Patterico's Pontifications


I Know This is Wrong, But I am Really Having a Hard Time Not Enjoying it Anyway

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 5:59 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; send your tips here.]

First, let’s start with the serious stuff first.  Earlier this month, Army Sgt. Jason James McCluskey died for his country in AfghanistanFreedom Remembered tells us that “[h]e died at age 26 at Zarghun Shahr, Mohammed Agha district, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire.  He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal.”  May God bless and keep you, Sgt. McCluskey.

So his funeral was apparently last Saturyday, and the Westboro Baptist @$$holes went to protest this soldier’s funeral.  They apparently think that if you serve with a gay person you get their gay cooties and therefore go to hell.  But when they went back to their minivan, they discovered that someone had slashed two of their tires:

Yes, yes, I know, it is wrong to feel schadenfruede about this whole thing.  But if you want to feel more of it anyway, then this should bring a smile to your face:

To make matters worse, as their minivan slowly hobbled away on two flat tires, with a McAlester police car following behind, the protesters were unable to find anyone in town who would repair their vehicle, according to police.

The minivan finally pulled over several blocks away in a shopping center parking lot, where AAA was called. A flatbed service truck arrived and loaded up the minivan. Assistant Police Chief Darrell Miller said the minivan was taken to Walmart for repairs.

Of course it is always wrong to do violence or property damage to anyone over a mere disagreement, however big a bunch of @$$holes they are, but really it couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch, right?  *SEG*

That being said, this raucous but apparently otherwise peaceful counter-protest is not only the correct response, but it is a tribute to their fallen son that they were willing to go out there and protect the family this way:

Even before the protesters discovered their damaged tires, they faced off with a massive crowd of jeering and taunting counterprotesters at Third Street and Washington Avenue, two blocks from the First Baptist Church, where the soldier’s funeral was held.

Miller estimated that crowd to number nearly 1,000 people, and they not only drowned out the Westboro protesters with jeers, but with raucous chants of “USA, USA.”

A few motorcyclists interspersed among the crowd also revved up their engines to muffle the protests.

That’s the correct response, not slashing tires, however much I can’t help but enjoy the latter.

And let me spit ball another idea.  When one of those Westboro Baptist protesters dies, maybe we should show up at their funeral and give them a taste of their own medicine.  I mean make it very specifically targeted toward one of the protesters.  Maybe we could teach them about respecting a person’s right to bury their loved ones in peace and quiet.

Update: On a tangentially related point, Eric Turkewitz, Esq. catches a funeral home network reaching out to him for some kind of unspecified marketing opportunity.  This would be a rare case of the ambulance chasing the lawyer.

Update (II): On the main story, we get Doug Powers at Malkin’s site, saying:

I’d have had somebody fix their tires and after they were back on the highway told them that person was gay.

Maybe they tell them ahead of time for extra comedy purposes.  “Sure we will fix that flat.   But you know our tire specialist, Bob, he’s into men.  Are you okay with that or do you think you will endanger your mortal soul with his gay cooties?  And no, we don’t have anyone else available to help.”

Update (III by Aaron Worthing): David Freddroso writes on a better response:

This morning in La Plata, Md., the hate group’s parade of absurdity received quite a response: More than a thousand counter-demonstrators showed up early, established themselves on the rights-of-way around the church, and prevented the “God Hates Fags” crowd from getting anywhere near the funeral of Marine Lance Cpl. Terry Honeycutt.

A few minutes ago, I called Holly Smith, one of the organizers of the counter-demonstration. I was surprised to hear no shouting or noise in the background. “American flags as far as the eye can see,” she told me. And the Westboro crowd? “They are up at a gas station probably a mile up the road, because they couldn’t get any closer,” she said. “We’re in the shoulder for probably ten deep for at least 300 yards.”

Much better than destruction of property, and a template for helping the grieving families of deceased servicemen in the future.

Agreed.  Like Patterico below I do oppose the criminal act, so I am really glad to see people coming up with peaceful alternatives.

