Patterico's Pontifications


The Obligatory “Video Game Imagines Killing Tea Party Zombies” Post

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 4:20 pm

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.  Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]

Actually, my tendency is to think this sort of thing is, if anything, harmless.  Seriously, when things have irritated and annoyed me, I find video games give me a catharsis.  Like I have been deep into God of War: Ghost of Sparta on the PSP and it is amazing how peaceful I feel after half an hour of slicing and dicing as the most angry Spartan warrior, ever.  So bluntly if there are any people out there who want to kill Sarah Palin, etc. I think if anything this will actually blunt that rage.

That is, if it was any fun, and it’s kind of lame.  Which maybe is so un-cathartic as to be dangerous.  Hard to say.

But it certainly serves as example #4723 of leftward hypocrisy on civility.  And the point isn’t to just go “nah, nah, nah, you’re a hypocrite.”  As I have said before, I find little interest in the charge that someone is a hypocrite, and more interest in the what that hypocrisy reveals.  The point isn’t to say that the left once again is behaving inconsistently, but to hold up that inconsistency as evidence that many of those calls for civility were dishonest in the first place.

So here, you go, via MRCtv, the video game where you kill “Tea Party Zombies.”  Click on the image to see the video.  The still I have is of you killing Brit Hume.

As for serious threats, I take the remarks of Teamster President Hoffa much more seriously.  Violence is a regular feature of any Teamster strike, and while Hoffa may not be ordering it, comments like this are an unmistakable sign of approval.  He knew or should have known that members of his union will take his comments as permission to get violent with Tea Partiers.

Except, um, here’s the thing, Teamsters.  The Tea Party really loves the Constitution, particularly the Second Amendment.  I don’t think they will start anything, but I do believe they will finish it.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

129 Responses to “The Obligatory “Video Game Imagines Killing Tea Party Zombies” Post”

  1. I’ve played a bit of the game, and will likely be contributing to a review of it for a site, but I’ll just give my first impressions here…

    It feels like Doom or Marathon, without being nearly as fun. The graphics are low quality (though above average if you factor in that it is a flash-type game), and the UI is as basic as it gets – the guns don’t even have a targeting reticule.

    Keeping in mind that 7 is the new 0, I’ll give it a 5.5.

    It just isn’t very creative.

    And this is coming from the guy that has seen more of the beaches of Normandy than any 20 people you could care to name.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  2. Except, um, here’s the thing, Teamsters. The Tea Party really loves the Constitution, particularly the Second Amendment. I don’t think they will start anything, but I do believe they will finish it.

    In the words of the great philosopher Lando Calrissian, “This will be the shortest offensive of all time.”

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  3. the piggy piggy union whores of America defile everything they touch

    they should cut it out

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  4. Lulz. I fantasize about killing zombie Britt Hume. How … mediocre?

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  5. But remember how, if it is just a game, such a first person shooter focusing on Team Dee would fare?

    So I expect the Left to condemn this. Right?

    Simon Jester (58eb1d)

  6. I was listening to some retro gangsta rap this weekend. We reflected on how surreal the whole Tipper Gore / PMRC thing was. From W.A.S.P. to NWA.

    In those days, you could expect “the left” to condemn such things.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  7. 😆 @ Happyfeet using the word piggy piggy whores.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  8. Oh goody! Now that the leftoids have tacitly endorsed a ‘game’ which targets zombie versions of active presidential candidates from the Republican party, does that mean I can start shooting at an Obama-zombie target? Or a Biden-zombie target? Or a Clinton-zombie target?

    And if I can’t, does that mean the Secret Service must go after the makers of the tea-party zombie game?

    All’s fun is fun. But they went too far when they included presidential candidates.

    Brad (f2bc0e)

  9. It’s pretty obvious that this whole inciting violence thing only cuts one way.

    Let’s play a game: In the soon-to-be released remake of “Straw Dogs,” who are the bad guys?

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  10. It gets better

    According to Coulter, conservatives refuse to challenge Palin publicly because they don’t want to deal with the hate mail from her supporters.

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  11. Hint: They aren’t from Cornwall.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  12. Or that horrid “Red State” from Kevin Smith, ‘subtle as a heart attack’

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  13. I just got back from Montana. These lefties have no idea with whom they are dealing.

