New O’Keefe Video Shows NPR Exec Scheming to Hide Source of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Donation from Feds
Details here.
Besides the scheming and secrecy — and the fact that the exec was breaking NPR’s policies — there is the fact that, previously, they had categorically denied any intention to take the check.
I wonder if the fact-checking on that was done by the ombudsman.
UPDATE: Click the link for NPR’s response, where they provide evidence contradicting the assertion that they were going to hide the donors’ identity from the feds.
This is brief quote from a new AP article:
Joyce Slocum’s comments in a Thursday interview with The Associated Press came just before conservative activist James O’Keefe posted a follow-up video as part of his undercover investigation of NPR.
Have you noticed that O’Keefe is always a “conservative activist”? How often have you seen anybody described as a “progressive activist” by AP or elsewhere? Also, in media reports there are sometimes references to, or quotes from, “right wing” or “conservative” blogs. But Left leaning blogs always seem to be quoted simply as “a popular blog” or “a widely followed blog”–you know, just a generic ol’ blog with no POV.
Have others noticed this, too, and does it annoy the crud out of you like it annoys me?
elissa (fda4b1) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:29 pmOnly conservatives have agenda, silly Elissa!
One of the worst offenses is that NPR stations are putting up Jay Rosen as a media critic and NYU professor. He’s a foaming at the massive leftist, but NPR wants you to think he’s some kind of authority figure.
Breitbartfan77 (5f34ac) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:46 pmwhy does this Betsy hoochie still have a job? For reals I have to pay taxes just for so Betsy can get paid to launder money for the Muslim Brotherhood?
I object.
happyfeet (ab5779) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:48 pm
narciso (a3a9aa) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:53 pmalso I don’t get about the feda except for it’s on Jen’s Really Big Sammich which is my favorite sammich at Viv’s (pdf)
happyfeet (ab5779) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:54 pmYep. And when a politician is in trouble, his affiliation is either Republican or not given.
Jim Treacher (e041de) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:55 pmThey had to have known this was coming.
JD (7d9b73) — 3/10/2011 @ 6:55 pmHere’s another one: CBS Headline currently on their website:
Wisconsin anti-union bill passes, heads to governor’s desk
Funny, they must have renamed the “Budget Repair Bill” sometime last night when nobody was paying attention.
elissa (fda4b1) — 3/10/2011 @ 8:01 pmAt some point the working people who pay the taxes to support these public servants will realize exactly where their money is going and understand who they actually care about.
Ag80 (efea1d) — 3/10/2011 @ 8:28 pmAg80–
While it seems perfectly clear to most of us, the Dems have managed to conflate in an awful lot of people’s minds the idea of private union collective bargaining for such things as coal miner safety, with public unions’ collective bargaining for seniority and gold-plated pension bennies. I have reached the point in the last two weeks where I genuinely question whether many “journalists” covering this issue even understand the distinction– and why it matters to taxpayers.
elissa (fda4b1) — 3/10/2011 @ 8:54 pmJust to save the clowns the effort – edited videos, liars, racists, BREITBART to be indicted, O’Keefe is a felon, and crissyhooten eats boogerz. That is all.
JD (aafa7c) — 3/10/2011 @ 9:26 pmI understand, JD, that the majority of readers here think that Breitbart will be indicted soon.
At least by some calculations.
Simon Jester (87fb95) — 3/10/2011 @ 9:45 pmYeah, happy, I meant “Feds.”
Quick, someone tell Foo Bar.
Patterico (bf7277) — 3/11/2011 @ 12:24 amDon’t worry about that exec. In his next position — as a counselor at Planned Parenthood — these skills will come in handy.
Icy Texan (4e6c9d) — 3/11/2011 @ 12:46 amAh, the evolution of the English language among the enlightened: “had not yet completed negotiations for due to missing information” now means the same as “rejected.”
M. Scott Eiland (27aed4) — 3/11/2011 @ 1:36 amReplace Muslim Brotherhood with Koch Brothers and NPR with FoxNews and conservatives would find nothing to complain about. What poor hypocritical losers they are.
Zoubida (0692b1) — 3/11/2011 @ 2:16 amLook, bunnies!
