Patterico's Pontifications


New York Times Punked Again?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 4:00 am

That is . . . yet again?

If you have been paying attention in the past, you may have noticed that the venerable New York Times has been totally punked more than once on past April Fool’s Days.

So you would think they would be especially careful not to let that happen again. Wouldn’t you?

I’d direct you over to the New York Times Web site, but I’m afraid they’re now behind a pay wall. So you’ll have to get the story from Ted Frank.

28 Responses to “New York Times Punked Again?”

  1. Well, someone’s getting punked…

    Sam Paris (f6fe05)

  2. I can access The New York Times with no problems, and I’m not a subscriber.

    The Dana who uses (3e4784)

  3. Can’t believe they fell for that. Even if they weren’t suspicious from the word ‘go’, you’d think they’d have caught on as things developed…

    D (43a3c4)

  4. heh heh

    meep (97797a)

  5. God damnit, you bloggers.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  6. Mark Draughn,

    Thanks. Link is now fixed.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  7. Very well done.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  8. Very elaborate, Patrick. Well done.

    PatHMV (49d120)

  9. Quite irritating.

    ManlyDad (060305)

  10. hey, blawgers, why r u giving the NYtimes the run around.
    it stupid
    you people should be ashamed

    V (cf1439)

  11. Well, it’s not surprising. Some people are very gullible.

    Aj4coco (d7e45f)

  12. Nicely done. It took me two links to figure it out.

    aunursa (a2a019)

  13. Much pain be upon you today, Patterico. 😉

    Chuck Roast (104f14)

  14. Shades of the “Blonde Joke”.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  15. It took me two links to figure it out too, but then when I had hair I was a blonde.

    BarSinister (a9e7f6)

  16. Very very nice. I made it to about 4 links.

    carlitos (00428f)

  17. Damnit! I’m not going to tell you how many links it took!

    prmetime (4e9c75)

  18. Heh.
    I feel like Ralph, from the Simpsons “I’m happy and angry!

    AkRonin (a55d13)

  19. I wonder how long it took to set that up? I’ve never even heard of half those people.

    Very well done.

    DeadGuy (becaa9)

  20. Bravo… With everyone on the lookout for pranks, one would only let one’s guard down on a prank about a prank!

    Hooray for metahumor! Does this qualify as metahumor?

    breitbartfan77 (5f34ac)

  21. Bravo… With everyone on the lookout for pranks, one would only let one’s guard down on a prank about a prank!

    Hooray for metahumor! Does this qualify as metahumor?

    breitbartfan77 (5f34ac)

  22. Dang it! I didn’t get to fall for the joke! I started reading the comments on the first link which gave it away. I would have enjoyed such a sublime prank.

    Felipe (d37996)

  23. No frickin way ………..this is my surprised face :/

    DohBiden (984d23)

  24. I’m blonde and it only took me 1 link to figure it out. So there.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  25. I didn’t do the link/post/thread [oh … that’s new/s (but Aaron did get me on his April tomfoolery)]. None the less, had a guilty pang … yesterday afternoon. For simply not saying hello to SDB, in thread. Feeling like I had somehow been rude. So … Hello SDB.


    Elmo (c0a8c4)

  26. I wonder how long it took to set that up?

    Oh, about 10-15 minutes of so. Maybe a tad longer. Just a tad. Or two. But don’t ask us to time a tad.

    Turk (ef3fe5)

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