Update (IV): Ain’t unity a beautiful thing?  We learn that Charles Johnson pretty much agrees: slashing tires is wrong, but he seems to be enjoying this, too.  And My Pet Jawa, who does all that anti-terrorism stuff that Johnson used to do, gives us a musical interlude from Nirvana.  Its a really early tape recording, with a different drummer, and someone else doing guitar for Cobain, but Cobain’s light comes shining through on this song nonetheless.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

UPDATE/DISCLAIMER BY PATTERICO: I do not approve of criminal acts in response to speech acts, no matter how heinous the speech act in question.

63 Responses to “I Know This is Wrong, But I am Really Having a Hard Time Not Enjoying it Anyway”

  1. Use Wikipedia and look up the term ‘simony’. This is what they do, they use their religion to enrich themselves. The protest is just a pretense that they use in order to bring action int he court, whether they are assaulted, denied protest ‘right’ or even libeled or slandered. It is all about the money for them, and each one of his ‘church’ is a lawyer so they always have someone to represent them in civil cases. And they are very, very careful to never need criminal lawyers.

    MunDane68 (54a83b)

  2. mundane

    dude, if you could back that up with proof, i would LOVE to see it. that’s an explosive but interesting allegation.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  3. I know a guy here in TX who’s a member of the Patriot Guard – a bunch of (mostly Harley) riders who will get together and do their best to ‘counterprotest’ (legally, of course) the Westboro nuts. The nuts have to get a permit and ‘protest’ where they’re told, but the guard members often can get a friend or family member of the decedant to “invite” them – meaning they can station themselves between the nuts and the gravesite, to do their best to occlude them.

    rtrski (b47753)

  4. I’m not sure where I’ve heard this, but I think Mundane’s explanation is accurate. It makes a lot of sense, and people should be careful if they intend to screw with the Phelps crew. I still am delighted to see someone screw with the Phelps crew, and I wish Wal Mart had refused their business.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  5. Or said they were all out of tires.

    Eric Blair (ad3ef3)

  6. And if AAA said that they couldn’t get out there, because they had a flat tire, too.

    Eric Blair (ad3ef3)

  7. I’m not in favor of protesting at the funeral of a Westboro church member. I would prefer to hold gay rights parades and military parades in front of their church.

    aunursa (69b3db)

  8. Dustin

    Its oddly plausible… but maybe in truth we would rather explain it as a scam rather than admit that people are just that ugly for its own sake.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  9. Aaron, that’s a good point. I would actually prefer that these people are cynical cheats than honestly that consumed with hate.

    And I’d be a fool to pretend that kind of hate isn’t out there.

    I like Aunursa’s solution. To be perfectly blunt, gay rights is an issue I have had to reconsider over the years. Some good does come from the Phelps’s ugliness as people reflect on it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  10. The protest is just a pretense that they use in order to bring action int he court, whether they are assaulted, denied protest ‘right’ or even libeled or slandered. It is all about the money for them…

    No, they don’t have a lot of money to prosecute these cases, and many of these cases wouldn’t even GET them a lot of money, assuming they win. You;re just making that up and I’m calling b*llsh*t.

    These people aren’t fabricating their beliefs for profit. Their beliefs really are that vile.

    Kman (d25c82)

  11. It doesn’t matter what one’s position is on gay rights, or Us policy in Afghanistan, you don’t protest a funeral, what’s wrong with these people

    narciso (82637e)

  12. Kman

    Well, i know one of the daughters of the head idiot minister is a lawyer. she represented the church before the S.C., so that eliminates the need to pay for a lawyer. then all you have to do is pay for court costs, and travel.

    But you are right to question the economics. but just because they aren’t going to get much money out of it, doesn’t mean they KNOW they aren’t.

    not that i am agreeing with mundane. i am just keeping an open mind.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  13. You;re just making that up and I’m calling b*llsh*t.

    Why are you being so nasty?

    I’ve heard this explanation several times. They definitely resort to the court system. Fred Phelps was a first amendment lawyer before any of these protests began, and also a prominent democrat who had people like Al Gore come over over to his house. He won a 1987 award from the NAACP for his support of civil rights.

    Fred Phelps, Jr., Katherine Phelps, Margie Phelps, Shirley Phelps-Roper, Jonathon B. Phelps, Rebekah Phelps-Davis, Elizabeth Phelps, Timothy Phelps, Dorotha Bird, Rachel Phelps, and Abigail Phelps are all lawyers and are all listed in various sources over the internet as associated with this cause.

