Patterico's Pontifications


The Hypocrisy of Obama and the Left, Part 7439

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:34 pm

Via Breitbart TV and Big Government: little Jimmy Hoffa talks about how Democrats need to take out Republicans (specifically the Tea Party), those sons of bitches:

President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march . Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.

Not the most . . . articulate battle cry. But the saber-rattling is clear. Obama then comes on to name a bunch of union leaders, including Hoffa, and say: “we are proud of them”:

It’s important for conservatives who highlight this kind of talk to emphasize why we’re doing it. We’re not whining about the talk. This is standard tough-guy political talk. Target him. Take him out. Wipe him off the map. Both sides say this kind of thing all the time.

We point it out because the left tried to blame Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabby Giffords, when all she did was engage in standard political rhetoric. Then, President Obama gave a speech that was widely praised by some. And while he didn’t echo the blamers, he didn’t denounce them either — and he took special care to wag his finger and cluck his tongue at the tough talkers:

But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized—at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do—it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we’re talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.

Yeah. Let’s talk in a way that heals. And take these sons of bitches out.

So: go ahead, leftists. Talk tough. But we’ll remember this next time you bleat like a goat about how Republicans engage in violent talk.

Above: A Democrat calls for help after hearing a Republican talk tough politically.

UPDATE: Leftist commenters want me to emphasize something that I thought was quite clear: Hoffa was talking about elections.

Kind of like Sarah Palin was with that target map?

197 Responses to “The Hypocrisy of Obama and the Left, Part 7439”


    Patterico (f724ca)

  2. Spoken like a true son-of-a-thug . . .

    Bradley J. Fikes (3a64a1)

  3. Sarah Palin likes to call them “our union brothers and sisters”

    it’s her family but whatever I think they’re disgusting

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  4. But Patterico! That’s different!

    Simon Jester (deec74)

  5. that is not what Hoffa said.
    he said take out the TEA PARTY.
    is republican the same as tea party member now?
    but that is what we liberals have been saying all along!

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  6. see? its the Tea Party Hoffa wants to take out.

    the tea party is losing popularity faster than druken anti-semite Mel Gibson.
    are you implying the Tea Party IS the GOP naow, Patterico?

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  7. unions are gayer than twin putins riding bareback on a horse together naked

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  8. I added “specifically the Tea Party” to the post, wheeler’s cat, to make it perfectly accurate.

    But in context he is talking about having Obama win the 2012 election, I believe, so yes, he is talking about Tea Partiers as Republicans.

    And yes: I think Tea Partiers are the Republicans that matter, these days. As it should be.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  9. I always thought little jimmy sounded like a braying ass, but…a goat will suffice.

    ppk_pixie (901c40)

  10. Look what the Feet dragged in! And it’s funny. If the Tea Party is diminishing so quickly, why go to war? And what about all that hateful rhetoric?

    Simon Jester (deec74)

  11. it pains me to think of you refreshing a page on the internet and encountering something you didn’t think was funny

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  12. Tea Party popularity is at the lowest point with Liberal Democrats that it’s ever been.

    They probably won’t vote for Tea Party candidates now.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  13. I deal with it, Mr Feet You are okay. Nishi is a jerk. Like cilantro. But since you keep defending her lulziness, she deposits her droppings.

    Simon Jester (deec74)

  14. bury li’l hoffa
    under closest hot dog stand
    the working man’s steak

    ColonelHaiku (432fca)

  15. Nishidiot approves of the hateful violence inducing rhetoric from the Leftists. And, eugenics.

    JD (318f81)

  16. been a long time since nishi came around been a long time but she’s back in town and me I say bienvenidos

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  17. wheeler’s cat — I don’t think it matters one jot nor tittle whether he meant “Tea Partiers” specifically or “Republicans” generally. It’s the “army” and “march” and “take out” and “sons of bitches” whut caught my eye.

    Inability to reason coherently, inability to explicate the text accurately, and inability to resist the urge to sneer: these are common early-warning signs and symptoms of the insidious onset of chronic Leftism.

    Ask your doctor about Palinex!

    d. in c. (68ff46)

  18. That settles it, the goat got a tingle up his leg. Students will be studding the speech for generations. All hail Teh One, he’s done it again.

    ropelight (2aeb1f)

  19. Mr Feet, did you ever make those microwave potato chips? And if so , were they good? THAT is eliminationist rhetoric we can all agree upon.

    Simon Jester (deec74)

  20. Here’s what I got out of this story:
    Hoffa thinks that Tea Partiers are not (real) Americans.
    Every union member all across the country must feel really proud of their leadership.

    Icy Texan (d8e266)

  21. Sarah Palin likes to call them “our union brothers and sisters”

    it’s her family but whatever I think they’re disgusting

    Me too, but a lot of people have a nostalgic link to the union movement, and prefer to pretend to themselves that back in the day unions were good, and it’s only lately that they’ve become corrupt and thuggish, and they need to be reformed and cleansed and brought back to their origins. It’s difficult for someone who’s of a working class background, who grew up with the expectation that everyone was in the union, to admit that unions have always been about the thuggery, that they’re just another mafia. For that matter, it’s probably difficult for someone who grew up in a traditional Southern Italian society, where the mafia looked after everyone, to admit the truth about that institution. And exactly the same goes for those (i.e. all of us, and everyone for the past 4000 years or so) who have grown up under kings and presidents and governors to admit that the state are just another version of the same thing.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  22. “They’re” meaning unions, not the Palins!

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  23. no not yet but I moved em back to the top of my bookmarks

    I’m a gonna try making this at work this week I think I finally have all the gredients – it’s ice cream you make by walking around shaking a ziploc bag like an idiot for ten minutes!

