Patterico's Pontifications


Markos Blames Palin for Giffords Shooting — But There’s Just One Problem: Kos Put a Bulls Eye on Giffords

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:53 pm

Markos Moulitsas, doing the “Right Wingers Are Responsible for This Violent Act!” dance that we all knew these scumbags would do regarding the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords:

The link is to bottom-feeder TBogg, who predictably drags out the map Sarah Palin had put out targeting certain lawmakers, including Giffords, for political purposes.

But via daleyrocks, it appears that Markos himself also put a bulls eye on Giffords:

Well, well, well.

Naturally, putting a bulls eye on someone isn’t actually violent rhetoric. Stuff like this is just invoked by soulless ghouls to make a cheap political point. If you want actual violent rhetoric, you’d have to to go . . . well, Kos himself:

That said, I feel nothing over the death of merceneries. [sic] They aren’t in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.

Now that’s violent rhetoric!

UPDATE: Let me be triply clear in case you somehow missed the point: the post does not actually blame Kos for encouraging the shooting. The post blames Kos for being a smear-artist douchebag for blaming Palin for the shooting.

It’s not a subtle distinction . . .

UPDATE x2: Paul Krugman joins the army of scumbags who blame this on Palin while ignoring the identical behavior from Kos.

Typical douchebaggery.

UPDATE: For the benefit of the terminally stupid, the bulls eye graphic did not appear on Kos’s original post, as should be self-evident to a) any sentient being who examines the image, or b) any person who bothers to follow my link to the original Kos post. Kos “put the bulls eye” on Giffords and others with written rhetoric. I think you all knew that already, but Tommy Christopher insists that my credibility demands that I explain this to you as if you were all five year-olds.

UPDATE x3: Thanks to Hot Air for the link. More leftist hypocrisy and cynical exploitation of the shooting (and maps of Democrats “targeting” Republicans!) exposed here.

563 Responses to “Markos Blames Palin for Giffords Shooting — But There’s Just One Problem: Kos Put a Bulls Eye on Giffords”

  1. I believe I’ve told you before that the name “Moulitsas” translates literally as “the little female bastard’s child” in Greek.

    nk (db4a41)

  2. “Soros” means “pile”, BTW.

    Amazing, the coincidence of names fitting with these two assholes.

    nk (db4a41)

  3. What does “Markos” translate to?

    The Departed (d027b8)

  4. Instead of anyone trying to make this guy a man of the left or right, can we agree he’s a complete loon? There’s nothing more to it than that. This atrocity was committed by a coddled crazy nut who probably abused street drugs for years.

    I’m libertarian about the drug war. But seems that this a-hole was smoking pot like it was a breakfast food. So the next time we hear about the wonders of the natural herb and it’s wonderful calming effects and how no violent criminals ever smoke dope, think of this DB and his daily habit.

    Bugg (996c34)

  5. Palin and the reich wing’s rhetoric clearly contributed to this shooting.

    Wait, Jared… I thought you were in prison…

    The Departed (d027b8)

  6. Jane Fonda Blames Giffords Shooting on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party


    newrouter (b55202)

  7. Bugg:

    Re-read the post. Like the part where I say: “Stuff like this is just invoked by soulless ghouls to make a cheap political point.”

    Patterico (c218bd)

  8. What does “Markos” translate to?

    Comment by The Departed — 1/8/2011 @ 5:04 pm

    That’s the personal (Christian) name — St. Mark the Apostle.

    The Greeks, like the Scots, place importance in extended family (clan) names. Moulitsas is not a clan name you want to have.

    nk (db4a41)

  9. We had a bunch of this kind of talk during the last campaign, wasn’t Angle shooting things too?

    manchin d-wv shot the cap-n-tax bill

    newrouter (b55202)

  10. Patt the Host-

    Not so much aimed at you. Seems the left couldn’t wait 10 seconds before accusing the right of fostering this nut. This guy’s only true agenda was drug-fueled insane gobblytgook.

    Bugg (996c34)

  11. Giving a POS like Moulitsas 30 seconds of your time is 30 seconds you will never have again. He is an angry POS that the left embraces. Screw him.

    Dave N. (ca23a5)

  12. Kos’s voice makes me laugh.

    Just sayin’

    TheNewGuy (114368)

  13. Chemical dependency…
    Let’s not forget that Twitter(?) entry that she/he lost contact with Jared after his bout of “alcohol poisoning”.
    Sounds like he’s tried it all!

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  14. “Soros” means “pile”, BTW.

    “Pile” as in, hemorrhoid, or as in a steamy pile of sh*t?

    Pious Agnostic (f24095)

  15. Kos…
    And ABC thought that his addition to This Week would make the show better.
    I think it demonstrated to more than a few independents what a light-weight Kos is.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  16. “manchin d-wv shot the cap-n-tax bill

    Comment by newrouter ”

    Thank you!

    1st no labels, now no metaphors, next no speech

    newrouter (b55202)

  17. The spokesman in the presser, has his own issues;,2933,592136,00.html

    narciso (6075d0)

  18. According to ABC News, shooter’s favorite books were Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. He also says he doesn’t ‘trust in god’. Looks like the leftist misinformation merchants are trying to triple down on smear and stay ahead of the facts.


    harkin (1d0d3f)

  19. Markos Moulitsas made his bones, by spitting on the memory of Helvenston, (whose family line went back to Secretary Elihu Root) and the others, whose boots
    he wasn’t worthy of shining, Hence Newsweek opened up to him, MTP gave him a pundit slot, every DNC presidential candidate, including the incumbent
    and the late Mrs. Edwards, he’s unfortunately a BFD.

    narciso (6075d0)

  20. had a Diary, on his site, ghouls is charitable about
    how I feel about this rat.

    narciso (6075d0)

  21. So?
    The Sheriff believes in selective enforcement.
    Since when is that news?
    Plus, he didn’t make himself any friends at the State House when he spouted-off about SB-92(?).

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  22. my jack boot by suggesting that the violent rhetoric spewed by your candidates was a factor in this shooting.

    i didn’t favor the demonrat manchin in wv – you?

    newrouter (b55202)

  23. “Pile” as in, hemorrhoid, or as in a steamy pile of sh*t?

    Comment by Pious Agnostic — 1/8/2011 @ 5:23 pm

    “Pile”, generally. A lot. A haystack, a pile of money, etc.

    nk (db4a41)

  24. Screw Kos, you are a bad parody.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  25. Care to defend them?

    care to defend O!’s buddies ayers and dornan?

    newrouter (b55202)

  26. I think that youtube of gabrielle warning Sarah Palin that her hee-haw brand of demagoguery could have tragic consequences is a lot more interesting than Kos, who is a very 2007 sort of dealio I think.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  27. Yo Screw Kos! This shooting had (as usual) nothing to do with Conservative values. The shooter’s values skew towards the left, not the right, which of course means your next comment will be that he is a “lone shooter”.

    So remind us once again how this has anything at all to do with Palin, Beck or anyone else on the conservative side of the dial. Or are we to assume that all Leftist nutjobs are actually driven to what they do by the right?

    AJsDaddie (27f0de)

  28. happy:

    Kos published that Twitter message today.

    You can’t really be blaming Palin for this, can you?

    With everything we know about this crazy guy?


    Surely not.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  29. It’s all the fault of the VRWC because the Left says so.
    End of discussion.
    Proof? Proof? They don’t need no stinkin’ proof!

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  30. This is an unbelievable post this Kos creature put up, certainly worthy of deleting by twitter– and I’m not a fan of censorship. Very glad that you and daleyrocks have responded with this as balance. Leave it to the left to strip away all humanity for political gain.

    This is also detestable in that Kos’s opponents- the tea party, conservatives and republicans- support the freedom and Constitutional protections which allow him to spew this filth.

    From his own readership, someone named BoyBlue posted a rant the other day against Giffords, basically upset because she didn’t vote for Pelosi as speaker. Kos scrubbed that from his site, but it’s been retrieved (in the responses) over at RedState.

    Today’s tragedy included victims, families, public servants and children. It is not the time for strategic retribution or glorified political posturing.

    Prayers go out to Gabrielle Giffords, her family and each and every person affected by this nightmare.

    Vermont Neighbor (77dcf6)

  31. After what the Pima County Sheriff said during the press conference, I did some digging…

    Imagine my shock when I found this, the only thing I could come across that hinted (aside from his flat refusal to enforce AZ’s immigration law) at his political affiliation…

    The Departed (d027b8)

  32. I don’t blame Palin for this. But the woman is a demagogue, and I think this is going to be a live by the sword sorta dealio for her. Her schtick just won’t be as cute or as welcome in polite company after this.

    I think it’s a very real disaster for her. We know how the corrupt NPR media in our corrupt little country operates. Palin’s toast.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  33. happyfeet, you are working hard to lower my opinion of you further.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  34. SPQR, that’s impressive.

    I mean, impressive that after all this time, HF still has room to “grow”.

    The Departed (d027b8)

  35. If you think she is not responsible, happy, you should be raising your voice against the cynical assholes who claim she is.

    Regardless of whether you like her.

    I have a real fondness for you, and while we haven’t met I hope we do. I don’t think that pixels you type on a screen would cause me to write you off. But I do think this is a chance for you to make a stand, and I think it’s a shame you aren’t.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  36. I don’t blame Palin for this. But

    Really no need to read any further.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  37. We’ll see. But I think it would be silly to pretend this isn’t something that’s going to be very very damaging to Team Palin. If she wasn’t such a nasty demagogue it would be different, but this situation is almost astonishingly well-tailored to exploit her weaknesses, and that’s exactly how it will be used by the media I think.

    The “oh that’s so unfair” posts on this subject are going to mount and mount.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  38. Patteric, may I point out that Kos didn’t call for a bull’s eye on Giffords, but for a bull’s eye on her district? (Look at the screenshot you posted.)

    It is asinine for him to try to blame Palin for this, but his use of “bull’s eye” is more obviously political than Palin’s.

    And it was a certain candidate in Nevada who did talk about “Second Amendment solutions” to our political problems…

    kishnevi (603e17)

  39. You’re not covering yourself in glory here, happy.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  40. I think Palin was toast before, at least so far as the Presidency is concerned, but sure this didn’t help any.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  41. Happy feet I really don’t get your fanatical hatred of Palin. I really don’t get anyones. I mean besides that I really don’t trying to conflate anything she has done to this nutjob murdering people is kinda fucking insane, regardless of what political leanings anyone has.

    I heard this news and thought, “what a fucking tragedy”, then came online and saw the back and forth blame game between left and right. I started to think about it that way for like 5 minutes and then almost slapped myself in the face. That shit is just ghoulish man. Might as well start digging up bodies of dead people and blaming their murders on Democrats or Republicans in order to win a vote or two.

    Mr. Pink (4d7531)

  42. Patteric, may I point out that Kos didn’t call for a bull’s eye on Giffords, but for a bull’s eye on her district? (Look at the screenshot you posted.)

    Sure. May I point out that Palin didn’t target Giffords, but targeted her district? (Look at the screenshot at TBagg’s site, linked in the post.)

    Can I get an amen from you on what an asshole Kos is being? Which — you DO understand this, right? — is the point of the post?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  43. Whadda, happyfeet?

    nk (db4a41)

  44. Team R is already canceling votes because of this. They’re scared. I don’t think they’re going to rush to Palin’s defense. They’ve been looking for a reason to throw her under the bus, and I think this is it. I’m not saying she should be thrown under the bus for this. She should be thrown under the bus for lots of other reasons.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  45. Comment by Patterico — 1/8/2011 @ 6:10 pm

    That’s more polite than I’m likely to put it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  46. 49

    Yeah I was about to say the same thing. That is unless glory is brown and smells.

    Mr. Pink (4d7531)

  47. The House Republicans are scared? More delusional than normal happyfeet.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  48. Yeah, a week off because a well liked fellow member of Congress is clearly out of fear.

    I try to think back as to why I thought well of you, happyfeet, and I must confess that I am unable to recall exactly why I might have.

    Cocaine, apparently, is a hell of a drug.

    The Departed (d027b8)

  49. The only perso responsible for today is the sh#thead who pulled the trigger…

    AQnyoe else being blamed is pure cynical naked exploitation of failing positions that deep down they know are wrong

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  50. as you can tell, I cant type or spell, today, yesterday, and a few weeks months, years

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  51. I think I may just type this up and save it since I seem to say it everytime some nut kills people.

    Crazy people do crazy things. You can look for rational reasons, you can try to use their actions to score political points, or you can just understand that sometimes people just go wrong for myriad of reasons.

    Decent, normal people grieve for the loss. Somewhere in Tucson tonight, two parents no longer have their child. Two children are wondering if their Mom will be OK. Wives and husbands are left without a spouse or wondering how they will piece life together when the person they love most may die or be broken for the rest of their lives.

    Who really gives two craps about Kos.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  52. Yeah, a week off because a well liked fellow member of Congress is clearly out of fear.

    That really should have read “Yeah, a week off because a well liked fellow member of Congress was shot and is in critical condition is clearly out of fear.

    The Departed (d027b8)

  53. 53

    Is it just me or did this crap start with the exploitation of the Oklahoma city bombing? It worked then. That is why it keeps happening.

    Mr. Pink (4d7531)

  54. Re: Palin – It’s your underlying tone of glee that’s so repugnant here, happyfeet.

    That, and no mention of Marko’s smear-artist douchebaggery, which is the focus of this post.

    Just so telling.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  55. The Palin graphic does look worse than the Kos graphic.

    The Palin graphic specifically indicates the crosshairs are on candidates themselves. It also uses as rhetoric, “We’ve diagnosed the problem … Help us prescribe the solution. CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF THE CANDIDATES”.

    It may have seemed innocent at the time (although I would never have advised this graphic and it would have made me uncomfortable for the same reasons that Paris Hilton poster did years ago), but it doesn’t seem funny anymore.

    Is this a deal-ender for Palin as happyfeet suggests? I don’t know. I don’t think that’s beyond the realm of possibility.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  56. Posts like my own 57 is why I want to slap myself in the face. WTF this chick was shot in the head and people were murdered. Why this really has to do with anything else is WRONG.

    Ok I’m going to watch football.

    Mr. Pink (4d7531)

  57. I mentioned Kos – I said I think Sarah has more to worry about from that Gabrielle youtube clip than from Kos.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  58. Watching you pretend to walk back your comments only disgusts me more, happyfeet.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  59. The sentiment is what matters, spelling is sometimes optional, and it’s right on point, Eric,

    narciso (6075d0)

  60. Ag80 — 1/8/2011 @ 6:17 pm,

    I’ve been wondering about Jared Loughner’s parents – did they have any inkling of his psychological issues or was he able to hide them? Did they miss the big red flags or not even see them to begin with?

    No matter, my heart does go out to them because this has got to be a horrific time of confusion, disbelief and shock for them as much as anyone. What an agony to for them to face what their offspring has done.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  61. If the Earth were vaporized tomorrow by a random gamma ray burst, happyfeet would be typing out a message blaming Sarah Palin for it as his fingers burst into flame.

    M. Scott Eiland (27aed4)

  62. Who really gives two craps about Kos.

    In a sane world, nobody does.

    But in the real world, his site got 800,000 page views today.

    That’s about 80 times as much as mine.

    So that might answer your question. 80 times as many people care about Kos as care about what happens here.

    That makes it a worthwhile subject when the guy reveals himself to be a hypocritical douchebag. Again.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  63. I mentioned Kos – I said I think Sarah has more to worry about from that Gabrielle youtube clip than from Kos.

    Comment by happyfeet — 1/8/2011 @ 6:21 pm

    Happyfeet, this is disingenuous. You know that, too. You only mentioned Kos in order to make an indirect negative point about Palin. Stop it.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  64. No matter, my heart does go out to them because this has got to be a horrific time of confusion, disbelief and shock for them as much as anyone. What an agony to for them to face what their offspring has done.

    True — but honestly, I am more worried about the agony suffered by the families of the numerous victims.

    Which is not to denigrate your point. It is a valid one. It’s just that, today, I can’t get past the damage to the families.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  65. EricPWJohnson, we just don’t know what precipitated this tragic event. Stop saying it was or wasn’t something that we just don’t know yet. Was he a right-wing nut? Was he a liberal nut? Was he a Coco nut? We just don’t know.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  66. Ugh…”to indirectly make an indirect negative point about Palin.”

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  67. _________________________________________

    I don’t blame Palin for this. But the woman is a demagogue

    Happyfeet, maybe if she held a press conference, ripped off her blouse, and said “I’m actually a lesbian and I want the world to know it—so take a gander at this lovely pair, gals!! I’m in need of a hot mama to marry!” you’d change your tune about her.

    Mark (411533)

  68. Even though the tea party almost certainly had nothing to do with this crazy guy, the Giffords YT video puts the father’s remarks in context.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  69. If the Earth were vaporized tomorrow by a random gamma ray burst, happyfeet would be typing out a message blaming Sarah Palin for it as his fingers burst into flame.

    am I this predictable?

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  70. “Was he a right-wing nut?”

    Communist Manifesto? Flag burning video? Friend (liberal friend at that) saying he was very much on the left-wing in 2007?

    He wasn’t a right-wing nut, Chris Hooten, and it’s disengenuous of you to imply that’s even a reasonable possibility at this point. He might have been a left-wing nut, or possibly a generally confused one… but right-wing political?

