Patterico's Pontifications


“It Was Sort of Undercover That We Were Going to Put Obama In”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:32 am

ACORN in L.A. — the saga continues.

22 Responses to ““It Was Sort of Undercover That We Were Going to Put Obama In””

  1. Nancy Pelosi’s “Culture of Corruption” is once again exposed to the light of day.

    tyree (63f92c)

  2. I don’t know that this nice lady knows what’s going on. She probably believes what she said but I doubt she knows much about the credit card donations with verification disabled. A lot went on that we may or may not eventually find out. I don’t think this is a smoking gun but it is amusing.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  3. In the context of the entire recording, it sounds like she’s merely recounting accusations against ACORN, not admitting to anything.

    roy (d6fc79)

  4. What I find amusing is she was clearly enjoying herself, talking about how they were in this top secret campaign to put Obama in. She didn’t sound very intelligent either. No ACORN members ever do, to tell you the truth, including Ms. Lewis at the top, mostly because they keep falling into the exact same Breitbart (TM) trap every single time.

    No, I take that back – Wade Rathke. He sounds pretty intelligent.


    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  5. The lady in the audio recording sounded nice and earnest. Perhaps she had over the years participated in productive work by ACORN. I wonder if she would agree that, if the accusations against ACORN turn out to be true, ACORN has done anything wrong.

    Ira (28a423)

  6. Time not only to DEFUND ACORN Permanently, but also the politicans that ever voted for ACORN funding.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  7. Obama’s Brownshirts.

    Jeffersonian (5363b6)

  8. I agree with Mike K.’s comment from 7:44 am today. There is no doubt in my mind that ACORN is a corrupt organization, but I think a lot of the individual workers are blowhards and liars who like to inflate their own meager value as political operatives and street-savvy hustlers. That San Bernardino ACORN woman who talked about murdering her husband and setting up Hannah and James with an authentic criminal advisor? I think she was somewhat insane and incredibly delusional, not some real-life gangsta revolutionary. Same as this woman who obviously likes to think of herself as a king-maker in politics, but in reality is probably just a dim-witted envelope-licker in the local office.

    JVW (d32e06)

  9. This is a good example of why the notions of “tax exempt” and “non-profit” should be abolished from the Internal Revenue Code. In exchange for muffling their speech the government lets them keep the money they raise instead of taxing it away at the exorbitant rates they have to charge everyone else. In reality it just drives the speech underground, as heard in the video.

    Let ACORN and all the other community-organizations, PACs, Move-Ons and churches pay taxes at the same rates as corporations and partnerships. It might just impact some of their advocacy away from soaking the fools who still pay taxes and allow rates for everyone to drop.

    The benefit is that no one would have to be afraid they’re breaking the law for speaking their mind and organizing others accordingly.

    Banzel (22d25c)

  10. The moon landings were faked too. I can get you an interview with someone who knows EVERYTHING.

    The Bush administration spent 5 years investigating voter fraud and found nothing. Maybe the should have spent more time investigating elsewhere.
    And how much did Blackwater pay to bribe Iraqi politicians?
    I liked Hannity’s ‘apology’ to Jon Stewart though.

    Real honesty.

    bored again (d80b5a)

  11. bored again’s usual response: misrepresent, make false accusations and … look! Over there! A squirrel!

    SPQR (26be8b)

  12. It’s getting harder and harder to take you seriously. It’s the “Arkansas Project” all over again. The Clinton rules. What’s next, Michelle Obama “a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty?”

    This buds for you MIke:
    “Democratic hopeful Obama and Republican rival McCain portray themselves as meticulously abiding by campaign finance laws. But the fundraising review of hundreds of thousands of donations — involving AP bureaus around the globe — found clear evidence that both campaigns took money first and asked questions later, if ever. Shining a light on a weakness in the nation’s campaign finance laws, the review turned up a smattering of illegal foreign donations to Obama as well as missing details from both Obama and McCain in federal paperwork the law requires.”

    bored again (d80b5a)

  13. “make false accusations”
    About what, Blackwater? What planet do you live on?

    bored again (d80b5a)

  14. “The Bush administration spent 5 years investigating voter fraud and found nothing.”

    this is so untrue. If you deny voter fraud is occurring, you are simply not interested in democracy. There are places where more vote4s are cast than there are voters. There are people convicted of voting fruadulently. There are so many fake ACORN registrations that it’s no longer even possible to get them all checked in time. HAVA compliance is blocked by Eric Holder’s DOJ, while black panthers can swing nightsticks at large. Voter fraud and other election scams are real, and all democrats and republicans should be able to agree that it needs to be stopped. If you think this is cute thing to joke about, realize that if we no longer have faith in democracy, that people are probably going to start getting violent. We really need to restore faith in democracy, and ACORN is a main enemy in this regard.

