Patterico's Pontifications


Sarah Palin Releases Video Response to Blood Libel (Update: Clyburn Responds and Krauthammer for the Defense; Chait “Lord Help Me, I’m Defending Palin.”)

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 7:22 am

Sarah Palin Releases Video Response to Blood Libel

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]

Important Update: See this post exonerating two of the tweeters.

Update: Clyburn responds.  Predictably.  Hit the “more” link and scroll down.

Update (II): I present to you Barrister Charles Krauthammer for the defense. Read the whole thing.

Update (III): Jonathan Chait writes a headline that says it all: Lord Help Me, I’m Defending Palin. The smear fail continues.

This morning we learn that Sarah Palin has responded to the Arizona shooting.  This is the video:

Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength” from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.

I think it’s good, but I worry that she is depending on people knowing what is going on more than they do.  I mean, bluntly, most of you reading this are probably political nerds.  I am one, too. But how about the rest of the country?  I remember reading a few years ago when Daily Kos actually got reflective (don’t laugh) when he noted a poll that said a shockingly low number of Americans even knew who Ann Coulter was.  Something like 20%.  Now of the people reading this right now, I am willing to bet the number is more like 99%.

Still, I think Palin hit all of the notes she needed to.

Anyway, via Legal Insurrection, here is the full text:

Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims’ families as we express our sympathy.

I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in honor of the victims. The mass will hopefully help begin a healing process for the families touched by this tragedy and for our country.

Our exceptional nation, so vibrant with ideas and the passionate exchange and debate of ideas, is a light to the rest of the world. Congresswoman Giffords and her constituents were exercising their right to exchange ideas that day, to celebrate our Republic’s core values and peacefully assemble to petition our government. It’s inexcusable and incomprehensible why a single evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day.

There is a bittersweet irony that the strength of the American spirit shines brightest in times of tragedy. We saw that in Arizona. We saw the tenacity of those clinging to life, the compassion of those who kept the victims alive, and the heroism of those who overpowered a deranged gunman.

Like many, I’ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event.

President Reagan said, “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state, not with those who listen to talk radio, not with maps of swing districts used by both sides of the aisle, not with law-abiding citizens who respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights at campaign rallies, not with those who proudly voted in the last election.

The last election was all about taking responsibility for our country’s future. President Obama and I may not agree on everything, but I know he would join me in affirming the health of our democratic process. Two years ago his party was victorious. Last November, the other party won. In both elections the will of the American people was heard, and the peaceful transition of power proved yet again the enduring strength of our Republic.

Vigorous and spirited public debates during elections are among our most cherished traditions. And after the election, we shake hands and get back to work, and often both sides find common ground back in D.C. and elsewhere. If you don’t like a person’s vision for the country, you’re free to debate that vision. If you don’t like their ideas, you’re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

There are those who claim political rhetoric is to blame for the despicable act of this deranged, apparently apolitical criminal. And they claim political debate has somehow gotten more heated just recently. But when was it less heated? Back in those “calm days” when political figures literally settled their differences with dueling pistols? In an ideal world all discourse would be civil and all disagreements cordial. But our Founding Fathers knew they weren’t designing a system for perfect men and women. If men and women were angels, there would be no need for government. Our Founders’ genius was to design a system that helped settle the inevitable conflicts caused by our imperfect passions in civil ways. So, we must condemn violence if our Republic is to endure.

As I said while campaigning for others last March in Arizona during a very heated primary race, “We know violence isn’t the answer. When we ‘take up our arms’, we’re talking about our vote.” Yes, our debates are full of passion, but we settle our political differences respectfully at the ballot box – as we did just two months ago, and as our Republic enables us to do again in the next election, and the next. That’s who we are as Americans and how we were meant to be. Public discourse and debate isn’t a sign of crisis, but of our enduring strength. It is part of why America is exceptional.

No one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking out in peaceful dissent, and we certainly must not be deterred by those who embrace evil and call it good. And we will not be stopped from celebrating the greatness of our country and our foundational freedoms by those who mock its greatness by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults.

Just days before she was shot, Congresswoman Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House. It was a beautiful moment and more than simply “symbolic,” as some claim, to have the Constitution read by our Congress. I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just “symbolic.” But less than a week after Congresswoman Giffords reaffirmed our protected freedoms, another member of Congress announced that he would propose a law that would criminalize speech he found offensive.

It is in the hour when our values are challenged that we must remain resolved to protect those values. Recall how the events of 9-11 challenged our values and we had to fight the tendency to trade our freedoms for perceived security. And so it is today.

Let us honor those precious lives cut short in Tucson by praying for them and their families and by cherishing their memories. Let us pray for the full recovery of the wounded. And let us pray for our country. In times like this we need God’s guidance and the peace He provides. We need strength to not let the random acts of a criminal turn us against ourselves, or weaken our solid foundation, or provide a pretext to stifle debate.

America must be stronger than the evil we saw displayed last week. We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy. We will come out of this stronger and more united in our desire to peacefully engage in the great debates of our time, to respectfully embrace our differences in a positive manner, and to unite in the knowledge that, though our ideas may be different, we must all strive for a better future for our country. May God bless America.

– Sarah Palin

I was tempted to end this post by snarkily (is that a word?) asking, “so, she is running for president, right?”  But let me expand.  I mean what she is doing here, seems to be deliberately stepping into that “bully pulpit” role that you normally see a President assume.  These days we have come to think that part of the President’s job is to comment on every major issue of the day, and that part of the President’s job is to be the moral beacon for the rest of the nation.  I don’t personally buy into that.  Yes, I listen when the President talks, generally, but I judge his (or potentially her) wisdom on the merits, without any added weight because s/he is President.  But I suspect a lot of Americans do actually look to the President for moral guidance, and here she is stepping into that role.

So we get this video from what could have been a President’s private retreat and Palin doing her best to seem presidential, to respond to the libel against her without getting dragged down too far into the mud.  Obama’s staff clearly thinks that they have a chance to turn triumph into tragedy, as one sociopathic analysis imagined.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Palin was trying to steal a little of that thunder.

You might call that politicizing the event, and grumble about that. But the fact is that Christina Green’s body wasn’t even cold before many on the left began this blood libel, and so on some level Palin had to respond. So this would be example #371 of liberals strengthening Palin with their attacks.

