Patterico's Pontifications


Math is hard. On progressives

Filed under: General — Karl @ 6:37 am

[Posted by Karl]

Despite an unprecedented push from Big Labor, involving tens of millions of dollars and turnout near the level of a regular election, the left failed to gain control of the Wisconsin senate in recall elections sought after Republicans passed budgetary and collective bargaining reforms in the state.  From Allahpundit’s usual yeoman aggregation, note the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel held an editorial until late yesterday (presumably today in print) stating:

So it turns out that the sky isn’t going to fall on all local governments in Wisconsin. The numbers now starting to come in show that Gov. Scott Walker’s “tools” for local governments apparently will help at least some of them deal with cuts in state aid imposed by the state budget.

That’s contrary to the expectation and the rhetoric of critics in the spring, and it’s to Walker’s credit. It bears out the governor’s assessment of his budget-repair bill, although we still maintain he could have reached his goals without dealing a body blow to public employee unions…

This grudging admission from the establishment media ignores that the union reforms broke up the cozy dominance of the WEA Trust as health insurer for public school teachers (and forced the trust to offer competitive rates in other districts), creating savings all across the state.  The MJS knows how uncompetitive these rates were, too.

As Walter Russell Mead notes, Wisconsin is simply a preview of the future elsewhere:

The tide is running hard against the public sector unions.  Wisconsin has been a big, Battle of Gettysburg style defeat, but the unions are suffering almost as much at the hands of their “friends” — Democratic politicians in blue states — as from open enemies like the Wisconsin GOP.  In New York, in Chicago, even in California, Democratic politicians are playing hardball.  They can’t help it.  There isn’t any money.

The public sector unions aren’t fighting a party; they are fighting arithmetic.  Sooner or later, numbers win.

Eventually, even the establishment media may figure this out.


158 Responses to “Math is hard. On progressives”

  1. Let us hope that the money wasted on this campaign will be a significant loss to the presidential campaign of “President Downgrade”

    sabbahillel (b01c97)

  2. sabbahillel,

    Big Labor had already suggested it was going to focus more on state races at the expense of federal campaigns, though I would think GOTV is pretty fungible.

    Karl (37b303)

  3. It isn’t just progressives, people on both sides of the aisle are fighting to protect what they view as their cut of the pie.

    notwithstanding the substance of the underlying arguments, the tactics used by pro-defense to argue against defense cuts are the same by pro-public union to argue against cuts in their programs… the world as we know it will end if we dare to cut but even a dollar out of their budget.

    steve (369bc6)

  4. steve,

    Point taken. However, even the latest inadequate budget deal may well result in significant defense cuts without significant entitlement reform. Moreover, defense is something the national government is actually charged with doing under the Constitution.

    Karl (37b303)

  5. Anecdotes and comparisons are useful when they are valid, not when they sound catchy.

    If we don’t defend ourselves the world will change, and if we can’t extend power over the world the world will change, the “Pax Americanus” will be a thing of the past (See Steyn’s “After America”). For example, Kuwait would have ceased to exist and Saudi Arabia would have been invaded by Iraq 20 years ago. If you think the world is a better place for things like that to become common then by all means cut the US defense budget.

    MD in Philly (4630a3)

  6. Everything is hard to progressives[which are in actuality regressives.]

    DohBiden (d54602)

  7. Do the polls show any of the Wisconsin Dems in trouble in their recall elections?

    jim2 (a9ab88)

  8. “we still maintain he could have reached his goals without dealing a body blow to public employee unions”

    Right. sure. Whatever. I wonder what this critic thinks of NY’s Cuomo. must be OK the way he did it. After all, he’s a democrat in a highly unionized state.

    john b (6b2056)

  9. What’s with the closing of so many gas stations lately? Five of the seven gas stations within a ten mile radius of here have closed within the past year. This is so weird.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  10. So, try as they might, Democrat footpads just can’t seem to spend and strong-arm their way into taking over the Wisconsin state senate. Tisk, tisk. It goes to show that attempting to overturn election results isn’t as easy as unprincipled “progressives” would have their brainwashed dupes believe. Oh, well, it keeps them occupied and away from adult concerns.

    ropelight (118824)

  11. Based on these election results, a Walker recall would be a toss-up. I say go for it Dems.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  12. There is one squishy Republican state Senator, named Schultz, who now holds the deciding vote in the state Senate and could do a Jeffords and switch parties. For that reason, the GOP has to win one of the recalls next week. Fortunately, it seems that they will do so.

