Patrick Goldstein: Hollywood Doesn’t Support Polanski, Silly! What? They Gave Him a Standing Ovation?? HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!!!
Polanski supporter Patrick “Sentencing Child Rapists Costs Too Much $$$” Goldstein, in his latest silly piece at the L.A. Times web site:
There’s no petition going around with the names of the real Hollywood elite — A-list filmmakers and studio chiefs like Steven Spielberg, Alan Horn, James Cameron, Amy Pascal, Jerry Bruckheimer, Brian Grazer, Tom Rothman, J.J. Abrams, John Lasseter or Michael Bay — because the real Hollywood elite isn’t supporting Polanski. In fact, they haven’t offered the slightest hint of backing for Polanski.
Bill Zwecker, Chicago Sun Times columnist:
Sources at the White House tell me President Obama — and all of his key advisers — want ”nothing to do with the [Roman] Polanski case.” Key aides (as well as the president) ”see no upside to getting involved in any way,” despite strong pressure from some of Obama’s financial supporters in Hollywood. Harvey Weinstein, actress Debra Winger and Steven Spielberg are among those trying to help the director avoid extradition to the United States to face a possible jail sentence in his rape conviction from 1979.
Spielberg is so non-supportive of Polanski that he offered Polanski the chance to direct “Schindler’s List.”
But Spielberg is only one person. Does anyone else in Hollywood support Roman Polanski? While I mull that over, let’s all kill some time by watching this completely unrelated video:
Wow. Was that members of the Hollywood elite giving Roman Polanski a standing ovation?
I must have imagined that. Because Patrick Goldstein says that “to say that Hollywood is in [Polanski’s] corner, as part of a political argument that Hollywood is a liberal elite woefully ignorant of mainstream values, is just hogwash.” And if Patrick Goldstein says it’s hogwash, well, it just has to be hogwash!
Doesn’t it?
Who are you going to believe? Patrick Goldstein? Or your lying eyes??
UPDATE: A couple of commenters suggest that the clapping is merely for Polanski as an artist. Well, of course it is; that’s why Hollywood cares about him: because he makes movies. If commenters are suggesting that Hollywood doesn’t know how to express disapproval at the Oscars, they should recall how actors like Ed Harris and Nick Nolte stayed in their seats and glowered when Elia Kazan was honored with an Oscar. And how Polanski pal Steven Spielberg applauded . . . but remained seated. (Watch it here.)

Nick Nolte scowls as Elia Kazan receives Oscar. Image via Big Hollywood.
Ain’t nobody glowering like that in the video of Polanski’s award.
But then, Kazan did something really bad: he testified about people he thought were communists. It wasn’t like he did something trivial like drugging and anally raping a 13-year-old.
Oceania Has Always Been At War With East Burbank…
Patterico paraphrases Patrick Goldstein of the L.A. Times thusly: “Hollywood Doesn’t Support Polanski, Silly! What? They Gave Him a Standing Ovation?? HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!!!”
Ed Driscoll (a3d746) — 10/7/2009 @ 11:32 pm……
Did it make anyone else gag up a luggie seeing tacky Nicholson clap his hands off?
I lost all respect for that piece of crap when he was so drunk he accepted an award at the Golden Globes’ Pet Detective style — bent over talking literately out of his ass.
It was that moment I wondered why I watched anything he acted in.
Jack Nicolson is A #1 Dirtbag.
Topsecretk9 (ab69ad) — 10/7/2009 @ 11:45 pmNothing more sickening and pathetic than observing a bunch of limousine liberals, fueled by the nonsensical belief they’re unassailable when it comes to the justice and compassion in their heart, getting teary eyed over people who don’t deserve it, and, in turn, being sullen or indifferent towards those who deserve at least the benefit of the doubt.
I recall a similar bunch of Hollywood liberals sitting on their hands and sneering when some old movie producer, who refused to lie or take the fifth when subpoenaed by Congress in the 1950s to testify about his involvement with the American Communist movement, was being honored at the Academy Awards.
These are the same type of idiots who probably believe that Honduras was being mean and unfair when it ousted its former ultra-liberal president a few months ago, and that Cuba and Fidel Castro are so beautiful because they provide free healthcare to the people of that Caribbean nation!!