    AZ Bob (aa856e)

  14. SHOCKA – epwj wants to deflect from the actual topic to his hatred of Palin.

    JD (318f81)

  15. It is a matter of faith among coast-hugging liberals think that they have a steady finger on the pulse of America.

    Maybe they do. I have my doubts.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  16. JD

    no, Palin thinks she is the Tea Party, and no I dont hate her, just marvel at the sideshow winding down, taking her circus with her

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  17. Wow way to make this thread about your sociopathic hatred of Palin.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  18. Palin did not announce herself Tea Party you has been.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  19. According to Coulter,………
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/6/2011 @ 7:19 pm

    Her last couple of columns are depressing. Having read a couple of her books, it just bums me out that she can write such intellectually dishonest crap.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  20. Epwj’s compulsive hatred knows no bounds. Seek help. Or get yourself moderated again.

    JD (318f81)

  21. Carlitos – when in a discussion with epwj, the phrase intellectually dishonest will inevitably arise.

    JD (318f81)

  22. Exactly she is spot on about you liberals but yet endorses Chris Christie a libturd[not a european] liberal they really believe in freedom.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  23. oooooops that parentheses should be at the end.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  24. JD,

    Like Zombies, Hoffa’s outburst, Palin is a distraction and her now somewhat embarassingly transparent behavior for attention seeking (ie the money train is drying up) i getting harder and harder for people to rationalize away

    allahPundit is also chronicling the over the top hatred of Palin critics by her supporters……..

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  25. Well, I remember when I was walking through the slums of Dubai, and I was bummed that the folks in the neighborhood just wanted small business loans so that they could buy Ann Coulter books to re-sell them at cut-rate prices.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  26. You attempt to tie your hatred of Palin in with a game where tea party zombies are killed is laughable. Your asshattery is LEGEND.

    JD (318f81)

  27. carlitos

    Well it was Also Ingraham as well agreeing with her.

    But thou shalt worship her or face the rack…

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  28. Well, I remember when I was walking through the slums of Dubai, and I was bummed that the folks in the neighborhood just wanted small business loans so that they could buy Ann Coulter books to re-sell them at cut-rate prices.

    Comment by carlitos — 9/6/2011 @ 7:48 pm

    THREAD WINNER if you had included the international investment seminars.

    JD (318f81)

  29. JD

    Zombies and Palin supporters is an interesting supposition – I hadn’t thought of it

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  30. I don’t agree with her zealous worshippers so you can go eff yourself in the rear with a sharp spike for tying me in with them.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  31. doh

    Where did I tie you in? I never took you for one.

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  32. Epwj and amoeba … Interesting supposition. I had never consider it before, likely due to my vow to not insult amoebas.

    JD (318f81)

  33. Ann Coulter appears to be insane. But she really should have done “Dancing with the Stars.” Too bad.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  34. JD

    You were supporting her tax increases the other day – was that not correct? If this is so, do you usually support democrat legislation raising taxes and spending?

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  35. Epwj- You are a clumsy liar, for the 37495036517485047252859583615450214952635th time.

    JD (318f81)

  36. Carlitos

    Ann is an accomplished pundit who has had her share of barbs and fights with liberals and has taken the bttle to the streets for decades now

    Also ingraham, Allahpundit, Ace and many more are finally tired of it

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  37. I usually like Coulter. A lot of people on the right are pushing an agenda, and I’m disappointed with… a lot of people lately in their need to veil theirs.

    Palin hasn’t done a thing wrong. this ‘will she won’t she’ thing is harming nobody. She isn’t running. If people don’t want to pay attention to her or vote for her (Again, she isn’t running) they don’t have to.

    If she were running perhaps I’d take exception to her in some ways, but she’s one of the good guys, and not worth so much emotion.

    Frankly, the right should be grateful to her for drawing so much fire from the loony left. That’s the only real relevance she has to this topic, in my opinion.

    If only Mccain hadn’t been such a weak candidate that he needed to pull Palin in way too early in her career. Palin did all she could to shore up that campaign and prevent the Obama administration, and it really did ruin a great thing she had going. It seems unnecessary to hate on her at this point.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  38. I think that epwj’s strategy of lying about people’s positions, like he has done with DRJ, stash,etc … Is a fine, just, and honorable strategy.

