Feds Foil Terror Plot; Firedoglake Genius Calls It “State Sponsored Terror”
Let’s start with the ever-silly leftist take on the story:
Tonight in Portland, we had a small dose of the FBI’s almost-operational terror sprees, as agents spent more than a year goading a young jihadi wannabe into almost killing thousands of Portlandians in our city’s living room as we gathered for the lighting of the holiday tree.
. . . .
How long are we going to let the cowboys shoot up our country with their false terror plots and operations that would go nowhere without their instigation, planning, and coercion? How long will we allow our own federal constabulary to justify its own recklessly inflated budget by permitting actions like this to develop, fester, and grow operational in our midst?
This is terror, pure and simple. State-sponsored terror. Big-splash terror designed to make people compliant and fearful, and grateful to their federal government — in a city which has not yet installed the Rapiscan porno-scanners at our airport.
Now for the facts.
According to the story, Mohamud was corresponding with an overseas terrorist and looking for ways to become involved in “violent jihad.” This is when the FBI entered the picture, with an undercover agent who pretended to be an associate of the terrorist willing to help Mohamud assemble a bomb to kill men, women and children at a Christmas tree lighting event.
According to the FBI, Mohamud had a thumb drive with detailed instructions for making the bomb. He mailed bomb components to the investigators so they could assemble the bomb. He set off a practice device. And he mailed passport photos to the investigators as part of a getaway plot. And so on and so on. He was quite serious about this.
The FBI operatives cautioned Mohamud several times about the seriousness of his plan, noting that there would be many people, including children, at the event, and that Mohamud could abandon his plans at any time with no shame.
“You know there’s going to be a lot of children there?” an FBI operative asked Mohamud. “You know there are gonna be a lot of children there?”
Mohamud allegedly responded he was looking for a “huge mass that will … be attacked in their own element with their families celebrating the holidays.”
If this is “entrapment,” it’s the kind I like: the kind that captures people willing to kill innocent women and children for jihad. By all means, let’s “entrap” as many such people as possible.
“Operation Phoenix” would have handled this much more efficiently, and with a greater deterrent effect.
AD-RtR/OS! (0ac8fd) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:19 amManbearpig and the ass clowns at should be embarrassed. Sadly, they will not.
JD (eb5afc) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:21 amFiredoglake disappeared from my prior comment …
JD (eb5afc) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:22 amPlus, there would be no danger of recidivisim!
AD-RtR/OS! (0ac8fd) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:24 amWow, so in my post i suggested the FBI let it go that far to prevent charges of entrapment. And firedoglake says, “even that is not good enough.” mmmm…
Aaron Worthing (b8e056) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:26 amAW, the Left is, if nothing else, the last refuge of Morons!
AD-RtR/OS! (0ac8fd) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:32 amwhaaaa?
so terrorisms can happen even if the TSA molests everybody they can get their union thug hands on?
No fairs.
happyfeet (42fd61) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:37 amI told you so.
Mike K (568408) — 11/27/2010 @ 11:47 amWow! This is almost as sinister as Rove stealing the election in Ohio in 2004 and then murdering a guy to cover it up.
daleyrocks (df87cd) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:00 pmAh Firehydrant Lake, they never fail to live down to their reputation
narciso (9d0688) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:15 pmA 19 year old naturalized US citizen born in Somalia named Mohamed O. Mohamud and yelling Allahu Akbar. Telling agents beforehand “It’s gonna be a fireworks show … a spectacular show.”
Yeah, move along. Nothing to see here.
elissa (ab7968) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:20 pm“According to the story, Mohamud was corresponding with an overseas terrorist and looking for ways to become involved in “violent jihad.””
The FBI should obviously had the lad talk to John Brennan who acknowledges that jihad is a central tenet of Islam but that it does not have to be violent. Obama also mentioned publicly in a response to a question on the subject that there are many meanings of jihad on his recent escape from the election results trip to India, but he did not expound on his point.
daleyrocks (df87cd) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:33 pmYes, and he said in Mumbai. which is all too familiar with the conventional understanding of
narciso (9d0688) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:37 pmjihad.
Is John Brennan still alive?
AD-RtR/OS! (0ac8fd) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:44 pmI thought he’d been run over by a bus.
You can’t get any dumber than this. This is what conservatives trust as a primary news source.