∅ (e7577d) — 3/11/2011 @ 2:20 ama) the Koch brothers aren’t a terrorist-backing org (unlike the Muslim Brotherhood) and b) Fox News is a private company, where-as NPR is partly tax-payer funded and thus probably at least try to look like they are objective/non-partisan.
But thanks for trying, you worthless pile of c*cksnot.
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 3/11/2011 @ 2:38 amReporting an anonymous donation of $5 million to the IRS and hiding who GAVE the $5 million donation from government oversight are two very different things.
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 3/11/2011 @ 2:45 amThe moonbat trolls in this neck of the woods are getting dumber–Zoubida sounds like David Brock after a five-year diet of lead paint chips.
M. Scott Eiland (27aed4) — 3/11/2011 @ 3:35 amScott,
Its amazing that the director of gifts didnt know how to handle a gift, which makes me think that no one is really giving any money to NPR, which again makes me wonder how many of these empty (nothing to do) positions out there in all these NGO’s that are simply employment for supporters gimmicks…
EricPWJohnson (6a2bb1) — 3/11/2011 @ 3:43 amJames O’Keefe deserves a Pulitzer Prize for 2010 with Acorn and now with NPR 2011. He has broken the biggest stories. He won’t get any prizes because the liberals control such prizes and are dishonest at awarding them. Just yesterday the committee added racist Eugene Robinson .
Dennis D (e0b996) — 3/11/2011 @ 3:46 amJD wrote:
You’d think that they’d have to know it, but our friends on the left are just plain dumb. Mr O’Keefe has a well-established pattern: release a “highly edited” video, then, as soon as the left starts screaming that it was edited and unrepresentative, he releases the whole tape, unedited, to prove that the edited version was hitting the highlights, but representative of the whole. He did that twice to Planned Parenthood, and now to NPR.
And everyone knew more was coming; the first tape was even labelled “Part 1.” 🙂
Mr O’Keefe will change his tactics when they stop working; it could be a long time before he changes.
The thoroughly amused Dana (3e4784) — 3/11/2011 @ 3:57 amThe esteemed Mr Jacobs wrote:
Apparently they don’t really try awfully hard, or don’t succeed very well.
I liked a comment by a guy calling himself “Socialist Ben:”
Our friends on the left most certainly understand that NPR is one of their mouthpieces!
The Dana who reads left-wing blogs so that you don't have to (3e4784) — 3/11/2011 @ 4:04 amOops. That should have read:
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 3/11/2011 @ 4:36 amThat conservatives may find NPR liberal show how far to the right they are. Keep digging folks, soon you’ll be singing Heil Li Heil Lo Heil La, like your pal Jared.
Zoubida (0692b1) — 3/11/2011 @ 4:45 amOne wonders if the latest non sequitur/ad hominem spewing troll will ever formulate anything of substance.
16.Replace Muslim Brotherhood with Koch Brothers and NPR with FoxNews and conservatives would find nothing to complain about. What poor hypocritical losers they are.
— Never mind.
Icy Texan (4e6c9d) — 3/11/2011 @ 5:36 am[BTW, the idiocy of that comment CLEARLY identifies this loser as a contemporary college student. Higher education indeed!]
JD, typical Liberal Attack, misinformation and nastiness! O’Keefe is NOT a Felon, it was a Misdameanor. Get it right! The FULL UNEDITED Tapes are available on the web. No editing there!!!And Breitbart WILL NOT be Indicted. Quit being a silly willy!
Fire Shepard (067e8d) — 3/11/2011 @ 6:42 amJust out of curiosity, who is my pal Jared?
carlitos (01d172) — 3/11/2011 @ 8:01 amI don’t know who jared is maybe he is the subway guy?
DohBiden (984d23) — 3/11/2011 @ 8:07 amThe sting fell apart when they didn’t have a physical address to sent the 13,000 totebags, 56,000 coffee mugs and the 340,000 James Taylor “Live in Berkely” CDs.
I just makin’ it up, but you have to think that a 4 million dollar contribution would come with some strings, right?
ukuleledave (e546ca) — 3/11/2011 @ 8:21 amCarlitos – I suspect that the barking moonbat is trying to make Jared Loughner out to be a conservative teabagger.