    JD (318f81)

  39. Carlitos

    Ann is an accomplished pundit who has had her share of barbs and fights with liberals and has taken the bttle to the streets for decades now

    Also ingraham, Allahpundit, Ace and many more are finally tired of it

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/6/2011 @ 8:04 pm

    Well, I hope so. She’s denying evolution using logical fallacies. She spoke at CPAC. It’s embarassing.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  40. Yeah but do the four endorse a tax and spend liberal and then call out Palin for being one?

    Anne Coulter supports Christie.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  41. JD

    I find it interesting the lack of discourse about her actual record and daring to discuss it we run into commentators who use their silly name calling and verbage instead of realizing that the pedestal they were defending fell to the left eons ago –

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  42. “Except, um, here’s the thing, Teamsters. The Tea Party really loves the Constitution, particularly the Second Amendment. I don’t think they will start anything, but I do believe they will finish it.”

    Oh yes. And some of us love that 2nd Amendment quite a bit. It fascinates me that the left wants to pick a fight with the side that “clings” to weapons that can send lead 850ft per second into soft, flabby, whiny thugs…usually with only 7lbs of pull.

    ppk_pixie (901c40)

  43. Pixie – do you find lying serial fabulists tiresome?

    JD (318f81)

  44. Epwj -I find it interesting that you have an obsessive need to spew forth your bile about the same topic over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

    JD (318f81)

  45. JD

    I am missing your point what does DRJ and Stashiu havee to do with your prehaps defending Palins democrat led tax increases which are being overturned by the tea party in Alaska?

    dnt understand what DRJ and stashiu have to do with this?

    Pleas explain, I’m confused

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  46. JD

    Do we fight against tax increases everyday? Do we all want government to stop spending everyday?

    This rightly has to do with the Tea Party and its annointed Leader Palin, who is a tax and spender on record and many are now convinced she should be a senator or worse, doing to the oil industry worldwide what she did to them in Alaska

    I for one care for my fellow citizens and dont want to see the country wrecked by this democrat Woman who raises taxes and gives free cash out for popularity

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  47. That you are confused is no surprised. That you are trying to gloss over your past is no surprise. That you continue to lie, not only about Palin, but fail to discern a difference between pointing out your asshattery and support of a position that you created then attributed to someone, is no surprise.

    JD (318f81)

  48. Epwj hearts scozzafava.

    JD (318f81)

  49. I really wish he would get help. Tis is pathetic, beyond parody.

    JD (318f81)

  50. JD

    I havent lied about Palin, and certainly if you have proof you should actually post it.

    Palin used the 100% support of the democrats to raise taxes and spending in alaska, this is simply a fact, I’m sorry characterizing me as someone who has a “past” is somehow going to avoid this isnt going to happen

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  51. EricPWJohnson, given that Alaska’s petroleum severance tax/royalty system is unique, your characterization of the increases as tax increases has always been disingenuous at best. You’ve been called on it before and continue to post deceptive comments.

    That Sarah Palin in her tenure as Governor ended some corruption between politicians and the oil industry is like her running over your dog, from your reaction, has long been obvious.

    And don’t forget, you have no credibility here.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  52. Getting back to the point of the thread, it’s a subliminal incitement to violence against Tea Partiers, possibly not that subliminal

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  53. SPQR – it is cute how he acts like his drivel has never been debunked.

    JD (318f81)

  54. So Dede Scozzafava supporters are against taxes rising?

    If that were true they would throw her under their bus.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  55. SPQR’s right. Palin’s main effect on Alaska was to clean it up from crooks, some Republicans, sadly.

    Sure, she didn’t govern with ‘purity’, but nothing she did was radical. In fact, she was really good at it.

    Ace makes the point against her well. A lot of people expected an announcement… supporters, and they kinda were left high and dry (or not dry). But that’s petty stuff that happens.

    Those who are upset Palin is stealing spotlights might consider shining their spotlights on other people. Like Romney or Perry, frankly.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  56. SPQR

    Oh, its not unique its a tax Palin wanted all the oil companies to divuldge their highly confidential profit structures worldwide so she could calculate their tax – and she called this a lack of transparency – rightly so – its not governments business to know how a company makes its profits – just that they report them

    Sarah Palin prosecuted no politiciand nor uncovered any corruption those probes had been going on since the first Clinton Administration and they investigated over 200 republican politicians and found …. 6 which 3 cases are in appeal and probably will be overturned

    sooo much for that

    And a tax is a tax is a tax nad if you WANT to go on record saying that a record tax on oil companies initiated by Alaskan Democrats is a good thing then be my guest but credibility can be viewed differently as well

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  57. Dustin

    Explain to me how a “tax” cleans up crooks – if that were true we should perhaps confiscate all medicaid doctors incomes at 93% because there is fraud rampant in that system – also defense contractors, grain companies, automobile – after all – all those taxes – they NEVER get passed on to the consumers now do they?

