[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
So news has been floating around that apparently Michele Bachmann is about to throw her hat into the ring for President. And you know what? I have already written the post on this topic months ago, over at Allergic to B.S. (language warning at the link), when they were talking about Scott Brown running for President. Here’s what I said there:
But let me say right here, right now. Don’t do it, Republicans. Scott Brown is an okay guy. I cheered when he won the Senate race. But here is the thing. Do you remember the last time we picked a president whose résumé was summed up with a few years as a state senator, and part of a term as a U.S. Senator? Do you know who the last President was who had so little experience?
Barrack Obama. How is that working out for you, Republicans?
Hell, how is that working out for anyone?
The fact is résumés matter. Let me tell you how I decide who to vote for, for president. I start with their previous work experience. I prefer someone to have some administrative experience. In my mind, the best preparation to be the president is to be a governor first: it’s almost the same job, only on a smaller scale. But I am willing to accept CEO of a corporation, a general in the army, or even mayor of a particularly large city. Then after I feel reasonably confident that the guy might know how to do the job, then I start looking into issues like ideology.
Oh and nothing matters more to me in ideology than terrorist-killing.
So like last time, you know who I wanted to be President? Giuliani. Mind you, he is more liberal than I am, but he had more administrative experience than most of them, and I like his position on terrorist-killing.
Now I guess with his military background, Brown has Obama beat except… well, then by 2012 Obama will have been president for four years. I mean he has to have learned how to do something by then, right? Right?
It might be tempting to think that by 2012 that Americans will be so sick of Obama that they will literally pick anyone else over him. But we shouldn’t give them a choice between Obama and “none of the above.” We should give them a choice between Obama and someone who won’t need on-the-job training.
So let’s cut this out right now.
Seriously, what more is there to say, except that by that assessment Scott Brown would be more qualified to be President than Bachmann? I like Bachmann, but I like her as a legislator, not as an administrator. But look at her resume. Here’s her official bio. And here’ the wikipedia page, if that can be trusted. I see nothing there that suggests she has enough executive experience to be President.
Now of course there is one good president you can point to that had about the same amount of executive experience, and that would be Lincoln. But to be very blunt, we were not smart when we chose Lincoln to be President. We were lucky. We picked a man with little (besides his evident intelligence) to suggest he was going to be the greatest president we ever had (in my opinion). And yeah, I suppose there is the possibility of that kind of untapped potential in Bachmann, or Brown for that matter. But how about instead, she goes and proves to me she knows how to run something, and then get back to me?
It might be the case that by next year Americans will be so sick of Obama that they will vote for almost anyone else. I am just about there myself and have been there for well over a year. But it is still important to offer a real alternative, not just someone who’s chief argument is that they couldn’t possibly be worse.
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]