Patterico's Pontifications


Breaking: Cain “suspends” campaign

Filed under: 2012 Election — Karl @ 11:02 am

[Posted by Karl]

Everywhere, so let’s pick ABC News:

Herman Cain announced today that he is suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, because of “the continued hurt” caused by claims of sexual harassment and a 13-year extramarital affair which he called “false accusations” that have created a “cloud of doubt over me and my family.”

“I am at peace with my God. I am at peace with my wife and she is at peace with me,” he said.

With a lot of prayer and soul searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign, because of the continiued distraction, the continued hurt on me and my family,” he said.

What does it mean to suspend a campaign, anyway?

It’s up to the candidate. Under election law, the phrase “suspending a campaign” has no formal meaning. It’s used most frequently by candidates when they drop out of their primary race. There’s a reason for that: If a candidate “ended” his campaign instead of merely “suspending” it, then he might lose eligibility for federal matching funds that would help pay off his debts. The phrase has been employed at least as far back as the 1970s and continues to serve as the most popular way for candidates to end their primary bids without closing down their campaign committees.

Voters were suspending Cain’s campaign, anyway:

Cain is now at 8 percent among likely Republican caucusgoers, The Des Moines Register’s new Iowa Poll shows. That’s down from 23 percent in late October.

FNC reported that Cain was at 12% on the first day of polling and 4% on the last.

What’s next?  Cain spoke about “Plan B,” which so far appears to be a new website.  Plus, work on rehabbing his image for the motivational speaking circuit, I would guess.  He says he is at peace with his family, which I hope is true. 


129 Responses to “Breaking: Cain “suspends” campaign”

  1. Ding!

    Karl (e39d6b)

  2. I’d love to see him get the goods on one of the people behind these women. I don’t believe them but proving anything is extremely difficult. He has not done as good a job with his campaign as I had hoped. Mainly with foreign policy.

    Mike K (9ebddd)

  3. this is a big win for Gloria Allred and her slut posse

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  4. End of Cain campaign a surprise to people who imagined he was running a campaign.

    salk (9e68bf)

  5. I blame David Letterman.

    The Emperor (5647ed)

  6. “Welcome back, my friends
    to the show that never ends.
    We’re so glad you could attend!
    Come inside! Come inside!…”

    source- Karn Evil 9/Pt 2, ‘Brain Salad Surgery,’ Emerson, Lake & Palmer, 1973

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  7. This is a bit confusing because just yesterday, Gloria Cain supposedly launched a website devoted to women supporting the election of Herman Cain.

    And yet he’s launched yet another website linked above…

    So up until yesterday, was Cain still hoping to rebound and was his wife really on board with that? If so, what happened in 24 hours to change their minds?

    Dana (4eca6e)

  8. He sexually harassed those women gosh religious folks are so dumb.

    /Militant Atheists

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  9. IMP never fails to be an idiot.

    What did we learn from this? Enough allegations of rape, a couple BS allegations of inappropriate conduct, an Allred presser, and lies like salk’s above, and you can make it painful enough to get non-establishment candidates to drop out.

    JD (0388c1)

  10. Cain doomed himself with unbelievably poor messaging and message discipline when Politico started reporting on the unsourced second hand allegations of sexual harassment at the end of October.

    That plus giving an impression that he did not even read the daily newspaper and could not even answer basic questions about current events gave the impression of a candidate just not prepared for office.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  11. At the risk of confirming I’m a simple-minded Texan, I think Cain’s suspended campaign was predictable for two reasons. First, I believe Cain’s candidacy was more successful than he ever imagined it would be, so he received a lot more scrutiny than he was prepared for. Second, I think there was some truth to what his accusers said.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  12. I think the chippie at the end was believable but the sexual harassment sluts before that were bogus.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  13. DRJ–We all know you are a proud Texan. You most certainly are not simple minded.

    elissa (2b76d3)

  14. ____________________________________________

    I’ve admired Cain for being a non-liberal voice emanating from the figure of someone superficially (ie, racially) identified with a community dominated and corrupted by liberalism run amok. That alone to me has made him a refreshing change of pace. But hubris knows no bounds — including ideological ones — and Cain was naive to not understand that.

    Even with all his excess baggage (even more so if his marriage is a so-called loveless one, and his wife is complacent about the polygamous nature of most males), if he were on the ballot, I’d still have more confidence in his being in the Oval Office than President “Goddamn America.”