Update: Congresschmuck Clyburn calls Palin stupid for this video and generally doesn’t get it because she is white.  Yes, really:

“You know, Sarah Palin just can’t seem to get it, on any front. I think she’s an attractive person, she is articulate,” Clyburn said on the Bill Press radio show. “But I think intellectually, she seems not to be able to understand what’s going on here.”…

“I have some experiences that maybe she does not have,” he said. “When I see and hear things today that are reminiscent of that period of time, I am very, very concerned about it, because I know what it led to back then, and I know what it can lead to again.”

Yeah, of course Sarah Palin has no experience at all with death threats:

(Further update: Patterico previously covered tweeted threats, here.)

And if someone murdered Sarah Palin tomorrow, would anyone be shocked?  No.  But something tells me that the left won’t engage in the kind of reflection they are demanding of the right for this Safeway massacre, despite the inconvenient fact that the right had nothing to do with it.

By the way, last night a man claiming to be the author of that video of tweeted death threats said that he has been informed that he has 48 hours to take down that video, in a little bit of leftward fascism.  Here’s a hint, liberals.  This nothing in that video that isn’t protected by the first amendment.  You wrote those words.  And in many cases you attached your picture, possibly even your name, to those words.  This was not done in private, but all over the internet for anyone to see. You have no legal right to stop someone else from taking a screencap and naming and shaming you for it.

And your fascism won’t work.  Thanks to regulars here, I have screencaps of everything on that video and even a copy of the video.  You might strike it down, but it will appear elsewhere.  It’s called the Streisand effect.  Google it.

As for Clyburn, lean in Mr. Congressman, because I have a message for you. You are a disgrace.  Congress would be better off without you.

More: Clyburn alleges here that reading the constitution on the House floor contributed to this massacre. Now, as you might remember, Patterico earlier posted video of Giffords herself participating in the reading of the Constitution.

So, OMG, that means that this wasn’t attempted murder on Giffords. This was attempted suicide by Constitution reading!

Of course in this case, reducing Clyburn to absurdity is almost intellectually lazy it is so easy.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

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123 Responses to “Sarah Palin Releases Video Response to Blood Libel (Update: Clyburn Responds and Krauthammer for the Defense; Chait “Lord Help Me, I’m Defending Palin.”)”

  1. Aaron, the First Amendment only applies to government action. A internet service provider, like any private entity, can set its own rules (in some cases, internet service providers are required to take down videos if there’s an allegation of intellectual property infringement).
    Ask Patterico about it.

    Jim (87e69d)

  2. At another blog, I suggested the following headline for a story on Clyburn’s “blood libel”. He said Palin wasn’t intelligent enough to get it.

    And Charles K. crushed the libs over this nonsense in the Wapo today. He ended his rebuke with this beautiful sentence:
    “The origins of Loughner’s delusions are clear: mental illness. What are the origins of Krugman’s?”

    Fred Beloit (3f1b2d)

  3. Daley is settled in the oval office. Rahm will tend the fires back home soon enough. Meanwhile the actor in the lead role will carry on with his cast of do-gooders. Tonight’s evening oratory should be superb. Maybe with a shout-out for the Sheriff.

    Vermont Neighbor (fe461f)

  4. Fred

    its the same Wapo piece, i think. they can just publish his work, too.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  5. Waaaay too wordy and preachy – true the attacks are really unfair but if giving a statement, Palin should have talked about the victims and their families and not politics

    Bringing politics into this is wrong – let one side make all the noise they want – to add to it diminished the high ground upon where she once stood, now she’s in the clutter next to the gutter

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  6. #4 I don’t agree, Eric. Every false charge, every untrue smear must be answered. Bush tried the “ignore them, it is all just politics” line
    and we now have a community organizer in the White House and looming destruction of our sick care system and economy. They must be answered. All their lies must be exposed, every single one.

    Fred Beloit (3f1b2d)

  7. eric

    i think she could have said a little more about the families, but she said enough, imho.

    as for the “stay above the fray” v. everything has to be answered debate with Fred, i think she does have to respond in some way, but she should be careful not to get mired in dealing with every disagreement.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  8. She talked about the victims and the families in a statement on Saturday so I think she didn’t have to do it again.

    MU789 (6ce96d)

  9. agree here: Bush tried the “ignore them, it is all just politics” line and we now have a community organizer in the White House and looming destruction of our sick care system and economy. They must be answered. All their lies must be exposed, every single one.

    Vermont Neighbor (fe461f)

  10. As usual, Krauthammer’s case is developed as logically and precisely as a barrister might have done; but I humbly submit that his insights as a psychiatrist are even more pertinent here.

    Beldar (ff4f38)

  11. “Waaaay too wordy and preachy – true the attacks are really unfair but if giving a statement, Palin should have talked about the victims and their families and not politics”

    EricPW – Correction, according to the left the dead are not victims, they are political martyrs. Please frame your comments accordingly.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  12. From Abe Greenwald at Commentary:

    Quick question: If the media really thinks Sarah Palin’s political map with crosshairs encourages political violence, why do they keep showing it? Aren’t there more potential victims “targeted” on that map?

    The media never showed the Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad because they really were scared it would trigger violence (against them). So we know they’ll self-censor when they truly believe violence can happen. That they keep reproducing the Palin map suggests they know it doesn’t inspire violence after all.

    Fritz (ac48cc)

  13. Daley

    The attacks on her are grossly unfair – and to separate herself from those who politicize it would have been to focus purely on the families and offer whatever aide and comfort her family could give them.

    This would have put in a frame the callouness and thoughtlessness of all her critics

    Instead she had to preach, and felt she was forced to, which is playing into their hands

    I understand people wanting to confront her critics but they are unconfrontable as they do not care about facts, they are propagandists and they actually enjoy enraging all of you – remember anyone who would turn the tragic deaths of 6 people in the hands of a loon into a political attack are beyond any reason or virtue.

    The only way to fight propaganda is not to invoke reagan and the founding fathers but to offer comfort and aide.

