The Rats Are Jumping Off the Ship: Democrat Attacks Republican… for Supporting Obama!
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing. Follow me by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Yesterday when I noted that Ed Schultz was named the third least influential person alive, I mentioned off-handedly that the President was listed as the twenty-fifth. Which again, that can’t literally be true. For instance, he can threaten to veto legislation influencing the law in the sense that laws must either meet his approval or the approval of two thirds of Congress. And then there are the things he does without Congressional approval—you know, like going to war in Libya. So it isn’t true, but it is kind of a slap in the face to him and certainly reflects on the weakness of his presidency compared to the influence normally exercised by presidents.
And this, of course, only underlines the point:
Here’s a telling sign of how much President Obama’s fortunes have changed since 2008 — a leading Democratic Congressional recruit is now attacking a Republican congressman for supporting the president.
Former Ohio Democratic congressman Charlie Wilson, who was attacked relentlessly for being too close with President Obama in last year’s losing campaign, kicked off his comeback bid today by accusing his Republican rival of the same sin.
Wilson, who represented a rural, blue-collar district along the Ohio River, is seeking a rematch against freshman Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio. In his successful 2010 campaign, Johnson effectively characterized Wilson as a lackey of national Democrats, blasting him for casting a critical vote for Obama’s health care law and the stimulus.
So it’s striking that Wilson is now trying to use that same tactic against Johnson, criticizing the congressman for supporting free trade agreements backed by President Obama.
“I am disappointed that Congressman Johnson supported President Obama’s free trade agenda this year. These agreements will ship even more of our jobs overseas,” Wilson told WTRF-TV.
The Obama reference was quite gratuitous and thus I have to believe it is intentional.
Of course this isn’t the Charlie Wilson depicted by Tom Hanks in that movie, but it is the Charlie Wilson who had credible accusations put against him that he beat his wife. Now I want to be fair and say they were only allegations, but they were made and they should have been examined. And googling around today, apparently the media has never made any attempt to determine whether or not that is true. So let’s keep this straight, folks. Cain is accused of some kind of sexual harassment, including one accusation that he abused his position of power to obtain sex and it seems to be ending his campaign. But this man is accused of actually beating a woman and it seems that no one cares.
Apparently the left and the MSM only believe in vindicating women’s rights when it is Republicans who are accused of violating them.
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]