Some Linky Fun Regarding the Now-Beastly Sully
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]
So last night Patterico told you that Andrew Sullivan was jumping ship from the Atlantic, and bringing his Daily Dish blog over to the Daily Beast.
My first thought was, what would Howard Kurtz think of the chief Trig Truther joining his site? But a quick search through our own archives reminds us that Karl pointed out that at one time Kurtz pushed the Trig Truther theory himself. But then later, via Patterico, he pretended that Sullivan and his nuttiness didn’t even exist.
And of course, the Daily Beast now owns Newsweek (which has to be one of the saddest lines ever written in journalistic history), which is reportedly exactly why Sullivan wanted to work for the Beast: because he is hoping for a platform for columns and essays. So, it would be interesting to see what Sully said and felt about Newsweek. And we find over at the Atlantic, he wrote:
But there has been no press scrutiny [of Palin’s icky girl parts]. In fact, there has been enormous pressure from the press not to investigate the story and to mock anyone who does so. No MSM interviewer of Palin has ever asked a single question about the bizarre stories that Palin has told about her political prop – not Oprah, not Couric, not Gibson, not anyone. Newsweek has reprinted minute details of Palin’s story as fact with no independent confirmation but Palin’s own words. No MSM newspaper has asked for or demanded easily available proof of the pregnancy and birth – except the Anchorage Daily News, after the election, which prompted Palin not to quietly offer proof to an editor keen to put the entire controversy to rest, but to explode in rage.
Well, now “he will become a Newsweek contributor,” I am sure he will have the opportunity to correct that. And dig the photograph he attaches to that post:
Isn’t that the perfect metaphor for all of this? Assuming the child is Trig, the child’s face disappears, figuratively erasing the child’s humanity, as Sullivan proceeds to use the child as a means to attack the mother. It’s a window into a disturbed mind. My gosh, what a wonderful addition to the Daily Beast/Newsweek family!
Of course this all leaves two more questions. First, the PJ Tatler asks what will be the fate of Sully’s ghost bloggers? And meanwhile American Power is looking for a statement from Sarah Palin’s uterus.
And of course I asked a much more basic question last June (warning: coarse language at the link).
Bluntly, no respectable publication should have any interest in him, no matter how many nutballs he counts as his readers. And if you eliminated all the people who went to his site wondering what crazy #$&! he would say next, how many actual followers that respect him did he have?
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]