Patterico's Pontifications


Weekly Standard: O’Donnell Sued Conservative Group for Millions for Mental Anguish; Falsely Implied She Was Taking Classes at Princeton

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:14 am

The Weekly Standard:

Court documents obtained Saturday by THE WEEKLY STANDARD reveal surprising new details about the gender discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuit filed by Christine O’Donnell in 2005 against her former employer, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, a conservative non-profit based in Delaware.* O’Donnell, who is now challenging moderate congressman Mike Castle in the September 14 Delaware GOP Senate primary, sought $6.95 million in damages. In a court complaint, she extensively detailed the “mental anguish” she suffered after allegedly being demoted and fired because of her gender. And, although she didn’t have a bachelor’s degree until this year, O’Donnell implied she was taking master’s degree classes at Princeton University in 2003.

I recently linked the radio interview where O’Donnell was asked tough questions by a former supporter. For example, he asked her to explain why she said she won two of three counties in a 2008 Delaware Senate race. She replied that she had tied in one and come close in another. She lost in both. In one of those she lost 56.9 to 43 percent. When she wasn’t giving false answers like that, she dodged the questions — suggesting that the interviewer was being paid by Mike Castle.

Looks like Castle got to the Weekly Standard too.

128 Responses to “Weekly Standard: O’Donnell Sued Conservative Group for Millions for Mental Anguish; Falsely Implied She Was Taking Classes at Princeton”

  1. Yeah, I don’t mind when someone is weird in a ideological way but she appears to be weird in a personal, worrisome way.

    Patricia (358f54)

  2. Palin number two!

    Triumph (0692b1)

  3. Palin endorses people a lot promiscuously.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  4. This is a good test on whether my disdain through the years for liberals/Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton is due largely to a conflict between my and their ideology or factors like their scroungy character or ethically challenged background. So using Christine O’Donnell as a point of comparison, I can safely say that much of my disdain is triggered by the scounginess of a person.

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  5. You know, maybe the Palin Haters could just post a code word.

    Eric Blair (58b0cf)

  6. Yeah, I don’t mind when someone is weird in a ideological way but she appears to be weird in a personal, worrisome way.

    Weird in a personal, worrisome way translates to lying. I don’t understand why she would play so fast and loose with the truth when clearly her statements/declarations have been publicly refuted, confirming suspicions about her. If she, on the eve of her life of public service, is already unabashedly spinning herself to the public, then I’m thinking she is not someone I want to see win any election. If she is going to be deceptive when there is no money or power yet involved, what on earth will she be like when there is?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  7. Once again, the issue is grassroots: getting good people in the system at the lower levels, working their way up. It’s tough to do.

    I think it is becoming clear who is the “better vote,” even if you buy into my model of politics: it’s “bad” versus “slightly less bad.”

    Eric Blair (58b0cf)

  8. Who the flip is Christine O’Donnell and why do I care who she sued when?

    It would help if you used footnote to identify some of these character. Sort of like the breaking news from Albany posts that ignore there are Albanys in New York, Georgia, Oregon, and California.

    Noah (026d7f)

  9. The Weekly Standard should have better things to do than carry water for SEIU whore Mike Castle.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  10. Ya gotta love hf (should we start calling him “Hef”?). Given even the slightest opportunity to slam Palin, while denigrating her based on gender, the man does not hesitate to act.

    Icy Texan (ef771e)

  11. It’s like with that character Fagan up there, he hates Sarah, but he has come to dislike Murkowski
    more, and is in favor of Miller, go figure

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  12. The Weekly Standard is apparently run by sane conservatives who know O’Donnell is a nutjob. I am so glad only DE Republicans will make this choice, they seem to know what she is, the rest of the nation does not.

    East Coast Chris (ded5f2)

  13. Noah,

    I often do explain these things but decided not to waste the space this time. If you click the link all will be clear.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  14. faceplant

    question remains is to by whom?

    EricPWJohnson (17f94c)

  15. Actually, doesn’t this part make it pretty clear?

    O’Donnell, who is now challenging moderate congressman Mike Castle in the September 14 Delaware GOP Senate primary …

    That is quoted in the post, Noah.

    What additional information were you looking for?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  16. “The Weekly Standard should have better things to do than carry water for SEIU whore Mike Castle.”

    Mr. Feets – Which SEIU whore should they carry water for?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  17. SEIU whores are inimical to America you shouldn’t rah rah for any of them, especially not just for so Mitch McConnell can have a gavel.

    There’s plenty non-whores for the Weekly Standard and Chris Christie to rah rah I think.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  18. I’m not talking about Mitt Romney btw.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  19. ian,

    What is that link supposed to tell me?

    Patterico (c218bd)

  20. I read that story. I think the lady is not just right in the head. I honestly think she just goes through life attaching to herself to causes and groups and people who can benefit her and right now the lucky folks are the Tea Party.

    Castle is not some strong conservative or anything and I wish there was some real credible alternative here, but I just do not trust Christine O’Donnell and it is getting kind of creepy to see her defenders constantly making excuses for her no matter what. If this woman was a RINO or a Democrat there is no way they would overlook all the lies and strange behavior. And who knows what else is out there?

    Terrye (368a41)

  21. I really think this will be a kinda interesting case for the Republican party in Delaware. If O’Connell was nothing more than an outsider challenging Castle it would be one thing. But she seems to be a bit more than that, and things like this keep coming. I seem to remember she had a conflict with another reporter, too didn’t she?

    MunDane68 (54a83b)

  22. Hmmm … do you suppose any of this will get used in the general election? Do you suppose that many independents and borderline Democrats will use it to justify their vote for the ultraLib?

    Sure Castle sucks, but to follow the O’Donnell line is like saying it helped the Republicans when JIm Jeffords switched parties.

