Weinergate: Five Is Not Two
Follow the timeline, people. From the New York Post:
The girl’s mother, whose name is being withheld, told The Post Wednesday that Weiner sent nothing obscene — and sent only two brief messages to her daughter about seeing him during an April school trip to the Capitol.
The teen, who idolized Weiner, was “disappointed” in him after his confession.
The mom said she pointedly questioned her daughter about whether Weiner sent her anything obscene, and the girl swore it was all G-rated.
So on Wednesday, the media was told there were only two DMs to Ethel from Weiner. It is not clear whether the mom saw those two DMs — but it is clear that she was relying on her daughter’s word that there were only two messages.
Then, Thursday morning, I published Part 2 of my series, noting the “Tights and cape shit” line (the line that the New York Times has managed to transfer into “Tights and cape” with no expletive). And on Thursday evening, I published Part 3.
The next day, the police knocked on the door, and a Fox reporter was there. And then yesterday (Friday) the New York Times publishes this:
Representative Anthony D. Weiner said on Friday that he exchanged at least five private messages on Twitter this spring with a 17-year-old Delaware girl who became an admirer of his after hearing him speak during a high school trip to Washington.
Five, those of you proficient in math will note, is not two.
Interestingly, an unnamed family member talked to the New York Times and acknowledged that there were five messages. And that family member set forth more details regarding the content of those five messages. The first two sound like the two described in the New York Post article:
The girl’s contact with Mr. Weiner started in early April, after her trip to Washington. The congressman spoke to her school group, and she began following him on Twitter, posting a public message saying how much she liked his speech.
Two days later, Mr. Weiner began following her on Twitter. On her profile, she says she aspires to be president. In a private message he sent to her, he said: “How hip am I talking to a future president.”
Delighted that she had heard directly from a congressman, the girl wrote a public post on her Twitter feed: “talking to Rep Weiner from New York right now! is my life real?”
At the time, a group of conservatives was monitoring Mr. Weiner’s Twitter activity, after noticing that he was sending messages to a pornographic star from Tennessee.
When members of the group saw the girl’s post, suggesting she was engaging in a private conversation with Mr. Weiner, they alerted the congressman that they were watching him. “@RepWeiner new pal is a high school girl. First porn actresses now little girls. Weird.”
According to the girl’s family member, people in the group also copied the girl on some of the messages they sent to him, so she sent Mr. Weiner a private message telling him that she felt she was being harassed. He apologized to her in a private message, and removed her from the list of people he followed on Twitter.
So there are two DMs: 1) the initial follow referencing her profile (which also says she loves marching band, showing he knew she was in high school) and 2) the apology and unfollow when Dan Wolfe and his crew mentioned it.
But then, there were three more — after a Congressman who had unfollowed her because of appearances decided to follow her again . . . almost like a guy who can’t help himself:
The girl responded to the appeal and posted a public message to him: “Don’t forget me. I used to follow you.” On May 16, he began following the girl again, and over the next 10 days they had three private message exchanges, the family member said.
One was about baseball. In another, he replied to a question she had about legislation by jokingly asking for her advice, the family member said. His third message to her was in response to a link she posted to a YouTube video of his giving a speech, with the message: “My true love.”
In a blog post on Tumblr, she later shared the contents of that private message from him. In it, Mr. Weiner appeared to liken himself to a superhero.
“I came back strong,” he wrote. “Large. Tights and cape. …”
The New York Times does not say how it supposedly knows the content of these messages.
That description is coming from an unnamed family member. If it’s the mom, then that means the description of the three messages came from the girl, and not from the mom seeing those messages personally. Because we know from the New York Post that up until Wednesday, when I published my blog posts, the mom was told about only 2 direct messages.
What this means is: if the New York Post story is accurate, the information in the New York Times regarding a) how many messages there were and b) what they said is coming from . . . Ethel.
Maybe Ethel really is telling the truth about there having been only five messages. I’m not saying she’s not. But it is important to understand the ultimate source of the pronouncements you are seeing in the New York Times — a publication that we already know has whitewashed several issues in various different ways (such as wording the “Tights and cape shit” line to remove any reference to the profanity).
The source of the description of the messages’ content is not the reporter having seen the messages. It is not the mom having seen the messages. The description most likely comes from Ethel herself.
There is at least one way to know for sure, of course. Twitter saves direct messages. Someone could subpoena them or get a search warrant for them — or get Rep. Weiner’s permission (or Ethel’s permission) to get them from Twitter. That would be more certain than the “investigation” we have seen so far.
I hasten to add: this is not about the girl. It is horrible that the girl is being placed in this position. She is being placed in this position by Rep. Weiner.
Let’s note too that three more exchanges does not necessarily mean only 3 more DMs.
Good stuff, Patterico.
MayBee (081489) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:24 pmDon’t forget the auto-generated pro forma message she must have gotten, too!
MayBee (081489) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:25 pmGreat analysis- appreciate your follow-ups.
Museisluse (665d53) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:28 pmAnd he takes the shot annnd…. nails it. it is only matter of time and patience.
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:32 pmtell me if I’m wrong here but I’m doing this all from memory, but was ethyl the one that said she “had to keep quiet” in reference to him following her again. And its interesting that the “tights & cape” remark was posted on tumblr where he wouldn’t have seen her quote his private DM.
joe (16b2c3) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:38 pmKeep digging, you guys. You’re doing great.
Victoria (7b01cb) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:40 pmGreat stuff Patterico and co.
goatsred (b20383) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:41 pmNice work. A threat to have those messages retrieved from Twitter just might be the straw that gets him to resign.
Jay S. (1c4c21) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:41 pm2 Lol
SarahW (af7312) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:41 pmUnreal~~ you appear obsessive…
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:43 pmObsessed with draining the swamp of corruption, and getting the truth out there in the face of endless and disgusting media bias, such as is on display here.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:44 pmhahahahaha
Someone must have forgotten it, because I’ve still yet to see that one.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:45 pmTifosa – I haven’t seen any questions asked and answered in the mainstream media , checking into surety that all messages that can be retrieved have been, and that every reasonable effort to obtain complete records of any deleted conversations has been made.