Fox News posts a fake story disparaging Obama as real news… from “The Onion,” a satirical ‘faux news’ site,
Fox News confirmed that they thought this was real by their actions. As soon as they were called on it by Raw Story, scrubbed the article and comments from their site. They published no retraction, clarification, or correction.
Thanks Googe Cache for showing us what a bunch of dumbasses they are. Nearly all of the commenters thought the story was real.
It’s an intelligence gap.
ajb (9df40f) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:49 pmNo, that was Admiral Blair, who had the tire tracks all around him
narciso (9d0688) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:51 pmDoes anyone else know what ajb is talking about? Or how it relates to the topic of this post?
Some chump (4c6c0c) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:52 pmNo, but how would it ever be different than any other day,
narciso (9d0688) — 11/27/2010 @ 12:57 pmThe point is, “facts” are as authentic as the source that reprts them.
ajb (9df40f) — 11/27/2010 @ 1:00 pmI work here is done.
Patterico (43506f) — 11/27/2010 @ 1:04 pmOkay, ajb, so that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this post. You’re just playing “Look! Over there!” to avoid discussing the boneheaded stupidity of Firedoglake. Bravo.
(At least Fox didn’t say it was “fake but accurate” 🙂 .)
Some chump (4c6c0c) — 11/27/2010 @ 1:14 pmLooks like a site for Truthers.
Wayne (463fd3) — 11/27/2010 @ 1:31 pmajb, you need to start your own blog rather than try to hijack this one. Now move along and take your Truther friends with you.
Wayne (463fd3) — 11/27/2010 @ 1:34 pmwhy was he even in this country? because our politicans wanted him here. another bought and paid for voter who will vote the workers paycheck to the politicans.
tommy mc donnell (397858) — 11/27/2010 @ 1:38 pm@ajb
Fox Nation != Fox News
Duck E. Deese (5472d7) — 11/27/2010 @ 2:14 pmSpeaking of left wing wackos, naturally Chucky Johnson is trying to spin this as being no big deal and wondering how the right will try and use it to bash his savior Obama.
BT (74cbec) — 11/27/2010 @ 3:04 pmOf course, the real terrorist are the Teabaggers and the radical Christians.
Milton Quaffalot (d7be5f) — 11/27/2010 @ 3:04 pmJust isolated incidents…
Attack on MoveOn worker was the latest in string of violence and threats against progressives
White powder and swastikas mailed to Rep. Raul Grijalva’s (D-AZ) campaign office.
Byron Williams set out to kill people at Tides Foundation and ACLU. He later said he planned to murder individuals at the Tides Foundation and ACLU and his mother said he was angry about “Congress railroading through all these left-wing agenda items.” As reporter John Hamilton documented, Williams said he saw Fox News’ Glenn Beck as “a schoolteacher” and that “it was the things [Beck] exposed that blew my mind.”
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement he shut down his Yuma district office after staff members discovered a bullet had shattered a window there Thursday. And authorities said U.S. Judge Susan Bolton received hundreds of threats at her downtown Phoenix court offices after issuing the injunction, according to news reports
Man arrested for allegedly threatening to kill Sen. Patty Murray. Politico reported on April 6:
Wilson, who was arrested in Selah, Wash., also allegedly told undercover FBI agents that he carries a concealed firearm with a permit, and said he was “extremely angry” with the passage of health care legislation, according to the news release. If convicted, Wilson could face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Members of right-wing militia group arrested for allegedly plotting overthrow of the U.S. government. Nine members of the “Hutaree militia” were arrested in March and charged with plotting a violent uprising against the U.S. government, a plot that was to begin with an attack on law enforcement personnel.
AP: Man arrested for allegedly making threatening phone calls to Pelosi. The AP reported that in the days after the vote on the health care reform bill, “The FBI arrested a California man Wednesday for allegedly making threatening phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”
Threats made against Rep. Betsy Markey. A Denver television station reported that Rep. Betsy Markey’s (D-CO) chief of staff “said the calls came on Saturday before the House cast its final vote on health care reform.
Gas line outside the house of the brother of Rep. Tom Perriello was cut. Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-VA) brother’s address was erroneously posted online by a Tea Party blogger who invited activists to descend on the house. In March, a gas line outside the brother’s house was cut.
Threats made against Rep. Stupak after he voted for final version of health care bill. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) was the target of threatening faxes and phone calls, including death threats. Some of the faxes included “racial epithets used in reference to President Obama,” according to CBS News.