    Mark (411533)

  15. Guaranteed to blow your head apart!
    ibid., #6 Per DCSA

    Every so often the volume of blabbering uncertainty pushes one to the brink of current events nihilism, you don’t even know what is really going on to decide what to do about it, if there was anything you could do about it.
    Is it that every so often things get so apparently outrageous that one suspends their quite logical current events nihilism in order to have an opinion about something and at least talk about it on a blog to appease the conviction that one ought to do something, anything??

    As said once before, Sarah Palin is appearing more respectable.

    James Carville had a cameo role in the Muppets.

    BTW, did anyone take notice that the one nixed a deal over an oil pipeline with Canada? No big thing, just the loss of more jobs than I can appreciate and selling it to China instead…
    Some might say that was a move contrary to the welfare of the United States, so much so that it is almost impeachable itself.

    Hey, did you know James Carville had a cameo role in the Muppets movie?

    MD in Philly (83d172)

  16. One of the things that blows my head apart is the public perception of the sainthood and political genius of JFK and his younger brothers.

    Speaking of exploding heads, can you imagine (or maybe we can’t) if George W. appointed Jeb as AG, let alone he and Jeb each had an affair with a Hollywood starlet?

    Of course, life is not fair, and those who try to live a respectable life should expect to be more heavily criticized for their failings than those who make no pretense of it.

    MD in Philly (83d172)

  17. The recession started in 2008 after the dems who controlled congress went on a spending spree with some help from Bush.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  18. _____________________________________________

    Some might say that was a move contrary to the welfare of the United States,

    But perfectly in line with someone who was (if not still is—at least behind closed doors) a big, best friend of Jeremiah Wright.

    Mark (411533)

  19. MD:

    I wonder if liberals and the young embrace nihilism — and sarcasm, for that matter — because it enables them to view the world as detached and cynical critics. It gives them a small measure of control over things they can’t control.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  20. ” … he and Jeb each had an affair with a Hollywood starlet?”

    Not to mention play-dates with Mafia provided consorts. Bimbos just didn’t erupt in those days.

    BR (334c0f)

  21. Some of us are just sarcastic by nature 😉

    JD (0388c1)

  22. The Canadian Menace, MD, there three techniques are,

    narciso (87e966)

  23. Sometimes you like sarcasm, JD, but I think you primarily enjoy irony. Victor Davis Hanson explains the difference:

    Irony is not sarcasm, much less nihilism. Rather it is a way of tolerating absurdity and appreciating that the world seems to have a pulse of its own, a karma or nemesis that evens things out. Obama is an ironic candidate, though he has no sense of irony himself.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  24. That is one wise Texan.

    JD (0388c1)

  25. Sarcasm does detach and distance personal responsibility, hence the type of humor in “MASH” and real life stressful situations. Sarcasm helps put a barrier between oneself and the object of sarcasm- I wasn’t the one who caused it, I don’t have to let myself get drawn into it, and I can’t be held responsible for it.

    Those are true statements and need to be somewhere in a healthy psyche. Sarcasm is one way such perspectives are maintained. There are likely more mature ways which the “saints and sages” practice in addition to sarcasm, but I can’t speak too much from experience about that.

    MD in Philly (83d172)

  26. Thanks for the Hanson quote.

    In one way sarcasm and nihilism go together, but in another way sarcasm betrays that nihilism does not exist. if someone really didn’t care, there would be no need to make jest of something, either.

    MD in Philly (83d172)

  27. MD,

    To me, sarcasm is too often a tool used to ridicule other people or ideas. It’s not helpful because ultimately it doesn’t convince others you are right, only that you think you’re superior. I think it’s especially destructive when used by professionals — lawyers, physicians, etc. — who are supposed to be helping people. And no matter what we do, we’re all smart enough to find other tools to deal with our emotions in difficult situations.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  28. Speaking of Texans, I will be in Dallas through Wednesday for work, and the Winter Baseball Meetings.

    JD (0388c1)

  29. You live the life men dream of, JD. A beautiful family and a job that revolves around sports.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  30. meanwhile an unseen clown with soulless eyes and stabby hands giggles softly

    and waits

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  31. Sarcasm certainly can be used as ridicule. I agree that generally is not helpful, though at times I’ve heard the argument made that a heeping dose of ridicule is what some terrible ideas need (Not sure if I buy it, though).

    But a lot of sarcasm is not necessarily meant to actually denigrate people or ideas, but deal with the ironic as referred to above.