    It didn’t take much effort to see that Kman’s call of BS is unfounded. I can’t prove they don’t really, really hate soldiers and gays, of course, but I think Kman’s out of line.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  14. But you are right to question the economics. but just because they aren’t going to get much money out of it, doesn’t mean they KNOW they aren’t.

    I agree it’s hard to see many juries awarding them substantial damages, but that doesn’t change the fact that these people seem to have an agenda that includes the courtroom.

    People screwing with them should be prepared. Even if they don’t make any damages, they could cost people a lot of money.

    The BBC did a documentary on it. It seems to bolster the notion they are really brainwashed and full of hate.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  15. It didn’t take much effort to see that Kman’s call of BS is unfounded.

    I think the burden is on the one claiming their protests are merely a pretext to generate lawsuits and make money. Frankly, what they do would get them sued a lot, and GETTING sued is not profitable.

    They don’t seem to be getting denied permits, and I haven’t heard of any assaults. And I think a lawsuit for libel and slander isn’t going to pass the laugh test.

    It just doesn’t make sense that this is a “front”.

    Kman (d25c82)

  16. I think the burden is on the one claiming their protests are merely a pretext to generate lawsuits and make money. Frankly, what they do would get them sued a lot, and GETTING sued is not profitable.

    That’s a good point. I have to admit you’re making much more sense along this line.

    But Mundane’s point is difficult to prove one way or the other. There is some basis for his claims, because it’s clear this family has approximately a dozen lawyers in it.

    While getting sued isn’t profitable, it also doesn’t cost these people as much as it would cost most anyone else. They ARE their own law firm. They do want to generate lawsuits. I have no idea if this master plan is generating much money… I think you’re reasonable to doubt it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  17. I don’t know. Sounds to me like a clear case of their civil rights being violated by those businesses that refused to repair their vehicles due to their religious beliefs and expression. I’m hoping that the Obama Regime will bring criminal charges for these acts of religious discrimination — just like they would if some hijab-clad member of the Religion of Terrorism were denied service. And if such charges are not brought, we simply have one more act of hypocrisy on the part of the Obama Regime.

    Rhymes With Right (8d63ec)

  18. Dustin

    Well, my other meta point is this. People are not motivated by incentives that exist, but instead by incentives they perceive. there could be an awesome tax loophole, but it will not motivate anyone unless they actually know it is there. And they can be motivated by incentives they don’t think is there, but isn’t.

    Yes, standing here objectively, that is a loser of a business plan. You have a constitutional right to demand a jury trial in all of those cases, and no jury is going to offer them more than $5 in damages, unless the conduct toward them is extremely egregious. i mean they could catch whoever slashed the tires, and i am not sure a jury would award these westboro idiots the cost of their tires.

    But are they objective about this? Most people aren’t.

    I mean sheesh, look at all the dumb criminals there are around. Their business plans are objectively irrational, but they still try it because they are not being rational.

    so when i have time tonight, i will see what i can learn about their litigation and how many lawyers are in them in total. it would be interesting if it was in fact a scam.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  19. Does anyone if the Supreme Court has ruled on the Westboro case it has taken up? If Westboro loses there it will be all over for them because the original court found huge for the soldier’s father. Then the appeals court overturned and ordered the father to PAY Westboros court costs. I believe there is a good chance the Court will revert to the original finding. Maybe I just really really hope so!

    Texas Mom 2012 (cee89f)

  20. texas mom

    i have heard nothing, but frankly its early. i think they only heard it last month.

    And honestly i think they are going to struggle with this one.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  21. I wonder if Texas Mom has given us a clue here.

    If there is a particular law saying that you must pay legal fees if you lost a civil rights case, then it doesn’t matter that the Jury is awarding only nominal damages… they have a house full of lawyers generating thousands of hours at some ‘reasonable’ rate.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  22. Fred was a long standing civil rights lawyer. I wonder if he noticed that free speech cases could lead to mandatory fees and decided to come up with the most outrageous speech he could (protesting war casualty funerals).

    The goal wouldn’t be damages, but to generate tons of legal work.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  23. “UPDATE/DISCLAIMER BY PATTERICO: I do not approve of criminal acts in response to speech acts, no matter how heinous the speech act in question.”

