Patterico's Pontifications


Police Re-Open Gore Investigation

Filed under: Crime — DRJ @ 12:31 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Just as it took the lead in investigating John Edwards’ love child, the National Enquirer is all over an accuser’s claims of unwanted sexual contact by Al Gore in 2006. Now ABC reports the Portland police have re-opened their investigation.

Not a good year for Al Gore.


43 Responses to “Police Re-Open Gore Investigation”

  1. Trusts are typically used in real estate transactions in order to provide anonymity. I don’t think they can shield the assets from creditors unless the trustee is independent and the trust irrevocable. Alternately, it could be an estate planning technique (likely a “qualified primary residence trust”)

    re: LLCs: I’d think similar analysis would apply. Sticking a home into an LLC can silo the liability within the LLC, but won’t protect the assets from liabilities that attach to the owner (the creditor would just take the LLC interests). This could also be an estate planning technique: plopping assets into an LLC creates the ability to gift fractional assets, blahblahblah.

    jpe (e31238)

  2. Haiku think manbear
    was just a wooden pig or
    maybe sexpoodle?

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  3. Ain’t it fascinating when the National Enquirer is performing better journalism than the NYT/LAT/WaPo ?

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  4. Comment by jpe — 7/1/2010 @ 1:58 pm

    All that jpe said plus protection for the partners — preventing a personal judgment against a co-owner from attaching to the property itself as would happen with joint tenancy or tenancy in common.

    nk (db4a41)

  5. Executing judgments against LLC’s can be more complicated than just “taking” the LLC interest in assets especially if it is not a single member LLC and its operating agreement has effective clauses regarding charging orders.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  6. The lamestreammedia can be depended on to protect their comrades-in-arms. Of that we can be certain.

    One can only imagine the outcry and coverage if that had been Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, G.W. Bush or Dick Cheney in that hotel room… although I must admit, I find the mere thought of Cheney as a “crazed sexpoodle” to be quite amusing.

    GeneralMalaise (9cf017)

  7. It’s ironic that the NYT felt a front-page smear against McCain was in order based upon a speculation that *maybe* he was having an affair with a lobbyist but John Edwards of course, was ignored until the NYT became a laughing stock.

    I just perused the NYT and see they ran a short story on June 23 about the Gore accusation. It wasn’t anywhere near the front page.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  8. Well, I am not sure it means as much as people are making of it. They closed the investigation originally because the woman didn’t really press it. now she is and now they are.

    But in other news, there is a new, hilarious Chinese Anime movie.

    I’m not calling her a liar. I am not calling him a sex predator. In my opinion, we can’t know.

    But I do know one thing: its all hilarious.

    Aaron Worthing (A.W.) (f97997)

  9. It will mean as much as people are making of it if the DNA sample is Gore’s.

    My point was that it’s interesting to see the reluctance of the press to lead in this, or barely comment, considering what they saw appropriate to do to McCain — and then be forced to walk it back.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  10. I don’t believe this, at all, and I cannot stand algore.

    Dana does a good job of noting the abject hypocrisy of the MFM when it comes to these kinds of issues.

    JD (95dba1)

  11. I thought a second chakra release was what the doctors made you do before getting a colonoscopy.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  12. Well, AW, the Portland cops now say they still didn’t investigate after the alleged victim gave a lot of details and a full interview. And they admit that was their mistake.

    Thank goodness, there appears to be some evidence. She comes across as a total flibbertigibbet in her interview, but that doesn’t mean she’s lying… just that I have a visceral difficulty trusting her.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  13. What’s so hard to believe? Gore betrayed his wife and played on her fears.

    GeneralMalaise (9cf017)

  14. @ SPQR: thanks for the clarification.

    jpe (55dab0)

  15. “I don’t believe this…”

    I believe it…but, there’s a reasonable doubt in my mind, based on what’s been reported in the press.

    Unless the cops have additional evidence, it’s a he said, she said.

    Supposedly Al left a little Great White Bore DNA on her clothes…but, that don’t prove nothing except that he left a little Great White Bore DNA on her clothes.

    Dave Surls (6d891c)

  16. Mr. Surls… given that Al is made of wood… wouldn’t that specimen be petrified by now?

    GeneralMalaise (9cf017)

  17. He’s guilty. He is a democrat. They have a monopoly on sexual misconduct.

    boo-sox (859529)

  18. She comes across as a total flibbertigibbet in her interview, but that doesn’t mean she’s lying… just that I have a visceral difficulty trusting her.

    “I don’t believe this…”

    IMO, the written transcript reveals anything but a flibbergibbet. She is clear and detailed, and what especially rings true to me, dare I say, as a woman, is her very reasonable fear and understanding of precisely the predicament she found herself in – not just the sexual misconduct but rather just who she was dealing with.