    As an intern doing a rotation in the ER, one would periodically hear over the intercom an announcement from the front desk on how many patients (“charts”) were ready to be seen (prepared to be picked up by a nurse and brought back). One particularly busy night we heard something to the effect of, “351 charts ready to be picked up”! Now, everyone knew that was sarcasm. it was not intended to be an insult to anyone, it was intended to deal with the stress of feeling overwhelmed, “I’m being asked to do more than I can.” Some patients over-hearing such a comment might take it in stride, relating it to their own situations of feeling overwhelmed, others would have been offended, feeling that, “They don’t care about the patients, they’re just whining because they don’t get to take it easy tonight.”
    Ideally such sarcasm would not be needed to deal with the stress, and it may have offended, but it wasn’t meant to be offensive, especially to any one person or group.

    I am now going to check on my daughter, whose day is being absorbed by a Harry Potter movie marathon on TV.

    I don’t know if anyone has ever tried a “Lord of the Rings” marathon. In one way it would be a good thought, in another way it could be grueling.

    MD in Philly (83d172)

  32. I think it’s especially destructive when used by professionals — lawyers, physicians, etc. — who are supposed to be helping people.

    I don’t think it’s any different for professionals or non-professionals: It’s destructive to any sort of relationship wherein one hopes to have a positive impact – whether a professional helping a client or a parent called to help their child.

    Both result in a negative outcome and create a lack of trust.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  33. MD, we normally do the LOTR marathon during the Christmas season. However, we decided after last year’s grueling and almost unbearable viewing we need to make it an every-other-year event.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  34. That is one wise Texan.
    Comment by JD — 12/3/2011 @ 12:41 pm

    Hanson is from Selma, CA!

    AD-RtR/OS! (e457b3)

  35. I blame David Letterman.
    Comment by The Emperor — 12/3/2011 @ 11:27 am

    — For what, making you a lefty?

    Fair enough.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  36. I think JD meant DRJ

    Icy (2d3e08)

  37. End of Cain campaign a surprise to people who imagined he was running a campaign.
    Comment by salk — 12/3/2011 @ 11:16 am

    — Thank you for driving by. Continue on and join up with your lefty friends. You can all sit around, sip mint juleps and pat each other on the back for catching and whipping the boy what dared leave the plantation.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  38. “Welcome back, my friends
    to the show that never ends.
    We’re so glad you could attend!
    Come inside! Come inside!…”
    source- Karn Evil 9/Pt 2, ‘Brain Salad Surgery,’ Emerson, Lake & Palmer, 1973

    Comment by DCSCA — 12/3/2011 @ 11:29 am

    — I always knew there was a calliope playing nonstop inside his head.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  39. It’s that “seven virgins horses and a mule” thing, Icy, and he ain’t keeping it cool.

    Colonel Haiku (d838e0)

  40. ew… what a lucky man he wasn’t.

    Colonel Haiku (d838e0)

  41. Hey, did you know James Carville had a cameo role in the Muppets movie?
    Comment by MD in Philly — 12/3/2011 @ 12:10 pm

    — Was he the mouth-flapper with George Soros’s hand up his backside?

    Oh, wait; that’s the POTUS.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  42. A close friend of one Cain’s two children explained that Herman and Gloria Cain’s marriage has seen its share of trouble over the years and his attraction to other women always played a huge role in the friction.

    “It never felt like a real marriage when I was around them,’’ says the friend. “Mostly he was always gone and his wife seemed to be OK with it. Not being together seemed the norm for their marriage, and Gloria didn’t seem to mind. His kids didn’t seem to mind either. ’’

    The friend noted that when Cain was around, he seemed completely in his own world.

    “He was king of his castle and no one questioned him,’’ says the friend. “It was an uncomfortable set-up for an outsider like me to be around. He was so indifferent to everyone. But I liked Gloria. She was warm and kind.”

    Several people who know the Cain family say Gloria and Herman have even lived in separate residences over the years. “They stayed together for good face. They’re old school where you stay just because. Herman likes to give the appearance of living this holier-than-thou life. But it’s anything but,” says someone close to the family.

    Another family friend says Gloria Cain was never a fan of her husband’s “look at me’’ tendencies or his run for office, even though Cain assured her it wouldn’t require much of her physically or emotionally. He was wrong.

    “This is a very arrogant man,’’ says the friend. “It probably never occurred to him that all these women would eventually come out. It’s funny to see him talk about the toll on his wife. He never thought of that before.’’