    How cool is that and then you get to have tasty healthy ice creams and your stupid co-workers can suck it

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  24. sorry here is the link

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  25. PS: I know John Kasich is now portayed by the unions as their deadly enemy, but he feels the same way about unions as Palin does. So does Jack Kemp. It’s in the blood.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  26. The TEA Party is not losing popularity despite a concerted effort by Democrats to lie about the TEA Party. TEA Party positions on the Federal budget are supported by approx 2/3rds of American voters today.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  27. It’s difficult for someone who’s of a working class background, who grew up with the expectation that everyone was in the union, to admit that unions have always been about the thuggery, that they’re just another mafia.

    well said but it’s important that we drag these anachronistic attitudes out of the woodshed and stomp on them I think

    my personal last straw was the intensely absurd paroxysms of histrionics the union thug chick at Ralph’s afflicted on me when I bought Ann Coulter’s book for to decorate the little table in my baffroom – I always have a matching book and candle just for to put something there and I like it to be something unexpected … before Ann I had Vince Neil’s autobiography

    he’s a douche by the way and he doesn’t mind if you know it he just lays it all out there

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  28. that is not what Hoffa said.
    he said take out the TEA PARTY.

    What conceivable difference do you think that makes? How are his words more civil when directed at TEA Partiers than at Republicans in general? How does the identity of the target affect whether he’s speaking “in a way that heals” or “in a way that wounds”?

    is republican the same as tea party member now?

    Unfortunately not yet. There are still many Republicans who are not yet on board with the TEA Party movement, and hanker for the days of “big goverment conservatism”, “compassionate conservatism”, and trying to show that they too can spend like drunken Democrats. Again, how’s that relevant?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  29. He said Teaparty but didn’t he include in that anyone who resisted or blocked Obama’s agenda? That would seem to include most Republican’s and the majority of American’s for that matter.

    Machinist (b6f7da)

  30. i disagree O Honest Man.
    you should change your text.
    Hoffa said NOTHING about republicans.

    look, my old frenemy AllahP says the same thing.

    Hoffa at Obama rally: We need to take these tea party sons of bitches out

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  31. I bought Ann Coulter’s book for to decorate the little table in my baffroom – I always have a matching book and candle just for to put something there and I like it to be something unexpected

    Have you ever considered adding a bell?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  32. Mr. Feet: here is a plastic ball that you can use to make ice cream.

    You know, throw it repeatedly at union thugs who want to “take people out.” Everyone gets some exercise, and then everyone gets to enjoy some ice cream.

    Okay, maybe there are some contusions. Maybe your plastic bag approach is more workplace safe.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  33. im not advocating for civility.
    im advocating for accuracy.

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  34. that looks cool if I get into the ziploc thing I might could graduate to the tasty ball of ice creamy goodness


    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  35. lol feets you PAID for Coulters book?

    you could have bought one of Johan Galtung’s books instead.

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  36. im not advocating for civility.
    im advocating for accuracy.

    OK, fine. So instead of calling for all right-thinking people to go gunning for Democrats, I will single out unionists and nutroots and “progressives”, and call for them to be targeted and put in our sights and taken down. Is that OK with you? And if someone were to mischaracterise me as having said this about Democrats in general, I’m sure you will be quick to correct them.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  37. Nishi, advocacy begins at home. I mean, given your bizarre and dishonest history.

    Quick! Start running! I have an ice cream ball ready to throw at you.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  38. Oh, and you can’t “advocate for” either civility or accuracy; you may advocate them all you like, but the English language does not permit you to advocate for them.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  39. well, my work is done here.
    c yah feets.
    remember to be shufflin everyday.

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  40. Also, Nishi, you could advocate for finding all the missing punctuation in your posts. I know that you believe that style makes you edgy and hip, but it makes you look disordered.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  41. Palins family members are not thuggish union members happyshat.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  42. hear the loud alarum bells – brazen bells! what a tale of terror now their turbulency tells

    alarum cause of our poor little country is in a pickle like never before

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  43. milhouse, im just pointing out that convolving republicans with the tea party is innacurate….unless it is accurate.
    which what liberals and democrats have been sayin since day 1 of the tea parties.

    the set of teabaggers and the set of republicans are non-seperable. right?

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  44. I work here is done.

    JD (318f81)

  45. bye for now nishi hey did you know that was Barry Gordy’s kid? Nobody tells me anything

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  46. I work here is done,” indeed.

    Another lazy troll. Except this one needs to up her dose of Seroquel. On the other hand, some can use it for a snoozeberry fest, so maybe that explains a great deal.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  47. sorry *Berry* Gordy

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  48. Wheelers cat is one of crappyfeets goons.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  49. DohBiden, there are many things in Mr. Feet’s posts that make me unhappy and vice versa. The schtick of his expression style is just that: a schtick.

    Nishi? I think she is medicated, at best. Certainly a lulz-style troll. Plus, other than a couple of subjects about which he has issues, I haven’t seen Mr. Feet actively lie, or try to provoke others.

    Comparing the two of them is like comparing apples to aardvarks, in my opinion.

    Again, my opinion.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  50. milhouse, im just pointing out that convolving republicans with the tea party is innacurate

    So what? Why is this important to point out? What difference does the distinction make?

    unless it is accurate.
    which what liberals and democrats have been sayin since day 1 of the tea parties.

    Why? Do you want all the squishes and RINOs and DIABLOs to join your party instead?

    the set of teabaggers and the set of republicans are non-seperable. right?

    No more than the sets of bum-rimmers, BDSMers, and democrats.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  51. Yes it is your opinion.

    And I respect it.

    Crappyfeet likes to bugger horses,

    That was a joke btw.

    Obama and his cabinet are communist agitators too bad if the useful idiots who voted for him refuse to see it that way.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  52. thank you Mr. Jester

    nishi has been here forever since before everything congealed

    she was here when the blogosphere first crawled out of the primordial muck

    and when the blogosphere crawls back in, exasperated and exhausted, our mischievous nishi will still be here as a trend as a friend

    as an old memory

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  53. My thoughts…
    We must remember that Gov. Palin’s signficant other is a union member, and IIRC, was a union official on the North Slope; so I don’t think she will be too strident in speaking of unions unless she directs her words specifically at a$$es like Junior Hoffa, or the chief thug, Trumka.

    This is just a reiteration of the “get in their faces” rhetoric we heard in ’08, and how the SEIU treats people at TEA Party conclaves such as Kenneth Gladney, a Black conservative distributing Gadsden Flags in St.Louis.
    That move towards civility sure lasted a long time, didn’t it?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  54. “You Are The Only Folks Keeping The Barbarians From the Gates”

    – VP Joe Biden at an AFL-CI0 rally today

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  55. I enjoyed that video clip. Dunno why.