    It isn’t true.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  71. Screw Kos is obviously that Yelverton midget. And Palin has f@ck all to do with this, happy.

    EPWJ (109425)

  72. ________________________________________

    You’re defending the rhetoric that led to this by denying it wasn’t a factor in this whackjob’s act.

    There are indications the killer’s ideology leaned to the left. You think that was a factor in his bloody act?

    Mark (411533)

  73. Mark you make it sound dirty

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  74. … at #69 I mean

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  75. True — but honestly, I am more worried about the agony suffered by the families of the numerous victims.

    I agree, Patterico, however, the nightmare his parents face is going to be one that is tremendously lonelier and far more isolating than the victims. I don’t know anything about them, but as a parent myself and assuming they are reasonably normal parents, I can’t imagine having to come to grips with this. It is truly the stuff of nightmares. And once the media unearths them, they will be eaten alive.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  76. Sorry, didn’t notice the cookie.

    oops JD (822109)

  77. The information coming out now makes it clear that this guy is mentally ill in some kind of way or at the least anti-social to some degree, and his Youtube videos make it clear he’s some kind of Alex Jones / Ron Paul ‘Third Way’ type of person. Of course, the fact that those types of people hate ‘warmongering Rethuglicans’ just as much as any bulimic housewife on the Upper West Side doesn’t much matter to the progressive chattering class. The New York Times comment thread accompanying their story on this tragedy is absolutely sick. They’re frothing at the mouth about how America needs to basically turn into some police state to control us dangerous conservatives.

    The simple fact is that the chattering class can no longer have any great effect on public opinion, happyfeet – Paul Krugman and the rest of the commentariat can blame the Tea Party all they want, it won’t matter. People who already hate the Tea Party have their views confirmed; people who like it know these accusations are nonsense; and people in the middle will notice how Barack Obama and leading Democrats aren’t joining in the hate-fest, and make up their minds accordingly. When more than half the country is either a member of a Tea Party or generally supports them, lies and innuendo about “violent rhetoric” don’t register. We know the truth.

    DeepElemBlues (a78b16)

  78. What is predictable is Palin made all sorts of major strategic and minor tactical screw-ups to destroy her once excellent chances of ascending to the Presidency. If she had followed Krauthammer’s plan (and mine, but I never expected her to have the discipline to follow it, although many here at the time did), she could be credible now. As it is, now she is — quite rightly — not.

    She needed to govern and she needed to study and get out of the limelight for a while, and certainly not do reality shows. She did everything all wrong if she wanted to be taken seriously by the portions of the electorate that actually decide elections.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  79. am I this predictable?

    Comment by happyfeet — 1/8/2011 @ 6:33 pm


    Dana (8ba2fb)

  80. __________________________________________

    Giffords was/is a democrat, Mark.

    Yep, which calls to mind the example of ultra-leftist Lee Harvey Oswald gunning down liberal-icon JFK in 1963.

    Mark (411533)

  81. that Reich wing candidates have been using ‘shoot the democrat’

    yea so why do demonrats use the same tactics?

    newrouter (b55202)

  82. Go f@ck yourself “screw Kos”. You lying mendacity is disgusting, and your projection, hatred, and anger ooves from your every lying word. You disgust me. Spit.

    JD (822109)

  83. Mr. Blues we will see. I think it’s an uncomfortable hill for Palin to defend. I think it’s an uncomfortable hill for Team R to defend on her behalf. It’s a discussion what can’t help but highlight the weaknesses of her brash shoot from the hip style I think. I would be wrong.

    We’ll see.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  84. Maybe there is some hope for the future after all:

    (Bear in mind: Neon Tommy is an online news journal written by Marc Cooper’s USC journalism students.)

    qdpsteve (f1c59f)

  85. I will re-iterate:
    Almost every political assassination, attempted or successful, in America since 1900 has been committed by someone from the Left!

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  86. It may be difficult for happyfeet to defend the position that people can be held responsible for actions they never intended. But we’ll see how it works out. I can tell you that if anything ever happens to Palin or her family it may become VERY difficult for someone like happyfeet to maintain his innocence of the murder. But I stand by my friend regardless of his obvious suspicious nature in any possible future murder of his enemies. Because that’s the type of guy I am.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  87. BTW Patterico that was one of the most deceptive things I’ve seen in a while. There is no picture of a bull’s eye, or picture of that lady anywhere. She was listed on a long list of names. Other than the use of the words “bull’s eye” I see no call to arms, or request for violence, or, “taking back the government,” or, “making America the way it used to be,” or, “not letting them ruin America,” or some other such rhetoric that we see flooding out of some right-wing outlets such as Glenn Beck.

    Note “something central or crucial,” and, “something that precisely attains a desired end” seem to fit as more appropriate definitions in the context of the original material than you are suggesting. “Bull’s Eye” does not always equal “cross hairs.”

    Definition of BULL’S-EYE

    1: a very hard globular candy
    2: a circular piece of glass especially with a lump in the middle

    a: the center of a target; also : something central or crucial
    b : a shot that hits the bull’s-eye; broadly : something that precisely attains a desired end

    4: a simple lens of short focal distance; also : a lantern with such a lens

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  88. “I don’t blame Palin for this.”

    Mr. Feets – Are you saying you are better than Mr. Kos? That is a very elitist attitude.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  89. Mr. Blues we will see. I think it’s an uncomfortable hill for Palin to defend. I think it’s an uncomfortable hill for Team R to defend on her behalf. It’s a discussion what can’t help but highlight the weaknesses of her brash shoot from the hip style I think. I would be wrong.

    That’s a discussion on your terms which are not the terms the discussion will be on. That was my point I guess. No matter the most arduous efforts engaged in by the Left, the Right will not be smeared by this. They have been using every instance of even possibly political-related violence in this country since 2008 to say exactly what they are saying now. Didn’t work then, why would it work now happyfeet? Just because?

    Republicans and conservatives aren’t going to sit around (and they haven’t been) defending themselves against ridiculous attacks. They’re going to do what they have been, which is point out how ridiculous the attacks are and leave it at that. 60+ seats in the House, the Senate almost guaranteed to have a big GOP majority in 2013. That whole “they’re violent! Be angry at them and scared and vote for us!” plan has already failed spectacularly. It isn’t going to suddenly start working.

    DeepElemBlues (a78b16)

  90. _______________________________________

    Oswald was a patsy, come on now.

    Yes, perhaps of the Communists that he was so enamored of. Of the Soviets that he and so many others on the left reserved a soft spot in their hearts for.

    My ongoing tribute to such liberals, particularly the ones that fit the age bracket of 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner: The people who give the least are the young, especially young liberals. [Arthur C.] Brooks [a public policy professor at Syracuse University] writes that “young liberals — perhaps the most vocally dissatisfied political constituency in America today — are one of the least generous demographic groups out there. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood.”

    He writes that young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, “a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love.”

    Mark (411533)

  91. thank you Mr. P

    It’s probably good I comment a lot is for so I’ll likely always have an alibi. I doubt we’ve entered a new era of political violence… I think this whackadoodle was something less than a trendsetter.

    Yes this is very much about intentionalism. But it’s also about a corrupt an opportunistic media, and I think it’s naive to suppose that they’ll refrain from politically exploiting this tragedy.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  92. *and* opportunistic media I mean

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  93. oops, that was Merriam Webster.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  94. “It may be difficult for happyfeet to defend the position that people can be held responsible for actions they never intended.”

    Obviously Palin never intended this action. Yet she can be held responsible to the limited point where she could realize there are unstable people in the world, and crosshairs on a map with the words:

    “We’ve diagnosed the problem … Help us prescribe the solution. CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF THE CANDIDATES”

    … could either inspire the crazies, or at least be used as a bat to beat Palin with, which no less than Congressman Gabrielle Giffords wielded.

    And that was before she was shot. Now, the bat has added weight.

    So, is Palin responsible for something she didn’t intend? No. Is she responsible for a bad political advertising decision that I, years ago, before I even really was interested in politics, recognized is a bad idea (my experience with the Paris Hilton / animal rights activist cross-hairs poster)?

    Hell yes. Of course she and her advertising people are.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  95. Other than the use of the words “bull’s eye” I see no call to arms, or request for violence, or, “taking back the government,” or, “making America the way it used to be,” or, “not letting them ruin America,” or some other such rhetoric that we see flooding out of some right-wing outlets such as Glenn Beck.

    Roll on the floor laughing your asses off people, because Chris Hooten apparently has forgotten that that kind of rhetoric was regularly and loudly used during the Bush Administration, as it has been since the 1960s against every administration and political force. People aren’t stupid and they don’t all have convenient amnesia.

    The Left isn’t going to turn this into some nationwide wave of revulsion at the Tea Party and “conservatives,” as is so obvious its desperate intent. Isn’t going to work. Already tried it for the last two years and failed! Why do you think it will work now, especially since the media has already begun widely reporting the details showing this Loughner to be a nutjob, plain and simple, with political views that cannot be characterized as “left” or “right”?

    DeepElemBlues (a78b16)

  96. And yes, yes, AFTER typing that, I see the irony in my rhetoric about a bat to beat Palin with.

    I suppose violent rhetoric is just part of human language. We’re monkeys, after all, and a sub-species of monkeys, one of the great apes, and our species is a member of the hominids, possibly the most violent of all the apes.

    It’s hard to get away from.

    Well, maybe that’s a good reason to make a good start by trying to get away from it with our set-piece political posters, even if it’s harder to banish from our day-to-day language choices.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  97. Yelverton and crissyhooten are out mooning everyone again. I am no “boy” Yelverton, and you would never have the courage to talk like you do in real life. Go bugger your cat.

    JD (d48c3b)

  98. BTW Patterico that was one of the most deceptive things I’ve seen in a while. There is no picture of a bull’s eye, or picture of that lady anywhere.BTW Patterico that was one of the most deceptive things I’ve seen in a while. There is no picture of a bull’s eye, or picture of that lady anywhere.

    BTW ChrissyHooten your defense was one of the most deceptive things I’ve seen in a while. Do you deny that Markos “Kos” Moulitsas wrote the following about a group of lawmakers including Ms. Giffords:

    Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district.


    Patterico (c218bd)

  99. “You guy’s are going to have to take responsibility for the rhetoric of Palin, Beck, and Gifford’s opponent in the last campaign.”

    Willie the Wanker – This is one of my favorite points losers like you bring up.

    I can’t control what my relatives say and take no responsibility for their words. Why should it be any different for public figures like Palin or Beck.

    Obviously your last lobotomy severed a little too much tissue. Middle Tennessee State should investigate.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  100. It’s not my fault if you and Patterico don’t know the definition of Bull’s Eye, and see conspiracy theories everywhere in a vain attempt to draw attention away from what you fear may be coming as far as background information on this yahoo. For your sake I hope it is some left-wing nutbag, but I kind of doubt it. That doesn’t mean it was a right-wing nutbag, either.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  101. _____________________________________________

    When I read things like the following, I envision someone who is upright, conservative and strait-laced. A pro-Christian, young Republican type of person. A fuddy-duddy. The type who’d lean in favor of, say, the Tea Party. Yep, uh-huh, absolutely.

    TUSCON, Ariz (KTLA) — Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged Tucson gunman, was described Saturday as a politically radical loner. Now an internet trail emerged in which he apparently railed against the US government and told friends: “Please don’t be mad at me”.

    There are unconfirmed reports that 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner once met with Rep. Giffords in 2007. A former high school friend said that he had often talked about meeting and talking with the congresswoman.

    Arizona court records show Loughner has twice been charged with previous offenses. The first, in October 2007, related to the possession of drug paraphernalia. It was unclear what the second, a year later, related to. Both charges were dismissed after Loughner completed a “diversion program”.

    One former high school friend Tweeted about knowing the accused gunman:

    “He was a pot head and into rock, like Hendrix, The Doors, Anti-Flag,” she wrote. “I haven’t seen him in person since 2007 in a sign language class. As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy. He had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in 2006 and dropped out of school. Mainly a loner, very philosophical.”

    Mark (411533)

  102. “You guy’s are going to have to take responsibility for the rhetoric of Palin, Beck, and Gifford’s opponent in the last campaign.”

    Take responsibility how? You going to force me to take responsibility for the rhetoric of someone else? How are you going to do that? Use violence? I hope not, that would destroy your narrative.

    Don’t make ridiculous bombastic declarations about what people “have” to do; it tends to make them think, “who the hell is this asshole?” rather than “yeah, we need to take responsibility like this guy who is obviously very hostile to us says.”


    DeepElemBlues (a78b16)

  103. __________________________________

    I think so.

    I think the article I posted above had a lot more — way more — to do with the killer’s motivations.

    Mark (411533)

  104. “this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district”

    In fairness, that does not equal:

    “We’ve diagnosed the problem … Help us prescribe the solution. CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF THE CANDIDATES”

    Christoph (8ec277)

  105. Some of the posts here are quite astonishing.

    All they have for a soul is a dying ember of rightness for politics sake. What a stupid waste of humanity.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  106. a bull’s eye is what you try to hit in darts or archery if you’re Geena Davis it’s also a popular motif for scratch-off lottery tickets I know this cause my friend A forgot to do Christmas shopping so she had to get everything at the liquor store and grandma got scratchers so she had them in her car

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  107. That’s different, though. If you invited your relatives over to target shoot pictures of Mickey Mouse, and then one of them actually went and shot Mickey, that would be similar to what happened here.

    That’s ridiculous.

    DeepElemBlues (a78b16)

  108. William Yelverton supports leftist hate. He doesn’t get that Manchin Is Team D. He excuses in his what he condemns in others. And he is a lying hateful little man. I love how Yelverton and crissyhooten ignore or wave off all that conflicts with their predictable narrative. They are disgusting. I have nothing but contempt for them.

    JD (d48c3b)

  109. That’s different, though. If you invited your relatives over to target shoot pictures of Mickey Mouse, and then one of them actually went and shot Mickey, that would be similar to what happened here.

    That sounds like a right stupid analogy, Screw Kos. Are you a moron or something?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  110. Mr. Yelverton is not a lot different than Jared both of them hurt people in real life

    It’s very disappointing to see.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  111. That’s your grown up answer to my grown up explanation as to why the use of “bull’s eye,” is different, Patterico? LOL. Nice job.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  112. ______________________________________

    If you invited your relatives over to target shoot pictures of Mickey Mouse, and then one of them actually went and shot Mickey

    In this instance, it would be analogous to — at best — one of my liberal relatives (who I often get into heated debates with) being the one who went out and shot Mickey.

    Mark (411533)

  113. Reich wing candidates have been using ‘shoot the democrat’ rhetoric to get people to vote for them.

    WOW. Calling politicians murderers. Way to go. You’re extremely similar to the shooter’s own crazy ramblings. Look for yourself. You sound so much like him. ‘Reich wing’? LOL.

    Sometimes you probably think people are antagonizing you when they ask you to seek help or chill out. I know I’ve antagonized you somewhat. Please lay off politics before you really lose control. You really do have a problem. If no one is there for you, contact me and I’ll help. When I left comments I used my accurate email address, and you can feel free to contact me if you need to.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  114. Yelverton as far as we know is a ‘jackwagon’ of little note, there have been other persons with demonstrated record of violent actions, who have
    been rehabilitated by the Journolist/netroots for their own purposes.

    narciso (6075d0)

  115. Do you pride yourself on being an imbecile, crissyhooten?

    JD (306f5d)

  116. There is absolutely no doubt, whatsoever, that Hooten would defend Palin’s target graphic, had it come from the left, and attack Kos’s target rhetoric, had it come from the right.

    It’s so irresponsible to be such a partisan hack.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  117. It’s weird: I’m having a hard time finding the posts of someone named “Screw Kos.”

    But the observations concerning a certain midget hilljack guitar player appear accurate.

    Added to the list. All to be sent to the appropriate people, at the appropriate time.

    Weird how he doesn’t post to PW anymore. Almost like he was told not to.

    I wonder what it would take to get the same order in place here.

    I wonder what collateral consequences would ensue if we made that request.

    Maybe we should stop wondering.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  118. I haven’t spent a lifetime at it, like you, so I’m not real good at it yet.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  119. We as a country are fucked. People get fucking murdered and we sit around and care more about if we can blame a political party or advance some political issue. A week after DADT gets repealed, a 4 year old video becomes news just so douchebags can advance their politics, meanwhile a guy who spent countless hours away from his family to aid this entire country in a war is fired and his career ended.

    We hate eachother, there is no Union anymore. Fuck it let’s get pugle sticks, play cheesy Star Trek music, and kill eachother.

    mr pink (3b241f)

  120. Maybe we should stop wondering.

    Comment by Patterico

    To boldly go, where others have gone before too.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  121. If we’re gonna get all “yeah, but their bulls-eye was more of a bulls-eye than our bulls-eye”, then we need to consider the bulls-eyes painted by the DCCC in 2/10 and the DLC in 2004.

    For the record, I think a nutjob, who appears at this point to be more of the left political spectrum than the right, went off the deep end and committed mass murder. Political ideology shouldn’t matter except so any pixels today have been spent trying to blame Palin and tea partiers.

    anne (a345b4)

  122. Btw, i will keep asking this.

    Why do we assume that the rep was the target. I mean, look, the shooter obviously shot to kill the rep, yes. but he actually DID kill the judge. so why not think it was motivated by hatred of the judge?

    Aaron Worthing (1a6294)

  123. anne, well said.