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  58. SPQR – did that clown question your credibility?

    In related news, Breitbqrt remains unindicted”

    JD (318f81)

  59. An Alaskan Congresswomen whose name I do not know took bribe money from VECO and had the audacity to rant against Palin for doing the same thing.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  60. Eric:

    Palin is not going to be President.



    Ag80 (9a213d)

  61. JD

    you can post this debunking information that o one has seen? Enlighten us

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  62. Explain about someone who was endorsed by ACORN and tax and spend liberals sends out her supporters to whine about rising taxes?

    Yes you EPWJ you scozzafava worshipping swine.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  63. No, as usual, Ace is misinformed, following the prompts of Karl Rove lead you there. Ingraham and Coulter repeating the same garbage is also discouraging, hasn’t the subject of this thread, really apprise you about how brutal this campaign will be

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  64. I apologize to everyone not named lying epwj for allowing that cretin the opportunity nitty to derail this thread. I am weak, and incapable of not responding to his obvious cries for help, his glaring psychological compulsions.

    JD (318f81)

  65. EricPWJohnson, I’m on record establishing your lack of credibility.

    And its hilarious that at times you claim to be some highly placed oil company consultant/executive but then you write crap as ridiculous as: “wanted all the oil companies to divuldge their highly confidential profit structures worldwide so she could calculate their tax” – as if you were unaware of the methods by which many states tax multi-national corporations with relation to their world-wide revenues and the resulting disclosures.

    Absolutely hilarious.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  66. Even in Dubai, they must have uses for court gestures, statistically he should get something occassionally right, that’s the law of averages

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  67. Good night everyone, still Packing for Jakarta, glad to be finally out of the middle east.

    Hang in there you Palin lovers 🙂 Except you Doh – I hear ya

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  68. EPWJ, I feel no reason to convince people 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, or that Palin was a horrible governor from a conservative POV, because those things are obviously silly.

    I think AG80 is making a great point. What’s the reason to harp on Palin right now? I don’t see one. Does Ann Coulter think she’s sharing information with Palin that is a secret to her? No, Ann doesn’t. Ann is entertaining those who agree with Ann 100% of the time. She has never written a persuasive editorial… though I admit I’ve found many of them very fun to read anyway.

    Palin has done more for the GOP than any of us will, or most of the pundits will. Mccain came within 4 points of winning, and failed entirely on his own. Had he won, Palin would have been the reason. She gave up a lot for us, and I don’t see the reason to kick her when she’s down.

    It’s certainly not an ‘I told you so’. Few of us thought Palin would be the next president. JD didn’t.

    The loony left wants to play murdering Sarah Palin. That’s the end of her relevance to this thread.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  69. SPQR

    If you go to state of Alaska web site and go to the hearings in 2006 you can see for yourself the testimony during Murkowski’s era of their protests of having to divludge senstive confidential information

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  70. But SPQR I have to go, sorry to not watch you say things that just are contrary to the public record, when people fabricate or deliberately misinterpret clear and unnderstandable sentences – conversations usually have no where to go

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  71. “Oh, its not unique its a tax Palin wanted all the oil companies to divuldge their highly confidential profit structures worldwide so she could calculate their tax – and she called this a lack of transparency – rightly so – its not governments business to know how a company makes its profits – just that they report them”

    EPWJ – You continue to prove yourself a mendacious dolt. To claim that a state has no right to audit tax returns filed with it to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information therein is just completely false. The information required to calculate Alaskan operating profit was required to comply with the tax calculations. Please provide a citation where Palin requested documentation of oil company worldwide profit structures or withdraw your comment.

    You have engaged in numerous repeated lies regarding Sarah Palin and I have tanned your hide on them on occasions to frequently to count. Any person with integrity would be embarrassed resurrecting them again.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  72. No, as usual, Ace is misinformed, following the prompts of Karl Rove lead you there.

    I do think many of her fans really did expect to learn something major from her.