    Beldar (ff4f38)

  56. (I meant the one with the four-legged goats.)

    Beldar (ff4f38)

  57. Comment by ColonelHaiku — 9/5/2011 @ 2:37 pm

    …and The Lightworker is the only thing standing between the Bankers and the mob with pitchforks and torches.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  58. So congress wants to ban shark fins but not any other part of the sharks.

    Gotta love the animal rights nutjobs insisting that animals attack us because we infringe on their property.

    Sorry for the O/T

    DohBiden (d54602)

  59. colonel say take out
    the cat. it now at stage
    where eats own vomit

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  60. lol feets
    did you know one of the housemartens later became fatboy slim?
    and a mix of renegade master was the soundtrack for the World of Dance first place this year.

    everything is connected.
    /bows to happyfeet

    wahdat al shuhud
    wahdat al wujud

    wheeler's cat (f54344)

  61. Another Drew (#52): I haven’t gone back to look up any details, but my recollection from 2008 from looking into their family’s previous union connections is that Gov. Palin and spouse actually both gave a fair amount of hell to the unions working in the Alaska energy sector for being too cozy with the triad of big energy companies who traditionally ran the state. She rocked a lot of boats, and my impression is that Todd’s leadership positions in the union were part-time, local, and temporary; no one would mistake him for a full-time union leader.

    Beldar (ff4f38)

  62. wheeler’s steal… her taste
    is in her azz whether tunes
    or sad politics

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  63. Where I come from if somebody says they’re going to “take out” someone it doesn’t mean to the ball game or for a banana split.

    I tend to not get overwrought by colorful language, especially impassioned political speech. I think too much of what’s been coming from our left leaning brothers and sisters in the last couple of months has gone beyond impassioned and is right at the border of inciting violence.

    elissa (6a8510)

  64. if you have time one day check out beautiful south … that was what the housemartin’s front guy went on to do for… maybe 20 years – forever… they just broke up – they’re fairly staid but still they were fun and never really got a fair hearing in the states

    [note: fished from spam filter (only one). –Stashiu]

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  65. DohBiden, I think her meds are off. Snoozeberries all the way, instead of taking the medication appropriately.

    And does she ever need it.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  66. I can’t get that comment to take not sure why and last time I tried to figure that sort of thing out I ended up with a kajillion duplicates

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  67. There is a school of thought, elissa, that the Left has become super toxic, psychologically, and tends to accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing.

    So start keeping count. Remember all the fine words after the Arizona shooting, the attempt to blame the Right?

    And now?

    Seriously, start keeping count of the hypocrisy. And remember that a progressive could attack what Hoffa said (and the President did not correct), and not lose a whit of their left of center street cred.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  68. the president is a gimp what shed whatever small semblance of dignity he ever had many moons ago

    he hangs out with thugs and whores and basks in their applause like he thinks he’s somebody

    but he’s not

    he’s just a shriveled empty husk leftover from a marketing campaign what was popular several years ago – he’s like the Dell dude or the Geico caveman

    well like if the caveman was really mean and anti-American and hated jobs

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  69. You leftys love to encroach on others property rights but project that fault on to others.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  70. Hey, didn’t they get the Dell guy for selling wacky backy a couple of years ago? Something else in common.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  71. yes then he went and worked at a restaurant in NY that I think NG went to once but me I never been to

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  72. Tortilla Flats

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  73. ==And remember that a progressive could attack what Hoffa said (and the President did not correct), and not lose a whit of their left of center street cred==

    It’s a lovely thought that some rational, decent, and statesmanlike lefty will call the likes of Hoffa, Maxine Waters, and Andre Carson, etc., on their outrageous bile–but I have a hard time figuring out who such a brave person (currently in Democratic politics) might even be.

    elissa (6a8510)

  74. You are right, elissa: it’s too bad.

    A friend of mine who is superduper Lefty has been very unhappy with POTUS. She was arguing on FB that Russ Feingold should run as a 3rd Party candidate (“Progressivist”?). Anyway, her friends came down hard on her: if that happened, then Republicans would surely win the upcoming election.

    So lots of people “get” how important this next election is…hopefully, the Oval Office will continue to be tone-deaf, and the RNC put together a decent campaign (one is likely, the other is not).

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  75. Also, Patterico, I wonder if there is a secret meaning to 7439 in the title of the post? Maybe Dr. Jerome Corsi has some insight.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  76. elissa, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Chris Christie for starters.

    ropelight (2aeb1f)

  77. The TEA Party is not losing popularity despite a concerted effort by Democrats to lie about the TEA Party.

    Clearly it’s not as evidenced by the obsessive attention focued on it by Waters, Carson, Hoffa, and every MSM outlet.

    As long as they’re being viciously targeted and lied about, I take it as a continuing good sign of their effectiveness.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  78. I think the time to question the popularity and effectiveness of the Tea Party is when politicians and media outlets begin to ignore them.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  79. Uh, ropelight –we were talking about leftys upthread.

    Jake Tapper who has holiday anchor duties on ABC Nightly News and Jim Sciutto reporting from the WH did a very fair report just now on the now infamous labor day speeches. They dared to use the word “offensive”. And interviewed working people in several cities who basically called the president’s warmed over jobs plan BS.

    elissa (6a8510)

  80. i see the cat is forgotten, but not gone.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  81. little bag of bones been out all night

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  82. Hoffa is a member of the teabaggers union.

    Honestly he gets teabagged on both ends of his anal orifice.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  83. OT–Apparently the wildfires are awful in Texas today (especially near Austin) and Gov. Perry has left the campaign trail to return home. Do we know if our many Texas Patterico blog friends are all OK?

    elissa (6a8510)

  84. my little brudder sold his bastrop house in the boonies awhile back

    it was the crepe myrtles what I’d planted what helped sell it lickety-split quick like a bunny

    I wonder how my crepe myrtles are faring

    That’s like the saddest thought ever.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  85. I have 4 pink crepe myrtles blooming like mad, happyfeet. I sure hope yours are, too.