    I’ll opt for quantity over quality, thank you, especially when the “quality” isn’t much.

    Kevin (298030)

  23. sometimes you have to let the imperfect be the enemy of the SEIU whore

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  24. There are times as a conservative when you have to hold your nose or swallow your phlegm and vote RINO. I am going to do that this fall in Illinois and vote for Mark Kirk, who is typical of what Illinois Republicans produce are far as state wide candidates are concerned –a feckless and say anything to win pol. But I figure that he at least he will be right about 40 to 50% of the time as far as votes are concerned which is a hell of a lot better than what I figure the D candidate will do. I admit that I don’t know much about Delaware politics but it may turn out that there is a similar choice there. It is sounding more and more that O’Donnell would be a poor choice to put up as the R candidate.

    BT (74cbec)

  25. you don’t have to vote RINO that’s how we got to where the Team R brand is synonymous with cowardice and spendy spending and how a deeply useless poofter like John McCain could become the nominee

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  26. Apropos holding one’s nose: without the people who stayed home or voted 3rd party in November 2008 because John McCain is a ‘RINO’, we would not be stuck with possibly the worst president in US history now.

    Yes, McCain might have sucked, but he would have sucked A LOT less than the Hoover-in-chief now.

    /Yes, I know this is insulting. To Hoover.

    New Class Traitor (66d75f)

  27. I’d rather have an SEIU whore than a pathological liar anytime.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  28. After Tuesday, anyone who isn’t willing to support the Republican nominee should just go ahead and come out and say “I love having Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader!” It’ll be more direct and honest than the alternative.

    M. Scott Eiland (dcaa3e)

  29. The important thing I think is not to lie like Chris Christie and say SEIU whore Castle is a conservative.

    He’s not.

    Simple as that. He’s a cowardly SEIU whore what’s afraid to run as the Democrat he is cause he thinks his best route to continued election is to lie and pretend to be a conservative.

    And now he’s an SEIU whore what owes corpulent rising Jersey trash cap n trader star Christ Christie a big favor.

    Better and better.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  30. *Chris* Christie I mean

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  31. I disagree with Christie’s characterization too, Happyfeet, but Castle’s no whore. He’s a true believer in his RINO ways. He’s an honorable man. He’s also practically a commie in my eyes for his cap and tax vote, but some of his votes are more sane. He’s certainly a substantial net gain over a democrat.

    Anyway, I respect Mike Castle for saying how he feels about policy. It’s how I can so easily write him off for his political views being so wrong in so many ways. He is letting Delaware know what to expect if they elect him.

    This is also why I don’t appreciate John Mccain. He tries to trick people and play games.

    When someone follows their espoused principles for 40 years, I don’t call them a whore. We could do with every politician simply being honest, for better or worse. Starting with O’Donnell, who I think is not reliable. Just look how she sued a conservative group for millions. This is a red flag the size of Montana. She will betray the cause if it serves her personally, and nothing would serve a Delaware Senator O’Donnell like squishing on something huge. Just my opinion. Not to be taken as support for Castle.

    And Chris Christie is a terrific governor and an honorable man.

    Palin, I do not understand in this case, but it’s a free country and I don’t agree with some of her endorsements.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  32. Chris Christie is a terrific governor but he’s not particularly honorable…. he’ll look you straight in the eye and lie lie lie, which, isn’t that what the little yappy dog at the Weekly Standard is after the O’Donnell lady about?

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  33. When your link showing him lying doesn’t, and you dismiss someone criticizing a real liar as a yappy dog, I suspect we’re just not on the same page. Maybe you really do need the amino acids only available in pancakes made with real animal products?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  34. Apropos holding one’s nose: without the people who stayed home or voted 3rd party in November 2008 because John McCain is a ‘RINO’, we would not be stuck with possibly the worst president in US history now.

    There’s not a shred of evidence that this claim is correct. Voters did not stay home in 2008 – the number of votes cast was an all-time high. And McCain lost by ten million votes (in the poplar vote) while third party candidates amassed less then two million votes.

    McCain lost because a lot of swing voters swung to Obama and not because of some “stab in the back” from conservatives.

    Subotai (809611)

  35. it’s not a true statement to say that cap n trade SEIU whore Mike Castle works for smaller government and lower taxings… by no stretch of the imagination is Castle a limited government person.

    His Corpulence is lying.

    What the little yappy Weekly Standard dog doesn’t want is for the contest between his boy Castle and the lying crazy hoohoohoo Sarah Palin endorsed to be decided on any of the issues what the two of them would be likely to be asked to vote on in the U.S. Senate. That’s the last thing yappy dog wants anyone to be discussing.

    That is never not a clue.

    But that is very very much what a very adrift lost and cowardly little Team R needs to be discussing… what they stand for.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  36. Castle’s no whore. He’s a true believer in his RINO ways. He’s an honorable man

    I’m sure that Obama is a true believer in liberalism. I don’t see any reason to give him props on that account though. The fact that Castle is up front about his RINOism is not a badge of merit.

    Subotai (809611)

  37. Yes, McCain might have sucked, but he would have sucked A LOT less than the Hoover-in-chief now

    Or, as i prefer to see it. Due to the magnificence of Barry’s suckitude an entire nation woke up from its slumber and is now fully engaged and focussed on the need to bring this country back from the lunatic left fringe. Had Juan McCain been elected it would have been slightly better in the short term, but he would have been the same as electing Hillary. Thus our inexorable slow creep to the left would have continued unabated. This like that moment, if it has ever happened to you, where you are so exhausted whilst driving that you momentarily nod off. The surge of adrenalin as you realise how close you came to disaster is a remarkably powerful tool. We are no longer asleep at the wheel.

    Gazzer (274fb9)

  38. But I figure that he at least he will be right about 40 to 50% of the time as far as votes are concerned which is a hell of a lot better than what I figure the D candidate will do.