JÐ (68ff46) — 3/11/2011 @ 8:49 amUgh. That dude was insane.
carlitos (01d172) — 3/11/2011 @ 9:01 amMuch like the koch-ed up “zoubida”
JÐ (68ff46) — 3/11/2011 @ 9:07 amUm i hate NPR but they did indeed question the donation.
DohBiden (984d23) — 3/11/2011 @ 9:40 amEric, the word you are looking for is sinecure –
1. a paid office or post involving minimal duties
And I expect that a lot of NGO etc. posts are exactly that. Sinecures for progressives who have been avoiding any real work for all of their lives. Not, I think, because they are lazy, but because they are terrified of being exposed as incompetent and useless. They’ve been told they were smart since they were kids, and that was why they deserved to be part of the ruling class. Any failure would expose that as false, so they avoid any field where their performance can actually be measured.
LarryD (feb78b) — 3/11/2011 @ 9:53 amWhen I woke up this morning and heard about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I did what I always do when I want more information on a breaking story presented calmly and with depth and intelligence — I turned to a station carrying the news from NPR.
Angeleno (4e9907) — 3/11/2011 @ 10:12 amNPR and intelligence in the same sentence?
They probably blamed it on bush angeleno.
DohBiden (984d23) — 3/11/2011 @ 10:16 amNo, they questioned exactly what they would need in order to make the donation anonymous.
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 3/11/2011 @ 10:40 amBah, more of the usual O’Keefe skankfest. Here is a different take on the latest tape… don’t worry, these guys still AGREE with everyone here….
My take as usual with this guy is that if you are going to call yourself “Project Veritas” then you are a liar if you are actually Michael Moore.
The difference between O’Keefe and Michael Moore is that MM will admit his bias while O’Keefe pretends he is presenting the “truth” even if it is an edited one….you know, truth in general, even if some things have to be tweaked to help people “see” it. Sort of like what O”Keefe and others accuse NPR et al. of doing.
EdWood (c2268a) — 3/11/2011 @ 12:06 pmMM’s use of edits is carefully crafted to actually change the meaning of what is said (Bowling for Columbine has a couple of awesome examples of this), while O’Keefe does it for brevity, but he ALWAYS releases the whole recording, and not once has it been shown that his editing has changed the message.
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 3/11/2011 @ 12:15 pm== I turned to a station carrying the news from NPR==
Yeah, they’re good. Hey, remember that day NPR told us Gabby Giffords was dead and other news organizations picked it up–except she wasn’t dead? That there was some fine newsing they did.
elissa (b8ffea) — 3/11/2011 @ 12:22 pm#42
Like all news organizations, NPR makes mistakes, elissa, and that was a big one. My overall experience, however, is that, as far as broadcast sources go, they offer better depth and more thoughtful coverage than the alternatives I’m familiar with.
Angeleno (4e9907) — 3/11/2011 @ 12:49 pmNo Scott Jacobs, not changed the message, just sold it better, you know, like the the “biased” MSM. Michael Moore could make the same claim in one of his documentaries because when you edit to “make your point” you are creating your own version of what it “true”. That really was the point of the Blaze article, (and of the criticisms of the MSM, Rupert Murdoch’s absurd “fair and balanced” marketing campaign for FOX aside), if you are making pretensions to be telling the “truth” that you have to be extremely careful about how you present the information.
Leaving out the complicating bits, you know, the “other side” stuff is great for getting a reaction or for selling a point of view but it’s not really “veritas” is it?
EdWood (c2268a) — 3/11/2011 @ 2:04 pmInteresting post at one of the “Time” blogs re the Blaze analysis by Pam Key and Scott Baker of the full NPR sting video. Some advice for boards of directors and other decision makers affected by future James O’Keefe stings: Resist the temptation to panic and demand to see the full video and analyze it carefully before you make crucial decisions.
Angeleno (4e9907) — 3/13/2011 @ 6:58 amI”m not particularly impressed, it was likely one of those ‘lifelong Republicans’ like Charles Freeman, who sells out as a retainer for Arabia
narciso (a3a9aa) — 3/13/2011 @ 7:03 amand the Chinese, willing to throw Israel and/or Taiwan under the bus,