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  14. Fritz – The answer to that is easy. With the Danish cartoon the media was worried about their own safety. With Palin’s map they have two objectives, destroying Sarah, plus they don’t really think the map will incite violence but if it does, it will help Obama anyway.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  15. Fritz, that is a damn good point.

    The map is so benign I haven’t even considered the other marks on it being dangerous. I doubt anyone on the left had, either.

    EPWJ has a point that Palin is stepping into the ring of a very ugly political fight, but I don’t think she should be blamed. She gave them a few days, and she was getting smeared.

    Her initial comment on the shooting was the proper victim sympathy type. I think EPWJ’s right that more of that would be good optics, but I do note that the entire point of the comment is to defend herself from the blood libel, so perhaps she isn’t in the mood for covering that up.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  16. This guy at the UK’s Daily Mail is seeing through the BS.

    How America’s elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah Palin

    Also an Aussie:

    The framing of Sarah Palin

    Gerald A (9ef895)

  17. Preface:I am not much of a fan of Palin to begin with.When pressed I haven’t seen much substance to her beyond the beauty pageant answers she is prone to give.

    This doesn’t help her. It’s another scream for attention. Had she simply made a statement on facebook that this was an atrocity by one lunatic with no discernable logic and saying how she prays for the victims and their families.That would’ve been sufficient. A classier response would’ve been to ignore the stupidity of the left. Answering every “charge” gets you nowhere.Getting down in the mud wrestling the pigs gets you filthy and pisses off the pig more. I would prefer a leader, not someone who thinks the job at hand is to argue with fools like Krugman, Olbermann and Matthews.

    Bugg (996c34)

  18. “The only way to fight propaganda is not to invoke reagan and the founding fathers but to offer comfort and aide.”

    EricPW – She already did but perhaps you missed that. She also has to take on the liars full force, just like you have to take on the apologists for Islam.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  19. Aaron-

    I understand your question regarding how many people will “get” some of the references Palin makes. But I’d respond with, “how many more people are now paying attention to politics compared to 10 years ago”? I think the Tea Party movement alone has increased the political IQ of a lot of people, in particular supporters of Sarah Palin. So I think Sarah realizes fairly well what the reach of her message will be.

    Tex Lovera (30e140)

  20. Fritz thanks for that

    i think i will use that in a post i am planning later today.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  21. So Clyburn is blaming the victim, Giffords, for her own near death because she was one of the readers of the Constitution in the House? And, how mean of the House leadership to actually have a member of the minority party to read from the Constitution. You wouldn’t see democrats include republicans in such a ‘publicity stunt’.
    And we should not forget that Clyburn was behind the n word libel against the Washington Tea Party, falsely claiming that teapartiers used the nword against minority representatives and spitting on them. He has yet to retract his blood libel against the tea partiers. He is beneath contempt, and that is not because of the color of his skin but because of the lack of content of his character.

    eaglewingz08 (83b841)

  22. This doesn’t help her. It’s another scream for attention.

    It’s not like she’s responding at the drop of a hat.

    hundreds of people are calling for her to be murdered. I do not think it’s fair to say her direct rebuttal of a massive condemnation of her is really a scream for attention.

    Her initial response was exactly what you said would be classy. Just a short little prayer for the victims. At some point, you have a right to say they are lying about you. Palin is completely justified. I do think there’s some wisdom in ignoring the haters as much as you can, but that’s the approach that has doomed so many Republicans. That’s why idiots think Bush ‘lied’. Palin’s major differenve from other republicans is that she responds to most major attacks on her. She always gives her side.

    There is a huge advantage to that, because now even lefty shill outlets will feel some pressure to include Palin’s comments if they include her detractors, to avoid obvious bias. they didn’t have to do that for bush, because he didn’t stand up for himself.

    I am 100% serious when I say this is the main reason Palin is a factor in politics at all. Take this one ‘I react to your attacks’ away, and she wouldn’t be on the stage at all.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  23. eagle

    i was at that rally. i will never forget.

    but to be fair (something he never is to his opponents but we are better than him) he didn’t directly blame her. i don’t even think he remembered that she read the constitution. because in the end he is a sociopath, who doesn’t really care about the victims, but instead only seeks to manipulate this to his advantage.

    Okay, maybe that doesn’t help his case very much, but i believed it to be true.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  24. Tex

    well, let me hope you are right. so far the american people are not falling for the spin, which is encouraging. and i really do consider these people quasi-sociopaths, and i think the american people can sense that even if they can’t be sure what is wrong with their reactions.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  25. “It’s another scream for attention.”

    Great, we have Bugg and EricPW voting for Palin to roll over and play dead in the face of all the PERSONAL attacks on her. I wonder if they would provide the same counsel if the personal attacks were on the candidates of their choice. I doubt it.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  26. Palin’s statement was thoughtful and quite Presidential IMO. While I had questions about her qualifications to be President before, her behavior since the last election and this statement,
    added to her other fine qualities, has shown me she is ready to be President, much more ready than the current Ivy President, with his pick of clownish Ivy advisers. If she is the final nominee, I will have no trouble voting for and supporting her. Moonbats with your lies, learn to love it.

    Fred Beloit (3f1b2d)

  27. True, but it resonates because she is genuine,which enrages the left even more,

    narciso (6075d0)

  28. Dustin-

    I admit, Reagan is an easy example to fall back on. He would’ve dismissed that he had any connection or responsibility to these murders as ridiculous, and focused our attention and sympathy on the victims. Let those on the left vent angrily. DOing so in response to them, no matter how justified the righteous indignation may be, is still anger. And that gets you nowhere with the bulk of Americans.

    Bugg (996c34)

  29. Fred

    > much more ready than the current Ivy President

    talk about setting a low bar. right now i am convinced that a jar of peanut butter could do a better job than obama.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  30. Daley,

    I think you misread my comment, Plain does not have to answer these critics because they are horrible, specious people who on the very face of it are lower than Phelps, to argue when bodies are lying in state and the gravely wounded are hovering near death is just not the right thing to do.

    The hallmark of Palin’s success has been to rise above the fray but she has departed from that.

    Look, I dont like the woman at all, but in noo freakin way do I feel she is even remotely, distantly responsible for this and since I’m usually the dumb one in the bunch – the overwhelming majority are seeing right through this.

    People are in pain, arguing over why, who is not helping their families through this.