    That tactically is the most realistic and all one can hope for.

    In the real world, where those all around us — members of our family, or friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, etc — will be either politically indeterminate (or squishy) or, worse, liberal, one would be foolish to pout and vote in the manner of “my way or the highway.” Of course, if this country were rock-ribbed Republican, or if one were (or is) dealing with a state or city that is reliably of the right, then one can be more ideologically idealistic. But, again, that generally isn’t a reflection of the real world.

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  39. Gazzer nails it thank you Gazzer for your insightful insights

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  40. Obama ran as a moderate, not a die hard liberal. He promised tax cuts and boasted how he was a blank canvas for many people, who he could easily deceive.

    It shouldn’t be a badge of merit that Castle is basically who he says he is (a moderate to lefty Republican, who does not agree with many basic conservative ideas at all). But he is letting the voters decide how they want to be represented. I think Castle is meeting exactly the most important responsibility of a political candidate in this way.

    O’Donnell is a liar, so I have no idea (however a reasonable prediction) about how she’ll vote.

    “by no stretch of the imagination is Castle a limited government person.”

    Agreed, Happyfeet. I don’t support Castle either. It’s true he’s better than a democrat, but at some point a line is crossed and I can’t support someone, and Cap and Trade is blatantly crossing the line. It’s way way beyond it.

    However, Castle did cosponser the repeal Obamacare bill. He’s working in some ways to limit government intrusion. Christie isn’t lying. He’s supporting a bad candidate. Just like Palin is.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  41. “There’s not a shred of evidence that this claim is correct.”

    Yeah, um, GOP turnout was 1.something percent lower than in 2004. Not enough to swing the election, I agree, but Mccain couldn’t bring a lot of voters to the polls in a high turnout election (for the other side).

    That’s a problem. As I’ve said before with this race and also with Hayworth, picking crappy candidates is a huge problem. I don’t blame the voters, though. It’s on politically active people to do what they can to seek out better candidates now for 2012 (congressional, I mean).

    This race is a good example, IMO.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  42. I didn’t care about Castle or O’Donnell either one until the Team R establishment pansies got their knickers all twisty that someone was getting all threateny to the ensconcement of one of the more picayune and milquetoasty members of their little club

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  43. if I could take my vote for McCain back I would in a heartbeat so I could be whole again like before when I used to have integrity but instead I debased myself and dishonored my family and voted for Meghan’s coward daddy and I’ll never truly heal I don’t think. Not all the way.

    There’s no atonement what is adequate in this vale of tears.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  44. Not sure any of this should be believed, but if it’s true and she is unstable and lies she would be a good Democrat.

    kansas (313837)

  45. McCain gave up shortly after Lehman imploded, Schmidt has admitted as much, hence the shivs were
    out for anyone who still thought the campaign was
    worthy of fighting. Hence the Gitmo like rendition
    to Katie Couric for hours and hours. Under different conditions Sarah would have gut and mounted a nuisance like her, this would be what woiuld later be called “going rogue” by the skittish puppies at the RNC, (epic fail since 2006) Consequently I voted for her, his wooley mammoth carcass, just hung around. And as the stimulus went underway while Noonan, Parker and
    “Iceberg” Murphy, said resistance is futile, others differed

    Now the m.o. against the Tea Party insurgents has been the same since the spring of 2009, Crist, Specter, Brown (was the one halfway decent pick, and he’s proven unsatisfactory) Grayson, McMaster/
    Bauer, most recently Murkowski For all the reasons above I wasn’t crazy about McCain, then Hayworth had to prove himself such a ‘jackwagon’

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  46. vorint for a vp candidate betrays something of a misunderstanding of how the system works I think

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  47. Yeah, um, GOP turnout was 1.something percent lower than in 2004. Not enough to swing the election, I agree, but Mccain couldn’t bring a lot of voters to the polls in a high turnout election (for the other side).

    A lot of voters went to the polls, more than in 2004. So there is no evidence that people who voted Republican in 2004 failed to show up, which was one claim in #27.

    There is evidence that some people who voted Republican in 2004 switched to the Dems in 2008. But those people by definition are swing voters, not conservatives.

    McCain could not bring a lot of voters to his side because he was an appallingly bad candidate. To this day I have not met a single Republican willing to admit that they voted for him in the primaries.

    Subotai (809611)

  48. that was supposed to say *voting* for a vice presidential candidate but I got the letters all wrong

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  49. Conservative candidates are held to a different set of standards. Being labeled hypocritical is enough to affect one’s reputation as a conservative legislator when all progressives have to worry about whether what they say and do leads to jail time.

    How is it that a candidate that is incompetent or ignorant ruins the whole conservative brand? It doesn’t seem to matter to progressives and their candidates. (The only answer that makes sense is that a progressive will have a stronger defense from the public opinion that’s generated by media and other progressive flacks (see Frank, Rangel, Waters, Jackson,…))

    Basically what matters to me is the vote. We know how Castle will vote and it doesn’t satisfy. Voters value candidates that are snake-oil salesmen over candidates that are incompetent. All that matters to me is the legislative vote. If someone declares themselves a conservative, they’ve shown me courage enough to give them my vote in an election.

    I’m proud I voted for McClintock over Schwarzenegger. I’m never going to waste my vote on a RINO again.

    pk (f66720)

  50. As I’ve said before with this race and also with Hayworth, picking crappy candidates is a huge problem.

    McCain and Castle are crappy candidates also. It’s not a question of deciding between the crappy and non-crappy candidate – that option is not on the table. It comes down to deciding between the flawed conservative candidate or the flawed liberal candidate.

    Subotai (809611)

  51. I’d rather have an SEIU whore than a pathological liar anytime.

    Comment by Dmac — 9/12/2010 @ 2:44 pm

    And the difference is…..?

