Patterico's Pontifications


Obama “Amused” by Tea Party Rallies, Says Tea Partiers Should Be Thanking Him for Tax Cuts

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:42 am

Our famously humble president is “amused” by the Tea Party rallies:

President Barack Obama struck a hyperpartisan note Thursday, telling Democrats that he was “amused” by the Tax Day Tea Party rallies.

Funny how? You mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I’m here to fuckin’ amuse you?

To paraphrase Joe Pesci in the above clip: What the fuck is so funny about us?

But it gets better:

Obama, addressing a Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraiser in Miami, did little to endear himself to the Tea Party groups protesting around the country, saying “they should be saying thank you” because of the tax cuts he has signed into law.

Oh, I’ll be happy to say “thank you,” Mr. President — as soon as we redefine the word as I have used it here before.

You motherthanker.

Where the thank do you get the nerve to say that taxpayers should be thanking grateful to you? A guy who is adding trillions and trillions of dollars to our national debt, on a scale never before seen in a single presidential administration? A guy who is crippling our children’s ability to have a sound financial future? And you expect tea partiers to be appreciative? You have to admit, that’s pretty thanked up, you stupid thank.

So yeah, Mr. Humble. Thank you. Thank you very much, you thanking stupid motherthanker.

75 Responses to “Obama “Amused” by Tea Party Rallies, Says Tea Partiers Should Be Thanking Him for Tax Cuts”

  1. Yeah, Thank Dumbo! Thank him to the hilt!

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  2. I see a t-shirt in the works–“Thank you”, Mr. President.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  3. Well, Patterico, that sums up my reaction pretty well.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  4. Mocking ordinary Americans is a habit for the Humble One and the Educated Class.

    I can see November from my house.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  5. This is such a rude thing for him to say.

    Another rude thing that I’ve noticed is the coordinated campaign to say that Tea Partiers are stupid because their taxes haven’t gone up. Not only is that inaccurate in the strict sense, but as Patterico notes, the insane spending level Obama has taken us to is a tax increase.

    At some point, we will have to pay for the trillions in spending. That debt won’t go away. Obama is putting it on the credit card and expects a Republican to have to deal with the mess, but it’s still proof of a huge tax increase. Many democrats say that’s OK because we’ll be very prosperous at some point and be able to afford it, but not only is that stealing someone else’s prosperity, it’s pretty damn stupid since the taxes that could pay for Obama’s policies would cripple the economy (which is why he’s spending so much without taxing enough to fund it).

    That’s not to mention inflation, the harshest tax hyke of all, brought on by massive spending.

    And of course, Obama has increased taxes by $600,000,000,000 and is probably going to attempt to impose a VAT.

    This ‘they should thank me’ is an attempt to call people liars without being specific enough to be called out.

    This man is still not ready to lead.

    dustin (b54cdc)

  6. didnt king george of england act like this in 1776 and wasnt his mental state a symptom of syphlis starting to eat his brain?

    so maybe zero is syphilitic?

    rumcrook¾ (4a9bee)

  7. I should thank him?! Thank him?! The mind, it boggles.

    JD (c26e0b)

  8. Obama is fullfilling the manifest destiny of the clarion call thats finally resonating throughout the land.

    Now a liberal hack political junkie has relunctantly moved 44 democrat house seats towards the Republicans – even though there has been some setbacks in the senate side – soo much is moving towards the Republicans that the wave has yet even begun

    Obama is now moving to raise taxes


    EricPWJohnson (ab8454)

  9. I have this suspicion he’ll be just a tad less amused come November….

    Blacque Jacques Shellacque (5ef35b)

  10. We’ll see who’s laughing once the tides of November come screaming. I was talking about His Awesomeness with some of his more fervent acolytes yesterday, and even they had to admit that no one since Carter has been less able to make fun of himself – or allow anyone else to get laughs at his expense. He better develop this quality soon, or else that’s going to be one angry clusterf-ck next year.

    Dmac (21311c)

  11. Dmac – I took a little spin around the Tea Party rally at Daley Plaza yesterday. Some good signs. The loons from the World Can’t Wait were there. One sign Tea Partiers = Nazis. A good time.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  12. I think EPWJ is right… the wave is really only just starting. What I think is going on is his ego can’t handle the kind of moderate triangulation Clinton limited his party’s damage with.

    I honestly don’t get it. He’s got the political skill to come out and pretend to be serious on the economy… this clearly is not him doing that. Either he really isn’t aware of what’s going on out there, or he’s decided to ride it out or stubbornly accept losing later.

    It’s confusing, but I have to admit, even as his detractor screaming about Rev Wright and Ayers and Rezko, I didn’t really know Obama that well either. None of us did or really do. We’ve never seen how he gets reelected or deals with unpopularity. Maybe he’s like Bush, and has the character to simply accept losing if he’s doing what he feels is right.