    It’s not a big deal. Just something. I also think all of these folks are correct that Palin’s chances are not good. That’s not fair, but it is what it is. Palin would be a better president, in my opinion, than the vast majority of people running. I think she is figuring out the best way to use what energy she’s cultivated to progress the policies she favors, and I see nothing bad about it.

    The reason the loony left wants to kill her and Bachmann and Brit Hume and whoever else is because she’s willing to speak truth to power (heh). They hate that, but the right should appreciate it.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  73. Dustin,

    Palin raised taxes and spending and then tried to defend it by convering in a gooey sauce of corruption fighting which was a federal matter not a state investigation

    She led the democrat party of Alaska to their two biggest victories in their relatively short history by enacting at the time the most punative confiscatory taxes in the world on the oil companies and then gave even more record cash free to citizens

    This is her legacy despite people’s interesting, creative, imaginative, constructs of “things” she managed to do when she never seemed to outright campaign for anyone and insists on highly compensated appearances.

    This is how people want a candidate a leader of the people to behave and conduct themselves then so be it – its America – hey Clinton was a Republican and conquered China – didnt happen but if we say it enough on a blog – it must be true?

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  74. Um the shrapnel from my irony meter almost killed me. 🙄

    DohBiden (d54602)

  75. didnt happen but if we say it enough on a blog – it must be true?

    The cognitive dissonance that should have been generated from the mere act of typing that should have made his pointy head assploded.

    JD (318f81)

  76. That really is not her way, Dustin, she has staked too high a profile on too many issues.
    She saw how Bachmann basically commandeered the
    Tea Party after TUCSON, How no high profile elected official, really came to her aid, particularly those who she, provided the winning margin in the primary, by vouching for their integrity. She has seen how The Congress job she campaigned for, by in large, have fallen down on the job, on the budget, capitulating to Obama for a pittance

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  77. ian, those are accurate points. Palin has gotten a raw deal, though frankly it’s hard to summon too much sympathy because she has landed on her feet.

    I see you’re referencing Perry to some extent. I am convinced he’s simply more prepared for this kind of job. Politics is an ugly field, and sometimes your friends have to make choices that are decidedly not friendly.

    It’s bound to be a long hard slog to reform. Palin surely is not exactly surprised by most of what she’s seen, such as the GOP House.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  78. Daley,

    Tax returns dont show profitability models and audits are highly regulated and cannot be a reconstruct of an entites entire worldwide operations for a field in cook inlet, as opposed to operations in the China Sea, Midlands Texas, Deepwater Louisiamna or downstream distribution strategies on the East Coast

    This again is an example of the typical construction and fabrications of Palin defenders and the lengths they will go to keep the charade alive – so be it

    She used the Democrat party and the decade old investigation to intimidate Republicans opposed to her to enact the highest confiscatory taxes in the world – 1 point more than Ghadaffi and the Venezuaela tyrrant.

    Its never a good idea when a Republican governor has to use the democrat party to enact their legislative agenda

    But really – have to get some sleep

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  79. JD,

    I think we are still waiting for your debunking material to be posted – can you enlighten us? Do you have any? Please you keep saying it but somehow it never appears?

    Just once – I’ll read it in the morning

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  80. Well we shall see, Dustin, ironically she was one of the few, that came to his defense on his inartful QE 2 remarks, very few wanted to consider the issue at all, which has not just national but international implications, as she observed 10 months ago,

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  81. Wow Palin is more evil than Ghaddafi and Chavez.

    That is one of the insanely idiotic things I have ever said and I don’t agree with Palin on some of her proposals.

    Your one to talk because democraps endorsed Scuzzymoron.

    Are you going to accuse Israel of going after Hamas because they are anti-muslim fanatics?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  82. well it could be worse, Juan Cole compared her to Ahmadinejad, for reasons beyond understanding.

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  83. ____________________________________________

    Epwj hearts scozzafava.
    Comment by JD — 9/6/2011 @ 8:17 pm

    You gotta admit that’s a pretty good rebuttal to anyone who, on one hand, expresses unhappiness about Palin not being conservative enough (ie, raising taxes in Alaska), but who, on the other hand, tolerates or even embraces a liberal Republican from upstate New York.