    While the quotes are from unnamed friends and the writer is from Daily Beast, the fact remains that we will likely never know the truth re the 13 year affair or accusation(s) of harassment. However, a man with absolutely no experience in politics and who has never held public office yet actually believed he would make a viable candidate for POTUS, spoke to me of a massive ego and extreme self-importance. Thus, it’s not a leap to read this and suspect that he conducted his private life with the same outlook: Too big to fail in his own eyes.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  43. no worries he has a plan B

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  44. Sarcasm certainly can be used as ridicule.

    — Lord, I hope so! Otherwise, I might feel the need to retract a few hundred posts from this here blog thingy.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  45. That was evil, happyfeet.

    DRJ – I am indeed, quite lucky.

    JD (0388c1)

  46. I’m curious to know from happyfeet and others here who see Newt’s moral failings as an albatross or even insurmountable, would it ease your concerns if he publicly confronted these issues and expressed his regret for his bad behaviors of the past?

    Richard Land, Southern Baptist Convention has written an open letter to Newt requesting him to address this issue if he wants to win over evangelicals, especially females. However, it would seem that his lack of direct dealing with this part of his life bothers more than just evangelicals.

    You need to make it as clear as you possibly can that you deeply regret your past actions and that you do understand the anguish and suffering they caused others including your former spouses. Make it as clear as you can that you have apologized for the hurt your actions caused and that you have learned from your past misdeeds. Express your love for, and loyalty to, your wife and your commitment to your marriage. Promise your fellow Americans that if they are generous enough to trust you with the presidency, you will not let them down and that there will be no moral scandals in a Gingrich White House.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  47. I don’t think his moral failures are insurmountable I think the fact that he’s a whore with a tacky slut wife is going to problematic

    but I think once we get to the general election the stark choice between him and bumble, between his record and bumble’s record, will be enough to assuage concerns people may have about his moral failures

    and more and more the presidency of the united states is very much the province of whores and cowards anyway

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  48. but to answer your question more directly I think the less said the better

    Mr. Newt needs to talk about the spendings and the exit strategy in the war on jobs … ad nauseum.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  49. “You can all sit around, sip mint juleps and pat each other on the back for catching and whipping the boy what dared leave the plantation.”

    I would have preferred he not quit. Your disgusting imagination leads me to think that maybe you bought what Herman Cain was selling. Too bad for you. Here’s the onion headline this dude deserves.

    “Rumors Of Extramarital Affair End Campaign Of Presidential Candidate Who Didn’t Know China Has Nuclear Weapons”

    What a punch line.

    salk (9d298c)

  50. Richard Land – We need some pandering from you Newt.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  51. plus it’ll be a fun change for the Team R candidate to go into the presidential debates with the burden of sky-high expectations

    that’s never happened in my lifetime

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  52. ==Richard Land – We need some pandering from you Newt.==

    Heh, exactly, daley. It may in fact be true but message subtlty is obviously not Land’s long suit.

    elissa (2b76d3)

  53. –and spelling is not my long suit.

    elissa (2b76d3)

  54. Icy, everyone knows that DRJ is one smart cookie; plus, she writes well.
    I was just tweaking JD.

    AD-RtR/OS! (e457b3)

  55. – I always knew there was a calliope playing nonstop inside his head.
    Comment by Icy — 12/3/2011 @ 1:44 pm

    More like a kazoo.

    AD-RtR/OS! (e457b3)

  56. No, AD. Go read some of his bizarre, bizarre stories back in the day. Just like Walter Mitty, he hears “ta-pocka, ta-pocka, ta-pocka…”

    Also, the “Brain Salad Surgery” is yet another example of his subconscious calling out for help.

    Simon Jester (6bbd15)

  57. SJ, I folled duckcrap’s illustrious history on these pages for several years, and have the split-sides to show for it.
    I just didn’t think that any music playing in his head would be as grand as that coming from a calliope, more like a Marching Kazoo Band.

    AD-RtR/OS! (06a4f6)

  58. So, what happened while I was out today?

    I heard today that a guy quit something he wasnt really doing anyway?

    So I asked Obama resigned?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  59. Speaking of people nuttier than squirrel poop.

    Simon Jester (6bbd15)

  60. Actually Eric, what’s changed? If you were right, and Cain was totally fake, why would he quit now, just because his chances of winning have been greatly reduced?

    If he were a fake candidate, it doesn’t seem like his chances of winning would matter that much to him.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  61. Cain gone?

    Boo Hiss!

