Pentagon Shooter: Anti-Bush Nut Case and 9/11 Truther (Updated)
There was a shooting just outside the Pentagon today, at a security checkpoint. Two cops were injured; breaking reports say the suspect, J. Patrick Bedell, has died.
The suspect, believed to be a U.S. citizen, walked up to a security checkpoint at the Pentagon in an apparent attempt to get inside the massively fortified Defense Department headquarters, at about 6:40 p.m. local time. “He just reached in his pocket, pulled out a gun and started shooting” at point-blank range, Keevill said. “He walked up very cool. He had no real emotion on his face.” The Pentagon officers returned fire with semiautomatic weapons.
And Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut case.
Via Charles Johnson comes this link to some crazy ranting from the guy. It was recorded in November 2006 — when Bush was president, to belabor the obvious. I transcribed this part, in which he is speaking of criminal organizations working within the U.S. Government:
This criminal organization would use its powers to convert military, intelligence, and law enforcement bureaucracies into instruments for political control, and the domination and subjection of society, while discrediting, destroying, and murdering honest individuals within those services, that work to root out corruption, and faithfully serve their fellow citizens. This organization, like so many murderous governments throughout history, would see the sacrifice of thousands of its citizens in an event such as the September 11 attacks, as a small cost in order to perpetuate its barbaric control. This collection of gangsters would find it in their interest to foment conflict and initiate wars throughout the world, in order to divert attention from their misconduct and criminality. The true nature of such a regime would find its clearest expression in the satanic violence currently ongoing in Iraq.
There is also plenty of creepily nerdy/calm ranting about government control of the economy. As a correspondent wrote to me: “If he thought Bush was out to get private property, just imagine what he thought after Obama’s first year.”
That same correspondent sends a link to his Amazon profile:

And let’s get a nice close-up of that wish list:

Save this link when Big Media tries to portray him as a Tea Partier or right-winger.
UPDATE: More 9/11 Truther evidence against this guy here. And a full transcript of the rant excerpted above, here.
UPDATE 3/5/2010 — Michelle Malkin says Bedell was a registered Democrat:
“ has 180 million registered voter records available online (thanks to Anne Horrigan). Thirty-six-year-old John Patrick Bedell’s voter registration records in Hollister, CA are available for any journalist before he/she goes off and labels him a “right-wing extremist.”
Guess which party he registered under in 2005 and was actively registered under as of 2008?
this is apparently his wiki page, and its a *real* winner…..
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/4/2010 @ 10:43 pm[…] I say was because he’s dead. Just goes to show you opening fire near the main entrance to the center of the world’s most powerful military isn’t a good idea. But then again, this guy was a nutjob. […]
Pentagon Shooter Was 9/11 Truther, Anti-Bush | The American Pundit (b45940) — 3/4/2010 @ 10:47 pmI like how Johnson describes him in the more all-encompassing term of “anti-GOVERNMENT loon.”
Can’t imagine why….
GreenOnions (ffadb1) — 3/4/2010 @ 10:50 pmFrom the link, looks like Chuckles is already trying that route.
EW1(SG) (edc268) — 3/4/2010 @ 10:50 pmAs a member of “The Joooos!” I take personal responsibility for Comrade Bedell’s heroic sacrifice.
Emerson (d4bcbc) — 3/4/2010 @ 10:52 pmSo when can we start to blame the authors of the books on his wish list for inciting the violence?
SaintGeorgeGentile (dc531b) — 3/4/2010 @ 10:58 pmI wonder if Mr. Bedell did any of his online shopping through Charles Johnson’s Amazon shop.
Fenway_Nation (4eba1b) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:15 pmFTFY! %-)
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:20 pmFenway!!!!!
wants some fruitcup? %-)
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:21 pmLook, I know the TEA partiers are upset with Bush’s domestic spending increases and his bailouts.
Hence, this man was clearly a far-right extremist ‘tea bagger’.
Case Closed.
Dustin (b54cdc) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:24 pm“I wonder if Mr. Bedell did any of his online shopping through Charles Johnson’s Amazon shop.”
Maybe he counted down the days to his attack on a nice calendar with pictures of beach balls, fences, and bicycle seats.
Ipso Facto (a98c28) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:29 pmBig Sis is looking for the wrong violent extremists with all the leftist violence that’s sweeping the country and world.
OxyCon (d3bc7e) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:31 pmYou got Amy Bishop; the Anthrax killer; Berkely riots; Bunning’s office getting bomb threats; global warming alarmists in Argintina killing their families and the IRS plane terrorist who had alot of left wing tendencies, all in the news lately.
Funny thing is none of these violent, murderous kooks were “crazy, violent, racist teabaggers”.
Are the crazies at MSNBC projecting much? The only people wigging out and acting violently are probably MSNBC viewers getting pushed over the edge by the likes of Olbermann, Shuster, Matthews, Shultz, Ratigan and Maddow.
Only if it’s enhanced, red….and only if it keeps me in a stupor between now and November.
Fenway_Nation (4eba1b) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:37 pmso we’re talking about what, 20 or 30 people, tops?
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:38 pmThe guy was anti-government. He ranted about socialism on his blog too. Politics probably leaned Libertarian more than anything else.
Glenn (cec8e0) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:38 pmthat’s the way i roll!
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/4/2010 @ 11:39 pmthat could mean a whole lot of things, but no serious libertarian I know resembles this guy.
I admit I know a few unserious libertarians who whine about tuition being too expensive and having to pay for ny-quil and that mescaline isn’t legal… I just kinda pretend they never called themselves libertarians, though.
Regardless, it’s stupid to blame democrats or liberals for their crazies, and that’s why it’s not common practice. I never hear someone scream that CNN should be shut down because SEIU thugs beat up Gladney while CNN demonized the TEA party.
It’s just that the other side not only tries to shut up the right this way, they sometimes pretend liberal terrorists were conservatives. Gotta stay ahead of that game.
Dustin (b54cdc) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:15 amViolent acts by the VRWC…
McVeigh @ OKC…
MLK Jr asassination…
perhaps the shooting of Gov Wallace.
That IIRC pretty much sums it up in the 20th-C and the first decade of the 21st.
Now, for the Left….
FDR…attempted, killed a mayor?…
HST…shot up the Capitol Bldg & bombed Blair House…
Ford…two attempts…
If I were Obowman, I would be careful of my “friends”.
AD - RtR/OS! (f85527) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:23 amThe media will either downplay this incident or go with the “anti-government” line while ignoring all the anti-Bush,9/11 truther,”no blood for oil” drivel this guy supported and shared ideologically with liberals on.
Though there is always a loon here and there in any movement……to say these positions come anywhere close to matching what the TEA Party stands for is just an outright lie.
liberals are finally starting to act on the psychosis of Bush derangement syndrome that they created over the last 8 years.
There will be more unhinged liberals acting like this as Bush is exonerated more and more every day from all the lies and bogus scandals that they perpetrated.
Can you feel the “Hope and Change”……
Baxter Greene (af5030) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:32 amI feel it, Brother! I feel it!
AD - RtR/OS! (f85527) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:48 amFox website has more on his rants and also some additional bio.
Sara (Pal2Pal) (84fd4f) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:03 amJust a simple review of Kos or Huffpo would show just how “anti-government” the left was during Bush’s Presidency.
Since Obama has enacted many of Bush’s policies…many of these 9/11 truther/ BDS suffering liberals would still be raging against the current administration.
His writings reveal him to be a leftist……
The 9/11 truther movement was and is alive and well in liberal land.
Polling still shows that almost 40% of democrats believe that Bush did perpetrate 9/11.
….”it’s barbaric control fits right in line with liberal rants calling Bush a “dictator” and trying to install a “military state”….
…remember when liberals were saying that Bush was going to create a crisis so that he could cancel elections and remain “dictator of the US”.
liberals ranted on and on and on about “Bush’s gangsters”. The city council in Berkeley is even on film calling our Marines “Bush’s gangsters”.
Initiating wars throughout the world” goes right to the liberal “Bush’s imperialism” line we heard so much….
….a quick glance through Zombietime dot com. shows liberals stating this in their art shows and on their protest signs….
Anybody paying attention knows how much liberals yelled and screamed about the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Rice supposed war crimes and domestic crimes (like NSA wiretapping that Obama is using and the bogus Valarie Plame fiasco).
“Impeach Bush” was a liberal catch word and mandatory stand if you wanted to win an Oscar or be re-elected running as a democrat.
Once again it was the liberals that politicized the Iraq war to gain political power.The constant railing about being in Iraq was a daily ritual with the democratic party.
This guy is straight out of a daily Kos/huffpo comment section and would fit right in on the guest line up at MSNBC.
I know the MSM will try….but it is going to take a lot of spinning and lying to turn this nut job into a TEA Party advocate.
Baxter Greene (af5030) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:09 am#
From this FOX link:
A large majority of liberals are very anti-military.Once again going to Zombietime shows many anit-military stances by liberals combined with their attacks on recruiting offices.
code pink/answer/move on have a vast history of anti-military sentiments and were big contributers to Obama’s campaign.
More 9/11 truther drivel that is so prominent in liberal circles.
Baxter Greene (af5030) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:26 amThe legalization of marijuana has quite a diverse support group.It is very popular in liberal circles but you would have to do some searching to find many Conservatives advocating for marijuana legalization.
What is certain is that this is not a stance that the TEA Party advocates.If there is support there for it…it is coming from a very small fringe element.
[…] now know that the guy thought the government and the Bush family were behind the 9/11 attacks (or “demolitions” as he called them), and was basically […]
Anti-Bush Truther shoots up Pentagon; Should we play the political blame game? · zomblog (0cfb5e) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:33 amThis guy was no tea partier but he was not a communist, either. From listening to his rants it was easy to deduce that he was a libertarian. My guess is that he supported Ron Paul.
SavetheU.S. (c6f8c8) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:40 amOT: Anyone else notice that the AP daily body count is no longer being plastered across every TV screen in the world now that a jackass is in the WH?
dave (0c30cd) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:33 amThe fringe element of the fringe element – the only movement that can call dibs on him is the Truthers.
I won’t lay him at Paul’s feet without further evidence. Some of the transcript reads like Rand on LSD but Paul isn’t the only one pushing Objectivism into the nonsense-fringe.
Paul’s done little to nothing to discourage anarchist-fringe-whack-jobs from joining his cult but I’m not going to lay this on him while I bitch about unfair associations being made in the MSM vis a vis the Tea Parties et al.
