the bed. The luggage went underneath it and we had a make shift bed on top. In the other half we had our toys and bean bag chairs! lol

    Today my Dad would be smeared as a child abuser if he ran for president.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  18. My wife told me that they would drive from WI to FLA every year and the kids would take turns to lie down on the rear parcel shelf. Seat belts, hah!

    Gazzer (75ef82)

  19. Oops, I meant my wife was one of the kids. That didn’t come out right.

    Gazzer (75ef82)

  20. I’m pretty sure THAT is not on the government-approved school lunch menu!

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  21. Michelle might be the only dog that Barry has never eaten. Too mean?

    Gazzer (75ef82)

  22. Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails; that’s what little Barack’s are made of.

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  23. Next, we will find out he also likes monkey, dolphin and whale.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  24. There are enough pet owners that this is a problem, actually. It may dog him the entire campaign.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  25. Sasha Obama: “Daddy, you’re not gonna kill Bo, are you?”
    Barack Obama: “No sweetie. I’m only gonna kill the unplanned baby inside of you.”

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  26. “Dawg dawg, dawg eat dog”
    — Ted Nugent

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  27. press be hounding him
    teh Ken-L Ration Nation® ?
    milk-fed whelp a dish?

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  28. culinary treat
    gives entirely new meaning
    to “Yorkshire Pudding”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  29. the poodle flambé
    is just simply to die for!
    haute cuisine lovers

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  30. roll out those lazy
    hazy crazy Summer days
    hot dogs pretzels beer

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  31. north koreans
    say stop by Barky mangia
    have something to nosh

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  32. Barcky say dog “tough”
    but teh snake even tougher
    going to teh dogs

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  33. specialty of house
    teh sheepdog with mint jelly
    simply delicious!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  34. try “Barry’s on teh Dogwalk”
    you make your dining selection from the famous puppy tank just inside the entryway

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  35. make sure you ask for the “Perros Panchero”
    Ay chihuahua!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  36. bow wow wow wow wow

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)


    ‘Many inclined to do president’s fetching’…

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  38. Everyone has a dog in this race.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  39. Brownstein: Obama’s dog problem…

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  40. UPDATE: Panetta says he “regrets” the Bichon Frise …

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  41. Puppies on a Log: Large stalk of celery… peanut butter… puppies and voilà!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  42. iowahawkblog #ObamaDogRecipes tip: to tenderize a good steak, let age a week – or 1 day in human time.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  43. Dems stoop to new low
    ‘War on Weimeraners!
    what next, 0bama?

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  44. Barry says to b*tch
    “get yer biscuits in oven
    and yer buns in bed!”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  45. When will obama have his picture on a bag of dog food?

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  46. the Sunday brunch fave
    beagle with lox and cream cheese
    always a big hit

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  47. “Pardon me, would you have any Greyhound Poupon?”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  48. 0bama say he had a Great Danish for breakfast?

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  49. gives new meaning to
    “mmm, mmm, mmm” 0bama chant
    this will dog teh Man

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  50. “The tender terrier tots will leave you scratching your belly, your taste buds tingling, and make you want to roll-over for more!”

    – former President Barack 0bama

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  51. Barry the Dog Whisperer: “you are so delicious!”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  52. Call off the dogs. Lookin’ forward to Sockpuppet Friday.

    ropelight (1ffe76)

  53. Sunday dinner at White House: Dog Day Afternoon

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  54. Mongrels in the White House.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  55. Puppies in a Blanket, corned bulldog hash, toast and coffee $1.99 @ Barky’s

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  56. mesquite-seared Basenji in bed of rice, covered with rich, creamy spaniel sauce with just a hint of rosemary

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  57. tacos de chihuahua

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  58. Roast Spotted Dick, a la dalmation

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  59. “Pardon me, would you have any Greyhound Poupon?”

    Comment by Colonel Haiku — 4/18/2012 @ 2:59 am


    Jim Treacher’s “Yorkshire Terrier Pudding” – priceless.

    Yep, ropelight, Sockpuppet Friday should be fun this week…!

    no one you know (498806)

  60. Seriously, ‘he ate dog when he was 9’ is the best counter argument you have? Seriously??? Conservatives need to pay attention to this non-issue so badly that they need to respond?

    JEA (90eb9c)

  61. If talking sh*t, who here thinks POTUS is in the closet?
    Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    Bill (af584e)

  62. “Hush puppies, not just a shoe but a plea for silence.”

    Barry Sotelo.

    Bill (af584e)

  63. All the funny jokes have have been made, so I’ll tell a true story. How do you get four adults, three kids, and their luggage across the island of Crete, on twisty, one-lane mountain roads, in a Land Rover? The kids ride on top. My daughter, nine years old at the time, was one of them.

    nk (875f57)

  64. I guess that kills my nomination. It wasn’t even an American made car.

    I didn’t know that about Indonesians. I don’t even know that I believe it. Muslims consider dogs the most unclean animal and in Hinduism only the Kshatriyas and the pariahs eat meat. It could very well be that Ayles used literary license to “spice up” the story.

    nk (875f57)

  65. Romney was too busy hiding his dog on top of the car so Obama wouldn’t eat it.

    Now that’s pretty funny.

    Dustin (330eed)

  66. It also doesn’t fit with Soetoro placing Obama in a madrassa.

    nk (875f57)

  67. Our pediatrician is a Narayan, doctor caste, and he eats fish and chicken, but not red meat.

    nk (875f57)

  68. Palling around with dog butchers.

    Pious Agnostic (7c3d5b)

  69. “It’s not my fault, don’t blame me, I inherited those dinners from my step-father !”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  70. As Reverend Wright once famously said in a videotaped sermon, “The dogs are coming home to roost !”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  71. “When my step-father told me it was ‘Australian Cattle Dog,’ I thought he meant it was ‘imported beef’ !”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  72. This article does not even deserve a rational response. It’s like saying that because I eat beef, it’s okay to torture cattle.

    tadcf (6f3ab1)

  73. Ben LaBolt is a whiny poofter.

    JD (1d6e7b)

  74. He lived there for nearly five years so he ate dog on a regular basis, probably hundreds of times.

    Romney gave his dog diarrhea. Dogs gave Obama diarrhea.

    AZ Bob (1c9631)

  75. “How muchhh is that dog-gie in the win-dow ?”(“No, seriously, how much is it ? Do you charge by the pound ? Is it FDA inspected ?”)

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  76. 71.This article does not even deserve a rational response. It’s like saying that because I eat beef, it’s okay to torture cattle.

    Comment by tadcf — 4/18/2012 @ 7:07 am

    Rational and tadcf are a contradiction in terms.

    nk (875f57)

  77. tadcf–have you ever laughed? At anything? Do you have any sense of humor at all?

    Have you ever had a family dog in your life, or had a dog adore you so much it wanted to be with you all the time and go with you everywhere you went?

    Somehow I’d guess not.

    elissa (d4a4da)

  78. This article does not even deserve a rational response. It’s like saying that because I eat beef, it’s okay to torture cattle.

    It’s EXACTLY like that!

    It’s also like saying that taking your cow with you on vacation is worse than eating him.