It seems like not everybody had their story straight about how many message existed at first so questions are natural.
SarahW (af7312) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:49 pmLet me guess: disenfranchised for years? Never have had a president that was far enough right to shrink government small enough to fit in your pocket? Hate/mistrust all media except Fox? (just asking, not criticizing)
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:53 pmThank goodness! I had actually noticed the two and five discrepancy as well, but I thought it must just be confusion over all the information coming out. Also noticed the Times choice to truncate the “tights” quote to make it sound far more benign – I mean, what adult, in a professional capacity, talks to a kid he barely knows that way (if at all)?
Something still weird about this.
Excellent work, you guys.
designczar (382560) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:54 pmtifosa, gee another troll.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:55 pmHas anyone actually confirmed that Weiner’s account sends an auto-generated welcome message?
designczar (382560) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:55 pm#14 – what are you on about?
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:56 pmI’m sure poor tifosa@14 just wandered in to the wrong thread since his nonsense has no apparent connection whatsoever to the subject at hand.
It’s OK. Off you go.
elissa (95e7be) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:58 pmI don’t know for sure, but I understood that it’s pretty much standard.
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 6:59 pmFor him, maybe it is – I’ve gotten a few of those on our Twitter account when I’ve followed, but not from everyone (and not from every public official). It wouldn’t be unusual – I was just wondering if anyone had tried it.
I suppose I could always follow his account to see, but for some reason, I just can’t bring myself to do it. [SHUDDER]
designczar (382560) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:03 pmYou drop into the thread to call the blogger obsessive, and then you start repeating lame left wing stereotypes.
In other words, you want very badly to live in a bubble, free from opinions you don’t like. That’s why you know so little, assume so much, and are motivated entirely by an argument of: shut up.
Take your own medicine and shut up.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:08 pmStrange, stray cat blues, its no hanging matter, we all move on ,time to grow up
Kevin (996c34) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:08 pmAre you people kidding? hahahahahahaha! Good grief! Maybe get on something that matters?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:09 pmGreat work Patterico.
The guy is a stalker. No doubt about it.
He filters his “followers” on Twitter and knows where his “power” can be exploited with fawning females. He starts somewhat innocently, “thrilling” females that he actually cares abut them and then moves them along until he can achieve some sort of “domination.” Near the end they get the “bulge” picture and at the end(??) they get the XXX picture.
A sicko of grand proportions. A serial _____ (you fill in the blank). Seriously – think about it, this is the way serial rapists and killers operate (no, I don’t think that was where he was going)….just sayin’……
BadgerBoy56 (04e755) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:10 pmIf Palin’s emails were released because of requests by citizens and news organizations (including the Associated Press) in 2008 to vet a nominee, then why couldn’t the same be done with regard to an elected member of Congress who has possibly behaved in a salacious way toward a minor?
It wouldn’t seem a stretch, in fact it would seem the most reasonable thing to do.
And, if the messages are indeed innocuous, Weiner and his defenders would be first in line
requestingdemanding their release.Nothing removes the stink and stain of rumor like the truth. See: Palin.
Dana (4eca6e) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:11 pmDana,
It might be due to that fine line between protecting a minor’s privacy or having enough concrete proof which will justify actions to protect a minor from a sexual predator.
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:17 pmlawyers aren’t great at math as a group, but still…
nicely done.
Aaron Worthing (73a7ea) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:19 pmwhy did weiner feel it necessary to take his dirty laundry to the cleaners today? he had all of 3-5 shirts in his arms. if he didn’t need all the attention i’m sure he could have worn his other 30 pairs of shirts he has. i mean on a $174K salary he certainly has more than 5 shirts.
the slob (183af7) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:21 pmI think this post is a warning shot. The Weener has disregarded all the rest of them. No reason to change now.
f1guyus (2a84e9) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:23 pmRep Weiner used the #WeinerYes tweet hash tag to narrow the individuals that he wants to follow. Here is his tweet from May 15 on the topic.
Anthony Weiner
Thanks for all the #WeinerYes tweets. Now I’m #WeinerSwamped. I’m gonna do some #WeinerFollowingYou adds today.
15 May via web
Joe Smith (54c0c1) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:35 pmNo one wants to see a teenager damaged in this mess. But Weiner is holding Ethel’s reputation and life in front of him like a body shield. Interesting that none of the media and Democratic party operatives were concerned for Bristol Palin’s privacy. I’ve ceased to expect either consistency or rationality guiding their actions. The decisions made by Ethel and her unobservant parents are decided by their lawyer who is both a DNC and DC insider. Wonder who is paying his fees? The Democratic Party? Weiner? The Clintons? He has to be expensive and this family does not appear wealthy. For that matter, what party runs her city, and does this have an impact on the police department? I am entirely too cynical at times.
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:40 pms there really a need for you to keep posting about the high school girl at this point? it seems you had your suspicions about whatever emails there were, the police said they found nothing, and yet you continue to write about her. You say it is unfortunate she is in this position, but you won’t stop posting about her. Concede you were wrong about this one and move on to something else.
Who's.yhe stalker (66f8aa) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:41 pmWho’s. really? When did the police say that they found nothing?
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:44 pmIt’s always revealing when more lefty trolls appear. Your posts are having an effect and they’re desperate to stop you.
Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (38cd39) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:53 pmWho’s.yhe stalker: The police can bluff sometimes.
Let’s hope that someone is working to subpoena the Tweets between Weiner and the girl, and any of the other underaged girls I strongly suspect are out there.
Victoria (7b01cb) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:55 pmExactly, Brother Bradley.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/11/2011 @ 7:56 pmHave you ever noticed that liberals start out with a “fact” that is not yet established and then go on to use that “fact” to base their entire post:
“the police said they found nothing”
“the climate temperature is rising and human’s are the primary cause”
“eight years of failed policies have put us in this position”
“Obama’s stimulus prevented this economy from a great depression”
Yeah, we know that the these statements are merely opinions based on the facts, but THEY don’t get that! Once a significant member of the “reality based” society has deemed their opinion as fact (in a very strange QED path). It IS a FACT, never to be questioned again
JFH (6579fb) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:02 pmYou’re desperate to cover this up. Bradley is right.
