Another Piece of Evidence Supporting Marco Rubio for VP: Alberto Gonzales Doesn’t Like Him!
The best evidence that Marco Rubio should be the vice president has emerged:
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio would not be a wise pick for number two on the GOP ticket this year, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told CNN Saturday.
Rubio is not ready to be president, Gonzales said, and the vice president “must be ready on day one.”
Tell us more, Alberto!
Rubio might generate interest among Latinos “for the first 12 hours if selected for the number two spot, but that won’t last,” Gonzales said.
The Republican Party should do more to court Latinos, Gonzales said.
“We haven’t seen the GOP reach out to Latino voters (in the primaries). We’ve seen them alienate that vote,” he said.
By . . . being against illegal immigration? Is that it?
Look. I articulated a couple of the main objections to Alberto Gonzales in this post:
In the University of Michigan racial-preference cases, Gonzales prevented the Bush Administration from arguing that racial preferences are always unconstitutional. As a Texas Supreme Court justice, Gonzales voted to gut a parental notification requirement for abortions, by giving an overly broad interpretion to a judicial bypass provision.
Just to name a couple of things.
So excuse me if I not only don’t particularly care about Mr. Gonzales’s opinion — I actually consider it an indicator of the incorrect position.
UPDATE: In the same article, we see that Rubio claims he won’t be the vice president. I wouldn’t let a statement like that get in the way of the ideal ticket. Offer it to him and let’s see what he does.
Including the current one, we’ve had a couple of real hum dingers in the cabinet position of Attorney General in recent years. One could almost start to wonder if their bosses were going with a type for political pander reasons rather than nominating the most qualified person available. Nah, probably not. It’d be far too risky for a president to play games like that with our republic.
elissa (6aa4c5) — 4/15/2012 @ 1:48 amHispanic foreigners openly advocate the violation of our immigration laws. This would be in violation of our, y’know, law.
They are advocating the exact opposite of what we consider legal; they are in effect waging war against us.
Explain to me again why we are supposed to “reach out” to court the “vote” of foreign criminals invading our country?
d. in c. (ac417f) — 4/15/2012 @ 1:50 amAlberto is a progressive twit, and wants one America, From Tierra Del Fuego to Hudson Bay, just like GWB, he is a compassionate conservative. What a three ring circus these people left us.
Uncle Sam (44de53) — 4/15/2012 @ 3:00 amThe only decent AG we had in recent memory was John Ashcroft. Must be something about the job that attracts lawyers you’d never hire for a traffic ticket.
nk (52d02a) — 4/15/2012 @ 3:08 am4- Traffic ticket- You could say that about 95% of all lawyers.
sickofrinos (44de53) — 4/15/2012 @ 3:20 amEven if he thinks that why tell CNN? What a careless thing to do.
Embark (53b070) — 4/15/2012 @ 5:34 amTwo things:
1) There’s a real bias against Cuban-Americans, which is the problem Rubio faces.
2) Gonzales knows that there’s money to be made by having a “he has grown” moment and sticking a shiv in the back of his previous benefactors.
Mr. D (063632) — 4/15/2012 @ 6:31 amThe vaunted Texas ‘conservatism’ strikes again.
gary gulrud (d88477) — 4/15/2012 @ 7:05 amExcept Gonzalez was hounded out of office, by the same sort of hackery, we’ve seen in other instances,
narciso (aedbc1) — 4/15/2012 @ 7:13 amRubio has about the same level of experience as Nixon, Palin, (except for the Asst. Navy Secretary)
as FDR,
In Reagan’s case, the establishment pic, French Smith, went first, then the outsider Meese, that
narciso (aedbc1) — 4/15/2012 @ 7:23 amLevin was the chief of Staff, when two Special Prosecutor ‘Fitzed’ him, without result,
Didn’t Rubio just make a statement along the lines of “I’m not the guy”? I really like him as a VP choice, but if he’s not biting, is there a point to speculating?
Book (0def8c) — 4/15/2012 @ 7:24 amThe point is assessing standards for running mates,
narciso (aedbc1) — 4/15/2012 @ 7:31 amthe kultursmog, as Tyrell described it, makes comparisons deliberately difficult, the 6 term Senator from the ‘state that dare not speak it’s name’ was clueless, and it has turned out that way.
Naive blog post. Petty and immature too.