    I don’t feel personally invested in Palin, but if she’s the Republican candidate in 2012 I’d certainly vote for her over President “Goddamn America.” However, based on opinion polls, I’m in a distinct minority in that regards, which is something I hope Palin understands. IOW, if she isn’t blinded by both ego and pride, she’ll pull back and realize that strategy and tactics are no less important in politics than ideology all by itself. So it would be very risky (assuming she doesn’t want to hand over the election to Obama) for her to be on the ballot next year.

    As for the way people are going to vote in 2012, and speaking of Ann Coulter, I recall her being astonished when Sean Hannity implied that if the Republican candidate isn’t fully to her liking, she might pause and hold back on election day. She retorted that even if Charlie Sheen were the only other name on the ballot, she’d pluck the chad for him over Obama.

    Mark (411533)

  84. Really, Mark and what would be the lesson from that, if you spread enough lies, you can annihilate someone’s public identity, do they really think this won’t happen to the next guy orgal, who reaches for the brass ring, Nothing surprises me about how low they will go, but they’ve tried virtually everything in the last three years; the truth being no obstacle to their schemes.

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  85. Consider the shooting of Nevada NG in Carson city,
    Malkin has the story

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  86. “This again is an example of the typical construction and fabrications of Palin defenders and the lengths they will go to keep the charade alive – so be it”

    EPWJ – Typical moving of the goal posts on your part again. Your assertion was :

    “its not governments business to know how a company makes its profits – just that they report them”

    I called BS because it is completely within a government’s right to audit the returns corporations file with them for accuracy and completeness. Palin’s version of the royalty tax is based on Alaskan operating profit, so the calculation of Alaskan profit structure is perfectly within the scope of Alaskan revenue authorities. Your knowledge of taxes and finance is just subpar, as a reminder when you claimed there was no such thing as tax avoidance.

    I’ll wait for a citation for you about your claim that she demanded worldwide profit structure information from the oil companies. I’m still waiting for you to tell me which legislation it was that Reagan imposed that $14 trillion tax hike on Americans in. Don’t forget now.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  87. Comment by JD — 9/6/2011 @ 8:10 pm
    Pixie – do you find lying serial fabulists tiresome?

    Depends on my mood. If I’m bored, I’ll stand back and smirk as they act like brats whinging for attention. If I’m annoyed, then yes, they’re tiresome.

    But you’ve been applying that clue bat so aptly, I’ve been amused 😉

    ppk_pixie (901c40)

  88. It’s almost as if he didn’t know of the Texas Railway Commission, and how it inspired Perez alfonso, the founder of OPEC

    ian cormac (d69b60)

  89. At the risk of regaining this thread from the trolletito, this low-interest knock off of what Doom could have been if someone with minimal creativity had been designing it, it pretty much shouts out that it’s for democrats – it’s only 2 levels of intensity are “Normal” and “Easy” … yup, there’s the democrat challenge all right …

    Hey, even the Doom version where all the monsters were Barney, and the background music was Barney’s Song was more interesting …

    Alasdair (205079)

  90. I expect EPWJ to compare Palin to Mussolini.

    Coulter endorsed Chris Christie so it is hard to take her seriously on that.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  91. EPWJ is hard to read: performance art or as wacky is Rip Taylor?

    He does tend to repeat himself, and bring up old fights.

    I’m tired of the trollery. It sounds like JD is, as well:

    Simon Jester (58eb1d)

  92. Yes, it looks like Doom, the movie version, but why did they feel the need to make the zombies,
    tea partiers, that is the very disturbing tell.

    ian cormac (4e0dda)

  93. Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/6/2011 @ 7:37 pm
    Palin thinks she is the Tea Party,
    — That’s a lie.
    and no I dont hate her,
    — That’s number two.
    just marvel at the sideshow winding down, taking her circus with her
    — And there’s the hat trick. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you didn’t have Gov. Palin to kick around.

    Icy Texan (eea751)

  94. I still find it amusing that JD will call out EPWJ for Eric’s dislike of Palin, but still won’t say one God Damn word against Jeff’s words to and about me.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  95. Pleas explain, I’m confused
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/6/2011 @ 8:13 pm

    — Talk about your Catch-22 nightmare scenario!