And just consider for a moment what you’re trying to silence. Is partisanship really that important to you? Weiner should be completely investigated, which is impossible until Twitter has been subpoenad.
Your insistence you’ve shown Patterico was wrong is embarrassingly conclusory at this point. All we really know is that the messages were deleted, Weiner has told some of his ladyfriends to lie to protect him, and the general nasty tenor of his private discussions with very young women and too-young-to-be-women.
It’s clear the girl in this case is troubled, but your attempt to portray yourself as her defender is disgusting. Weiner was a predator, and she was prey.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:10 pmAre you G.C.?
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:12 pm@JFH
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:21 pmYes, they play to the old tune “A lie told often enough becomes the truth” and they are masters at it. Everyone complains that the media recite party lines but can’t explain the reasoning behind them. I am resigned that their goal is to win, not to do the right thing or seek to find the truth. Last week they were parroting the line that “Weiner was hacked”. You aren’t expecting anyone to play fair?
Difficult though it may be for you to believe, repeating lefty talking points I was tired of by last week, most of us can hold more than one thought at a time.
You might try it some time. It’s curiously refreshing.
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:28 pmSad, but true.
Some more than others.
It’s pretty hilarious how someone will come to a discussion topic they claim not to care about, and then follow it for a few hours demanding people not talk about it.
I can just hear those little macbookpro keys clacking ‘hahahahahahaha’ a few too many ‘ha’s for someone who isn’t desperately interested in this story, but unable to come up with a defense anymore. He wasn’t hacked. It wasn’t flirting. It’s not between him and his wife. He crossed the line.
And so what? I mean the GOP has a few of these once in a while, too. The most interesting ‘so what’ at this point is how he was defended and coddled by the MSM, and even is now to a limited extent.
Journalism isn’t something you’ll find in a journalism department, or many major news outlets anymore.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:30 pmThat same troll was pushing the same BS in another thread, under a different name. Sock puppetry is frowned upon, no?
JD (306f5d) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:36 pmtifosa seems to be driving by.
Gee, thanks for stopping in!
Icy Texan (d71a2d) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:37 pmComment by Who’s.yhe stalker
This is a sock puppet troll who commented under Half Term Governor.
JD (318f81) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:49 pmSeriously, where you Blues Clues-type when we were going into Iraq?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:50 pmIraq? What about Libya?
Oh wait.
You’re desperate to change the subject from the fact Weiner lied and along with help from many liar allies, attempted a vicious defense claiming people hacked into his accounts to send perverted messages.
Were you ‘blues clues’ type when Obama swore the war in Iraq was lost and a surge would fail?
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:54 pmYou are an imbecile, “tifosa”. You tired BUSH BUNNIES never get any less dishonest.
JD (318f81) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:55 pmEthel had many online profiles other than just Twitter. Facebook, MySpace, Tumblr, and more…amongst those, several were also under a few different alias handles. Appears all but her Twitter profile were deleted around the same time many of the other women deleted or made private theirs. Let’s remember, much of Weiner’s chat correspondence also occurred over Facebook.
I don’t believe I’ve seen any mention that the police, the media, or Ethel’s parents have investigated any of these other profiles or why Ethel deleted them. Those other profiles could possibly be evidence – if not of Ethel’s communications, perhaps of others’. I asked the NY Times reporter if she’d spoken with Ethel’s parents about their daughter’s Facebook or other profiles – the reporter had not. Some of the profiles are still accessible through cache searching (if you’re so inclined), but I wonder just how much is really missing in total from this investigation. It’s larger than Twitter, yet Twitter is all we seem to hear and see in the news about Ethel’s case in particular.
Liberty_Chick (230f2f) — 6/11/2011 @ 8:58 pmOh, sweet Jebus!
Where were you, dear soul, when Obama was sending ort people (sans congressional approval; sans explanation to the UN (never mind the American people!); sans any sensible argument at all!) into Lybia? Where we still are, in violation of the War Powers Act (pace anyone who thinks it’s unconstitutional – I don’t know, and it’s the current law, unchallenged in the Supreme Court)? Including, contrary to the words of the administration, boots on the ground?
Oh, please, spare me your idiot leftist talking points, because I am beyond weary of them.
Do you approve of Weiner – a 46 year old man, married, and serving in congress – privately contacting a girl he knew to be in high school or not? If so, you’re off your head. If not, what are you on about?
Let’s not forget that he lied, lied, and lied again every step of the way.
Do you approve of that? Do you think it’s irrelevant? If so, please explain to me how you conduct your personal affairs, lacking a sword or gun?
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:01 pmDianna @ 51,
Bravi, bravi, bravisimo!
Rodney G. Graves (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:06 pmFor the life of me I cannot figure out why leftist trolls are still trying to protect lil Anthony. Even those who believed he is the Prince of Progs and loved his image as a nasty ball busting scrapper on TV must realize that his powers have been neutralized–and by his ownself no less. He’s not going to be a national spokesman that anyone listens to with respect or interest from here on out, guys. You need to invest in a new model. Your guy Weiner’s been in an accident and he’s been totaled.
elissa (95e7be) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:06 pm[name corrected for accidental sockpuppetry]
That’s a great point, Liberty Chick. Unfortunately, the twitter narrative has really sunk in. Hopefully whoever is investigating this is experienced with online predators like Weiner, and knows to look for more than just Twitter. I imagine the SMS of the phone and the internet cache are important.
I sincerely doubt someone who spoke in public as ‘Ethel’ did was careful about covering tracks.
Honestly, I don’t think we have to worry too much about a government coverup. Police officers are not going to help Weiner out of this, and they probably are going to investigate this very carefully… which doesn’t include keeping the New York Times apprised of everything that is going on, or correcting memes that there’s nothing to see here. People who deal with this kind of matter are 100% committed to protecting kids from scumbags. They would redouble their efforts if someone tried to shut them down, IMO.
