Friedman Admits He and Boehlert Tried to Hoax Public; Still Won’t Correct
This post is an exercise in hoisting liberals on their own petards.
Regular readers will remember that Brad Friedman wrote, in a letter to NYT Public Editor Clark Hoyt:
While we can’t know if the text transcripts O’Keefe released were accurate, since he refuses to release the audio tape . . .
In fact, as Friedman well knows, the full unedited audio of every visit for which there is a transcript is available at Big Government. I told Friedman this repeatedly when we appeared on the radio together.
Applying Brad Friedman’s standards to himself, this is a “lie.” After all, he has repeatedly accused James O’Keefe of “lying” about his dress at ACORN — while citing nothing more than O’Keefe’s failure to correct Steve Doocy on a TV show. O’Keefe’s own videos show how he was dressed at ACORN, yet Friedman accuses O’Keefe of trying to hide what O’Keefe himself included in his videos.
If we apply Friedman’s own standards to himself, he is a liar and a hoaxster. He may claim it was merely a mistake, but why should Friedman get the benefit of a doubt he refuses to extend to O’Keefe or Breitbart?
Applying Eric Boehlert’s standards to himself, he is part of this hoax as well. Eric Boehlert has linked Friedman’s post but did not lift a finger to correct Friedman. By Boehlert’s own standards, that makes him part of the hoax.
After all, Boehlert has repeatedly claimed that O’Keefe “lied” or committed a “hoax” merely because O’Keefe did not correct Steve Doocy’s claim about his manner of dress at ACORN.
If we apply Boehlert’s standards to himself, Boehlert has lied about whether the unedited ACORN audio is available.
Friedman himself has now admitted his and Boehlert’s hoax, when he left a comment at this blog yesterday claiming his reference to the lack of unedited “audio” was “obviously a typo meant to refer to ‘video’ tape.”
Applying Friedman’s own standards to himself, this is an admission that he lied and engaged in a hoax. After all, Friedman has now confirmed the facts that I am using to call him a liar and hoaxster. By Friedman’s own standards, that means he has “admitted” being a liar and hoaxster.
After all, Friedman is the guy who wrote a post titled “Giles Admits O’Keefe, Breitbart ACORN ‘Pimp’ Story was a Lie: ‘That Was B-Roll, Purely B-Roll’.” Of course, Giles never opined that O’Keefe or Breitbart had lied; that was Friedman’s wording. But to Friedman, the mere fact that Giles acknowledged facts that Friedman was using to paint O’Keefe and Breitbart as liars means that she “admitted” that they lied.
If we apply Friedman’s standards to himself, he has “admitted” that he and Boehlert have engaged in a hoax designed to destroy O’Keefe and Breitbart with falsehoods.
Not to mention, he’s also lying about his falsehood being a “typo.” Look it up, Brad. It’s not a typo. The letters for “video” are not particularly close to the letters for “audio.” I think you meant “mistake.” By your standards, this is another one of your “lies.”
And also, your post remains uncorrected. Which kinda makes it seem like you don’t care about corrections. Ironic, since that is the fault you attribute to Clark Hoyt.
Word of the Friedman/Boehlert “no ACORN audio” hoax is starting to spread among respected bloggers. Instapundit got the ball rolling with a link last night, and the links will no doubt continue to roll in today.
It’s Day Two of the Friedman/Boehlert ACORN Hoax.
How long will they keep it up?!?!?!?!?!
I listened to all 2 1/2 hours of the radio interview with a mixture of comic resignation and familiar frustration.
Brad Friedman started the interview off with a blatant lie about Ann Coulter and it was all downhill from there. He had Larry, Andrew, and Paterico on the defensive from the beginning and he got the better of all three of them because they simply made the same mistake all conservatives make. They think liberals are reasonable people and if they say something it must have some truth to it.
Liberals lie thru their teeth. And when it comes to someone like Ann Coulter they are shameless and ruthless in their lies because they hate with such a passion that no thought they have is a lie to them. If they think it’s true it must be true and therefore cannot be a lie.
Larry should have smashed Brad down as soon as the interview started and Brad accused Coulter of committing voter fraud. He did it only to defend ACORN because he later was ready with the defense that ACORN was accused of committing voter registration fraud. Not voter fraud like Ann Coulter.
I laughed out loud when Brad said that making a mistake in an article was not the same as lying. That was in his defense of Blumenthal. Un-frigging-believable.
Ann Coulter has been called a lair so many times by the likes of Brad Friedman it’s pathetic. But Coulter has never been caught in a lie. She has gotten some things wrong and corrected them.
Next time you talk to Brad Friedman ask him if his rules apply to her.
Actually, don’t bother. If you ever talk to Friedman again just treat him like the asshole he is.
Jaynie59 (18e5d1) — 3/1/2010 @ 8:28 amThey’ll keep it up because they have nothing else of any value or worth in their shallow and pathetic little lives. Only smearing and sliming gives them a reason to keep sucking up air that would be better spent on higher life forms (like plankton). They’re nothing more than modern – day Sidney Falcos.