    “During the massage episode, I realized to my horror, that I was in the perfect storm and that I was in a room with someone who was Teflon coated in terms of his credibility and celebrity status…”

    I also feared that if I made dissent with Gore, I could be in danger of being falsely arrested for false allegations of alleged soliciting or even attempted assault in his efforts to do damage control, and I felt certain that any, even the smallest complaint from him to the hotel, could also destroy my reputation in the hotels, and hence do irreparable damage to my livelihood.

    She was right to be concerned about those things because if Gore ends up fighting this in court, this is precisely what he will do to her because if we ever learned anything from Bill Clinton…

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  19. Indeed, boox sox, misconduct of some ‘conservative’ is totally relevant to Al Gore’s responsibility for his behavior.

    As if that wasn’t totally predictable. I don’t blame a partisan democrat of being as insecure about this as you are. After all, we’re talking about the Clinton admin.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  20. This does put the divorce thing in a new light.

    htom (412a17)

  21. Executing judgments against LLC’s can be more complicated than just “taking” the LLC interest in assets especially if it is not a single member LLC and its operating agreement has effective clauses regarding charging orders.

    Comment by SPQR — 7/1/2010 @ 3:14 pm

    Hmm. Illinois has a two-year “fraudulent transfer” law.

    nk (db4a41)

  22. He’s guilty. He is a democrat. They have a monopoly on sexual misconduct.

    You do have to admit that the philosophy of liberals in general is to “do your own thang,” to prize free expression over any sense of shame, to cherish self-esteem and feel-goodism over anything that hints of prudishness and embarrassment.

    I suspected Gore was an oddball when he just about deep tongued Tipper on the stage of the Democrat convention several years ago before thousands of delegates, millions of TV viewers. A strange case of show-off, “I got high libido” behavior, possibly rooted in “methinks he doth protest too much”—-was Gore trying to hide his guilt for straying from the misses or wanting to make the public believe he was not much less hunky and machismo than Bubba Clinton?

    Even weirder was during the middle of one of the presidential debates in 2000, when Gore, for no apparent reason, walked several feet towards George W Bush on his side of the stage. I recall Bush raising an eyebrow and probably thinking: “wow, are you approaching me to tongue me like you did with Tipper awhile back, hug me, throttle me?!! Damn, you’re a freak!”

    Mark (411533)

  23. As for the “he said, she said”, she could have learned the spiel from any number of clients.

    nk (db4a41)

  24. Mark, that time Gore strutted up to W was freaking hilarious.

    Such a weirdo. That much is for sure. And as usual, the guys who have to put on that kind of display are no match for the guys, like W, who didn’t.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  25. Mark, that looming approach Gore made during the 2000 debate was the result of the intensive training – “How To Be A Liberal Alpha Male-101” – he received from feminista Naomi Wolf to the tune of $15K per month.

    That “phony gorilla bluff-charge and wearing earth tones” advice was a pretty lucrative gig for Ms. Wolf.

    GeneralMalaise (9cf017)

  26. It has been theorized that Gore (like Bill Gates) may have Aspergers. The individuals with this syndrome can be very smart and successful in life, but often seem a little off-kilter and awkward when it comes to social situations. They frequently say things that sound slightly strange or inappropriate for the situation. They often tend to be narrowly preoccupied with a few interests and especially fixate on facts and statistics about specific things which interest them. These symptoms seem to ring true when one thinks of Gore and his actions over the years.

    elissa (586a03)

  27. I have no idea if these allegations are true or not. They affect my life in the same sense as if the mailman left my box open after his delivery.

    Gore got a Nobel for a slide show. Obama got a Nobel for not being Bush. I’ve never been arrested for beating my wife. Woop.

    By the way, I’ve never beaten my wife. I can provide proof.

    Ag80 (363d6e)

  28. “phony gorilla bluff-charge”

    Yeah, that sucked.

    But, when he started hooting and beating the podium with a branch…that was way cool.

    Dave Surls (9fbace)

  29. He’s guilty. He is a democrat. They have a monopoly on sexual misconduct.

    -boo sox

    That’s a joke, right? Because it doesn’t seem to match up with reality whatsoever.

    Chris Hooten (444ec8)

  30. Chris, boo sox is a democrat shill who is saying ‘look over there’ at GOP problems for some reason.

    Even though when a Republican does something like this, it ends their career, and even though conservatives don’t trust or expect much out of their ‘leaders’ so are far less contradicted by extremely dishonest politicians than a big government believer is.

    All people are flawed, so I never got that line of thinking, but boo’s being sarcastic.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  31. Yah, I wonder why Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Bolton or any of the other neocons have not received a nobel.