    This is was a psycho, not a revelation on American politics. And those who try to turn it into the latter are giving this psycho way too much credit and power.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  124. I blame Target Department Store for putting bulls eyes all over the place and inciting violence.

    Some chump (e84e27)

  125. AW – that is an interesting point.

    JD (b98cae)

  126. “This is was a psycho, not a revelation on American politics.”

    You seem to get a lot of your politicians attacked by psychos. Maybe thatself is interesting?

    Christoph (8ec277)

  127. That’s it, hooten? That’s an example of your thought process.

    May the deity, or lack of, bless your soul. I’m sorry you never got called up for Comedy Central or MSNBC.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  128. Chrissy’s Hooters never fails to depress. If it had any self – awareness it would STFU about an event like this – anything it would post would only come to gruesome ends.

    Dmac (498ece)

  129. The Pima County Sheriff is quoted as saying Giffords was the “intended target” but it’s still early. I guess we’d have to hear it from the shooter to be sure.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  130. Deep, thanks for the tip to the NYT comments. Majority opinion there (800+ comments) seems to be 1) Palin/Beck/Limbaugh caused it, and their free speech rights should be curtailed; 2) Flyover country, and AZ particularly, are scary places overrun by Dem-hunting militiamen; 3) We need more gun control.

    gp (098d27)

  131. Aaron,

    The Sheriff of Pima County claims she was the target of the shooter, however, he goes on to blame vitriolic political rhetoric, too, so make of it what you will.

    The death threats Judge Roll received when presiding over the civil rights lawsuit filed by illegal immigrants resulted in four arrests. He declined to press charges. That was his most recent and publicly polarizing case. Was there another case he was involved with that might have caused a person to murder him?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  132. I read this too DRJ…

    Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik described the gunman as mentally unstable and possibly acting with an accomplice. He said Giffords was among 13 people wounded in the melee that killed six people, including a 9-year-old girl, an aide for the Democratic lawmaker and U.S. District Judge John Roll, who had just stopped by to see his friend Giffords after celebrating Mass. Dupnik said the rampage ended only after two people tackled the gunman.*

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  133. The sheriff got very chatty today (from that saem article) he has a theory and it is his theory what is his

    The sheriff blamed the vitriolic political rhetoric that has consumed the country, much of it centered in Arizona.

    “When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous,” he said. “And unfortunately, Arizona, I think, has become the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.”

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  134. *same*

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  135. Deep Elem Blues said:

    The Left isn’t going to turn this into some nationwide wave of revulsion at the Tea Party and “conservatives,” as is so obvious its desperate intent. Isn’t going to work. Already tried it for the last two years and failed! Why do you think it will work now, especially since the media has already begun widely reporting the details showing this Loughner to be a nutjob, plain and simple, with political views that cannot be characterized as “left” or “right”?

    Huh? I’ve been saying we shouldn’t draw conclusions until we hear the facts. We don’t know what his motivations were. I just think it is ridiculous to pretend the phrase bull’s eye has such a narrow definition, likening it to cross hairs, which are almost always associated with targeting things with weapons.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  136. ____________________________________

    so why not think it was motivated by hatred of the judge?

    That possibility is suggested in the following excerpt from the New York Times:

    Ms. Giffords had just been talking to a couple about Medicare and reimbursements, when the gunman walked up and shot Judge Roll, Mr. Kimble said. He added that the judge walked up to Giffords and shouted “Hi,” and then the shooting began.

    The description is kind of ambiguous but it sounds like the gunman possibly shot the judge first, the Congresswoman second.

    Possible specific political ramifications also are implied since the Times (and others in the MSM) indicates an accomplice may have been involved.

    Mark (411533)

  137. Sheriff Dupnik clearly knew/knows some of the victims and his comments are very emotional. He may not be the best person to investigate this.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  138. Thankfully, the Congresswoman seems to be on her way to recovery…

    The Departed (d027b8)

  139. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.

    What a thing to say! He’s supposed to be enforcing the laws, just had a mass murder happen on his watch, and his reaction is to condemn so many innocent people?

    Why wasn’t there a police presence there, anyway? Can’t spare a single officer? This guy ran out of bullets and was tackled… someone with a gun would have been able to stop him. I guess that’s unfair… hindsight is 20:20.

    But this guy is either trying to distract or he has some kind of ambition. This is not the time to pose for cameras and try to be the judge of the masses.

    I’m pretty disgusted with this creep.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  140. “Thankfully, the Congresswoman seems to be on her way to recovery…”

    I hope she recovers, recovers. Having a bullet enter and exit your brain doesn’t sound good to me. And I’m not one of these, “Life at any costs,” kind of people, at least not about myself.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  141. I would give him the benefit of the doubt, today, if he hadn’t been such a hack before;

    narciso (6075d0)

  142. He’s supposed to be enforcing the laws

    Not for nothing, but he’s hardly one for doing that.

    At least, not the laws he doesn’t like.

    The Departed (d027b8)

  143. You are the guys trying to head off the inevitable, “all this right-wing hatred and vitriol and distrust of the government is bound to have this effect eventually.” We don’t even know if that has anything to do with this tragedy, and you are out here yelling “Bunnies!” trying to draw attention away with the silly suggestion that the DailyKOS using the phrase bull’s eye two years ago might have caused this to happen. How low are you willing to sink?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  144. Thank God, the Departed.

    DRJ, you’re being very generous to Dupnik. Maybe I should have a longer fuse, but those are some radical comments. You could paste some of that right into the shooter’s youtube screed and it would fit right in.

    Hating your whole society is not an acceptable reaction. His home is not the mecca of hate, and it really isn’t OK to bring other political issues into this.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  145. My last wasn’t meant to be critical of the estimable DRJ whatsoever. I just have less patience about this.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  146. trying to draw attention away with the silly suggestion that the DailyKOS using the phrase bull’s eye two years ago might have caused this to happen


    the post does not actually blame Kos for encouraging the shooting. The post blames Kos for being a smear-artist douchebag for blaming Palin for the shooting.

    No one sane thinks Kos’s idiots caused this shooting.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  147. Mr. Dustin I talk to lots of university people in Arizona – they talk very openly about their state being “a hick state” an et cetera. State pride in Arizona is sorta on the ropes.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  148. *and* et cetera I mean … and I should say I contrast this with university people in Texas and Nevada and Louisiana – you never hear them ones running down their states

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  149. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry

    mecca is the place for that. read some moe tunes from the holey qu’ran

    newrouter (b55202)

  150. Uh oh! Target Corp and their bullseye logo may be, like, targeting customers!!

    elissa (43095c)

  151. newrouter said it. The mecca of prejudice is… mecca. Where I am not allowed to go by virtue of being a Christian.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  152. State pride in Arizona is sorta on the ropes.

    how about the “gay” pride?

    newrouter (b55202)

  153. I wouldn’t blame Palin for this, either. However, using cross hairs was a big snowbilly brain fart.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  154. As they did with Prop 187, 209, 227, and let’s forget Prop # 8, also in California.

    narciso (6075d0)

  155. But Kos using a bulls eye metaphor? GENIUS!!!

    Patterico (c218bd)

  156. From ChrissyHooten’s comment:

    trying to draw attention away with the silly suggestion that the DailyKOS using the phrase bull’s eye two years ago might have caused this to happen

    From the post:

    Let me be triply clear in case you somehow missed the point: the post does not actually blame Kos for encouraging the shooting. The post blames Kos for being a smear-artist douchebag for blaming Palin for the shooting.

    I will never, ever let you forget this, ChrissyHooten.

    I want an apology, and I want it to be abject.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  157. You made a weak point. Face it.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  158. From ChrissyHooten’s comment:

    trying to draw attention away with the silly suggestion that the DailyKOS using the phrase bull’s eye two years ago might have caused this to happen

    From the post:

    Let me be triply clear in case you somehow missed the point: the post does not actually blame Kos for encouraging the shooting. The post blames Kos for being a smear-artist douchebag for blaming Palin for the shooting.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  159. _________________________________________

    I talk to lots of university people in Arizona

    University people? I bet most of them are of the left. So they’re most likely very unhappy about their state not being kissy-kissy towards illegal immigration and other such controversies that tend to pull at the heartstrings of liberals.

    They deserve to be rewarded with an extended sabbatical to Mexico.

    Mark (411533)

  160. If ever a juxtaposition illustrated someone’s dishonest nature, this one did.

    Face it.

    Two choices, my friend. Abject apology, or you get reminded of this every time you comment, from now on.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  161. The sheriff is a demagogue. If he wants to find divisive, hateful, polarizing rhetoric, he need only look in the mirror. Shame on him.

    Kevin Stafford (abdb87)

  162. well yeah Mark I’m just saying that the Sheriff’s remarks in the context of how liberals talk in Arizona are not particularly unique or surprising

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  163. I wouldn’t blame Palin for this, either. However, using cross hairs was a big snowbilly brain fart.

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    bla bla bla, you have hillbillies. OK. Maybe you should let the Sherrif know that there are bigots outside his jurisdiction so he can sleep better.

    You’re just hurt that your reputation was utterly destroyed here when you tried to lie about your affiliation with bradblog. Thousands of posts, financial support, of an organization completely in bed with … another radical psycho like this shooter!

    No wonder you’re on a tirade. But it looks like Patterico saw it coming when he specifically noted he doesn’t blame Kos for the shooting.

    You’re bashing the Patterico for falsely linking the shooting to rhetoric… and yet Patterico clearly was bashing people who do that while not doing so himself. The person you should be targeting is Kos, obviously. But I guess Kos didn’t have much of a problem with your donation to Brad Friedman.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  164. Apparently we are to abolish all gun and gun related metaphors. I hope someone informs our president so he too can make his pledge… as he too, is apparently inclined toward promoting gun violence.

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  165. Sarah Palin is a big fan of making nono words

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  166. LOL. Sorry. Kind of unsatifying, no?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  167. Sarah Palin is a big fan of making nono words


    newrouter (b55202)

  168. My “affiliation” with bradblog? are you insane? it is very similar to my “affiliation” with, and, and, and, and and and and and and and and and, etc. Is that the “affiliation” you were referring to?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  169. LOL. Sorry. Kind of unsatifying, no?

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    What’s really pathetic about this is that the principle you are dishonestly using to bash Patterico was the one Patterico described to you. I guess that’s a common thing to do. You’re really interested in antagonizing, so you try to project in a way that is so obvious it ticks people off.

    Can’t just attack, but you actually want to be unfair, like a wailing baby.

    tip: don’t give money to terror pals, and you’ll run into less situations that make you this defensive.

    All Patterico has to do to shut down your credibility is quote your recent little BS. You did him a favor.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  170. Is that the “affiliation” you were referring to?

    You contributed to that blog’s comments thousands of times, and you gave them some money.

    But everyone can see already how dishonest you are. Can you do anything to my credibility like I already did to yours? No? Why do you suppose that is?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  171. Also, the only reason I’ve ever even heard of Chris Hooten is because he’s the shill who came here whenever Brad Blog was criticized.

    I guess everyone knows that, though.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  172. coverage on Viv Schiller’s National Soros Radio started out relatively circumspect with this sort of tone

    IT’S ALL POLITICS: Speculation Helps No One

    now the lead story is…

    ‘Vitriol’ Cited As Possible Factor In Arizona Tragedy

    At a news conference Saturday night, a clearly emotional Dupnik, who has been close to both Giffords and Roll, repeatedly cited what he characterized as the “vitriol” that has infected political discourse. He said that his own state has become “the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.”

    There is reason to believe, he said, that the shooting suspect “may have a mental issue,” adding that people like that “are especially susceptible to vitriol.”

    “That may be free speech, but it’s not without consequences,” he said.

    Early on I kinda wondered if maybe the media would downplay the story for fear of adding to the sense of out of control chaos and decline what pervades bumblef’s America.

    No. They’re gonna milk this for all it’s worth.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  173. exactly! I commented a lot and gave $5. Wow! If I give $5 to Patterico I guess I am “affiliated” with him too? Does that make him “affiliated” with me? Because that might be worth the $5.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  174. Comment by Dana — 1/8/2011 @ 8:04 pm

    It is not interesting at all that Olberdouche fails to mention the “bullseye” configured on Giffords by Moulitsas, just the ones by Palin, Beck, et al.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  175. mecca

    the leftist totalitarians have found a home

    newrouter (b55202)

  176. Sheriff Dupnik is the antithesis of Sheriff Jo.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  177. AD-RtR/OS!, of course, but it’s equally absurd he didn’t mention POTUS using a gun reference either – and a direct reference to engaging in violence. And that’s the point: Of course it’s metaphorical and one would be daft to think otherwise, but as is typical, knee-jerk-lack-of-common-sense reactions (and subsequent actions based upon them) beget the most awful consequences.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  178. Chris, this is pathetic. You’ve tried to downplay how badly you fell for Brad’s crazy crap. He’s a kook who runs an organization selling lies, and that organization is based in the home of a terrorist.

    Last time you said you commented there ‘occasionally’, and it turned out to be many thousands of comments.

    I don’t think it’s a serious indictment of your character that you financially supported Brad Freidman. That you are fighting so hard to deny you had more affiliation with Brad’s blog than you have to google shows you’re ashamed of it (and it’s also plainly ridiculous, pal).

    All you show by your brad affiliation (proven) is that you’re gullible. He sells paranoid hate against the people you’re already paranoid against (conservatives). You fell for it. No big deal. It’s not like you killed anybody.

    but you’re so defensive about it that it’s made you really angry at Patterico, leading to your dishonest crap in this thread, which is a more serious indictment of your character. It’s one thing to believe lies, and another to tell them.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  179. Dustin, did you forget to take your sane pills today or something? Sheesh. BTW, this guy did seem to have some sort of an anti-government axe to grind: Link.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  180. Where is JD? I need his sane commentary on ChrissyHooten.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  181. How quickly the left forgets:

    SNIPERS WANTED: (for George Bush) IMAGE:

    or that the Daily Kos also scrubbed an article they wrote just TWO days ago: “My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!”

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  182. “Don’t retreat, reload.” – Sarah Palin, who put crosshairs over the Congresswoman Giffords’s district on her SarahPAC website.

    “Palin has crosshairs on our district; people have to realize there are consequences to that” – Rep. Giffords on MSNBC, before she was shot.

    “The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on this country is getting to be outrageous and unfortunately Arizona has become sort of the capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry.” Pima County, AZ Sheriff Clarence Dupnik after the shooting of Rep. Giffords.

    Question: which side are the gun nuts on? Which side is the anti-immigrant hatred coming from? Which side is spewing hate against the government that the shooter espoused?

    Answer: Palin, the Tea Klux Klan, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the right wing media machine. Fox News was covering a vigil for the shooting vitims when suddenly they cut away because Palin’s name was mentioned. Wonder why?

    Reload Sarah.

    SarahPAC (ff50dc)

  183. So, uh, where did Sarah Palin come into this anyway? The shooter never cites her. I think it’s silly to assume he ever saw the map and those bullseyes which, apparently, lead people to Naked Gun-type zombie actions of violence.

    This horrible map is cited as the only evidence for accusations of Palin’s singular “demagoguery” but why should this be the starting point?

    Anybody remember a little movie made about the assassination of George W. Bush? If the argument is that the rhetoric was amped up, than that would be a much more rational starting point, wouldn’t it?

    I find myself thinking more and more about the Wellstone funeral this evening.

    AmishDude (6c348c)

  184. You are scum, SarahPAC.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  185. Where is JD? I need his sane commentary on ChrissyHooten.

    I find this funny on so many different levels.

    The Departed (d027b8)

  186. Sorry.. links didn’t show up before.

    How quickly the left forgets:
    SNIPERS WANTED: (for George Bush) IMAGE:

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  187. As is his usual MO, Chrissy attempts to change the subject – but fails to realize he’s already been tagged from now on.

    Dmac (498ece)

  188. JD and his waxing lyrical of mendacious douchenozzles.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  189. University people? I bet most of them are of the left. So they’re most likely very unhappy about their state not being kissy-kissy towards illegal immigration and other such controversies that tend to pull at the heartstrings of liberals.

    They like their housekeepers and gardeners at slave wages.

    AmishDude (6c348c)

  190. I think the proper description of you, Chrissy, is “mendoucheous twatwaffle.”

    Patterico (c218bd)

  191. Dustin, did you forget to take your sane pills today or something?

    Isn’t it kind of a Brad Delong shtick to question the sanity of people with whom he disagrees? See here for some examples.

    Looks like Hooten studies pretty intently at the feet of his master.

    JVW (4463d3)

  192. Dustin, I’m only going to respond once to this subject, but why do you think I fell for anything over at bradblog? I was there 100% for election security related issues. What in the world do you think I fell for? Sometimes I think you get me confused with someone else, I don’t know who, but definitely someone else.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  193. chrissy has a wonderful lack of situational awareness.
    It is a gift.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  194. Hillbuzz has an interesting graphic with some choice quotes from the president that were intemperate. In particular, a quote from The Untouchables.

    AmishDude (6c348c)

  195. Patterico, taking the high road again, I see.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  196. Patterico, taking the high road again, I see.


    You should see me taking the low road.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  197. Patterico—my exact words were It is asinine for him to try to blame Palin for this

    If it’s not close enough to saying he’s an asshole, then I’ll say it now: He’s an asshole.

