Patterico's Pontifications


New York Times Punked Again

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:59 pm

By The Onion.

This time I’m not punking you. I’m dead serious.

A correction from the New York Times:

A series of pictures last Sunday of covers of the magazine Tiger Beat, with an article about how the original teen-girl tabloid has remained virtually unchanged since its inception in 1965, erroneously included a parody cover, produced by the satiric newspaper The Onion, that featured a picture of President Obama.

Mediaite has the cover:


84 Responses to “New York Times Punked Again”

  1. That Google image search really is a great source for content, or so I overheard a Times ombudsman say once.

    Sean (ff2f3b)

  2. Alll those layers of editors and fact-checkers.

    JD (318f81)

  3. this proves that the NYT has outsourced their product creation to the LA Times…

    how low can you go?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  4. What?

    😆 what idiots.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  5. Here is a selection from President Obama’s last shower…
    Is there nothing he can’t do?

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  6. The thing is, how is the Times different from Tigerbeat when it comes to Obama, that’s what
    the Onion was keying off

    narciso (79ddc3)

  7. I blame the Koch Brothers.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  8. Heh, daley. You said “Koch.”

    Simon Jester (06eb7a)

  9. Simon – jharp can suck my Koch.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  10. Kochsucking commies.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  11. Daley, that is both nondiscriminatory and democratic of you.

    Simon Jester (06eb7a)

  12. Well, the correction is now gone. Does that mean it’s no longer corrected?

    The Dana who checked (3e4784)

  13. Great little “gotcha” which exposes just how far gone MSM libs are when it comes to their fawning adoration of Teh One. They examined and approved of that image before publication, and they didn’t think for a second that there was anything unusual about Dear Leader as a pin up in a teenybopper magazine. Whatever guys, keep circling that drain.

    Sharke (306f5d)

  14. The libs are so enamored with this guy, this is quite pathetic, very pathetic.

    mreastla (3970d9)

  15. The liberals[They hijacked the term BTW] are so pathetic that even if Obama kills them they will swear loyalty to him on their deathbed.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  16. The thing is, how is the Times different from Tigerbeat when it comes to Obama, that’s what
    the Onion was keying off

    Yup. I remember when Clinton was running, and MTV first ran “Rock the Vote.” Someone, I think it was Kurt Loder, asked him “boxers or briefs?” Seeing Barack “I sing in the shower” doesn’t even feel fake anymore.

    carlitos (c2a84d)

  17. Speaking of being punked, here is an actual clip of Obama singing in the shower. 😉

    carlitos (c2a84d)

  18. You know obama singing in the shower is awful.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  19. Obama doesn’t sing in the shower, the teleprompter would get all wet….

    Luann McGurk (1e3312)

  20. Miss McGurk wrote:

    Obama doesn’t sing in the shower, the teleprompter would get all wet….

    The Line of the Day Award winner! 🙂

    The Dana who makes the award (3e4784)

  21. I’ve been telling folks for yrs the NYT writes fiction on a daily basis.
    Why they get away with it is beyond me.

    your mama (805957)

  22. The NYT puts the upid in stupid.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  23. I’m sure it made complete sense to the NYT’s editors. If Chris Mathews gets a tingle and David Brooks can admire his pants crease, why shouldn’t the tweens also be enthralled with our POTUS? Granted CM and DB fall into the ‘less mature’ tweener camp but that’s a nit.

    East Bay Jay (2fd7f7)

  24. D’oh!!!

    Icy Texan (327fb5)

  25. ___________________________________


    Meanwhile, I picked up a complimentary copy of the LA Times today and, whoa, very little to no advertising in any of its pages. I doubt the amount of revenue generated on such days is even covering the cost of production, including ink and newsprint, much less anything else.

    I recommend the Times — of LA or NY, for that matter — go either the do-gooder-charity, non-profit route or, better yet, in order to be green-friendly and carbon neutral, cease hardcopy publication altogether. Then they can all hold hands and sing “kum bah yah” to their heart’s content.

    Mark (411533)

  26. What a silly paper. I’ll take The National Review any day. Now there is an unbiased source for hard hitting, balanced reporting.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  27. Alll those layers of editors and fact-checkers.

    Comment by JD — 4/24/2011 @ 9:40 pm

    Makes them so much better than bloggers, doesn’t it? News you can trust?