    Or maybe he’s just an arrogant jackass.

    dustin (b54cdc)

  13. This is actually a teachable moment: Dumbo, being a stupid motherthanker, thinks that the rest of the world is made up of stupid motherthankers, too.

    FatBaldn Sassy (9520fd)

  14. This man who thinks even his outspoken opponents should thank him was the same man who said he was remarkably humble a couple of days ago?

    dustin (b54cdc)

  15. Dmac (#10 — 4/16/2010 @ 8:55 am): You meant “clusterthank,” didn’t you?

    Beldar (d92600)

  16. I am really, really tired of this guy’s faux-SNL snark when talking about citizens of the nation he leads, and when talking about GM bailouts (I don’t wanna run a car company!) and other matters of state.

    However, the bits will make great GOP campaign ads this November.

    Patricia (fa8e06)

  17. Or maybe he’s just an arrogant jackass.

    Maybe water is wet.

    JD (c26e0b)

  18. dustin-

    IMO, there has never been anyone else that so aptly personifies the symbol of the Democrat Party; his comments simply draw that response. I have to think that even a few democrats who support him are realing how repulsive he can be when his arrogance is showing.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  19. What concerns me is that Obama behaves like someone who does not seem concerned about future elections. I dont know if that is because he is delusional, thinks he can do enough damage in only one term; or thinks he is POTUS for life. Scary.

    BarSinister (edbc1a)

  20. BarSinister, I don’t think Obama likes the job much.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  21. Good post, Patterico.

    nk (db4a41)

  22. BarSinister, I agree with SPQR in that Obama seems to be annoyed with a lot of the basic realities of being president.

    and that’s one of the few things that I agree with him on… it’s a really hard life and it’s not for normal people (whether Obama is normal or not).

    I think he’s intending to do all the ‘damage’ or liberalism he can in one term at this point. MD is right… he’s poison to a lot of democrats.

    Have you folks seen the polls state to state? He’s going to be destroyed in 2012 unless we have some massive recovery… probably more than just recovery.

    In so many swing states, democrats just don’t like this guy anymore. He’s still popular in some places, but they are not swing states (except New Mexico… freaking New Mexico).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  23. BarSinister, I don’t think Obama likes the job much.

    Comment by SPQR — 4/16/2010 @ 9:57 am

    Agreed – he likes Being President and I Won, not actually, you know, serving.

    *sigh* I miss George Bush more every day.

    That’s OK though, for him anyway, because very soon he’ll get to be I Was President and do his own thing again – at our expense. Cause He’s all that matters in this equation.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  24. one of the few things I agree with *Obama* about, that being President is no way to live.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  25. noyk, that first link is a lot funnier than I thought it would be.

    Some random white dude rapping ‘fool me once, it happens all the time, public education made me dumb, man!’


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  26. Comment by Dustin — 4/16/2010 @ 10:23 am

    my favorite line: “Ya chickensssss…comin’ home…ta roost!”

    no one you know (196ed7)

  27. If Obama thanked Michelle as much he thanks the country, she’d be much happier.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  28. “If Obama thanked Michelle as much he thanks the country, she’d be much happier.”

    Michelle is larger and stronger than your humble WON, so that ain’t happenin’.

    Now let me be clear, we’re going to leave that topic alone. *has sudden urge to hit speed dial for Tiger Woods*

    BahRack (77ccd2)

  29. This business of “they should be thanking me for the tax cuts” is very reminiscent of the equally clueless talking point of his that Obamacare is really a bill that Republicans *should* love because it has such a lot of Republican ideas. (No never mind that Repubs were barred from committee meetings for a year, the approach and costs break basically every tenet of classic conservative thought, and not a single Repub voted for it.) You know, I’m really kind of prickly about stuff like this. In general I rather prefer to make my own assessments and weigh in about my own beliefs –not have a lefty/commie spinmeister try to put words in my mouth and tell me how I oughta feel.

    elissa (ba7e6b)

  30. Ah Patterico, it’s only words. And that’s appropriate, because nobody should emulate the actions of the Pesci character after the bar closed.

    That said, our new Messiah is an arrogant little putz of a motherthanker, isn’t he?

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  31. Patterico

    If you are going to sub out a word for f—, how about frak?

    It works alot better, imho.

    A.W. (e7d72e)

  32. I can see the ad now: President Obama says we should thank him. Thanks him for what? Cue to unemployment lines, foreclosed houses, bailouts, and that nut in Iran talking about nuking us and Israel. November can’t come fast enough.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  33. I can see the ad now: President Obama says we should thank him. Thanks him for what? Cue to unemployment lines, foreclosed houses, bailouts, and that nut in Iran talking about nuking us and Israel. November can’t come fast enough.