    But his use of a bull’s eye was even more obviously rhetorical/metaphorical/what have you than Palin’s.

    kishnevi (14ed7d)

  198. But his use of a bull’s eye was even more obviously rhetorical/metaphorical/what have you than Palin’s.

    Obvious to you. Not to me.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  199. Maybe I have.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  200. Comment by kishnevi — 1/8/2011 @ 8:56 pm


    Christoph (8ec277)

  201. Obvious to everyone else then?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  202. Don’t retreat, reload.

    The Palin teaparty endorsed candidate Jesse Kelly held a campaign rally called: “Help remove Gabrielle Giffords”.

    Rhetoric called for his supporters to “Get on Target,” moving to “remove Gabrielle Giffords,” then finishing with “Shoot a fully automatic M16” as a promotion for the event.

    SarahPAC (ff50dc)

  203. @SarahPac The shooter espoused atheism, anti-constitutional, anti-government anarchy. All of which are antithetical to conservatives. He is a young madman; a psycho with no concept of reality let alone party affiliation. What happened today was senseless and horrific and politicizing it in this manner is unconsionable.

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  204. That was back in March or something, though. Although tasteless, it probably has little to do with this incident, SarahPAC.

    Angela, it will be interesting to see where he got his “information” from, then.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  205. (the jesse kelly thing)

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  206. Anti government anarchy? You mean like 2nd Amendment remedies as espoused by the tea party candidate?

    SarahPAC (ff50dc)

  207. Why do factual quotes get deleted from this blog? Is there an integrity problem here?

    Is there an intelligence problem here? With you?

    You just repeated a comment that is already there, at #178.

    It was never deleted.

    In fact, I responded to it already, calling you scum.

    Now I think you are also either dishonest or stupid.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  208. Now I think you are also either dishonest or stupid.

    They’re not mutually exclusive.

    toby928™ (46c113)

  209. What a great ambassador for your site, Patterico!

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  210. I assume that is Yelverton, highjacking a hyperlink, you think you won’t be found out,

    narciso (6075d0)

  211. I don’t understand how Beck telling us to use the techniques of the Civil rights movement, that of being PEACEFUL is something I have to apologize to you about, HappyFeet, or what it is that you find so problematic with Palin.

    Seriously, line it up for us- show us what these folks have done that they or we have to apologize for a loony, liberal nut-case that just killed a bunch of people. He is closer to your side of it than ours.

    Ours is saying be peaceful. Where are yours out there defending our rights to be heard, our right to tell you all to mind your own business and keep your hands off what I eat and buy.

    You all complain the conservatives are messing with you all in the bedrooms, but you folks stick your noses in the rest of the rooms all the ruddy time! Back off is what we all want. Is that so hard to comprehend or that is what Beck and Palin are asking for, and yet you seem to find horrible?

    They didn’t hurt these poor people! They DID NOT ask anyone to hurt these poor people, indeed have reminded us that PEACE is the way.

    I find you despicable. Patterico seems to enjoy you, but you are just one more lunatic that wants OUR side to be the ones shut out without a voice, so you take our rights to privacy, religion and keeping our own earnings and belongs a thing of the past.

    Noelie (355a30)

  212. Sarahpac

    your game is tiresome and stupid. Sarah Palin was not inciting violence. neither was kos.

    you know, here’s a thought about how you can deal with the tea party… how about you deal with them? deal with their ideas? show why they might or might not be bad ideas? Why is it that the left doesn’t want to have that discussion?

    No, but instead you want to say, “someone committed violence in the name of the tea party therefore their ideas must be bad!” Except you don’t have the factual predicate to claim that, and its a non sequitur anyway.

    How about instead of this kind of ad hominem argument, you just address the argument?

    Aaron Worthing (1a6294)

  213. Well, I won’t call it an integrity problem, but I will point out a certain blog author said they would unmoderate my comments if I made a couple comments not doing something I have not done in the last 50 comments or so I made.

    Anyhow, I assume that Patterico is genuinely busy and that allowing my comments, some agreeing and some disagreeing, is just a matter of time. Either that, or that a new decision has been made, and will be announced (such as you’re banned, or what have you).

    However, earlier my comments WERE being unmoderated and allowed through, and recently they are not.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  214. Noelie please to use quotes from my comments to back up your assertions.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  215. Crissyhooten revels is his abject dishonesty, and his support of people that partner with bombers and drug smugglers.

    JD (306f5d)

  216. @SarahPac Now you’re spamming. Are you really so desperate and hateful that you need to capitalize on terrible tragedy? Examples of incendiary left-wing vitriol are conveniently forgotten.

    Here’s one of them:

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”~~Barack Obama speech April 2008.

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  217. SarahPAC denies the legitimacy of the U.S.Constitution by denigrating the checks and balances upon unfettered power that the Founders embedded within that fine document and the Bill of Rights.
    But, the Left has always been embarrassed and constrained by the Constitution.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  218. ______________________________________

    Which side is spewing hate against the government that the shooter espoused?

    But isn’t it interesting and ironic that the killer apparently has leftist biases? Biases that presumably lie closer to your heart than anything that emanates from the right. Biases that you and he can bond with.

    And as posted by Dana earlier tonight, a politician who also shares your left-leaning instincts is known for spewing rhetoric like the following:

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

    Mark (411533)

  219. The 2nd Amendment is hardly anti-government anarchy. Your ignorance is showing.

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  220. JD I guess you finished your afternoon nap, and are now ready for your daily digital Tourrette outburst?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  221. Comment by Angela Roy — 1/8/2011 @ 9:12 pm

    Don’t forget his admonition to “get in peoples’ faces” and then the mob that shut down a radio audience-participation show.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  222. Ghouls trading on death are still ghouls.

    Ghouls posting to make inane points are still ghouls.

    Ghouls continuing to post to try to make points are ghouls waiting for mom to make a ham sandwich before AOTS comes on.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  223. JD I guess you finished your afternoon nap, and are now ready for your daily digital Tourrette outburst?

    Chris Hooten, what does your terrorist bomber pal think about this shooting? All in favor, is he?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  224. From an old NYTimes article (lifted from HuffPo):

    Suddenly Emanuel grabbed his steak knife and, as those who were there remember it, shouted out the name of another enemy, lifted the knife, then brought it down with full force into the table.

    ”Dead!” he screamed.

    The group immediately joined in the cathartic release: ”Nat Landow! Dead! Cliff Jackson! Dead! Bill Schaefer! Dead!”

    Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is violent political rhetoric.

    AmishDude (6c348c)

  225. Crissyhooten is temporarily unable to comment, as he is molesting an endangered snail darter.

    Oh, and in case it was not clear, SarahPAC is William Yelverton, Professor of plagiarism at Middle Tennessee State University. He is a cum guzzling gutter slut of the highest order. On his good days.

    JD (822109)

  226. takes one to know one.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  227. I don’t have any terrorist pals, you moron.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  228. _____________________________________

    Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is violent political rhetoric.

    Meanwhile, the person occupying the top political office in this country was happily and closely aligned — until controversy ensued — with a church leader who spewed:

    ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said in a 2003 sermon. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

    Mark (411533)

  229. @AD-RtR/OS! Yes. Another good one: “Get in peoples faces” and let’s throw in a little Francis Cloward Pivens’ “crisis strategy” of 1966 and 1970 and most recently: “So where are the angry crowds, the demonstrations, sit-ins and unruly mobs?” “they have to develop a proud and angry identity and a set of claims that go with that identity. They have to go from being hurt and ashamed to being angry and indignant”

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  230. Crissyhooten hearts bombers and drug smugglers and people that partner with them, especially if they make up things about voting integrity. You are a fool, at best, crissy. And you really showed your arse today.

    JD (6e25b4)

  231. It was all for you, JD. I believe it is referred to as, “mooning.”

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  232. Chris Hooten, you were caught 100% wrong on the ‘Patterico blames Kos for shooting’ issue.

    Screaming and calling people insane is not going to distract anyone.

    Apologize for your error. It was nasty, and you should show some basic class here, even if you are of a different political view. Just people Patterico doesn’t share your politics doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve honest treatment. In your head, conservatives can believably be unspeakably evil (hence you being such a sucker on Bradblog). But in reality, that kind if dehumanization doesn’t do you any good.

    Say you’re sorry for your own sake.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  233. Oh, you meant something different. For a minute I thought you could see me.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  234. Me apologize? Are you fucking crazy? You guys are accusing me of supporting terrorists. Fuck off morons.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  235. R.I.P. Christina Greene, 9, Gabe Zimmerman, 30, John Roll, 63, Dorothy Murray, 76, Dorwin Stoddard, 76, Phyllis Scheck, 79

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  236. “When the icicles start forming on his pointy little tail…”

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  237. R.I.P. Christina Greene, 9, Gabe Zimmerman, 30, John Roll, 63, Dorothy Murray, 76, Dorwin Stoddard, 76, Phyllis Scheck, 79

    Comment by Angela Ro

    God Bless their families.

    Chris, you need to act like a man for a change and stop this pathetic behavior.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  238. Hooten is showing the compassion that we could all expect from Hooten.

    Mom said the samich is ready. Don’t bust a gut climbing the basement stairs.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  239. How do you deal with the cognitive dissonance resulting from your situational ethics, crissyhooten? How do you keep from your pointy head from assploding?

    JD (6e25b4)

  240. Dustin, perhaps the fine art of shunning should now be put into practice. It will save you from getting ulcers. It will also in time, render one silent as there will be no point in behaving so nastily when expected and hoped for reactions to buttons being pushed are not forthcoming.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  241. The 9-year-old who was shot dead today at the Giffords event was featured in a book “Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11″ Dunno about anyone else but I’m incredibley upset, disgusted and still in shock.

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  242. You are the one accusing me of supporting terrorists. I suppose I should just let comments like that slide, right? Fucking no way in hell. It is a tragedy, but it does not give you the right to accuse me of supporting terrorists, prick.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  243. Liberals commentators sink ever lower, ever faster. Such tragedy manipulated by slander for cheap political shots at fellow Americans. How could anyone think this is OK except a godless liberal? How predictable! How typical! It is getting so difficult to fight the temptation to hate the stupid creatures of the vile demon-inspired left. Somehow, we must find the strength not to hate them. Hatred must remain the exclusive property of the evil left. The Tea Party must remain a force for goodness and decency. God will prevail. God will repay.

    LeftListensToDemons (d4485e)

  244. For the record, Phyllis Scheck is a relative of one of the contributors at Ricochet (a center-right forum).

    AmishDude (6c348c)

  245. Chris Hooten – Milky nostril squirts all around fluff brain.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  246. This is a horrible tragedy. No one deserved to die. Patterico is a major supporter of terrorists. Gosh, that didn’t fit in there with quite as much sensitivity and caring as it did for Dustin and Patterico. It seemed like such a natural fit when they were talking about me. It seemed so much more respectful to the dead when Dustin and Patterico were shooting off their mouths about how I support terrorists and other important stuff.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  247. Double standard morons

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  248. I think Dana’s on to something smart.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  249. #86,

    if anything ever happens to Palin or her family

    Enough has already happened. Starting with her church being burned down. Not to mention all the death and rape threats she and her family constantly get; those are assaults, and to my mind count as “something happening”. I blame happyfeet retroactively.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  250. Hey LeftListensToDemons, you sound scary. Have you seeked counseling? Who thought this was OK?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  251. Yeah, Dustin, so stop pushing my buttons, LOL.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  252. May God bless and comfort the families and friends of the victims. May justice be dispensed with speed and power upon all who are guilty and upon all who would see this as an opportunity to support evil agendas.

    LeftListensToDemons (d4485e)

  253. The fact is that political violence in America is almost entirely a phenomenon of the left. With a bit of research I can easily list dozens of incidents of left-wing political violence in just the past decade. t would be a challenge to come up with even a short list of examples of right-wing political violence; there hardly seems to be any.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  254. Care to support your asspull that P is a major supporter of terrorists?

    JD (0d2ffc)

  255. Re #240:

    And that, my friends, ends any serious discussion of this tragedy. Thank you, Hooten, for playing.

    Tell your Mom thanks for the sandwich and go back to whatever pathetic hell hole you live in.

    I hope you find a life. I really mean that.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  256. Ignore it JD, it is a product of Orwellian Logic, where up is down, right is left, and the Sun rises in the West.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  257. Hey LeftListensToDemons, you sound scary. Have you seeked counseling? Who thought this was OK?

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    You’re really gullible enough to think that wasn’t Yelverton again? Pathetic. Same with SaraPAC, I see. You’ll believe the dumbest crap in the world if it suggests something wicked about the right. That’s why you gave money to a terrorist pal.

    Jeeez. I would bet my house you smoked a lot of pot and are now extremely paranoid and just plain dumb. I have no problem pushing your buttons. But it doesn’t do anyone else much good to see me rip you to shreds over and over again.

    You have failed to make a constructive point. You’ve been dishonest to the extreme. You’re sensitive about the axe you brought to grind.

    Dana’s right that you’re not worth the trouble, especially now that your credibility is entirely shot.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  258. Liberals howl that the actions a few crazy Muslim extremists don’t reflect the attitude of the entire Islamic culture, but the moment an opportunity presents itself they pounce on Sarah Palin, Tea Partiers, and all Conservatives for the actions of one lunatic who pulled the trigger today. They are so desperate they latch on as with the jaws of a crocodile and the ferocity of a pack of hyenas. One reporter went so far as to try to tie it to the healthcare bill that Giffords voted against, yet there is absolutely no evidence that this madman had anything to say on the issue. Liberals need to remember that Gabby Giffords is in fact a Blue Dog Democrat in agreement with Teapartiers on a number of issues and the reason she was re-elected in a conservative district.

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  259. Did LGF finally die and release the inept leftists? Could explain the rush of inept comments from them on this thread.

    ray (ece63b)

  260. Yes, hooter, “bulls-eye” is used in a lot of non-violent contexts. We know that. But so are “target”, “sights”, “cross-hairs”, “gunning for”, and all similar terms borrowed from the shooting sports. They are all used non-violently every bit as much as “bulls-eye”. So you’ve destroyed your own purported point.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  261. Yeah, I don’t know why someone would be upset by being publicly called a terrorist supporter. That’s just crazy to get upset about that kind of thing! People should be able to say whatever lies they want about other people, especially me! Moron.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  262. Well, I won’t call it an integrity problem, but I will point out a certain blog author said they would unmoderate my comments if I made a couple comments not doing something I have not done in the last 50 comments or so I made.

    Anyhow, I assume that Patterico is genuinely busy and that allowing my comments, some agreeing and some disagreeing, is just a matter of time. Either that, or that a new decision has been made, and will be announced (such as you’re banned, or what have you).

    However, earlier my comments WERE being unmoderated and allowed through, and recently they are not.

    I don’t remember making any such promise. As best as I can remember, you earned your way back into moderation, yet yet again. Your comments haven’t been unmoderated. I have been releasing them all day, when I think to check the moderation folder.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  263. It would only be a lie if we were to describe you as intelligent and respectful of the thought processes and feelings of others.

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  264. Yeah, I don’t know why someone would be upset by being publicly called a terrorist supporter. That’s just crazy to get upset about that kind of thing! People should be able to say whatever lies they want about other people, especially me! Moron.

    Technically, you’re only an indirect terrorist supporter, as you support BradBlog, who is partners with a terrorist, and have left comments supporting wild conspiracy theories based on the work of said terrorist.

    I don’t think you’re evil or anything. Just really gullible and not very bright — which is a common combination, actually.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  265. Palin didn’t cause this! She is just stupid and not lucid enough to see a problem with sticking pictures of cross hairs on members of congress. Your desperate need to find equivalency in pictures of cross hairs and the phrase “bull’s eye” is telling.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  266. Yes, ghouls should be able to spout what they wish. And normal people can also speak their opposition.

    I’m not quite sure of your point, but Mom said your creepy friend in the the black duster keeps banging on the door.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  267. Please post the pix/video of Palin “…sticking pictures of cross hairs on members of congress…”.
    Never happened!

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  268. Someone needs to draw a bulls eye on Chris Hooten.

    I mean that in the most innocent, Kos-like way possible.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  269. Will you be joining Fred Phelps at the nine year-old’s funeral, Hooten?

    Have you sent Fred Phelps $5?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  270. Except that little niggling fact that crissyhooten likes to hang out with his ideological brethren like bradblog and velveT domestic bomber and drug smuggler and while crissyhooten is at it, he ignores the exact f@cking words that P saif, and attributes the position crissyhooten wishes someone has onto their actual position. Amazingly, the cognitive dissonance does not make him assplode.

    JD (109425)

  271. I’m sending chrissy’s GPS coordinates to Kim Jong Un!

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  272. This is so sensitive you guys, I think I’m going to cry at how sensitive and caring you all are being for the victims. Assholes. Find another thread to beat up on me if it is so important, you selfish pricks.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  273. goodnight

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  274. “You are the one accusing me of supporting terrorists”

    Chrissie – Are you denying the proof which exists? Seriously?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  275. Quiet.
    He’s leaving.
    Oh, Happy Days!

    AD-RtR/OS! (3ff3b3)

  276. “Find another thread to beat up on me if it is so important, you selfish pricks.”

    Chrissie – Now you make me feel bad. You came on to the thread to be an azzhole and deliberately misinterpreted what Patterico said because you’re an idiot. Now you’re upset because you were called on your medoucheous twatwafflery. OMG, we created a victim out of you.