Picture of a noose faxed to Rep. Clyburn. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the Majority Whip, said in a March interview on CNN that his office had received a fax of a noose after he voted in favor of the health care reform bill.
Brick thrown at Democratic county headquarters in Rochester, NY. New York Daily News reported on March 22 that, after the House health care vote, a “brick, to which a piece of paper bearing the message “Extremism is defense of liberty is no vice” was attached with a rubber band” was thrown through the headquarters of the Democratic county headquarters in Rochester, New York.
Rep. Slaughter threatened with brick and “snipers.” CNN reported on March 24: “Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-New York, said her Niagara Falls district office had a brick thrown through one of its windows and a message that referred to ‘snipers’ was left on one of her campaign offices.”
Rep. Giffords’ office window shattered. CNN reported that in March, “a glass panel at the Tucson office of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, was shattered, spokesman C.J. Karamargin said. It wasn’t clear how the window was shattered, but visitors have to go through a gated courtyard to enter the office, and staffers suspect someone may have shot a pellet gun at the glass, he said.”
White powder mailed to Rep. Weiner with “drop dead” message. NBC News reported on March 26:
Authorities are investigating a package with white powder and an angry letter that referenced the health care legislation that was sent to Congressman Weiner’s Kew Gardens office today.
The letter said the Congressman should “drop dead” and complained about the historic health care legislation passed by Congress this week.
Politico reported on March 24 that a right-wing blogger had published the home address of Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) and asked protestors to show up at his house. In addition, Driehaus reportedly received death threats.
Brick thrown through window of Witchita County Democrats’ offices. The Kansas City Star reported in March
ajb (9df40f) — 11/27/2010 @ 3:29 pm#28 ajb
Pious Agnostic (f24095) — 11/27/2010 @ 3:32 pmAs opposed to Bishop, Bedell, Stack, the woman who threatened the local schools down here,
narciso (9d0688) — 11/27/2010 @ 3:54 pmBUNNIES !!!! Where did you copy and paste that from?
JD (822109) — 11/27/2010 @ 3:54 pmThere would be no time to post anything here if we copied and pasted every incident of Leftist violence against their political opponents – just a WTO meeting would fill volumes.
Oh, ajb, did you forget the VRWC plot to kill Census Workers?
AD-RtR/OS! (0ac8fd) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:01 pmTell us about your personal relationship with the devil, ajb.
JD (0d2ffc) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:02 pmSheesh, the trolls are getting lamer and more incoherent.
SPQR (26be8b) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:06 pmIt appears to be a Media Matters article if anyone cares (probably not) from October 26th.
A Google Search shows it t be on about 390+1 web pages at this time.
BfC (34f4a6) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:12 pmMedia Matters?
AD-RtR/OS! (0ac8fd) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:20 pmWell, there’s a completely unbiased fountain of Truth, Justice, and the American Way!
Hey, did ajb include where the CO Dem campaign office got vandalized and destroyed? Oops. Nevermind. All that BUNNIES shlt is to distract from inconvenient facts.
JD (0d2ffc) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:24 pmHey ajb, I wonder if you have seen this nice little round-up of jihadists?
sybilll (6ed5d4) — 11/27/2010 @ 4:57 pmhttp://michellemalkin.com/2010/11/27/just-another-bomb-plotting-jihadist-yelling-allahu-akbar/
Kind of makes your list look a wee bit disengenuous, seeing as no one was actually, ya know, killed.
Oh, but, just for sh!ts and giggles, here is another of your comrades who has his “scope on you tea party facists”.
and then murdering a guy to cover it up.
kishnevi (d785be) — 11/27/2010 @ 5:41 pmI hadn’t heard that part before. Someone actually fantasize that, or rhetorical embellishment on your part?
There would be no time to post anything here if we copied and pasted every incident of Leftist violence against their political opponents – just a WTO meeting would fill volumes.
There are some differences between anarchists and the Democratic party. If nothing else, the difference between people who believe in no government at all and people who believe in really big government.
Why is it, kishnevi, that the anarchy-liberals never seem to actually favor no government? I have never seen the WTO protestors or ELF complaining about too much government.