    Jay Curtis (8f6541)

  52. if I could take my vote for McCain back I would in a heartbeat so I could be whole again like before when I used to have integrity but instead I debased myself and dishonored my family and voted for Meghan’s coward daddy and I’ll never truly heal I don’t think. Not all the way.

    There’s no atonement what is adequate in this vale of tears.

    Comment by happyfeet

    What’s funny is that I almost mentioned you voting for Mccain. I shouldn’t complain about 2008 turnout when so many people (like me) went ahead and voted for Mccain. I think it’s pretty remarkable that turnout didn’t plummet and only suffered 1.5 or 1.8 percent (I can’t recall the exact figure, but it’s probably one of those two). That actually remarkable, and it’s a statement on how most of us saw Obamanomics coming a mile away.

    Anyway, turnout is a problem. The GOP is fractured no matter who we pick. We’ve got Chris Christie getting bashed. It’s going to be difficult to find anybody acceptable. I still don’t blame the voters, though. It’s hard to trust the GOP when Castle or O’Donnell are part of it. I think O’Donnell is far, far more embarrassing, just as I think Rangel is more embarrassing for the democrats than a blue dog would be.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  53. Chris Christie just needs to be made to understand that he’s a Jersey boy not fit for national office

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  54. Hmm. Two days to go until the vote and I was wondering when the Ruling Class Republicans would get really nasty. Nice to know which side some bloggers are on for future reference.

    jjmurphy (dd63e9)

  55. there’s no shame in being unfit for national office you know

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  56. My turning point was feckless Charlie, he’s orange Arlen. Christie has been good on some things, Daniels is ok, I know heresy, Huckabee is my only
    non acceptable choice,

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  57. He’s better than Kean, not as good as Schundler, in my book, who Jersey turned down in favor of McGreevey and Goldman flack Corzine

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  58. Hmm. Two days to go until the vote and I was wondering when the Ruling Class Republicans would get really nasty. Nice to know which side some bloggers are on for future reference.

    Comment by jjmurphy

    What does this mean?

    Where’s the nasty attack? I see honest criticism of O’Donnell’s many flaws. The really nasty attacks seem to be on anyone who challenged O’Donnell, even when they carefully lay out their case in a fair manner (the radio interview, for example).

    There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy, or asking O’Donnell a question about lying about her degree or whatever other issue someone’s bringing up. It’s a big deal to trust her with a Senate seat for 6 years, or even just the GOP nomination.

    You might reply “yeah, but I don’t trust that damn RINO Castle with those things either”. That’s legit.

    But it’s lame how some of the more crazy democrats call scrutiny of, say, Maxine Waters, is nasty racism. I don’t think the Tea Party should be that kind of loyalty. The way to make sure it doesn’t is to hold O’Donnell to the same scrutiny you’d hold Castle or Obama or anybody.

    It’s nice to know which side of that issue some bloggers are on for future reference.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  59. Couldn’t care less. Castle’s got to go. Democrat is preferable.

    rrpjr (e752f8)

  60. Who knew delaware could be this exciting!

    imdw (7de3b7)

  61. Who knew that people that used multiple sockpuppets and got banned would reward our hosts kindness with more mendoucheity?

    JD (8ded14)

  62. OK, I apologize for posting off-topic. But I just stumbled on this and I’m not likely to find a good topical place to post it anytime soon.

    Have any of you ever read “The Flying Inn” by G.K. Chesterton? It’s eerie how prescient this novel is. Writing in the 1920s, he imagines a future England in which the wise leaders embrace Islam and outlaw alcohol. A few people get around the law by exploiting loopholes and drinking with a peripatetic pub. It’s really crazy – but the strangest thing is the number of ways in which it seems like a description of our own Super-Nanny State and the obsequious bowing to Islam.

    Here’s one favorite bit, and then I’ll let you get back to the interminable argument about O’Donnel and Palin and Castle…

    “Wine may be a mocker; strong drink may be raging, but nowhere in the sacred pages will you find one word of censure of the sweeter spirit sacred to them that go down to the sea in ships; no tongue of priest and prophet was ever lifted to break the sacred silence of Holy Writ about Rum.”

    That sounds especially apt when enjoyed with a nice glass of Jim Beam.

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  63. P.S. the local “Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice” requested our congregation (and others) to preach from the Koran today. I opened our service with my own copy of it – but probably not in the way they hoped.

    Still, the emphasis was this, that the Shepherd still goes out to find the lost sheep – those who have listened to the voice of thieves and robbers. He still loves those lost sheep.

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  64. Couldn’t care less. Castle’s got to go. Democrat is preferable.

    Seriously? Giving Harry Reid (or worse, Chuck Schumer) another 2 years as Senate Majority Leader is preferable to having Castle in the Senate?

    And you really couldn’t care less that O’Donnell has been caught in several out-right lies?

    Some chump (e84e27)

  65. We really should work on giving conservatives better choices in primaries.

    JD (8ded14)

  66. well guess what.

    I’ll take Robert Frost’s choice here and stay out of Delaware. “Good fences make good neighbors.”

    NJRob (9d6af1)

  67. And the difference is…..?

    The difference is between having half a loaf or no loaf at all. You hate Castle? Then work on getting a better candidate to have a snowball’s chance in hell of defeating him in the next primary. The Dems held their collective noses and let Rahm’s big tent philosophy take over the Senate and the House with the “squishies” on their side of the aisle.