    Why not grow a pair before you come back.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  277. There is no proof of any supporting terrorists. Paypal-ing Brad $ does not constitute supporting terrorists no matter how bat-shit crazy you are.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  278. “grow a pair?” What in god’s name are you talking about? You flat out accused me of supporting terrorists, and I said no no no, you are full of shit, paypalling the owner of an election integrity website is not supporting terrorists. You all have some hair-brained idea bout how some other site (velvet revolution) was started by brad and some other guy. I don’t even know if that is true or not, yet you have the gall to accuse me of somehow supporting terrorists, based on the fact that YOU SAY that brad started this other site with some guy that was convicted of some bombing. I don’t know if it is true or not. You keep saying it is, and somehow that is proof that I support terrorists, because I sent brad some money. Maybe you are bat-shit crazy after all.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  279. Paypal-ing Brad $ does not constitute supporting terrorists no matter how bat-shit crazy you are.

    You supported a terrorist’s pal. This pal is the director of his organization that enriches the horrible slimeball (my own opinion based on my own looking into the matter, not influenced much by anyone).

    It’s not a sign you support violence like Brett Kimberlins, Chris. It’s a sign that you’re an easy victim for scams from lowlifes.

    But I’m not feeling any sympathy, as this thread shows some evolution from believing lies to inventing them. Yours are clumsy and fooled no one, but you have learned from Brett Kimberlin (a major contributor to Brad Blog, of course), and you learned the wrong lesson. You want to be more like him, not less. I’m sad for you, you damn hippie.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  280. Well, I am a selfish prick. Quite proud of it actually. So, good night to you.

    I will take my selfish prick to bed also.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  281. this coming from someone that thinks a virtual depiction of a bullseye for a congressional district constitutes a definitive death threat. you are a cum guzzling gutter slut, hotten.

    JD (ad76b9)

  282. You people are so used to hearing these kind of smears and lies so much that you think it is ok to say things like that about people? You think it is OK to accuse people of supporting terrorists when you damn well know that is not true? Or do you actually believe that paypalling money to brad friedman somehow constitutes supporting terrorists? Sheesh, talk about growing something, how about growing some scruples.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  283. what are you talking about? When did I say that?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  284. You all have some hair-brained idea bout how some other site (velvet revolution) was started by brad and some other guy

    Okay. Now you have proven to everyone how mendoucheous you are. the idea that it is hair brained that your hero brad freidman and his terrorist pals could start a website … Well, it is only crazy if you deny its existence.

    JD (ad76b9)

  285. Chrissie – why didn’t you provide the definition of “crosshairs” along with that of “bulls-eye”? Were you trying to hide something?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  286. Chrissie – How many times have you had sex with Bill Yelverton?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  287. OMG you people are permanently on vacation in conspiracy theory land. Could you post some of these “major contributions to brad blog” by this Brett Kimberlin guy? I’m sure there are many to choose from, after all, he was a “major contributor to Bradblog, of course.” And yeah, Dustin, I am terribly naive and gullible, how could you guess. ROFL On second thought, just skip it. It doesn’t belong here, and you wont find ANY posts by him, as far as I know. He was not a contributor, and I had never heard of him before you guys told me your crazy story.

    Me no like terrorists.
    Me no support terrorists.
    End of story.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  288. I’m not sure that this really helps your case much, but:

    Definition of CROSSHAIR:
    a fine wire or thread in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument used as a reference line in the field or for marking the instrumental axis —used figuratively to describe someone or something being targeted as if through an aiming device having crosshairs
    See crosshair defined for English-language learners »
    First Known Use of CROSSHAIR

    circa 1884

    Merriam Webster.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  289. What kind of device do you reckon’ Palin was suggesting they aim at the congress through?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  290. major contributions? i would call being a partner a major contribution.

    JD (ad76b9)

  291. What kin d of device you you recokon your hero marcos moulitsass was referencing?

    JD (ad76b9)

  292. I hate the daily KOS. Once again, you think you know me, but you don’t, you just know a bunch of other people, and project that shit on me.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  293. I think there’s a difference between the Kos bullseye and the Palin target. The target looks much more like a rifle scope view.

    Jim (8de501)

  294. “I’m not sure that this really helps your case much, but:”

    Chrissie – Except you left out the last part of the definition, the example:” … in the crosshairs this political season” and in the definition for learners:”—often used figuratively ▪ The senator’s voting record was in the crosshairs of his political rivals. [=was being targeted by his political rivals],” indicating that the imagery used by both Palin and Kos are very common in politics, you dishonest slimeball.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  295. JD, the kind of device marcos was referencing was a rhetorical device. That rhetorical device was the phrase “bull’s eye” and it was used as “something that precisely attains a desired end” One of the acceptable broad definitions that I listed above. Context clearly shows that he was not referring to weapons. Had he used crosshairs it would have been a misuse of the word, because its definition does not allow the same broad use that would make it interchangeable with “bull’s eye”

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  296. daleyrocks – Hey, you are right, I didn’t intentionally leave that out, though. I copied and pasted the whole thing, and that part got eaten up because of the lessthan/morethan symbols around it. Sorry. Try it, I’m not lying.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  297. its definition does not allow the same broad use

    Why the hell not? Except for your dumb reflexive hatred of conservatives, why not? You’ve never heard of aiming high? You’ve never heard someone use ‘target’ as a rhetorical device?

    I mean, you are specifically citing them targeting a land area, not a person. The target was on the district within which there was an election, not on Giffords. Where they aiming with strategic missiles and calling for the destruction of that district?

    You claim the crosshairs don’t “allow” any other interpretation, even though EVERYONE interpreted is “let’s set a goal of winning an election there”.

    Why are you such a pathetic little liar? Before Brad Friedman was shamed publicly over his partnership with a terrorist, you just weren’t this transparently dishonest. Sure, you believed a lot of dumb crap (you heard from Brad Friedman), but you were talking about having beers with us and not nearly so hostile.

    Face it: you know it can be a metaphor because the entire example you’re condemning was a metaphor.

    Lame lame lame.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  298. Oh yeah, and how many hours after you promise you’re done here and say goodbye are you going to stay, demanding to get the last word in?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  299. You just don’t get it, do you? crosshairs really bad. bull’s eyes pretty bad. Neither one a very good idea in this crazy political climate with all of these misinformed yahoos running around scared to death of the “guvment.”

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  300. Dustin: As many as I choose.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  301. Dustin, I have never, nor will I ever, support terrorists. No matter how far you or Patterico or anyone else chooses to distort and stretch the truth. This garbage about Brett Kimberlin has nothing to do with me, and does not reflect on me whatsoever. I can promise you, though, if you choose to accuse someone else of being a terrorist supporter, you can expect them to become not so transparently agitated with you, much as I did, and likely call you a lying asshole, much like I just did.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  302. You called Patterico a terroist supporter, crissyhooten. Your words.

    Show of hands. How many people here have donated money to someone who is partners with a domestic terrorist and drug smuggler?

    JD (85b089)

  303. you can expect them to become not so transparently agitated with you, much as I did, and likely call you a lying asshole, much like I just did.

    Comment by Chris Hooten

    I’m not wounded. Anyone can read the thread and see that I accused of something very specific, and didn’t say you support terrorists, but rather funded a terrorist’s pal, believe a terrorist’s dumb lies, etc. It does reflect on how gullible you are.

    It’s also plain for anyone to see that you’re well aware of the distinction between that and being a terrorist supporter.

    so who is the liar, Chris? It’s been easy showing how you say things that are the opposite of the truth, but you have to make crap up to say that about me.

    I don’t care that you’re agitated with me. Your paranoid hatred is why you’re such an easy mark. You know you’re a liar, and the sad thing is that you also know I’m not a liar.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  304. Well known leftist quote: “If you can’t open their hearts, open their heads”
    Goodnight all.

    Angela Roy (4a3113)

  305. Kruger and Malkovski are really not even worth a mention, nobody seriously believes a thing they say except their handful of whacked out followers who are waiting, apparently, impatiently to get the trains moving towards the camps for those who aren’t part of the warped, whacked out world of Pandora or whatever screwy ideology that they have lodged in their minds.

    Drider (5ef5c6)

  306. You can’t make this stuff up. It is not Palin’s fault. The Daily Kos blog does have a poor grammar. It is just look like the New York Times and Washington Post. Markos and the Daily Kos are so liberal. Markos is the worse editor of this site and he have ‘lack’ of unexperience, both journalism and poor communication skills.

    m (d65a99)

  307. I was watching ABC News shortly after it happened and Sarah Palin and the Tea Party were quickly blamed for the event.

    No mention yet of Al Gore and the DC Nut or Al Sharpton/Jessee Jackson for the disproportionate murder rate of blacks on whites or Muslim Clerics for Islamic Terrorists.

    Torquemada (2a42d3)

  308. Sad to have to politicize this but sadly the liberal media went right to it in search of smearing the right “motive.”

    I wish all victims and their families the best possible outcomes in this bad time.

    Torquemada (2a42d3)

  309. Did I just hear Geraldo right on FOX?

    Did he just say that this attack sets Palin’s political ambitions back a few years?
    What on God’s green Earth would the possible reason be for this attack be for hurting anyones political aspirations?

    Is this all about icons on an ad, Icons on a Palin ad that set this whack job off?
    Did they find Palin’s “Going Rogue” amongst his collection of books, perhaps sitting beside his communist manifesto and assume he was a pshyco fan just waiting for Palin’s super secret cross hair icon code to set him off on a killing spree?

    This was a sad situation.A little girl died, a federal judge and others with the congresswoman being badly wounded, I consider myself a Tea Party person and always will and I can say with great confidence that the typical slander of the movement by the same old politicians and news people will not alter anything one bit.Thankfully.

    Drider (5ef5c6)

  310. Drider – they are just signaling their intention to blame Palin and teabaggers for practically everything. Crissyhooten and Kos and William Yelverton and their I’ll have demonstrated that for everyone.

    JD (ad76b9)

  311. The killer has been linked to an anti-immigrant group and had made statements about people being “illiterate.”

    Who are the purveyors of this type of hate speech?

    Tom Tancredo kicked off the tea party convention with such hate speech, reminicent of the killer.

    He stated that many of the people who voted Obama into office “can’t even spell the word vote or even speak English,” which brought loud applause from the crowd. He went on to talk about the “cult of multiculturalism” which is “aided by leftists.”

    Sounds just like the killer.

    Hate speech has consequences, as Giffords warned.

    Don’t retreat, reload.

    SarahPAC (c00d8e)

  312. SarahPAC,

    When you suck, do you spit out or swallow?

    nk (db4a41)

  313. Will Glenn Beck acknowledge his hate speech is killing people? It can and does influence mentally unbalanced people.

    Glenn Beck recently spoke at CPAC, where he claimed America’s ills were due to progressivism and he compared progressivism to cancer – “it can’t co-exist. You must eradicate it! You must cut it out of the system!”

    How clear it is. THIS is exactly what we hear from Glenn Beck:

    When you tell people Obama’s planning to kill them, that has consequences.

    When you warn people of an impending Reichstag moment and power grab, you’re targeting our leaders.

    When Byron Williams, armed to the teeth and wearing body armor, drives to San Francisco to shoot officials of the Tides Foundation and hopefully start a revolution, was it a coincidence that you’d targeted them with your violent rhetoric?

    When your fan Richard Poplowski became so convinced that the Obama administration would take his guns that he gunned down three Pittsburgh policemen, you planted those seeds.

    SarahPAC (c00d8e)

  314. You are a sick f@ck, William Yelverton. A cowardly sick pathetic little little little person.

    JD (ad76b9)

  315. William Yelverton supports Fred Phelps.

    JD (ad76b9)

  316. JD, why don’t you stop the personal insults? You’re not adding any value.

    Jim (8de501)

  317. You don’t link to Kos but you still have that lying scumbag Johnson’s site listed as a favorite. I hope this is an over sight.

    kansas (313837)

  318. SarahPAC, Did you happen to catch “why” Glenn Beck views progressives as the “yummy red Koolaid” of American society or just that he “wants” slither away under a slimy rock somewhere?

    Drider (5ef5c6)

  319. “(Glenn Beck’s speech) can and does influence mentally unbalanced people.”

    Obviously it’s had some influence on SarahPAC.

    Birdbath (8501d4)

  320. So far, has anyone seen the MFM note that Kos targeted the same district. I have heard Palin’s name come out of almost every talking head’s mouth. Joe Klein, Roger Simon, Olbergasm.

    JD (ad76b9)

  321. A little perspective is in order:

    Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
    Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
    Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back T…wice As Hard”
    Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
    Obama to voters: Republican victory would “hand to hand combat”
    Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
    Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
    Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”

    Angela, Roy (4a3113)

  322. William Yelverton/SarahPac:

    “The party of ELF, ACORN, ECO-TERRORISTS, THE BLACK PANTHERS, THE NEW BLACK PANTHERS, THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND, THE WINTER SOLDIERS, MUMIA ABU-JAMAL and his supporters, CAIR, LAMONT HILL, VAN JONES, SAUL ALINSKY, CODE PINK , RASHID KHALIDI , REV WRIGHT, BERNARDINE DOHRN the cop killing wife of Obama confidant, proud domestic terrorist, cop killer accomplice BILL AYERS whose hero SIRHAN SIRHAN assassinated Robert Kennedy, must never get away with trying to blame a senseless isolated act of violence against an entire political group or advocates for a political group such as the Tea Party, Glenn Beck and/or Rush Limbaugh.”

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  323. Hooten, you are a disgusting ghoul as well.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  324. FYI: There’s a difference between cross-hairs and surveyors marks. The Palin site showed a map with district markers using surveyor symbols to indicate democrat districts. There was no “gun imagery.
    Surveyor Symbols:
    The DLC used REAL targets on their map:

    Angela, Roy (4a3113)

  325. A little perspective is in order: There’s a difference between cross-hairs and surveyors marks. The Palin site showed a map with district markers using surveyor symbols to indicate democrat districts. There was no “gun imagery.
    Surveyor Symbols:
    The DLC used REAL targets on their map:

    Angela, Roy (4a3113)

  326. but why do you think I fell for anything over at bradblog?

    Because you gave money to them? So what you’re now saying is that you’re just that much of an ignorant dumbshit to have sent them money for an operation that you believe is wholly dishonest?

    Quite a statement regarding your intellect, douchey.

    Dmac (498ece)

  327. Chrissy’s Hooters hearts Ole’ Yeller – I understand that they practice playing the skinflutes on each other. The music is a little off, though – too much mouth action, I believe.

    Dmac (498ece)

  328. According to ABC News, shooter’s favorite books were Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. He also says he doesn’t ‘trust in god’. Looks like the leftist misinformation merchants are trying to triple down on smear and stay ahead of the facts. #19
    Don’t forget another one of his favorite books is Catcher In the Rye. Another favorite of our liberal public school system, which obviously shares some blame in the shootings.

    Arizona Bob (e8af2b)

  329. Okay, a few things… saying that you couldn’t give a rats ass about mercenaries doesn’t make you violent. It means that you simply don’t care about the kind of scumbag who engages in conflicts for profit.

    As for the bulls eye vs. gun site image… there is a massive difference. The right is constantly talking about armed rebelion they are constantly talking about whipping out their guns if they don’t like where things are headed. They are the ones hoarding amo. They are the ones joining militias, and blowing up Federal buildings.

    So yeah… I hold the two groups to a different standard on using this sort of language, BUT… sure… lets all stop using this sort of language. Works for me.

    rustyiron (6e69d0)

  330. I’m expecting that we’ll see Obama try to capitalize on this with some big hyped speech about political rhetoric, blaming violence on the Republicans (while ignoring the amounts of violence committed by his own followers).

    The White House thinks this is Obama’s Oklahoma City moment, and will jump on it with a flood of hypocrisy.

    But it will fail because the nation has figured out that Obama’s rhetoric is empty and hypocritical.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  331. rustyiron, your comment tried to explain away the Democratic use of rhetoric and congratulate yourself on your own hypocrisy. And the use of brazen lying helps you feel better about yourself, I’m sure. The “Right” does not talk constantly of armed rebellion – that is a brazen lie.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  332. And so it begins…for Obama’s re-election campaign. He needs race to be the main theme to take the focus off of his failed fundamental transformation of America.

    Eric Holder told us that we “are a nation of cowards” when it comes to race. I’m sure Bill Ayres and Pat Hayden have some forged “writings” that have been planted linking them to the shooter to exacerbate race relations.

    Hotlanta Mike (bbca92)

  333. SPQR, there are parts of the right who are are rather consistently talking about armed rebellion if certain things happen. Go back and do some research. And Arizona Bob, those books were a part of about twenty five books he wrote that he liked—and good job in using the killing for your own political motivations.

    Jim (8de501)

  334. Byron York:

    Arizona Bob (e8af2b)

  335. Shorter “rustyiron” – Dem targeting good, Rep targeting evil. You are all poopyheds.

    JD (ad76b9)

  336. Bryron York’s piece points out that after Maj. Nidal Hasan yelled “Allahu Akbar” and murdered 13 people, President Obama and his media sycophants urged that no one should jump to conclusions.

    How quickly they forget.

    Arizona Bob (e8af2b)

  337. saying that you couldn’t give a rats ass about mercenaries doesn’t make you violent. It means that you simply don’t care about the kind of scumbag who engages in conflicts for profit.

    They were mercenaries who happened to be US citizens hired by Iraqis concerned over their safety, since they’d been threatened for accomodating the US military in the overthrow of a violent dictator. So your point is not only moot, but demonstrates who the real scumbag on your post is – but don’t look to carefully in your mirror, your nose may have become so pointy you make just poke out someone’s eye with it at this point.