So we just need to let the law grind away at this.
Those laughing and insisting this is nothing where doing the same at every other stage, from the time that journalism student started insisting she didn’t receive any picture / received it as a meta-joke with no joke context.
But even though Weiner’s shills were wrong every step of the way so far doesn’t mean eventually, we will stop learning worse and worse.
In fact, I very much hope Weiner and Ethel’s conversations were utterly free of sex. I’ll be shocked, but delighted.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:09 pmI told you about that link in the Chron. Some real whackadoodles over there.
f1guyus (2a84e9) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:11 pmHey tifosa, feel free to comment on the actual subject of this thread.
Just think, it will be a daring new change of pace for you!
Icy Texan (d71a2d) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:21 pmAgreed on the Libya stuff. Kucinich got that right. Sounds like YOU are stalking the teen girl…just sayin…
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:26 pmHere’s the problem with the troll and the problem we are facing as people.
The left, and its apologist, are exercising an inordinate amount of time trying to deflect blame on one of their own.
Their first knee-jerk reaction is to claim the high ground of adulthood. The second is to indict the actions of others. Their third is that since Weiner has always voted along the left’s pristine platform, he deserves forgiveness.
Yet, the logic of the arguments settle to one conclusion: amoral or immoral behavior is forgiven when its pervayers benefit the left.
For the right, not so much.
Regardless of the end-game of the whole Weinergate scandal, the best defense may not be that the perpetrator never had morals to begin with.
But, that seems to be the way they are going. Good luck with that.
Ag80 (1bc637) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:27 pm______________________________________
Oh, please, spare me your idiot leftist talking points, because I am beyond weary of them.
If tifosa at least isn’t as old as Anthony Weiner is (in his 40s), or, better yet, is no older than the grade-school-aged kids he was text messaging, or isn’t much past his or her college years, that’s somewhat tolerable. Naivete and foolishness are a bit excusable if a person hasn’t lived long enough to observe years of reality and human nature. But when people have reached the age when they’re supposedly true adults — presumably by the time they’ve entered their 30s — and they’re still clinging to leftist biases, that is a sign of stunted maturity. A sign of an inherent lack of common sense.
Weiner’s behavior and the reaction to his scrounginess from a variety of liberals — eg, his constituents in NYC, who undoubtedly believe leftist instincts make a person so humane, generous and sophisticated (Hi, Barbara Walters!) — is a paradigm of the immaturity (and recklessness) of teenagers and the brattiness (and stupidity) of kids. It’s the essence of liberalism in the 21st century.
Mark (411533) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:27 pmThat is not a substantive response.
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:30 pmAgreed on the Libya stuff. Kucinich got that right. Sounds like YOU are stalking the teen girl…just sayin…
Comment by tifosa — 6/11/2011 @ 9:26 pm
This is standard leftist claptrap. Pointing out their bad behavior makes yu worse than the person doin the bad behaving.
JD (318f81) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:33 pmIt IS funny to see your condescension…Do you all just hang here waiting for the next article to post? Weiner-obsess the evening away 😉
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:35 pmWeiner is a US Congressman, not a teenaged girl. It’s not our fault that his sexual nastiness has touched the lives of his twitter followers, and in one case (or more, I guess) implicated a very serious concern for a teenaged girl.
But no, I am not stalking this girl. I don’t want her name exposed, and I don’t want to know more about her. It’s Weiner I am concerned about.
And to be sure, I was initially critical of the bloggers here for being suspicious about that story. They changed my mind with compelling evidence, but I was critical. Before then, I was also annoyed this story was persisting, but that kind of behavior is serious corruption in my view.
Some are still convinced this is all a conspiracy to protect the GOP, or Clarence Thomas, or in your case, somehow related to Iraq. It’s not. This isn’t that different from Rep Foley.
I have refused to support corruption when I find it in my political allies, for the long term sake of my country, and I think you should do the same.
Weiner did follow this kid, and it’s not a bad thing people are wanting to discuss that critically.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:36 pmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:37 pmYes, JD – but my main objection is a complete inability to respond to anything I said.
tifosa is both a fool and a liar by omission. Did I mention that – since I have studiously avoided knowing anything about the young woman involved except that she has exchanged private messages with a man old enough to be her father, upon whom I lay the blame for the wildly inappropriate behavior – that I resent beyond the possibility of polite discussion being accused of “stalking” anybody?
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:37 pmDustin, Weiner “followed” her?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:39 pmZING!
What happens to the brats when we run out of money? Sadly, this is a fundamental instability. Our great nation is educated in an unserious way, out of money, and in great need of things that cost a lot of money. And we’re extremely powerful. This could end badly.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:39 pmTo be sure, my claim she did is hearsay.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:39 pm*he
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:40 pmActually, didn’t they already admit they sent eachother direct messages, tifosa?
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:41 pmThey are also very invested in making those that do not think like them out to be crazy obsessed nut jobs.
JD (318f81) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:42 pmSerial dishonesty is just about all that tifosa brings to the table.
JD (318f81) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:43 pmI read what’s known so far, it doesn’t look nefarious…This appears to be a HUGE deal being made. Also, communication in here is AWKWARD!
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:44 pmBelieve it or not, but lefty commenters who want a serious discussion are practically treasured here.
Just don’t jump in calling us stalkers and telling us to shut up with ‘hahahahaha!’ level argumentation.
Seriously, don’t complain about the quality of comments here unless you offer something better than that.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:47 pmNothing nefarious? What a disingenuous weiner you are. I hope you are not raising daughters.
JD (318f81) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:47 pmReally?
You honestly think it’s appropriate for a 46 year old married man to follow back a girl he knew to be in high school? And to send her – by his own admission – at least 5 private messages?
“Awkward” does not cover that situation. “Criminal” many to apply (and we should all be deeply thankful if it doesn’t), but at the very least it’s incredibly bad judgment. Further, the public material is inappropriate.
if you think that’s just fine, you need to learn to think.
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:53 pmWeiner is a congressman. He serves the people. He is paid by the people. Questioning his behavior serves the people.