    Palin should perhaps step up her fud raising for the victims, the injured – use her powers for positive good.

    Instead of a self serving shrill lecture on things that we already knew

    She’s got to get smarter and tougher on these things.

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  31. “The origins of Loughner’s delusions are clear: mental illness. What are the origins of Krugman’s?”

    Also mental illness.

    Dave Surls (2641bf)

  32. Rep. Clyburn is a sexist pig…. If we lived in Bizarro world and he were a Republican/Conservative and Palin where a Democrat/Liberal…

    Grym (38ae16)

  33. “The hallmark of Palin’s success has been to rise above the fray but she has departed from that.”

    EricPW – I understood your comment just fine. Your dislike for Palin clouds your judgment. Rewatch or reread the text of the video. She stays above the mud and the fray. It’s a pity you can’t comprehend that.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  34. And that gets you nowhere with the bulk of Americans.

    Comment by Bugg —

    to be clear, I didn’t think her video will be very influential. It’s just dry and dull, and sounds like a tired school teacher reading someone else’s views.

    But the argument is very sound. Will it help Palin with her detractors? Of course not. They won’t even watch the video long enough to get to the part where she condemns provocative blood libel.

    EPWJ says this is a shrill lecture, but it’s not shrill… it’s barely got a pulse.

    “The hallmark of Palin’s success has been to rise above the fray but she has departed from that.”

    Nope. She responds to the fray, over and over again. that’s her hallmark. I think it gets old, and yet i recognize that it seems to be working a lot better than ignoring the nastiness.

    I do think EPWJ is right, ultimately, in what’s saving Palin on this issue is simply that the attack is failing on its own. I still don’t begrudge her this response, which is extremely mild for a Palin reaction.

    If you watch the video, 99% of it is either talking about healing or praising freedom of speech. Very little of it directly notes the attacks on Palin.

    I also think if she was too direct in raising funds for the victims that people would start to think she was reacting in order to heal the damage she caused. It would also seem crass and obvious.

    anyway, there’s no way this video does Palin any harm. It’s a reaction that is boring, but I think it hits the right points by focusing on healing and freedom, and now her detractors can be expected to include Palin’s reaction. In fact, when I think about this, I wonder if it’s so dull because it’s crafted to prevent the MSM from taking any of it out of context.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  35. he stays above the mud and the fray. It’s a pity you can’t comprehend that.

    Daleyrocks is right. Even though I note she has a habit of reacting to attacks to her, she is hardly wallowing or sinking to their level. She isn’t in the fray, attacking anyone for responsibility for this shooting. She’s condemning the fray in the name of what makes America a great and free country.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  36. Dustin

    Palin’s lost her edge ever since she started responding to all attacks on her –


    Maybe you should take your advice about being an apologist as well – being an apologist for Palin is as bad as those who are blaming her for this incident – its unseemly and gross – she hasn’t done anything noteable and as facts were pointed out her record is poor, very poor.

    I listened to her speech on the radio and she has the Debra Norville problem – she’s too chipper and in times of grief its best to say nothing – its not the time for speeches just statements and most importantly help


    who gives a crap if people – who are not doing a damn thing – criticise her fundraising for the victims – how much worse could it get?

    At least she would have done something hugely positive in this whole negative mess.

    I again dont think that these cretins deserve a response from Palin they are not worth her time nor her energy, and her status as a national figure would be greatly enhanced and win over a-holes like me if she tried to do something right instead of respond to those who are doing something wrong because – they are not going to stop – and they are going to only prolong the victims pain.

    These people need money btw – the victims

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  37. Well, back up a minute on that last part. I think that it might be the only reasonable thing Clyburn said, that Giffords reading of the Constitution might have caused the shooting.


    1. Loughner was paranoid about the government and particularly about the Constitution, which he considers treasonous and false
    2. Giffords, his congresswoman, whom he already dislikes from their previous encounter, and thinks is stupid – is televised reading from… the Constitution. That he hates.

    Two days later, he goes and shoots her at the next available opportunity.

    If I were the police investigating this, that would be my first theory to the motive/cause of his psychotic outburst of violence. Perhaps it’s not why it happened, but using the scientific method, you go with what you’ve got, posit a theory, test it, and find out if it holds water.

    So I wouldn’t dismiss this notion outright, just because Clyburn eased in on it.

    Seixon (f66dff)

  38. I’ve never really liked that term “haters.” It seemed too extreme.

    Then I read the commenters to Jonathan Chait’s defense of Sarah Palin.

    Oh my. Those people have got it bad. I’m comforted only in the expectation that, as good liberals, they probably don’t own guns themselves.

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  39. “Maybe you should take your advice about being an apologist as well – being an apologist for Palin is as bad as those who are blaming her for this incident”

    EricPW – Are you now ready to admit that Palin is talking about principles in her speech and how it is wrong of pundits and journalists to create a blood libel out of the situation and that she points people to what they should focus on?

    Please point out the objectionable parts of her speech rather than slinking away.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  40. Seixon

    well, i don’t think clyburn said it in that spirit, but… that’s actually really plausible the way you said it.

    Ah, that is one of the cool things about blogging. you never know how the commenters might deepen your understanding of things.

    nice show.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  41. who gives a crap if people – who are not doing a damn thing – criticise her fundraising for the victims – how much worse could it get?

    You are contradicting yourself here. You were saying she should do this for PR value, and I noted that it would be really obvious and could look like she’s trying to compensate for something ths’es responsible for… and at any rate, is not as good for PR to combat this slander of her as simply focusing on why the slander is wrong. your response is ‘who cares that it won’t work!’?

    Well… you did a minute ago.

    I’m sure you’re right that the victims could use some relief. I do not think Palin should exploit that for PR value. If she wants to combat the blood libel, the bad speech, the solution is honest speech in response.

    These simply are different issues, and using ‘I just got them a million bucks’ as an argument will fail, because the American people just aren’t this stupid.

    Also, you’re twisting all the responsibilities around. While it wouldn’t surprise me if Palin did something for charity, you shouldn’t say place that burden on her, of all people. What makes Palin particularly responsible for any of this? Why not demand Newt Gingrich raise this money?

