Patterico's Pontifications


Biden Travels to the Middle East

Filed under: International,Obama,Politics — DRJ @ 7:28 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Vice President Joe Biden has an extensive list of job responsibilities in the Obama Administration:

“The Vice President has been tasked with implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, helping to rebuild our economy and lay the foundation for a sustainable economic future. He is also the chair of the administration’s Middle Class Task Force, a major White House initiative targeted at raising the living standards of middle class families in America. In addition, he is providing sustained, high level focus for the administration on Iraq policy and has traveled to the country multiple times since being elected as Vice President. Vice President Biden continues to draw on his vast foreign policy experience, advising the President on a multitude of international issues and representing our country to many regions of the world …”

That’s quite a list for a Vice President: The Stimulus, jobs, the economy, the well-being of the middle class, Iraq withdrawal and reconciliation, and liaison with several countries and regions. Now Biden may be adding the Middle East:

“Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden will travel to the Middle East during the week of March 8, 2010. The Vice President will meet with key leaders in Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, and Jordan. During the trip, the Vice President will discuss the full range of bilateral and regional issues. Among others, the Vice President will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority President Abbas, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Fayyad, Egyptian President Mubarak, and Jordanian King Abdullah.”

I’m tempted to say Biden has taken on more than he can handle but what I’m really wondering is which issues President Obama plans to handle in the next year or so. He has effectively transferred many of the important foreign policy issues to Biden, and presumably Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in charge of what’s left. I guess that frees up President Obama to focus on domestic and political issues.

In general, Democrats are viewed as more interested in domestic matters than foreign affairs, and as a candidate I thought Obama felt the same way. I wonder if that’s what Biden was counting on.


15 Responses to “Biden Travels to the Middle East”

  1. Biden can count??? since when?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. this must be the heart of Ear Leader’s re-election strategery:

    “The Vice President has been tasked with implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, helping to rebuild our economy and lay the foundation for a sustainable economic future. He is also the chair of the administration’s Middle Class Task Force, a major White House initiative targeted at raising the living standards of middle class families in America.”

    the stimulus is doing everything but creating j*bs and rebuilding the economy, and the middle class is getting crushed by the increased taxes, regulations and general suppression of opportunity and advancement inherent in the ongoing expansion of state spending, oversight and spending, so when the numbers don;t add up, and the polls are against him, Barney’s gonna throw Slow Joe to the wolves, just like the faster guy in the zombie movie….

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  3. [Obama] has effectively transferred many of the important foreign policy issues to Biden, and presumably Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in charge of what’s left.

    As the joke goes, “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who reports to former ambassador Richard Holbrooke, the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. . .”

    JVW (9759d4)

  4. Anyone see Olberscum label all Tea Party participants racists?

    Reasoning: you don’t see minorities at Tea Party rallies — which is proof enuff minorities are racist too.

    HeavenSent (c3c032)

  5. Biden is a fool and will be perceived by our counterparties in foreign affairs as such. This will, no doubt, assist our relationships.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  6. I’m trying to figure out who among that list of nations’ leaders is going to be amused at having to entertain Slow Joe.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  7. “I’m tempted to say Biden has taken on more than he can handle ….”

    Since birth?

    SteveG (11baba)

  8. I have no problem sending Biden overseas. My problem is that we let him come back.

    arch (24f4f2)

  9. That could help to explain why two of the three legs of the stool are collapsing and they are trying to take credit for success in Iraq.
    I would hate to think that all this undercutting of the American Dream is purposeful, all signs point to both parties embracing the malaise. It could be that Biden is the fall guy, unbeknownst to him. Lord Obamas little tornado set loose on the middle class.
    They can’t think we willingly will walk the primrose path to serfdom, do they?

    JTaylor (a6aef6)

  10. So, what, the plan is to send hillary followed by joe to confuse everyone? And knowing that the arabs only listen to men, not women, biden is the real spokesman for the administration. Did he tell the joke about the arab and the goat? And is he giving them instructions on what HIS interpretation of the koran is?

    J (2946f2)

  11. Now we’ll wait until Slo – Joe states that the Israeli people are “clean and well – spoken” individuals.

    Dmac (799abd)

  12. Biden couldn’t find his butt with both hands if he had a map and a mirror.

    mojo (8096f2)

  13. Biden running things explains a lot.

    Kevin Murphy (805c5b)

  14. Victor Davis Hanson reminds us of just what an idiot Biden is and in the process reminds us how much hypocrisy Obama is displaying.

    SPQR (26be8b)

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