BTW it seems as if Wiki double-plus-scrubbed his page ASAP if the above link was previously valid
societyis2blame (d81c5b) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:42 amNo this guy has to be a right wing nut, otherwise Janet Napolitano is looking at the wrong group again! This entire administration has been looking in the wrong direction ever since Janet and Holder took over the entire justice wing of the USA. They won’t even talk about the New Black Panther’s blocking a polling location in PA.
As long as you are part of the adminstration, the law does not apply. They even have the IRS forgiving Rangel for tax penalties!
Jeff in Miami Beach (675f69) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:57 amOh my a 9/11 truther? Idiotic statements on this forum saying he belonged to the Tea Party are to be filed in the trash basket of lefty liars.
K962 (6bc83f) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:06 am[…] Patterico has this guy nailed as an anti-Bush Truther. Via Charles Johnson comes this link to some crazy […]
Gateway Pundit (321033) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:33 amThe armed confrontation with the guards (police) outside of our Pentagon was insanely wrong and makes no sense.
His basis for concerns are legitimate. But the violent expression that took his life and injured police and threatened bystanders was absolutely wrong.
That he felt no other way to make his point against government corruption should be addressed.
Reading books should not suffice as material evidence to prove a man criminally insane. If that were sufficient, then prosecute the author of banned literature, and arrest and interrogate every source that purchased and read the banned books.
This domestic terrorist ‘martyr’ for private property rights was literate and cogent, and was motivated into violence NOT simply by what he read, but through communications with others. WHO was he closest to in conversations, and who personally encouraged him to create this instance of violence?
Who personally encouraged this man over the breaking point? Why would this man play the martyr with a gun? He obviously considered being shot dead, and made sure that happened.
Who else is noting the progressive legislative aggression into everyone’s internet messaging by the DHS, cyber czar? This man specifically fit into the perfect agitated radical target frame, willing to be sacrificed to unwittingly further enable the very powers he meant to protest. At least his death announcement occurred simultaneously with the German suggestion that Greece sell its islands to pay off debt.
maverick muse (d5e71b) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:55 am[…] now know that the guy thought the government and the Bush family were behind the 9/11 attacks (or “demolitions” as he called them), and was basically frothing […]
Zombie on the Pentagon shooting « Spin, strangeness, and charm (5155ab) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:03 amEverybody feel better now? You should, because THIS time the shooter is not tied directly to the unhinged, violent anti-government rhetoric of the right. No, this time he’s tied to the unhinged, violent anti-government rhetoric of the left. So, good job, unhinged, violent rhetoricians of the right, you are clearly the better of two viles this time.
Malarkey (a75098) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:09 amI love how Charles tries to to insinuate that Bedell is a right wing crazy, which sent his 10 commenters and all their sock puppet personalities into a frenzy of right wing blame.
William Teach (2d1bed) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:18 amI think it is fair to say that the left with all it’s Bush hatred has not gotten over the fact that Bush wasn’t assassinated while in office–how long were they calling for a Bush bloodletting? 5,6,7 years?
But alas, Bush left office still alive and now they have all this pent up vitriol that has never been fully satisfied. How are they responding to all this lunatic vitriol? Why, they are shooting people; flying planes into buildings; killing baby kittens, etc.
What’s next?
Citizen x (b3dc27) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:26 amHis rant reads like a transcript from “The View.”
CrustyB (2fb454) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:31 am[…] Before the LEFT and the MSM can call the shooting suspect a right wing militia type or Tea Party member, it is discovered that he was a Bush-hater and a 911 truther. […]
Shooting at Pentagon, Suspect John Patrick Bedell a 9-11 Truther | Scared Monkeys (1b1833) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:38 am[…] Turns out, he was probably nuts: […]
All American Blogger » Pentagon Shooter Was A Truther, Anti-Bush (cdcaa9) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:41 amEverybody feel better now? You should, because THIS time the shooter is not tied directly to the unhinged, violent anti-government rhetoric of the right.
Sorry to interrupt your happy fantasy in mid-stream, but just how many shooters actually have been “tied directly to the unhinged, violent anti-government rhetoric of the right”?
Subotai (54bfcc) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:42 am[…] a pot user. He was also an anti-Bush nutter (via Patterico). I wonder, how will the media attempt the LGF spin to paint him as someone on the […]
Dangerous Anti-Government Gun Nut Rightwinger Suspended From Kindergarten : Stop The ACLU (dae8af) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:48 am[…] in Irvine, CA from March 2006 to June 2006.”And a pot user. He was also an anti-Bush nutter (via Patterico). I wonder, how will the media attempt the LGF spin to paint him as someone on the right?Crossed at […]
Dangerous Anti-Government Gun Nut Rightwinger Suspended From Kindergarten | Right Wing News (c8efe7) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:48 amObama inherited this mess from Bush.
Alluh Akbar.
HeavenSent (c3c032) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:49 am[…] Surprise: Pentagon shooter an anti-Bush Truther […]
Friday’s « (b1105a) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:54 amHis amazon profile (infoeng) locates him in Austin, TX. But the media are identifying him from Orange County, CA.
maverick muse (d5e71b) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:59 amFrank Rich, call your office…
Bilbo baggins (a8a8f6) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:10 amThe so called “9/11 Truth Movement” has accomplished absolutley nothing in the 9 years since 9/11. The frustration, hatred, and escalating talk of violence to achieve their twisted goals is quite apparent at most of the popular truther websites. The rhetoric is slowly crossing the line from blow-hard internet tough guys who are all talk, to unhinged individuals who are willing to commit murder. Fortunately, this truther’s marksmanship skills were as bad as the truth movement’s ability to prove that 9/11 was an “inside job”. Kudos to the Pentagon security officers who brought this situation to an end with the shooter being the only fatality.
R. Banks (ccb78b) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:20 amHe’s right. He just didn’t go about it the ‘right way’.
Adam Talbott (e51cd3) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:29 am“The so called “9/11 Truth Movement” has accomplished absolutley nothing in the 9 years since 9/11.”
R. Banks – I’m not sure about that. I think a bunch of people have made some serious coin selling DVD’s and giving speeches to stupid liberal suckers, so they’ve got that going for them.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:38 amDamn violent racist teabaggers.
JD (3ee991) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:40 amIs this DEAD IDIOT A BLOOD RELATION TO Chris Mathews,OLBEY OR ANYONE ELSE AT MSNBC? They’re NON-STOP TRASH Talking Sh*T HAS CONSEQUENCES.IT IS THEY WHO are at the wheel of this demented shooter’s Sh*t filled mind of poision to commit such a premeditated attack.
At least the secuity killed this bag of sh*t and saved the taxpayers the time an expense of a public trial, MSNBC’S media circus of lies and distortions of fact, including the cost of warehousing this bag of sh*t. Now, all there is LEFT to be done is FLUSHING TWICE while Mathews, Olbey, and MSNBC say ahhhhhhh!
Chris Pedersen (ece52d) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:52 amI’m in New York state this week and the place is nucking futz with crazed liberals. The governor’s communications director resigned yesterday because he couldn’t take it anymore. The black power brokers met last night and decided to support Paterson instead of calling for his resignation.
I think I saw a huge flock of chickens arriving to roost in one of the neighbor’s yards.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:54 am[…] Patterico’s, one commenter gets the Sanity Award: Everybody feel better now? You should, because THIS time the shooter is not tied directly to the […]
The Mahablog » Teh Crazy, Left and Right (c967f2) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:57 am[…] and see if we may not eff it after all." — Douglas Adams Click Here for More Broken News Rise of the violent Left: Pentagon shooter was anti-Bush, truther. Will MSM blame Air America & … Whine House tries to blame weather for abysmal jobs number; yet states need more money for snow […]
Rise of the violent Left: Pentagon shooter was anti-Bush, truther. Will MSM blame Air America & Rosie ODumbass? | Daily Danet (87daef) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:05 amMaha is a freaking douchenozzle. That is all. Countdown until they close comments … 3 … 2 … 1 …
JD (3ee991) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:07 am
NO violence can be attributed from dedicated Libertarian platforms that I’ve read.
The Alinsky smear tactics to target a source of logic and reason as if contemptible is itself a despicable practice. That LGF Johnson does that is business as usual. Consider the source when reading that radical Leftist apologist rant, because Johnson is no more reliable a source for determining what is rational than the pentagon shooter is. What you make out of a situation through research is what determines your view and character.
As with any conservative point, Libertarians are not defined by the radicals who launch off on an independent violent tangent. A Classical Liberal is not the enemy of the Constitution. Rather, our founding fathers were Classical Liberals balanced between the Age of Reason and the Revolutionary Era. They knew both the old guard authoritarian empiricism vs. the revolutionary Socialism spun by Rousseau that subsequently evolved through violent and murderous upheavals by the French Revolutionaries throughout the next century. The modern 21st Century political sect that closest represents the views and practices of our founding fathers are the Libertarians. Over the last century, particularly since Wilson, progressive revisionism has so permeated America that our modern citizens can’t see past our own noses to identify what all is happening, and witness their own political party manifestly participating in the corruption of our Constitutional Governance. Neoconservatives are those who evolved from Lenin and migrated into the Republican Party to effect authoritarianism through legislation and executive orders that not only mute Constitutional Bill of Rights, but disregard Constitutional limits and separation of powers in government, also enforcing the “politically correct” socialist group think mentality in daily life via the judicial branch.
Americans should face that reality when petitioning grievances and peaceably protesting corruption in our government. The Democrats do not own the monopoly on Corruption, though they do now own the majority in power augmenting that Corruption in governance which the Republicans issued and augmented from prior administrations from both major parties.
Conservatives support the Constitution. The strongest conservatives are the Libertarians who not only defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but also understand all of the economic structures and institutions practiced throughout history and around the globe today. Libertarians have processed the most effective economic structure that defends our Constitutional Liberty including the citizen ownership rights regarding private property that seems the basic proof of Liberty. But competition, that capitalism supposedly relies upon, is not acceptable in the present American economic sphere, particularly as those officials running our National Treasury, those with the federal reserve, and global authoritarian banks are aligned in effect.
Spend a week reading articles and sourcing references posted in the links above to get an idea of what the Austrian Economic School represents today.
Take interest in what this economist at The Daily Bell has to say, for instance, because “good” Republicans do not dismiss out of hand the Margaret Thatcher’s council.