    James Taranto had a lovely little response to President Obama’s speech which followed Hoffa’s classy introduction,

    Shorter Obama: Re-elect me, and the whole country can be as successful and prosperous as Detroit.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  86. Comment by Beldar — 9/5/2011 @ 2:47 pm

    All probably true; I was just saying that she would not make a general condemnation of unions and their members, but would couch her language in specifics.
    And, she herself was a union member (AFTRA, most likely).

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  87. re-elect Zer0
    be successful like Detroit
    and it’s One and Done

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  88. People who read their history and understand (and appreciate) much of what the labor movement and unions did in the 20’s and 30’s and 40’s to help merchant seaman and longshoreman and miners and steelworkers aren’t too very impressed with the unions for today’s dangerous jobs like school teachers and banquet servers and state agency bureaucrats. That’s the problem.

    elissa (6a8510)

  89. OT response to elissa:

    I live about an hour north of Austin, now in the countryside just south of Killeen/Fort Hood. Very serious drought but I haven’t seen any smoke on the horizon.

    It was very windy yesterday as a cold front moved in, dropping the temps into the mid-80s, but as usual, no rain. Everything’s brown and crispy, but as long as the wildfires stay away from my hood, I’m good.

    John Hitchcock (7af282)

  90. what the labor movement and unions did in the 20′s and 30′s and 40′s to help merchant seaman and longshoreman and miners and steelworkers

    You mean mobilise them for the interests of the USSR, whatever those happened to be at the time? You mean do everything they could to sabotage the war effort until Germany attacked the USSR, and then doing a brisk 180 and going all-out to support that same war effort? (The USA is lucky that by the time it joined the war the USSR was already with the Allies; otherwise the unions would have gone full treason just as they did everywhere else.)

    Milhouse (ee8a5d)

  91. In fairness before the 34/7 news cycle we didn’t see and hear every speech of every candidate and every President live. But today was embarrassing on so many levels.

    Obama’s speech is warmed over socialist boilerplate delivered with dropped gs and with an imitation African-American accent by the Honolulu raised commie. Obama talking jive like he was raised in East New York, Newark or Libert City is beyond laughable. Further, optically if you want to propose any kind of jobs program Detroit is the last palce on earth to use as a backdrop. The GOP can lose if Obama again fools the middle independents. Stuff like today is going to repulse them.

    Bugg (ea1809)

  92. Oh, and do remember CPUSA requires its members to also be Union members. Union Bosses have been inextricably linked to Organized Crime and Communism from the Union’s inception. Today really isn’t any different than yesteryear.

    John Hitchcock (7af282)

  93. The younger Mr Hoffa sure talk’d tough
    While the President looked on with a smile
    But for them, Twenty-twelve will be quite rough
    Enjoy it now, ’cause they won’t in a while.

    Yet if Rick Perry says something that’s mean
    They’ll shout, “That’s awful incivility!”
    Because we know that Repubs can’t be seen
    To say a thing without humility.

    To do otherwise would be just reckless
    It would get another congressman shot
    While the Dems can say anything feckless
    Hold them accountable? Why surely not!

    But in the end, the Prez will take his seat,
    While at the polls he goes down to defeat.

    The Sonnet Avenger (f68855)

  94. Bugg wrote:

    In fairness before the 34/7 news cycle we didn’t see and hear every speech of every candidate and every President live.

    Yeah, I know it was a typo, but somehow it sure seems that way!

    The slightly amused Dana (f68855)

  95. Then again, maybe you do need a 34/7 news cycle to cover 57 states!

    The mathmetician Dana (f68855)

  96. It’s not “hypocrisy”, it is a deliberate, malicious tactic of aggression. And it’s always the same: they want to get you to drop your weapons and your self-defense, while they keep theirs and go on the offense against you, who are now unarmed.

    They do it all the time. Stop calling it hypocrisy. That makes it sound merely careless or inconsistent or something. No, it’s malice.

    They’re the left, they’re fuelled by hate. Stop thinking that they simply disagree with you. It’s far worse than that. They HATE you.

    d. in c. (0b8a2b)

  97. the prawn of the loins of late Hoffa
    can take train to Hell and get offa
    he bites and he barks
    thoughts straight from Karl Marx
    while he pads own personal coffahs

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  98. Damn typos! WTF@ Does seem some days last 34 hours.

    Bugg (ea1809)

  99. Millhouse and John H–

    There is no argument from me that the union leadership from its early days had significant communist and organized crime influences and wallowed in good old fashioned corruption. General strikes called by insane union leaders have crippled the nation at critical times. I despise today’s unions.

    But labor history is complex as I assume you know. A fair reading of that earlier time shows that the door to unions was opened wide because of (among other things) corrupt big city bosses, the underworld, and unscrupulous business owners who kept life intolerable for workers in a number of very dangerous jobs. Between the payoffs to get selected and hired in the first place, the protection money paid to on the take cops to keep their families safe, and the food, rent, and other items workers were forced to buy at outrageous markups from company “suppliers”, the working poor often netted close to nothing while dying young. It’s hard to separate the thugs and infiltrators the industrialists and politicians hired and unleashed, from the thugs and infiltrators the unions hired and unleashed in those early days. It’s also hard to find an argument that says the average merchant seaman, longshoremen, miner and steelworker did not enjoy at least somewhat improved health, job security and working conditions when they became unionized in the 20’s and 30’s. That’s not romanticizing–those are facts.

    elissa (6a8510)

  100. John Hitchcock–

    Thsnks for the update from your part of Texas. It’s a big state. Stay safe.

    elissa (6a8510)

  101. I notice Patterico couldn’t be bothered to include the entire Hoffa quote:

    “Everybody here’s got to [a?] vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these sons of bitches out.”

    That would be an awful lot like doing his own research. Instead, just more of the same dishonest hackery we’ve come to expect from this source.

    scrumptious (e8fe82)

  102. Not surprisingly, all ‘the usual suspects’ are denying that is what Hoffa said.

    ian cormac (996c34)

  103. On this Labor Day do you know about the tragic “radium girls” who painted the glow in the dark watch dials in the 20’s and 30’s?

    elissa (6a8510)

  104. Comment by elissa — 9/5/2011 @ 5:58 pm

    Where was Ralph Nader when they needed him?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  105. Stereotyping all Palin supporters as unhinged and intolerant based upon what a few unhinged palinbots say is typical of the left and moderates.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  106. And absurdities uttered by Teh Won are the fault of TOTUS, never his Divine Majesty!