    How do you like how things are going so far? Not so good? Then work on getting an actual majority for at least the repeal of some of the items that have been passed, and work on getting the whole loaf in another two year’s time. It’s called being pragmatic – and winning. It’s not a purity test.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  68. The problem is the establishment has reacted the same way in every instance, against Rubio, Toomey (they tried to get Ridge to run, but he was a lobbyist for Albania, in Maryland) against Perry, Paul, Miller, and tried to end run Haley and Martinez. For what it’s worth, and I don’t put much stock in PPP, she’s 47/444 ahead, a virtual tie.

    Now last time, her opponent, was the man who AIG Countrywide, Fannie & Freddie, Goldman, et al all stocked his Christmas stocking, because he would not interfere with the practices that ultimately cracked the economy. A figure who has been singularly wrong on practically every public issue of note, yet Newsweek was selling him as
    a elder statesman in the mold of Fulbright Isuppose

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  69. Comment by Some chump — 9/12/2010 @ 7:11 pm

    I’m sorry but I don’t care, or don’t care enough. Every democrat is a liar. And their lies are bankrupting and enslaving us. A handful of republicans with a history of a little personal fabulism doesn’t give me the vapors. Has she lied over issues that affect our national solvency and personal medical sovereignty? Will she? I don’t think so. And will she vote for the DISCLOSE Act? I don’t think so. As for this false choice between Castle or Reid/Schumer, I reject it. Moreover, I don’t think I care about this either. In fact, I’m getting ambivalent about whether republicans are even ready to assume power at all. We may need another two years of Democrat degradation for people, for the GOP, to really absorb the lessons. I’ve already heard Boehner make noises about “trade-offs” and “compromises” with Obama. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the reality of political compromise; it’s the preemptive genuflection that pisses me off, the placatory compulsion to “prove” themselves to their liberal betters in Washington and New York. In my opinion, whether consciously or not, a Republican majority will immediately go into the Obama-revitalization business, infusing his dying presidency with new status just to prove to America (that is, to the the same old discredited MSM opinion-leader elite) that Republicans are good guys deserving of their love. Bullshit. No more. No more Castles. No more RINOS. No mas.

    rrpjr (5f36f4)

  70. You’re right, Ian. The ‘establishment’ has lost tons and tons of credibility by fighting against some excellent candidates. All they really had to do was stand completely aside and let the voters have their say.

    I’m not sure about what the GOP did to Rick Perry, aside from a few big names endorsing KBH (Cheney, etc). I don’t have a problem with such endorsements.

    But beyond that you’ve got a point.

    I think O’Donnell will win this primary handily. Voter enthusiasm means a heck of a lot in a contest like this.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  71. It would be easier to get excited about a Team R Senate majority if they weren’t bent on returning to the failed establishment republican leadership of Mitch McConnell.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  72. If O’Donnell wins that will be a Hopeful Sign.

    Cause it will scare the establishment Team R whores right and proper.

    See that John Cornyn? We comin fo yo ass.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  73. Well encouraging Kay Bailey to go on this fool’s run against Perry, the Haley one is more typical
    an slimy in a way I hadn’t seen before, in a GOP

    We agree on that point, you mad pikachu, when Mitch started out, 30 years ago in the Senate, therein might lie the problem, he was a firebrand, now he’s
    become DEan Wormer

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  74. If Chris Christie is unfit for national politics then God Help Us. We need to give people a little room to be imperfect. He’s still a green politician, and Castle may be a RINO, but he is still a basically honorable politician (yeah, I know, all politicians are the devil, bla bla bla).

    I like both Palin and Christie a lot. I don’t really think either are perfect, for the same lack of experience, but we need to do a better job of identifying the actual limits to our movement. Endorsing ‘the wrong’ guy in a contest among weak candidates shouldn’t really cross the line.

    Why did we wind up with Mccain in 2008? That’s a really important question, and I think the reason is that all the other candidates failed to win the confidence of the voters, and Mccain was the last man standing. Rudy’s a gun grabber, Mitt’s fake, Fred isn’t motivated, etc.

    Are we searching for reasons to reject every potential GOP nominee? The problem with this approach is that once we knock down everybody, some bowl of cold oatmeal is going to be left standing at the end, by default.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  75. yup he’s not the future that’s for sure and yet he is

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  76. “Writing in the 1920s, he imagines a future England in which the wise leaders embrace Islam and outlaw alcohol. A few people get around the law by exploiting loopholes and drinking with a peripatetic pub. It’s really crazy – but the strangest thing is the number of ways in which it seems like a description of our own Super-Nanny State and the obsequious bowing to Islam.”

    We’ve outlawed alcohol before. And still had plenty of xenophobia.

    imdw (ce700c)

  77. Same asshattery, different day. Screw the idea that we are xenophobes, and I do not care if it gets deleted later. That is pure unadulterated BS, and will point that out every time iamadimwit types that kind of nonsense. It is even more ironic coming from iamadimwit, given its glee in getting its jooooooooooooooooooooo hate on.

    JD (8ded14)

  78. oh. 77 was for 75.

    Mr. Dustin it was alarming to see Christie equivocate like a pansy about the Victory Mosque and then to have him look me in the eye and lie to me that Mike Castle is a small government Republican pretty much marked the end of the time I have for entertaining kind thoughts about Christie’s national ambitions.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  79. Daniels, Kasich, Ryan. That is the future. The future does not include Castle. Or McCain. Surely not F*ckabee. Or Palin. Or Romney.

    JD (8ded14)

  80. Daniels, Kasich, Ryan.

    That is very futurey plus there’s a huge serendipitous bonus in that these are serious and capable people unlike your Romney Palin Huckabee who underwhelm in that respect.

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  81. Sadly, that makes them the least likely to rise to the top, happyfeet.