Also, read the background concerning this assessment regarding FOR INSTANCE the “Don’t Trash Capitalism” staff report regarding our limited vocabulary usage and understanding of “capitalism”
It would be untrue to equate either the Libertarian platform or anti-Marxist economic proponents of Mises with violence.
maverick muse (d5e71b) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:17 am[…] And by Tea Party extremist I really mean that J. Patrick Bedell was actually a left wing moonbat. […]
Richmond Liberty Alliance Blog » Blog Archive » Pentagon Shooter Was A Tea Party Extremist (c6e1f6) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:21 amSarah Palin was behind this, no question about it.
Dmac (799abd) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:23 amour founding fathers were Classical Liberals balanced between the Age of Reason and the Revolutionary Era.
Strictly speaking, that’s true. In fact it’s a tautology. But the thing is, “classical liberals” were not libertarians.In many respects they were quite anti-libertarian. They were very critical of greed and licentiousness, for instance.
Subotai (7486a9) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:27 am[…] received while shooting two policemen at the Pentagon Metro stop last evening, is, in the words of Patrick Frey, “a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut […]
John Patrick Bedell, Pentagon Shooter: Terrorist or Nut (139676) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:28 amno surprise there: i still have the page open and have saved a copy to the HD, if anyone wants it.
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:32 ambluntly, i am surprised there isn’t more truther violence. i mean if i believed the government murdered 3,000 citizens, i wouldn’t whine. i’d try to start a revolution, a la 1776.
Which isn’t to defend these idiots, because let’s face it they are idiots. it takes a special kind of stupidity to believe that fire can’t melt steel given that it is done every day in the steel mills.
Of course, i also subscribe to the theory that all conspiracy theories are themselves a conspiracy, in the spirit of that classic episode of south park.
A.W. (b1db52) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:44 amHow did you get a link from Charles Johnson?
George (d57b1d) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:58 amWho reads his stuff any more?
I listened to the audio files for a few secnods. This guy sounds like a Starbuck’s barista. Now I’m afraid to get a cup of coffee…
Wazoo (2c929a) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:00 amthat’s it, you’re banned!
Killmore Trout (fb8750) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:00 amCan you ban me too, Killmore? I do not care for people named Charles. Or Maha.
JD (3ee991) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:03 am“bluntly, i am surprised there isn’t more truther violence. i mean if i believed the government murdered 3,000 citizens, i wouldn’t whine. i’d try to start a revolution, a la 1776.”
There’s a similar argument to the birthers too — if you think the president is a usurper….
imdw (829dfa) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:08 amimdw is trying to deflect attention away from the fact that this guy was a certifiable leftist.
JD (3ee991) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:10 amYou know us leftists, opposed to stuff like:
“convert military, intelligence, and law enforcement bureaucracies into instruments for political control, and the domination and subjection of society, while discrediting, destroying, and murdering honest individuals within those services, that work to root out corruption, and faithfully serve their fellow citizens.”
That’s us lefties.
imdw (829dfa) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:14 am[…] He hated Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther rants. […]
Michelle Malkin » About the Pentagon shooter (e2f069) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:15 amHe is a follower of Ron Paul’s hero, Ludwig Von Mises.
He sounds like a run of the mill Paulbot gone awry.
Claire (5e84bb) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:16 amJust goes to show how the lame stream media can turn people into killers by forcing Bush hate down their throats.
bill-tb (541ea9) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:21 amIn your rush to find some right or left associations for this nut… Aren’t you missing the obvious point…. He used Amazon.
The pro-book web site named after man-hating fanatics.
It’s all connected!
buzzo (128b03) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:27 amThe most accurate description of you is as a useful idiot.
Face it, you are of no value otherwise.
EW1(SG) (edc268) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:44 amListen to the audio link of the guy’s rant. He was clearly neither a liberal or a conservative or a leftist, whatever that is. He was an anti-government conspiracy loon. Yeah, he’s a truther and Bush hater, but his biggest problem was with the “coup regime” that uses government control of the economy, high taxes, and high spending to further its totalitarian goals. His main concern was about the seizure and redistribution of private property and the loss of individual freedom. As noted above, he was a fan of Ludwig von Mises. (and Murray Rothbard) His favorite novel was probably “Atlas Shrugged”. What he was preaching sounds a lot like what you would hear from a Paulite or LaRouchie at a tea party rally.
JamieN (3eb219) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:46 ammaverick muse – Nice wet dreams you’re having there.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:46 amYahoo News reads: “The shooter apparently left behind Internet postings resentful of the government and airing suspicions about the 9/11 attacks.”
MSLSD headline reads: “Pentagon gunman sought ‘truth’ about 9/11
Police describe shooting suspect as ‘a single individual who had issues’ ”
Just a man looking for “the truth”… nothing about a deranged, BDS-afflicted, left-winger and no news about alarms being raised in Janet Napolitano’s cranial melon.
GeneralMalaise (2e0f70) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:47 amFrom the headline, let’s play, guess that party?
kansas (7b4374) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:49 amYou can bet Johnson would have played up the right wing aspect if there had been one.
“uses government control of the economy, high taxes, and high spending to further its totalitarian goals. His main concern was about the seizure and redistribution of private property and the loss of individual freedom.”
JamieN – How is this different from Obama proposing to spread the wealth around, nationalizing auto companies, banks and health insurance for starters?
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:50 am[…] link them to one side or the other, generally, not surprisingly, are pretty much off on their own. Patterico re J. Patrick Bedell (channeling crazy Charles Johnson, speaking of people who are singlehandedly […]
Jules Crittenden » Crazy Shooter Identity (98837e) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:51 amWas the gunman dressed like a pimp?
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:51 am“Truthers Are True Americans Who
Have Awakened To The Deception…
Truthers Are Not “Terrorists” THAT IS A LIE, ANOTHER DECEPTION.
________________FREEDOMIZER RADIO_________________
See the AARON RUSSO interview
See the NORMAN DODD interview
See “Fall of The Republic”…Wake Up.
Building 7…rocking your world, and you still dont know what it is, or the facts of it.
___Why? Why is that?___
Wake up…learn…wake on up…Building 7…You are one person, and You Can Do Something…Join the
info war….its a war for the mind….And they are filing it full of Lies. Seek The Truth.
See the Aaron Russo interview
Building 7..Inform the Mind , Inform Yourself
Building 7…Inform Yourself
wake on up…its the world, the real world,…and you ARE in it.
Dont believe what you are told…research it yourself.
Obama will do what He’s told, just like Bush, Just Like Clinton. Greenspan Himself pointed out that
his Friends run the Fed Reserve, and that it is not a government agency, or a part of any
government, and that “therefore” no government can tell it what it can or cant do. Rather, the boys with money have the country, [most nations], in their pocket. They control the government. The
“election process” is a show to keep the sheeple busy chasing smoke and mirrors. ___Have you ever
been dreaming, and you thought you were awake? Well….you are in that same predicament. They have
lied to us. And they continue with lie upon lie, upon lie…with a goal in
mind. A VERY CLEAR GOAL…FULL TYRANNY_________________see “FALL OF THE REPUBLIC”_____Building 7……It will All Make Sense,
See the April Gallop, Aaron Russo, Albert Stubblebine, Norman Dodd Interviews….
Watch “The Obama Deception”______Building 7.____Know the Truth. _Obama’s folks, and
Bush’s Folk’s, and Clinton’s Folk’s are the same folks.
TRUTH TIME (6272dd) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:53 amOkay, then. (backs away slowly)
JD (fb5333) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:56 am@daleyrocks
If you believe that is what Obama is doing, are you saying that you agree with J. Patrick Bedell? And are you saying the Bedell hated both Bush and Obama? (which, of course, is entirely likely)
JamieN (3eb219) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:59 amTRUTH TIME – All caps are the express lane to stoopid! Show the 360 degree views of building 7 doofus, not just the less damaged sides and let people see the TROOTH!!!!
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 7:59 amRESPOND WITH INTELLIGENCE
TRUTH TIME (6272dd) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:04 amThe inclusion of the bolded all caps changed my mind. I will no longer back away slowly, I will sprint, fleeing the vicinity in fear of teh krazy.
JD (fb5333) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:07 amJamieN – I did not know J. Patrick Bedell. All I reacted to is what you posted, which sounds more like Obama than Bush. Bush lowered taxes and was generally in favor of less regulation from the government, but you know all that.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:11 amTruth Time – Show the 360 degree views of Building 7. Give the people the truth. Then they can verify what a loon you actually are. Attacking sustance, not the person. Go for it, I dare you.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:15 amsubstance
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:15 amIt is always interesting to see how when it suits your purpose you wield glibness as easily as you do “facts” and “analysis.”
Larry Reilly (fadcab) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:15 amYou might very well own a piece of the Pentagon shooter.
Do you claim not to know that the Tea Party movement is very much against the powers that be, though they begin from the right on their journey to the fringe? They have been both useful idiots to Republicans and, to the Republican’s chagrin, also scary opponents because they keep pushing for the logical conclusions of many of the right’s motifs. The Republican establishment wants to go only so far because, uh, they’re part of the establishment.
It is only natural that when political discourse turns into screaming, posturing and sometimes violent confrontation some who are involved or watching on with great interest can be provoked to greater excess. A kook like the Pentagon shooter gets some validation along the way in his own journey farther — over the edge.
That’s why the mean jabber in little rooms like this can feed these guys. Move those three walnut shells and the pea around the tabletop all you want, but studies have shown over and over and over that it is the far-right lunatic fringe that has been acting out most in recent years.
I’m sure there is a ton of stuff in the archives here, but I’ll offer just one sample, from Karl, on this blog last August when the town halls for discussing health care reform were taken over by the protesters, who were given instructions on how to disrupt speakers and shut down the process: “…The anti-ObamaCare protests introduced an element of judo, turning the town halls into a story about how controversial ObamaCare remains….”
Ah, yes, just a way to let us all know that health care reform is controversial. Uh-huh. Yeah, right.
Again, you might very well own a piece of the Pentagon shooter.
You point to those books about the Bush family on his Amazon wish list as proof that this guy isn’t right-wing and isn’t a Tea Partier. That’s either disingenuous or a serious lack of analytical ability on your part.
Larry Reilly – Sorry for your loss.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:17 amClearly he was a racist teabagger. Mawy told us so.
JD (fb5333) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:19 amThis guy was in no way a “Tea partier”. He was an Anarchist. He saw no use for government in any circumstances.
