Another Project Veritas Video About Voter Fraud
In this video, James O’Keefe’s pranksters set out to register Tim Tebow and Tom Brady to vote:
The gag is that the undercover tricksters just come in and grab handfuls of voter registration forms (20 in one case), and then register the two famous quarterbacks to vote. Time and time again, they ask if any kind of ID is required to register Tebow and Brady to vote. The dialogue is peppered with funny references to the reasons Tebow and Brady can’t get the forms themselves — Tebow was in a car accident recently, while Brady happened to be assaulted in Minnesota and is going through a lot of depression. None of the middle-aged women catch the references.
It’s all very amusing, but as O’Keefe well knows, underneath the humor there is a very serious problem here. Any time human beings can commit fraud, human beings WILL commit fraud. Period. If you don’t agree with this statement, you are hopelessly naive and I have no interest in talking to you. What’s more, the easier you make the fraud, and the tougher it is to catch and punish, the more you will get. Again, this is beyond rational dispute.
When combined with Project Veritas’s last video, which showed undercover cameramen obtaining ballots using the names of dead people, the holes in our system are clear. Any fraudster need only go to a polling station, grab dozens of absentee ballots, turn them in with no verification of identity, and they are registered. Then, anyone can vote absentee by claiming they are sick — or, as in the previous video, they can simply go to the polling place and place their vote there. (Mediaite claims that there are checks that would prevent this. But the “no voter ID” crowd probably wants to remove those checks as well.)
If this can happen, it does happen. I know people who want to avoid any and all checks on voter fraud are fond of telling us that voter fraud is rare. They point to the relatively small number of convictions for voter fraud as their proof.
Bollocks. By that logic, Wall Street didn’t deceive anyone. There have been hardly any criminal convictions coming out of the subprime mortgage debacle. I guess nobody committed any fraud then.
If you care about election integrity, you should care about ensuring that there are checks on rampant fraud. Unfortunately, so many who claim to favor election integrity are really only interested in favoring their own side.
That’s why the certain reaction of the fringe left to this video will be to, once again, strain to find ways that O’Keefe is breaking the law. Don’t counter his message; attack the messenger. Smear him. Claim he committed crimes whether he did or not. Go after the man on a personal level. This is what the scumbags on the fringe left always do, and you can bet they will do it again with this video.
Kudos to O’Keefe’s crew. This is an important video that should be distributed far and wide.
UPDATE: I originally said the previous video “showed undercover cameramen obtaining ballots using the names of dead people.” I knew that they hadn’t voted but was sloppy in my wording. What they actually did was obtain ballots — but they didn’t vote. Thanks to daleyrocks for pointing this out.