    I don’t look at this as a “speech act”, and when it comes to disrespecting a family during their time of grief-and this would apply to any grieving family, not just military ones-I don’t really care what the courts have to say about it, any more than I would be impressed if they ruled that Phelps had the right to stand outside a private citizens home in their neighborhood and “protest”.

    Slashing their tires is mild, actually. I really like the idea of protesting at one of their funerals, I would only add that those who would do so should be as hateful and insensitive toward that bereaved family as they can possible be, even if it hurts on some level.

    ThePaganTemple (75fda3)

  24. Dustin

    well, in my experience getting attorneys fees is very hit and miss, and you know what is a better way to generate legal fees? to have paying clients.

    Of course there is such a thing as contingency fees, but in those cases, the lawyers generally try to make sure that its a solid, high paying cases, which isn’t what we have here.

    Aaron Worthing (b1db52)

  25. Btw, if there is any confusion on the topic, i 100% agree with Patterico’s disclaimer. I think everyone gets my point, but to be extra super-duper clear.

    Aaron Worthing (b1db52)

  26. Aaron, I should be clear that my comments were pulled straight from my rear end. I have no idea if getting fees for this kind of suit can be done.

    My recollection of PR is that 11 kids scrambling to generation 500 hours each at $500 an hour wouldn’t be reasonable fees anyway. Kman could note this isn’t a very sound profit model.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  27. And just to be perfectly clear, even though Dustin pulled his comments from an unsavory place, your screen and your computer should remain unaffected if you have ordinary virus protection. It is safe to touch your screen. Do NOT attempt to clean your screen with hand sanitizer, or anything stronger than a mild soap and water solution.

    As a commenter-of-long-standing, Dustin is permitted to contribute comments of doubtful provenance. Less experienced commenters are asked to please wash their comments first. Please consider the safer and more sanitary traditional method of pulling your comments “from thin air” (unless you live in Los Angeles).

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  28. They are up at a gas station probably a mile up the road, because they couldn’t get any closer,” she said. “We’re in the shoulder for probably ten deep for at least 300 yards.

    That is wonderful

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  29. Comment by Gesundheit — 11/15/2010 @ 8:20 am


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  30. I think that the rude little crapweasels at Westboro Baptist need to be reminded of a little truism that my father would often repeat….slightly paraphased for polite company…

    “Eff around, eff around — and sooner or later you won’t BE around…”

    If they keep screwing with military families, sooner or later a family member of one of the deceased, or an upset friend, is going to permanently settle their hash.

    I ain’t saying, I’m just sayin’….

    Watcherdownsouth (a0d9b9)

  31. The vile Code Pinkos tried to interrupt a military funeral out in the near suburbs here in Chicago two years ago, and a bunch of people ran across the street and attempted to take their puny heads off at the shoulders. The local police intervened, but the point was made – try that crap around here and you may just get seriously hurt.

    Dmac (498ece)

  32. BTW, I’m amazed that they tried this stunt in farking Texas. They’re lucky they weren’t strung up summarily.

    Dmac (498ece)

  33. No, “this raucous but apparently otherwise peaceful counter-protest” is not the correct response. The correct response to the Phelps family (I refuse to go along with their grandiose self-designation as a “church” when all they consist of is one extended family) is to ignore them completely. No reaction. Pretend they don’t exist. Whether the widespread theory that they do it for the lawsuits is true or not, they certainly crave the attention. Any attention you give them, whether positive or negative, feeds that craving and encourages them to keep doing this. They love being hated, whether because it does something for them psychologically or because they make money from it. So the worst thing you can do to them is to pretend not to notice them.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  34. That sounds familiar, Milhouse. I need to remember that.

    That was a good comment that applies to far more than just these evil people at funerals.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  35. Damn, Milhouse. You’re making a lot of sense to me.

    That’s part of what’s so insidious about this. Phelps’s screeching feeds the ‘gays are victims’ and ‘antiwar’ and ‘Christians are crazy’ memes so well that the media has been unable to resist.