    I don’t think Palin is associated with the victim’s plight very well. Everyone out there has an equal justification for raising this money. It doesn’t have anything to do with Palin’s reaction to this slander.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  42. Honestly, telling Palin she should just shut up is such a hilarious response to her video. It’s silly because the video mostly covers the value of speech.

    ‘She’s lost her edge’

    Hehehe What? That’s ridiculous. this was a drab video on purpose. It’s meant to avoid anyone taking a bit out of context to portray her as another angry ghoul. It’s barely got a pulse, but it’s absolutely the truth. It’s the winning argument, and anyone who loves this country agrees with every single word of it.

    I really do not think there is a savvy political edge is ignoring a ‘bush lied people died’ type smear. That just doesn’t work. Everyone can speak so easily in this era that if you do not speak, people assume you are guilty. It’s not savvy to ignore hatred. It’s also not really savvy to pretend charity can stand in place of an argument.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  43. Of course Clyburn is right…. because Palin didn’t “walked at Selma”. Has he found someone who can collect the $$ from the Breitbart bet yet?

    john b (3114a6)

  44. “its not the time for speeches just statements and most importantly help”

    EricPW – Right, if the same types of vicious personal attacks being made against a politician you like instead of Palin, you would be advising them to remain quiet. I don’t believe that for a minute.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  45. Sometimes it’s hard to remember we’re all on the same team. That’s why was so refreshing and timely. Before the race for 2012 officially starts, we should get as many people to read that wonderful piece as we can. Then, in 2012 we can bring America back!

    Dan (403904)

  46. Btw, have you heard, the sheriff will not release contacts of the Dept, with Loughner prior to the

    narciso (6075d0)

  47. Daley

    Giving a speech is wrong, doesnt matter what the tone is – she’s not family – statements are fine – speeches can and are construed as self centered – you are rightfully angry about these attacks and this colors your usually sound very sound judgement (and it should).

    My point is speeches are PR, the PR is trying to be generated by the left for political gain, if you counter their arguments- its construed to be for your political gain

    Palin – was never about that – she was about the people (this is what I though of her intitially – until the book deals, dozens speeches at 100,000 a pop, TV shows yadyadayada)

    Dustin, I meant for her to do something right – helping people in times of distress is the right thing to do – to grab the spotlight – however noble, however well intentioned is not appreciated in times of grief and struggle

    I apologize if I seemed to be contrianian – rarely do that 🙂

    But she should do it because it will help those people ad show people what Palin is and not what people say she is

    there are worse things in life

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  48. As someone noted, Charles Krauthammer is a psychiatrist by training. He is not a lawyer or barrister.

    thegreatbeast (02c03c)

  49. EPWJ’s “advice” is as incoherent as usual.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  50. By show of hands, who thought that was shrill?

    JD (228f15)

  51. Where was EPWJ when people were bashing Palin? why didn’t he put any responsibility on THEM to raise this money? why is it Palin’s failure that the ‘victims need the money’?

    That seems really odd. Obama is calling the Sheriff to thank him for his excellent response. If there really is this huge need for funds, why not condemn Obama for lying? the response apparently is lacking something huge, right?

    Why not condemn Krugman and Matthews and Olbermann? Tell the people who started this blood libel to be silent and just raise money. Don’t tell the person who is responding to being libeled to shut up.

    This reaction conveniently ignores the merits of Palin’s argument. Palin didn’t cause these victims to suffer. If someone really thinks raising money is more important than speech, they shouldn’t be here talking at all.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  52. “Everyone can speak so easily in this era that if you do not speak, people assume you are guilty.”

    Dustin – Haven’t you gotten it yet? EricPW wants to shut down speech he doesn’t like. Just think through a few topics. He’s a totalitarian at heart.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  53. Daley

    I am a friend and supporter of Rick Perry – I would have died ten times over responding to attacks on him – there has never ever been a politician as viciously attacked as Perry in US History

    And wait – its going to get worse – but Rick can handle it – he’ll call me if he needs me – given my debacle runing for school board – I don’t think he’s going to use me in his campaign..

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  54. Dustin, I meant for her to do something right – helping people in times of distress is the right thing to do – to grab the spotlight – however noble, however well intentioned is not appreciated in times of grief and struggle

    But this video is not grabbing the spotlight. that’s absurd. It’s clearly a sober video that spends a lot of time focusing on healing, more on freedom itself, and almost none on Palin.

    That is the right thing to do. The solution to bad speech is more speech.

    You can’t credit her with doing something right in this case? Because there are other rights in the world?

    Should everyone shut up when there’s a tragedy needing money, or just Palin? You didn’t say this about the people libeling Palin, after all. You didn’t tell Scozzafava to drop out of her election bid and raise money for hungry children, right?

    Your argument seems designed to put a burden on Palin that is totally unfair. Why do you think Palin owes restitution? What leads you to say that’s the ‘right thing to do’ that should shut her up?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  55. I am a friend and supporter of Rick Perry – I would have died ten times over responding to attacks on him – there has never ever been a politician as viciously attacked as Perry in US History


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  56. Rick Perry should resign today and start raising money for the victims of Haiti.

    No wait… that’s kinda dumb.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  57. “Giving a speech is wrong, doesnt matter what the tone is”

    Bullsh*t. She released a video. She did not hold a press conference to do it. Her message benefits the approximately 60% of the country which does not ascribe political motives to the shootings, the 50% of the country which identifies with Tea Party values, and is an indirect shot at the left to stop trying to delegitimize the results of the November elections.

    Point out the objectionable parts or stop whining about timing.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  58. thegreat

    i know, it was just a little rhetorical flourish.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  59. there has never ever been a politician as viciously attacked as Perry in US History

    Comedy gold.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  60. “Waaaay too wordy and preachy – true the attacks are really unfair but if giving a statement, Palin should have talked about the victims and their families and not politics

    Bringing politics into this is wrong – let one side make all the noise they want – to add to it diminished the high ground upon where she once stood, now she’s in the clutter next to the gutter”

    EricPW – The above was your initial judgement about Palin’s words. Are you still sticking by them or have you reconsidered?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  61. History lesson: I was explaining why Texans should vote for Perry, and EPWJ quoted that comment later, striping out all the reasons to support Perry, or even the fact I had. He actually lied, saying I was not supporting Perry at all.