    So really, it’s like two things.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  79. Guest at WH State dinner: Can I get a doggie bag?
    Michelle: Hell no, what kind of people do you thing we are? We’d never serve dog here! Who put you up to this? GUARDS!!!

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  80. Have you ever had a family dog in your life, or had a dog adore you so much it wanted to be with you all the time and go with you everywhere you went?

    Somehow I’d guess not.

    No, tadcf probably hasn’t had a dog as a pet. But judging from his reaction to the post, I’d wager he’s fricasseed one or two in his time.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  81. I haven’t read “Obama’s” books. Has he read them?

    nk (875f57)

  82. You dummies! Only white people can be held accountable for what they did years ago! Raaacists!

    BTW I love Andrea “All the pretty things must die!” Mitchell’s inability to understand that you can consider something “cool” even if you did not seek it out.

    And people wonder why I cancelled my Twitter account.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  83. Or, it’s about putting your cow on the roof of your car instead of in the back seat with the kids.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  84. It’s EXACTLY like that!

    It’s also like saying that taking your cow with you on vacation is worse than eating him.

    So really, it’s like two things.

    Comment by Patterico — 4/18/2012 @ 7:23 am

    Too funny.

    I miss Andrew Breitbart even more at times like this BTW. He would have loved this topic. Hilarious plus it makes them eat their pets own attacks.

    Imagine mocking Obama & Co without a break all the way to election day with stuff like this. We would see a narcissistic meltdown, sooner than expected, IMO, that would take the “cool cucumber” mask off for good.

    no one you know (325a59)

  85. Seems like a golden opportunity for James O’Keefe:

    O’Keefe: “Good evening Mr President, I’ll be your waiter today. If you look under your place mat, you’ll see our special menu which includes many of your childhood favorites. May I suggest the dogrolls to start…”

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  86. I’m afraid that the Obama campaign shills working the blogs and in the media are going to have their work cut out for them today. At the very least they should demand extra hazardous duty pay from Axelrod. After all, he’s the brilliant strategist who decided to get cute about Seamus and make dogs a key issue in his approved 2012 propaganda suite.

    elissa (d4a4da)

  87. NOYK,

    Teleprompter. Medicine for narcissism and being a miserable cluster**** of a total failure. A ventriloquist’s dummy.

    nk (875f57)

  88. Comment by nk — 4/18/2012 @ 7:38 am

    Don’t forget “stuttering”! 😉

    no one you know (325a59)

  89. Belker admonishes president starting at 1:05 mark…

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  90. #86… elissa… Porn’stache McCombover ain’t so swift, is he.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  91. I never thought Romney would live the dog thing down, but since Obama topped him by managing to keep the dog thing down, I haz laughed hard enough to change my mind.

    Labradoodle Oodles of Noodles I think was pretty much the tipping point for me.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  92. “Seems like a golden retriever opportunity for James O’Keefe”

    FIFY, Kev…

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  93. Obama just wrapped up the Korean vote.

    JD (1d6e7b)

  94. #Obamarestaurantslogan Run for the Border Collies

    SarahW (b0e533)

  95. Have you noticed that this POTUS has utterly no sense of humor, and a very, very thin skin?

    That’s an opening for the Right, I think.

    Simon Jester (09d067)

  96. Have it your Weimereiner!

    SarahW (b0e533)

  97. JD, here is the punchline:


    What is the joke?

    Simon Jester (09d067)

  98. “Better put a leash on that puppy!… No… seriously… before I make a sandwich.”

    – Barcky 0bama

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  99. I sure could go for some Bernaise Mountain dog

    SarahW (b0e533)

  100. Don’t get me started on chows.

    Simon Jester (09d067)

  101. or anything simmered in a Bolognese sauce, Sarah?

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  102. Or some Tiramisuki –

    SarahW (b0e533)

  103. Seriously… 0bama has a gig on the Food Network wrapped up when he leaves office next January… a ready made catchphrase… Emeril has his “Bam!!!”… Barcky has “W00f!!!”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  104. Chow Mein!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  105. Chesapeake Bay Seasoning Retriever

    SarahW (b0e533)

  106. chihuahuachanga

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  107. “Medallions of Mastiff, sir?”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  108. NOYK @7:33 I’ve been thinking the same thing since this dog meat goofiness went viral late yesterday. Andrew Breitbart’s spirit is loving this–especially that Jake Tapper immediately did a post about it at Political Punch!!

    At Political Punch Tapper quoted Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt’s tweet reminding all that Obama was an innocent child when he ate dog meat: “What’s the next attack @EricFehrn and the RNC will surface on a 6-10 year old?”

    I see what La Bolt did there. Very clever. Trig Palin was not in the 6-10 year old age bracket so the left attacking baby Trig was A-OK.

    elissa (d4a4da)

  109. Filet o’ Finnish Spitz

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  110. Who can’t imagine a hungry 6 to 10 year old herding his kiddie posse into Mom’s kitchen for some Hot Puppie Pockets® !

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  111. Vacation would’ve been quite a stew for ol’ Seamus in 0bama’s World!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  112. Hashpuppies MMmmmMMMmMMM

    SarahW (b0e533)

  113. 104.


    Comment by LeftLOLer — 4/18/2012 @ 8:21 am

    Or, Why The Left Is Nuttier Than A Fruitcake.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  114. Okay. Let’s use that leftist clown’s standards. Ayers. Wright. Khalidi.

    JD (1d6e7b)

  115. I saw @Dmataconis is totally put out with this hashtag game. Twitter needs to GROW UP.


    SarahW (b0e533)

  116. There are stalkery stalkers lurking.

    JD (1d6e7b)

  117. Good lord. If Obama the dog-eater has hosted any parties all those poor people he invited are now dog-eater-lovers too.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  118. Better get Mr. Johnson on the case, I’m sure he could sort it out.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  119. “Have you noticed that this POTUS has utterly no sense of humor, and a very, very thin skin?”

    Simon – Don’t forget about the big ears.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  120. “I saw @Dmataconis is totally put out with this hashtag game. Twitter needs to GROW UP.”

    SarahW – Throw him a bone, once Obama’s done cutting all the dog meat off of it.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  121. Someone suggests that The Bamster as child did not eat dog; that Ayers, the real author, simply put the poodle in to “spice up” the story.
    Wait a frickin’ minute!!! Hold the phone!! I thought the Bamster wrote every word of those books! Ayers as author? Say it ain’t so Bo!

    And speaking of Bo–I read that he’s been put in a witness protection program now that he’s reached “eating size”. As The Bamster reaches out for the Hispanic vote, he’s going to have a photo taken showing him eating “Tiajuana Tacos”.

    Mike Myers (dc4fc0)

  122. Given Ayers’ epicurism I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he was relating his own impressions of novel foods.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  123. However now Mr. O is stuck with eating dog.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  124. Completely off topic – that horrible woman who shot the mother and stole the baby in Texas, Verna McClain, has a (confirmed per ABC) facebook page that makes her look insane.

    Although I don’t know about ABC et al anymore, they always get things wrong. Reports everywhere have been touting her as a “registered nurse” but she is no such thing – she hasn’t obtained that credential yet, only that of LVN (licensed vocational nurse) after about a year in a junior college program. It’s often a stepping stone to RN but is a vastly inferior credential.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  125. I seem to recall that Obama complained that his critics “talk about him like a dog.”