    Comment by Rochf — 4/16/2010 @ 12:09 pm

    The first half of this ad would work really nicely.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  34. We will remember
    on 2 November.
    200 days and counting.

    htom (412a17)

  35. You guys are fools for not knowing he has in fact lowered taxes

    Lower incomes = lower taxes Dah!

    Joe (93323e)

  36. I believe this is Obama’s “let them eat cake” moment.

    10SCgal (9d2e60)

  37. One-term President.

    Mitch (890cbf)

  38. Re #36, nah, not quite like that at all. There’s likely no guillotine in his future.

    (Nor do I advocate or desire a violent response by bringing it up. On the contrary: I want his policies peacefully, legally, bipartisanly and constitutionally repealed and I want him alive, healthy, and around for the forseeable future to see his “legacy” repudiated by the populace and by historians. Of course he’ll still be too “humble” to recognize it as having anything to do with him personally, but one can dream.)

    rtrski (c69273)

  39. Its the old adage in politics – dont make the great unwashed put their beers down and head to the voting booth

    Obamas slapping the beers right out of their hands

    good lord we may end up with a Republican from Conn, Mass, and New York in the Senate

    EricPWJohnson (ab8454)

  40. What a pathological, narcissistic, delusional twat. Is he taking a page out of Baghdad Bob’s manual?

    otis (f0e78f)

  41. Perhaps we should ask if Obama is a Republican trying to prove how terrible the entitlement culture is by pulling a reverse Cloward Piven?

    OK OK , I watch way too much Lost.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  42. Heh. Now my comments are being moderated over at Bradblog. It turns out they don’t like dissent after all.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  43. bradblog = satisfyingly psycho.

    You simply will not be disappointed if you go there looking for a little humor.

    Obviously they are going to ‘moderate’ (LOL) you there. No doubt about it. Some places could never exist without a bubble. I read that Daily Kos is a CIA right wing front to help some kind of insane Jew NWO thing. Because of the way they deleted some comments, coincidentally.

    These folks want to be so important that their blog comments are relevant to the new world order’s secret conspiracy. Chris was totally freaking out that his comments were delays for 5 minutes because he quoted profanities… that kind of hysteria.

    I think bradblog ought to be on anyone’s blogroll if they love watching trains wreck.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  44. But I thought that they were much more tolerant than those intolerant Rethuglicans. Like us.

    Dmac (21311c)

  45. “You didn’t have to do me like you did but you did and I thank you.” ZZ TOP, et al.

    Very well put and expresses perfectly the outrage I felt when I heard this report of another childish display by this President.

    (we’re going to have to signal when we mean ‘thank you’ and when we mean Thank You or it might cause trouble.)

    So until then; bitte Mr. Frey.

    jakee308 (a38882)

  46. when you see someone lying as cocksuckerly as our little president man does, you gotta figure he’s trying to anger his opponents on purpose… he needs that anger to run against I think.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  47. the Ted Deutch thing stood out most egregiously I thought

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  48. It’s also good to remember that this wouldn’t have been reported if the little president man hadn’t wanted it to be reported

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  49. Just another way the ManChild President is giving everyone the Finger, again!

    AD - RtR/OS! (f9a039)

  50. What a tiresome burden Obama’s humility is for him.

    Now my comments are being moderated over at Bradblog.

    Just make sure you wipe your feet before you come back here.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  51. And take a shower.

    AD - RtR/OS! (f9a039)

  52. Just the other day I was thinking “We really need some new adverbs.”

    Bless you, happy. I’ll probably bowdlerize it to “corksoakingly” in my own speech, but we’ll all know what is really being said.

    CGHill (c2a5ee)

  53. when you see someone lying as cocksuckerly as our little president man does, you gotta figure he’s trying to anger his opponents on purpose… he needs that anger to run against I think.

    Comment by happyfeet — 4/16/2010 @ 3:29 pm

    Slublog said too yesterday over at Hot Air that an argument for this being purposeful antagonization is that The One’d then could try to blame his ineffectiveness for the next two years on the “obstructionism” of a Republican House and Senate. Makes lots of sense — there’s no one, but no one, he wouldn’t throw under the bus to save his own ego.

    Then lo and behold today this article pops up. Hmmm….

    no one you know (4186cd)

  54. f— you very much knot can anyone as thin skinned as THE ONE be be so oblivious to his own offenciveness unless he meant an insult.there is a comedian whose act consists of insults to his audience but his victims know he is joking.

    clyde (b056a5)

  55. Holy shit. Obama adds 15% on top of bush putting in hock to china for one war run like crap with another totally unnecessary one siphoning off needed funds and you all go apeshit on obama.
    he lowered taxes for most americans. Even Joe the plumber.