JJ Hunsecker (to Falco):
I’d hate to take a bite outta you. You’re a cookie full of arsenic.
Dmac (799abd) — 3/1/2010 @ 8:31 amI think you listened to a different show than the one I was on, where I repeatedly called Friedman a liar.
Patterico (599a77) — 3/1/2010 @ 8:32 amOh: and I backed up my accusation with facts and examples.
Patterico (599a77) — 3/1/2010 @ 8:35 amI’m sure you did, Patterico. I’m equally sure it didn’t stick.
These people appear to have no shame.
Dianna (5f6ad4) — 3/1/2010 @ 9:18 amI don’t know if I would go that far, dmac, but smearing and sliming seems to give them a deep sense of satisfaction. And most of them — but not all — don’t know the meaning of the word “correction.”
For example: After discovering through Michelle Malkin’s site, I started busting their staff full o’ hacks left and
rightfurther-left in its comments section, particularly one especially nasty little number named Glynnis MacNicol. MacNicol (whom I’ve nicknamed “Glynnocchio”) used to co-host an Air America radio program with Ana Marie “Wonkette” Cox, and her every day apparently begins with scouring the wires for a Sarah Palin item to distort beyond recognition.But On December 1, 2009, MacNicol published an out-and-out lie complete with visual evidence disproving everything she wrote. It was a story headlined “Birthers Return, Compare Obama To An Ape,” a reference to the full page ad a birther group took out in the Washington Times with the well-known metaphor of the “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” monkeys. As Patterico noted at the time, Think Progress & Charles Johnson devotees swallowed the racist accusations hook, line, and stinker, despite the fact that the monkeys were clearly marked “Congress, “Courts,” and “Media,” NOT “Obama.”
As I pointed out:
I would daily make a point of it to mention that days, weeks, and eventually months passed without Glynnocchio correcting her lie. Eventually, someone at Mediaite banned me despite my accordance with the rules of discourse. The official explanation from Mediaite’s Managing Editor Colby Hall in an email: “The commenting experience is more pleasant when you’re not around.”
Today, March 1, 2010, is the four-month anniversary of MacNicol’s scurrilous lie without a hint that she may correct it someday.
I admire your (and Breitbart’s) intestinal fortitude in continuing to smack Friedman and Eric Bull-alert with that two-by-four of facts. But remember, pace yourself. These guys would rather endure the beating then admit they’re wrong. I guess that’s what happens when you have such a hard head and a stiff neck.
L.N. Smithee (a0b21b) — 3/1/2010 @ 10:01 amLN – that was a particularly vile smear that the Left ran with. Good on you.
JD (1cc534) — 3/1/2010 @ 10:17 amFriedman and Boehlert will lie until Al Gore freezes over.
PCD (1d8b6d) — 3/1/2010 @ 10:27 amAnd since Fat Bore’s a virtual planet unto himself (replete with orbiting moonbats), that’ll never happen.
Dmac (799abd) — 3/1/2010 @ 10:53 am> How long will they keep it up?!?!?!?!?!
Well, he’s obviously a complete dick.
How much viagra does he have stocked away?
[note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]
IgotBupkis (79d71d) — 3/1/2010 @ 1:33 pm>>> Friedman and Boehlert will lie until Al Gore freezes over.
> And since Fat Bore’s a virtual planet unto himself (replete with orbiting moonbats), that’ll never happen.
Aw, come on. Give me a few hundred gallons of liquid nitrogen and a suitable container. I’ll freeze the fat boy over like Disney’s head.
We can put him on display as the Goresicle.
> The official explanation from Mediaite’s Managing Editor Colby Hall in an email: “The commenting experience is more pleasant when you’re not around.”
Translation: We can’t get away with lies as easily with someone fact checking our asses so constantly.
> I guess that’s what happens when you have such a hard head and a stiff neck.
Don’t forget, that’s stuffed up where the sun don’t shine, too.
IgotBupkis (79d71d) — 3/1/2010 @ 1:39 pm> But Coulter has never been caught in a lie. She has gotten some things wrong and corrected them.
“Bush lied”. Same moronic interpretation by lefty idiots.
IgotBupkis (79d71d) — 3/1/2010 @ 1:41 pmThe Scarlet Pimpernel and his trusty sidekick, Eunuch. Friedman and Boehlert have no shame.
GeneralMalaise (c58b20) — 3/1/2010 @ 2:52 pmWith a lisping “High-Ho, Typo and away!”, the Scarlet Pimpernel and faithful servant, Eunuch, mince off into the sunset.
Tune in tomorrow for more pimpbrication… mispimpresentation… hypimpbole… pimpterfuge…
GeneralMalaise (c58b20) — 3/1/2010 @ 2:58 pm#6 L.N. Smithee:
Funny, I’ve always found the opposite to be true.
EW1(SG) (edc268) — 3/1/2010 @ 4:07 pm[…] I showed in this post, Boehlert labeled Giles and O’Keefe hoaxsters because they did not correct statements or […]
Patterico's Pontifications » Boehlert Lies Again (e4ab32) — 3/2/2010 @ 7:26 am