    Chris Hooten (444ec8)

  32. Hi Dustin, thanks. I didn’t think someone could be that obtuse.

    Chris Hooten (444ec8)

  33. Because they aren’t leftists?

    Bush freed millions and greatly reduced the standing armies, but Ryan Crocker is probably even more worthy of a peace prize.

    Now, what in the hell does Bush not getting a peace prize have to do with Al Gore’s trainwreck of a life?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  34. never mind, Chris, I see you were replying to AG80 with the Nobel talk.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  35. Dustin, I was thinking it might have more to do with the fact that they barreled into Iraq like they were riding a bull into a china store, and then had no contingency plan for all of the broken china, and seemed astonished by its very existence. Hell, Bush didn’t even know that sunni and shia don’t get along. I don’t see any nobel there.

    Chris Hooten (444ec8)

  36. Bush may never have won a Nobel, but he certainly is responsible for quite a few being doled out. Carter, Gore, Krygman and, of course, Barry spring to mind. Yet, who was it who gave more to AIDs prevention in Africa than anyone before or since? Bueller…

    Gazzer (48b1f9)

  37. Yah, I wonder why Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Bolton or any of the other neocons have not received a nobel.

    After the big joke of the guy currently in the Oval Office getting a Nobel, I’d say the value and prestige of that award is pretty much commensurate with, say, the Golden Globe or Miss Universe.

    Mark (411533)

  38. Was Iraq a China store?

    I was thinking of this country that killed millions of Iranians and thousands of its own Iraqis.

    Further, I think it’s proven at this point that Sunnis and Shias get along for the purpose of terrorism in thousands of proven examples. Bush is extremely well read and clear on this topic and understands the simplistic and racist view that Sunnis and Shias are never going to work together… and um… he’s smart enough to see beyond that. Bush was very clear on the consequences, long term, of going to war with Iraq. You must not be well informed if you think he didn’t except problems in Iraq. The person who really went out of his way to predict Iraq completely opposite to reality was, of course, Barack ‘Surge is a Failure and won’t never not work!’ Obama.

    I don’t think he wanted a Nobel prize, but I do think Alfred Nobel would not have awarded his peace prize to someone on the basis of their global warming work. That is plainly incompatible with the requirements set forth of reducing the world’s standing armies.

    I should add, you are ignoring that some very bloody people, such as Jimmy ‘I love Mugabe’ Carter and Yasser ‘I like to murder innocent people’ Arafat, did get Nobel peace prizes. Your argument that someone was messy doesn’t seem to reflect the reality of this prize, then, does it?

    But Gore wasn’t even in the universe of peace making for his work that got him the prize.

    It is, like Gore in general, just plain weird that he got this prize.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  39. Chris – Why hasn’t Obama closed Gitmo?

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  40. daleyrocks – in the hootenverse, Gitmo was closed by mid-February 2009 … and anyone suggesting anything different is spouting Faux Noose propaganda …

    Alasdair (205079)

  41. If anyone is interested in the perspective of a 35 year detective I might be able to offer a little insight on this… if it matters. If this woman immediately reported the incident to someone else, reported it to the police within a reasonable amount of time, then it’s more than likely true based upon the facts that we know. The fact she didn’t want to pursue the criminal charge or have the police continue the investigation is almost meaningless because women that have been violated in some way don’t always want to be put through the “process”, especially if it involved a former Vice-President and powerful individual. What we DO know is that Gore called for a massage late at night while he was alone. He and his wife recently decided to get a divorce after many years of marriage. Gore and this woman had no relationship prior to their interaction in the hotel room so there’s nothing that indicates some type of “revenge” motive that one would expect from a spurned lover, stalker, or admirer. She gave a detailed statement over 70 pages long. Gore has said nothing other than admitting that he got a massage and she left without incident. She’s offering up a piece of clothing that she thinks might contain “DNA” evidence that she’s telling the truth. Go to your local police agency, grab a detective with a little experience and give them that scenario with the caveat that they don’t have to investigate it, she reported it immediately to someone close to her, and went to the police within a reasonable amount of time. More than likely they’ll respond “something happened” in that room on that night and it wasn’t just a massage and a woman leaving the room without incident.

    Dave B (015195)

  42. Please don’t ever use the phrase “all over” in this context again:

    National Enquirer is all over an accuser’s claims of unwanted sexual contact by Al Gore…

    It’s just creepy.

    ukuleledav (4e6cbb)

  43. Al Gore finally receives a consensus vote . . .

    . . . NO FEMALE — not his wife, nor anyone else — wants him to touch her.

    Way to win in a landslide, Al!

    Icy Texan (3bdfb3)

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