Sarah (67a109) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:21 am@daleyrock
And given that Bedell was apparently opposed to everything Obama and the Dems are accused of trying to do, I don’t think it is correct to label him as a liberal or a lefty. I guess that was my general point. This guys seems to be the type who would have hated both Bush and Obama, saw them as birds of a feather, both tools of the “coup regime” whose goal is to use big government to further their totalitarian goals, which includes the seizure and redistribution of private property.
Bottom line – dude was pissed the cops took his weed.
JamieN (3eb219) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:31 amIf the Troofers are getting violent, who is going to volunteer to pat down Rosie O’dumbass??
Geez, at times I feel the need to be armed for self defense just to read the idiotcy from the left and imd-dumbass.
PCD (1d8b6d) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:38 am[…] no, he isn’t. Or wasn’t: It has become pretty clear pretty quickly that Bedell sufferred from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and was a 9/11 Truther, just […]
Shot in the Dark » Blog Archive » Climate Of Weird (603906) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:42 am“Bottom line – dude was pissed the cops took his weed.”
JamieN – So a left libertarian? Nor Luap supporter as maverick muse was suggesting?
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:44 am@daleyrocks
What’s a “left” libertarian? Reforming or ending our drug laws is a belief pretty common among libertarians. National Review – which is conservative, not libertarian – is on record as opposing our nation’s marijuana laws and is behind legalization of the drug. I’d just say that he was a libertarian, not a left or a right one, just a libertarian. But there are plenty of reasonable and sane libertarians. In fact, more of them are. He wasn’t one of them. And he was also more than a libertarian – being libertarian doesn’t automatically turn you into a truther or make you believe that the government is running a secret drug trade to help fund their totalitarianism, or that there is an international conspiracy to seize private property. His beliefs were based in libertarian thought but he took them to a radical extreme.
JamieN (8938e6) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:51 amHey Truth Time,
How does it feel to have one of your truther buddies attempt to murder two police officers? Are you proud of him? In regards to your “Respond with Intelligence” statement, why don’t we compare Stanford-Binet scores, and really see who is intelligent here. You and your so called “movement” are a bunch of willfully ignorant pathetic losers. Why don’t you do something useful with your life. It’s not too late to get out of mom’s basement.
R.Banks (ccb78b) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:53 amYes, the Pentagon shooter was a far left nutcase…
Not that I really care one way or the other about J. Patrick Bedell’s political persuasion, but since the left and MSM (but I repeat myself) both have a nasty, dishonest habit of painting every violent “anti-government” act as one bei…
Sister Toldjah (4daa3c) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:58 amIt sickens me to hear a Truther say something that, as a WTC worker for over 4 years prior to 9/11, I know to be rank bullshit!
[note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]
East Coast Chris (ded5f2) — 3/5/2010 @ 8:59 am“What’s a “left” libertarian?”
JamieN – Glenn Greenwald
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:07 am[…] Patterico takes a look at Bedell’s online history, including his Amazon and Wikipedia profiles. William Teach at Right Wing News asks why the media seems reluctant to reveal his political motivations, especially after Joe Stack was so casually assumed to be affiliated with the Tea Party movement. And Zombie pens an article for Pajamas Media about the incident, and looks at why there is such a desire to associate the actions of people like Bedell and Stack with political movement instead of crazy movements. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Give Me $20Unidentified man shoots two officers outside PentagonPentagon Shooter = Marijuana Activist? Categories: News, Politics Tags: Andrew Joseph Stack, John Patrick Bedell, media bias, nutroots, Pentagon shooting, pwnage, truthers Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Leave a comment Trackback […]
Truther Shoots Up Pentagon « The Republican Heretic (69d1bf) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:13 am[…] my proximity to this horrific event coupled with reports that the shooter was a 9/11 Truther and a Bush hater grips me with fear and anger, I am careful not to overreact. For someone in my position, the […]
On the Pentagon shooter: take a collective breath | Envision More (9c1e80) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:20 amthat you seriously suffer teh krazy.
Seek help.
EW1(SG) (edc268) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:20 am@daleyrocks
What this guys talks about don’t see to line up all that perferct with what Greenwald believes. And I would consider Greenwald to be a civil libertarian, not an economic one. This Bedell guy seemed mostly obsessed with economic theory. (both rational and irrational)
JamieN (8938e6) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:21 am[…] wasn’t going to bring up the politics of J. Patrick Bedell – mostly because, like Patterico, I figure that the guy was just nuts from the start, and not made […]
Yes, because ‘Pot-growing, Anti-Bush Troofer’ = Right-winger. | Moe_Lane's blog (2dbb8b) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:21 am“Truthers” Are True Americans Who
Have Awakened To The Deception…
Truthers Are Not “Terrorists”
To Imply that the “Truthers” are Terrorists, THAT IS A LIE, ANOTHER DECEPTION.
That is akin to saying Postal Workers are Terrorists. Its Ridiculous. AND DECEPTION.
________________FREEDOMIZER RADIO_________________
See the AARON RUSSO interview
See the NORMAN DODD interview
See “Fall of The Republic”…Wake Up.
Building 7…rocking your world, and you still don’t know what it is, or the facts of it.
___Why? Why is that?___
Wake up…learn…wake on up…Building 7…You are one person, and You Can Do Something…Join the
info war….its a war for the mind….And they are filing it full of Lies. Seek The Truth.
See the Aaron Russo interview
Building 7..Inform the Mind , Inform Yourself
Building 7…Inform Yourself
wake on up…its the world, the real world,…and you ARE in it.
Don’t believe what you are told…research it yourself.
Obama will do what He’s told, just like Bush, Just Like Clinton. Greenspan Himself pointed out that
his Friends run the Fed Reserve, and that it is not a government agency, or a part of any
government, and that “therefore” no government can tell it what it can or cant do. Rather, the boys with money have the country, [most nations], in their pocket. They control the government. The
“election process” is a show to keep the sheeple busy chasing smoke and mirrors. ___Have you ever
been dreaming, and you thought you were awake? Well….you are in that same predicament. They have
lied to us. And they continue with lie upon lie, upon lie…with a goal in
mind. A VERY CLEAR GOAL…FULL TYRANNY_________________see “FALL OF THE REPUBLIC”_____Building 7……It will All Make Sense,
See the April Gallop, Aaron Russo, Albert Stubblebine, Norman Dodd Interviews….
Watch “The Obama Deception”______Building 7.____Know the Truth. _Obama’s folks, and
Bush’s Folk’s, and Clinton’s Folk’s are the same folks.
[When you just cut & paste the same things over and over without responding to others, it’s spam. Your next spam will be placed in moderation. Either engage in a discussion or get lost, we don’t need deranged and off-topic lectures. –Stashiu]
TRUTH TIME (6272dd) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:30 amTruthers are usually people who cannot accept the truth, like the inherit flaws in their assumptions, the ones which defy the laws of science.
All Truthers are either liars or morons. Either way, they deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot en masse.
East Coast Chris (ded5f2) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:32 amWhoa, someone’s pharmacy ran short of key psychotropics this week.
SPQR (8475fc) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:33 amPay no mind to conspiracy time. It is likely fully automated.
10 Scan the ‘net for reference for Twoofers.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:34 am20 Does site fall below threshold activity? 30 40
30 Eliminate site from search engine.
35 Goto 10
40 Enter derangement_1
50 Enter site in secondary search
60 Does secondary search show response? 70 80
70 Eliminate site from secondary search
80 Enter derangement_2
90 Goto 10
100 End
Oops, missed
75 Goto 10 🙂
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:38 amI’M A DimWit (IMDW)
> [me] “bluntly, i am surprised there isn’t more truther violence. i mean if i believed the government murdered 3,000 citizens, i wouldn’t whine. i’d try to start a revolution, a la 1776.”
> [you] There’s a similar argument to the birthers too — if you think the president is a usurper….
Jesus, you’re an idiot. Even if Obama wasn’t born in America, it would make him unqualified, not a “usurper.” He still got more votes, in the popular vote and the electorial college. By comparison, if you believe Bush was behind 9/11, then you believe that as a matter of natural law it is time to rise up.
Has to be the nerdiest form of humor. I am embarrassed that I got that.
A.W. (e7d72e) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:47 am[…] that the Pentagon shooter was motivated by “right-wing extremism,” but . . . eh, not so much: Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut case.So much for the […]
Send the Body to Keith Olbermann : The Other McCain (128b91) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:48 am@81 Wow.
Tell me people like that aren’t willing to shoot cops.
Houston Native (aa2dc4) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:57 amBoth Bedell and Stack preached hybrids of left and right radicalism. They shared what I call the Bloodhound’s Dilemma; they could smell the rot but they couldn’t see it. Therefore their inept targeting and tactics.
paradoctor (e3596c) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:58 am[…] left will probably martyr the wacknut for sacrificing his life for the noble cause of exposing the right wing conspiracy of 9/11. […]
9/11 Conspiracy Freak Pentagon shooter dies | Holeinthehull (eade95) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:59 amThe guy was anti-government. That’s all you need to know.
Beyond that, he clealry identifies with Libertarianism which is full of truthers, and anti-government loons. They’re on the Conservative spectrum. They’re primarily an anti-tax movement, and they have more in common with Conservatives than they do with Liberals.
Give it up. The man was a classic anti-government loon that you see on the Right, and its Tea Party spectrum. No one is buying these sad denials.
Just like Joe Stack was championed by Teabaggers, and other Conservative ideologues, I’m sure many of you will find the guts to treat this man the same way. How disgusting.
The modern conservative movement is proud of their anti-government stance.
Show some responsibility for the things you say, and stop helping to produce these confused murderers.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:09 amA.W., the program has an obvious bug beyond the one I repaired.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:11 am“If the Troofers are getting violent, who is going to volunteer to pat down Rosie O’dumbass??”
Rosie O’Donnell has never been patted down by one individual, it takes a team due to all the nooks and crannies… it’s twoo… it’s twoo!
Google it.
GeneralMalaise (2e0f70) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:11 am“Both Bedell and Stack preached hybrids of left and right radicalism. They shared what I call the Bloodhound’s Dilemma; they could smell the rot but they couldn’t see it. Therefore their inept targeting and tactics.”
Stack was not a Marxist. His comment about Marxism was shown next to his comment about Capitalism. He was referring to the failed idealism of Capitalism, brought on by government interference.
If he was a Marxist, then he wouldn’t have been anti-tax. It doesn’t make any sense, and you know it. Beside, Stack was a hero to Conservatives, not Liberals. Again, that’s all you need to know.
What we are seeing is a slow ramp up of Right-Wing violence, brought on by the volatile environment that Conservatives have created with their disinformation machines.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:13 amGM, that was a hoot.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:14 amMichael, stop showing your ignorance. Libertarians are not Conservatives.
