WTF?! A Proposed License Plate to Honor a War Criminal and the Founder of a Terrorist Organization?
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]
Of course that becomes a little more understandable (but not excusable) when you learn the man was also Confederate Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest. From CNS News:The Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans wants to sponsor a series of state-issued license plates to mark the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, which it calls the “War Between the States.”
Well, it beats “The War of Northern Aggression” I suppose.
The group proposes a different design each year between now and 2015, with Forrest slated for 2014.
“Seriously?” state NAACP president Derrick Johnson said when he was told about the Forrest plate. “Wow.”
Forrest, a Tennessee native, is revered by some as a military genius and reviled by others for leading the 1864 massacre of black Union troops at Fort Pillow, Tenn. Forrest was a Klan grand wizard in Tennessee after the war.
Um, actually he founded the KKK as its first Grand Dragon.
Of course no one doubts the martial skill of Gen. Forrest. But if martial skill was all that mattered, then I suppose soon they will have license plates commemorating Gen. Erwin Rommell and Admiral Karl Dönitz, right?
And consider, for example, what Forrest did before founding the KKK. You might recall that when black soldiers began to be used by North, the South declared that they would treat them as revolting slaves. So when Ft. Pillow, defended in part by black soldiers, surrendered to Southern forces, they gave them no quarter. The Encyclopedia Britannica notes that