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  107. im advocating for accuracy.

    Comment by wheeler’s cat — 9/5/2011 @ 2:10 pm

    This is the guy/gal who believed Anthony Weiner’s story about his Twitter account being hacked based on some kind of non-sequiter reasoning that I can’t recall exactly.

    Gerald A (9d78e8)

  108. Even Paul the Apostle said it was hard to find people who were truly interested in the welfare of others. People in power like to exploit others, be it the power of an owner, a CEO, a regulatory official, a union boss, an elected official.

    It is pathetic for this to be endorsed for “one side of the aisle” and blame “the other side” falselly over minutae.

    I hope there are some nice commercials that come out of this.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  109. I notice Patterico couldn’t be bothered to include the entire Hoffa quote:

    “Everybody here’s got to [a?] vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these sons of bitches out.”

    That would be an awful lot like doing his own research. Instead, just more of the same dishonest hackery we’ve come to expect from this source.

    Did I portray the remarks as anything but a call to vote out Republicans?

    No, I did not.

    Just like Sarah Palin’s rhetoric was never anything but an electoral call to arms.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  110. Gosh, I wonder who “scrumptious” might be? Anything but, of course. And one of the usual suspects, skulking about under anonymizers and similar brave tactics.

    Gerald A, sure you know the reasoning behind nishi loving her some Weiner: opposition to anything with an “R” involved. Period. Full stop.

    Plus a new prescription for meds.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  111. And Patterico, I think that psychological projection is the name of the game with these people. They went to the physical violence business because they…are interested in moving (at least on the internet) toward physical violence.

    Honest voting is more fundamental. But you watch: they can’t have that. Requirements for ID and the like will be called something else….

    It’s going to be a nasty campaign. None of us can afford to sit this one out.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  112. The west coast longshoreman’s union was run by a communist for many years. There is a street named after him in LA Harbor. Harry Bridges Street.

    In New Zealand, the longshoreman’s union refused to cooperate with the Marines when they were trying to load and unload ships to defend New Zealand and Australia. The Marines did the unloading and other Marines stood by with loaded weapons in case the longshoremen tried to interfere. There was serious concern that it might end up in a shooting.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  113. Unions have from their very beginning rested on violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. The corruption only came later. The original union leaders conscientiously worked for their members’ benefit, and used thuggery only to better their lives; but once you’ve opened that door you can never shut it, and quickly the leaders realise that they can use these methods just as easily to enrich themselves at their members’ expense as they can to enrich their members at the employers’ expense. What’s wrong is not the corruption but the original thuggery.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  114. Mike K, the longshoremen here in the USA held up lend-lease shipments to aid the Allies, for the same reason. The USSR was allied with Germany, so they opposed the war with every means they had at their disposal. As soon as the USSR was at war with Germany, their pacifism disappeared.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  115. magical thinking
    m00nbattery stock n’trade
    wake up smell catf00d

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  116. Well Obama rose through the ranks by disqualifying all opposition in his first race, sliming his two Senate opponents in the primary, directed a campaign of innuendo and defamation against his most resolute rival (no not McCain) called put the mobs against the bankers, that’s his M.O.

    ian cormac (996c34)

  117. Unionism is not a bad idea. As a matter of fact, I have no problem with people with similar skills organizing to protect their skill sets and their jobs against philanderers.

    The problem with unions is the same problem with politics. When either union administrators or politicians advance in their careers, the access to vast amounts of easy money becomes too great.

    Both become corrupt with only self-interest at the paramount, rather than their members or constituents.

    And, yes, the same is true of corporations.

    Wash, rinse and repeat.

    Yet, there is an old-time remedy to these continual problems. But that solution is invested in simple “either or” arguments. That solution has invested itself in pretending to being balanced while promoting a social-engineering project based on bad ideas that never worked.

    So, it’s up to us. All us with an internet connection and a free mind with a willingness to vote for people who agree we are the solution.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  118. “philanderers”?! Is that the word you meant to use?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  119. I have no problem with people with similar skills organizing to protect their skill sets and their jobs

    It depends what means they use to achieve that goal, doesn’t it? Unions have from their beginning relied on violence and intimidation. Those are not legitimate tactics, and an organisation that uses them is illegitimate.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  120. UPDATE: Leftist commenters want me to emphasize something that I thought was quite clear: Hoffa was talking about elections.

    Kind of like Sarah Palin was with that target map?

    Patterico (f724ca)

  121. Patterico – Thank you for making that clear. I was Soooooo confused before.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  122. It’s still confusing per Nishi. Apparently Hoffa wasn’t talking about Republicans at all. Probably Democrats is who Hoffa wants Obama to beat, I guess she thinks?

    Patterico (f724ca)

  123. Yes. I do not have a problem with people protecting their jobs against people who do not have the skills.

    Being a master carpenter means something. Being Joe in the Truck does not.

    I think the market can tell the difference, but I also do not have a problem with skilled people organizing to prove their skills.

    Of course, there are alternatives, such as bonding.

    But again, I have no brook with an organization promoting skills that are in short supply today. I also don’t have any illusions about today’s labor movement providing that guarantee.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  124. I mean, I understand that Tea Partiers don’t all consider themselves “Republicans” because of how feckless the Republican party is about debt and such. But, in context . . . is Hoffa really calling for a war on debt-hating Democrats and/or independents?


    Patterico (f724ca)

  125. Patterico – It might could be the LaRouchies that Hoffa is worried about. It never hurts to be clear.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  126. The way I stated that was strange. I have no problem with skilled tradesmen using bonds to assure their expertise.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  127. The hypocrisy of obama and the left part 7440

    The left and obama believe in gun control but the democrap obots have a gun to defend themselves.

    I’am not wrong am I?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  128. The way I stated that was strange. I have no problem with skilled tradesmen using bonds to assure their expertise.

    Nor do I, but that’s not what unions are about. They’re about extorting from employers higher wages and better conditions than the market would otherwise provide, by means of violence and intimidation both against the employers themselves and (even more so) against those whom the employers would hire instead of the unions’ members.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  129. Still wondering about “philanderers”!