And Joe Stack was not “championed” by Conservatives either.
Just how much are you going to make up?
SPQR (8475fc) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:14 amMikhail, good to see you’re still alive and kicking.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:16 am“Beyond that, he clealry identifies with Libertarianism which is full of truthers, and anti-government loons. They’re on the Conservative spectrum. They’re primarily an anti-tax movement, and they have more in common with Conservatives than they do with Liberals.”
Again, from MSLSD: ‘Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was “determined to see that justice is served” in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the backyard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a cover up.’
Yahoo News adds one sentence to that last paragraph re: Sabow… “Sabow’s family has maintained that he was murdered because he was about to expose covert military operations in Central America involving drug smuggling.”
That’s clearly fever swamp/Maxine Waters territory.
GeneralMalaise (2e0f70) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:17 am“Show some responsibility for the things you say, and stop helping to produce these confused murderers.”
If I belong to a group, and anyone who does anything bad (and in some way connects with the group I belong), I am now stamped as having “produce[d] these confusued murderers.
Good luck with that argument.
Corwin (ea9428) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:17 amLOL! @ the idea of Marxist flying a plane into a government building because they don’t like paying their taxes.
Most Teabaggers are anti-bush, and an infamous self-proclaimed Teabagger is the one responsible for starting the whole birther movement. The birther movement is about as ridiculous as the truther movement. Both movements display a lack of poor critical thinking skills.
The problem is, Conservatives display poor judgment due to a shaky world view, and they attract other people with poor judgment.
You guys are kings at brainwashing yourselves.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:19 amMikhail, have you met blubonnet? She’s right up your alley. She actually believes MSM is a right-wing organization owned by the CIA. She’d be a perfect match for you, Mikhail.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:23 amThat’s clearly fever swamp/Maxine Waters territory, Mikhail… good effort, though.
GeneralMalaise (2e0f70) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:24 am[…] While I was reading my newest favorite non-milblog, Legal Insurrection, I ruminated about the lengths the Left will go to misrepresent these clearly Leftist suicide nutters. Early this morning, I’d read DrewM at Ace of Spades who pointed readers to Patterico’s dumpster diving in regards to Bedell. […]
This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » J Patrick Bedell is really a tea partier, despite the best evidence available (37e1a5) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:26 am“Michael, stop showing your ignorance. Libertarians are not Conservatives.”
Sure, because you say so. Both movements are anti-tax movements, which is why Republican Ron Paul is such a darling with Libertarians (particularly nutty, isolated ones) He’s preaching the same rhetoric that Teabaggers are.
The only things setting them apart is their Liberal social values which don’t sit well with mainstream Republicans. However, their economic outlook is in direct line with movement Conservatives, and it often takes a back seat to their anti-tax obsession.
“And Joe Stack was not “championed” by Conservatives either.”
I disagree. I read those screeds numerous times. I read as many different sites as possible, and Conservatives were talking about how he was forced to act that way, and that he had reasonable grievances.
You need to read more, and get out of these echo chambers.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:26 am“If I belong to a group, and anyone who does anything bad (and in some way connects with the group I belong), I am now stamped as having “produce[d] these confusued murderers.”
Absolutely. The accuracy, and tone of your rants, and others like you plays a role in how people view the world.
When you support, and facilitate the kind of inaccurate, and fever inducing rehtoric that modern Conservatives do, then you are absolutely responsible for what you say, and how you say it.
The fact that you don’t think so, is rather revealing.
Every single one of us is responsible for making sure that what we say is accurate, and does not attempt to incite violence.
We’re adults, not children smearing shit on a wall.
“Good luck with that argument.”
My argument is supported by legions of other individuals, and basic logic.
Acting incredulous is not going to win you any arguments.
[note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:31 amMikhail, your lack of intellectual acumen is matched by your lust for vulgar terminology.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:32 ammichael
just how many libertarians are communists who want socialized medicine.
sheesh. what a maroon.
A.W. (e7d72e) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:33 amAs expected, there isn’t any substance to these responses. Incredulity, and name-calling is all that I see.
Oh, that and a bubbling anger, which is hardly veiled, and similar to that expressed by these recent anti-government, suicide goons.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:35 am“Jesus, you’re an idiot. Even if Obama wasn’t born in America, it would make him unqualified, not a “usurper.” He still got more votes, in the popular vote and the electorial college. By comparison, if you believe Bush was behind 9/11, then you believe that as a matter of natural law it is time to rise up.”
“Usurper” is a term birthers use. Yes I know they are fools.
imdw (997b7f) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:48 am[…] appears the shooter at the Pentagon was some crazed, anti-Bush truther. Also, we had the guy quoting Communists as he flew a plane into a building. And the Obama-devoted […]
IMAO » Blog Archive » Do Liberals’ Political Ideas Only Lead to Violence? (935354) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:48 am[…] appears the shooter at the Pentagon was some crazed, anti-Bush truther. Also, we had the guy quoting Communists as he flew a plane into a building. And the Obama-devoted […]
IMAO » Blog Archive » Do Liberals’ Political Ideas Only Lead to Violence? (935354) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:48 am[…] Michelle also says this: As Patterico reports, he hated Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther […]
Pentagon Shooter John Patrick Bedell 9/11 Truther–UPDATED: And A Democrat « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier (b9521d) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:49 am“just how many libertarians are communists who want socialized medicine.sheesh. what a maroon.”
Who was a Marxist?
Are you insinuating that Joe Stack was a Marxist? You’ve already been proven wrong, and Marxists don’t fly planes into the IRS because of their tax debt.
If you guys are going to do this, then at least put some effort into it.
You’re not making any sense.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:51 amMichael,
You pile conjecture upon unproven (and incorrect) assumptions and expect anything besides incredulity and hostility? At least you wiped the spittle from your lips before commenting, so thank you for that. Feel free to bring some substance next time and don’t forget your A-game… you’re out of your league here as it stands. Enjoy your weekend.
Stashiu3 (44da70) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:02 am“You pile conjecture upon unproven (and incorrect) assumptions and expect anything besides incredulity and hostility? At least you wiped the spittle from your lips before commenting, so thank you for that. Feel free to bring some substance next time and don’t forget your A-game… you’re out of your league here as it stands. Enjoy your weekend.”
How convenient. We’ll take your word for it.
However, in the future, the way to disprove the things that you claim I was doing, is to address them.
Giving me a “Just So” story isn’t going to cut.
Over the weekend, you need to ponder the things I said, and come back with a better attitude.
Michael (2a2b55) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:17 amWay back in 2004 when Kerry was asked about trutherism he gave the generic ‘it’s okay to ask questions’. For shame. The Dems allowed this to live in order to build BDS for 8 long years and now some poor soul has lost his life as a result.
Paraphrasing Bill C Post OKC (2fd7f7) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:24 amThe lefty currently resides in the State of Denial… fever swamp/Maxine Waters/CBC territory…
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:25 am“Oh, that and a bubbling anger, which is hardly veiled, and similar to that expressed by these recent anti-government, suicide goons.”
Could Be Glenn Reynolds (2fd7f7) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:26 amWho is more delusional, imd-dumbass or Michael?
PCD (1d8b6d) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:26 am[…] blog Patterico’s Pontifications claims that “Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut […]
Media: Pentagon shooter doubted official 9/11 story, hated pot laws « (725c82) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:30 amSince I address Truthers, Birthers, and trolls very infrequently, my attitude is just fine thanks. Your worldview is so skewed and filled with projection it is useless to argue with you. I’m already bored with you, so it’s easier to point out that you came in here with dishonest comments and dismiss you. Again, enjoy your weekend… mine will be just fine.
Stashiu3 (44da70) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:31 amMikhail, how’s this for improved attitude? Go back to Perestroika High and demand you get re-educated because you were woefully under-equipped for those with greater knowledge of facts and greater wisdom than you. We’ve already dealt with the same memes from smarter useful idiots than yourself, Mikhail, and we’ve already provided plenty of documentation. “Over the weekend,” you need to do your research. If you do so, which I doubt you have the capacity, you’ll find your memes spread by smarter useful idiots than yourself and totally destroyed with documentation.
But do come back, AA-degree-aspirant, and continue trying to lecture those who are above your pay-grade, Mikhail.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:32 amMichael – Joe Stack was in favor of Socialized medicine; also praised Communism and derided Capitalism in his final missive and this proves he is a “Tea Partier”? You are dumber than the average troll we get around here.
Have Blue (854a6e) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:33 amWho is more delusional, imd-dumbass or Michael?
Now that is the $.50 question of the day. Over the course of the next few days, it will be of some interest to witness the acrobatics and gyrations both perform, as more facts become known about the background and left-wing ideology of the shooter.
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:35 amHere you go Michael.
Stashiu3 (44da70) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:55 amI thought the audio was Fortney Harmon Stark…
On Rosie: Patting her down would be a massive task… make her squat and cough and after that
SteveG (909b57) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:59 amjust fire hose her.
“If I belong to a group, and anyone who does anything bad (and in some way connects with the group I belong), I am now stamped as having “produce[d] these confused murderers.” – Corwin
Absolutely. The accuracy, and tone of your rants, and others like you plays a role in how people view the world. – Michael
Geez, Michael, what tone did I bring? I posed, what I consider, to be a simple, straight-forward question. How does one not get labeled by you as anything other than a monster since each of us belongs to some group or another that someone (bad) at sometime has been associated with?
Your make no sense – unless you are vilifying all people. In which case, we’re all angels and demons, depending on what actions of that group you wish to point at.
Corwin (ea9428) — 3/5/2010 @ 11:59 amYou point to those books about the Bush family on his Amazon wish list as proof that this guy isn’t right-wing and isn’t a Tea Partier. That’s either disingenuous or a serious lack of analytical ability on your part.
Fucking hell, some of the trolls here today make me long for the sensible reasonableness of imadimwit. And that really takes some doing.
[note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]
Subotai (d21f34) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:00 pm[…] Pentagon Shooter: Anti-Bush Nut Case and 9/11 Truther Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut case. […]
Blogs of War: Need to Know: 03/05/2010 – John Patrick Bedell (Pentagon Shooter) Roundup (2c3087) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:00 pmI’ve decided to denouce myself for suggesting Rosie O’Dumbass be physically searched. I’m having nightmares while awake imagining what could be lost between the folds of her blubber.