    Mike K (4c76c8)

  13. Spartacvs–my “advice” would be not to “count your chickens” on a Walker recall.

    elissa (7eac3d)

  14. Hax is still here. Still not answering questions. Still lying. He just deposits more of his Soros droppings and moves on. Get it? See what I did there?

    Yesterday this, well, hack claimed that NONE of the Founders did anything to oppose slavery. Now, even the simplest minded of trolls knows better than that.

    He is just a sick little man. And his dream is ending, so he is, well, bitter.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  15. Elissa, don’t get this guy started about chickens. It won’t end well….

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  16. Rachel Maddow and
    Ed Schultz not sleep well after
    recall vote comes in

    elissa (7eac3d)

  17. Spartacus, what would you have if you didn’t have your delusions?

    But hey, you can look forward to the night when Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle come for you, right?

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  18. spartacvs aping Kos here. No original thought

    “Eventually, even the establishment media may figure this out.”

    To quote Moe Howard “Optimism is for fools”

    Hawkins (1fc204)

  19. Spartacus still sleeps with a Teddy Bear.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  20. Spartacus still wears Doctor Dentons.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  21. Barack Obama should put our country’s well-being ahead of his own selfish interests, do the right thing for once, acknowledge he’s been a miserable failure, and Resign immediately. For the good of the nation, for the good of his party, and for the good of future generations, he must go now.

    In his heart, surely, Obama knows his unbroken record of failures to lead in time of crisis have left him with no other honorable option but to resign effective immediately.

    ropelight (118824)

  22. In all of American history there have only EVER been 15 recalls, and two of them occurred in WI yesterday. The Teapublicon governors have FAR over-reached and the American public doesn’t like this anarchist take-over.

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  23. In all of American history there have only EVER been 15 recalls, and two of them occurred in WI yesterday. The Teapublicon governors have FAR over-reached and the American public doesn’t like this anarchist take-over.


    Another Chris (c04459)

  24. #22,

    Then the Democrats should be very happy after the 2012 elections. Maybe they won’t even have to cheat so much?

    Machinist (b6f7da)

  25. Anarchist take over? Well, it’s trollery, but it’s instructive to see how much money and bad behavior the unions put into these recalls.

    It’s also interesting to see how careful the trolls are. Remember, in all of American history, there have only EVER (love those caps) been 15 recalls.


    Personally, I like recalls. We’ll see what happens next week.

    Oh, and if you are going to try to use irritating and insulting jargon, you might learn to spell the term correctly.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  26. I guess math is hard for tifosa.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  27. btw, even Rasmussen rwnj pollster, finds that 21% strongly approve, 43% somewhat approve….wait for it… OF PRESIDENT OBAMA! yep uh huh oh yeah, booyah :^)

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  28. tifosa, you might want to think carefully about posting anything about numbers. Don’t you think?

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  29. Summit, due to EPA ground-water regs, gas-stations around the country have been closing for years – usually after the cert’s for their underground tanks have expired and they have to meet the new standards, which normally requires replacement to meet.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  30. anarchist take-over?
    you mean such as what is happening in the UK?

    Bring it on!
    We could stand a little cleansing of the gene-pool.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  31. Money not only from unions, tons of hidden bigbucks from ALEC, ClubForGrowth, FamilyFaithFreedom, AmericansForProsperity, WisconsinFamilyAction, AmericanFederationForChildren. You weren’t told? Go figure…

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  32. You are kind of funny. You don’t read very closely, do you? But that’s okay. Someone has to carry the water. Why not you?

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  33. Tifosa and its many iterations eat its own boogers.

    JD (b98cae)

  34. #29 – Thanks, that’s interesting.