He is akin to a city councilperson except he lives in Washington and gets to marry above his grade.
He is no better nor worse than you or me. If I do something wrong, I pay the consequences. He doesn’t get to skate because Barbara Walters thinks he’s a friend. Or because he votes the right way.
Also, he has been in Congress for awhile. Where is that big Weiner bill to make our lives better?
Ag80 (1bc637) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:54 pmNot raising daughters, AM a daughter. hehe. I said “shut up?” I think not.
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:54 pmHere’s my take on Weiner, from the left side: the behavior is indefensible, disgusting, immoral. So far not illegal.
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:56 pmOn the scale, Gingrich did WORSE and he’s a candidate for presidency on the right!!
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 9:59 pmNobody likes Gingrich on the right, moron.
Patterico (1fa238) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:00 pmimo whether he stays or goes is the choice of HIS ELECTORATE!
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:00 pmmoron? really? classeh…:)
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:02 pmWhat the crap does ‘legal’ have to to with it?
If that’s all you have, maybe you stumbled onto the wrong blog hosted by a lawyer.
Yet, they are the smart set.
Ag80 (1bc637) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:06 pmIs name-calling a pre-requisite to post in here?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:09 pmSo you think he should be ousted from the House, regardless of what the voters want?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:10 pmYou start it, you get to take it. Deal.
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:10 pmThe House has a right to expel a member for behavior it finds repugnant.
I hope the House does so.
If so, and his district decides to re-elect him? That means the electorate has (for whatever reason) chosen to overlook his transgressions. If you’re in his district, you can be part of that happy moment (should you wish to be).
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:14 pmI called a name? “Unreal~~ you appear obsessive…”???
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:14 pmOk Guess time will tell. You all hoping to be part of that?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:15 pmEXPELLED!!??
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:17 pmCensured, maybe…
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:18 pmGAWD! Rangel wasn’t expelled. ENSIGN wasn’t expelled! He didn’t just SHOW his!!! Coburn should be investigated too, no?
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:19 pmWhere’s the obsession with investigating Coburn?? Who likely DID break congressional laws!!??
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:21 pmThis is CLEARLY ideologically driven, not a sincere desire to “clean house.”
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:22 pmDear little lefty, go to bed.
No one cares about what you’re spewing, we’re not distracted, and we (frankly) have seen each and every single one of your “points” so often that we can actually recite our refutations in our sleep.
Rather than wear out our fingers trying to bring some light into your world, I am going to go walk my dogs and go to bed.
Take care of yourself, and actually apply some principle and reason to any point you have raised. Don’t forget to use facts in the public record. You’ll find it all a dreadful shock to your system, but if you persevere, drink plenty of fluids and keep up your vitamins, you will arrive at the clear light of conclusion.
Good night.
Dianna (f12db5) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:26 pmhahahaha! GOOD RESPONSES!No answers… go figure…
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:29 pmCondescension, criticism, then nada… Good onya Dianna 🙂
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:31 pmLet me guess, this is all wrapped up in breitbartism..??
tifosa (ef14ae) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:32 pm____________________________________________
What happens to the brats when we run out of money? Sadly, this is a fundamental instability.
I see what’s going on in societies like Greece and Spain, and I also observe the peculiar clash between the effete leftism (which includes political correctness run amok) of modern Western society and the primitive fundamentalism of Islamo-fascistic society, and I cringe. I witness what’s going on in Mexico — which may be a window into our future (because more of what’s there is becoming more of what’s here) — and I shudder.
I was talking with some people at dinner several weeks ago and I noted that the history of America as the eminent world leader — as THE superpower — is a relatively recent phenomenon. That it was only as recently as the first half of the 20th century that we were sharing the world stage with the British empire. IOW, just as England was a case of easy comes, easy goes, the same also may apply to the US.
Mark (411533) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:35 pmtifosa: Hey, if Weiner is your guy, go for it.
If you can’t stand someone calling you a putz for it, I hope that makes you happy. To each its own.
Ag80 (1bc637) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:42 pmWhat does this even mean? And what’s with the half ellipsis?
Breitbart tends to bring a lot of interesting stories out that dismantle some aspect of the left. And some react to this by finding some way to show he’s lying. Almost always, it’s unbelievably unfair.
With the Cordova penis shot, it was that Breitbart was hacking and pranking somehow. With the NAACP audience reaction to Sherrod admitting to treating blacks and whites differently, it was that Obama fired her, or that Sherrod later complimented her growth from racism at the young age of 37. With ACORN helping people break the law, it was that … O’keefe didn’t wear a halloween outfit during his sting operation.
It’s taken as faith that this destroys Breitbart’s credibility because it has to be taken on faith. If people actually analyzed what Breitbart is saying, the NAACP is no longer and authority on racism, but rather is blind to racism. ACORN is no longer helping inner cities, but rather is polluting them with aid to criminals. Weiner is not a voice for justice and morality as he claimed, but rather a corrupt pervert.
This is a huge threat to democrats who are primarily focused on political power rather than real liberalism. Breitbart is your friend, though. Pay attention to him more closely, instead of what you heard about him from his enemies.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:44 pmtifosa – Ensign was a member of the Senate (a separate body from the House – but I wouldn’t expect a moronic leftist to understand that), he resigned his seat due to a scandal; some thing Weiner-boy has not done yet.
Ensign’s scandal (by definition) was with a consenting adult. Something which is not true with Weiner in at least two cases; one (possibly twice or three times) with a minor, and once with a non-consenting adult who was sent pornographic images she did not request or desire. (Not to mention an image sent publicly to a 21 year old woman in a manner to bring shame an approbation on her due to his own incompetence.)
Have Blue (dbbcd4) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:44 pmWhy would you say that? This is a blog that has harshly criticized prominent conservative bloggers. The posts here have criticized Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh.
I don’t think Patterico would drop this if Weiner were a republican. Use the damn search feature if you don’t realize what this site is about.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:46 pmtifosa is gone as the wind. It just wanted to drop by until someother shiny object caught it’s attention.