PCD (1d8b6d) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:28 pmPentagon Shooter: A Registered Democrat
EMID 15324137
me (0ed0f6) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:32 pmSTATESOURCE California
PrefixTitle MR
REGDATE 20051006
PARTY Democrat
“…Again, you might very well own a piece of the Pentagon shooter…”
I own no part or piece of any human being, either literally or figuratively.
As to Libertarians, Paulians, etc….
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:32 pmThey would be more acceptable to the mainstream if they had a little bit less Isolationism/Pacifism, and a bit more Jacksonian Back-bone.
Some of these comments, like Bedell, prove that no single ideology is the provenance of stupid.
el duderino (fedc3d) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:36 pmWhoever “me” is, that’s some interesting info. The dude registered to vote when he was 22 and voted when he was 22. Before and after that, nothing. And he registered as a member of that notorious right-wing group, the Democrats. That’s a good find.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:39 pmlittle dude, you’re being intentionally obtuse. As such, your comment has zero value.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:40 pmMy link for Michael above was to Ace who linked Michelle Malkin. That’s where it came from.
Stashiu3 (44da70) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:45 pmPicking up loose threads….
In a Marxist society, no one pays taxes since everyone works for the State, and the State only pays you what you need…
“…From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs…”
Also, political philosophy can be diagrammed in a circle. At the bottom, where right meets left (again) resides the Anarchists Loons of the Left, and the Monarchist Loons of the Right.
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:46 pmSomewhere in that miasma we find the Looney-Tunes of the LaRouchies/Paulians/Ayers/etc.
CA-17 is Monterey Co south of Santa Cruz…
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 12:49 pmSam Farr (D) is the Congressman.
Pretty sure that Michael will be awarded the Mendoucheous Twatwaffle of the Day award. At least until Idiotology comes back. Michael made that twoofer sound sane.
JD (c39b83) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:00 pmDoesn’t matter if this guy was registered as a Democrat. He wasn’t a liberal and he wasn’t a conservative either. His views on taxes and spending and government involvement in the economy were in line with a lot of what you hear within today’s GOP, but probably even further in the “no government involvement” direction. No GOPer today would rail against the Iraq and Vietnam wars like this guy did. That doesn’t make him a lefty though – like his trutherism, it all fit into his worldview of a international “coup regime” hell bent on controlling the US government and taking away individual property rights via taxes and spending and wars and intrusive things like drug laws.
He had some conservative views, some paleoconservative views (ie – isolationism), some libertarian views (he admired Ludwig von Mise and Murray Rothbard), and some anarchist views. But I don’t see anything in his worldview that I’d call liberal or leftist. (no, just because he liked to smoke weed doesn’t make him a dirty effing hippy…and his opposition to drug laws were pure libertarian)
It does, however, sound like he would fit right in at a tea party rally, especially with the Paulites and LaRouchies in attendance. If there’s one movement you can best tie him to, it’s the tea party movement, particularly the more extreme elements of that movement. And the GOP has, for the moment, decided to ride that dragon.
[JamieN, you need to keep a consistent name. –Stashiu]
OGLiberal (6fdbb9) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:01 pmLet’s everyone stop and have a nice cup of hot tea.
Pax (268f96) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:06 pmPax
I just heard Bedell had a history of mental illness and his parents filed a “missing persons” report and declared he might be dangerous.
But I heard it on FOX News radio just now, so, obviously it’s a right-wing lie.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:07 pmJohn, I wasn’t talking about you or any of the other regulars. You’ve had a good time with Mikhail (+1), but you might’ve missed some of these gems from “conservatives”:
“From listening to his rants it was easy to deduce that he was a libertarian. My guess is that he supported Ron Paul.”
“In many respects they were quite anti-libertarian. They were very critical of greed and licentiousness, for instance.”
And the winner is:
“Is this DEAD IDIOT A BLOOD RELATION TO Chris Mathews,OLBEY OR ANYONE ELSE AT MSNBC? They’re NON-STOP TRASH Talking Sh*T HAS CONSEQUENCES.IT IS THEY WHO are at the wheel of this demented shooter’s Sh*t filled mind of poision to commit such a premeditated attack.”
After you diagram those sentences, you may call me anything you like.
el duderino (fedc3d) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:07 pmThat was a lot of words when RACIST TEABAGGERS would have done just as well. It would have been equally dishonest to boot.
JD (c39b83) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:07 pmComment by OGLiberal — 3/5/2010 @ 1:01 pm
The TEA Party attendees I have met and talked to would never associate with the Paulians, and would probably treat LaRouchies the same as a dog-turd they accidently stepped on.
I’ll bet when they do a full investigation of this guy, the LaRouch connection will be fully aired – probably find copies of the LaRouch newsletter (ironically called The New Federalist) in his digs.
Perhaps his thinking can be explained by his connection to Hollister CA, which resided smack-dab on top of the San Andreas Fault! – all that shaking disconnected his synapses.
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:11 pm“The most basic principle of economic justice is the protection of private property and the protection of the right to freely exchange that property. Modern governments, however, consistently and routinely violate the rights of property owners…” – John Patrick Bedell
Alex (cd1247) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:17 pm“The most basic principle of economic justice is the protection of private property and the protection of the right to freely exchange that property. Modern governments, however, consistently and routinely violate the rights of property owners…” – John Patrick Bedell
Alex (cd1247) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:19 pm[…] mention in the story of Bedell’s Bush-hatred or his party affiliation. It fell to the boss emeritus to dig that up, not for the purpose of […]
Hot Air » Blog Archive » CSM: Was the Truther Democrat who shot those cops at the Pentagon a “right-wing extremist”? (e2f069) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:19 pm[…] Media like Christian Science Monitor is asking if Right Wing Extremism caused the attack. From what I’ve read the shooter was anything but a right-wing extremist. If anything he was a far left-wing, 9/11 […]
On the Pentagon Shooter | Ever Becoming, Never Completed (fc3baf) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:22 pm@AD – RtR/OS!
Yeah, that’s why I said the more extreme elements. The tea party movement is certainly diverse but the loudest voices, even if they aren’t the largest in number, tend to be the LaRouchies and Paulites…and it’s difficult to tell the difference between the two groups these days. I disagree with the reasonable/non-crazy tea party folks on many points but they would be wise to distance themselves from the Paul/LaRouche crowd.
Note that a LaRouchie/Tea Party Democrat won a Dem congressional primary in Texas earlier this week. She wants to impeach Obama, thinks the healthcare reform bill is a fascist plot to kill people, and is most worried about the British Empire’s (LaRouchespeak for “Jews”) controlling the planet. Party affiliation (and the local and national Dems aren’t going anywhere near this woman) can sometimes – not frequently, but sometimes – be a poor indicator of what a person stands for or believes or where they fall on the political ideology spectrum.
OGLiberal (6fdbb9) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:26 pmThe most basic principle of economic justice is the protection of private property and the protection of the right to freely exchange that property.
Just to be clear, you’re saying that American liberalism disagrees with this, correct?
Combined with the defence of Marxism above, does this mean the Democratic party is finally admitting to being socialist? Because I’d like the reclaim the once honorable word “liberal” for other purposes.
Subotai (d21f34) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:29 pm“LOL! @ the idea of Marxist flying a plane into a government building because they don’t like paying their taxes.”
Because never once in the history of the world has a marxist ever employed violence against an existing government.
As far as the Marxist position on taxation goes…
“Karl Marx, via his newspaper, the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, published this decree, adding: “From today, therefore, taxes are abolished! It is high treason to pay taxes. Refusal to pay taxes is the primary duty of the citizen!”[81] Marx was later prosecuted for promoting tax resistance, but was acquitted after arguing that it was not illegal to promote tax resistance against an illegal government.”–wiki
…cooperating with existing non-Marxist taxation systems isn’t something they’re exactly famous for.
A word of advice: might want to learn a little about Marxism BEFORE you spew.
Dave Surls (d6f329) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:30 pm[…] registered Democrat, left wing extremist! Bedell was discovered to be a 9/11 Truther according to Patterico! And Recordings of John Patrick Bedell from November 2006 where also discovered. Of course Bush was […]
Pentagon Shooter John Patrick Bedell was a registered Democrat! : Fire Andrea Mitchell! (20d20a) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:31 pmOGLiberal…
I questioned an old friend who currently resides in Houston about that under the rubric as to whether there wasn’t something in the water in Houston, and his reply was:
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:32 pmLittle dude, what good would it do to diagram your sentences? Who cares about subject, predicate, dependent clause, etc, when you’re arguing a position that is seive-like? You want me to dig down deep into pointillism deconstruction of your abstract fictional artistry? For what purpose?
Obviously logic eludes you, little dude.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:35 pmTypical democrat… with a email address.
imdw (50eb29) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:36 pmYou can ignore the fact that he was a registered Dem suffering from BDS and twooferism. Jamie/OG told us that does not matter.
JD (c754d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:36 pmyou might’ve missed some of these gems from “conservatives”:
“From listening to his rants it was easy to deduce that he was a libertarian. My guess is that he supported Ron Paul.”
“In many respects they were quite anti-libertarian. They were very critical of greed and licentiousness, for instance.”
What is your beef with those sentences? It seems at least plausible that Bedell supported Ron Paul, and the Founders were in fact not libertarians.
Subotai (d21f34) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:37 pmTypical democrat… with a email address.
Because … is such a hotbed of anti-Democrat sentiment. Or something. Well, let’s not get bogged down in awkward details.
Subotai (d21f34) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:46 pmCompletely OT, by a mile, but you might like this video Jim Treacher embedded at his new digs.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:48 pmIn addition to the 9/11 conspiracy theories, Bedell also beleived in another conspiracy involving the suicide of Marine Col Sabow. Long-short of it: not suicide, but murder by the government (1991, presumably the Bush Sr admin) because Sabow was about to “expose criminal weapons and drug smuggling to and from military bases”.
Apparently Bedell was intent on finding those he thought responsible for Sabow’s death.
He seems to be all over the place in terms of government conspiracy theories. The last part of his sentence is identical to leftist beliefs.
Heck, President Obama could have written it:
Here’s an article from the San Jose Mercury news (Bedell was an almuni of San Jose State).
Pons Asinorum (95faa4) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:51 pmThe coup regime of 1963???
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 1:55 pmIsn’t that the fallen Republic of VietNam?
How are they still in power?
