Patterico's Pontifications


“Dude, I’ll Get the Trash in a Second. Where’s My Munchies?”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:27 pm

I’m not sure if every state does this, but in California, organizations can “adopt” a stretch of freeway, in a program called “adopt a highway”:

The Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway Program provides an avenue for individuals, organizations, or businesses to help maintain sections of roadside within California’s State Highway System. Groups have the option to participate as volunteers or to hire a maintenance service provider to perform the work on their behalf.

. . . .

Participation can include one or more of the following activities:

  • Removing litter (work frequency varies with location).
  • Planting and establishing trees or wildflowers.
  • Removing graffiti.
  • Controlling vegetation.

As we were cruising down the 5 freeway through Bakersfield, Mrs. P. surveyed the garbage-strewn section of road and said: “Wow. There sure is a lot of trash on the freeway. Wonder who adopted this stretch of highway?”

I looked up and immediately saw a sign that said the name of the organization that had adopted the trash-covered portion of road: the Kern County Medicinal Collective.

Yeah, it’s exactly what it sounds like.

Your punch line in the comments.

American Crossroads, Obama start shaping battlegrounds

Filed under: 2012 Election — Karl @ 9:43 am

[Posted by Karl]

The American Crossroads SuperPAC is planning an anti-Obama ad blitz to give cover to likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney:

The prolonged and hard-fought nominating contest, Mr. Romney’s advisers said, has put his campaign nearly two months behind on its initial plan to build political and field operations in the dozen states where both sides agree that most of the general election will be fought: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. (In the final phase of the campaign, Romney officials believe that the election could come down to just four states: Colorado, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.)

Republican elected officials and strategists acknowledged in interviews that Mr. Romney had significant ground to make up — Mr. Obama leads in many early polls of swing states.

BuzzFeed looks at ObamaHQ in Chicago, but the main thing is to look at the map to see how far ahead they are in setting up field offices in key states.  I noted last November that Team Obama was peppering Colorado with offices, but you can see he’s doing the same in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina (there are few in Nevada, but the population is concentrated there also).

National Journal’s Alex Roarty is intrigued that Team Romney is targeting the Mountain West as potentially decisive, instead of states like Pennsylvania.  He really shouldn’t be surprised.  The left eyes the Mountain West and Southwest as fertile ground for its Emerging Democratic Majority, but it’s one of Romney’s strongest regions in this campaign.  Even now, while the polling generally favors Obama, the latest Purple Poll has Romney within the margin of error in the Mountain West and Southern Swing states.


O’Keefe Team Offered Eric Holder’s Ballot

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:24 am

This is currently the top story on Drudge, with the headline: “White Man Offered Eric Holder’s Ballot”:

In a shocking new video, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, just why he should be concerned about lack of voter ID laws – by walking into Holder’s voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holder’s ballot. Literally.

The video shows a young man entering a Washington, DC polling place at 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, on primary day of this year – April 3, 2012 – and giving Holder’s name and address. The poll worker promptly offers the young man Holder’s ballot to vote.

Wow. You have to admire the sheer testicular fortitude it takes to pull a stunt like this. I don’t know if what they’re doing here is illegal, but I bet there’s a team of lawyers at the Justice Department researching that now. (Probably the same team that drafted Holder’s dishonest letter to the Fifth Circuit, if I don’t miss my guess.)

It should be entertaining to watch the fallout from this.

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