    Dmac (498ece)

  338. @JD Read my comment again (and as many times as it takes), but I did say that everybody should stop with the crazy talk.

    @SPQR You’ve clearly never been in the comment section of any rightwing website if you’ve managed to avoid loads of garbage about armed rebellion.

    rustyiron (6e69d0)

  339. _______________________________________________

    I don’t think you’re evil or anything. Just really gullible and not very bright — which is a common combination, actually.

    I don’t know if it’s intelligence or even gullibility per se as much it’s a form of corrupted do-gooder emotions. Maybe it’s analogous to food so overloaded with sugar that it becomes nasty and harmful—btw, cases of diabetes have skyrocketed in modern society.

    Strong liberal bias appears to make people often incapable of judging individuals and situations correctly. So in their distorted minds, good becomes bad, bad becomes good. I’ve noticed that idiosyncrasy of theirs more and more through the years.

    I have no confidence in people, regardless of their politics, when they’re lousy in assessing people and situations properly. That defect can crop up in folks on the right, but it occurs far more — way more — frequently in folks on the left.

    They must sense that deep down since so many of them — going back decades — have been known to crouch their self-identity with comments like “I’m not a liberal, I’m a progressive!” Or back in the 1950s, I understand it apparently was along the lines of “I’m not a progressive, I’m a liberal!”

    Mark (411533)

  340. “SPQR, there are parts of the right who are are rather consistently talking about armed rebellion if certain things happen”

    Jim – Those talkers are real SCARY people according to the imaginings of Mark Potok of the SPLC, who has made a very nice living fear mongering about them. They are so scary that people on the left are actively talking about arming to protect themselves against these phantom militias.

    Can I sell you some oceanfront property in Tucson, Jim?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  341. “You’ve clearly never been in the comment section of any rightwing website if you’ve managed to avoid loads of garbage about armed rebellion.”

    rustyiron – There should have been a large number of arrests if people are plotting armed rebellion all over the place as you suggest. I know that Huttarree situation turned out to be a big disappointment for the left, but can you point me to some busts of these armed rebellion plotters please?

    If not, I’ll have some of what you’re smoking.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  342. rustyiron, you clearly are making stuff up. I’ve seen no more discussion of armed rebellion on right wing sites than I’ve seen calls for revolution on left wing sites.

    You take the comments of a handful and expand it to “The Right” as though every conservative was joining militias, every conservative was building truck bombs to attack federal courthouses.

    Your comments are lies.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  343. Some are pointing out that Loughner’s old acquaintances describe him — circa 2007 — as “left-wing pothead.” That may well have been true at the time.

    But if we examine the trail of videos and assorted writings he left behind in recent years, it’s clear that his politics took quite a different swerve to the other side of the road: it is abundantly clear that he’s now a devoted anti-government conspiracist. In particular, he seems to have developed an obsession with that classic right-wing conspiracy theory: the belief that American currency, since going off the gold standard, has become “fiat money” based on nothing. Likewise, he seems to have bought into beliefs about “government mind control” quite common to right-wing conspiracy theorists.

    Palin (c00d8e)

  344. Yelverton is a liar. A cowardly liar.

    JD (ad76b9)

  345. We need to remember the teabaggers who spoke of 2nd Amendment remedies. Now we know what they were talking about.

    Palin (c00d8e)

  346. Markos Moulitous is nothing more than an angry, bitter little man with a keyboard and an internet connection. Without it, he would have followed his true calling: Bag-Boy in a Chinese brothel.

    This individual is the real reason why Net Neutrality is being discussed- from his pure hate-filled rhetoric.

    All the firebranding is obviously coming from the radical left and it is totally disgusting.

    JDubya (4580ec)

  347. “We need to remember the teabaggers who spoke of 2nd Amendment remedies.”

    Yelverton – You mean like the Holocaust Museum shooter, the lefty eco-terrorist who took over the Discovery Channel building, mass murdering Obamabot Amy Bishop at the University of Alabama Huntsville, or the lefty loons who fired bullets at Eric Cantor’s office and made threats against he and his family, to name just a few?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  348. Daleyrocks and SPQR, go back and look at some of the comments on the right wing wbesites about what they were going to do if ObamaCare passed, if the GOP didn’t win the Senate, etc. There is a substantial minority of the right who are in favor of armed rebllion (if needed).

    Daley, if you can get the Tempe lake fixed, I’d be interested in waterferont property in Tempe.

    Jim (8de501)

  349. Yelverton is getting increasingly desperate since his meme is losing all its momentum. This will get more ugly.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  350. chris hooten has had
    his brain shaken from his skull
    empty shell of man

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  351. ________________________________________________

    Some are pointing out that Loughner’s old acquaintances describe him — circa 2007 — as “left-wing pothead.” That may well have been true at the time.

    But always keep in mind that liberal sentiment is born BAD. It starts off BAD, per below. It appears to be rooted in contradictory, corrupt biases from Day One.

    Moreover, left-leaning biases are stronger or strongest when people are young. Then, if common sense begins to sink into their brains, such people gradually move to the right.

    The killer is just 22 years old. So I’d be surprised if his leftist sentiments of only 2 to 3 years old had changed much, if at all. No surprise, therefore, that his anti-government, pro-burn-US-flag attitude (a video listed as “favorite” on his Youtube site showed the burning of the American flag) tilts to the left, not the right. The people who give the least are the young, especially young liberals. [Arthur C.] Brooks [a public policy professor at Syracuse University] writes that “young liberals — perhaps the most vocally dissatisfied political constituency in America today — are one of the least generous demographic groups out there. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood.”

    He writes that young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, “a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love.”

    Mark (411533)

  352. Mark, it’s being reported that he may be linked to a neo-Nazi anti-Semitic group. His views may have changed since 2007

    Jim (8de501)

  353. SPQR, there are parts of the right who are are rather consistently talking about armed rebellion if certain things happen. Go back and do some research.

    Funniest comment yet – the Troll makes a definitive statement and offers no proof whatsoever, but expects someone else who differs to do his own work for him. Do your own farking work, we’re not your monkeys here, monkey boy.

    Dmac (498ece)

  354. I think looking at Loughner’s YouTube clip leads to the firm opinion that he is not in his right mind. I was told by a psychiatry professor once that very few people, if any, had the wisdom and skill to “enter into” a schizophrenic’s delusional world and make any sense of it. I think the best response to any claim of inspiration by anybody, right of left, is to show the clip and ask where the killer gives logical reason for his actions.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  355. I’m supposed to research something that a troll is pulling out of his ass.


    SPQR (26be8b)

  356. I’m supposed to research something that a troll is pulling out of his ass.

    SPQR, I don’t blame you, but this is too easy, and this clown is deflecting and/or projecting. Two quick chip shots, for example, from noted right wingers:

    Ted Rall is revolting.

    Frances Fox Piven is revolting.

    A fine Bunch of Rubens (720b7a)

  357. The blame rests entirely with the whack-job shooter, and if you are honest you have to admit that far more actual violence (not rhetorical) has come from the Left; Union thugs bussed into rallies to cause trouble, the New Black Panther party and the ever-victims at the NAACP calling Tea Party groups racists. Get a grip.

    Aloha, Mikie

    mikie kerr (2aba72)

  358. I’m a bit surprised that no media or large blogs have taken recent events into account when trying to figure out why Giffords was shot at this time.

    Since Congress reconvened, Giffords has done the following:

    1. Voted against Pelosi for Speaker of the House
    2. Read the First Amendment aloud from the Constitution on the floor of Congress

    Now, considering the evidence we have about Mr. Loughner from YouTube, where he espoused negative views of the Constitution, I’d say that especially #2 on that list is mighty interesting.

    Could it be that it snapped for Mr. Loughner when his congresswoman read aloud from the Constitution, one of his most hated objects?

    I’d say that is about 1000000000% more likely than it having anything to do with anything Sarah Palin ever said, did, wrote, published, or was involved with. Yet for some reason, I haven’t heard anyone, especially in the media, point it out.

    Why are we spending so much time talking about Palin when there’s strong circumstantial evidence that this nut simply freaked out over his congresswoman reading the Constitution?

    Oh, right. 2012. Forgot.

    Seixon (ee9f62)

  359. So calling someone revolting is the same as shooting someone who espoused tea party ideas on immigration?

    Obamaisanturd (9d22ba)

  360. So calling someone revolting is the same as shooting someone who espoused tea party ideas on immigration?

    Obamaisanturd (9d22ba)

  361. “I’m a bit surprised that no media or large blogs have taken recent events into account when trying to figure out why Giffords was shot at this time.”

    Seixon – Kos disappeared a diary yesterday on that subject by a poster named Blue Boy about why Giffords was “dead to me.” You hit the high points in your comment. Other blogs grabbed it before it was disappeared. You should have no trouble finding it.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  362. Markos is an ulcer on the politics of america right?

    Obamaisanturd (9d22ba)

  363. “There is a substantial minority of the right who are in favor of armed rebllion (if needed).”

    Jim – How big is that substantial minority in your estimation? Is it larger or smaller than the substantial minority of liberals who were going to leave the country if Kerry lost in 2004? Do you have any links to support your contention? Again, where are the arrests?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  364. So far we’ve seen several instances of nick’s posted here that are mispelled in bizarre ways. I don’t wish to violate a cardinal rule of the blog but I am suspicious of a couple of recent comments like “Vietbameravet” and other above who can’t type their usual nicknames.

    Or are those just attempts to avoid bans?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  365. Patterico, a fact that you may have missed: Kos didn’t care about mercenaries being killed. Gifford was not a mercenary. Or do you know something we don’t? I could have sworn he was a Congressman.

    John Around (32a754)

  366. Some of you may not know that Markos’ very first Twitter post on the shooting was this: “Fucking American Taliban.”
    The title of his latest book? American Taliban. The bastard was plugging his book within minutes of hearing the news! And now has spent the last 24 hours hectoring us about our language. What an odious little pig of a man.

    NealK (bbc05e)

  367. John Around: are you for real? Or are you just parodying a really dumb guy?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  368. UPDATE: For the benefit of the terminally stupid, the bulls eye graphic did not appear on Kos’s original post, as should be self-evident to a) any sentient being who examines the image, or b) any person who bothers to follow my link to the original Kos post. Kos “put the bulls eye” on Giffords and others with written rhetoric. I think you all knew that already, but Tommy Christopher insists that my credibility demands that I explain this to you as if you were all five year-olds.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  369. “Patterico, a fact that you may have missed: Kos didn’t care about mercenaries being killed.”

    John Around – I’m not sure you’ve got your “fact” straight given that Kos disappeared his original comment on the matter and issued a quasi correction and apology. He has a habit of disappearing embarrassing material from his blog. Now why do you think he did that in this case?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  370. “Tommy Christopher insists that my credibility demands that I explain this to you as if you were all five year-olds.”

    Tommy Christopher is a three year-old.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  371. Mendozaaaaaaaaa!!!!

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  372. So you’re saying that the bullseye on the Kos image wasn’t there originally, but was inserted by you? I sure didn’t understand that.

    [That’s because it’s not true. If you thought that the bulls eye image was put there by Kos, however, you are not that bright. — P]

    Jim (8de501)

  373. Who is tommy christopher and why does he heart crissyhooten?

    JD (0d2ffc)

  374. There is a basic distinction that is not being pointed out here: a bullseye is something you shoot at. A crosshair is something you use to shoot at something else. Kos, for all that he is a complete dickbag, said that there was a “bullseye on [her] district”. Palin put crosshairs directly on Giffords’ name. I think that any of this rhetoric is abominable, and I don’t think that anyone but the shooter is directly responsible for this tragedy, but this comparison does not, in my opinion, hold much water.

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  375. PopeBelligerent, such an argument is comical in its unseriousness. Bullseyes versus crosshairs change the culpability for violence ascribed? Completely unserious.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  376. Huh? I honestly don’t know who that is.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  377. Please show us the post that had “cross-hairs” on Giffords “name”.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  378. “John Around”, Kos’ attacks on “mercenaries” were attacks on his own. Kos was attacking US soldiers who were working after their enlistments for contractors like Dyncorp, Xe etc. who were providing security to civilians like our own State department. It was a vile comment on his part then and hasn’t improved with age like all of Kos’ vile rhetoric.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  379. “Tommy Christopher insists that my credibility demands that I explain this to you as if you were all five year-olds.”

    Patterico – Would Tommy prefer you to add other targeting imagery used by Democrats for political campaigning purposes? There’s a bunch of that floating around if it would help him out for some reason.

    Flood the zone baby!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  380. @AD-RtR/OS! – Surely you’ve seen the graphic hundreds of times by now. Actual crosshairs, Rep. Giffords’ name listed. Don’t play coy. The visual equivalent on Kos’ post was added by the author of this post.

    @SPQR: I never once mentioned culpability. I don’t believe that Palin is culpable for this act, but I do believe that she is deeply culpable for contributing to the culture of violent imagery that as grown around political discourse in this country. And when discussing a man who believes that the government is controlling people through grammar, yes I think semantics are a perfectly reasonable area of debate.

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  381. PopeBelligerent, horse manure. We don’t tailor our political discourse around the sensibilities of paranoid schizophrenics.

    Further, your belief that violent imagery has “grown” around political discourse is just ignorant fappery. Political discourse in our country is more polite now than at any point in our history. Violent imagery? Two centuries ago, the two leading politicians fought a duel. Opposition papers called for lynchings of the President.

    Grow up.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  382. And when discussing a man who believes that the government is controlling people through grammar, yes I think semantics are a perfectly reasonable area of debate.

    Ouch. Point. Set. Match.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  383. “The visual equivalent on Kos’ post was added by the author of this post.”

    PopeBelligerent – You would be wrong about that Peppermint Patty. I sourced it for him and it was already there.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  384. Screw kos.

    Only if you have absolutely no concern for STDs…

    bandarlog (e0a7c0)

  385. There was no link to the original material, daley

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  386. only the two year old daily kos post

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  387. “but I do believe that she is deeply culpable for contributing to the culture of violent imagery that as grown around political discourse in this country.”

    PopeBelligerent – You were probably pretty vocal condemning Bush assassination films on lefty blogs too. Could you link a few of your comments on that subject for us please?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  388. Surely you’ve seen the graphic hundreds of times by now. Actual crosshairs, Rep. Giffords’ name listed.

    No! I haven’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked you to provide documentation of what you allege.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  389. Match? You really are not getting any more serious, Hooten. Tailor our political discourse the reactions of a paranoid schizophrenic? No one can predict the reactions of such.

    You need to grow up.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  390. “There was no link to the original material, daley”

    Go back to the thread I posted it in yesterday, nitwit.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  391. We don’t tailor our political discourse around the sensibilities of paranoid schizophrenics.

    Did I suggest you do anything of the sort? No. I suggested that semantics play a role when discussing someone of the mindset that grammar can be used to control minds. You can tailor your political discourse to whatever you like, but it does not invalidate my point.

    As for violence in political rhetoric, sure, if you want to reach back two hundred years to make your example, you’re perfectly correct. Also, at that time, there was constant actual violence and warfare within the borders of this nation, men carried swords as decorations and half of this country was not yet settled. Some context is appropriate, I think. Care to offer up an example from the last, oh, one century?

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  392. To repeat something that has been noted previously:
    Since info found in the shooter’s residence points back to 2007 as to when he first started to plan this attack (or at least the basis for it), well before Sarah Palin came onto the National Political Scene, how can this attack be laid at her feet, especially when you see pressers from the DLC/DNC/DCCC/DSC that notify everyone in the political world that they are “targeting” certain members of the oppostion?

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  393. _______________________________________

    but I do believe that she is deeply culpable for contributing to the culture of violent imagery that as grown around political discourse in this country.

    Meanwhile, the typical liberal mind does a contortionist routine by thinking:

    “Oh, I just can’t get worked up about the person in America’s top political office — in the White House, no less — using rhetoric along the lines of ‘If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.’

    “And his schmoozing for 20 years with a person who spouted off comments of ‘goddamn America!?’ Oh, well. He and his buddy were misunderstood!”

    When it comes to the coarsening of speech and culture, the left — which is notorious for shrugging off or rationalizing away, among other things, rap music — is the last group that has a leg to stand on.

    Mark (411533)

  394. Did “pope” accuse Patterico of making something up? Crissyhooten the widdle fanboi has a crush on the pope.

    JD (822109)

  395. “especially when you see pressers from the DLC/DNC/DCCC/DSC that notify everyone in the political world that they are “targeting” certain members of the oppostion?”

    AD – Do you think they conduct those targeting operations from their “WAR ROOMS?”

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  396. PopeBelligerent, in the last century, I’d use Woodrow Wilson imprisoning Eugene Debs in response to Debs’ anti-Wilson rhetoric.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  397. I think looking at Loughner’s YouTube clip leads to the firm opinion that he is not in his right mind. I was told by a psychiatry professor once that very few people, if any, had the wisdom and skill to “enter into” a schizophrenic’s delusional world and make any sense of it.

    I spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours talking to schizophrenics when I was a medical student. I considered going into psychiatry until I met some psychiatrists. The guy I worked for was one of those people who understood schizophrenics. This was 1961 and the antipsychotic drugs had just appeared.