    Apparently they were calling him “dinner.”

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  126. Yes, to Obama a dog is a low-down thing

    SarahW (b0e533)

  127. Romney’s dog lived to a ripe old age. Dogs around OBarcky live until mealtime.

    JD (d8009c)

  128. Speaking of low-down

    That shooty person Verna also has an old myspace from a few years ago, which is a happy one and not a crazy one at all (though demonstrating the usual level of literacy and refined sensibilities of that forum.) I wonder what on earth happened to her.

    I guess a person should shuffle off to websleuths with that sort of thing, but dang I can’t stop thinking about it.

    Maybe a nice cup ‘o poodles would take my mind off…

    SarahW (b0e533)

  129. Seriously, there is so much stuff in Bill Ayers’ “Dreams from my Father” that did not get milked in the ’08 election…this anecdote is merely one of them.

    Ayers even wrote the timeline WRONG about when Barack and Michelle first got together.

    To paraphrase what Jack Cashill once said, “That’s what happens when you don’t write your own autobiography.”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  130. tadcf dropped by just to inform us that to comment on this post would be beneath him.

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  131. That dog don’t hunt!

    Well, not anymore.

    It went out intending to hunt . . .

    Hunter became the hunted.

    Fellow hunters ask Barack, “Did you get one?”

    Barack answers, “Of course I did; I brought it with me.”

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  132. tadcf has dropped by many of the right leaning blogs this morning which have threads going about Barry eating dog meat. tadcf has cut and pasted the identical torture cattle comment everywhere.

    I cant help it. I just find that kind of fevered spamming for fun and profit to be really baffling–not to mention pathetic.

    elissa (d4a4da)

  133. Ya know, they said that Clinton’s dog, Buddy, was hit by a car, and that’s why we never saw him again. But now . . . I smell a conspiracy — and barbecue.

    [That’s the Chicago way!]

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  134. I haven’t read “Obama’s” books. Has he read them?
    Comment by nk — 4/18/2012 @ 7:26 am

    — They had to be published so that he could find out what was in them.

    [His transcripts have been so thoroughly sealed, half the time even HE doesn’t know what he did.]

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  135. I’m not sure John McCain would have rather been eated.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  136. As Reverend Wright once famously said in a videotaped sermon, “The dogs are coming home to roost !”
    Comment by Elephant Stone — 4/18/2012 @ 6:59 am

    — Ya gotta match Reverend Wright’s cadence:
    “America’s puppies . . . are coming home . . . to poop.”

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  137. Reggie Love: “That bitch wouldn’t make me dinner! Hey Barack, you hear what I say?”
    Barack [distracted]: “Huh? Oh, yeah yeah. I had bitch for dinner, too.”

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  138. Asian-American Restauranteurs For Obama!!!

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  139. Thick-accented spokesman: “Bow-wow O-bow-wow understands our concerns.”

    Icy (ad6a1f)

  140. Please god, have some journalist make Carnie deal fumble all over himself with this dog dealio at the WH press room podium.

    elissa (d4a4da)

  141. If reports of low morale there are true, maybe they can give White House staffers something lighthearted and fun–like a “Take your dog to work day”. Oh wait!

    elissa (d4a4da)

  142. If you think eating some animals is wrong but others is not #youMightBeAFool

    libarbarian (90bd00)

  143. libarbarian – If you think putting a dog in a carrier on a car roof is an unimaginable horror but are OK with eating a family pet #youmightbealiberal.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  144. Does Obama serve Wagyu Dog at White House State dinners?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  145. I used to eat dog all the time until I saw my sister’s dog eats its own excrement.

    Birdbath (ce2227)

  146. Things Obama likes for $200, Alex!

    His favorite yo-yo trick.

    Things Obama likes Again for $400!

    These are usually served with mayonaise and not tomato ketchup

    SarahW (33ef3a)

  147. “Barcky,” indeed.

    Icy (a47d6e)


    It’s the DAI…LY DOUBLE!

    He is totally qualified for this job.

    SarahW (33ef3a)

  149. Sasha: “Eww! Daddy, you have dog breath.”

    Barack: “Sorry, sweetie.”

    Malia [entering the room]: “Hey dad, have you seen Uncle Joe’s puppy? I can’t find him.”

    Sasha: “Dad-dy!”

    Barack [shrugs shoulders]

    Music Cue: Wa-wa-wa-waaaaaa…

    Icy (a47d6e)

  150. 1. What is wok the dog

    2. What are pomeranianes Frites

    3. what is “Dogcatcher”

    Oh America, that brings your total up to -15 Trillion.

    SarahW (33ef3a)

  151. “Taking us out of the dark meat and into the light meat.”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  152. Romney 2012
    Send Obama packing with his tail between his teeth legs.

    Icy (a47d6e)

  153. if ya don’t know how
    to do it he’ll show you how
    to wok any dog

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  154. Obama: “I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth”

    No room. Already choking down a dog collar.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  155. iowahawkblog Spork is the proper utensil for beagle. MT @jaketapper: POTUS in Ohio: “I wasnt born with a silver spoon in my mouth”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  156. “at dinner table
    faraway Jakarta
    hungry boy, tough Spot”

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  157. I don’t know why everyone’s getting on Romney’s case over the dog thing. It’s not like he had the money to make a nicer travel situation for the dog a reality.

    What? He’d already been a Bain VP for five years at that point? So he had a sh*tload of money, and totally could’ve figured out a more humane way to handle the situation?


    Well, shut up anyway. Barack Obama ate dog when he was 9.

    Leviticus (91e44c)

  158. “He was Swift-Dogged by the Canine Veterans For Truth… deemed ‘unfit to be served'”

    – Chrissie Matthews, November 7, 2012

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  159. Oh come on L. It was kinder to seamus than eating him.

    SarahW (33ef3a)

  160. why oh why must I
    chase teh cat that boy ain’t no
    huckleberry hound

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  161. The most interesting thing about this story is that the information has been available for years, (it comed from Barack Obama’s first book) and yet it didn’t make it into the debate, which has been going on for a while.

    It should make us think: How much else, relevant to this or that discussion, can be available and not picked up??

    Of course there is a difference between eating an animal, and possible cruelty to an animal, although I don’t think the dog suffered from being on top of a car, more than being left alone in a house maybe.

    Maybe it was exposed to a risk of injury from colliding with bridge or something.

    Also actually the Romney dog story started in 2007 (it also came from the candidate) before Barack Obama was taken too seriously as a Predidential candidate.

    The point probably still goes to Obama unless we focus on the idea that there are some animals we love (like dogs) and some we hate (like mice, rats and cockroaches) and soem we eat (like cows and lambs) and dogs do not belong in the category we eat.

    “Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals” by Hal Herzog.

    Although we should use the portal on the side to buy it.

    From Publishers Weekly:

    How rational are we in our relationship with animals? A puppy, after all, is “a family member in Kansas, a pariah in Kenya, and lunch in Korea”.