Ag80 (1bc637) — 6/11/2011 @ 10:54 pmWishful thinking maybe Ag80? 😉
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 6:50 amDustin, then where is Patterico on Clarence Thomas A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, is he investigating Coburn’s role in the Ensign debacle? Fine if he stays on Weiner, but ONLY ON WEINER!!??
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 6:54 amInteresting info.
Too bad that so far the only sources about the messages’ content are people who, of course, have an interest in the scandal going away. Not 100% sure of the family’s politics (apart from the girl), but it looks like their lawyer is in bed with the DNC and also has a vested interest in minimizing what Weiner did. Wouldn’t surprise me if they are also dems.
“There is at least one way to know for sure, of course. Twitter saves direct messages. Someone could subpoena them … That would be more certain than the “investigation” we have seen so far.”
So it’s known for a fact that the police haven’t done this yet? I’m surprised they wouldn’t be more thorough.
Nine-of-Diamonds (fb0f2c) — 6/12/2011 @ 7:10 amWhy with hold the girl’s name? She “followed” Weiner. There was no wrong doing, although in New York 17 is legal. Of course, the girl is old enough to join the Marine Corps and become a trained, highly efficient, killing machine.
Did the parents and community who so cared about the girl’s well-being prohibit her from “following” or befriending a grown man online?
ralph (eaba8d) — 6/12/2011 @ 7:19 amThe media is camped outside her house. Her name is known. I agree, parents should be VERY PLUGGED IN with what youth in their home are doing in social media, on cellphones, etc.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 8:59 amtifosa, your attempts to distract attention from Weiner are simply comical.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 9:00 am@SPQR: Did you expect any better?
Stage 1: He didn’t do it.
Stage 2: You can’t prove he did it.
Stage 3: Blah blah Iraq blah blah Palin.
Stage 4: Republicans were doing it too, and because we have no standards re: sexual behavior at least we’re not hypocrites. So you have no right to judge.
Stage 5: He didn’t do anything wrong; he needs “help” & therapy. He is the real victim here (note that our entire political ethos is basically competing victimhood narratives). Because he is a victim, he is virtuous, and you are not.
Stage 6: You’re “creepy” and “obsessed” for wanting to find out the truth. This isn’t in Teh Chil-dren’s best interests. Time to move on.
Nine-of-Diamonds (fb0f2c) — 6/12/2011 @ 11:46 amWhat Weiner did was vile, inexcusable, disgusting, and demeaning to the office of a Senator, much less a man. There have been calls for him to resign, and maybe he will. I personally think that he should do what the majority of his electorate want him to do.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:25 pmMY POINT was to point out the HYPOCRISY by those on the right who not only DID NOT call for resignatinations by Vitter (who BROKE THE LAW when he hired prostitutes) or Ensign (who BROKE THE LAW and broke Senate Ethics Law by BRIBING hubby of his staffers wife he was cheating with) but only issued statements that they “offered prayers” to their families. Please…
Why would you pretend you don’t know he’s a Representative rather than a Senator?
Because the hack poll pretends they want him to stay?
No, that wasn’t your point. You bashed Bush, not Vitter. And you didn’t point out any hypocrisy. YOU MADE THAT UP and asserted it was true with absolutely no evidence.
Your point is 100% to change the subject.
And your Vitter comparison is actually wrong. Vitter’s name appeared in a whore’s book many years past the statute of limitations, after he admitted what he did and begged forgiveness. Vitter is a moral titan compared to Weiner, who according to Gennette Cordova, sent a pick of his penis to strangers like a pervert, which is also a crime (see Alvin Greene’s rap sheet).
Sure, I think corrupt congressmen on both sides should resign, but the democrats have taken FOREVER to come around to asking Weiner to resign, and you don’t even think he should. Why not? You know Weiner concocted accusations of hacking, and lied, and even bullied the press, at one point having the police called on a reporter for asking a question.
You say he shouldn’t resign, but are harping on and on and on about Vitter WHO WAS REELEECTED. In every possible way, you contradict your own principles.
And the reason is that you are trying to be douchey in order to conceal who you are. I realize this will sound paranoid to a few of the other people here.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:33 pmBTW, the people here did want Ensign to resign, so you’re just lying to claim you’ve proven hypcrisy on that point. I don’t recall what they said about Vitter, but we found out he slept with a whore many years past the time it’s legal to prosecute him. And after he had begged forgiveness of his family. So he’s a reformed and moral man, rather superior to Weiner, who perpetrated a fraud on the American people and cannot be trusted with power.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:35 pmCantor on Wallace re Ensign and Sanford: “Well, listen—I mean, again many the instance of the people of South Carolina and Nevada, I mean, it‘s up to them. I mean, those are the elected individuals by those states.”
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:42 pm“the people here”????
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:42 pmhahahaha “douchey???”” hahahaha!
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:43 pmDamn, you dug and dug and dug, and cherry picked the absolute pinnacle of Republicans backing him up, and it amounts to… exactly your own claim about Weiner.
So, you’re bashing hypocrisy now? It sounds like you should be bashing yourself. You are a metahypocrite at this point.
But you don’t actually mean what you’re saying. You simply want to change the subject via trolls.
You knew Weiner wasn’t a Senator, and called him one because you are worried your tone is too easy to recognize if you don’t cram your comments with junk.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:50 pmhttp://www.politicalruminations.com/2011/06/republican-hypocrisy.html
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:50 pmno, I forgot. He’s a Rep. of course.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:52 pmIn what paranoid state do you exist Dustin? 😉
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:53 pmWhat do you think should happen to Weiner?
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 12:54 pmI am not in Seattle WA.
I think he should have his day in court, and his fate should be decided by a jury. I think his abused government property and staff to perpetrate a fraud of his hacking, and this is a damn serious thing to do. I know his girlfriends want to say this is just about the sexual tweet petty crap, but that’s because they think this is all about them and how powerful they were to have any influence over Weiner (when really, they were completely replaceable).