[…] course, don’t be surprised if the MSM tries to paint this toad as a right-wing nut. There was a shooting just outside the Pentagon today, at a security checkpoint. Two cops were […]
Tea Party Psycho Shoots Up Pentagon | Support Your Local Gunfighter (2711a8) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:02 pm[…] STATEHOUSE 28 STATESENATE 12 USCONGRESS 17 LASTDATEVOTED 20051108 Patterico's Pontifications Pentagon Shooter: Anti-Bush Nut Case and 9/11 Truther __________________ My reality and experience are certainly unique. I own them,not you. And I […]
Man shoots two guards at Pentagon - (5aba06) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:03 pm(@189 AD – RtR/OS!) The coup regime of 1963???
Beats me.
Isn’t that the fallen Republic of VietNam?
How are they still in power?
Pons Asinorum (95faa4) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:09 pmFacts don’t really matter to a leftist or to someone mentally disturbed. I mean this guy was a 9/11 truther, says it all (about both his mentality and his political beliefs).
Michael just showed even more of his ignorance above.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:10 pm“The most basic principle of economic justice is the protection of private property and the protection of the right to freely exchange that property.”
Just to be clear, you’re saying that American liberalism disagrees with this, correct?
Combined with the defense of Marxism above, does this mean the Democratic party is finally admitting to being socialist? Because I’d like the reclaim the once honorable word “liberal” for other purposes.
Comment by Subotai
Contemporary liberalism has more in common with Marxism than it does with America’s founding principles. Contemporary libs target youth for indoctrination, foment hate between ethnicities and races, stoke “class warfare”, promote unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors, and cultivate discord whenever the perceive they will profit from the results.
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:13 pmwhenever they perceive…
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:14 pmContemporary liberalism has more in common with Marxism than it does with America’s founding principles.
Of course it does. But if you call them socialists or communists they freak out for some reason, even as they faithfully recite from the socialist prayerbook. What sort of “liberal” thinks that the defence of private property is a symptom of right-wing kookery? One who is not actually a liberal of any sort.
Subotai (d21f34) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:19 pm“Death” – that was just precious. Crawl back into your cave, or under your rock.
[His comment was put in moderation and Patterico or DRJ can decide from there. –Stashiu]
JD (7c65d9) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:23 pmSo, here is another leftie who has come unhinged, while Big Sis steps up her scrutiny of the right.
Lefties, “liberals,” Dems, communists, marxists, socialists, unions, the PC, A-Jad’s Persia-cutors, & Al-Qaeda are all of the same filthy ilk.
There’s going to be a lot more of the psychopathically entitled going Humpty-Dumpty over the next few years.
Mhu Cao (2842f5) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:41 pm[…] extremists don’t post anti-Bush tirades all over the internet and they’re certainly not Truthers. Allahpundit over at Hot Air sums it up all very nicely. Is it possible to be a “left-wing […]
Fake but Accurate: Pentagon Shooting Coverage « The Daily Plunge (33ee8c) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:47 pm[…] Bedell wasn’t a right winger, he was a registered Democrat, a 9/11 Truther and he hated George W. Bush. […]
Here They Go Again: Media Calling Pentagon Shooter 'Right Wing Extremist' | The Lonely Conservative (79c154) — 3/5/2010 @ 2:47 pmAbout The Pentagon Shooter; Update: Stop Playing Games, MSM. John Patrick Bedell Was A Registered Democrat…
By Michelle Malkin • March 5, 2010 10:14 AM
A nutball shot two security guards at a Pentagon-area Metro station
Always To The Right (516879) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:01 pmin D.C. yesterday.
As Patterico reports, he hated
Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther rants.
“It seems at least plausible that Bedell supported Ron Paul, and the Founders were in fact not libertarians.”
Subotai – Did Bedell say he wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve and rant on about fiat currency? He wasn’t that crazy was he?
Sometimes when I needed a laugh I pulled up that “Money is Debt” BS those Austrian School douchenozzles were trying to peddle a couple of years back, but I think I finally deleted it. It was as bad as the truther stuff.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:05 pm[…] has become pretty clear pretty quickly that Bedell sufferred from Bush Derangement Syndrome, and was a 9/11 Truther, just […]
Anti-Tea Party Crowd Disappointed, Again – William A. Jacobson, Le-gal- In-sur-rec-tion « HOME – Other Right Links and Posts (41d517) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:25 pm[…] problem with this type of tactic by the left is that with the invention and propagation of the internet the facts become available to the average American with very little effort and more importantly via […]
You know one of these days the MSM will not paint democratic Bush Hating 9/11 truthers… « DaTechguy's Blog (cbb264) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:28 pmOk first off here, lets get something straight….. I am a Nonviolent person, I do believe in truth , justice and the REAL American way , I think it sad that someone should take it upon themselves to try and hurt another human being regardless of your issues with that particular group.
My , referring here is to the Pentagon shooting, I DO NOT condone violence of any sort, but I am distraught in how the Media is trying to paint a picture of 9/11 truth and Anti Government types of people.
Just something wrong here (69f039) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:47 pmI love this country and so should they ( the real government) , Why do they ( the government ) fold to the international bankers? How is it that they can just waltz into our country in 1913 and just TAKE OVER?
I guess it all boils down to greed and money, perhaps they should look at themselves in the mirror before they go blame anyone for what one individual has done.
If only there was transparency in the fed and in some of our more secretive branches , like say perhaps the CIA etc. Then people could see the truth behind some of this garbage you and I pay for as American taxpayers.
This is all a vicious circle because you see the main stream media is bought off by the same people who pull the strings in Washington and the one’s who pull the strings around the world.
My suggestion is to get rid of this “LEFT-Right ” paradigm and look at the real underlying issue of corruption.
Boils down to the issue of the Americans being smoke screened, they get you looking over here while they are quietly taking away every right you HAD under the table over there.
[…] lays out J Patrick Bedell’s 911 Truther and BDS facts here and expounds on them here. You will note that Patterico links to at least two sites that are […]
Pentagon Shooter Was Democrat 911 Truther With BDS And Issues « Truth Before Dishonor (28dc5b) — 3/5/2010 @ 3:57 pm[…] lays out J Patrick Bedell’s 911 Truther and BDS facts here and expounds on them here. You will note that Patterico links to at least two sites that are […]
Common Sense Political Thought » Blog Archive » Pentagon Shooter Was Democrat 911 Truther With BDS And Issues (73d96f) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:02 pmFollowed a link about this guy being a right-winger to Think Progress and looking at the tenor, vocabulary and baseness of the comments reminded me of this:
“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
The left really is pathetic. More so when wounded and afraid. We must be careful in the next few months as they sense their doom approaching.
jakee308 (ecc95d) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:07 pmJswh: let me say this as politely as I can.
You are totally cuckoo. Buh-bye.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:21 pmAn interesting feature of all the recent Democrat terrorism is that almost all the victims are black. Both guards in this one are black, two of Amy Bishop’s murder victims were black and her other victim was Indian, and Stack’s victim was black.
Maybe coincidence, I don’t know.
j curtis (5126e4) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:27 pm[…] new-media websites, PajamasMedia and Patterico, have outed Bedell as an anti-Bush, “9/11 Truther.” So it will be a real squeeze for any […]
» The MSM, John Patrick Bedell, and the Gleiwitz Incident - Big Journalism (4556c3) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:56 pm[…] utopian movements gone horribly wrong.The latest exhibit comes in the form of J. Patrick Bedell, the deranged Truther and Bush-hater who shot two police officers near the Pentagon. Like the deranged Communist-loving and Bush-hating […]
Crazy is Crazy, No Matter What Lever You Pull | The Sundries Shack (78f46f) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:59 pm“Beside, Stack was a hero to Conservatives, not Liberals.”
Well, at least one liberal found his manifesto “perfectly cogent”:
Triumph (b66fe4) — 3/5/2010 @ 4:59 pm[…] blog Patterico’s Pontifications claims that “Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut […]
Media: Pentagon shooter doubted official 9/11 story, hated pot laws | America 20XY (8bfc5d) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:04 pm“…The left really is pathetic. More so when wounded and afraid.>>”
Well, we can’t have any wounded animals running amok. We need to put them down as humanely as possible if they are beyond salvage.
“They shoot horses, don’t they?”
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:31 pmI’m conservative and I loathe the IRS.
I get audited all the time because I am self employed.
The last agent I had must have gotten a 2.1 GPA at CS San Bernardino. (Go Coyotes!)
Seriously though, when you tell them you have hired a representative, they are supposed to treat that like a person who lawyers up. (everyone in the IRS sights should always “lawyer up”)
The IRS said I owed 6 figures… net result: zero
But anyway, the agents always fish around AFTER being informed about representation.
Soulless bast****
That said, I think anyone who indiscriminately kamikazes into a building over an IRS problem deserves to rot in hell
SteveG (909b57) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:40 pmHow about discriminately kamikazes?
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:48 pmAt Patterico’s request, I updated the post to add a link to Michelle Malkin’s report that Bedell was a registered Democrat.
DRJ (daa62a) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:52 pmI imagine the reference to the “coup of 1963” is to Kennedy’s assasination and the assension of Johnson. (Just one more conspiracy theory for the nut.)
Have Blue (854a6e) — 3/5/2010 @ 5:56 pm[…] Oh yeah, we forgot something. Crazy ass democrat boy posted anti-Bush garbage on the ‘Net and he was a 9/11 Troofer. […]
John Patrick Bedell: Another Democrat Shooting Americans | The Rude News (43f449) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:00 pmI was surprised to see you link Charles Johnson…he apparently received his marching orders and changed his tune quickly…
Whipet (a31089) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:24 pm“the assension of Johnson”
Good one!
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:30 pmDid Bedell say he wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve and rant on about fiat currency? He wasn’t that crazy was he?
I don’t know if he wanted to get rid of the Fed (something I’m becoming a lot more receptive to these days as we see what it gets up to) but he was clearly a lot crazier than that. By definition, people who commit “suicide by cop” are as crazy as you can get.
Subotai (876cab) — 3/5/2010 @ 6:38 pm“An interesting feature of all the recent Democrat terrorism is that almost all the victims are black. Both guards in this one are black, two of Amy Bishop’s murder victims were black and her other victim was Indian, and Stack’s victim was black.
Maybe coincidence, I don’t know.”
– j curtis
Wow, that is interesting. You should start a movement or something.
Leviticus (30ac20) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:05 pmStack flew a plane into a building. That’s equal opportunity violence, as far as I can tell. Or was the building black?
Leviticus (30ac20) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:07 pmLeviticus, I think you missed the irony that was oozing all over that comment.