    Most uncompensated schizophrenics are listening to voices that tell them things, many of them very negative. This kid seems to have been obsessed with the 2012 Mayan calender thing plus some other delusions. He should have been in therapy but the ACLU saw to it 50 years ago that involuntary treatment is not permitted except in extremely limited circumstances. We now have those circumstances in his case. That Pima County sheriff said one thing I agree with. He said that psychotics are walking the streets all around us and we can do nothing about it. Treatment is totally voluntary.

    There is no way to predict what a psychotic’s reaction will be to external influence. All the rhetoric about political talk is BS.

    Mike K (568408)

  398. Yeah, they didn’t show that on fox or or here.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  399. “Ouch. Point. Set. Match.”

    Comment by Chris Hooten — 1/9/2011 @ 2:57 pm

    wit of chris hooten
    give new definition to
    word “excremental”

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  400. I haven’t seen any proof of any political leanings YET. So your attempt is still ridiculous.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  401. SPQR – If Palin had used a bullseye instead of crosshairs, this leftist would not have murdered a conservative Judge and these clowns would not be out running around wailing and gnashing their teeth about the evil reichwing violent rhetoric that causes leftists to commit actual acts of violence.

    JD (109425)

  402. Hooten.Down.For.Count

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  403. .

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  404. JD, that’s about the most rational recitation of the thesis that I’ve seen in these threads.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  405. There is a word now
    Some people like to use it
    It is written “the.”

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  406. For PB @ 1504…
    The last “one century”….
    Assassination of William McKinley by an Anarchist;
    Attempted assassination of FDR in the 20’s by…an anarchist;
    Assassination of Gov. Huey Long by the son-in-law of a political opponent (a fellow Democrat);
    The attempted assassination of Congress Members by a Puerto Rican Independence group during the Truman Administration;
    Assassination of JFK by a Marxist with Castro sympathies;
    Assassination of MLK, Jr, by a Klan sympathizer (you do realize that the KKK is the para-military wing of the Southern Democrat Party?);
    Attempted assassination of George Wallace by Bremer, who had previously sought to kill Nixon, all in the pursuit of personal notoriety;
    Assassination of Robert Kennedy by a Palestinian sympathizer;
    Attempted assassinations of Gerald Ford by members of the Manson Family (twice);
    Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by Hinckley, looking for personal notoriety.

    I’m sure that there are more, but I can’t seem to recall anyone who would be identified as a member of the Republican Party, and who supports and defends the Constitution of the United States of America.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  407. The idea that somehow political rhetoric is more vicious, more violent or merely more impolite than it used to be is just pure horse manure. Its an idea that shows the utter ignorance of those who utter it.

    The founder of the Democratic party, Thomas Jefferson, was personally responsible for more bile, more calumny, more vicious lies than all the Republicans of my lifetime put together.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  408. To those on the Left, History is something to be made, never to be studied.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  409. Political rhetoric is kind of out of control. Are you sure about that, SPQR? We are a civil society, no?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  410. We are a society composed of “men”, who being imperfect, can never be members of a perfect society.
    Therefore, the Left’s obsession with attaining a perfect society is a self-dilusion that only leads to the frustration induced violence that we too often see around us.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  411. You have shown no evidence of being civil, crissyhooten. None.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  412. Society, dumbass, not me, jerkwad.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  413. Hey that’s what JD stands for! J*****D JERKWAD

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  414. The only activity scheduled for the House of Representatives in the coming week concerns Member Giffords:

    WEEK OF JANUARY 10, 2011

    On Monday, the House is not in session.

    On Tuesday, the House will meet at 2:00 p.m. in pro forma session. No votes are expected.

    On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business. No votes are expected.

    H.Res. __ – Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona (Subject to a Unanimous Consent Agreement)

    On Thursday, the House is not in session.

    On Friday, the House is not in session.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  415. Oow…Chrissy’s got her knickers in a knot.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  416. Jeebus. Are all of the trollz drunk?

    JD (0d2ffc)

  417. Hooten, claims that political rhetoric is somehow uniquely “out of control” are just cover for Democrats’ wish to suppress free speech. That such calls rise when Democrats’ fortunes wane is not merely the first proof of Democrats’ anti-freedom tendencies.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  418. LOL. You are insane. Where in the hell did that come from? Now I am a freedom-hating, terrorist supporting, free-speech suppressing maniac. None of which are true at all. INSANE.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  419. Not the right course of action in my opinion, AD… seems to play into some hands.

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  420. The real issue is the singular difference between the left and the right.

    The right is more disciplined and individually controlled – hence the right rarely acts out. The left is less disciplined and less individually controlled – hence there is little in place in the average lefty to hold back the emotions and the impulses.

    It’s really that simple.

    platypus (f083f7)

  421. Are you being serious? You did see the town hall meetings for the last two years, right?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  422. Hooten, your coherence is not improving.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  423. I’m trying to “fit in” here.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  424. I always thought guns kill people, but it turns out words kill people.

    We must do all we can to stop these words. Repeal the First Amendment. It’s the least we can do.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  425. Comment by ColonelHaiku — 1/9/2011 @ 3:41 pm

    To what are you referring to, Col?

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  426. Yes, I saw the town hall meetings. What happened?

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  427. Ag80, people spoke very rudely to their appointed masters.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  428. Where was that discipline and personal control as they were shouting and being disruptive. Let me guess: That wasn’t conservatives, or tea party morons, or any of that, right?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  429. 428…Oh, the Humanity!

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  430. #429

    That is called free speech. What happened yesterday is called murder. Sadly, you do not appear to know the difference.

    platypus (f083f7)

  431. “…the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    There is nothing there authorizing the suppression of vigorous speech…
    I’m not shouting, I’m speaking with authority!

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  432. #429, again:

    And we rightwingers/tea partiers don’t do group guilt. We believe in “individual” rights (and responsibilities) as contrasted to the leftwingers who have a more “hive” mentality and “it takes a village” type thinking.

    Nice try. Thanks for playing Should We Or Should We Not Follow The Lead Of The Galactically Stupid. We have some lovely parting gifts for you to pick up at the exit door.

    platypus (f083f7)

  433. SPQR: All of the examples you listed are of actual violent acts, not of rhetoric. I would never make the utterly spurious claim that America is more violent than it has been in the past – every survey ever done proves otherwise. What I am referring to -specifically and repeatedly – is the culture of political rhetoric in this country, spoken by public officials and widely-heard pundits. Please try to refrain from recasting this conversation as something it is not.

    As for Daley’s assertion that the graphics were not added, please follow the link provided by the author to the original post (or, if you’re feeling lazy, the fact that the author himself said “…the bullseye graphic did not appear on the original post”). Numerous graphics were added. I admit I may have misspoken in placing the blame (or the credit) for the additions on the author, however, and I apologize for that.

    Also to Daley, yes. I was and will continue to be strictly against that kind of talk, including the videos calling for the assassination of President Bush. It is wrong when it comes from either side of the spectrum. But surely you must see the difference between a far-left blogger making violent statements and a woman deeply in the public eye making them?

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  434. Glenn, remarkably, still has a sense of humor this late in the weekend….

    “I dunno, I found the part about Sarah Palin being the second shooter on the grassy knoll quite compelling.”
    Posted at 6:24 pm by Glenn Reynolds

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  435. Palin put crosshairs directly on Giffords’ name.

    False, Pope — as is your allegation that I added the bulls eye graphic, and Hooten’s that I failed to link the original.

    You guys suck at facts.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  436. “Facts to a Leftist are as Kryptonite to Superman!”

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  437. __________________________________________

    I’m sure that there are more, but I can’t seem to recall anyone who would be identified as a member of the Republican Party

    I forgot all about Squeaky Fromme, the woman who tried to gun down Gerald Ford in the 1970s. She sure wasn’t a strait-laced conservative. She was more of a deranged free-love hippy than anything else.

    One of the common threads among all these assassins of the left, or those who are closer to the leftwing than the right — or one of the clues as to how their ideology corrupts them — may be this:, April 2008:

    For three decades, the General Social Survey has asked a nationwide sample of adults, “Taken all together, how happy would you say you are these days? Would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?” Here is a representative sample of the results:

    • In 2004, 44 percent of respondents who said they were “conservative” or “very conservative” said they were “very happy,” versus just 25 percent of people who called themselves “liberal” or “very liberal.”

    • Adults on the political right are only half as likely as those on the left to say, “At times, I think I am no good at all.” They are also less likely to say they are dissatisfied with themselves, that they are inclined to feel like a failure, or to be pessimistic about their futures.

    • It doesn’t matter who holds political power. The happiness gap between conservatives and liberals has persisted for at least 30 years. Indeed, the difference was greater some years under Bill Clinton than it was under George W. Bush. Democrats may very well win the presidency in 2008, and no doubt many liberals will enjoy seeing conservatives grieving out about that — but the data say that conservatives will still be happier people than liberals.

    Mark (411533)

  438. Mark…Strange how that works out, isn’t it?

    Unfortunately for the Left, they are all about feelings, and they let their feelings run their life.
    That, along with their obsessions for fairness and perfection, make them very unhappy when they, as they will, fall short.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  439. “But surely you must see the difference between a far-left blogger making violent statements and a woman deeply in the public eye making them?”

    PopeBelligerent – I think your question is false since the questionable premise is whether public statement cause people to act on them. The more appropriate measure is the audience for the comments. Given the brain dead drooling morons I see commenting over at DailyKos and the anger boiling up from the pages there, surely you must agree that vitriolic comments are much more likely to affect easily led people like that than the more responsible, sober citizens of the Tea Party who pay attention to people like Sarah Palin.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  440. Narcissism anyone?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  441. That was for mark. Narcissism anyone?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  442. No thanks, douchebag

    carlitos (a3d259)

  443. What, Is Chris criticizing someone prominant on the Left?

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  444. Crissyhooten’s idea of discipline and personal control involves mindlessly following and accepting an ever expanding government intrusion into our lives. No thanks.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  445. carlitos!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  446. You mean like the patriot act, you mindless sheep?

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  447. You probably think net neutrality is a bad idea.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  448. Hooten, confused and exaggerated paranoia about the PATRIOT Act is just more anti-government cult hate like the kind you are pretending to attack.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  449. When crissyhooten drinks, it is so entertaining.

    Pope got caught making stuff up, and accusing people of doing things they certainly did not.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  450. Patterico: You’re right, I overstated. Again, apologies (I already apologized for crediting you with the added graphics, I misread the edit). What Palin did was create a graphic with crosshairs over Giffords’ district with her name directly below. She also titled the map “20 house Democrats from districts we carried in 2008 voted for the health care bill…IT’S TIME TO TAKE A STAND” (emphasis is hers, not mine – Kos’ post spoke at length about various methods to get out the vote and make a political stand, then said in a single mention that “…this vote puts a bullseye on their district”. I think the difference in the severity of this rhetoric is clear, and though as I said I think Kos is reprehensible, I still believe the comparison is deeply oversimplified at best.

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  451. That’s funny, SPQR.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  452. Daley: I hate to admit it, but you have a point. The audience certainly should be taken into consideration. Though the cheap slap at the posters at Daily Kos was uncalled for – nothing I’ve seen over there is any better or worse than what I’ve seen on this very thread. There is no shortage of morons on either side of the spectrum.

    That said, my whole argument has been about contribution to the general air of violence in political discourse, not the culpability of a particular comment in a particular act of violence. This has been my standpoint from the start, and though many words have been put in my mouth since I first stated it, I will stand by it, and violent talk from people with a large audience certainly adds more to the general trend of violent discourse than violent talk from fringe bloggers with very limited readership.

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  453. Ah…The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act, submitted by Sensenbrenner (R-WI), and Oxley (R-OH), and passed in the HofR by a vote of 357-66, and in the Senate by a vote of 98-1.

    There must have been a lot of mindless sheep on Capitol Hill that October of 2001.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  454. PopeBelligerent, trying to recast my arguments to a strawman you feel qualified to beat is a failure. The political rhetoric today is no worse, and mostly more polite than in the past. Democrat Cox campaigned for President in 1920 with his supporters claiming that Warren Harding was part Black. (But then the Cox-Roosevelt ticket used a lot of racist innuendo to oppose the Republican ticket in 1920).

    Past rhetoric really did cause violence, unlike today. Haymarket riots, Bonus Army marchers, the May Day riots of 1919 in protest of Eugene Debs’ conviction for his draft protest speeches.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  455. I missed where pope condemned the sitting President for his if they bring a knife we should bring a gun, punch back twice as hard, get in their faces, they are the enemy rhetoric. I know, shocking.

    The semantics over bullseye or crosshair and minimizing one while condemning the other, based on nothing but the ideology of the one doing the speaking, is laughable.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  456. Sheriff Dupnik’s vile rhetoric, trying to blame Republicans for these murders, is what should be condemned.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  457. There you go again, SPQR, dragging-in all those inconvenient facts!

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  458. SPQR: Again, you are changing the entire point of my arguments. The example you are using in Sen. Cox is an example of racism in rhetoric, not of violence. While it is certainly not commendable, it is not the point I’m making. I’ve already said that it is ridiculous to say that America is any more violent than it ever was. What I am saying is that there is a marked and documented rise in violent rhetoric in politics today compared to the recent past.

    JD: I haven’t condemned Obama’s language because the subject simply hasn’t come up. But since you brought it up, I think those statements were poorly made. I am no big fan of Obama, but I would have hoped he was smarter than to use that kind of language. On the other hand, would you say that “get in their faces” or even the use of an old chestnut like the “bringing a knife to a gunfight” metaphor is even similar in scope or intention to something like Sharron Angle’s “second amendment solution” comment?

    Also, SPQR, I have read all of Dupnik’s statements, and he has never once explicitly blamed Republicans for the shooting. He has, as I do, blamed “vitriol”. That goes both ways. You’re right to question his decision and motives in including that in his official press conference, but it’s not right to put words in his mouth.

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  459. JERKWAD, I condemn both.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  460. J…..D = JERKWAD

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  461. Nonsense, PopeBelligerent, you are not reading all of his statements. This is not ‘both ways’: “one party is trying to do something to make this country a better country and the other party is trying to block them.”

    SPQR (26be8b)

  462. Oh, and PopeBelligerent, go play “No True Scotsman” somewhere else. Maybe EPWJ is looking for a logical fallacy to replace his repetitive question trick.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  463. To what are you referring to, Col?

    Schedule in post #415, AD…

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  464. The inconvenient fact, PB, is that just after making the “in their face” comment, an ACORN/SEIU crowd virtually closed down a talk-radio show by showing up at the studio.
    Then, in St.Louis, we had the SEIU/ACORN violence against a Black-man selling Gadsden Flags at a TEA Party event.
    At another TEA Party event, we had an SEIU thug bite the finger off from an elderly attendee.

    But, I suppose none of this matters, because as everyone knows, the SEIU/ACORN are only interested in Social Justice, and any means in pursuit of such a goal is not only tolerated, but encouraged.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  465. Comment by ColonelHaiku — 1/9/2011 @ 5:08 pm

    That was an email from Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader in the House, provided FYI.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  466. Acorn? LOL.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  467. “Though the cheap slap at the posters at Daily Kos was uncalled for – nothing I’ve seen over there is any better or worse than what I’ve seen on this very thread.”

    PopeBelligerent – I completely disagree. Apart from commenters on the left, including yourself, who are trying to politicize yesterday’s events based upon no evidence and responding to them, this thread has been reasoned compared to virtually any lefty blog I have visited. You, sir, are in the wrong.

    “That said, my whole argument has been about contribution to the general air of violence in political discourse, not the culpability of a particular comment in a particular act of violence.”

    That’s right, because you try to get overly cute about culpability with statements like the following which you made to SPQR:

    “I never once mentioned culpability. I don’t believe that Palin is culpable for this act, but I do believe that she is deeply culpable for contributing to the culture of violent imagery that as grown around political discourse in this country.”

    Now of course we are discussing how violent rhetoric leads to violence so indeed you are suggesting that Palin’s words do lead to violence and you are really fooling nobody here with your sophistry. You are just another visitor attempting to stifle speech on the right which you do not like so Obama and the progressives can continue pursuing their socialisit agenda unimpeded.

    Am I wrong?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  468. AD- Please remind me, “social justice” are code words for what again?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  469. Comment by Chris Hooten — 1/9/2011 @ 5:13 pm

    From your dismissive comment, I presume that you are ignorant of the close association of ACORN to the SEIU, from whence it came.
    You really need to get out more.

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  470. Comment by daleyrocks — 1/9/2011 @ 5:18 pm

    Last I checked, I think it has some link to a “Revolution of the Proletariat!”

    AD-RtR/OS! (7c91a7)

  471. NO, it is just so passe to bring up Acorn and start whining.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  472. Passe means “Oops, how dare you bring up left wing violence and violent rhetoric in a topic about violence and rhetoric.”

    SPQR (26be8b)

  473. “Last I checked, I think it has some link to a “Revolution of the Proletariat!””

    AD – You might be right. I was thinking it was code for “spread the wealth,” “equality of misery” or something. Those might be alternate meanings.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  474. SPQR: I would appreciate a link to that statement, because it has not come up in any of the reading I have done. If it is real, I acknowledge that it is clearly partisan. As for playing “no true Scottsman”, I am not. What I am trying to do is keep the arguments I am making framed in the intention in which they were made. You and Daley both keep steering the conversation toward direct responsibility for the shooting, which is I point I have repeatedly agreed with you on. I appreciate the desire to take victories where you find them, but you have not yet repudiated a single argument I have made on the original point of my first post.