    Would it be unreasonable to say then that that is another example of an intrusion by the government that does more harm than good? Can you give other examples of how our own government is destroying our economy? (For which greenies are especially to blame, for example?)

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  35. Aaaah, JD, projection. Chickened out much? I’d say use a tissue dude 🙂

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  36. Who else would this tifosa be, JD?

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  37. But you are right, JD, same style.

    Simon Jester (aa6399)

  38. Glenn Reynolds reports on Spiegel Online’s Dashed Hopes article by Marc Hujer

    DER SPIEGEL: How Obama Disappointed The World. Heck, he’s disappointed me, and it’s not as if my expectations were very high to begin with.

    From the article:

    When Barack Obama was elected almost three years ago, the country seemed intoxicated. The world allowed itself to be carried along by this wave of enthusiasm, and by its hopes for a new, more peaceful America. A crowd of 200,000 people came to hear him speak at the Victory Column in Berlin; Kenyans spent the entire election night dancing in front of their television sets; in Japan, the residents of a fishing village named Obama celebrated his victory; in Gaza, where hatred for America is normally the prevailing sentiment, there were exuberant parties; and in London, Madame Tussauds wax museum handed out free tickets.

    Obama’s election was the self-affirmation of a nation that wanted to prove that the American dream was still alive. Not voting for Obama would have been cynical, timid and un-American…

    This wasn’t just wishful thinking on the part of his voters or his foreign admirers. In fact, it consisted of tangible promises Obama had actually made. Again and again, he talked of uniting the country and even healing the planet

    And? Did he make good on those promises?

    ropelight (118824)

  39. 27.btw, even Rasmussen rwnj pollster, finds that 21% strongly approve, 43% somewhat approve….wait for it… OF PRESIDENT OBAMA! yep uh huh oh yeah, booyah :^)

    Either you’re a liar or you can’t read.

    Rassmussen Daily Tracking Poll

    21% strongly approve and a total of 43% “at least somewhat approve” of Obama’s performance. That means that 21% strongly approve and 22% somewhat approve. Meanwhile, 42% strongly disapprove and 14% somewhat disapprove, so 56% at least somewhat disapprove.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  40. In all of American history there have only EVER been 15 recalls, and two of them occurred in WI yesterday. The Teapublicon governors have FAR over-reached and the American public doesn’t like this anarchist take-over.

    Amusing how the non sequitur directly contradicts … like the actual facts.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  41. What, exactly, did I chicken out of?

    I see that Chuck and SPQR already pointed out how stupid/dishonest you were being with you poll claims. Typical.

    JD (b98cae)

  42. Simon – this one is just a functional idiot.

    JD (306f5d)

  43. #38 – How naive. Anyone with street smarts recognized three years ago that Obama was a fraud and just a common, ordinary street hustler, aka, a con artist and a common thief, whose objective was use his power to steal from whitey and to live like royalty – [not] to fulfill the duties and the responsibilities of the President of the United States. He is blowhard, bullsh*t artist and street hustler Al Sharpton, but with a better haircut and without that tub-of-lard’s fat ass.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  44. steal from whitey

    More racist gibberish from Summit.


    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  45. Tifosa is coming close to calling for the firing squad for conservatives.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  46. Spartacvs is one to talk about racism he thinks Allen West is a self-loathhing corporate lackey.


    DohBiden (d54602)

  47. More racist gibberish from Summit.

    Prove it. Your opinion doesn’t mean squat.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  48. Anyone who speaks the truth about the left is a racist lackey for big tobacco.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  49. Ah, the Nutty Spartacvs is still here?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  50. Comment by Summit, NJ — 8/10/2011 @ 10:16 am

    I find that the syndicated columns of Walter Williams, and Thomas Sowell, chronical these events quite well.
    Short story, the unintended consequences of almost everything govt thinks it’s doing to “improve” the life of Americans, are massive assaults on the quality of that life.

    Another example:
    The way that the CPSC destroyed a large segment of the OHV market with regulations imposed by the Waxman-led cmte following the Dem takeover in ’07.

