[Guest post by Aaron Worthing. Follow me at Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Well, it was over a year ago that Patrick asked me one day if I was interested in guest blogging. As memory serves, he asked me to take over for about two weeks while he was on vacation, although he didn’t disclose that to the rest of the world for fairly obvious reasons.
Well, two weeks began in October of 2010 and went to, well… today. But it was never an imposition, because frankly I was having a blast. I think it is safe to say that most people start blogs like this because they have something to say and want people to hear them, and Patrick loaned me his megaphone.
Of course I wanted it to go on forever, but I knew it could not. The other metaphor that came to mind is that it was like Patrick had a really cool sports car and he loaned me the keys (and I did my best not to make it crash and burn). I loved borrowing it, and I will definitely miss it, but I always knew the entire time that this day was coming. And so it has.
Which doesn’t mean I plan to quit blogging, just that I will be going back to my old and neglected blog (which I will probably rename in order to be more family-friendly). And I will continue to announce every post by twitter, so if you follow me you will know when I have fresh posts. And maybe if I am fortunate I will be blogging more at Big Government and/or Big Journalism. One can hope.
Still it was an honor and a privilege to blog here and to enjoy some of the best commenters on the web. And most of all I am thankful to Patrick for the time I did have here.
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]
UPDATE BY PATTERICO: Back in October of last year, I announced that Aaron Worthing would be filling in for the next two weeks. That turned into the rest of the year. And then kept going. Aaron has been helping out here now for over a year.
But everything must come to an end, and the time has come to part ways. I want to thank Aaron for his blogging here over the past thirteen-plus months. His energy and enthusiasm have filled a lot of empty spaces here, and made my life easier. (Perhaps too easy . . . as the ready availability of another blogger made it possible for me to look at my own blog and think to myself: no need to blog today. It’s covered.)
Aaron will continue to blog at his own blog, and his newly minted fans should make that blog a regular visit. I expect I will continue to link his blog, and that he will continue to comment here.
Thanks again to Aaron.
UPDATE x2 BY PATTERICO: Aaron comes clean about his pseudonym. Looks like any thugs who want to come after Aaron for his association with me will have a little extra work to do. And that makes me smile.