The reasons why Rubio should be the V.P. pick (barring some heretofore undisclosed personal or family baggage) are as follows: (1) Florida by leaps and bounds has the most electoral votes of any competitive state for this Nov.’s general election; (2) if Romney does not win Florida it’s nearly inconceivable that he could win the presidency; (3) Rubio just won in excess of 2.6 million votes in Florida, including an outright majority of Independents, in a three-way plurality contest with three major candidates.
What Alberto Gonzales thinks or says is irrelevant. It’s time for bloggers to grow up.
Tsar Nicholas II (89a442) — 4/15/2012 @ 8:12 amAlberto Gonzales’ real fault was that he failed to purge the DoJ of flaming a–holes when he had the chance. No point in killing cockroaches if you don’t get them all. He especially missed the radical racist clique at the “civil rights” division. That he couldn’t defend even his meager attempts was just salt on the self-inflicted wound.
I so would like President Romney to appoint someone like Giuliani to clean house there, starting with a few indictments of departing personnel.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 4/15/2012 @ 8:50 amExactly
As far as Rubio not being ready – discounting the obvious love for your candidate – did anyone think Palin, Biden or Obama was ready. Palin and Biden have not had the opportunity to prove they were not ready. Obama has proved he wasn’t.
Joe_dallas (2d12c3) — 4/15/2012 @ 9:59 amActually Biden has, but that was kind of self evident except Ifill and Couric, just pretended
narciso (8d0f34) — 4/15/2012 @ 10:39 amto look at the ‘beatiful plumage’
13. Tsarina, every try reading ‘for comprehension’ including ‘between the lines’?
gary gulrud (d88477) — 4/15/2012 @ 10:47 amThe elites within the Beltway perimeter have just chased all the challengers to their throne and now they want the VP pick as well.
Turn out 45% tops.
gary gulrud (d88477) — 4/15/2012 @ 10:52 amApparently, the Clique don’t think Mittens is blanc mange enough, so we need a TPaw chaser, the lesson of this week, that they would go after a woman recovering from a severe ailment, doesn’t phase them.
Biden voted against the TAP pipeline (it took Agnew
narciso (8d0f34) — 4/15/2012 @ 10:58 amto break the tie,) the contras, the MX, the first Gulf War, came up with the drug czar, FISA, and the now voided VAWA.
45% of what gg?
elissa (6aa4c5) — 4/15/2012 @ 11:02 am20. Percentage of living, legal voters, i.e., not including felons or illegal residents.
1996 gave us 49% and Slick at least had an ability to connect.
gary gulrud (d88477) — 4/15/2012 @ 11:13 amd. in c. is a racist. That is all.
Tsar Nicholas II is true nobility — a member of the Douchenozzelov family
Joe_dallas seems to be a bit confused. The current vice-president has been proving, on a daily basis for the past 35 years, with every act, deed and utterance, that he is not ready.
Icy (70876f) — 4/15/2012 @ 11:20 amRubio just won in excess of 2.6 million votes in Florida, including an outright majority of Independents, in a three-way plurality contest with three major candidates.
which is to say more people in Florida voted for someone other than Rubio in 2010
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 4/15/2012 @ 11:33 ampersonally I think Team R is in such a pickle with hispanics that putting one on the ticket would blow up in their face by making the whole election about immigration stuff when they’re supposed to be talking about the economic rapings what Obama been perpetrating
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 4/15/2012 @ 11:37 amIs there a reason why you can’t discuss your differences with a blog post without cramming in a dozen insults? You didn’t even actually disagree with the post.
You made good points, but you undermined them with the strange hostility.
Dustin (330eed) — 4/15/2012 @ 11:43 amAlso, read the damn post, Tsar Nick. Pat doesn’t give a rat’s ass what Gonzales says – that’s the whole point of the post.
Leviticus (870be5) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:14 pmIt’s time for you to re-read the post. Or maybe actually read it for the first time, since I don’t think you did anything but skim it for two seconds before making your comment.
Hint: it’s a pro-Rubio post.
Patterico (feda6b) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:19 pmI hope Romney picks Paul Ryan. That would go a very, very far way towards winning me over from a dejected guy who realizes his side totally lost this primary, to an enthusiastic volunteer.
I’ve got nothing against Rubio. Nothing at all. Romney’s pick does need to have in mind that we need to groom an heir apparent. This VP needs to be a plausible presidential candidate. Rubio and Ryan both fit that bill. Also Scott Walker.