The left: Ass backwards, time and time, and time, again.
Mark (411533) — 10/8/2009 @ 12:35 amPatterico
Good catch on Spielberg.
But in all fairness, is it right to use the Academy Awards ceremony as evidence that Hollywood sides with Polanski when it comes to the rape? Perhaps that generous applause did represent that, but how can we know? Maybe the movie that Polanski directed was just that good and that’s what the applause was for.
I wouldn’t venture a guess, since I haven’t seen “the Pianist” yet.
Brad (daf01c) — 10/8/2009 @ 12:41 am# The Last Tycoon (1976)
# The Visitors (1972)
# The Arrangement (1969)
# America, America (1963)
… aka The Anatolian Smile (UK)
# Splendor in the Grass (1961)
… aka Splendour in the Grass (UK)
# Wild River (1960)
# A Face in the Crowd (1957)
… aka Budd Schulberg’s A Face in the Crowd (USA: complete title)
# Baby Doll (1956)
# East of Eden (1955)
… aka John Steinbeck’s East of Eden (USA: complete title)
# On the Waterfront (1954)
# Man on a Tightrope (1953)
# Viva Zapata! (1952)
# A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
# Panic in the Streets (1950)
# Pinky (1949)
# Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)
… aka Laura Z. Hobson’s Gentleman’s Agreement (UK: complete title) (USA: complete title)
# Boomerang! (1947)
# The Sea of Grass (1947)
# Watchtower Over Tomorrow (1945) (uncredited)
# A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)
# The People of the Cumberland (1937)
Watch the response thy gave Elia Kazan/
Topsecretk9 (ab69ad) — 10/8/2009 @ 3:59 amOK, I hate to do this, but here goes:
Weren’t they applauding him for winning an Oscar?
Maybe the Oscar should have been withheld due to what he had done, but they were focusing on what he did in the studio, not in the hot tub.
Polanski ought to be in jail for the rest of his life, or worse. I just don’t think you can say that all of those people support his case simply because they celebrated in 2003 when he got an award.
Yeah, I know that they gave him a standing ovation – and that he wasn’t there because of this case, and many have supported him, but still – that does not mean that all of those people clapping think he should not be punished for what he did.
The many people today who explicitly support him by wanting him released are the ones we should focus on.
Amphipolis (b120ce) — 10/8/2009 @ 5:47 amMaybe rape flacks like Goldberg, Goldstein, Applebaum, Spielberg, Nicholson, etc. ought to be publicly flogged?
PCD (1d8b6d) — 10/8/2009 @ 5:55 amBefore you get all sniffy about Hollywood and how embracey they are about the child rapists you should look really seriously at how much of your monies you give these same ones. If you are that one what subscribes to cable or Netflix or even Southern Living you are part of the problem and don’t think you’re not. America is a lot complicit in letting their media be co-opted by child rapist-embracing dirty socialists I think and beyond that Hollywood is more of a mirror than I think a lot of people are comfortable admitting.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:10 amancillaries.
long tails.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:11 amI know you know this, but you don’t “withhold” an Oscar. It’s simple enough just not to nominate someone for an Oscar. Thousands of directors go un-nominated every year. Had people been repulsed by Polanski, he wouldn’t have been nominated.
People in the industry were trying to make it so Polanski could come back and accept his award at the time.
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:27 amIt’s never just about the work.
Guess why one prominent European official is so supportive of Polanski.
French minister in ‘boy sex’ row
France’s Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand is facing intense pressure over a book he wrote that described paying for “young boys” in Thailand.
The book was written four years ago, before he joined the government, but is back in the headlines following his impassioned support for Roman Polanski. . .
Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (b4b78f) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:38 amPolanski’s body of work pales next to Kazan. Even Hollywood is not that stupid to think Polanski deserves a standing ovation while Kazan should be shunned.
Someone should tell Hollywood to stop digging.
MU789 (3f9d29) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:41 amYou just can’t make France up.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:43 amThe simple fact is that Liberals must defend Liberalism even if it’s obvious that a heinous crime has been committed. Look at the Liberal track record with women. Liberalism is the enemy of women.