John Hitchcock (8f46db) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:08 pmI don’t get these posts. Did people get their panties in a bunch about Timothy McVeigh being a registered Republican? Seriously. Crazy people are crazy people. The Left definitely have their share of crazies, but if we wanted to categorize more crazies, Bin Laden, Hitler, and the KKK would be on the Right. This is all pretty irrelevant because we (the sane people) are all in this together, and demonizing the other political ideology just shows how small-minded those people are.
Kathy (162c20) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:14 pm“Leviticus, I think you missed the irony that was oozing all over that comment.”
– John Hitchcock
Yeah… don’t think so.
Leviticus (30ac20) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:16 pmSeminar troll @ 227.
daleyrocks (5710d7) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:22 pmKathy…
There is no Left or Right in Islam, there is only The Ummah and Infidels;
Hitler was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (what part of socialism do you not understand?);
Oh, BTW, the KKK were all Democrats.
You are now excused to go back to your belfry at HuffPo.
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:25 pmWhy did you put “workers” in boldface?
Leviticus (30ac20) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:33 pmBecause it was a Socialist Workers party…
AD - RtR/OS! (abf357) — 3/5/2010 @ 9:57 pmyou know…Labor!
Virtually every Labor Party in Europe advocates Socialism.
The first thing Labor did in 1945 upon defeating Churchill was to start nationalizing industry in Britain; which is what the various Socialist/Labor parties throughout Western Europe did in before and after WW-2.
j curtis, you are a racist for pointing that out… i denounce you!
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:42 pmJohn Hitchcock, I don’t understand your beef with me. I thought I was joking about how these hot-topic threads bring out the crazy, but I apparently have some deeper malevolent motive. Would you kindly inform me what that might be?
el duderino (fedc3d) — 3/5/2010 @ 10:57 pm[…] Patterico exposes the truth. […]
VIDEO: Conservative Blog Report 3/6/10 – Media Disinformation, Harry Reid’s Happy Unemployment News and Dennis Miller on O’Reilly « Mike LaChance (453ee2) — 3/6/2010 @ 1:30 amHe wasn’t a leftist. Listen to the tapes. He wasn’t a right wing loon either. He blasts the government for redistributing wealth and for taking advantage of the 9/11 attacks to further an agenda. Why is everybody so eager to push this guy onto “the other team”?
CT Lostaglia (b64b49) — 3/6/2010 @ 4:16 am[…] was involved with the 9/11 attacks because it wanted to gain more control of the people. From Paterico’s Pontifications: This criminal organization would use its powers to convert military, intelligence, and law […]
John Patrick Bedell And His Obsessions — (f83d84) — 3/6/2010 @ 8:04 amWould you kindly inform me what that might be?
Comment by el duderino
For a hamburger, today?
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/6/2010 @ 8:13 amAD, in response to Leviticus, said
Let’s not forget the Labor Unions. A large number of them are socialist (or communist/marxist/stalinist/leninist, all the same to me). Take AFL-CIO, UAW, SEIU, NEA, AFT, SMWIA (where I was a local union steward) for examples.
John Hitchcock (80001c) — 3/6/2010 @ 8:39 am[…] blog Patterico’s Pontifications claims that “Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut […]
Media, Spinning Till You Are Dizzy: Pentagon Shooter Doubted Official 9/11 Coverup « Norcaltruth (5155ab) — 3/6/2010 @ 8:54 am[…] Patterico: There was a shooting just outside the Pentagon today, at a security checkpoint. Two cops were injured; breaking reports say the suspect, J. Patrick Bedell, has died. […]
Yes, We’re Having This Argument Again « Around The Sphere (6141c2) — 3/6/2010 @ 9:23 am[…] As Patterico reports, he hated Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther rants. […]
About the Pentagon shooter; Update: Stop playing games, MSM. John Patrick Bedell was a registered Democrat « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian (099f00) — 3/6/2010 @ 9:25 amSeminar troll Kathy… as to your assertion that “Bin Laden” ” would be on “the Right”, I suggest you take a look at the transcript of OBL’s Fall of 2004 manifesto, which came as close to the 2004 DNC campaign platform as it could without accusations of plagiarism being made.
GeneralMalaise (04e9c2) — 3/6/2010 @ 9:47 amAs predicted, the CSM did an attempt to smear the right wing with this. They “updated” it, a day later, indicating that JPB’s associations were “unknown”.
I wrote the following letter to the piece’s author (as well as the editors). This is the cc to the author — Feel free to follow suit, and/or just enjoy…
Praise for your wonderful piece on JPB.
UPDATE Saturday, March 6: As more information emerges about Mr. Bedell, the less it appears that any coherent ideology was behind his actions, except that he was deeply antigovernment.
Oh, REALLY? And this information wasn’t available to this incompetent HACK Peter Grier beforehand?
Patterico predicted the MSM would attempt to make him out as a “right wing nutjob” beforehand a day earlier:
Pentagon Shooter: Anti-Bush Nut Case and 9/11 Truther (Updated)
You’ll also note that he was registered as a Democrat.
The fact that he was a “911-Truther” should AUTOMATICALLY have set the incompetent Mr. Grier’s “Not Right Wing” flags up straight off, but that would require some semblance of intelligence and competence, wouldn’t it?
His editors should also have seen that and gone “Whoa! Wait a minute…!”, meaning that THEY, TOO, are utterly incompetent.
Not saying it’s impossible — just one hell of a lot less likely. Enough so that further investigation was called for, negating the need for the “update”
You’re either a bunch of complete liars or totally incompetent.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
This piece shouldn’t be updated, it should be PULLED, and replaced with a simple:
This article was written by, and edited, by complete morons.
As a direct result, it had no validity or reliability of any kind, and we’re sorry we let it get past the editor’s desk.
It reflects poorly on the competency of our organization at EVERY level, and we seriously regret having allowed it to be published.
You’re a bunch of two-bit HACKS.
IgotBupkis (79d71d) — 3/6/2010 @ 1:17 pmWhat about a discriminate kamikaze?
Well, if a particularly d!ckheaded IRS agent was driving alone in his Hyundai along a lonely road and got dive bombed by a Piper Cub…?
That isn’t the way to handle a grievance, but it does have a certain panache…
SteveG (909b57) — 3/6/2010 @ 1:43 pm[…] As Patterico reports, he hated Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther rants. […]
FreakOutNation » Michelle Malkin Hates Gotcha Journalism (235a69) — 3/6/2010 @ 3:03 pmcheezburger, tomorrow
el duderino (fedc3d) — 3/6/2010 @ 10:27 pm[…] As Patterico reports, he hated Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther rants. […]
Socialist controlled Time-Warner uses ABC News to stir nutjobs like Bedell who went on anti-military shooting rage « VotingFemale (b88a64) — 3/7/2010 @ 8:35 am[…] groups” and blame conservatives for the ravings of a certifiable loon-goon who is an anti-Bush, 9/11 truther registered […]
Al Qaida Call for More “Lone Wolf” Attacks on U.S. | (8f1b0c) — 3/7/2010 @ 9:05 am[…] Patterico and others all across Al Gore’s invention have the details. The evidence is indisputable…which means one of two things will happen: […]
UPDATE: Pentagon shooter was an anti-Bush Truther moonbat « Crush Liberalism (7e1f93) — 3/7/2010 @ 11:39 am[…] now know that the guy thought the government and the Bush family were behind the 9/11 attacks (or “demolitions” as he called them), and was basically frothing […]
John Patrick Bedell, Pentagon Shooter Was A Registered Democrat! MSM Lied!! | HOT News (46bc21) — 3/11/2010 @ 1:19 pm[…] beliefs and/or societal roles: – Anti-abortion Protester Shot Dead – Military recruiter Shot Dead – Pentagon Shooter: 911 Truther, Anti-Bush Loon & Registered Democrat – Leftist Issues Death Threats to Palin & Family – Leftist Death Threats Against Bush Link […]
BizzyBlog (9072b8) — 3/29/2010 @ 10:17 am[…] evidence that the alleged perpetrators harbored pre-journalistic tendencies (for instance, violent hatred of George Bush and capitalism, and messianic obsession with President Obama), but it doesn’t appear they […]
» Journo-Politico Violence: Deadly Threat or Menacing Trend? - Big Journalism (d59464) — 4/3/2010 @ 10:45 am[…] March 4, 2010, John Patrick Bedell shot two policemen at the Pentagon. Bedell was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut case. Read a […]
Left-Wing Violence « Fellowship of the Minds (6141c2) — 5/4/2010 @ 8:21 am[…] now know that the guy thought the government and the Bush family were behind the 9/11 attacks (or “demolitions” as he called them), and was basically […]
Zombie » Anti-Bush Truther shoots up Pentagon; Should we play the political blame game? (a3d746) — 5/12/2010 @ 2:43 pm[…] […]
Media Malpractice: Washington Post carefully edits IRS airplane attacker manifesto to falsely tie him to the Tea Party. Bomber hated Reagan tax cuts & praised Karl Marx. « The IUSB Vision Weblog (88a07c) — 9/2/2010 @ 11:05 am[…] 2- Then we had J. Patrick Bedell who started shooting at the Pentagon – Pentagon Shooter: Anti-Bush Nut Case and 9/11 Truther (Updated) […]
Far Left Discovery Channel Eco-Bomber Gunned Down by Police. Another in a String of Leftist Violence. « The IUSB Vision Weblog (474223) — 9/2/2010 @ 12:08 pm[…] Prof. Amy Bishop shot up her university, the man who flew his plane into the IRS building, the Pentagon shooter, the Discovery Channel shooter, the SEIU thugs who beat up Kenneth Gladney and the list goes […]
Florida School Board Shooter Self Proclaimed Humanist, Railed Against Rich, Touted Far Left Smear Site Media Matters « The IUSB Vision Weblog (d8d876) — 12/19/2010 @ 8:36 pm[…] the government’s power grabs over the economy, and it does sound kind of Tea Partyish. But why the Pentagon? Why a registered Democrat? Why a pot promoter? Why a truther? Sounds like an Alex Joneser, or maybe a plain vanilla […]
Lying Liars Lie About Pentagon Shooter | POWIP (d65a4c) — 12/21/2010 @ 10:01 am[…] ……the alleged perpetrators harbored pre-journalistic tendencies (for instance, violent hatred of George Bush and capitalism, and messianic obsession with President […]
IowaHawk Warns of the Dangers of Journo-Politico Violence « The Foxhole (1f0a19) — 1/9/2011 @ 5:43 pm