    Tanny O'Haley (96876f)

  28. Tanny – it would be funny, if it were not so pathetic.

    JD (318f81)

  29. I hate when newspapers write opinions that do not 100% agree with my own. I don’t know why there are any other people in the world. Am I right JD? Everybody should agree with me.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  30. Looks like we need a fly swatter.

    elissa (069407)

  31. And if they don’t we should squash them like a bug. Agree with me Elissa? I wish that dissenting opinion was made illegal in the Constitution. You know… while they were busy institutionalizing slavery they could have put that in there too.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  32. No, you are not right, troll. Not even close. Tis tactic is one that the skin flute professor has used in the past, during one of its manic phases.

    JD (318f81)

  33. McCarthy was a republican.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  34. Do you need directions to a clinic?

    You are either not well, or aggressively dishonest. Seek help.

    JD (318f81)

  35. Good allah, how did we get here from the Onion, the Jonas Brothers and Barack singing in the shower? Enjoy playing with yourself, troll.

    elissa (069407)

  36. The Times, where every day is April Fool’s. And the joke’s on the readers. (And advertisers).

    And, of course, stockholders, the true chumbolones.

    Kevin R.C. O'Brien (fc9558)

  37. Explain how I was aggressively dishonest. Or is that what you label everything you don’t agree with? Of course it is. You aren’t able to discuss policy like a big boy.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  38. You have been mendoucheous in every single comment you have left here, while posting under yet another name, after having been banned previously. You attribute ideas and positive to me and others that we do not hold, and have never held, and then proceed to rail against our imaginary positions. The idea that you are discussing policy like a big boy is beyond laughable, and at this point, you are beyond parody.

    JD (318f81)

  39. Or is that what you label everything you don’t agree with? Of course it is.

    Aggressively dishonest.

    JD (318f81)

  40. Comment number 38 wasn’t “mendoucheous”. It was fact. Admit you were wrong in your superlative assertion and apologize.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  41. It is also utterly irrelevant, a BUNNIES moment, and par for the course for your idiocy. I have nothing to apologize for, least of all to you.

    JD (318f81)

  42. I insist. You drew a hard lined stance based on semantics and now you’re being coy about your own comments. Own it, headsock.

    nuke 'em all (83f0ba)

  43. I insist.

    Really? What are you going to do? Stomp your feet? Hold your breath? Tattle on me? Call my parents?

    I drew a position based on the totality of your comments here today, and your history of douchebaggery. That you slipped a complete non-sequitur in there that had as much to do with the thread as daisies have to do with jaI alai.

    JD (318f81)

  44. I have to step away for a bit. I apologize to the regulars and lurkers for engaging this clown.

    JD (318f81)

  45. First WMDs. Now this.

    jasonc (e9ef3a)

  46. nuke ’em all – I sense this discussion is going nowhere. Why not switch to how well Obama is doing in his relations with Bashar the Reformer in Syria and how much different the situation is in that country than Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, and Tunisia?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  47. Daleyrocks – the skin flute player prefers to attribut positions to people that they do not hold, lie, and INSIST on apologies not due him.

    JD (318f81)

  48. First WMDs. Now this.

    Comment by jasonc


    Saddam used WMDs and had nacent programs. We found WMDs in his country, and it’s unclear what Syria has that was obtained just before the war (perhaps nothing, perhaps a lot). Only an idiot would insist this issue was absolutely resolved. No wait… there’s also the troll possibility.

    It’s a shame Obama isn’t the man Bush is. I don’t really hold it against Obama for being a miserable failure so much as I hold it against him for selling the lie that he could lead (whether he believed it or not, the man’s vanity has cost the world a lot).

    Dustin (c16eca)

  49. I insist.

    No. Are you still stomping your widdle feets? Temper tantrum?

    JD (318f81)

  50. Where did Duke Nukem go?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  51. It’s almost as if judy miller never ended up at Newsmax in your world.

    jasonc (771c3a)

  52. ==Where did Duke Nukem go?==

    Hopefully, daley, the Village Idiot Convention has reconvened at some other blog site with nuke and jasonc in attendance.

    elissa (069407)

  53. Sanger wrote up that faulty 2007 NIE, which they have had to ‘walk back’ and the Times didn’t kick him out, In fact, his book the Challenge, showed how weak his original overage was.

    narciso (79ddc3)

  54. bush lied, people died.

    JD (318f81)

  55. Obama lied……………People survived.

    JasonC is a tard.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  56. It’s almost as if judy miller never ended up at Newsmax in your world.

    Comment by jasonc

    LOL. No, it’s exactly like that. I pay zero attention to newsmax or Miller, so whatever you’re talking about actually is not happening in my world. I could care less about NYT elitist celeb news, or what happens to their reporters.