    JD (8ded14)

  82. Rudy was fine, a fellow named WAyne Barrett sought to burn him down to the waterline, and did it overthe course of three books, because he had challenged the establishment in NYC and the State, back then it was considered an ungovernable city, no they just had week leaders who accepted cant instead of results. Romney was a fake, Huck was lonesome Rhodes, and the press isnsisted Fred wasn’t exciting enough, and McCain slipped through
    the candidate that had given every faction the finger at one time or another

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  83. One thing that benefited McCain was open primaries, where people from other parties could vote on the Republican nominee. I think those should be banned: primaries are just for the party members. If you’re registered independent, you don’t get to vote in any party’s primary.

    Has she lied over issues that affect our national solvency and personal medical sovereignty?

    She’s shown a surprising inability to manage her personal and her campaign’s finances. What makes you think she’s fit to vote on the nation’s?

    As for this false choice between Castle or Reid/Schumer, I reject it.

    It’s not a false choice, and you showed no evidence that it is. You’re saying you’d rather have a Democrat than Castle in the Senate; I presume that means even if Castle would make the 51st Republican. If that’s your position, I think it’s indefensible.

    Some chump (e84e27)

  84. The tea parties have still to get the infrastructure built and working. It looks like it failed in Delaware. Since Delaware is a blue state anyway, the harm is less. The efforts underway to get tea parties into the local committees and the first rung offices will pay off in a few years when it matters. I’ve worked in retail politics at the local level and I can tell you that, if you are not disappointed by some of the people you supported, you are not doing enough.

    Mike K (11fb04)

  85. Here is more on O’Donnell and her supporters which does not stimulate optimism.

    Mike K (11fb04)

  86. Two words, Jim Jeffords, Arlen Specter, John Chaffee character in Rhode Island, William Cohen,
    there’s a reason why Trent titled his bio, ‘Herding Cats” care and feeding of moderates, is a tricky

    True, Mike this is happening from scratch, much faster than even the Goldwater movement, which reacted against what was perceived to be the me
    too Eisenhower administration

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  87. You will find me drinking rum
    Like a sailor in a slum,
    You will find me drinking beer like a Bavarian;
    You will find me drinking gin
    In the lowest kind of inn,
    Because I am a rigid Vegetarian.

    Chesterton beats out that Haiku person any day.

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  88. “It is even more ironic coming from iamadimwit, given its glee in getting its jooooooooooooooooooooo hate on.”

    The GOP is about to nominate a candidate with a stance on masturbation, and you’re worried about whether I got round challah last week? You’re missing out on all the fun!

    imdw (9af31a)

  89. No, I was pointing out that you calling people xenophobes when you are a person that has advance anti-semitic positions previously is so rich in irony. That and you are a douchenozzle, that has not shown a bit of thanks for being unbanned after your prior deception, and sock puppetry.

    JD (8ded14)

  90. This thread has badly deteriorated.

    “The GOP is about to nominate a candidate with a stance on masturbation…” Actually, the free people of the sovereign state of Delaware are about to nominate a couple of candidates with various virtues and inferiorities. Seeing as how they’re all pretty well fed up with the business as usual, they might just elect somebody they regret. But it’s their own damn business, and I wish we’d let them get to it.

    And that includes the long list of endorsers from other states who’ve decided to stick their noses into a contest that appears to have no happy outcome. If it’s to be a mess, why not let them make it themselves, have only themselves to blame for it, and then get about the business of cleaning it up?

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  91. Anti semitic positions? Like critiquing ‘east coast elites’? Or you just didn’t get that I was talking about prohibition and the xenophobia of the 1920s? Was the past tense not enough of a hint for you (“had xenophobia”)?

    imdw (9af31a)

  92. Goodnight to the folks who aren’t dishonesty cowardly sockpuppeting trolls.

    JD (8ded14)

  93. Goodnight to the folks who aren’t dishonest cowardly sockpuppeting trolls.

    JD (8ded14)

  94. “Here is more on O’Donnell and her supporters which does not stimulate optimism.”

    It’s almost as if this guy hadn’t crossed Mark Levin before. It’s happened to people on climate too.

    imdw (7de3b7)

  95. I will note, before I hit the pillow, that the leftists want to talk about anything, and I mean anything, other than how the policies that they and Barcky have advanced, and want to advance, have cost around 8,000,000 jobs to date, and show no signs of letting up. Cap and Destroy and the implementation of barckyCare will just make things way worse, so clowns like dimwit want to talk about a Rep Sen primary in Delaware.

    JD (8ded14)

  96. “The GOP is about to nominate a candidate with a stance on masturbation”

    imdw – What’s the problem, the Democrats have a president who wants to teach it to kids in grade school?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  97. imdw – Let’s have an honest conversation about masturbation. Go.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  98. “imdw – What’s the problem, the Democrats have a president who wants to teach it to kids in grade school?”

    They can figure it out on their own, what they might not figure out is that it is normal. But here we have a candidate that thinks it’s adultery!

    imdw (96258d)

  99. “But here we have a candidate that thinks it’s adultery!”

    imdw – Let’s have a link please.

    So otherwise you are against teaching masturbation in schools and say it is normal? How much is normal? What frequency is healthy? Since Obama is all about health shouldn’t this be regulated or monitored or something?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  100. That was an appearance on MTV some 13 years ago, honestly, is that what you’ve got, meanwhile Kevin Jennings, the safe school czar, well you can’t even print what he wants in the curriculum, without @#$@%#$^$%&

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  101. “The next best thing to really loving a fellow creature is really hating him; especially when he is a poorer man separated from you otherwise by mere social stiffness.The desire to murder him is at least an acknowledgment that he is alive. Many a man has owed the first white gleams of the dawn of democracy in his soul to a desire to find a stick and beat the butler.” G.K.Chesterton

    So… there might actually be hope for some of the trolls on this site. That knee-jerk anger toward the “lower classes” getting themselves into politics, those dumb Christian fundamentalists like Palin for instance, may actually be the first glimmerings of an awakening. The realization that we’re all just folks, some of us a bit weird, and maybe some of those ideas aren’t all that harmful as long as we continue to guard the Constitutional limits of government.