I don’t care about the nasty pervy tweets, unless he talked about masturbation with a 17 year old, or sent obscene materials unsolicited as Gennette Cordova has said. If he’s committed those crimes, he is not above the law.
I’m happy to hear the police are investigating. I doubt they have finished as some have claimed, and I think I can trust the process at this point. Perhaps that makes me a little naive. I actually was defending Weiner at the onset of this crap, so obviously I am somewhat blind to corruption.
Just as I was delighted with the corruption fighting that sent some Republicans to prison in Alaska, I am interested in criminals having their day in court. I do not care if they are Republicans like me, or democrats. To some extent, I am actually harsher for penalties against Republicans, who are generally more reform oriented and thus should be more honorable than members of the KKK anti MLK party of voter fraud and sleaze.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:04 pmThe hypocrisy is the R’s calling for him to resign!
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:05 pmWhat law did he break? Did someone press charges?
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:06 pmNo, I already explained this and you’re just ignoring my argument.
I’m fine with this being investigated and him having a jury decide what laws he broke. Are you illiterate?
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:08 pmno, just “douchey” 😀
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:10 pmAnd the only hypocrite in this thread is the person who whines about not enough people here calling for Ensign to resign (When we did) and cherry picks a quote calling for the voters to decide his fate, and then says that Weiner is a disgrace and awful, but … gee, let’s let the voters decide.
Could you be any more twisted up? It’s clear your argument is a shallow lie that you’re not bothering to keep straight because the point is not to persaude anyone here, but rather to play public relations concealed.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:10 pmIf this is a hint to respect your anonymity, I can abide.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:11 pm“who whines about not enough people here calling for Ensign to resign (When we did)”
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:16 pmDustin, it’s EXACTLY my second day here. I have no idea what (the collective) “you” have called for, said any day before yesterday. And is it possible to “whine” in here? You disagree so you vilify, it appears.
Yeah, tifosa, remember when I asked you to use the search function, explained you were wrong, and then you got more and more irritating in your wrong assumptions?
That’s not my fault.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 1:55 pmtifosa, so you have no idea who did or did not ask Vitter, Ensign or whoever to resign.
But you know we are all hypocrites.
Stupidity and dishonesty like yours should hurt more, tifosa.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:01 pmLike I said, the “ZOMG hypocrisy” argument is all but assured in these situations. Case in point: every comment by the liars on this thread.
It’s nothing but a moral race to the bottom, where the people with the worst behavior get a veto power over everyone else, as long as they “don’t judge”. Unlike those horrible “Christian Taliban” Republicans.
“I think his abused government property and staff to perpetrate a fraud of his hacking, and this is a damn serious thing to do.”
Also pay attention to how Weiner’s fanclub initially wanted innocent people to take the fall for this. Do you think for a moment the trolls here would have had a problem with PatriotUSA76 going to jail? Of course not. Were it not for certain bloggers’ work there’s definitely a chance Dan Wolfe would at least have been brought in for questioning. Of course, these slimy apologists could care less who they might have hurt with their rush to justify.
“they think this is all about them”
Exactly. Who cares if an innocent man with small children gets stepped on? They had a narrative (and a scummy politician) to save.
I hope Mr. Wolfe has been keeping track of which apologists accused him of hacking. Unlike Breitbart he is not a public figure. This means it’s much easier for him to make a prima facie case for libel against multiple defendants.
Nine-of-Diamonds (fb0f2c) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:05 pmNobody asked them to resign, that’s the point. (sigh) “Dishonesty” about??? (of course everything you disagree with is “stupid :P)
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:06 pmbtw, I didn’t call YOU hypocrites, “HYPOCRISY by those on the right who not only DID NOT call for resignatinations by Vitter (who BROKE THE LAW when he hired prostitutes) or Ensign” I’m talking on the NATIONAL stage.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:11 pm“Stupidity and dishonesty like yours should hurt more, tifosa.”
Of course it doesn’t hurt. When a slimeball with the sacred (D) next to his name gets in a fix, just screech “HYPOCRISY” (do they even know what the word means?) and use lots of tu quoques.
Having shame is a “Backwards Cultural Conservative”/Republican thing. Get with the program.
Nine-of-Diamonds (fb0f2c) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:19 pmtifosa, oooooooo, the all caps really tells us that you are SINCERE.
And your claim that “nobody” asked them to resign is false. Why is it that Democrats must resort to dishonesty to make all their arguments? Could it be that they don’t have any?
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:33 pmmaybe lots of practice? (Schwarzenegger, Vitter, Ensign, Foley, Craig, Sanford…)
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:35 pmWho asked them to resign?
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:36 pmas a Dem, I HOPE he resigns. But does it rise to expulsion? no
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:38 pm“Why is it that Democrats must resort to dishonesty to make all their arguments?”
Why did the scorpion sting the frog? Lying is just second-nature for them.
Nine-of-Diamonds (fb0f2c) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:41 pmYou are very inconsistent. It’s as though you aren’t telling the truth about yourself or your opinions.
I think a vile and inexcusable disgusting Congressman is a national disgrace, and not fit for office. You say you cannot excuse him, but then bash anyone who doesn’t excuse him.
The GOP House should expel him first thing Monday morning. Just have a quick vote to nip this guy in the bud. NYC can have a new rep, and law enforcement can deal with Weiner and Cordova.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:44 pmHis constituents firing him/him resigning. Those are the viable options imo
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:50 pmIt’s a National disgrace that Americans go overseas and bash the president, it’s a National disgrace that for two years, and beyond, people clammer for a birth certificate, it’s a National disgrace that the Repubs give aid and comfort to Gaddaffi. Guess we’re used to it.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:53 pmFired by constituents/resigning.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:54 pmtifosa, you continue to fabricate. Republicans are not giving aid and comfort to Gaddaffi. (Note that Democrats are questioning Obama’s intervention in Libya).
Democrats went overseas to bash George W. Bush. And it was Hillary Clinton supporters who first raised the birth certificate issue.