EricPWJohnson (eb5afc) — 11/27/2010 @ 5:44 pmNo, that was sadly one of the offerings at Brad Friedman’s blog, part of the velvet Revolution,
narciso (9d0688) — 11/27/2010 @ 5:49 pmI threw in the latest nutball from our neck of the woods to punctuate the point, kish
“Someone actually fantasize that, or rhetorical embellishment on your part?”
kishnevi – That conspiracy theory lives on today as narciso mentions @41. I think RFK Jr. may have been pushing it at one point since he was big on the stolen Ohio votes movement.
daleyrocks (df87cd) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:11 pmI would almost be willing to bet that ajb is William Yelverton, Professor Of Plagiarism and racist midget hilljack skin flute player.
JD (eb5afc) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:16 pm“If this is “entrapment,”…By all means, let’s “entrap” as many such people as possible.”
Sure. Lock up everyone like this guy. Except that’s not the story. The story is that the FBI thwarted a terrorist plot just in time.
In reality, there was no plot until they enabled it. Hence they could have locked this guy up without the front page story about bomb plots and exploding xmas things.
The terrorism explosion didn’t occur. The rest of the terrorism, courtesy of the FBI, worked just fine.
We know aQ is happy to claim non-exploding printer cartridges as a success based on the non-exploding terror that created. Do we really think this wasn’t a terrorism success in the same way for the FBI?
Vek (b11060) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:19 pmDo you speak Engrish?
JD (eb5afc) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:22 pm“In reality, there was no plot until they enabled it.”
Vek – Right. They should have just gotten the lad to promise not to engage in violent jihad up front and sent him on his merry way. No muss no fuss. Works every time.
daleyrocks (df87cd) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:43 pmIt is like people like Vek cannot, or will not, actually read.
JD (eb5afc) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:45 pmEric at 40–leftist anarchists tend to think of modern nation states and corporations as simply extensions of each other–that crony capitalism is the natural form of government. So by attacking business they think they are attacking government–or more precisely, they think they are attacking what controls governments.
What makes them leftist is something more basic than their views on the modern nation-state: their premises are collectivist in nature; they are as much anti-individual as they are anti-state.
Narciso and Daley–I knew about the conspiracy claims regarding Ohio. Claims of murder I hadn’t heard, but that is exactly the sort of thing one can imagine that sort of idiot adding to the lunacy.
As for RFK Jr.–he lost his credibility with me when he penned a long article for Rolling Stone arguing that it was all those nasty vaccinations that made me an aspie…
kishnevi (17ec94) — 11/27/2010 @ 6:58 pmThey should have just gotten the lad to promise not to engage in violent jihad up front and sent him on his merry way
Much more fruitfully, they should have used him to track and eventually roll up some of those jihadis he was in contact with. (I suppose we can hope the government did actually do some of that…)
Meanwhile, a relevant observation on this affair.
kishnevi (17ec94) — 11/27/2010 @ 7:01 pmhey little terrorist dude Sandra Bernhard wants her lips back
happyfeet (42fd61) — 11/27/2010 @ 7:07 pmYou know, when I was a youth, my disaffected comrades just sat around listening to Siouxsee and the Banshees, the Cure and moaning about how our parents were so uncool. We didn’t know we were supposed to blow shit up.
MunDane68 (54a83b) — 11/27/2010 @ 7:41 pmI agree with the host yet again…
I’m going to take some of those online assessment tests and maybe try to get my meds adjusted, just in case.
SteveG (cc5dc9) — 11/27/2010 @ 7:45 pmajb:
Don’t worry about the dumbfucks. Worry about the organization.
Ag80 (e828a4) — 11/27/2010 @ 8:05 pmYelverton puked out his nonsense and left. Pity. He always makes for such amusing conversation. I especially love it when a self-proclaimed academic plagirizes other people’s work.
ajb/yelverton – Tell us about your personal relationship with cowardice and dishonesty.
JD (85b089) — 11/28/2010 @ 7:59 am“Vek – Right. They should have just gotten the lad to promise not to engage in violent jihad up front and sent him on his merry way. No muss no fuss. Works every time.”
Or they could have arrested him for the same thing without the worldwide front page stories about the horrific plot that didn’t exist without the FBI.
If you can’t understand what I’m saying, name the last 3 white supremacist terrorists arrested for domestic terrorism plots. No? How about 1 arrested in the past year. No?
Somehow those domestic terrorism plots get stopped by law enforcement, people put in jail and everything else except for the part where law enforcement takes up the PR role of the terrorist in terrorizing the population.
Vek (b11060) — 11/28/2010 @ 1:51 pm