Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Birthday to My Dad

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:12 am

As I have done every March 17 since I started this blog, I am wishing my Dad a Happy Birthday.

He would have been 85 today. I have a special post planned for tonight about him and his shamrock bow tie.

In the meantime, enjoy a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

16 Responses to “Happy Birthday to My Dad”

  1. I look forward to this blog entry yearly, just as much as the flood of memories of Dad’s past birthdays and fun times that flow on this date. Great tradition, brother.

    Brotherico (5ea774)

  2. Αιωνια του η μνημη.

    nk (db4a41)

  3. What a great tradition. Happy birthday to your Dad. My 15 year old granddaughter shares this day also.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  4. Erin go Bragh….

    reff (b996d9)

  5. Patterico, after all these years you have to post a picture of the shamrock bow tie. I have a shamrock necktie that is uglier than all get-out.

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day and a peaceful rest to the late Mr. Frey.

    JVW (fd30ab)

  6. It occurs to me that your dad was no spring chicken when you were born. (You and I are roughly the same age.) It makes me feel a bit better about my having waited so long to start a family, although it still would’ve been better to start younger!

    Mitch (890cbf)

  7. Last year on this day I was spending time with my dad, not expecting him to make to this year.

    Well, he did, and we have had some good visits in the meantime~although he’s spending the day in Cabo San Lucas with my sisters.

    Still, it’s not much fun knowing that his time is very limited.

    Thanks for sharing the memories, Pat.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  8. Great post ! My father would have been 107 on March 10 but he died at age 66. It’s a bit eerie being six years older than he was when he died.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  9. Happy birthday to your Dad!

    Karl (f07e38)

  10. A great remembrance. Hopefully the happy memories are beginning to blunt the pain.

    htom (412a17)

  11. Happy Birthday to Patterico pere.

    Another noted individual with today’s birthdate, is Nat King Cole (1919), and we all can enjoy his music today at (KKJZ-88.1 in the L.A. area).

    AD - RtR/OS! (bdaa22)

  12. Great post Patrick.

    St. Paddy’s is quite a day around our house. My three little ones got up this morning looking for evidence of the Leprechan that escaped from the Guiness-baited traps they made yesterday.

    Gee, I wonder what happened to that Guiness?

    Shipwreckedcrew (96a8a6)

  13. My Dad would be 69 years old had he lived. I miss him every day. Oddly enough he died the same day Ronald Reagan did. Here’s to all Dads on this fine St Patrick’s Day.

    FishFearMe (545cf9)

  14. Re: my #13…69 yrs old should be 71 yrs old. Gimme a break…I went to Public Skool.

    FishFearMe (545cf9)

  15. […] more here: Happy Birthday to My Dad […]

    Happy Birthday to My Dad | Liberal Whoppers (d16888)

  16. My Grandmother’s birthday was also March 17th. She’d be 106. Happy birthday to her and to your father, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone.

    Michelle F Evans (f7719a)

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