    And the republicans are whoring for wall street. Democrats are too and it sucks but you idiots live for bitterness.
    You defend palin just because we laugh at her. But she’s getting rich looking out for number one. But maybe you like her for ripping you off.

    john smithee (58bad3)

  56. The man who wrote this post is lying out his ass. Ask an economist for bush’s numbers for the debt.

    And poll ecoonomists as a group now asking if the half assed stimulus helped. It did.

    You’re like ian paisley: you’d rather be republican than right.

    john smithee (58bad3)

  57. It did.

    No, it didn’t. Not only did it not work, it has precipitated the beginning of a depression like we haven’t seen since before WWII, and we aren’t even close to having reached the bottom yet.

    And you are an idiot and a putz.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  58. I think Obama has gotten himself all wee-weed up this week.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  59. john smithee, your comment is hilariously incoherent. Obama’s own budget figures have deficits as far as the eye can see that are many times larger than Bush’s. And the CBO’s figures are even worse. Given that even the CBO’s figures rely by their own admission on ridiculous assumptions, we can figure that Obama’s administration’s planned budget deficits will be nearly ten times larger than Bush’s over the ten year budget projections.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  60. The president who followed bush faced huge deficits. That president is obama. Ergo it’s obamas fault.

    As I said: obama has added 15 or so pwrcentage points on top of what bush left him to face. Look it up iyou fucking idiot.

    john smithee (58bad3)

  61. I think we should flood the white house servers with “thank you” emails containing pictures of teabags.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  62. Ahh, Monsieur Smithee, please review this article. It covers the period of the Bush administration up to January of 2007. And don’t accept the author’s word, please reference the references for the numbers.

    And for goodness sakes man, hire a financial planner to help you with your personal financial matters. My stash ain’t gonna help you… or any of my other sucke… ah, supporters.

    BahRack (77ccd2)

  63. Politicians are politicians, including the President.

    I promise you, he would not have said what he said if he didn’t believe he would end up on the winning side.

    Make of that what you will.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  64. > I have to think that even a few democrats who support him are realing how repulsive he can be when his arrogance is showing.

    Yes, well, many people are finally noticing Obama’s New Clothes.

    At Last!

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  65. > *sigh* I miss George Bush more every day.

    Ah, yes, but more importantly, do you appreciate now the quivering mound of incompetency that was Jimmy Carter?

    If not, then Obama’s job is not yet done.

    > I think bradblog ought to be on anyone’s blogroll if they love watching trains wreck.

    Dude, just keep an eye on Washington, DC. You’ve got front row seats for two French TGVs on the same track through the Chunnel from opposite ends…

    How much more entertaining can it get?

    > you gotta figure he’s trying to anger his opponents on purpose… he needs that anger to run against I think.

    Which is why this is a highly politically inept move. If the WH gets inundated with “Thank you, teabag” messages, what possible complaint can they make? And yet everyone With A Clue will Get It right up front. That kind of droll British irony goes back centuries.

    > I promise you, he would not have said what he said if he didn’t believe he would end up on the winning side.

    If his actions actually lead to him “on the winning side”, though, my own suspicion is that the Tree of Liberty is about to get heavily fertilized. Not a wish, not a hope, but a strong suspicion.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  66. #63: as opposed to the emperor’s new clothes…..

    i still think that’s DRJ. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  67. President Obama may be amused by the Tea Parties but what amuses me is that every time the president publicly recognizes the Tea Party, he gives them more legitimacy and makes them relevant to the public conversation.

    He may think he’s being dismissive or making fun but ultimately what he’s doing is unintentionally admitting his concern about the power of this movement.

    This amuses me.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  68. send the email to the white house, with a CC to your local rep & senators… that will leave a mark, no matter how lieberal they are.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  69. Google. “how trillion dollar deficits were created”
    That might help you.
    And from 2001 to 2005 federal tax reciepts as a percentage of the economy were 0.6 lower than average.
    And of course there two wars.

    john smithee (65aad4)

  70. And of course there two wars.

    and one language being mangled….. habla ingles, pendejo?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  71. we should spend another trillion dollars on the little president man’s dirty socialist thug friends and really light a fire under this economy I think

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  72. While you’re at it, google “TARP” and “stimulus” and the “dutch tulip bubble of 1624.”

    Since, we’re googling and all.

    The internet is a wonderful thing, smithee, but it’s not education.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  73. #

    we should spend another trillion dollars on the little president man’s dirty socialist thug friends and really light a fire under this economy I think

    Comment by happyfeet

    You say that like it won’t really happen.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  74. never let waste become a crisis, Dustin

    it’s a becalming mantra

    happyfeet (c8caab)

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