Uncle Dan (e4735c) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:46 amExamples:
Treatment of Ted Kennedy over his victim
Treatment of Bill Clinton over his victim
Treatment of David Letterman over his employees
Treatment of Polansky over his victims
Treatment of Sarah Palin in general
Treatment of Bristol Palin
Treatment of John Edwards over his wife
Treatment of Carrie Prejan
Treatment of Marilyn Monroe over Kennedy
Anyone here want to add more to the list? I think we see the pattern though.
Before you get all sniffy about Hollywood and how embracey they are about the child rapists you should look really seriously at how much of your monies you give these same ones. If you are that one what subscribes to cable or Netflix or even Southern Living you are part of the problem and don’t think you’re not. America is a lot complicit in letting their media be co-opted by child rapist-embracing dirty socialists I think and beyond that Hollywood is more of a mirror than I think a lot of people are comfortable admitting.
Comment by happyfeet — 10/8/2009 @ 6:10 am
Yep yep yep. Really well said, feets.
no one you know (7a9144) — 10/8/2009 @ 6:50 am“hogwash” *is* a Hollywood value.
that’s why most of the movies they turn out these days are just that. meanwhile, the city of LA is talking about give the so called “industry” all sorts of breaks to keep them afloat here.
i say: “good riddance to bad rubbish.” go film in Canada you scumbags.
redc1c4 (fb8750) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:01 amNot everyone in Hollywood is scum. Not everyone involved in making movies and getting them out to the theaters are sleazy. There are tens of thousands of great, everyday, normal people and families.
Those people have no control over what other powerful, independent people do. No more so than the people at Enron had control over the guys who ran the company, or the people at GE would have control over Immelt’s personal behavior.
Criticize the people who are the problem, but not the whole city or the whole industry.
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:17 amI lost all respect for Spielberg after his inane moral equivalency posturing in “Saving Private Ryan.” Granted, the opening scenes are truly a testament to his skills as a director, but the plot itself was nothing more than the usual tripe of “we’re no better than the Germans, so who are we to judge?” Worst line of the film – the Hanks character says that trying to save Ryan is “the only worthwhile thing to come out of this mess.” What? He’s a self – loathing Jew of the worst order, and I don’t care about “Shindler’s List” either, where he left out most of the worst of the crimes committed by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto. He’s too cute by half.
After he followed that up with the pic that depicted the Mossad as somehow being the real terrorists by going after the scum that killed the Israeli athletes during the Olympics in Germany, that was basically it for his morality ever after.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:29 amThat’s true MayBee about the good people but complicit is complicit. Me I don’t mean to say they’re all scum just that they work in an industry what’s been as thoroughly co-opted by dirty socialists as academia.
Which, I’m a lot complicit. I try to compensate, but it’s not enough. I try to tell myself that if it wasn’t me they’d stick someone else in there but the last two ones of me were pretty lame and ineffectual. For reals, I should be working in the service of something what’s not part of the problem.
I have limited skills is the hitch, and I think that’s probably the problem what the movie production people you talk about have too. It’s a conundrum.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:40 amSome of my favorite people live in and around LA, so I know it is not the people.
JD (ce1a92) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:45 am🙂
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:45 amI understand what you’re saying, MayBee – but when you go to work in Hollyweird, one usually already knows what you’re getting into. So whether or not it’s fair to paint everyone with a broad brush, there you go.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:48 amMayBee, the good people in Hollywood are being left behind as the limousine libs run off to other countries to shoot the movies and harvest the tax breaks and subsidies.
Mike K (2cf494) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:52 amDmac – it’s hard to remember but it’s gotten worse than it was. Will Ferrell and his so casually godawful dumb health care video… Jesus. Going back just ten years it’s hard to find a parallel for that kind of crass jerk off in the face of America dirty socialist advocacy.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:53 amDmac- “what you are getting into”? You know, not everything is run by the guys involved in this.
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:54 amNot everybody likes them. And not everybody is responsible for their behavior.
It just starts to sound like libs talking about evil insurance companies and big pharma, is all.
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 7:57 amSpielberg can’t publicly support Polanski in this matter because he was the leader of the anti-boy scout sentiment a few years ago. He can’t support child rapists while at the same time advocating for homosexual men to be allowed as scout leaders because that would pretty much mean that he supports gay scout leaders molesting the boy scouts.
j curtis (baef6f) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:00 amI think it’s fun to break shit and I would like to see Hollywood shatter into ten thousand scintillating boutiquey shards.
