Decision on 9/11 Trials may be Postponed
[Guest post by DRJ]
Politico reports the Obama DOJ may put off a decision on the 9/11 trials until after the November elections. The article points out that, unless the Obama Administration decides to try the 9/11 detainees in a civilian trial, its position will be “largely indistinguishable” from the Bush Administration’s policy.
For a candidate that ran on Hope and Change, “largely indistinguishable” would be quite a comedown.
So Obama wants to do the right thing, except when it will be shot down by the electorate.
Arizona Bob (e8af2b) — 6/20/2010 @ 9:56 pmSo much for the decisive decision-making of the Empty Suit(tm).
Can’t make a decision for fear it will be held against Democrats in November.
Courage of his convictions? That would be zero.
SPQR (26be8b) — 6/20/2010 @ 9:56 pmI don’t think it will be a problem after November.
Mike K (82f374) — 6/20/2010 @ 10:07 pmClass, character, and integrity are certainly distinguishable between the two administrations.
Machinist (497786) — 6/20/2010 @ 10:15 pmI suspect that similar vacillation will be displayed regarding the sueing of AZ in the matter of SB 1070. This admin is all about the sound-bite, the immediate polls and nothing to do with actual governing, or decision making or problem resolution. Most everyone on this site know that, with the usual notable exceptions. You know who you are…
Gazzer (d79016) — 6/20/2010 @ 10:35 pmMeanwhile, while I’m not sure of the accuracy of all portions of the following assessment — or the main person who’s being quoted — the phrase “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” does cross my mind…
Mark (411533) — 6/20/2010 @ 11:02 pmThe Obama Administration first announced KSM and the others would be tried in civilian court in New York last November. It takes them more than a year to study and come up with an alternate plan? Did they have a commission working on it?
daleyrocks (1d0d98) — 6/20/2010 @ 11:08 pmcan KSM sue for his freedom due to lack of a speedy trial?
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 6/20/2010 @ 11:15 pmOh, it’s already distinguishable. Bush made a decision.
Dusty (109a16) — 6/20/2010 @ 11:22 pmBig Oh’s voting Present again!
AD - RtR/OS! (71ba66) — 6/20/2010 @ 11:27 pmThat’s our boy! Always making decisions based on the political ramifications first, and doing the right thing . . . well, not at all.
Icy Texan (30a2d8) — 6/21/2010 @ 2:37 amRemember when this administration was supposed to de-politicize the DOJ? Instead Obama and Holder set aside time each day to spoon each other and make sure their ties don’t clash with the other’s.
The DOJ should just move their HQa to the WH and make it official.
MU789 (959170) — 6/21/2010 @ 5:24 amIt takes them more than a year to study and come up with an alternate plan?
Absolutely, since our AG’s still unable to determine that Islam or Muslim origin has any real connection to terrorism.
Dmac (e47b06) — 6/21/2010 @ 6:38 amI reckon a whole host of bad things will happen in November.
JD (d55760) — 6/21/2010 @ 6:41 amSeeing as one of the DOJ’s new hires, Dystal from HRW, is on record as not believing KSM’s confession,
ian cormac (38cac7) — 6/21/2010 @ 7:16 amoh, we’re in capable hands
This whole thing about the terrorist trials was a smoke screen for healthcare, and many fell for it. Go back and look at the timing of the announcement and its utter absurdity. This was never going to happen, it was purely to draw attention away from jamming Obamacare down Americans throats.
Frederick (4f7681) — 6/21/2010 @ 7:58 amMeanwhile, 3 Supreme Court justices think giving support to terrorists is protected by the 1st Amendment.
Kevin Murphyr (5ae73e) — 6/21/2010 @ 8:45 am> For a candidate that ran on Hope and Change, “largely indistinguishable” would be quite a comedown.
Not that the media will EVER mention those two bolded words in any discussions of the matter.
IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (79d71d) — 6/21/2010 @ 9:29 am“Meanwhile, 3 Supreme Court justices think…”
I doubt it.
Dave Surls (c47b0f) — 6/21/2010 @ 9:46 amThe Great Thinkers:
AD - RtR/OS! (a2aeeb) — 6/21/2010 @ 11:12 amGinsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor!
We are so screwed.
Vivian Louise (643333) — 6/21/2010 @ 11:14 amJustice isn’t wearing a blindfold at Erik Holder’s Justice Department, his eyes are sharply focused on weighing political considerations against the law.
ropelight (a7be0b) — 6/21/2010 @ 1:24 pmI think we should have a contest for Obama’s next campaign slogan. We’re off to a good start with “largely indistinguishable.” How about “More Hope. More Change. More of the Same.”? Or how about “We golf so you don’t have to”? Or “Petroleum? We don’t need no stinkin’ petroleum.”
rochf (ae9c58) — 6/21/2010 @ 3:46 pmhaiku waiting for
ColonelHaiku (2ce3dc) — 6/21/2010 @ 4:04 pmNovember 2 twenty ten
change can believe in