    Comment by DohBiden — 8/10/2011 @ 10:41 am

    He, like many Leftists, need to be careful about what they ask for:
    Conservatives shoot back!

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  51. Hey, tifosa, wanna come back and admit you got the Rassmussen poll information wrong?

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  52. Spurty is getting all tingly because he has a tifosa to play with.

    JD (85b089)

  53. yep i did

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  54. My comments must be accurate and effective, Spartacus, considering that you can’t come up with [any] valid arguments.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  55. Tifosa and Spartacvs are busy trying to get Obama critics banned from an Obama critics website.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  56. Progressives are never wrong, they just mis-interpret data; which must have been faulty in the first place, since they couldn’t understand it.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  57. Nobody should think it’s ok for elections to be bought.

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  58. Exactly regressives will play the slander card and insist you slandered them by taking their words in context.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  59. When you go to war against common sense, no weapon can prevail. You might win a battle, but you’re on the losing side of the war.

    Mike Spurlock (5a5d33)

  60. Nobody should think it’s ok for elections to be bought.

    Saaaay Whaaaattttttttt!

    The cognitive dissounance is strong in this one.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  61. tifosa, odd since the Unions were trying to buy the recalls.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  62. And yes, regressive is a better name for them. They think this is Russia, 1917, while trying to make it Weimar Germany, 1933. When they get both barrels of 2012 between their evil eyes, maybe it’ll be a brief and fatal wake-up call to the survivors.

    Mike Spurlock (5a5d33)

  63. AD @ #51 – What are the CPSC and the OHV?

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  64. Did tifosa really just say that, givrn what the unions tried to do in Wisconsin? Really?!

    JD (306f5d)

  65. In tifosa’s mind Scott Walker is Augusto Pinochet and the unions are the poor innocent leftys so it is ok to buy elections then.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  66. Summit, CPSC is Consumer Product Safety Commission and OHV is Off Highway Vehicle.

    Recent legislation regarding supposedly protecting children from lead exposure actually was so badly drafted that it required items assembled with solder, as an example, with no chance of actual lead exposure to be banned from being marketed to children. Because children might put their dirt bike in the mouth and eat it you know.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  67. Or when tifosa’s personal Jesus’ perpetual campaign vows to raise over a billion bucks, and kill Romney along the way.

    JD (b98cae)

  68. Huge money came in on both sides. $25M total from unions for dems, corporate bucks on the right. $5M by the candidates themselves.

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  69. Hey, at least tifosa owned up to a mistake. That’s something spartacvs has yet to do here.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  70. #67 – Thanks.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  71. News….

    “House Speaker John Boehner said he’s tapped House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, to serve as co-chair of the committee. He’s also appointing House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., to the committee, as well as House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich.
    Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said he’s appointing Sens. Jon Kyl, Ariz., Pat Toomey, Pa., and Rob Portman, Ohio.”

    CPSC is the Consumer Product Safety Commission;
    OHV is shorthand for Off-Highway Vehicles – dirt-bikes, etc.
    This was a big issue for Hugh Hewitt back a couple years ago when the regs forced retailers to send massive amounts of consumer products to Hazardous Waste Dumps.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  72. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas

    Bad faith appointments, go figure? That committee is headed nowhere, fast.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  73. #72 – Now that is good info. Thanks

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  74. Same incompetent legislation meant that thrift stores had to dump all children’s toys and children’s books because they couldn’t prove that they complied and obviously wasn’t economical to test.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  75. Yes, murray and kerry are bad faithed appointments.

    Tifosa is just asserting that evil corps donated anything even close to what we know the unions did. Pure projection.

    JD (2da347)

  76. #73 – LOL, Another tidbit of witless wisdom from this site’s resident sage. Can’t make this stuff up, folks.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  77. Any appointment who has signed a pledge which ties their hands in any way is a bad faith appointment.

    tifosa (6cc4fb)

  78. Was that in English?

    Anyway, I have a suggestion for our trolls. A better candidate who is more in line with their philosophy than BHO:

    Run, Matt, run!