    “That Cain’s candidacy was taken seriously for longer than a nano-second in a time of genuine crisis for the country raises fundamental questions about the health of the political process and the Republican party.”

    Spartacvs (c389d4)

  62. For Herman, there’s a Senate seat available in 2014. Maybe that was his game all along, and the rise in the polls was a surprise.

    Just like it was last time for that Obama guy.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  63. Hmm… and there’s an Alaskan Senate seat open also in 2014. Wouldn’t it make the liberals’ heads’ explode if both Herman and Sarah took Senate seats to cement the Republican majority? Now if we could just find something for Anne Coulter.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  64. Dustin


    Kevin, both the candidates you mentioned are done forever

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  65. Dustin, you know very well that EPWJ isn’t interested in normal discussion. Loose wiring.

    Remember how often he will accuse people of things (me, calling him a terrorist, Cain a rapist) and then run away when called on it, still claiming he wasn’t wrong. Maybe he posts while drunk.

    Oh well.

    For Colonel Haiku:

    Like dog to vomit
    Trolls are so very happy
    At problems of others

    This is going to be an awful election season.

    Simon Jester (6bbd15)

  66. if you’re gonna run for president you can’t take your chippies for granted

    we are a sadder but wiser nation today

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  67. Well, Mr. Feet, we had the press telling us it didn’t matter for so very long…except when it does. And strangely, the amount that it matters appears to relate to that pesky party affiliation business.

    Me, I think that it all speaks to character. But I find that isn’t a common sentiment.

    Simon Jester (6bbd15)

  68. I don’t know what to say but that the man wasted a lot of people’s time and money

    he’s accountable for this, not the obamawhore media what revels in it

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  69. Dustin,

    DRJ summed up what happened to Cain.

    Newt is going down as well, theere is a side of the electorate the productive conservatives which are at their end of their patience with concepts like cap and trade, lobbying, NGO’s, this is an electorate that has no patience with concepts of government brilliance.

    Newts not focusing on reducing govt – but slimming it – people want to see large swaths of it gone. Newt wants clever solutions – people want it gone

    Rick is like that, Michelle is like that, Santorum and Paul have the traits as well.

    There is a 2 month gap even if Newt sweeps these first few states – then he’s in Perryland

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  70. Richard Land – We need some pandering from you Newt.

    While that may be the essence of his letter, the fact nonetheless remains that for a wing of conservatives, Newt’s bad behaviors are a stumbling block to their vote.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  71. and does he really think anyone is pining for his endorsement?

    Arrogance beyond measure.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  72. Happy

    as they say

    let the chips fall where they may…

    You cant chip away to victory

    Lays chips – you just cant e… (never mind)

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  73. Newt isn’t a horndog though he’s just a trophy wife guy

    it’s not like Callista would ever let him… you know

    there’s not enough Tiffany in the world

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  74. Herm- Keep it in your shorts, if you want to play with white trash.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  75. It wasn’t that great for Herman Cain’s candidacy but this was a great day to watch college football.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  76. Kevin, both the candidates you mentioned are done forever

    “Forever” in politics is what, 9 months?

    Kevin M (563f77)

  77. Happy

    Rocks mean things

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  78. “Newt isn’t a horndog though he’s just a trophy wife guy”

    Mr. Feets – Fred Thompson was a horndog. Then he got a trophy wife. Then he wasted a lot of peoples’ time and money.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  79. I just didn’t think that any music playing in his head would be as grand as that coming from a calliope, more like a Marching Kazoo Band.
    Comment by AD-RtR/OS! — 12/3/2011 @ 5:23 pm

    — Okay, facial tissue and a comb.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  80. Fred broke my heart in seventeen places

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  81. Breaking:Ginger White loves Biil Clinton.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  82. but Herman Cain

    you still walk the fertile fields of my mind

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  83. ok not really

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  84. Fred broke my heart in seventeen places.

    You have a heart?

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  85. yes

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  86. No, you’re more like a demonic soul less pikachu,

    narciso (87e966)

  87. 😀 🙄 If you had a heart you’d stop calling Palin a white trash inbred hick.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  88. I got sexy Sarah Palin glasses last week and boy are people noticing

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  89. I thought Cain (de facto) ending his campaign might very well be the news today. Because he only suspended it I guess he couldn’t endorse Gingrich. That would be is choice.


    The final YouTube questioner, Darrell Owens of Richmond, Va., asked each candidate to pick another on the panel as a running mate.