    I would suspect it was more his international outlook than anything in Indonesia that caused Lolo Soetero to serve Barack Obama dog meat – except maybe for this idea you are what you eat.

    Still he could have gotten it the idea from the Chinese. Or maybe snakes are mpre likely to come from them.

    Herzog reveals how we can look at the exact same animal very differently given its context–most Americans regard cockfighting as cruel but think nothing of eating chicken, when in reality gamecocks are treated very well when they are not fighting, and most poultry headed for the table lead short, miserable lives and are killed quite painfully.

    In the twenty-first century in the United States. It didn’t use to be this way.

    By the way, Obama has to point out it’s not really Islamic to eat dogs. Or even tigers.

    Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  162. Rumors are there’s more than one BO the dog. Perhaps they are very tender when young.

    Wish I could think of funnies like you all do. I laughed all morning about these. Can’t wait for Carney’s lies/untruths about this.

    PatAZ (e33446)

  163. Leviticus:
    What? He’d already been a Bain VP for five years at that point?
    — No, actually, since the trip with the dog occurred in 1983. Mitt co-founded Bain the next year in 1984.

    Well, shut up anyway. Barack Obama ate dog when he was 9.
    — When I was a kid my mom used to feed me tongue sandwiches. I didn’t really like them, but I ate them anyway because she told me (truthfully) that I was eating beef. Then one day she told me what part of the cow I was really eating. That was the last time I ate tongue — ever. Our family got a pet dog when I was (ta da!) 9 years old. If someone had served me dog for dinner at that age — and please note, NOWHERE does Obama claim that he did not know what he was eating until after the fact — I would not have done it, and would have in fact become physically ill at the sight/smell/thought of it.

    So yeah, Mitt Romney transported his dog in a questionable manner, but there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that the dog suffered or had its lifespan reduced as a result of this action.

    Barack Obama ATE A DOG.

    Are you seriously contending that what Romney did is worse because he ‘was an adult and should have known better’?

    Icy (a47d6e)

  164. Yep, it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there.

    Just be careful, if you are invited to any White House cocktail parties, they don’t serve hors d’ouevres with Fido, I mean Filo, dough.

    Now at breakfast, it’s easier. Just order two eggs, easy Rover, I mean over.

    Bored Lawyer (c8f13b)

  165. Comment by Elephant Stone — 4/18/2012 @ 9:57 am

    Ayers even wrote the timeline WRONG about when Barack and Michelle first got together.

    To paraphrase what Jack Cashill once said, “That’s what happens when you don’t write your own autobiography.”

    Or write it very, very carefully. I think all other possible girlfriends are excised.

    I’m still confused about that. It seems to be before he went to law school. But there were soem other things that had that later.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  166. Michelle: “Barack, do you remember when you used to nibble my toes?”

    Barack [drooling]: “Yeah. You would come home and say ‘Been on my feet all day; my dogs are tired.’ Mmm . . . “

    Icy (a47d6e)

  167. 114 cites:

    In Peoria, Illinois in 1959, but it didn’t play well there. They got arrested.

    Malek said it wasn’t his idea and he didn’t kill the dog. Not clear if he took a bite out of it but they all got blamed. Malek said he was in no position to stop it. The people who did this weer drunk.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  168. 166. What’s wrong with tongue? And how could it be mistaken for anyting else? I guess if you don’t know what it is, you wouldn’t know it was tongue.

    The problem with tongue these days is that it tends to be diverted to caterers.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  169. Racist hohophobes. All of you

    JD (3fc54b)

  170. What’s wrong with tongue? And how could it be mistaken for anyting else? I guess if you don’t know what it is, you wouldn’t know it was tongue.

    My wife and I were once at a dinner where they served tongue. She was enjoying the meat, when I said, “Honey, that’s tongue.” She did not believe me, so I said, “Look at the side of each piece, it has little bumps, like a tongue.” She took one look and then ran out of the room.

    Bored Lawyer (c8f13b)

  171. Apropos, look at this link:

    Love the line, “I’d rather go for a ride with ROmney than be eaten by Obama. ROMNEY 2012.”

    Bored Lawyer (c8f13b)

  172. How often have you seen a dog in a moving car sticking its head out of the window, having a great time? Maybe Romney’s dog loved riding “in a convertible”? Did anyone ask it to get the truth straight from the horse’s dog’s mouth?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  173. “I don’t know why everyone’s getting on Romney’s case over the dog thing. It’s not like he had the money to make a nicer travel situation for the dog a reality.”

    Leviticus – Exactly. How big did they make those station wagons back then? Minivans not invented yet.

    He should have put one of the kids on the roof and left Seamus behind so Obama could eat him.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  174. What’s wrong with tongue?
    — It’s gross; particularly to someone that savors texture as much as flavor in his food.

    And how could it be mistaken for anyting else?
    — When your mother deliberately keeps you in the dark about it . . .

    Icy (a47d6e)

  175. Michael Vick: “Dammit! Why didn’t I think of that? [face palm] I should’ve eaten the evidence.”

    Icy (a47d6e)

  176. OJ: “Me and Barack have something in common — we both cut & stuck the bitch!”

    Icy (a47d6e)

  177. Comment by Bored Lawyer —4/18/2012 @ 1:42 pm

    More like an Obama eat dog world.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  178. Barack: “If Trayvon had a dog it would look like meat.”

    Icy (a47d6e)

  179. I strongly encourage @BarackObama’s staff and supporters to run with this one: “Well, he hasn’t eaten any dogs LATELY.”


    Smock Puppet, 10th Dan Snark Master (8e2a3d)

  180. Nugent: “Actually, the singer on ‘Dog Eat Dog’ was Meatloaf.”

    Oh, i-ro-ny!

    Icy (a47d6e)

  181. Leviticus—
    Just to make certain you understand what this is about, because from your comment above I’m really not sure that you do—-

    The exaggerated, appalling, contrived war on the Romneys over Seamus from 30 years ago has been going on since 2008 and was ratcheted up by Axelrod again this year. It was, and is a stupid, manufactured line of attack meant only to distract. Seamus was by all accounts a long-lived beloved family member who loved traveling with the Romney boys.

    The “young Obama ate dog meat from butchered canines” is also a rather stupid theme. We all recognize that. Barry S. was living in a culture where eating dog was deemed normal by a subset of the population and apparently his stepfather was among them. Fine. Barry was pre-pubescent at the time and he has written about it openly. The Daily Caller clearly knew “dog meat recipes” was a truthful but silly theme when they published it yesterday with fanfare and such great humor. But above all, they went with it because it is a much needed counterbalance to the relentless silliness, mean spiritedness, and hypocrisy of the Romney dog story that is being framed on the left.