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  79. Abject BS, tifosa. Pure and utter nonsense, even for you. Or, can we make up standards to disqualify leftists?

    JD (6e25b4)

  80. WI update…
    Aggregate: GOP – 53%; DEM – 47%

    $25MM v. $15MM for a 6% loss, and the possibility that next week, two of the Fleebaggers will be recalled, plus one of the Dems that won last night has already been re-districted into a larger GOP majority – and you can bet your last Dollar that the GOP selection she’ll have to face will not be somebody who cheated on their spouse.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  81. Aaaaannnnd Hax runs away again:

    Seriously, Hax. If you want to call anyone racist, go for it. Name names.

    Tick tock.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  82. Name names.

    Racist Dave and Summit

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  83. Dave, Summit:
    Congratulations, you’ve made the cut!

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6b90a)

  84. So ‘Team America’ is not fiction, it’s cinema verite.

    ian cormac (81c5c2)

  85. #83 – You’ve gone from sophomoric to juvenile to infantile in three comments. Care to go for braindead? C’mon, ditzy, go for it. 🙂

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  86. Patterico-I hate obama!

    More racist claptrap from Patterico


    DohBiden (d54602)

  87. !!! Newsflash
    President Barack Obama has been downgraded from Failured to Miserable Failure. Future downgrades are possible in the near future including Total Failure and the Bottom Rating of WTC ( Worse than Carter).

    Dennis D (e0b996)

  88. Hax please define racist and racism. Next, tell us what examples are provided by the words/actions of Dave and Summit, and explain how those examples meet the proper definition, not your opinion on that.

    When you can’t please make your apology in bold caps!

    reff (7206a4)

  89. Ah, Spurty is just sore because I won’t worship his god, and refer to his deity as “The Great Black Dope”.

    Also, I’m always giving him a hard time about being a lowlife welfare leech.

    Lefties are sensitive about that sort of thing.

    Dave Surls (1d0922)

  90. Dennis D. no worse than Carter is currently a best case scenario.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  91. #90 – No explanation necessary. Consider the source.

    I’m flattered that ditzy considers me to be a supremacist.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  92. Since the Nutty Spartacvs linked to Bill Maher, I’ll link to my friend the Vodkapundit on that claim.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  93. Teabagger Plutocrats

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  94. You have to kind of like Pluto, as he is one of Man’s Best Friends, unlike a Daffy Duck!

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (7f4436)

  95. Now spurty is just spamming random links.

    How do my ballz taste, spurty?

    JD (2da347)

  96. Obama is in Wall Street’s pockets and the Nutty Spartacvs whines about plutocrats? Comedy needs a better foundation in reality for real success.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  97. So Spurty–are we to conclude from your comments on this one and other threads that you basically have no fault to find with the current occupant in the white house? Do you think President Obama is exhibiting strong leadership? That he is creatively and inspirationally plowing the way forward to help get the world out of the economic pits? That he is just pretty much doing a bang up super duper spectacularly awesome job? Cuz that’s what it seems like you are saying.

    elissa (7eac3d)

  98. Elissa – spurty’s complaint is that Barcky has not far enough to the left.

    JD (d56362)

  99. I’m saying he would be doing better and so would everyone else, if the American public in all their wisdom, hadn’t shackled him with the current crop of GOP fools in the House & Senate.

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

  100. Elissa, I would like to see him answer for himself, but I suspect that a refreshingly candid answer from him would be that he doesn’t have a clue. 🙂 Seriously.

    Clearly, he doesn’t have any comprehension of the complexities of the issues which he blathers about nonsensically.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  101. Spurty hates dissent.

    JD (92e366)

  102. JD–I am curious about how Spurty genuinely feels about Barry, because through all Spurty’s lies and misdirections and name calling and his attacks on people here, I really can’t recall him actually saying much positive about the president or specifying any areas of his performance that stand out. Interesting dynamic, no?

    elissa (7eac3d)

  103. Elissa – no matter how unhappy they are with Barcky, there is not a chance in heck that any of them would ever vote for the other team. They might sit out, but spurty is a good little foot soldier, a tramp player.