    Johnson picked fellow libertarian Paul; Santorum picked Gingrich; Perry wanted to create a Cain-Gingrich hybrid (an image Romney said would stick with him, along with Johnson’s dogs); Gringrich, [sic] Paul, Romney and Bachmann picked nobody; Cain picked Gingrich; and Huntsman, peeved he couldn’t have Wallace, went for Cain and sealed it with a handshake.

    Sammy Finkelman (54094c)

  90. Comment by Dana — 12/3/2011 @ 11:30 am

    This is a bit confusing because just yesterday, Gloria Cain supposedly launched a website devoted to women supporting the election of Herman Cain.

    That could have been a reason for suspending his campaign so quickly. It may have put his wife in a bit of false position with regard to to at least one of the women.

    In addition, what was quoted from that website in the New York Times was ridiculous. And then it has a picture of four women at the start that sort of looks a little like somebody’s fantasy.

    This website, and Herman Cain’s contemplation of quitting probably crossed in the mail, so to speak. It went live in the meantime.

    And yet he’s launched yet another website linked above…

    Well, it is consolation to be promoting ideas.

    So up until yesterday, was Cain still hoping to rebound and was his wife really on board with that? If so, what happened in 24 hours to change their minds?

    Till now, he couldn’t get home to talk to her. Herman Cain really did want to continue for the time being, but he wouldn’t do it against his wife’s wishes.

    Here is a story:

    Wife’s Word to Decide Cain Campaign’s Fate by Susan Saulny published December 2, 2011, 1:57 pm in the New York Time Caucus blog. (and the same thing was mentioned other places)

    ….the fate of his unlikely journey now rests, he says, with one woman in suburban Atlanta: his wife of 43 years, Gloria Cain.

    The least visible of all the spouses in the Republican field, Mrs. Cain, 65, made no secret of the fact that she hoped to have no public role whatsoever in her husband’s quest for the nomination. But now, in a dramatic reversal, she is, in effect, the “decider.” If Mr. Cain is to be believed, the fate of his campaign rests entirely with her.

    “If my wife says terminate the campaign, would I quit? Yes,” he told Fox News on Thursday night.

    Mr. Cain said that he expected to make a decision sometime this weekend at home with his wife in Georgia. There is no immediate indication that he intends to pull the plug on his campaign, though. On his Web site, he launched a new feature today: Women for Cain.

    Sometime this weekend really became Saturday. He didn’t wait one day. But that could have been deduced as most likely.

    Sammy Finkelman (54094c)

  91. Damn.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  92. Comment by Dohbiden — 12/3/2011 @ 12:20 pm

    The recession started in 2008 after the dems who controlled congress went on a spending spree with some help from Bush.

    The recession started because housing prices dropped, a chain cycle of money not being repaid was starting, and I don’t think here was any speding spree till 2099 (TARP was huge loans)

    Sammy Finkelman (54094c)

  93. *spending spree and 2009.

    Sammy Finkelman (54094c)

  94. the catalyst was an oil shock as i remember it, with the housing mess being a precarious underlying catastrophe waiting to happen

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  95. The interest rate spike between 2004-2006, preceded
    the oil shock

    narciso (87e966)

  96. … he and Jeb each had an affair with a Hollywood starlet..

    A reference to JFK and RFK and Marilyn Monroe. I don’t think there’s any real reason to suspect this of RFK. He was not a philanderer. And any involvement with JFK must have been very very short.

    The idea of RFK having an affair with Marilyn Monroe was apparently first raised by Frank Capell during the 1964 election campaign..

    Joe Jr and JFK had been trained by their father. RFK was about 8 years younger than JFK. Ted probably didn’t get special training for Joseph P. Kennedy Sr, and was not as bad as his oldest brothers.

    It has also been said that RFK arranged for evidence of Marilyn Monroe’s relationship with JFK to disappear after she died but that’s probably not true either.

    She accidentally overdosed on barbiturate pills, (possibly actually the result of malpractice roughly similar to that which caused the death of Michael Jackson 47 years later – i.e. a doctor attempting to substitute drugs. My guess is that the thing most likely to be wrong is the toxicology report as to what pills she took)

    Here is a Wikipedia article about Marilyn Monroe’s death: (which doesn’t have the story of RFK’s possible visit)

    which references:

    Spoto makes a very persuasive case for accidental death. Dr. Greenson had been working with Dr. Hyman Engelberg to wean Marilyn off Nembutal, substituting instead chloral hydrate to help her sleep. Milton Rudin claimed that Greenson said something very important the night of Marilyn’s death: ” God damn it! Hy gave her a prescription I didn’t know about!”