    At the same time, nothing is more irritating to a conservative who loves our vets and hates seeing Christianity used this way.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  36. Sunlight disinfects. The Phelps family/church/gang/whatever needs a through investigation. They may crave attention, but I’d bet they don’t crave exposure.

    LarryD (f22286)

  37. milhouse is making alot of sense…

    But there are several problems. one, you have to get the media to stop paying attention. now it is alleged that when the media stopped putting streakers at ball games on the air, they stopped doing it. but can you get the media on board with boycotting this group, too, especially when it does help several of their anti-right memes?

    Second, how many soldiers’ families have to be traumatized for this to stop? i would hate to think that the families would think no one supported them as they went through this.

    But hey let’s thank these idiots for one thing: for bringing americans together in hatred of them. right, left, etc. we all agree that they are a–holes.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  38. It should just be repeatedly noted that Phelps was a Dem fundraiser,having hosted one for algore, and without doing any research, didnt he try to be a Dem congresscritter?

    JD (c25ec2)

  39. Dear Mr. Worthing. Let me introduce you to Conan O’Brien’s brilliant invention: Ahole Ronald:

    That is too aggressive a solution to these protesters, but it is funny.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  40. Milhouse, I completely agree. I’ve often thought that would be the most effective – if personally, least satisfying – reaction.

    Consider how foolish the neo-Nazis marching in Skokie would have felt if no one showed up to *make* them the center of attention – no angry Jewish residents, no frothing media, nothing but a lone stray dog hoisting his leg at the fire hydrant.

    Unfortunately, the hate the Westboro crew provokes is difficult to resist reacting to in a similar fashion. But at the end of the day, it just gives them further publicity and confirms that they are indeed succeeding in their mission to provoke and upset. Why give them the satisfaction? Why be controlled by them rather than taking control *over* them?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  41. Well, at least one of us thinks that it’s pretty amazing that they only got their tires slashed.

    The Dana who might have exercised his free speech rights more demonstrably (3e4784)

  42. I think a proper response would be to call a landscaping company and engage them to apply liquid fertilyzer to the lawn where they are protesting with a high-volumn, low-pressure hose from a tanker truck.

    AD-RtR/OS! (e9ff94)

  43. You’re right – it is wrong to slash peoples’ tires. But you can’t help but rub your hands together in glee like an evil genius.


    And to whoever did this – thank you.

    JEA (50ec23)

  44. Ignoring them doesn’t work. Been tried. They show up anyway and badger the bereaved. This is why the Patriot Guard Riders were founded.

    You don’t have to be a member of the PGR to show up, stand up, and help screen off these vile idiots. At a funeral in a nearby town several years ago, the PGR showed up — as did several thousand townspeople. The result was the same as in La Plata. The idjits never even got close to the funeral route.

    Tully (62151d)

  45. Tully,

    I’ve read about the PGR and admired their commitment to protecting families from any direct impact of the Westboro nuts. I would, however, be curious about links showing that ignoring inciters like these doesn’t work. It seems that they want an audience, badly, and if there were not one provided, they’d either lose interest or have to come up with another tactic. What impact can hate-mongers have if they have no audience and no one responding to their bullying?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  46. i, for one, think it was completely wrong to slash the tires of their van…..

    how are they supposed to have a high speed blowout and die in the ensuing burning wreckage with new tires?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  47. They will always have an audience, Dana. They are showing up at funerals.

    JD (c25ec2)

  48. Eric

    NBC was insane to f— over conan.

    I hope he murders leno in the ratings. he is so far.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  49. JD, I understand that. What I wonder about is if it makes it even worse when the protests and media show up? Does that escalate things? I liked Millhouse’s comment at #33, because it renders them less in control, which would seem to counteract part of their goal in the first place.

    At the end of the day, it is the families themselves that certainly have a better insight into this.

    The entire matter is just disgraceful.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  50. Narciso,

    that’s pretty much my view as well. Funerals are off limits. It’s *not ok* to use someone else’s deeply personal pain (at the loss of the people they love) as an excuse to make a political statement. I really don’t care what the statement is or who the people are.

    Texas Mom, they just heard arguments a few weeks ago. It will be a while before they issue a ruling.

    Disgraceful is a good description of it.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  51. Threaten to burn the Koran and get an international protest on behalf of homosexual haters and murderers.