    JD (92e366)

  104. Spartacvs go eff yourself in the butt.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  105. > #100 < See? He just made my point at #101. LOL

    Can't make this stuff up, folks. What a ditz.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  106. Spartacvs — 8/10/2011 @ 3:28 pm

    Democrats controlled all of the House, the Senate and the White House from January 2009 to January 2011. What did they get accomplished? Their sole achievement was to adopt a Rube Goldberg “reform” of health insurance that has paralyzed American business and actually insured virtually nobody.

    Oh, and the added trillions to the national debt and presided over the worst post-recession economic recovery since the Great Depression.

    While controlling all of the political branches of the government.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  107. Interesting dynamic, no?

    Comment by elissa

    Democrats are very frustrated right now. Intellectually honest ones in particular. Obama promised to be quite a number of things, depending on who he was talking to, so fiscal conservatives who voted for him, anti-war people who voted for him, social democrats who voted for him… they all probably feel duped.

    What would be best would be a strong challenger.

    The Democrats and the Republicans need to have enough discipline to offer Americans a clear and distinct choice.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  108. Comment by Spartacvs — 8/10/2011 @ 2:54 pm

    U mad? Of course u mad.

    Another Chris (c983db)

  109. Spartacvs is busy getting out his racist ring to see if your racist.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  110. Yeah, Hax is pretty funny (and why do we keep calling him by that silly new name; the silly old name, Hax Vobiscum, is every funnier, with an added overlay of faux-pretention). I know he will never reply to the question of why he was banned, and why he snuck around like a little child with fake nicknames trying to post. Interesting, but he will avoid it. Probably out of shame.

    Anyway, when he writes:

    “…if the American public in all their wisdom, hadn’t shackled him with the current crop of GOP fools in the House & Senate….”

    So you get it, right? The American public just isn’t as smart as Hax is, and it gripes him. Well, I would remind Hax of what Obama actually said to a Republican: elections have consequences.

    It’s up to Democrats to convince the public. And boy howdy, did they! Remember “the most ethical Congress in history?” The victory walk with the big gavel? Reid’s statement that the war in Iraq was lost?

    Yep. The Presidency, the House, and the Senate all in Democrat hands…and they still mess it up. With this crew, they can’t really call GWB incompetent, given their handling of pretty much everything.

    No wonder Hax is so cranky.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  111. 81.WI update…
    Aggregate: GOP – 53%; DEM – 47%
    $25MM v. $15MM for a 6% loss, and the possibility that next week, two of the Fleebaggers will be recalled, plus one of the Dems that won last night has already been re-districted into a larger GOP majority – and you can bet your last Dollar that the GOP selection she’ll have to face will not be somebody who cheated on their spouse.
    Comment by AD-RtR/OS! — 8/10/2011 @ 11:28 am

    Thanks for that summary of facts. I had also heard that if the Repubs could have run a different candidate than the scandalized fellow they would have won that seat, too.

    Intellectually honest ones [Dems] in particular.
    I think an intellectually honest dem would be more than frustrated, more like an identity crisis.

    MD in Philly (4630a3)

  112. tifosa and Spvrty are sucking on some big Koch today.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  113. Comment by MD in Philly — 8/10/2011 @ 4:17 pm

    I assume Doc, that you’re just dealing with physical ailments, but I’ve got to think, and I ask for your opinion, that the cognitive dissounance that many on the Left carry with them must actually pain them to the point that they are unable to reason?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (7f4436)

  114. Comment by Another Drew-
    I’ve never been able to dissect the “psyche” from the “physical” (nor from the “spiritual”), but I don’t know who has the bigger headache: the person on the Left with cognitive dissonance, or myself, wondering how much do “they” really believe of what they say and how much is willfull deception in furtherance of their aims.

    I mean the idea of blaming the Tea Party for the downrating for example… all the Tea Party wanted was to cut deficit spending and cut the deficit.