    AD: I’m sorry that I crashed your comments and offered up more reasonable discussion than Mr. Hooten does, but please don’t constitute that as “attempting to stifle speech on the right which you do not like so Obama and the progressives can continue pursuing their socialisit agenda unimpeded”. When have I attempted to stifle your speech? When have I even alluded to socialist agenda? The comments on this blog may indeed be somewhat more polite than on other blogs, but the ridiculous overstatements are just as insidious as any I’ve seen. Have I not admitted when I made a faux-pas thus far? It’s more than anyone else has done. Just because you can’t trample me like you do Chris Hooten (whose comments are neither productive nor, in general, coherent in any way) you needn’t worry that I’m here to abridge your rights in any way, as if I even had the ability to do so in the first place.

    As to being “overly cute”, what I am trying to do, as I stated above, is keep my part of the discussion framed the way it was intended. I would not have started a debate over many of the topics you continually steer me toward, because as far as I can tell I agree with you on them.

    PopeBelligerent (1e7fdd)

  475. I like how the position of the speaker when it was being used to compare Palin and Kos was important, but not at all important when comparing the sitting President to a failed senate candidate.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  476. Hooten:

    Contentless insults from you will earn you moderation. You have been warned. Commence whining…now.

    Patterico (8c7540)

  477. I am sure that if Sarah Palin had used a bullseye that pope would have just brushed all of this off.

    The left blamed Palin in less than an hour. They are sick.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  478. PopeBelligerent – I think you need to raise your game to play here. As I said, you are not fooling anybody. I don’t want to speak for others, but I think most of them share my disdain for the type of sophistry you are dishing out. You are not particularly good at it.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  479. James Delingpole says it well:
    “So let us compare and contrast the liberal blogosphere and media’s response to the Arizona shootings (ie it was all the Right’s fault) and its response to, say, the Fort Hood killings or the 2002 Beltway sniper murders. In the latter two cases, liberals walked on eggshells to avoid admitting these had anything whatsoever to do with the Religion of Peace™.”

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (fb9e90)

  480. JD, bulls-eyes and crosshairs may be outlawed if Rep. Bob Brady’s bill passes.

    Representative Bob Brady of Pennsylvania told The Caucus he plans to introduce a bill that would ban symbols like that now-infamous campaign crosshair map.

    “You can’t threaten the president with a bullseye or a crosshair,” Mr. Brady, a Democrat, said, and his measure would make it a crime to do so to a member of Congress or federal employee, as well.

    Asked if he believed the map incited the gunman in Tucson, he replied, “I don’t know what’s in that nut’s head. I would rather be safe than sorry.”

    He continued, “This is not a wakeup call. This is a major alarm going off. We need to be more civil with each other. We need to tone down this rhetoric.”

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  481. Dana, wow and how long ago was it that Hooten ridiculed the idea that Democrats wanted to suppress speech?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  482. Glenn does a good job here on the hypocrisy of the ghouls.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  483. If I agree political rhetoric is overheated, will someone explain how to stop it?

    Also, every time these discussions come up, some people always bring up Palin, Beck and Rush. I don’t watch Beck and Palin is well-covered by media

    However, I have listened to Rush since 1989 (when I was a liberal) and I have never heard him advocate violence against anyone. If he has, I would like to be educated. If a reputable link is posted, I will condemn his speech.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  484. SPQR, oh this isn’t suppressing speech – this is looking out for you.

    It is always jarring to be reminded of just how much the left despises free speech.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  485. Bravo, Dana, for showing once again just how incompetent Hooten is.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  486. Dana – clearly that congresscritter was not paying attention when Rep Giffords read the 1st Amendment, just this week.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  487. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  488. “You can’t threaten the president with a bullseye or a crosshair,” Mr. Brady, a Democrat, said, and his measure would make it a crime to do so to a member of Congress or federal employee, as well.

    Oh yeah?

    Mr. Brady is a mite slow on the uptake

    Mr. Brady should take the croshairs out of his own party’s eye.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (fb9e90)

  489. Well played, Bradley.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  490. Instapundit gave an insta-mushroom bruise to the leftists like crissyhooten and the pop and William Yelverton, or Willamina, since he is going all gender bender again today.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  491. The resident lefty talking head on WLS (Chicago political talk radio) with Tom Roser just blamed Sarah Palin indirectly for this. He used the same language as Kos. What a tool. They really do get their marching orders from the same place. It’s depressing.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  492. Glenn Reynolds’ essay is superb. Thank you for the link, SPQR.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  493. “SPQR, oh this isn’t suppressing speech – this is looking out for you.”

    Dana – The left know what is best for you, even if you don’t, and the government will regulate it or provide it.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  494. I apologize for being mean to our new shameless lying liberal visitors yesterday and today. I know Patterico wants to encourage debate here.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  495. Dana, thanks.

    The libtards have a lot more of that coming. Bush was the target of the most dreadful attacks around, and the self-righteous Palin-bashers didn’t say a word of protest then.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (fb9e90)

  496. You mean like JD, Patterico? I have still not seen any evidence one way or the other whether this nut-job leaned to the right or the left. He was a nut-job. That doesn’t mean we can’t start to discuss toning down the rhetoric.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  497. That you have not seen any evidence of that is because you have your hands over your eyes. There are none so blind As those that will not see.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  498. Toning down the rhetoric is an exercise that always pops up with the Democrats take a shellac’ing.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  499. Breitbart has thrown down the gauntlet on Twitter:

    Is there anyone on left – say Podesta – who’d be willing to debate VIOLENT RHETORIC – ANTI-BUSH, ANTI-WAR YEARS vs. TEA PARTY?


    Dana (8ba2fb)

  500. It wasn’t Republicans that put out a film, praised at at least one film festival, depicting the assassination of George W. Bush.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  501. Bradley @499 – Suh-weet that the signage is from Friedman and Kimberlin’s Velvet Revolution!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  502. Oooooo, Brother Bradley is the man.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  503. Daley: link for it being from VR?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  504. Patterico, look at the poster itself, bottom right.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  505. Comment by Chris Hooten — 1/9/2011 @ 3:23 pm

    Chrissy Hooten try
    To mimic Colonel Haiku
    Don’t give up day job

    Darth Venomous (c8614a)

  506. That image looks to be applied via photoshop. Which could have been done by VR, but I have no knowledge of this.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  507. Or I suppose it could have been a semi-translucent physical sticker, but that seems less likely.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  508. carlitos – Friedman and VR were heavily tied with After Downing Street, the other name on the signage. Conspiracy types stick together, but I can’t vouch for it’s authenticity. The Downing Street memos were discredited, which is typical of all Friedman scams.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  509. What are you saying, carlitos?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  510. Daleyrocks – isn’t it hysterical that nearly every single one of the “a pox on both houses people” turns out to be reflexively leftist, and their real comlaint with the Dems is that they are not far enough left?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  511. That it’s ‘fake but accurate’ as the saying goes.

    narciso (6075d0)

  512. The image does not appear ‘shopped to me. Note how the bottom metal strip has a bit of the underlying poster peeking out. Something I’d not expect a photoshop operator to do.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  513. “Or I suppose it could have been a semi-translucent physical sticker”

    carlitos – Isn’t that how you do that type of signage?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  514. Friedman and VR were heavily tied with After Downing Street, the other name on the signage.

    Hey daleyrocks!

    I just took a quick look, and what stood out to me was that the Velvet Revolution thing was the only thing on the whole truck that didn’t look right. The Downing Street text doesn’t have the same clear surface around it. I didn’t mean to jump into the middle of anything here. Obviously, are nuts and in favor of bush / cheney impeachment (probably even today!), but the photo looked weird to me.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  515. It’s one of VR’s rolling billboards, scroll down to the 2/06/06 post. It won’t hyperlink. The particular rolling billboard Bradley posted is referred to as the Impeachmobile…

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  516. “That was an email from Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader in the House, provided FYI.”

    Yes, I understand that, AD… not making myself clear… I think it’s a mistake not to conduct business as usual, or as much as can be conducted, given the circumstances.

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  517. Thanks Dana. Sorry for interjecting.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  518. Carlitos – did you keep the Fu man chu pornstache?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  519. From the link: The Velvet Revolution is ready to roll! We’ve got a new billboard truck, and beginning next Tuesday (State of the Union Day) we’re gonna be all over Capitol Hill with it! This will be on one side of the truck…And this will be on the other…

    We could use your help in paying for the creation of the billboard signs, however! Please donate here to the effort if you can! And spread the word!

    And thanks to our affiliates at for the assist!

    (NOTE: VR Affiliate, has made a printable WORD version of the first graphic available if you wish to make your own noise, in your own hometown!)

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  520. note how democrats
    disregard rhetoric from
    the leftwing m00nbats

    ColonelHaiku (15abe7)

  521. JD – The ‘stache is gone. Real men shouldn’t have to apply conditioner to facial hair in order to stem suicidal tendencies. I’ll always have the memories, and my team raised >$10,000. I will not email the photo of me in the village people construction worker outfit, but if you see me in person, you might see it live!

    carlitos (a3d259)

  522. 2-3 weeks. Sunda?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  523. You got it. Traveling week of Feb 14, but that’s it.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  524. “It wasn’t Republicans that put out a film, praised at at least one film festival, depicting the assassination of George W. Bush.”

    It did receive some critical acclaim, but it wasn’t about Bush’s assignation.

    You stand corrected.

    Lanny (871ef9)

  525. Dana @519 – Thanks for finding that. I always feel more stupid after visiting that site.

    Also from the site:

    Downing Street Memos

    * The Downing Street Memos were disclosed in England in early May 2005 proving that George W. Bush cooked the evidence to create the basis for war with Iraq.
    * VR was a founding member of (ADS), which collected 560,000 signatures on a petition for Congressman John Conyers to demand that the White House come clean about the run-up to war. VR continues to fund ADS which was named as the Best Progressive Blog of 2005 and Best Accountability Blog of 2006 by The Nation magazine.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  526. Lanny – Bush did not have assignations. What was the film you are referring to about?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  527. I suspect that your claim to have corrected him is About as accurate as you using assignation as opposed to assassination.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  528. Hey carlitos of the pornstache! – I wasn’t trying to be critical, just add background and knowledge. I’ve got a buddy who does some advertising who have told me about some of the films he works with that he puts on things.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  529. I just got to watch Rep Andre Carson talk about turning down the hateful rhetoric. This being the congresscritter that lied about having the n-bomb screamed at him during the healthcare debate.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  530. Naturally, putting a bulls eye on someone isn’t actually violent rhetoric. Stuff like this is just invoked by soulless ghouls to make a cheap political point. If you want actual violent rhetoric, you’d have to to go . . . well, Kos himself:

    That said, I feel nothing over the death of merceneries. [sic] They aren’t in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.

    Why are right wingers so immune to principles of logic? Violent rhetoric is generally taking to mean rhetoric that inspires violence. Kos’s comment was a criticism of violence in Iraq, and the people perpetrating it to make a buck. His tone was critical and angry, but he wasn’t endorsing violence. He was criticizing violence.

    Get it? Big difference. Big big big difference.

    Also, given the hundreds of thousands of words on the Kos website spanning years, and the only thing you can come up with to support your theory that Kos is a violence-loving ghoul is one utterly misinterpreted out of context quote?


    Lanny (871ef9)

  531. Lanny:

    Yes, the most important thing is to blame the deaths of innocents on your political opponents.

    That is all that matters. Making those who disagree into monsters is tried and true. And the ignorant of history have no idea of the result.

    But go ahead and spout your hate. It defines you.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  532. He was condoning the violence the mercs endured. That is who Kos is. And you support that. SHOCKA.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  533. Here’s the original like to the kos page from the graphic you give

    deborah conner (1501ce)

  534. Lanny – “”Death of a President” chronicles the sniper shooting of Bush on October 19, 2007, during a trip to Chicago and the ensuing investigation. The film blends archival footage of Bush interspersed with fierce anti-war protests and other fictional scenes crafted by the filmmakers.

    Actors posing as administration officials and Secret Service agents were digitally grafted into some images of the president and his entourage.

    The filmmakers said they chose to use Bush rather than substitute a fictitious president to heighten the authenticity.”

    You stand corrected. FYNQ.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  535. Daley – I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that Lanny is a lying twatwaffle.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  536. That sensitivity everyone was whining about seems to have evaporated.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  537. Act of violence committed by leftists seems to have the trolls aroused.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  538. “That sensitivity everyone was whining about seems to have evaporated with the influx of lying progressive trolls like myself trying to score political points on the deaths of innocent people.”

    Chrissie – FTFY, don’t get the vapors again tonight.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  539. Gosh, I would say that is a stretch at this point.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  540. Gosh, I would say he was insane. But, hey, let’s not disrupt the narrative. Those evil Palin brainwaves infect all but the clever.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  541. Ag – it is odd, no, that Palin’s hateful violent rhetoric causes leftists to go out and shoot conservative judges and blue dog Dem congresswomen?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  542. He was insane. Duh.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  543. Yep, insane. Carry on. We await your next enlightened post. They do so illuminate our dark, damp lives.

    Ag80 (e03e7a)

  544. Damp? Do so tell.

    Chris Hooten (2b9678)

  545. What a great ambassador for your site…

    Islamic Women Clothes (7e4799)

  546. The DailyKos page in question is an article, not an image. Someone else has edited in the picture of Giffords and the giant bullseye. I think you’re being a little deceptive to your readers if you present it that way and equate it to Sarah Palin’s map. I’d say there is a substantial difference between an article that is clearly outlining political campaigning priorities and an unaccompanied map that has gun sights drawn all over it and a list of names.

    Jade (842e84)

  547. Jade, so you are going to pretend that your long obsoleted observation is deep?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  548. . I’d say there is a substantial difference between an article that is clearly outlining political campaigning priorities and an unaccompanied map that has gun sights drawn all over it and a list of names.

    I can tell you’re dishonest because you go to some length to generalize the former as ‘clearly outlining political campaign priorities’ and then refuse to generalize the ‘map with gun sights’.

    After all, you know the point of this comparison is that they were both “clearly outlining political campaign priorities’.

    If you really think one of these led to the shooting, you’re crazy. If you’re just trying to score points against one side with inconsistent analysis (of course, this is what you’re doing), then you’re a piece of trash like Chris Hooten.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  549. Dustin –

    It’s true that you and I both know that both Kos and Palin are laying out their political strategies. The point is that Palin has absolutely no tact and is unnecessarily inflammatory in her methods. A person of her position should know better than to reduce living, breathing human beings to targets on a map. We get it, of course. But there are the occasional sociopaths that don’t, and you have to be aware of them when you’re a public figure.

    Jade (06c697)

  550. If I am correct, Ms. Palin targeting the political POSITIONS, as in the Senate SEATS. She did not reduce “living, breathing human beings to targets on a map.”

    She has NEVER advocated violence to physically remove a political figure from office. To suggest anything else is blood libel. Not to mention brain-dead and idiotic.

    Steve B (42224f)

  551. People don’t kill people, maps kill people.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  552. . A person of her position should know better than to reduce living, breathing human beings to targets on a map

    I think she ‘reduced’ geographic regions, AKA districts, to locations on the map. Which isn’t reduction at all.

    Had Palin put a living breathing person in an ad with crosshairs on them, that would actually be crossing the line. She didn’t do that. I’m not a big fan of her oratory skills, but I don’t think this display of hers could be interpreted as targeting people. It was targeting elections, pretty plainly.

    We get it, of course. But there are the occasional sociopaths that don’t

    So you’re saying that you suspect this psycho was mad at Giffords because he didn’t understand this advertisement?

    His politics are drastically incompatible with Palin’s. He probably hates her more than he hates Giffords. He’s am atheist truther who thinks the war s were illegal, after all.

    We’re lucky enough to know his hatred of Giffords started in 2007, when she rebuked his stupid question. That’s before most people knew anything about Palin. I doubt Jared knows who is the Alaska governor today, for example.

    But you’re right:

    I think your suggestion that sociopaths could crazily see a *normal* marker on a map (which don’t really look like rifle crosshairs) as a mission to murder someone is plausible. They could interpret their cat meowing in the same way. We could tone rhetoric all the way down to the point where no one is being criticized, metaphors are barely used, and the like, but I really don’t think that would help.

    It seems pretty obvious to me that Jared wasn’t instigated by a bullseye drawing. Had Palin come on the TV and said ‘It’s time to murder giffords’ I doubt Jared would have even cared.

    He was living in his own world, and I don’t think we should pretend we can control craziness by limiting our expression. I’m not saying there isn’t a line of decency you can’t cross. I just don’t think it has anything to do with murderers.

    Palin isn’t my model of gifted speaking, but she’s owed a lot of apologies today. I wonder if this is going to cement her chance of being the nominee.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  553. About my last comment: just look at poor Pawlenty. I’m not a big supporter of his, but I felt bad for the guy when he tried to defend her while conceding her ad wasn’t in his style. He was pounded hard, and went out of his way to defend Palin more loudly and promise he wasn’t trying to be critical.

    Who can compete with that?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  554. Jesus, I just read the whole thread…and now I’m too exhausted to say anything.

    Dave Surls (a9551c)

  555. The image was photoshopped. The original entry did not have a target, bullyseye or whatever. That was added later. 500 comments and no one figured that out? Jeez.

    nyb (9e416c)

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