    Icy Texan (eea751)

  96. Mark,

    I never ever supported Dee Dee – In the context of the special election and the up coming Obamacare vote – I felt along with other conservativesm that she had a better chance to win

    As a result we lost the seat and we lost the healthcare vote

    But I was not a supporter – never was – Its a fabriation by JD due to his inability to formulate an argument – he does this

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  97. Daley,

    You are showing that you are perhaps not understanding the role of state revenue officials and audits. Also going to the 2008 hearing this was not a question of not paying what was owed it was a question of speculation by Palin that the oil companies were making large profits world wide and she felt that Alaska was owed more becuase of the financial climate

    It was just a naked grab for money which is being overturned by conservatives in the Alaskan House and Senate

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  98. JD

    I am still waiting for the rebuttal information that you are claiming to poesess alse can you please show where I supported dee Dee?

    I have been waiting so has everyone, since you state these as facts – perhaps you can share them with everyone?

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  99. I have been waiting so has everyone…
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/7/2011 @ 4:25 am

    No, it’s just you.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  100. Stashiu

    No I think alot of people are, dont you want to see this “rebuttal” information?

    Denouncing me once and for all?

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  101. Denouncing me once and for all?
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/7/2011 @ 5:12 am

    Past tense for me I’m afraid.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  102. As you well know. Also, funny how there’s “alot” of people interested (according to you), but you’re the only one asking.

    I’ll ask for you… Is there anyone else interested in seeing what EPWJ is asking for? Anyone? Or is it well-established enough already? Anyone?

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  103. Stashiu,

    I wish you would post your reasons why – you made the claim I had lied here several times – but posted no specifics.

    I wish you would address why or even if Palin Raised taxes and spending since you seem to be disagreeing with the premise

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  104. Dee Dee’s so yesterday.

    elissa (d992ac)

  105. Elissa

    Yeah I know all I said was gee maybe we should listen to what Newt was saying tht putting up with a moderate would be better than losing the healthcare vote at a critical time and JD aided by several people here have advanced the rebuttal that somehow I am a supporter

    Their tactics are disengenious and even though these opinionated commentators have compelling life stories and impressive accomplishments – they are not the only voices in the room and this shutup tactics they employ discredit the spirit that is intended to have a discussion

    Its a shame, they have much to offer but only ccan make unfounded personal remarks

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  106. I still find it amusing that JD will call out EPWJ for Eric’s dislike of Palin, but still won’t say one God Damn word against Jeff’s words to and about me.

    Comment by Scott Jacobs — 9/7/2011 @ 12:49 am

    I don’t give a flying fuck if he dislikes her, you midget clown. I do get tired of him lying about her, and derailing thread after thread with the same blather. This has gone on for months, kind of like your inability to let go”

    JD (318f81)

  107. Denouncing me once and for all?
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 9/7/2011 @ 5:12 am

    If one simply denies the existence of the past …. Or maybe he has amnesia.

    JD (318f81)

  108. JD

    I think newer readers to the blog would appreciate the posting of this information that you claim to have, I have seen none and so has no one else.

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  109. Have a good morning everyone

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  110. There are real people, paul jenkins, dan fagan,
    for a time, andrew halcro that do think the way of our Dubai traveller, and they represent the breath of right alternative media, this along with the assault from the netroots, explains her
    public presentation there

    ian cormac (4e0dda)

  111. EPWJ:

    You keep saying that JD has to show proof rebutting you.

    From this exchange, I would say that you, in fact, are the one to have made the original claims. Therefore, the onus is on you.

    Put up or shut up.

    Preferably the latter.

    And Stashiu, here’s one vote for just dumping EPWJ.

    Darth Venomous (c8614a)

  112. EPJW – I’m trying to think of what time zone you could be in, “packing for Jakarta” at midnight Eastern, “getting some sleep” and back posting here at 7:00 Eastern. Doesn’t sound very Middle Eastern, unless you’re a vampire.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  113. Darth – thanks. He has been “rebutted” more times than Barcky lies. And by rebutted, I mean shown to be a lying mendoucheous twatwaffle. I obviously have no inclination to go back and link to the rebuttals from the likes of daleyrocks, DRJ, stash, etal, just as I have no intention of proving the sky is blue or water is wet.

    JD (318f81)

  114. Some idiots came up with a twisted game. So what. It doesn’t deserve our attention.

    Stay on-message. This is a mostly irrelevant distraction. Don’t let them manipulate you into thinking of yourself as a victim. Don’t get angry – get serious. Exposing hypocrisy is the crumbs. Demand the entire meal.

    Our ideas are winning. Hold them steady and advance.