    Hannity’s apology for his program’s screw up seemed completely sufficient, btw. The footage didn’t materially change the report… but it was a screw up. Fox simply showed a mass of protest signs from the wrong protest, in between accurate footage. The footage looked the same and made the same point… but one was obviously from a different time. The admitted the error, and that’s really enough. This is so much slighter than the errors the BBC, NYT, LA Times, and MSNBC engage in. Furthermore, Fox spent more time on the correction, which was more prominent, than the actual error. THAT’S ethics. Fox News just showed the rest of the field how it’s done.

    MSNBC showed that shopped photo of Palin in that bikini with a machine gun. They think that’s cute, but it’s a huge lie, it is fundamental to their story, and you simply will not see Jon Stewart cover it. The left won’t notice, or really care, about their own errors.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  15. Look! Over there! Something shiny! Good Allah, boring again is predictable.

    JD (8a886b)

  16. Bored Again is obviously a troll. I’m not really interested in a discussion with folks like that. I just have to speak up, from time to time, when people make cutesy trollish comments about the simple fact that democrats are cheating at elections. This is not a bipartisan thing, though it’s something we all must agree needs to stop.

    Hoffman received thousands more votes than the democrats said he did. They tallied him as receiving no votes at all in several districts, and after he conceded, corrected their error… of course, by then, Owens was sworn in and had voted on a very abrupt health care bill, that won by only a couple of votes. That’s theft of an election. Pelosi swore in the democrat before all the votes are even in, let alone counted, and held a hugely controversial roll call immediately. That is rank lawlessness.

    I do mind that Obama is the president, but I honor that, because I honor our democracy. I have a way out of my mess… I vote in the next election, make my best arguments, and if Obama does a good job I lose again. That’s a great system. Don’t fuck it up.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  17. JD, it’s me who went after something shiny. Bored Again simply displayed it and provoked me to feed the troll. I messed up.

    ACORN has been in over their heads this entire time. They have completely missed the point. Breitbart is not targeting them. He is using them to get to his true target: the MSM. The right has an excellent boogeyman, who is actually real, and linked very closely to Obama and many, many other dark aspects of the left.

    Without ACORN, all that graft, tax cheating, prostitution, vote theft, thuggery, illegal immigration… it all still occurs. With ACORN, it’s easy to see. The right needs all these problems to be visible. The right needs ACORN to keep doing that horrible thing they do. Though it’s nearly miraculous that Giles, O’keefe, Breitbart, and probably dozens of other people have managed to make this work.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

    “WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

    Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

    Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

    In Miami, an assistant United States attorney said many cases there involved what were apparently mistakes by immigrants, not fraud.

    In Wisconsin, where prosecutors have lost almost twice as many cases as they won, charges were brought against voters who filled out more than one registration form and felons seemingly unaware that they were barred from voting.

    One ex-convict was so unfamiliar with the rules that he provided his prison-issued identification card, stamped “Offender,” when he registered just before voting.

    A handful of convictions involved people who voted twice. More than 30 were linked to small vote-buying schemes in which candidates generally in sheriff’s or judge’s races paid voters for their support.

    A federal panel, the Election Assistance Commission, reported last year that the pervasiveness of fraud was debatable. That conclusion played down findings of the consultants who said there was little evidence of it across the country, according to a review of the original report by The New York Times that was reported on Wednesday.

    Mistakes and lapses in enforcing voting and registration rules routinely occur in elections, allowing thousands of ineligible voters to go to the polls. But the federal cases provide little evidence of widespread, organized fraud, prosecutors and election law experts said.

    “There was nothing that we uncovered that suggested some sort of concerted effort to tilt the election,” Richard G. Frohling, an assistant United States attorney in Milwaukee, said.

    Richard L. Hasen, an expert in election law at the Loyola Law School, agreed, saying: “If they found a single case of a conspiracy to affect the outcome of a Congressional election or a statewide election, that would be significant. But what we see is isolated, small-scale activities that often have not shown any kind of criminal intent.”

    And JD, I’ll tell SEK you say hello

    bored again (d80b5a)

  19. Obviously the Justice Department forgot about Montana.

    DRJ (dee47d)

  20. Oh, and Ohio.

    DRJ (dee47d)


    “Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters subpoenaed the records of roughly 600 people who voted in the county during a weeklong window during which new voters could register and cast a ballot on the same day.

    A report Tuesday by a special prosecutor appointed to the investigation found that only one voter committed fraud. A Connecticut man in town visiting his sister cast a ballot on Oct. 4 but later told officials what he had done.”

    Enough for now. I have to go get drunk. What a bunch of losers

    bored again (d80b5a)

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