    MD in Philly (4630a3)

  115. Thanks, Doc.
    It’s nice to have you around.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (7f4436)

  116. More good news for Progressives:

    Sarah’s bus tour is back, in Iowa, this week!
    (I guess the salmon run is over)

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (7f4436)

  117. WI Senate was 19-14 GOP… and is now 17-16.

    Important to note one GOP Senator voted AGAINST Walker’s anti-union bill.

    You call this a GOP victory?

    Wow, some victory.

    Dr. G (771c3a)

  118. Dr G is a liar and a clown.

    JD (6e25b4)

  119. You call this a GOP victory?

    Wow, some victory.

    Comment by Dr. G —

    Well, the Democrat recall is next week.

    But yes, the GOP maintained control of the Senate after a huge effort to change that and terminate any further reforms. Walker already passed his ‘anti-union’ (pro education) bill.

    I think the GOP has plenty of reason to breath a sign of relief that there is no chance for the democrats to take the State Senate. This is one of a long series of Democrats falling short of their goals in a state they used to own.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  120. Two years of control of House, Senate and the White House and the Democrats couldn’t even pass a budget.

    Spartacvs is the loserist.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  121. And just in case you missed it on the other thread, SPQR, “Dr. G” is our old friend “imdw.”

    Sheesh. What is it with these people?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  122. one thing is certain
    spartacvs is always wrong
    but never in doubt

    ColonelHaiku (d1f5ff)

  123. Dr.G go suck on Obamas union.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  124. Schultz the RINO and former Dem who voted against the Walker bill is reportedly considering switching back to the Democrats.

    Gerald A (9d78e8)

  125. Schultz the RINO and former Dem who voted against the Walker bill is reportedly considering switching back to the Democrats.
    Comment by Gerald A — 8/10/2011 @ 8:59 pm

    Prediction: No announcement until after the two Dem recalls are decided next week.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  126. Gerald A – Is Schultz suddenly getting a new home or something?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  127. Cynthia McKinney, is back in the news again, this time presumably as an emissary for Obama to frighten vacillating, cowardly Democrats into reelecting that street hustler, chronic screw-up and pretentious, decadent dilletante, Obama.

    The despicable revisionist history and other outrageous lies which she has told while she has been on her Iranian-sponsored speaking tour in terrorist-sponsoring, Middle Eastern countries have been a new low, even for that POS, who continues to show that she is a [very] sick freak, imo.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  128. P.S.

    What was kind funny, well, sort of, was that when she was interviewed by a man from al Jazeera, who was familiar with American history and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, he expressed skepticism of her revisionist history, and yet she continued to lie, brazenly embellishing on lies with more lies to get out all of her slimy talking points. She is a real piece of work.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  129. * kind of *

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  130. Hahahahahahaha!!!!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  131. Oh goody, another new series of links. Thanks imdw. Welcome back to spam.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  132. Does Cynthia, have ‘the ‘situational awareness’ to note the ‘complex relationship’, Arabs have had with
    African natives?

    Crassus (81c5c2)

  133. Good lord, he’s got to be getting paid to do this. This series of tracks has led to so many new socks that I hadn’t known were imdw (remember jasonc? how about sameso? Many others, now poof!). People have been making the same arguments to this person over and over again.

    There’s no way this is for fun. Hours upon hours of dishonest trolling.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  134. And he’s really annoyed that none of his follow-up comments are showing up despite his frantic efforts. That’s okay, every time he does get through it gives me tons of new stuff.

    Straight to spam imdw.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  135. Schultz can go kiss Obama’s debt ceiling.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  136. IMaDickWad was annoying, and amusing in his studied stupidity.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (6bc30f)

  137. Cynthia Mckinney has got to shut her mouth before someone shoves those braids down her windpipe.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  138. My wonderment is whether someone can have the beliefs of McKinney without being downright delusional.

    MD in Philly (4630a3)

  139. The real question, Stashiu3, is what kind of job this man has that allows him this much time and effort on something so petty. I’m sorry you have to spend any time on this, but I’m glad you do.

    Now, if we could just get Hax to take a breather….

