Patterico's Pontifications


“I Didn’t Go to Law School, But I Don’t Believe Lawyers Do This;” Norm MacDonald Shreds Gloria Allred

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 6:34 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.  Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]

No deep point to this post, except that I thoroughly enjoyed the sheer fail! of this video:

And honestly I have been really enjoying Norm’s new show. The premiere had me laughing harder than I had in months.

Exit question.  Okay, what was going through her head with that whole reenactment?  First, did it really have to be a two person affair?  She couldn’t have done it wholly by herself?

And the “Justin” in that appears to be Justin Quinn, her client and the father of those two little girls.  So isn’t that, potentially, sexual harassment of her client?  Given that this guy has already decided to sue once for this kind of thing, is that so wise?

Plus, as MacDonald alluded to, doesn’t it kind of diminish the claim that these girls are forever scarred, or whatever Allred’s legal theory is, to then expose them to the same alleged trauma again?  Hell, I think I am more traumatized by watching Gloria do it than I would have if I saw Roger McDowell do it live.

Anyway Gwenn Knapp writes more seriously about the whole thing, and gives some background information, but really I think the most appropriate reaction is closer to MacDonald’s: withering mockery.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

15 Responses to ““I Didn’t Go to Law School, But I Don’t Believe Lawyers Do This;” Norm MacDonald Shreds Gloria Allred”

  1. Aaron, if you like Norm then you must watch one of his earlier films, “Dirty Work” if you haven’t seen it already.

    EC (dda60e)

  2. EC

    didn’t watch it because it looked kind of bad. but then again i didn’t have netflix back then, so that will probably go into my queue

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  3. Okay, what was going through her head with that whole reenactment? First, did it really have to be a two person affair? She couldn’t have done it wholly by herself?

    Question #1.

    The sly smile as the bat is utilized, gives that away.

    Question #2.

    No, but as a guy, it would be. Just not with Gloria.

    Question #3.

    Yes, as long as she had a supply of batteries.

    JP (c4988c)

  4. BTW..Notice and I’m sure all have, that the bat is circumcised.

    JP (c4988c)

  5. If this were the Dodgers (currently broke and about to go into receivership) or the Mets (on the verge of bankruptcy) involved, I wonder how interested Gloria Allred would be in pursing claims. Sure, she can try to get to Major League Baseball’s deep pockets, but I am assuming that MLB’s liability would be far smaller than the clubs involved. Fortunately for her this is the Braves we are talking about, and they are in pretty good financial shape.

    JVW (fb14f8)

  6. Oh great. There goes my accountability software.

    Gesundheit (d7ea47)

  7. This woman KNOWS what she is doing. She is very deliberately being a clown. Her need for attention is incredible!

    Icy Texan (c28ab5)

  8. Gloria Allred is like a itchy vagina.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  9. Norm MacDonald kills. This is the Jon Stewart show for sports. MacDonald has giant stand-up gonads. He pushes an audience but he’s genius level funny. In comedy I don’t use that description lightly.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  10. To clarify, I don’t find Jon Stewart funny at all.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  11. I am proud to say that I scooped Norm MacDonald on this incident on my sporadically-updated blog, which has been rough on The Inglorious Barrister for the past year.


    If you know Allred as well as I do, you know that only one shoe has thusfar dropped. The second one is going to be the one that either shakes loose some cash, shakes up the political world, or both. Quinn says he’s not gay, but hates discrimination, and wants to teach his young girls to stand up against it. Maybe so, but I tend to think he’s not putting himself out there before the globe without thinking that with Allred on board, there’s some gold at the end of that rainbow (minus her share). It certainly seems to me that a good father wouldn’t want to subject his young daughters to that terrible, awful, vulgar stuff over and over and over and over and over again. Not for nothing, anyway.

    I’ve also embedded an interview with Justin Quinn done via Skype, and believe I have found the angle by which he will attempt to be personally compensated for McDowell’s vulgarity and threat (which, to be clear, were inexcusable).

    L.N. Smithee (77e53a)

  12. LN

    indeed you did. but no offense, but norm’s funnier.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  13. LN

    indeed you did. but no offense, but norm’s funnier.

    Comment by Aaron Worthing — 5/4/2011 @ 4:41 pm

    I concur. But in the past decade or so, there have been more than a handful of people on Saturday Night Live that aren’t as funny as I am.

    Yeah, I’m looking at YOU, Horatio Sanz.

    L.N. Smithee (77e53a)

  14. That was seriously funny. You made my day Aaron!

    Mrs. Patterico (c218bd)

  15. Dude your patterico’s wife?

    DohBiden (15aa57)

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