    Dr. Engelberg was having serious marital problems and obviously didn’t communicate well with Greenson on Marilyn’s prescriptions. Spoto suggests that Greenson would not have given Marilyn a heavy dose of chloral hydrate the evening of her death if he had realized that Marilyn had been taking Nembutal capsules throughout the day. Spoto further suggests that after an exhausting full day with Marilyn that he arranged for Marilyn to have a chloral hydrate enema so that she would sleep through the night.

    Chloral hydrate significantly slows down the metabolism of Nembutal, but Greenson did not know that she had been taking Nembutal and Marilyn did not realize that Nembutal and chloral hydrate interacted adversely or she probably would have admitted to Greenson that she had taken Nembutals.

    If Spoto’s theory is correct, then who administered the enema? Spoto believes that it had to be Eunice Murray, who, like Greenson, had no inkling that the sedative enema would be fatal.

    Any doctor might be loath to admit to himself or others that he had made such a significant mistake in such a high-profile patient, especially since Marilyn appeared drugged during the afternoon. Also, if Eunice was the person who administered the enema, it would be natural for her to try to protect herself and Dr. Greenson by pretending that no such procedure was given to Marilyn.

    Sammy Finkelman (54094c)

  97. Max Allen Collins, put forth a different theory, in his latest novel, butthen again he relies on Anthony Summers for his source material. It’s a stretch of an analogy if it was an Ensign/Sanford
    team then it would make more sense.

    narciso (87e966)

  98. Here’s the onion headline this dude deserves.

    “Rumors Of Extramarital Affair End Campaign Of Presidential Candidate Who Didn’t Know China Has Nuclear Weapons”

    What a punch line.

    Bull. He may not have known a lot of things that a presidential candidate should know, but he certainly knew that one. The idea that he didn’t is just another deliberate smear by the leftist journolists.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  99. We need to reform SS.

    And I mean get it away from the government.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  100. Look I will not vote for Newt unless he wins the primary.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  101. Comment by EricPWJohnson — 12/3/2011 @ 5:35 pm
    So, what happened while I was out today?
    — The kids got into your wallet, and the cat crapped in your shoes. You really should stop tying one on during the day.

    I heard today that a guy quit something he wasnt really doing anyway?
    — Yeah, that was you.

    You stopped making sense.

    So I asked Obama resigned?
    — They all look the same to you, don’t they.

    Icy (2d3e08)

  102. Look I will not vote for Newt unless he wins the primary.
    Comment by Dohbiden — 12/3/2011 @ 9:46 pm

    — How can he win the primary unless you vote for him?

    Icy (2d3e08)

  103. Happy
    as they say
    let the chips fall where they may…
    You cant chip away to victory
    Lays chips – you just cant e…
    (never mind)
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 12/3/2011 @ 7:02 pm

    — FTFY

    Icy (2d3e08)

  104. If my family could afford Private Insurance we would get it.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  105. I mean if he doesn’t win the primary because the people chose Romney or someone else.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  106. “That Spartacvs’s opinion was taken seriously for longer than a nano-second in a time of genuine crisis for the country raises fundamental questions about the health of his mental process and the Democratic party.”
    Comment by Spartacvs — 12/3/2011 @ 6:27 pm

    — FTFY

    Icy (2d3e08)

  107. DRJ-

    I just hope my badgers will put 4 good quarters togetherin Pasadena.

    Bielema has done well as a coach, but for game day strategy I was always confident with Barry Alvarez.

    Wilson- record for most consecutive games with TD pass, at one point in the season anyway had the highest quarterback rating. Montee Ball- there’s those 38 TD’s in one season- they should share the Heisman.

    I loved the version of “Jerusalem” on said album.

    MD in Philly (83d172)

  108. Kevin, both the candidates you mentioned are done forever
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 12/3/2011 @ 6:46 pm

    — Sarah Palin is currently a candidate for what political office?

    Icy (2d3e08)

  109. MD,

    The Wisconsin game was a thriller. Congratulations and I’ll also be watching when your Badgers take on the Ducks in the Rose Bowl.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  110. Spartac and Eric are one in the same.

    Sarah Palin is running for the chief occupier of Eric’s head.

    MSM (ef98f0)

  111. Uh sorry.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  112. There was no truth to what the accuers said DRJ.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  113. accusers*

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  114. Doh

    Thats why she said “I think”

    Cains done….