Meanwhile the tools at Time Warner are working to consolidate their position in interactive. Co-opty dirty socialist bastards. Free-spirited libertarian-leaning little gamer peeps getting borgd every day.
It’s definitely a conundrum.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:03 amRegarding Patterico’s update – point taken, but I still take exception to the implication that this clip proves that all of those people (referred to en masse as Hollywood) think Polanski should not be punished for what he did.
Amphipolis (b120ce) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:03 amIt just starts to sound like libs talking about evil insurance companies and big pharma, is all.
It’s true. This bothers me tremendously. But telling people not to buy insurance or medicine is… stupid. Telling people not to watch so damn much tv is… thoughtful. Kind, even.
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:06 amalso I have a filtrated comment that sort of speaks to that, about Big Entertainment…
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:09 amThat said, the author had difficulty naming even one person he considers Hollywood elite who has openly condemned Polanski.
Amphipolis (b120ce) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:14 ambuncha locksteppers
happyfeet (6b707a) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:15 amI realize that it is perhaps unfair to paint an entire industry with a broad brush, but . . .
Qui Tacit Consentire – Silence implies consent
. . . and the silence from Hollywood has been deafening on the Polanski case.
iamaxian (156518) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:42 amJust FTR wasn’t trying to imply that everyone in Hollywood is bad. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
In fact I’d say that things like this Polanski arrest do us plebes a favor by shining a very bright light on which of the Hollywood people think they are the illuminati, above anyone else’s moral code, because they are just so compassionate and all. And us Philistines couldn’t possibly understand the artistes who need to rape 13 years olds without interference or consequence. After drugging them first of course.
Also, Harvey Weinstein is an immoral, bloviating ass. Just wanted to have a good excuse to say that.
no one you know (7a9144) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:46 amOh, and the earlier thing I said about GE and Jeff Immelt.
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:52 amIt’s actually more like refusing to buy a Panasonic light bulb because you don’t like Jeff Immelt.
I’m done now.
Kazan outed people who (like him) had been or were Communist Party members. The official line was that he ratted people out and nobody likes a rat, never mind why.
One wonders, though. If Kazan was outing people he knew had been Nazis, I’d bet my house that he would have got an Oscar just for that.
Kevin Murphy (3c3db0) — 10/8/2009 @ 8:55 amYou know, not everything is run by the guys involved in this. Not everybody likes them. And not everybody is responsible for their behavior.
I made no such claim – what I was saying is that if you go to work in Hollywood, yet don’t appreciate being linked to the sordid goings – on there, you can’t really complain about it after the fact.
Will Ferrell and his so casually godawful dumb health care video…
Yeah, he and his main writer (McKay) should have been ashamed of that atrocity, if they had any shame to begin with. I find most of their films distinctly unfunny, with the exception of parts of Anchorman. Some conservative commentator challenged McKay on his asshattery, going so far as to ask McKay that if he and Ferrell felt that insurance executives were so greedy, why didn’t they use their millions and set up a healtcare fund for the indigent right now! McKay responded in a pathetic manner on his Twitter feed, as usual.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:12 amthat all of those people (referred to en masse as Hollywood) think Polanski should not be punished for what he did.
OK, but then why so shy about it? Because they’re afraid of their jobs, yes? OK again, but then I don’t want to hear them complain about being linked to it. Either take a stand or put a sock in it, so to speak.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:15 amOK, but then why so shy about it? Because they’re afraid of their jobs, yes? OK again, but then I don’t want to hear them complain about being linked to it. Either take a stand or put a sock in it, so to speak.
To what other industries does this apply?
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:23 amMust people spend their days denouncing everything with which they do not agree? Sounds time consuming.
hmm. I like how you’re pushing back MayBee. Pop culture is almost the best thing ever and the dirty socialists what have infested Hollywood denigrate even that I think. q.v. Will Ferrell. But I’d be sad if my plot to destroy Hollywood succeeded.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:24 amMust people spend their days denouncing everything with which they do not agree? Sounds time consuming.
It is. Way.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:32 amLevi Johnston to pose for Playgirl? I gotted in trouble for calling him a scumbag or somesuch here once if I remember correctly.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:40 amhere is a link for my filtrated comment
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:41 amreal life Hollywood scums … except for the one is in Century City and the other one is in the valley but same dif, really
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 9:48 amMust people spend their days denouncing everything with which they do not agree?