    To summarize: Both the Seamus story where a loved family dog was taken on vacation (perhaps not under the most ideal conditions, but hardly torture)– and the story of a boy who was served dog meat by Lolo (which many of us on a personal level find highly repulsive and abhorrent) are equally politically irrelevant to the 2012 presidential campaign. Neither one is more, or less, stupid than the other as a campaign tactic. Neither one is either more or less shocking than the other. There’s not a winner and a loser with these dog tales. They equal each other out in ridiculousness. Tit for tat. And that is axactly the point.

    elissa (0377f7)

  182. R.I.P. Dick Clark

    Icy (a47d6e)

  183. Next thing we will see Michelle in a “real” poodle skirt.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  184. TEAM ROMNEY – GAME ON! Many were concerned that if Romney were nominated, that the Seamus-on-cartop meme would bite him in the asset. I am thrilled to see that between Ann Romney’s Nuclear Response to “Rosengate” and the plethora of tweets, t-shirts,buttons related to #ObamaDogRecipes, Team Romney seems to have the “fire in the belly” to defeat the Once.

    Mutnodjmet (c4995d)

  185. 185. What! He died?

    Yes. A heart attack. He didn’t survive this, unlike his stroke.

    In a hospital.

    He was admitted for an outpatient” procedure.

    How can you be admitted for an outpatient procedure and stay overnight?

    But that’s what it says here:

    Usually outpatient maybe.

    We must suspect some of the strenuous pre-operation procedures they do to people – not good for old people.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  186. And it’s not even malpractice because it probably happens all the time.

    It might be considered perhaps malpractice, not to do all those dangerous tests.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  187. Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2002 Slate article on eating dogs: (via Best of the Web)

    ….Dogs are eaten in parts of East and Southeast Asia. The South Korean dog meat industry reportedly involves about 1 million dogs, 6,000 restaurants, and 10 percent of the population. French actress-turned-activist Brigitte Bardot, backed by thousands of rabid European and American letter writers, has enlisted FIFA, the world soccer federation, to pressure South Korea to shut down the industry. South Korean lawmakers, angered by this pressure, are pushing to legalize the industry next month. The industry, armed with supportive research by a scholar known as “Dr. Dogmeat,” plans to set up dog-meat stands near World Cup stadiums and advertise recipes on English-language Web sites….

    …Let’s start with the clearest complaint: the needlessly cruel methods—beating, strangling, boiling—by which many dogs are killed in Korea. To Frame Game, this is a no-brainer. These methods have to be stopped. At a minimum, they should be replaced with electrocution, which is far more humane. That’s why South Korean lawmakers are proposing to legalize, license, and regulate the industry. But guess who’s trying to stop them? The same attack-dog activists who complain about the cruelty of the old methods.

    South Korea’s Livestock Processing Act doesn’t officially apply to dogs. The obvious solution is to classify dogs as livestock. But in 1999, legislators who tried to do that were thwarted by critics who warned that legalization would hurt the country’s image. Now anti-dog-meat activists in Korea, Britain, Australia, and elsewhere are trying to block legalization again, arguing that “there is no recognized humane method of killing” dogs.

    Better tell that to the ASPCA.

    But this means taht back in the late 1960s, the dog Barack Obama was fed may have been cruelly killed so maybe the point goes back to Romney.

    Strip out Bardot’s silly arrogance and her Korean colleagues’ sentimentality, and their philosophy boils down to this: The value of an animal depends on how you treat it. If you befriend it, it’s a friend. If you raise it for food, it’s food. This relativism is more dangerous than the absolutism of vegetarians or even of thoughtful carnivores. You can abstain from meat because you believe that the mental capacity of animals is too close to that of humans. You can eat meat because you believe that it isn’t. Either way, you’re using a fixed standard. But if you refuse to eat only the meat of “companion” animals—chewing bacon, for example, while telling Koreans that they can’t stew Dalmatians—you’re saying that the morality of killing depends on habit or even whim.

    What’s wrong with that? Not to do things that way promotes cruelty – toward humans. It is perfectly good distinction to make. It makes perfect sense to say: Once an animal has been befriended, or taken out of the category of something that might be eaten, it shouldn’t be eaten after that.


    In the city, Koreans raise “pet dogs.” In the country, they raise “meat dogs,” also known as “junk dogs” and “lower-grade” dogs. But you don’t become a “lower-grade” dog by flunking an IQ test. You’re just born in the wrong place.


    Fourteen years ago, when Seoul hosted the Summer Olympics, the dog-meat critics had their day. The South Korean government threw them a bone, banning dog meat under a law prohibiting “foods deemed unsightly.” That’s the law FIFA now wants South Korea to invoke to sweep away dog-meat restaurants during the World Cup.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  188. Don’t be too hard on Leviticus… he’s just a pup.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  189. Fricasseed Bichon Frise is now on the menu at the White House. 😆

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  190. Col.–Yes, but even our favorite pups need gentle and careful and consistent paper training till they “get it”.

    elissa (0377f7)

  191. I’m appalled by all the dog whistles on this site.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  192. Next thing we will see Michelle in a “real” poodle skirt.

    Comment by peedoffamerican


    skies are charcoal gray
    it’s a dreary downtown day
    but at the end of her 30 foot leash
    stands her little friend Quiche

    Quiche la Poodle is her name
    havin’ a good time on a crummy day is their game

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  193. Bill Maher – Ann Romney never got her ass out of the house to barbecue the family dog.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  194. Col.–Yes, but even our favorite pups need gentle and careful and consistent paper training till they “get it”.

    Comment by elissa

    doggie doos… and don’ts!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  195. what’s the over/under on late night “comedians” (except maybe Leno) making any dog-eater jokes?

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  196. “Putting on the dog” takes on a whole new meaning when uttered by Barcky.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  197. “No, actually, since the trip with the dog occurred in 1983. Mitt co-founded Bain the next year in 1984.”

    – Icy

    Romney was made a VP at Bain & Company in 1978. So he’d been a Bain VP for five years.

    Rent a van. Or a trailer. Or I guess you could proffer the “my dog sh*t himself out of pure joy” argument and hope that people don’t realize that you lie for a living like every other politician.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  198. I just wish we had more Polly Purebreds like young whelp Leviticus!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  199. Most desired dog of the 0bama 2012 campaign:

    teh Hopenchange Retriever

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  200. “He should have put one of the kids on the roof and left Seamus behind so Obama could eat him.”

    – daleyrocks

    Jolly good, old bean. I lol’d.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  201. get a room, leviticus!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  202. To be fair to Romney, he’s probably not sure what all the fuss is about, given that he spent his career treating people worse than he ever treated any dog…

    (Sudden change to a flat, level stare)

    … That we know of.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  203. Sammy- That Slate article takes the issue of dog- meat almost as seriously as we do, given some of their phraseology-
    backed by thousands of rabid European and American
    the South Korean government threw them a bone

    …are equally politically irrelevant to the 2012 presidential campaign. Neither one is more, or less, stupid than the other as a campaign tactic. Neither one is either more or less shocking than the other. There’s not a winner and a loser with these dog tales. They equal each other out in ridiculousness. Tit for tat. And that is exactly the point.
    Comment by elissa — 4/18/2012 @ 3:18 pm

    Elissa, is that for real? You mean, I’ve been scouring the web for info on ridiculous political irrelevancy?
    Unfortunately, not sure what passes for relevance anymore. Most of the relevant information says Obama still should be an Illinois state senator unknown to all except the pro-infanticide lobby and the “show up and be present for work” Day Coalition.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  204. “Unfortunately, not sure what passes for relevance anymore. Most of the relevant information says Obama still should be an Illinois state senator unknown to all except the pro-infanticide lobby and the “show up and be present for work” Day Coalition.”