    How bizarre that someone so loyal to Perry would stab Perry in the back the way EPWJ did.

    I think his claim Perry’s the most victimized guy out there is freaking hilarious. Obama, Bush, Palin, even Scozzafava have all faced much more flack. Perry seems to be a survivor, but he’s never going to be more than Texas Governor (which is quite a nice accomplishment, anyway).

    Anyway, this is a strange distraction.

    Giving a speech when you’re not family is “wrong”, says EPWJ. What’s up with this? I thought EPWJ placed the burden of saving the victims on Palin. He must think she is especially related to what happened.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  62. Also, if this speech was political, I am scared for our people. the principles discussed are so basic to our values that they should be universally valued and no longer political debates. Freedom to speak and peaceably assemble? Um… that’s not a major political football anymore.

    And you know, if EPWJ is right, and these issues are political today, they are very urgent matters worth discussing.

    I know this isn’t what Oprah would say, but freedom of speech is a hell of a lot more important than 6 dead people. Or 6 million.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  63. “Maybe you should take your advice about being an apologist as well”

    EricPW – Does being an apologist mean defending a public figure against unfair attacks? I don’t think it does, but given that I have meticulously pointed out your repeated lies and distortions about Palin’s record on the pages of this blog, feel free to give me that label.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  64. “I am a friend and supporter of Rick Perry”

    We are in the indirect presence of greatness!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  65. Clyburn is one of the evil assholes who lied about the alleged n-word shouts at the March 20 PPACA incident. He is also a member of the Congessional Black Caucus. Someone explain to me why, in the year 2011, we tolerate the existence of an explicitly race-based caucus in Congress. I find it outrageous.

    gp (72be5d)

  66. daley,

    She’s wallowing in the gutter with them

    You need to define which attacks were unfair most were quite fair except the petty one’s about the clothes and some salicious articles and her kids

    But many were quite correct and fair

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  67. Rick Perry needs to commute Mr. Delay’s sentence but he won’t cause his hair has always envied Mr. Delay’s brash freewheeling confidence

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  68. …there has never ever been a politician as viciously attacked as Perry in US History…

    Apparently, Yelverton and crissyhooten have some new competition.

    JD (228f15)

  69. Dustin,

    I’ve got people coming over to the cabin so I got to go

    I appreciate and have listened to everything you said, but my point is – releasing her speech as a press release followed with positive action is preferable to the limelight – and if freedom of expression is speaking your mind at innapropriate times then by all means its a right – but that doesn’t men you are free from the consequences of it

    HAve a great day! You too Daley

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  70. JD

    Seems to me that Scott thinks you are as much a cretin as Yel and Chris – I disagree –

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  71. Rick Perry needs to commute Mr. Delay’s sentence

    This is true.

    I don’t expect Perry to do it, though.

    Delay got an absurd sentence for making a contribution from the national party to state elections. That isn’t money laundering just because corporations give the national party money.

    If we applied that logic, it’s money laundering when corporations give to the Salvation Army, and the Salvation Army then gives to the needy.

    Delay’s ‘everyone does that’ logic may have been lampooned repeatedly, but it is really sad that a democrat prosecutor somewhat notorious for attacking prominent Republicans decided to press novel charges on what seemed like partisan grounds.

    If this is a crime, then the sentence should have been extremely low in recognition of the fact that Delay was using accountants and lawyers to stay within the law, and if it was broken, was because we had a completely new application of it everyone was breaking.

    This is not a legitimate way to handle political differences. Alas, Delay is ‘the hammer’ and is a lightning rod, and commuting him will be more politically difficult than Scooter Libby.

    And really, all these men should stop what they are doing and hold a telethon right now for the victims of AIDS. It’s the right thing to do. They need the money.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  72. The Delay indictment, really shows how Ahab like the Democrats have been, to those who challenge their power, with Ronnie Earle manning the Pequod

    narciso (6075d0)

  73. I could care less what you think of me, epwj. ditto Yelverton. Ditto crissyhooten.

    Your trying to nose in a dispute that has not one f@cling thing to do with you is typical of your asshattery. Bugger off.

    JD (228f15)

  74. Beldar:

    As usual, Krauthammer’s case is developed as logically and precisely as a barrister might have done; but I humbly submit that his insights as a psychiatrist are even more pertinent here.

    Exactly. What’s persuasive about Krauthammer’s column are paragraphs 3-11 where he marshals the facts and shows Loughner was lost in a world of his own making. That’s why his conclusion is so convincing:

    This is not political behavior. These are the signs of a clinical thought disorder — ideas disconnected from one another, incoherent, delusional, detached from reality.

    These are all the hallmarks of a paranoid schizophrenic. And a dangerous one.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  75. From the comments@ Chait’s post …. It could be that even though he has different political views than Palin, when he heard her speak or saw her target map he thought, “maybe I should shoot the Congresswoman.” That possibility is reason enough to hold Palin responsible for her irresponsible rhetoric.

    These are the same people that want to manage your health care choices, label speech they disagree with asgard speech, etc … No thanks.

    JD (228f15)

  76. JD

    Scott was wrong and you were the one to bring me in company with them in this thread – I just responded to you and pointed out that a very beloved and prominent blogger here at Patterico felt that you were just the same as them and I disagreed

    And despite your unfounded and unfair attacks upon me for my opinions I still disagree – you were kind to him and gracious

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  77. That possibility is reason enough to hold Palin responsible for her irresponsible rhetoric.

    This is pathetic reasonsing, JD. If he really meant it, he isn’t smart enough to turn on a laptop.

    But he doesn’t mean it. He means that he hates Palin and will figure out a way to express that. there’s a possibility that a crazy person would eat his cat because of Palin’s glasses. That possibility is reason enough to not really care.

    And it’s not a possibility. Giffords rebuked Jared’s question in 2007, setting him on this obsession. That poor woman is holding her husband’s hand with half her skull cut off. Putting that evil on anyone but the shooter is sickening.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  78. Don’t forget that Chait is a Journolista, and accordingly, maybe they removed the first brain slug, but they put another one in his place

    narciso (6075d0)

  79. No, you introduced my dispute with Scott into it. Not I. That is beyond dispute.

    JD (228f15)

  80. And despite your unfounded and unfair attacks upon me for my opinions I still disagree – you were kind to him and gracious

    Comment by EricPWJohnson

    Let’s save the drama, OK? I think you’ve been the beneficiary of a lot of patience.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  81. JD

    I’M not bringing anything here that everyone already knows you give money time and support to someone who put Pat’s family’s information to a dangerous person and still do correct?