Dustin (330eed) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:28 pmI lean Ryanwards as well cause of how exciting that would be but I think Mr. Governor Romney will do some characteristically brilliant and incisive calculation about what swing state he wants to woo woo woo and it won’t be Wisconsin
but maybe he’ll surprise us
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:33 pmpeople lyin’ about it… goin’ ’round cryin’ about it…
Colonel Haiku (e961ad) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:34 pmwhich is to say more people in Florida voted for someone other than Rubio in 2010
Comment by happyfeet — 4/15/2012 @ 11:33 am
— Just barely, mr feets. And 48.9% in a three-way race is not too shabby, I would think.
Icy (70876f) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:41 pmtrue Mr. Icy I just think he’s less than a juggernaut in the state is all
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 4/15/2012 @ 12:45 pmHeppyfeet, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Romney picks Rubio. The benefits are huge. And I won’t be bothered by it either. It’s not like Rubio is a bad candidate. Just not my favorite option.
Dustin (330eed) — 4/15/2012 @ 1:02 pmI still think it’s questionable whether Plugs will still be on the Dem ticket by convention time. Even that as a possibility makes the team R VP choice all the more important.
elissa (6aa4c5) — 4/15/2012 @ 1:15 pmCheney had 40 years of experience, and they turned him into a troll under the bridge, ‘Poppy’ was a career apparatchik, party boss, UN ambassador. envoy to China, spymaster, none of that mattered to the media, it’s not a double it’s a triple standard.
narciso (8d0f34) — 4/15/2012 @ 1:19 pmI like Ryan as well, not because it will change my vote, but because it’s some attempt by the Fixers to change the game up, to acknowledge the need to significant change.
He seems to an outsider to be the most orthodox choice of all the real change brokers.
Bachmann, DeMint, Lee, Rubio, et al., are doing their level best to play, incurring castigation from the Right, while earning no concessions only more demands for fealty to the GOP.
Don’t expect a unified front.
gary gulrud (d88477) — 4/15/2012 @ 1:23 pmThe Hill suggests sleeper pick Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno (R)
He is not well known but apparently has the conservative bona fides, is young and of course, has a great appeal to Hispanic voters.
Unfortunately, he does not bring electoral votes with him.
Fortuno argues that Hispanics are naturally Republican but that the R’s have just not reached out. If what happyfeet suggests above, that Romeny will go with a Hispanic that might come back to bite the ticket in that the election would then be about illegal immigration rather than the economy. It will be interesting to this play out if he does go with a Hispanic for #2 spot.
Dana (4eca6e) — 4/15/2012 @ 2:44 pmDana there’s also the very real reality that Florida is in the habit of sending more than its fair share of feckless McCain-like princoxes to the Senate. Mr. Rubio was a long time coming. A very very long time coming really.
My gut says he’s where he needs to be. Also my gut says these were a huge hit at my dinner thing and they were very very simple yet everyone thought they were very fancy.
I was full of cookie win all weekend
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 4/15/2012 @ 5:48 pmI seriously don’t see how anyone could go wrong with goat cheese and lemon.
Dustin (330eed) — 4/15/2012 @ 5:52 pmYes, Martinez was not my cup of tea, either, however pikachu, abandon ye who enter the Golden
narciso (8d0f34) — 4/15/2012 @ 5:55 pmState, we could do worse than Rubio and probably will.
california is hopeless indeed I feel awful for this poor little state but at the same time I don’t want to be an enabler
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 4/15/2012 @ 6:04 pmThere are legal Hispanics who went through the work to become legal who do not appreciate a get-in-free card being given to others, but I have no idea what the percentage is.
Likewise, as US citizens and in one way immigration not an issue, I have no idea what people of PR descent in the states think about it.
Third, I do not know what effect a huge number of PR voters along the East Coast voting R would do. I assume every one could vote Repub in NY but would make no difference. New Jersey and Pennsylvania might be a different story, as well as Ohio.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 4/15/2012 @ 6:06 pm
narciso (8d0f34) — 4/15/2012 @ 6:29 pmOh wow, narciso, that’s really California’s loss. DeVore was doing some good work, unyielding conservative who really held the line and tried so hard to make a difference. It’s a shame he didn’t make it into the Senate in 2010. Texas seems to eventually get all the good ones.
Dana (4eca6e) — 4/15/2012 @ 8:09 pmFor WHAT? As a comedian (Will Rogers?) said,
I mean, how much worse than “Smokin’ Joe” can he be?
IGotBupkis, Legally Defined Cyberbully in All 57 States (8e2a3d) — 4/16/2012 @ 6:31 amRomney has appointed his MA CoS Beth Myers to head VP shortlist committee. Gillespie report last week erroneous.
Might increase the likelihood that Willard’s affections will weigh heavily.
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