    Amphipolis (b120ce)

  115. EPWJ – I think newer readers to the blog would appreciate the posting of this information that you claim to have, I have seen none and so has no one else.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  116. Daley, for the full parody, you have to claim “we” a lot.

    Simon Jester (58eb1d)

  117. EPWJ – You keep asserting that as governor of Alaska it was somehow wrong of Palin to assure the state a more stable revenue base by altering the royalty tax formula on foreign domiciled oil companies removing resources from the state, which resources are owned by the citizens of the state of Alaska. The alternative you advanced was some form of new tax directly on the citizens on the state, hardly a conservative position.

    Despite the howls of the oil companies and their paid politicians, the new royalty tax scheme was passed and ZOMG! it has not had the negative effect of drilling or exploration that was predicted by its detractors, but has had the beneficial effects on the states finances its proponents hoped. Most Alaskans would call that a win/win piece of legislation.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  118. Simon – I’m waiting for him to prove the $14 trillion Reagan tax increase claim and he also never apologized for calling Palin a racist.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  119. Daley

    Take the 300 to 500 billion every year for the Reagan increase in Social Security last signed in the 80’s 25 years later its a LEAST 14 trillion – most likely more


    We could stabilize all of our revenue problems everywhere in every state by using the Palin Example and maxing out rates at 93%

    Or not.

    Daley though I appreciate that you discuss this on a non personal level and try to defend her based upon information and principles insread of rhectoric and if I have not expressed it before greatly respect your doing so.

    I agree that Alaska should have a stable base and they could have started by stopping the distribution of cash to its citizens and concentrated on attracting the refineries and petrochemical plants which could/would have added value added billions upon billions by several factors more than the north slope and the Cook Inlet and been a magnet for eastern countries for their fertilizer, chemical, lubricants and rare element needs.

    Instead, Palin and the Democrats in alaska pushed all this contemplated investment away for short term political expediency

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  120. Why do you keep projecting?

    You heart Scozzafava admit it you hypocrite.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  121. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

    The hairy beast known as “alot” has reared its ugly head . . . and from Jakarta, no less!

    Icy Texan (63dd9e)

  122. Icy

    I’m not in Jakarta yet – I will be leaving perhaps in Dec

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  123. Icy – I often pack in September for possible trips in December.

    JD (e143f5)

  124. How well do refineries operate in a below zero environment?

    Which item is more cost efficient & operationally sound for transport to a central distribution center: raw crude or refined gasoline?

    [Bonus question: How many Jews live in Iran?]

    Icy Texan (63dd9e)

  125. Here is the thing, Hoffa has incited his people to violence against a group that statistically are more likely to be armed than average. So what will be the end result? Some teamster is going to get up in some tea partier’s grille and mouth off, start shoving and maybe even kicking and punching and the tea partier is going to defend himself and blow the teamster’s head clean off. Of course none of the prior kicking and punching will be videotaped. The Teamster will become a martyr and will be used as an excuse for out and out riots and race warfare. THIS is exactly what Hoffa/Obama wants.

    Rorschach (c5574d)

  126. “Take the 300 to 500 billion every year for the Reagan increase in Social Security last signed in the 80′s 25 years later its a LEAST 14 trillion – most likely more”

    EPWJ – I would love to see a citation for that $300-500 billion annual increase. The OMB or CBO analysis I recall seeing attached to the legislation had a cost estimate under $30 billion.

    I will await you citation as always.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  127. “I agree that Alaska should have a stable base and they could have started by stopping the distribution of cash to its citizens and concentrated on attracting the refineries and petrochemical plants which could/would have added value added billions upon billions by several factors more than the north slope and the Cook Inlet and been a magnet for eastern countries for their fertilizer, chemical, lubricants and rare element needs.”

    EPWJ – A specious argument since the oil companies declined to construct refineries when they were ripping off Alaskans under previous, lower tax schemes.

    Your preference is for Alaska to tax the crap out of Alaskan citizens rather than foreign oil companies. You expressed that preference on this blog. ACES has not had the adverse effect on the Alaskan energy sector the perennially whining oil companies and their pet politicians predicted and it dramatically improved the the state’s financial condition. Palin was acting on behalf of citizens of Alaska, not other states, and the legislation was a resounding success.

    Palin does not control world oil prices, as you seem to think and is not directly responsible for the state’s windfall. Even Texas built up a rainy day fund. Does that mean that Rick Perry set Texas sales taxes and other taxes too high according to your argument?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

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