Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Blogiversary to Me

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:11 am

This blog began nine years ago today, on February 17, 2003. Over the years I have made many friends through this site, and I got to chat with many of you in the live chat last night. Blogging is not always upside, but I think the rewards have outweighed the problems — and that is entirely due to the community here.

Please take a moment today, if you think of it, to mention the blog to a friend or five. Expanding our community is the best thing you can do to help. (Buying Amazon through the search box on the right is the second-best! Many of you have done that and I thank you kindly.)

On this blogiversary, I would ask the long-time readers how long they have been reading here. Tell me in comments. The longest-standing reader gets a cookie.

It will be a virtual cookie, to be sure, as we live in a virtual world. But if I meet you in person I’ll buy you a real one. Or maybe a real beer.

Thanks for reading.

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