    – MD in Philly


    Leviticus (870be5)

  205. Are you seriously contending that what Romney did is worse because he ‘was an adult and should have known better’?

    Comment by Icy

    It was a poor decision and I hope everyone treats their pets a lot better than that. I think it was cruel and I think most dog owners would know better. When you take an animal in as a pet, you have a responsibility of care.

    And Obama was ten. He has zero culpability for the animal his meat was derived from. Livestock is different from a pet. Eating meat is not cruelty to animals. We need to eat to survive.

    Dustin (330eed)

  206. young whelp barks and yelps
    noise signifying nada
    toothpaste or mouth foam?

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  207. young master barry
    had annoying habit of
    ass drag on carpet

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  208. grumpy old codger
    only maintains his manners
    when poems restrict him

    Leviticus (870be5)

  209. “maintains his manners”
    must of course be considered
    a relative thing

    Leviticus (870be5)

  210. And of course this issue is stupid.

    We need to pick a direction for our country. How Romney cared for a pet in an isolated incident is not the best basis to make that decision.

    But the tit for tat that Obama, as a child, ate an animal that is not acceptable to eat in our culture… that’s frankly not reasonable.

    It is, however, fodder for tons of good jokes. Both our presidential candidates are deeply unworthy of leading the free world or a free country and I’m happy to see them both take jokes that show our nation’s proper level of respect for politicians these days.

    I plan to vote against Obama, with no hesitation, but I’m not going to be drinking any kool aid.

    Dustin (330eed)

  211. Probably so, Dustin, but there are so many ludicrous and embarassing moments that Obama inflicts us every day, from the Maldives incident,
    to ‘seemingly’ not knowing about Marbury v. Madison,
    to speaking ‘Austrian’ that i’m not going to cut him any slack at all,

    narciso (8d0f34)

  212. Dustin,

    Stop single-handedly sabotaging Romney’s chances for the presidency with your negativity and bow down to your new once-and-future conservative master! YOUR SIDE LOST, GET OVER IT AND LEARN THE LINES!!!

    Leviticus (870be5)

  213. I still think, unless there is documented evidence to the contrary, that the dog may have enjoyed the ride, just like some dogs like to ride with their heads stuck out the window.

    Besides, did Romney never back a plan to sell guns illegally that ended up killing American dog-catchers??

    Who cares.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  214. “And of course this issue is stupid.”

    – Dustin

    Stipulated. There are many other (better) reasons why a robot like Romney might give one the heebie-jeebies.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  215. young flag pole sitter
    lacks true life experience
    sucks on large lemon

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  216. I think this is more relevant than trying to provide cover fire for an ancient indiscretion on the GOP candidate’s part.

    I’d vote for a guy who eats three dogs a day if he could balance a budget (not that we even pass those anymore), and most Americans should be interested in where the jobs went.

    Dustin (330eed)

  217. Probably so, Dustin, but there are so many ludicrous and embarassing moments that Obama inflicts us every day

    This is true.

    And also true is that most voters do not think the way I do. Politics is won and lost on issues that I personally do not find relevant.

    I guess I want change badly enough to be OK with these tactics? That’s not honest. I think it’s wrong to argue for anything but a balanced budget platform, specifically, and if the people aren’t convinced… then do the work and convince them about why that’s so important. I don’t want to win a mandate against dog consumption.

    Dustin (330eed)

  218. extracts stick from ass
    young neddie nederlander
    does world big favor

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  219. There are plenty of other reasons, to have reservations about Mittens;

    narciso (8d0f34)

  220. ” Are you seriously contending that what Romney did is worse because he ‘was an adult and should have known better’?

    Comment by Icy

    It was a poor decision and I hope everyone treats their pets a lot better than that. ”

    Romney took his dog on family vacations. Obama ate his.

    You be the judge.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  221. narciso, I’m sure the feeling is mutual between Romney and the conservatives. They aren’t too proud (hopefully) to work together to beat Obama.

    Dustin (330eed)

  222. Obama just wrapped up the Korean vote.

    Comment by JD — 4/18/2012 @ 7:52 am

    Just hilarious.

    It was a poor decision and I hope everyone treats their pets a lot better than that. I think it was cruel and I think most dog owners would know better. When you take an animal in as a pet, you have a responsibility of care.

    Never let a scold ruin a party.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  223. ‘this is a ‘teaching opportunity’ to illustrate absurdity as Rush has said;

    narciso (8d0f34)

  224. Never let a scold ruin a party.

    Comment by Dana

    If you want to crack jokes about Obama, that’s great. My point prior was that both Romney and Obama’s dog stories provide ample joke fodder.

    Dustin (330eed)

  225. Romney took his dog on family vacations. Obama ate his.

    You be the judge.

    Comment by daleyrocks

    but… but… but Seamus rode coach!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  226. Dustin… you must have collapsed in a puddle of tears at the end of “Old Yeller”.

    I’m not ashamed to admit that I nearly did.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  227. @ Dustin,

    Both are ridiculous and mock-worthy, yet completely irrelevant. But the attention both sides are ginning up is really funny.

    “A child has an excuse, but grownups all should know by now the disgusting condition of slaughterhouses and fear and suffering that animals endure on factory farms and try a vegetarian diet that’s good for them, animals, and the environment,” Nicole Dao, a spokeswoman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

    The arrogance is stunning. Dog eating is common in many places in the world, typically third world countries Southeast Asian countries. Perhaps PETA might consider that when a people are hungry, they eat what’s available.

    It is interesting to note, however, that Wikipedia informs me that even Switzerland is a dog-eating country. News to me.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  228. Never let a scold ruin a party.

    Comment by Dana

    And the comment I replied to was not a joke.

    Dustin (330eed)

  229. Both are ridiculous and mock-worthy, yet completely irrelevant.

    I agree.

    But the attention both sides are ginning up is really funny.

    Here’s where I’m a scold raining on the party. It annoys me to see politics decided on a stupid basis. I guess it’s a good thing if Obama loses because of our cultural view on dog meat, but it’s also sad that he’s not going to lose because of the deficit or various other relevant things.

    It’s like winning a game that you should have won, but because the goalkeeper simply awarded wins by alphabetical order. A little annoying.

    Dustin (330eed)

  230. Now we know why the press overlooks Odoggie’s exaggerations, falsehoods, and “misstatements’. After all, isn’t the phrase, “Let man eating dogs lie” ?

    Guess Sloe Joe had a taste of pooch too!

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  231. Good Allah. Kelb eating is disgusting. Off to eat some car sat Oodles of Poodles.

    JD (3fc54b)

  232. Oops, forgot the comma.

    “Let man, eating dogs, lie”

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  233. Carbs at, not car sat ….

    Man bites dog stories are the best.

    JD (3fc54b)

  234. you’re either someone who eats dogs or you’re not

    it’s a lot like having sex with colombian hookers

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  235. It is, however, fodder for tons of good jokes.
    Comment by Dustin — 4/18/2012 @ 4:51 pm

    I think you mean kibble. Fodder is cow food.