    Simon Jester (5124f8)

  140. MD in Philly – Any interest in heading up to the riots, er, I meant peaceful demonstrations, in Wisconsin next week?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  141. Stashiu3 – It would be fun to see a comment with the list of names you’ve identified so far so we can see how hard imdw has tried to avoid honest debate.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  142. Sooner or later, numbers win.

    Tell that to Mugabe.

    Amphipolis (b120ce)

  143. Stashiu, it seems he’s always saying whatever Media Matters is trying to saturate the internet with that day.

    They do seem to pick a theme or two, and hit that hard for a while.

    BTW, my answer to his ‘call that a victory?!?’ mocking is that in Wisconsin, the Republicans got more votes than the Democrats on recall day. The Republican majority got smaller, but Republican are the majority party because the voters again chose that party.


    Dustin (b7410e)

  144. daleyrocks,

    I’m not going to give him the satisfaction, or tip him to what’s already been burned. Suffice to say, well over a hundred, probably over 500 or more.

    No way this isn’t a full-time paying job IMO. That’s why he gets so desperate to get his points out I think. Gotta get paid.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  145. Actually, I don’t think he is paid, Stashiu3. I think this kind of nuttiness is a labor of love for the guy.

    I mean, I haven’t seen many “MAKE BIG MONEY TROLLING WEBSITES” ads in the backs of magazines or newspapers. Maybe they are there, sad to say.

    Or there is some equivalent to “clicking” money that some web advertisers get. Teh Crazee, again.

    Regardless, what a sad situation. It’s too bad you cannot share your information with other websites under the radar…but maybe you are! I hope so.

    Simon Jester (5124f8)

  146. “Suffice to say, well over a hundred, probably over 500 or more.”

    Holy Sylvia Plath, Batman!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  147. The stupidity of the ‘you call that a victory’ ? line is that the left wing unions picked the fight _ recall to reverse a political loss _ and failed in the they set for themselves.

    That’s the bottom line. A GOP victory.

    SPQR (c45ef8)

  148. daley-
    You tempt me, but I think other responsibilities will overrule.
    On the other hand, if I counted it as an educational experience for my daughter and combined it with a fishing trip for muskies…

    I would need to work on a new version of “Wisconsin” to sing (again to the tune of Nash’s “Chicago”).

    Maybe there will be an appropriate time in the fall, near a football weekend in Madison, when the fish are fattening up for the winter, and the leaves are changing.

    MD in Philly (4630a3)

  149. Stashiu3…did you bring up this idea of people being paid to troll for reasons other than imdw? Hmmmm.

    Simon Jester (5124f8)

  150. did you bring up this idea of people being paid to troll for reasons other than imdw?
    Comment by Simon Jester — 8/11/2011 @ 9:51 am

    Hundreds of socks, thousands of comments… just to lie, snark, insult, and divert. Countless hours involved. All by one person over many years. What kind of person would do that for free/fun?

    Until recently, I really had no idea how extensive his dishonesty was. I knew it was bad, but never dreamed he was this involved.

    Stashiu3 (601b7d)

  151. Why wouldn’t they pay some lackey to astroturf talking points? They pay lackeys for just about everything else. They pay folks to hold up signs they don’t understand.

    Simon’s right that imdw loves his work. That address in that particular thread proves he is a true believer. I have no opinion on whether he is being paid for trolling. I’m amused by the possibility, since he not doing his cause any good.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  152. imdw Is being teabagged by Helen Thomas.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  153. Stashiu3, I just don’t know. I was wondered if you were gently suggesting that some of the antics last night had that kind of motive. I have my suspicions. But some people obfuscate for love.

    Simon Jester (5124f8)

  154. Cynthia McKinney is Barack Obama’s soul mate.

    ropelight (ffa587)

  155. Anyway, progressives don’t need too many math skills. Counting the days until the welfare checks come out is about all they need to do.

    Dave Surls (ca157a)

  156. #155 – We have a reason to be grateful for Obama. Imagine the nightmare scenario if the moronic and neurotic 52%ers had elected McKinney, instead of Obama. (shudder)

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

  157. #131 – LOL, oh c’mon, daleyrocks, it wasn’t [that] funny.

    Summit, NJ (75c9eb)

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