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  130. C’mon, Patterico. You know it is always different when they do it or say it. The Left is the civil, intelligent, and pacifist side of the political equation! Just ask them.

    I keep thinking about the media going just bugnutz over the Giffords shooting. The language of violence from the Right! The endless parade of pundits explaining how the Right was going postal, and how we needed to no longer use “words that wound.”

    Why, the President said so.

    Strangely, the Left (and the President) has been pretty quiet.

    Because it is different when Hoffa uses that language (I still hope that the President condemns his language). But Joe Biden went on to explain that the unions were “holding the barbarians back,” meaning the Right.

    And for nutjobs like nishi, I don’t care if it applies “just” to Tea Party types. I thought we were moving away from “words that wound,” according to the pundits and the President.

    Except it different when Hoffa and Biden (God help us) say things, apparently.

    In other words:

    “We have always been at war with Eastasia”


    “Four legs goooood, two legs baaaaad.”

    But there are a few cracks beginning to appear:

    And the quote I like best?

    “….Obama has basically endorsed every major plank of George Bush’s administration, yet Democrats still grant their approval. What we’re finding out is that Obama’s pathologically pro-establishment and conflict-averse DNA was funded by party insiders and embraced by liberal constituency groups in 2008 for a reason…..”

    Say, who is that Matt Stoller?

    Hey, he was Alan Grayson‘s advisor. Probably a Tea Party type, right?

    And racist besides.

    You Leftists were played by BHO and his Chicago machine. And now folks are starting to wake up.

    Good. How is that Hope and Change™?

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  131. It’s a hilarious but pathetic deflection to demand a correction to an error that was never made.

    Patt went out of his way to say he’s not taking this thug metaphor language seriously. It’s routine.

    So Wheeler is a liar, and I suspect didn’t really read the whole post.

    Obama is playing two sides of the issue. Both the whiny civility ghoul, disgustingly trying to score a political point off a tragedy by claiming target talk by politicians = violence, and then praising much worse thug talk for democrats to eliminate Tea Partiers. Obviously in both cases it’s routine electioneering. So what?

    Of course, the what is that the left will try diversions when Obama screws up.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  132. Dustin, I don’t think that nishi can read anything while on ‘shrooms.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  133. OK, not the right word. Completely wrong and embarrassing. What was I thinking? You got me, you got the Tater Salad.

    I am forever shamed.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  134. Actually, the more I think about it, I disagree with Patterico not taking Hoffa’s comments to be too worrisome in and of themselves. He’s right that ‘win the battle’ metaphors for elections are commonplace. Targets on a map, for example.

    Hoffa goes pretty far, and in many ways is deeply screwed up in his reasoning. To him, America is only for those with Obama’s political views. It’s the opposite of democracy.

    Frankly, I think Hoffa IS cultivating hatred. Palin was just identifying districts that were goals for a victory. She wasn’t explaining that America should be free of dissent.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  135. According to King Cheetos she was.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  136. Actually, the more I think about it, I disagree with Patterico not taking Hoffa’s comments to be too worrisome in and of themselves.

    You know, you’re right. Because what we’ve seen from the unions over the past year is not an attempt to win at the ballot, but a determination to win by force whenever an election produces the wrong result. Which is the same as what we always see from the unions whenever the ballots don’t go their way. To them, democracy is a one-way ratchet; when they win an election they get to make whatever laws they like, and when they lose an election those laws must remain or they will break heads.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  137. Ag, I wasn’t harping on a mistake, I was honestly puzzled by your use of the word in that context, and wondered what you meant by it. Some sort of elaborate analogy between scab labour and adultery? Glad to hear it was just a braino. Or perhaps a spell-checker error.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  138. “Sons of bitches” is the keyword. If you like you can strain to explain away language like “take them out” as standard political tuff talk. But “sons of bitches” will not go away. Obama came onstage to speak after this POS, and he did not beg to differ. He didn’t say, Wait, no, they’re our fellow citizens, or any such thing. He’s stood by in the past and watched the TEA people be wrongly smeared as vile racists, and he spoke not a peep.

    This week he is going to address a joint session of Congress, and I reckon he’ll begin by saying “My fellow Americans…”

    Uh, scuse me? Will that include the “sons of bitches” as well? Silence implies consent, remember. It’s too late for him to walk it back after he’s called on it. Ex post facto is mere convenience: his time to show his instinct was in the moment, and he did exactly that. And now we know what he is.

    Make him wear it. Make him own it. Make him eat it.

    d. in c. (68ff46)

  139. Make him wear it. Make him own it. Make him eat it.

    in a flaming bag on the end of a shovel.

    if they want blood, they got it.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  140. im not advocating for civility.
    im advocating for accuracy.

    Comment by wheeler’s cat — 9/5/2011 @ 2:10 pm

    — You are a steaming piece of cat crap.

    There’s some accuracy for ya!

    Icy Texan (d8e266)

  141. It’s still confusing per Nishi. Apparently Hoffa wasn’t talking about Republicans at all. Probably Democrats is who Hoffa wants Obama to beat, I guess she thinks?
    Comment by Patterico — 9/5/2011 @ 8:27 pm

    — You can guess “she thinks” all you want, sir. Others of us know that all she does is cough up talking points like hairballs.

    Icy Texan (d8e266)

  142. These are the convulsions of seizure, like prior to freezing to death.

    WI, MI, OH and NY give-backs, layoffs and defeats were not enough to reverse the tide.

    Today concludes a world-wide drop on the markets and bad news will only get worse through March. By the end of October 1/4 of all sovereign debt is to be rolled over. Europe’s interest rates on its debt is sky-rocketting–Greece failed to sell last week its 1-year notes at 43%!

    40-odd died in NYC gunplay this weekend. Look for the violence to be all parasite-on-parasite action.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  143. I say let it bleed
    can’t always get what you want
    but get what you need

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  144. It’s not a slip of the tongue, folks:

    ian cormac (4e0dda)

  145. Anyone remember this from Pelosi, it’s from a Breitbart link, that is ‘unexpectedly’ confuzzled’

    “I think we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words. I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco, this kind of rhetoric. It created a climate in which violence took place.”

    ian cormac (4e0dda)

  146. “40-odd died in NYC gunplay this weekend.”