    I don’t think much of O’Donnell from what I’ve seen so far. But I don’t care if she believes the moon is made of cheese is she is committed to limiting the role of government in my life. That’s the hard part. Whatever other bits of strangeness are in her head are not likely to hurt anybody without a government to make them into a whipping stick.

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  102. And now it really must be time for bed.

    (Is there even anybody reading this blog that lives in Delaware? I’ll bet there’s not.)

    Gesundheit (aab7c6)

  103. ian – Masturbation must really be a topic near and dear to imdw’s heart if an MTV episode from 13 years ago is still causing heartburn. Which candidate are we even talking about?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  104. But I don’t care if she believes the moon is made of cheese is she is committed to limiting the role of government in my life.

    Me neither. But I do care if she thinks it’s OK to lie to the voters, when I consider if her promises on policy can be relied on. Remember why we have RINOs in the first place: it’s easier for politicians in places like Delaware to sell out.

    That knee-jerk anger toward the “lower classes” getting themselves into politics, those dumb Christian fundamentalists like Palin for instance

    Whoever you’re quoting sounds like a real creep. It’s obviously really lame to point to someone’s class as a reason not to support them. Which is an argument O’donnell makes an awful lot about Castle. I’d be more comfortable believing her claims conservatism if she didn’t skip that argument in favor of complaining about how successful Castle is.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  105. You know,

    I’ve been down on Castle a lot, but I’ve been reading up on his career and it’s impressive. He was a great governor. The state was happy, it was clean, taxes were low, and the budget was balanced. Just a good reliable moderate that the mostly democrat state seem to trust.

    Doesn’t change the fact that he’s made some terrible votes in the House and would do the same in the Senate at some point. I don’t support him, but I probably was too hard on him because I wasn’t familiar enough with his career.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  106. Castle wrote the DISCLOSE bill. He’s pro cap & tax. He’s said he has no interest in repealing ocare. Each of these is one more nail in the coffin for freedom, individual freedom, freedom from answering to ponzi chiefs and statism.

    An ethically challenged newcomer doesn’t help the party but her votes at crunch time are the focus here. And off-topic, she sounds no worse than the marquee turds we have now: Waters, Pelosi, Frank, Rangel, Dodd. A list too long.

    My fear is not a rino per se, but actually the bipartisan cover that Zero can leach onto. Reid has said as much, having Castle as senator and voting for enviro scams. It’s really a mess all around..

    Vermont Neighbor (8541bc)

  107. He’s said he has no interest in repealing ocare.

    You sure about this? In fact, Castle voted against Obamacare, and he is a co-sponsor of the bill to repeal Obamacare and replace it.

    He’s a statist. You’ve nailed who he is. About half the time, he would probably vote wrong. I just think that one aspect is probably unfair. In one case, at least, he was not this bipartisan cover when it was crunch time.

    I completely agree with you that O’Donnell sounds no worse than Waters or Rangel. That’s exactly the problem for me.

    And her votes at crunch time assume she’ll be there at crunch time. I think most of the opposition to O’Donnell from the right doesn’t expect her to actually make it to the Senate. We are looking at O’Donnell’s problems and thinking that if we don’t go with Castle, we can’t pull the 15 percent or more from the left that we need in order to win in Delaware.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  108. True, she’s less of a lock at getting in compared to Castle, and of course the Dem. I know that this guy is very McCain in that he votes conservative only around election time. It’s his body of work that concerns. I do think if Pelosi needed his vote, he would’ve voted for — because what are DISCLOSE and cap & trade and Ocare if not just branches from the same deadly tree. Castle, from what I can see of his record, is a little bit Johnny Mac and a little bit Bush-Obama.

    I hear back & forth on the repeal bill. The actual bill is supposed to (possibly) provide cover to those who might later say, well I tried. Castle’s been quoted that even with a potential majority, the veto pen would kill any repeal efforts. I’m just not comfortable with how he votes between elections. Ps- I read and appreciated your many articulate and measured posts about Palin. Especially the one open thread a couple Fridays ago. I don’t know that she and Malkin and DeMint should’ve backed this woman… time will tell… but I think it was more anti-Castle than pro purist-conservative. In fact, very similar to how she stepped in around Cinco de Mayo and resurrected Carly’s campaign. Tom Campbell in CA really really needed to be taken out, and early. Of course, O’Donnell is no Fortune 500 exec, which Carly is.

    Vermont Neighbor (8541bc)

  109. The actual bill is supposed to (possibly) provide cover to those who might later say, well I tried. Castle’s been quoted that even with a potential majority, the veto pen would kill any repeal efforts.

    I get what you’re saying.

    Fair enough. He’s ‘not confident’ in repeal efforts so you think he’s just being a politician for the primary. Can’t say you’re wrong.

    It’s hard to make a good argument for Castle aside from the basic ‘he votes with us half the time, and he’s actually able to win in Delaware.’

    Palin’s endorsement really surprised me, because I had this notion that she won’t support people with any hint of sleaze to them. The first thing it did was make me seriously reconsider if all the attacks on O’Donnell were unfair.

    But it’s probably what you said: anti-Castle. Palin’s not cool with cap and tax, that’s for sure.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  110. Associating with sleaze.. that’s where everyone’s flapping in the breeze right now.

    Vermont Neighbor (b09d7d)

  111. The GOP is about to nominate a candidate with a stance on masturbation, and you’re worried about whether I got round challah last week?
    Comment by imdw — 9/12/2010 @ 9:03 pm
    — Hey! So she has a stance on masturbation. Who cares? That is, other than YOU and your masters at HuffPo; the ones that are making a mountain out of a molehill about it.