    Book tours over folks back to your regularly scheduled presidential nomination election

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  115. I suppose if this were said about Lisa Murkowski Eric would have shunned the accusers.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  116. Doh

    the book tour/speaking tour is over, time to get down to the serious business now

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  117. Can’t you come up with a new smear, epwj?

    JD (318f81)

  118. Book tours over folks back to your regularly scheduled presidential nomination election
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 12/4/2011 @ 5:05 am

    — Eric’s book will be finished as soon as mommy gives back his crayons.

    Icy (7e0657)

  119. the book tour/speaking tour is over, time to get down to the serious business now
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 12/4/2011 @ 7:47 am

    “His second book, Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington was published in November 2010. Perry’s second book discusses his support for limited central government.”

    But I’m sure he never mentions it on the campaign trail.

    Icy (7e0657)

  120. Kevin, both the candidates you mentioned are done forever
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 12/3/2011 @ 6:46 pm

    – Sarah Palin is currently a candidate for what political office?

    Icy (7e0657)

  121. Oh god Dohbiden called me a terrorist mommy spank him.


    By the way did you find out if the joooooooooos in Iran are using their acid rain machine.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  122. Not sure this really makes sense, but the wall street Journal’s Best of the Web column today (4:04 PM) starts off with a haiku:

    Bye-Ku for Herman Cain

    Cheater at haiku
    Instead of 5-7-5
    It was 9-9-9

    By the way, this week theer have been a number of wrong haikus written in response ot the new New York City pedestrian traffic warning haikus.


    They also have illustrations.

    This one was in the New York Times last tuesday

    Too averse to risk
    To chance the lottery, yet
    steps into traffic.

    There were some letters in the New York Daily News too.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  123. New York Times readers’s haikus:

    Where RU? Instant
    message read quick by driver.
    Screech! In accident.
    – JQ

    Go as carefully
    As you did on the first day
    Your mother let you
    – Ira Leviton

    Stopped to read a sign.
    Had a chuckle, but that truck
    came out of nowhere
    – Brian

    Delivery bike
    Swoops past the pedestrians.
    Yellow taxi honks.
    – Deborah

    strollers hold babies,
    are not for stopping traffic,
    stay on the curb, mom
    – Sarah

    The Crossover to
    The Other Side is quicker
    Than you think, My Friend.
    – Charles Kaufmann

    Drivers kill and maim
    Hundreds die every year
    Police ticket bikes
    – Steve

    Hurtling car bull.
    Pedestrian matador.
    No olés are heard.
    – Richard

    Please stop on the red,
    Or you might just end up dead.
    And then go on green.
    – Technic Ally

    You! Tourist with bags!
    Stop the looking up or you’ll
    Get hit by a bus.
    – Deborah

    Sending you a text
    Directions to my next crash
    Would you like to come?
    – S Matthews

    New York City
    Where the art is dangerous
    and the dangers become art.
    – Jen in Astoria

    look both left and right
    Broadway may look challenging
    Easier than Frogger
    – David M

    Sure, you’re in a rush.
    But an ambulance makes a
    Real lousy shortcut.
    – AJNY

    Put away that smartphone, dude,
    and pay attention!
    – Michael

    All those idiots
    And drunks you knew in high school
    They’re all driving now.
    – Dismayed

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  124. So the rich manhattanites who gave to Obama are now going to be taxed?

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  125. Telling people to get a bath is divisive.

    Gingrich is corrupt……………..says Bawney Fwanks henchmen.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

  126. it’s new york city
    skyscrapers… and ev’rythang
    quick… hold this, brotha

    Colonel Haiku (fd5ca4)

  127. Comment by Dohbiden — 12/5/2011 @ 3:07 pm

    So the rich manhattanites who gave to Obama are now going to be taxed

    Senator schumer persuaded President Obama toi make taht really a “millionaire’s” tax – that is, start it at $1 million of adjusted gross income.

    But it won;t happen actually.

    This extra tax seems to be the Democratic answer for a whole lot of budget problems – but they canb only do it once! If this ever gets passed they’ll have nothing to hit the Republicans over the head with. They can’t impose this tax a dozen times.

    They were going to “pay for” – or Senator Harry Reid was going to “pay for” – a one-year payroll tax cut (bigger than the current cut – Social Security at 3.1% instead of 4.2 and the employer’s share also cut in half) with a ten-year rise in income taxes.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  128. Dude it’s funny really that new yorkers who gave to Obama are being taxed by Cuomo.

    Dohbiden (ef98f0)

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