    Oops, 41 shot, 1 dead. Wishful thinking gets me again.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  147. Ian Cormac: I hope that all the campaign ads from the Republican juxtapose what the Left says, and what they do. Yours is a great example.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  148. right on cue up chirps America’s favorite populist attention-craving nothingdoodle

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  149. she wishes she could have this moment for life for life cause in the spotlight she just feels so alive alive

    it’s all about you baby shine on sweet sarah sunshine

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  150. Hilariously, in Arizona the Pima county GOP decided to raise money by raffling off a Glock 23. The Democrats got all outraged that they would dare raffle off “the same gun that shot Giffords” (fail – Loughner had a different model of Glock ).

    So due to the publicity, the raffle raised many times more money than expected.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  151. Can you please stfu and get your head out of huckabees rear Crappytranny.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  152. The Democrats got all outraged that they would dare raffle off “the same gun that shot Giffords” (fail – Loughner had a different model of Glock ).

    OK, assume there was no fail, and it really was the same model. What exactly do they expect? That every time someone gets shot the model used to commit the crime should be retired, like a star baseballer’s jersey number?! Would they recommend the same thing happen every time a car is used to kill someone?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  153. The left claim to be against fascism but it is obvious they are only against it when it affects them negatively.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  154. Milhouse, the left and the gun control advocates all have a medieval superstitious worldview. In medieval times, if a person accidently cut themselves with an axe, the axe would be condemned for the crime and destroyed.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  155. the only difference between populist huck and our attention-craving populist nothingdoodle from alaska is he’s got perkier boobies

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  156. Again, Mr. Feet, the “just on cue” business is just a touch ironic. Ring ring ring says Dr. Pavlov’s bell.

    I wish you every bit of good luck with the ice cream ball and the microwave potato chips.

    Bill Gates (ec84b4)

  157. thank you oh you remindered me I wanna grate some cheese

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  158. Whoops! That was left over from Sockpuppet Friday! Darn secondary machine…

    The real question, Mr. Feet, is where you stand on pulled pork sandwiches: Carolina style or Texas style?

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  159. Crappytranny are you in love with huck?

    Creepy fatal attraction thing you got going on there.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  160. Didn’t I read somewhere that it’s always best to grate one’s own cheese, anyway? That the commercial stuff has some kind of powdery additive to keep it from sticking?

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  161. there is no wrong way to make a pulled pork sandwich that I’ve discovered yet

    I didn’t know that about the powder but I found a cheese grater in a drawer I’d never used so I bought a huge block of cheese it cost like my whole paycheck so now I’m living the grated cheese lifestyle and you know what I’m loving it!

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  162. If you like food pR0n, Mr. Feet, check out that “Pioneer Woman” lady. She has a great website, and a show on the Food Network.

    Her macaroni and cheese recipe requires angioplasty after dining, as does her mashed potato recipe.

    But you need to find her recipe for cinnamon rolls. Ouch. But I mean that in a good way.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  163. i will look for her my people is from sturdy pioneer stock out the oklahoma way maybe I’ll find something I didn’t even know I had a hankering for

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  164. Look out for butter, and lots of it.

    Simon Jester (ec84b4)

  165. Milhouse, the left and the gun control advocates all have a medieval superstitious worldview. In medieval times, if a person accidently cut themselves with an axe, the axe would be condemned for the crime and destroyed.

    Yeah, I get melting down the specific axe, but not retiring the whole model! When a dog kills a person you put down that dog, not the whole breed!

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  166. Sounds delicious.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  167. Libs are excusing this violent rhetoric by hearing Hoffa asking for “jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs”, but they’re missing an important point.

    Back in 2009, Hussein Obama pushed passage of the Stimulus Bill which he said “This plan will save or create over 3 million jobs” ( Two years later we have 9.3% unemployment – we’ve LOST at least 4 Million jobs since the “stimulus” bill was enacted.

    So why should anyone believe Obama anymore? Why does Hoffa believe Obama will create jobs when it’s obvious he won’t or can’t? It’s for two reasons:

    1. Hoffa is getting a financial kickback from Obama.
    2. Libs are drooling idiots with slavish hero-worship of Obama, despite his obvious incompetence at everything he does.

    Fortunately, only 14% of Americans are union labor, and the remaining 86% are smarter than most libs. Expect Obama to lose in a landslide in 2012.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    Laurie T (d4f01a)

  168. feets, this is for you….

    “…As Palin left the restaurant, a resident of nearby Hooksett said, ‘she comes across as real and just a regular lady. I hope she runs for President’…”
    H/T- Instapundit

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (260081)

  169. She can’t win sorry to say.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  170. Headline from most major networks and papers in 1979-1980. “HE CAN”T WIN” followed in the narative, Ronald Reagan, best known as an actor in the failed movie ‘Bedtime For Bonzo’ has no chance of winning the election for President of the U.S.A.

    I wonder what ever became of that loser?

    peedoffamerican (15bfd3)

  171. November-2012 is a lifetime away.
    Perhaps under current conditions, you are correct.
    But, no-one knows what the political environment will be come next Summer and Fall.
    Just to mention it, EU economic conditions are to the point that the ECB is anticipating a Greece default before Spring, and Germany is on less-than-stable ground if that happens.
    A collapse of the EURO-world would be devastating for more than a few U.S. banks, which would materially affect the condition of the U.S. economy which is already on shaky ground.
    We have already reached the threshhold of “Anybody But Obama”, and “anybody” is attaining a stronger position every day.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (260081)

  172. _______________________________________________

    So: go ahead, leftists. Talk tough. But we’ll remember this next time you bleat like a goat about how Republicans engage in violent talk.

    The miserable aspects of people on the left stem largely from the dishonest, disingenuous slant they have on human nature, that of their own and that of others. Most, if not all, liberals developed their biases from an early age (per bottom). So, in effect, they were born BAD. Worse of all, as they grow older, so many of them fail to mature. In their case, wisdom does not come with age.