    Apparently, you spat that out as though it’s dark evidence of some kind of conspiracy between the NYT and Bush. Of course, connecting those dots would expose how silly the thought it, but that’s the only interpretation that makes sense. After all, you’re pretending my point that Saddam had WMDs he used on his own people is somehow contradicted by something you read on newsmax.


    Dustin (c16eca)

  57. Well it’s more like Friedman, insisting how the Chinese were tops in high speed rail, right before
    they cancelled their largest project

    narciso (79ddc3)

  58. “Apparently, you spat that out as though it’s dark evidence of some kind of conspiracy between the NYT and Bush. ”

    Conspiracy? No. I think they got punked on that. Like with tiger beat. I’m left wondering if you know what the story is with judy miller, the NYT, and WMDs, as you seem to bringing up irrelevant stuff.

    jasonc (771c3a)

  59. Well this administration is prosecuting Sterling for leaking the details of MERLIN to Risen, crickets anyone,

    narciso (79ddc3)

  60. Dustin – are y beginning to recognize the undeserved condescending arrogance and passive aggressive BS from this troll?

    JD (318f81)

  61. I wouldn’t call it “passive,” JD.

    Simon Jester (e16dc0)

  62. Fascist lefturds are getting desperate again.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  63. Puke ’em all is funny!

    Icy Texan (327fb5)

  64. 29. What a silly paper. I’ll take The National Review any day. Now there is an unbiased source for hard hitting, balanced reporting.
    Comment by nuke ’em all — 4/25/2011 @ 4:24 pm

    — You gotta admire a troll that moves the goalposts in his very first post. What pluck! What daring-do!

    Icy Texan (327fb5)

  65. By the way. Nuke ’em all was banned because someone called him a racist and he made similar comment. Nice site you’ve got here. Chock full of crazy and censorship.

    Jonathan B. Higgins, MD PhD PE JD (104451)

  66. Someone, I think it was Kurt Loder, asked him “boxers or briefs?”

    To be fair, it wasn’t Kurt Loder – it was one of the vapid, utterly uninformed members of the audience that asked.

    I blame her for every single moment of political stupidity that has occurred in politics from that moment forward, though President Clinton owns an equal measure of blame for failing to give the proper response of “What the f**k buisness is it of yours? Sit the f**k down, dipsh*t…”

    Scott Jacobs (98018d)

  67. Nuke em all was banned? What is the evidence of that?

    Did I delete one of your, oh I mean his, comments?

    Do tell.

    Nice handle by the way. Is that a Yelverton thing?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  68. Because I am nuke ’em all. I am on a new IP because my mother is in surgery and I’m killing time at the hospital. I attempted to post a few comments last night and they were snagged. I am not yelverton.

    Jonathan B. Higgins, MD PhD PE JD (104451)

  69. Scott

    interesting point. When the question was boxers of briefs, he answered. and if memory served he said both. that’s right, he wanted to be all things to all people even on that.

    but then when the question was whether he committed a specific sex act that meant the difference between perjury and not, he suddenly thinks its none of our business.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  70. Sock puppeting multiple names is such an honest thing to do.

    JD (7cb36b)

  71. By the way. Nuke ‘em all was banned because someone called him a racist and he made similar comment. Nice site you’ve got here. Chock full of crazy and censorship.

    Comment by Jonathan B. Higgins, MD PhD PE JD — 4/26/2011 @ 6:58 am

    Is this accurate, Patterico, or in nuke em/jonathon lying, again?

    JD (7cb36b)

  72. I was using a different handle because the other one seems to be banned. I disclosed that information. I was honest. So, thank you JD! I appreciate your compliment.

    Jonathan B. Higgins, MD PhD PE JD (104451)

  73. I did not compliment you, I was mocking you. I hope your mother gets better. Maybe you could get some help while you are in the hospital.

    JD (7cb36b)

  74. I do too, JD.

    Well, I believe that the type of help that you are referring to is not available at the hospital, but I will look into it.

    You were mocking me?!

    Jonathan B. Higgins, MD PhD PE JD (104451)

  75. I gave you a link to a mental health service locator yesterday. Use it.

    JD (7cb36b)

  76. How about we go to couples counseling, JD. It doesn’t seem right that I would seek mental help and leave you out in the cold.

    Jonathan B. Higgins, MD PhD PE JD (104451)

  77. No thanks. I would rather not be in the same room with someone as fundamentally dishonest as you.

    JD (7cb36b)

  78. Junior Detective is a dishonest troll-baiting weasel. And likes to lick the jerkwad residue from Daley’s toes after he finishes off patterico. I am very conservative and closeted so I would love to watch this. Go republicans!

    Hunter Corsby (104451)

  79. Well, this turned into troll bait.

    SPQR (26be8b)

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