    And then tried to tie me in with people who support terorism

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  82. Jesus fucking Christ. WTF is the matter with you?!

    JD (228f15)

  83. James Clyburn is a liar. Given his proven fraud about “Tea Partiers” screaming racist epithets at him, nothing he says can be trusted in the least.

    Federal Dog (8dc08a)

  84. Lets leave it up to Patterico to see if that is an accurate and fair description.

    JD (228f15)

  85. “She’s wallowing in the gutter with them”

    EricPW – Since you claim she is in the gutter, why won’t you point out the objectionable words? How many times to do you need to be asked?

    “You need to define which attacks were unfair”

    You just admitted they were in the gutter, doesn’t that imply they were unfair? Seriously, what don’t you understand?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  86. Unlike wi others I had a disagreement with, epwj is not doing so in good faith, and in an effort to not derail this thread any further, I will take my leave for a while. Epwj’s feces tossing asshattery grows increasingly wearisome.

    JD (228f15)

  87. EPWJ, I don’t think you should lead us in that direction. I actually agree completely with how harmful to Patterico that particular incident probably was, but JD didn’t do it. This is just stirring the pot of a blog war that no one reasonable wants to see.

    JD’s one of the good guys. He’s not out there to stir up shit. On both sides, he’s generally trying to tone it down and discuss things that are more worthy of our time. Just because he takes that tone doesn’t mean he is endorsing the crap that has bugged you (justifiably).

    A line was crossed by Kimberlin that wasn’t crossed by the lower nasty people. Let’s not conflate away the difference, and please, let’s keep it on target. You have critical views of Palin’s speech, and while I disagree, I’m glad someone is willing to make those points. Why move from valuable dialogue to attacking the people you’re discussing this with?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  88. I just couldn’t help myself here. From the comments on the Jon Chait piece ~

    01/12/2011 – 10:17am EDT | Virginia Centrist

    “Good lord, Jon! Who cares if it’s intellectually dishonest to attack her and pin this on her. I admire your honestly and lack of cynicism here, but the teaparty has crossed the line of good taste in their vile and violence-laced attacks and rhetoric aimed towards politicians in BOTH PARTIES. I should think that all elites would agree that they deserve this and that this will calm them down and reinforce the temporarily forgotten social norm that over the top rhetoric is inappropriate.
    If you’re trying to argue that this won’t work, then you’re wrong. John Boehner has every incentive in the world to quiet these nuts down before a presidential election. Their usefulness is limited to base tur … view full comment

    Good lord, Jon! Who cares if it’s intellectually dishonest to attack her and pin this on her. I admire your honestly and lack of cynicism here, but the teaparty has crossed the line of good taste in their vile and violence-laced attacks and rhetoric aimed towards politicians in BOTH PARTIES. I should think that all elites would agree that they deserve this and that this will calm them down and reinforce the temporarily forgotten social norm that over the top rhetoric is inappropriate.

    If you’re trying to argue that this won’t work, then you’re wrong. John Boehner has every incentive in the world to quiet these nuts down before a presidential election. Their usefulness is limited to base turnout elections (midterms).

    Most Americans will buy these attacks on Palin, by the way, regardless of the facts. Why? Because they don’t like her.”

    Catch the poster’s handle? Virginia Centrist . Too funny.

    They openly admitted they want to be “intellectually dishonest”.

    In other words, they have no problem with being a liar,just don’t call them that. That would be harsh don’t ya see?

    flicka47 (e43cc1)

  89. That is an amazing comment, flicka. Appealing to the ‘elites’ to push the Tea Party to revise their position. They think they are bipartisan and centrist because they are defending ‘both parties’. But the craziest aspect is the call for dishonesty.

    Where was this person when the left made much more extreme comments than a map of targeted elections? Why are they willing to dehumanize an entire movement as violent if they know it isn’t true?

    Nothing is sacred anymore.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  90. “1. And Charles K. crushed the libs over this nonsense in the Wapo today.”

    The Hammer connects. Bet DC suffers more than the wimmin’ and chillin’.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  91. News sources indicate Ms. Palin’s video has been pulled down.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  92. #

    News sources indicate Ms. Palin’s video has been pulled down.

    Comment by DCSCA —

    It has not been pulled down.

    Why didn’t you try to play it before you said that?

    And why would it pulled down?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  93. DCSCA, the only place on the internet saying it was pulled down is Democratic underground.


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  94. @90- It’s back up, unedited. Tech issues per Politico. And you’re inaccurate, as usual. Defensive, too. Try decaf, fella.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  95. “It’s back up, unedited.”

    DCSCA – Too bad for you she did not cave in to the bogus criticism. Even Alan Dershowitz is defending her use of the term blood libel. Maybe he is a closet Tea Partier.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  96. @90- It’s back up, unedited. Tech issues per Politico. And you’re inaccurate, as usual. Defensive, too. Try decaf, fella.

    No, it was never down.

    MSNBC says they got the URL wrong. The only site that mentioned this, at the time you posted it, was Democratic Underground. At least according to my google search.

    And as I noted, the video played when you posted you comment that it didn’t. the link is on this very post. Why are you calling me defensive and inaccurate if you were the one who spread a claim that was so easy to see was wrong?

    As I asked you, why pull it down?

    The entire article you have posted, with its hysterical ‘Palin makes it worse!!!!’ claims, is a complete myth.

    Just explain yourself. Why didn’t you try to click the link at the top of the page and see if the video played?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  97. Hell, the link DCSCA claims he was relying on is full of people noting that the video was playing, the entire time.

    The comments start very soon after it was posted, and their entire ‘she’s admitting her mistake because she pulled it’ claims should have been withdrawn instantly.

    DCSCA had plenty of reason to check if the video played, since the comments noting it wasn’t pulled are earlier than his claim it was.