    93.Anti semitic positions? Like critiquing ‘east coast elites’? Or you just didn’t get that I was talking about prohibition and the xenophobia of the 1920s?
    — And you somehow don’t “get” that JD was referring to past comments of yours from innumerable threads, pre-ban?

    here we have a candidate that thinks it’s adultery!
    — And the specific legislation that you fear she will enact as a consequence of this stance is WHAT?

    Icy Texan (648f10)

  112. imdw’s stance on masturbation:
    Lean over the sink with your feet apart, so that you don’t get any on ya.

    Icy Texan (648f10)

  113. “ian – Masturbation must really be a topic near and dear to imdw’s heart if an MTV episode from 13 years ago is still causing heartburn. Which candidate are we even talking about?”

    And you found this all on your own!

    “And the specific legislation that you fear she will enact as a consequence of this stance is WHAT?

    It’s a general complaint about her kookyness than specific legislation.

    “And you somehow don’t “get” that JD was referring to past comments of yours from innumerable threads, pre-ban?”

    About how liberal elites control the media?

    imdw (4829b2)

  114. Comment by Some chump — 9/12/2010 @ 8:37 pm

    If you wish to extrapolate that a choice of O’Donnell or non-choice of Castle elects Reid or Schumer, apriori, knock yourself out. But I don’t see the compelling argument. All I see is fear and threat. And I reject both.

    rrpjr (a195f5)

  115. imadouchebag is a confirmed Jooo hater, and that was one of many reasons why it was banned previously.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  116. The Tea Party is planning on reaching out to the Jews. It will do this by telling them of the rich, coastal elite liberal cabal that controls the media.

    imdw (0275b8)

  117. ^Have you renounced your virulent anti – Semitism yet, Eichman?

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  118. My babka brings all the goys to the yard, and they’re like, its better than yours, damn right, its better than yours.

    imdw (3f33ce)

  119. The only thing interesting imdw has said so far is that he follows the Levin Radio Show.

    Which is quite believable, as they share styles.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  120. If you wish to extrapolate that a choice of O’Donnell or non-choice of Castle elects Reid or Schumer, apriori, knock yourself out. But I don’t see the compelling argument.

    That’s a deliberate misinterpretation of what I wrote. I didn’t say that supporting O’Donnell elects Reid or Schumer. Here’s what I did say, and I’ll break it into smaller steps for you:

    You said was that you would prefer a Democrat in the Senate rather tha Castle. Is that a correct statement of your position? If so, would you rather have a Democrat instead of Castle if Castle would make the 51st Republican in the Senate? If you would rather have a Democrat-controlled Senate instead of having Castle in the Senate, then I find that position indefensible.

    Now, suppose Castle wins the nomination, and O’Donnell sinks back into obscurity: would you vote for a Democrat over Castle?

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  121. True, Mike this is happening from scratch, much faster than even the Goldwater movement, which reacted against what was perceived to be the me
    too Eisenhower administration

    Comment by ian cormac —

    I think the Goldwater movement came from the anti-Taft wing, and Taft opposed Eisenhower. Goldwater was western, and as someone at ChicagoBoyz has written, he was a new phenomenon that opposed the eastern elites. It excited a lot of people. I can remember going to a couple of meetings supporting Joe Shell for governor of California. That was all part of the Goldwater thing and it preceded his presidential run. Rockefeller was the enemy of the Goldwater people, not Eisenhower who was very conservative.

    However, if you read Bob Novak’s book, which I think is required reading for anyone who wants to know about politics, Goldwater, a bit like Jack Kemp, was lazy. He came up with the ideas but he didn’t have the “fire in the belly” to keep going against adversity. That. of course, will surprise the leftist nuts who thought he was a madman.

    That whole topic is an interesting one and there has just been a whole thread on it at ChicagoBoyz.

    Mike K (11fb04)

  122. #121

    Yes, I would rather have a democrat than Castle. And you DID suggest that this preference would lead to a Reid/Schumer majority leader for two more years:

    “Giving Harry Reid (or worse, Chuck Schumer) another 2 years as Senate Majority Leader is preferable to having Castle in the Senate?”

    Your tortured presumption: Harry Reid/Chuck Schumer as majority leader if Castle doesn’t win. Did I break it down simply enough for you? Now, try proving it. You can’t prove O’Donnell won’t win, or that even if a democrat beats her, Republicans won’t gain enough to win majority anyway. Fear-based extrapolation is all I hear.

    A democrat who must take accountability for his actions is preferable to an ersatz republican subverting conservatism. And I don’t give a shite if you find that “indefensible.” Defend the DISCLOSE Act.

    rrpjr (a195f5)

  123. Why is she so intetested in playing with her twat?

    Joe Bobo (874dd7)

  124. . You can’t prove O’Donnell won’t win, or that even if a democrat beats her, Republicans won’t gain enough to win majority anyway.

    Yes, he can prove at least the first. That’s simply the truth. The second isn’t quite as clear, and what’s well beyond prediction is if we would come only one seat short. I think we’ll come more than one seat short, so this isn’t bugging me that much. When’s the last time the democrats did not unveil a dramatic October surprise? The writing is on the wall that their pathetic Boehner attacks are actually meant to ensure the country knows who he is in time for the big smear.

    We should expect a dramatic election that falls a bit short of our wildest dreams of taking both houses.

    But at any rate, it’s well demonstrated that Delaware won’t elect O’donnell to the Senate. Care to place a wager on this? Loser has to eat vegan pancakes for a week!

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  125. Joe Bobo is all class. Just oozes class, he does.

    JD (8ded14)

  126. It’s a general complaint about her kookyness than specific legislation.

    A lib is concerned about kookiness? Next thing you know we’ll find out Hitler was concerned about racism.

    Gerald A (2b94cf)

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