    The vile activity by homosexual haters doesn’t move the international community.

    Exactly how does the Left reconcile their message of tolerance, diversity and acceptance of Islam with their unwavering defense of the Islamic chattel state of females, laws against other religions, against abortion, and laws against homosexuals? (all of which involve documented murder)

    Bizarro World is here and it’s as koo-koo as Seinfeld ever thought it would be.

    ShyAsrai (236a14)

  52. Is there anything walmart won’t do?

    “Exactly how does the Left reconcile their message of tolerance, diversity and acceptance of Islam with their unwavering defense of the Islamic chattel state of females, laws against other religions, against abortion, and laws against homosexuals? (all of which involve documented murder)”

    Well, we have many straw men.

    imdw (3fa6b6)

  53. The Left aligns itself with IslamoFascism for one simple reason:
    They both hate America!

    AD-RtR/OS! (e9ff94)

  54. come on, guys, let’s not spoil the unity by saying bad things about the left and right. let’s enjoy our mutual hatred of these westboro baptist morons and the warm glow of finding common ground.

    i mean that’s not an order, its a request.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  55. Some one can check this, but I believe the WBC takes advantage of a clause buried in the Civil Rights legislation meant to encourage pursuit by victims of civil rights violations by the govt, Fed, State or local.

    It does this by the Fed govt picking up the tab for all legal expenses incurred by the victim to fight City Hall, so to speak.

    So, if a cop oversteps his authority, or a city clerk tries to scotch the permit, or a State Trooper fails to protect them, the WBC takes them to court. They don’t have to win, all they have to do is get it on the docket and submit their billing statements as required by the law while they keep the ball in play.

    Most jurisdictions have figured this out by now, so the WBC has ratcheted up their antics by becoming more obnoxious.

    They may believe all of their spew, but the money keeps them going.

    mykef2 (831e2f)

  56. AW…why do you hate morons so!

    AD-RtR/OS! (e9ff94)

  57. Maybe they tell them ahead of time for extra comedy purposes. ”Sure we will fix that flat. But you know our tire specialist, Bob, he’s into men. Are you okay with that or do you think you will endanger your mortal soul with his gay cooties? And no, we don’t have anyone else available to help.

    Given that they hate Jews as much as they hate homosexuals, the tire specialist should, for optimal fun, be a Jewish drag queen.

    I do think it speaks loads about the Phelpses (as if we didn’t know already) they, who allege themselves to be a Baptist church, were trying to protest another Baptist church.

    And I think the counterprotests should carry one. Not as a direct response to the Phelpses but as a way for the community to support a grieving family.and honor the fallen.

    kishnevi (437df2)

  58. carry on, not carry one

    kishnevi (437df2)

  59. Re Patterico’s disclaimer — “Criminal acts”?? I thought of it more as “self-help”.

    shipwreckedcrew (96a8a6)

  60. I understand Patrick can’t condone criminal acts, but does he have any evidence of a criminal act? There is a news report the tires were “slashed,” but no evidence is presented to support that conclusion. All we really know is two tires were flat. Spit happens . . .

    Even if the tires were found, after extensive forensic examination, to have been “slashed,” absent witnesses to the contrary it could have been accidental.

    For all you know, it could have been an act of God.

    No weapon, no eyewitnesses, no physical evidence, and the only circumstantial evidence is the flat tires. It reminds me of the movie In the Heat of the Night, when the Sheriff rebukes Tibbs, saying, “What do you mean I have no case? I have the motive, which is money, and the body, which is dead!”

    They say a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, but this is clearly pastrami on rye, so bite it! 😉

    Adjoran (ec6a4b)

  61. More proof that you right-wingers care nothing about the Constitution and free speech. Courts have ruled that these people have the right to express their opinions in this venue. This is no different than when you people cheered on abortion clinic bombings and the burning down of black churches. I hope you are all proud of yourselves.

    Vinny B. (497ca9)

  62. Vinny B.,

    I still remember when you personally cheered the racially motivated beating of three black men in Mississippi.

    I have as much evidence for that charge as you have for your charge against this group of commenters and readers.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  63. Then, Patterico, there was that case when the drive-by poster administered Rohypnol to goats, right?


    Eric Blair (720ce1)

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