You really a quite incompetent troll.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 2:56 pm“I want to express my sincere gratitude for your thoughtful discussion of the issues,” he allegedly wrote. “We are confident that history will see the wisdom of your country in debating these issues. We are counting on the United States Congress to its continued investigation of military activities of NATO and its allies to confirm what we believe is a clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1973.” In the letter Gaddafi sent to Congress (ala Boehner)
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:07 pmIt is pretty hilarious to see the desperation of the Weiner defenders to try to derail discussions of Weiner with trolling that is so badly done.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:10 pmHe wrote to thank the R’s. sweet. 😉
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:11 pmYou guys are worried about Weiner because of the DOWNING STREET MEMOS and CLARENCE KOCH THOMAS.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:11 pmresign, dumped by voters.
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:11 pm“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the party’s top campaign chiefs — Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) — called on Weiner to resign in statements released within minutes of each other.”
Wow, look at all those right wingers trying to get Weiner out of Congress…
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:12 pmWhat does THAT have to do with anything Dustin?
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:13 pmtifosa, Dustin was ridiculing your trolling and you are too clueless and uninformed to get it.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:14 pmI referred to those dem calls to resign in #113
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:16 pmyou clearly didn’t get it SPQR, I knew what he did… 😉
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:17 pmin essence, he trolled 😛
tifosa (8862b2) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:19 pmNo, tifosa. Ridiculing a troll is not trolling.
Pathetic try actually.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:20 pmThis one is just dum. And incompetent. BDS is the fallback position for them, after HYPOCRISY!!!!!
JD (29e1cd) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:30 pmIndeed, JD, the sheer ignorance of the very issues she/he/it wants to use to shout “squirrel” is hilarious.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 3:33 pmTop Republicans in Nevada called for Ensign’s resignation
So did Hannity
So, it’s not like Ensign’s affair was ignored by prominent Republicans.
Chuck Bartowski (e84e27) — 6/12/2011 @ 4:26 pmBartowski, of course not. The troll’s claims were all fabricated. As usual.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/12/2011 @ 4:29 pmComment by tifosa
79. Here’s my take on Weiner, from the left side: the behavior is indefensible, disgusting, immoral. So far not illegal.
— And it matters whether or not this activity was illrgal WHY?
80. On the scale, Gingrich did WORSE and he’s a candidate for presidency on the right!!
— First, WHY are you bringing up Gingrich in a discussion about Weiner? Second, I wasn’t aware that Gingrich has EVER had inappropriate contact with a 17 year old. Third, read Patterico’s response to your silliness.
82. imo whether he stays or goes is the choice of HIS ELECTORATE!
— IMO, your O has nothing to do with either the Constitution or the Rules of Congress . . . or reality.
86. So you think he should be ousted from the House, regardless of what the voters want?
— Not necessarily “ousted”. Especially when “pressured to resign” sounds so much more funner!
92.Censured, maybe…
— Remember which party controls the House.
95. This is CLEARLY ideologically driven, not a sincere desire to “clean house.”
— You don’t think that getting rid of Weiner would be a step towards cleaning ‘House’? Or “draining the swamp”?
113. What Weiner did was vile, inexcusable, disgusting, and demeaning to the office of a Senator, much less a man.
— So you ARE capable of making a reasonable comment (as long as one overlooks the slightly important factoid that Weiner is NOT a Senator). Well then, maybe your next one will be reasonable as well.
I personally think that he should do what the majority of his electorate want him to do.
— Yeah, I didn’t think you were up to two-in-a-row either. Uh, see here, genius; what if his electorate wants him to continue to be “vile, inexcusable, disgusting, and demeaning to the office”? Is that okay?
125. The hypocrisy is the R’s calling for him to resign!
— So all of the D’s calling for his resignation are okay in your book?
141. as a Dem, I HOPE he resigns. But does it rise to expulsion? no
— Unfortunately, you are correct. Teddy Aquanaut raised the bar incredibly high on that one a long, long time ago.
145. It’s a National disgrace that Americans go overseas and bash the president,
— Yeah! Bring back the Bush years, when people did all of their bashing in-country!
it’s a National disgrace that for two years, and beyond, people clammer for a birth certificate,
— Right there on a par with 400 years of slavery, innit?
it’s a National disgrace that the Repubs give aid and comfort to Gaddaffi.
— Oh dear Lord! What ARE you babbling about now?
Guess we’re used to it.
Icy Texan (08b59a) — 6/12/2011 @ 10:07 pm— Used to National disgraces? You should be. YOU elected them!
Aww, IcyTexan, I’m flattered. When you couldn’t countered with facts, you countered with criticism. Sweet!
tifosa (40b6cb) — 6/15/2011 @ 4:19 amIs there some new logical fallacy for ‘criticism’ against democrats, Tifosa? I don’t think Icy Texan or anyone else needed your help to figure out he is criticizing you. And I don’t think anyone minds.
Weiner’s behavior rises to expulsion level because he lied to the American people in a way that framed innocent people for crimes like hacking.
At any rate, it was really insane to compare Weiner’s absolute degenerate behavior, from the Cordova penis .jpg to the gagging comments to the very young women to the porn stars to the gym picture that indicates he was playing with himself in public to lord knows what else. He’s mentally disturbed.
Gingrich? He cheated on his wife. Very bad. But also very common. The only people who act like Weiner did are totally damaged. He preys on weak minded idiots who call married men “boyfriend”. Even Bill Clinton is disgusted with this piece of garbage.
Tifosa’s writing style is very peculiar, isn’t it?
What a freaking loser.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/15/2011 @ 4:35 amIs Breitbart pressing charges?
tifosa (40b6cb) — 6/15/2011 @ 5:22 amYou are rather pathetic and transparent, “tifosa”.
JD (d48c3b) — 6/15/2011 @ 5:39 amStill trolling this thread, tifosa. How creepy.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/15/2011 @ 6:43 amYeh kinda scary…no?
tifosa (40b6cb) — 6/15/2011 @ 9:04 amtifosa, any time that you want to respond point by point, and actually engage in a discussion, feel free. I “countered” you with both facts and opinion. Step up and do the same.
Icy Texan (1b903d) — 6/15/2011 @ 11:52 am