    Bored Lawyer (1cf033)

  236. If you think giving your dog a car ride is worse than eating it #youmightbealiberal.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  237. how did your marathon work out, JD?

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  238. I think you mean kibble. Fodder is cow food.

    Comment by Bored Lawyer


    The picture at Ace’s of Obama identifying the best cuts of meat is hilarious.

    I think there are plenty of funny openings for similar jokes at Romney’s expense, but I’m not seeing nearly as many quality jokes being made. Maybe the left just isn’t as funny?

    Dustin (330eed)

  239. See they insist on ‘dialing up to eleven’ I mean there’s actually a group organized along these lines

    Just like I’ve seen them defend Hilary Rosen,

    narciso (8d0f34)

  240. It was a challenge. Averaged 8:35/mile for the second half. Ran with a large group the first half.

    JD (3fc54b)

  241. If you visualize yourself being a dog fleeing from Obama for its life, it is amazing how fast you can run.

    JD (3fc54b)

  242. Only the Greeks know how to cook tongue, lamb intestines, lungs, kidneys, heart, and … you know. My mother used to make a wonderful ragout from them, with tomato paste she had made, fresh dill, green onions and parsley.

    nk (875f57)

  243. There was a guy on the course cheering people on, he was 400 lbs if he was an ounce, with a walker. He was holding a sign that said “you all look like Kenyans to me”.

    JD (3fc54b)

  244. He was holding a sign that said “you all look like Kenyans to me”.

    Comment by JD

    Racist! 😉

    Dustin (330eed)

  245. Just like I’ve seen them defend Hilary Rosen,

    Comment by narciso

    teh Borgia’s were rather subtle, as well. Sometimes a lighter touch and a sober demeanor is the best choice. Let Rosen’s remarks stand – or fall – on their own. The dog-meat story is funny and serves to highlight the hypocrisy of the 0bama campaigners.

    The people who value the importance of a stay-at-home mother know and value the truth of that and you don’t have to take the “beat people over the head” approach to make a point.

    Cool demeanor and calm confidence is the way to do it… just my take.

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  246. @Dustin #233,

    The lamestream media have carried so much water for Obama, and facillitated a solar eclipse upon the sunlight shining on his background, associations, et al, that I think it’s legitimate for people to have a little fun with this issue, particularly since the anecdote actually came courtesy of Bill Ayers er, I mean, from “Barack Obama” himself, in his autobiography.

    The fact that the anecdote was sitting right there in Bill Ayers’ er, I mean, in Obama’s book yet had never been publicly discussed underscores the lack of scrutiny given to this man.

    The focus on this issue is being handled by commentators, bloggers, and commenters—the Romney campaign is certainly not going on C-SPAN to discuss it. Romney himself said today that this election will be about “jobs, not dogs.”
    The Romney campaign knows well that the election will be decided by how many voters have had enough of the Alinsky Acolyte—and not decided by some funny jokes about Obama & dogs.

    By the same token, there’s a good percentage of un-informed voters out there who don’t pay attention to the national debt, or to Iran’s nuclear program, or to the Keystone Pipeline, so if this story “reaches” their antennae in between watching episodes of “American Idol” and “Jersey Shore,” then, that’s great. After all, Obama has “Saturday Night Live” on his team, and the hit job they did on Sarah Palin DID help them in ’08 because it reached a lot of clueless apolitical voters. But nobody’s pretending this is the ace card in the deck to play against Obama.

    I look at it a little bit like how Shakespeare peppered his plays with humor that the informed or educated classes would ‘get,’ yet might be over the heads of the lower classes. By the same token, he would also write other scenes/dialogue (in the same play) that he directed toward the lower classes that the educated classes might not necessarily ‘get.’

    Besides, this is the President who, shortly after his inauguration, spent weeks using the media’s help in focusing on “what breed of dog the Obamas were going to buy,” and “what they were going to name it.” He even shamelessly weaved his girls into the narrative, by discussing what they wanted to name the dog.

    Thank God they didn’t name the dog, “Dinner.”

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  247. See how much ‘category error’ someone can put in their twitter feed;!/AugustJPollak

    narciso (8d0f34)

  248. BTW, I just saw a clip of an interview with the Romneys. It seems that the dog was placed in a CRATE which was then strapped onto the car roof. Transporting a dog in a crate is perfectly acceptable and comfortable. Airlines and trains do that all the time, as do dog professionals (such as breeders and groomers) when transporting them.

    Bored Lawyer (1cf033)

  249. Well it beats just ratcheting down a beagle to the roof rack. I didn’t know that was the meme. I always understood it to be a very cold crate on the roof of a car.

    It’s not like this proves Romney is a sociopath or anything horrible like that, but I think folks shouldn’t transport dogs like that. Inside a plane or inside a car is different.

    Dustin (330eed)

  250. At two different Basque restaurants I ate thinly sliced beef tongue with mustard as one of several appetizers. Not bad at all.

    PatAZ (e33446)

  251. Dogs love being outside, while traveling. Their noses are like time machines and a movie combined, picking up scents of what transpired even hours ago.

    I was good friends with my neighbors’ dog. She came to our yard looking for me. I was sitting on the deck, in plain sight. I had been working in the yard. She followed my scent all around the yard and then up the steps to where I was.

    nk (875f57)

  252. iowahawkblog “50% of the comedy in #ObamaEatsDog is the hysterical lefty grimacing about it.”

    iowahawkblog “Sputtering prigs at “Comedy” Central angry at you for laughing at Obama dog jokes #THATSNOTFUNNY “

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  253. “Only the Greeks know how to cook tongue, lamb intestines, lungs, kidneys, heart, and … you know.”

    nk – Not a surprise.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  254. iowahawkblog “We’ll stop making #ObamaEatsDog jokes when Leno, Letterman & Stewart start.” 3 minutes ago

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  255. That Hush Puppy comment unthread was funny …

    JD (318f81)

  256. ChateauBriard for two?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  257. Cream of Beagle, anyone?

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  258. Odoggie says he likes Michelle’s cooking, tastes like Shiht Zhu.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  259. OR should I say like Shiht Zhuup?

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  260. Odoggie says he sure likes her Collie Greens.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  261. Understand he just loves him some Eskimo dog pies too.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  262. He doesn’t eat Greyhounds though, says he doesn’t like fast food.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  263. Olddogeater called back and wanted to clarify his previous statements. He said that Michelle was in room earlier and didn’t want to hurt her feelings. H e said that he actually doesn’t like her Shih Tzu soup cause it tastes like crap. Also said that he just loves Greyhound burgers, but that it is Michelle that won’t let him have fast food anymore.

    peedoffamerican (3deaa5)

  264. Shoulda known the usual suspects would tramp around yapping it up.

    Icy (a47d6e)

  265. The Obama Grille

    You will sit up and beg for our Shih Tzu Kabobs!
    Only $4.95 for two.

    John Hitchcock (917ba8)

  266. 253.Well it beats just ratcheting down a beagle to the roof rack. I didn’t know that was the meme. I always understood it to be a very cold crate on the roof of a car.

    It’s not like this proves Romney is a sociopath or anything horrible like that, but I think folks shouldn’t transport dogs like that. Inside a plane or inside a car is different.