    His only defense is that I’m being defensive. that when I see a lie, I point it out. I guess that’s the charge against Palin, too. When she’s blood libeled, she has the gall to point it out.

    Consevatives should just shut up and let the left lie as much as they want? That’s what DCSCA is asking me to do.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  98. Ah, the International Man of Parody – certainly he thinks he looks good in his imaginary tux.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  99. Dustin – Progs are butt hurt she used the term “butt hurt,” which they feel should be reserved for Jews. They fail to understand it has a broader metaphorical meaning. For an intellectual elite they sure are stupid.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  100. make that “blood libel” not “butt hurt” in quotes above

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  101. JD

    I’m sorry if I offended you.


    EricPWJohnson (2925ff)

  102. @94- Rest easy, defensive Dustin. Ms. Palin’s video was posted on a Wednesday. Gives the writers at SNL a good three days to consider whether the content is worthy of working something up. Could Tina be made available in the vicinity of ’30 Rock’ on Saturday? You betcha.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  103. The fact the progs are perpetually butt hurt is beside the point. The opportunity to take another bogus shot at Palin today was what was important to them.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  104. DCSCA – I think there is better than even money that SNL will be parodying President ME after an awful performance in Tucson tonight.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  105. Rest easy, defensive Dustin

    No. You told a lie. I’ve called you on it. Your own source indicated the video was playing, and you posted it on a page where it was linked. I saw your comment when it posted and checked, and the video played. You should verify your bogus attacks, or you will continue to look like a nasty little liar.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  106. Someone check out Johnson’s caterwauling. If he is in full fledged crap his pants mode, then she hit all the right points.

    kansas (7b4374)

  107. @102- Inaccurate, as usual.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  108. IMP is an imbecile.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  109. @102- Inaccurate, as usual.

    Comment by DCSCA

    How vague.

    You didn’t say which media source you got this from, so I noted that the only place it was showing up was Democratic Underground. Is that inaccurate? No. It’s accurate.

    You passed along the lie that the video was down, even though an honest person would have checked. When you left the comment, the video worked fine. the update to your link was 19 minutes BEFORE you comment you left here.

    I pointed out you were wrong, and asked you where you got the lie, and why you didn’t check it out.

    How was I inaccurate? You say ‘as usual’, but I cannot recall you ever challenging a single factual claim I’ve ever made. It’s as though you’ve decided to call me a liar, and just imagined up some history between us, the way you’ve imagined up your resume for ITG bragging.

    As I noted, the video works. It was available 100% of the time. Your link has a long winded diatribe that is hysterical and wrong, and a short little correction to the most basic element of its case.

    You call me defensive… because I correct liars.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  110. It’s hilarious that DCSCA wants to carry on a long fight about something he was wrong about to begin with.

    I guess this is meant to troll and waste time and deflect. Kansas is right. Palin must have hit all the right points. Her comments about free speech seem obvious and banal to me, but the left probably finds them poisonous.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  111. @106/107- Beverage tip- the decaf pot has the red/orange top.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  112. @108..And the Palin hatred meme is getting old, old, old.

    kansas (7b4374)

  113. Hey, let’s hate on Michelle Bachmann for a while. After all she is really stupid.

    kansas (7b4374)

  114. @106/107- Beverage tip- the decaf pot has the red/orange top.

    Comment by DCSCA

    yeah, as I’ve been saying about you for some time, you just say crap to stir up problems, and don’t seem to mind at all when your claims are badly wrong. You just giggle about it. You want to distract and waste time. You’re scared to death of us just having a conversation.

    You rushed to this thread to post a claim about Palin that was completely wrong, and trivially easy to debunk. Hell, if you really got this from your new source, then you knew it was wrong when you posted it, and just wanted this very argument to happen. You wanted to bash people for defending Palin from a claim you knew was wrong to begin with.

    A reasonable person would have checked the video, and then never left your comment to begin with, but then… you would get to giggle about how ‘defensive’ we are.

    You are projecting this ‘decaf’ crap onto me. I would never be so excitable about a politician that I’d run around to websites to spread the latest stupid gossip. That’s what you’re doing. You’re projecting, and I think everyone can see that.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  115. I’m gonna go home now, but I think a reasonable thing to do would be to send Clyburn and Hank Johnson to Guam and put them in the middle of the island. Then have them both walk at the same pace in opposite directions to opposite coasts so it would not tip over.

    kansas (7b4374)

  116. House Democratic leaders call for end to belligerent rhetoric

    Honoring Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) as a “brilliant and courageous” colleague, Democratic leaders on Wednesday also urged an end to the often belligerent rhetoric that has marked the increasing polarization of American politics in recent years.

    “We do not know, of course, the specific motive which led the perpetrator of the crime to act, nor can we draw conclusions as to specific causes,” said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). “But it seems to me it is a time for us to reflect on the heightened anger being projected on our public debate and the daily denigration of those with whom we disagree.”

    Showing their seriousness, they continued that they “… no longer wanted the votes of anyone who would call a government official ‘Hitler,’ a ‘murderer’ or such. We hope that these people would find a home in another party, they are not welcome in the Democratic Party. We have no use for them.”

    Neo (03e5c2)

  117. Actually, I made up that last paragraph

    Neo (03e5c2)

  118. Scott, it’s great to see you around.

    It’s hilarious how the left will move from doing X to condemning X at the drop of a Palin.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  119. Hey, let’s hate on Michelle Bachmann for a while. After all she is really stupid.

    And she’s much too pretty as well, which as we all know is an unforgivable sin for a GOP woman candidate. The hotter they are they more awful they must be, always.

    Dmac (498ece)

  120. Palin has the best print and broadcast writing team of any major political figure, including the president. It puzzles the left and her detractors so much they think she communicates in code. She doesn’t. She’s been found guilty of triggering the death of a nine-year-old girl by dozens of loudmouths on the left. She’s absolutely entitled to respond with a hammer or a scalpel. The only thing they find wrong with this piece is her application of a phrase borrowed without permission. Wow.

    Birdbath (8501d4)

  121. “And she’s much too pretty as well.”

    – Dustin

    Ugh. Really? She looks like a female pre-Ring Gollum.

    Leviticus (5900d0)

  122. It’s all subjective.

    Dmac (498ece)

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