    A paradigm of that is a person infamously identified with the left — in the salons of Hollywood, SF, DC, NYC, etc — who in spite of her laughable, nonsensical entanglements with liberalism and liberals still greatly resents and is wary of conservatism and folks on the right — based on recent comments from her posted to her blog — while likely being the type who’d think “those poor unionists, fighting the good, noble fight! I bet when it comes to honesty and generosity, their s*** don’t stink!”, Sept 5, 2011:

    One day, at the height of her fame in the mid-Seventies, Jane Fonda turned up on the doorstep of her ex-husband, Roger Vadim…. The star of Julia, Klute and The China Syndrome had come to do her laundry. Why? Because her second husband, Tom Hayden, a Left-wing activist with a bulbous nose and acne-scarred cheeks, had forbidden her to have either a washing machine or dishwasher. Far too bourgeois.

    …Jane had an increasingly difficult time with Hayden. Not only was he drinking heavily, but — as Jane’s friend, the actor Peter Boyle, comments: ‘He was f***ing jealous of how famous she was.’ Anxious to please Hayden, she gave him $500,000 to fund his campaign to become a Senator in 1975 — but he lost.

    For [the Black Panthers], she opened her chequebook, paying a $2,000 phone bill, lending them her credit card and posting bail for Panthers who’d been arrested. The Panthers promptly charged a car to her Visa card — then lost both the car and the card. One of them skipped town after she’d stumped up $50,000 bail money. When she heard the Panthers were calling her a ‘white honky bitch’ behind her back and spreading false rumours that she was sleeping with their leader, she called it a day., December 2006: The people who give the least are the young, especially young liberals. [Public Policy Professor Arthur C] Brooks writes that “young liberals — perhaps the most vocally dissatisfied political constituency in America today — are one of the least generous demographic groups out there. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood.” Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income.

    He writes that young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, “a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love.”

    Mark (411533)

  173. So if you oppose perrys stance on immigration your a palinista?

    Sounds like the palinistas accusing you of being a soros operative if you disagree with Palin.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  174. I’m sick of Democrat talk, Obama’s talk, Hoffa’s talk, Biden’s talk, Reid’s talk, Pelosi’s talk, Kerry’s talk, Mayonaise Head’s talk, I don’t give a damn what any of those assholes has to say.

    Talk is cheap and so are Democrat liars. They all can go straight to hell and spend an eternity talking to each other for all I care. Nothing they have to say is worth the time it takes to listen to their insulting drivel.

    It’s worse than listening to Mesothelioma commercials.

    ropelight (efb3d9)

  175. Mr. Feet pulls his pork every time the divine Miss Sarah comes on the booby-tubey

    Icy Texan (eea751)

  176. there is no wrong way to make a pulled pork sandwich that I’ve discovered yet

    That’s because you’ve never heard of Sarah Palin making a pulled pork sandwich.

    Dustin (b2fb78)

  177. “Leftist commenters want me to emphasize something that I thought was quite clear: he was talking about elections”

    Lying out your ass. It wasn’t clear at all. So here’s the full quote”

    HOFFA: Everybody here’s got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!”

    Obama sells out liberals again and again and you still call him a leftist. Pathological pontifications.

    Meanwhile on the right, it’s an Gabby Giffords memorial gun raffle

    and Matthew Vadum

    Why are left-wing activist groups so keen on registering the poor to vote?

    Because they know the poor can be counted on to vote themselves more benefits by electing redistributionist politicians. Welfare recipients are particularly open to demagoguery and bribery.

    Registering them to vote is like handing out burglary tools to criminals. It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote.

    …Encouraging those who burden society to participate in elections isn’t about helping the poor. It’s about helping the poor to help themselves to others’ money. It’s about raw so-called social justice. It’s about moving America ever farther away from the small-government ideals of the Founding Fathers.”

    Better to encourage the rich to vote because we know they’re not self serving.

    So much for democracy.

    Hippocrates (15c8d4)

  178. No, Palin makes pulled moose sandwiches.

    Milhouse (ee8a5d)

  179. No, Palin makes pulled leftard sandwiches.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  180. more Jane:
    She regrets not having slept with Che!
    Must be the only left-wing radical revolutionary that she didn’t spread her legs for.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (260081)


    Suck it, nishidiot. Even Hoffa thinks you are a clown. A demonic midget clown.

    JD (5b1a62)

  182. JD, you’re being disrespectful to little people, again.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (260081)

  183. he got alzheimer’s and died like Charlton Heston and that guy that trained Rocky

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  184. Milhouse asked:

    OK, assume there was no fail, and it really was the same model. What exactly do they expect? That every time someone gets shot the model used to commit the crime should be retired, like a star baseballer’s jersey number?

    Yes. The gun grabbers would so take that path, if they could.

    The realistic Dana (3e4784)

  185. there is no wrong way to make a pulled pork sandwich that I’ve discovered yet

    stop by colonel’s shack
    he has a way that will both
    shock and sicken you

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  186. Everything is racist when done against blacks except…………………if done against conservatives.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  187. jane fonda forget
    hot nights in Brezhnev’s dacha
    get birch switch freak on!

    ColonelHaiku (c7aeaa)

  188. Colonel reminds us
    Jane’s kinda fonda other
    countries more than own

    elissa (a93389)

  189. Hey, gotta fresh Hoffa thread up!

    Karl (f07e38)

  190. I think I found the theme of my next election party: come as your favorite barbarian.

    rochf (f3fbb0)

  191. Is Obama losing the LAT and Californio’s?

    “Poll illustrates California voters’ anger
    Nearly 3 in 4 say the country is on the wrong track, and nearly half favor slashing government spending — a potentially dismal finding for President Obama, who will unveil a jobs plan this week.”

    “…Although Obama has previously called for strategic government investments to stimulate the economy, only 37% of California voters said they favor such an approach. Instead, the Republican view — that slashing government spending to restrain the deficit will better lead to prosperity — was preferred by 49% of respondents, according to the survey sponsored by the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and The Times…”,0,7074574.story

    When you’ve lost the LAT, have you lost CA?
    And its’ 55 Electoral Votes?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (260081)

  192. Wow really homeschoolers believe slavery is good leftards?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  193. Milhouse:

    I took no offense to your response. I was just joking around and you did, indeed, catch me on the improper use of language. And I’ll be damned, I still can’t figure out the word I was looking for.

    For the record. Sorry to bring this up again.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

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