    This was a dog carrier strapped on top of a roof for a summer vacation. Neither of us know how cold or uncomfortable it was. Being put in the luggage compartment of a plane or train (where dogs are routinely sent in carriers) is not exactly the Ritz, either.

    Bottom line, give that this was a dog carrier, it is not at all clear that there was anything abusive or even uncomforable about it.

    Bored Lawyer (c8f13b)

  267. Odoggie says he sure likes her Collie Greens.

    Comment by peedoffamerican

    and teh collieflower…

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  268. Comment number 24 by j curtis in the other dog thread at 4/19/2012 11:27 am

    Think about it, would you be noting its relative tenderness to other exotic foods if you were somehow forced to eat dog? This guy doesn’t have a soul.

    In the book mentioned he was promised (but apparently never got a chance) to sample a tiger.

    He doesn’t indicate whether he wanted it or not. But dog was no good and snake was worse.

    For the tiger there was maybe another reason:

    He [Lolo Soetero, his step-father] explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate.

    Which reminds me:

    There was a young lady from Niger,
    Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
    They returned from the ride
    With the lady inside,
    And the smile on the face of the tiger

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  269. Comment by nk — 4/18/2012 @ 5:25 am

    I didn’t know that about Indonesians. I don’t even know that I believe it. Muslims consider dogs the most unclean animal and in Hinduism only the Kshatriyas and the pariahs eat meat. It could very well be that Ayles used literary license to “spice up” the story.

    It wasn’t maybe his stepfather who was responsible for him eating dog meat, but his mother.

    It wasn’t served at home.

    It was away from the dinner table that he was served dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy).

    Remember, his mother was an anthropologist with an interest in all cultures.

    If she found someone who ate dogs, she would have wanted to know them better,and brought Barack along to help get better introduced while she accepted a meal.

    The business about Lolo and the tiger was something else altogether, and put in to give a misleading impression.

    IT WAS HIS MOTHER who would have given him dog meat to eat.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  270. You know, our dogs always had their noses out the window of the car anyway, right into the 55mph wind and loving it.

    philmon (e11595)

  271. Hey. Dogs riding inside the car or outside the car? Which to they prefer?

    [object TextRange].

    philmon (e11595)

  272. At the New York Daily News, they are having so much fun with this, or at least the cartoonist is, that they’ve forgotten they are in tank for Obama!

    Bramhall dog cartoon link (for now – the cartoon seen right away is the last or latest one in a calendar month and there are nmo more direct links)

    It’s basically a reprise of the famous dogs playing poker oil paintings by C. M.
    Coolidge with siz doigs in the drawing.

    The dog on the far left of the table has a button that says: I’M FOR MITT.

    And there are two word balloons pointing toward him that go:



    You can see poker chips, some cards, a glass with liquid in it, an alcoholic beveridge bottle..

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  273. Wikipedia article about where and when dogs might be eaten

    It’s being made more and more against the law in places like Taiwan.

    Ah here we are:


    Dog meat is haram for Muslims and as such, it is not consumed by most of Indonesia’s predominantly Muslim population. However, dog meat is eaten by several of Indonesia’s non-Muslim minorities. The Islamic faith considers the meat of canines to be ritually unclean, along with swine. The consumption of dog meat in Indonesia is mainly practiced by remote tribes and does not appear to be a widespread phenomena, given that Indonesia’s population is largely Muslim.

    In Indonesia, the consumption of dog meat is usually associated with the Minahasa, a Christian ethnic group in northern Sulawesi, and Bataks of northern Sumatra, who consider dog meat to be a festive dish and usually reserve it for special occasions like weddings and Christmas.[79]

    Popular Indonesian dog-meat dishes are rica-rica, called variably as “RW” or rintek wuuk, rica-rica waung, guk-guk, and “B1”. Locally on Java, there are several names for dishes made from dog meat, such as sengsu (tongseng asu), sate jamu, and kambing balap.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  274. I didn’t know that was the meme.

    Not the first time.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  275. I was posted in the North-West Frontier of Pakistan in the early-60’s (bordering on Waziristan), and it was common knowledge that in the villages, dog was an entree.
    But, of course, there are no Muslims in Pakistan.

    AD-RtR-OS! (b8ab92)

  276. Romney oput a dog on top of car,m Obama ate part of a dog, and Clinton…

    Possibly rubbed out a dog….

    Date: 12-01-96 (23:12)
    Number: 6593 of 6739 (Refer# NONE)
    To: ALL
    Subj: Clinton’s daughter’s dog
    Read: (N/A)
    Conf: Miscellany (3)
    Read Type: TEXT SCAN (+) HAS REPLIES

    Well, it did happen, you know. He did use to have a dog called Zeke, some years back, while he was Governor. I read in one or two papers around the end of 1993. It was run over by some Arkansas state troopers. They were reported to have been laughing about it afterwards.

    If you think about it, Clinton ordering the dog’s assassination makes perfect sense. If the dog is dead, he doesn’t have to explain to Chelsea why he took it away. If he says he killed it, then he gets no benefit.

    So it has to be done in secret – not by a vet, but by a car driven by some Arkansas state troopers who can be persuaded to do so for a small tip maybe.

    Clinton had possible political reasons for doing this. The way they keep talking about Socks the cat it seems like he was very interested in public reaction to his pets. So if he decided to get rid of a dog and replace it with a cat, this is the simplest way for him to do it without having any crisis in the family. And he also avoids any embarassing questions from reporters as to why he got rid of the dog. The dog is dead, so he had no choice. There’s no need to explain, either to the reporters or to Chelsea.

    This was discussed on the old Aardvark, before the crash of 1993 (or very beginning of 1994, rather) It actually had slipped my mind. Nobody wrote about it – anything about the dog – in any of the books I have read so far.

    One day, when Ron Rosenbaum, say, writes The Secret History of the Clinton Administration, maybe that will be in it too.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  277. On the other hand, the death of Buddy at the beginning of 2002, may have been a real accident.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  278. I’m going to callmy next dog Guk-Guk. When he’s a bad doggie I can show him his name on an Indonesian menu.

    Birdbath (ce2227)

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    film blog (a3849e)

  280. I was posted in the North-West Frontier of Pakistan in the early-60′s (bordering on Waziristan), and it was common knowledge that in the villages, dog was an entree.
    But, of course, there are no Muslims in Pakistan.

    Comment by AD-RtR-OS

    yikes! in early-60’s I was posting up on dude guarding me on asphalt basketball court of James Guinn Elementary School in Anaheim. I thought I was old, AD!

    Colonel Haiku (1878e8)

  281. In the early 60’s I was an itch my daddy was getting ready to scratch.

    Icy (e790c1)

  282. So sorry for the factual faux pas, Leviticus. Still would like an answer (NO Dustins chiming in!) to my question, though.

    Icy (e790c1)

  283. 280- Thank you for serving our country. And not serving dog.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  284. 185. elissa

    John Podhoretz said more or less the same thing in his newspaper column today:

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  285. From the article I can tell you know what your talking about. Thank you for sharing this quality information. Please post some other articles on the same topic.

    Texas Gun Trust (ece1df)

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