No, but then they also shouldn’t spend their days and time complaining about guilt by association memes. Get over it, and just do your job. Want to know how I handled a similar situation? I used to work for a well – known mag publisher, one who frequently took far – left stands among it’s stable of books. When I called on some Midwestern advertisers who brought those biases up to me, I responded: “although I share the same employ with those editors, I don’t necessarily share all of their sentiments.” When you’re in sales, you have to try to anticipate the possible objections you’ll face during sales calls, so this was one response that proved quite effective through the years.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:05 am=======
It sounds like you were asked about it, and you responded because it was something related to you. You didn’t start calling your clients and denouncing what the editors said, right? Someone who didn’t call and ask you directly might have thought you actually agreed with the editors. Your silence to them implied consent!
Now, did you also take on responsibility for the words of the publishers for whom you didn’t work? It’s all publishing, right?
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:13 amMy tiny exception above does not mean that I like the LA Times piece:
Towards the end of the piece, we’re treated to this jaw-dropping bit of whimsy: “it’s almost impossible to find anyone publicly condemning Polanski.” I’m compelled to point out that it’s not entirely easy finding people who support him, either. It’s so hard, in fact, that you have to do some serious number-fudging to make it look like you found any at all.
Whimsy? Isn’t that what his entire piece is ABOUT? Earlier in the SAME PIECE:
The Times refers to some of the people who signed the petition by name, and it’s the same names I’ve read in similar pieces the last day or so. They cite Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Mike Nichols, Woody Allen and Neil Jordan. Well, yes. Those gentlemen do seem to be on the list.
Seem to be on the list? Was there any question?
to make it look like you found any at all – counting his six names must be number-fudging. And still he comes up empty on people condemning Polanski. Protecting their jobs? These are Hollywood elite. There isn’t one person in Hollywood who is willing to say what he or she thinks? That has not been my experience.
Amphipolis (b120ce) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:28 amNow, did you also take on responsibility for the words of the publishers for whom you didn’t work?
Of course! I’m the guy representing their product, right? So it begs the question: why can’t other employees of moral degenerates admit that they’re functioning in the same capacity?
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:34 amDmac sold dirty socialist ad space to good American people what had conservative values.
That goes way beyond silence = consent to being a stain on his very soul I think.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:36 amAnd you’re still sidestepping the original question: why does anyone in Hollywood have the right to get their panties in a knot when a general implication is made? That was your original contention, and I disagreed with it. I just laughed it off, and they should do the same. You know, get the hell over it.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:37 amComment by happyfeet — 10/8/2009 @ 9:40 am
It seems the promiscuous slut in the Palin family is someone who, happily, they aren’t related to, by either birth or marriage.
AD - RtR/OS! (814db9) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:42 amHmmm… why does any individual have a right to get upset when being blamed for the actions of other individuals in the same industry?
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:46 amThat is a tough question.
…and, if Levi is smart, he won’t go hunting or fishing with the GrandFather of his child – as if they even talk to him anymore.
AD - RtR/OS! (814db9) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:47 amWe’re now into the realm of splitting hairs – we’ll have to agree to disagree on the question.
Dmac (5ddc52) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:48 amHmmm. What I would say is that… even for little people, there’s still a very real cachet associated with working in movies or tv or at a studio and in orbits of same. The secretary at Dreamworks feels like she’s got a way better gig than the secretary at an auto parts company. If we could strip them of that cachet and make them eat it, should we? Then they can have regular non-cachet-having jobs like everyone else.
It’s largely that cachet what begets their silence about the dirty socialists tools they work for I think.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:54 amabout the *dirty socialist* tools they work for I mean
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:56 amafter that let’s do doctors and lawyers and the CIA
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 10:58 amSo how ’bout a great round of applause for that great artist, musician and outstanding humanitarian… Charlie Manson!
(Snark also works for other historic figures, but then I’d risk invoking Godwin.)
RB (529753) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:01 amIs someone with the initials AD trying to get me in trouble I wonder cause I’m all about the judicious silence when it’s judicious except sometimes.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:02 amEh. I once worked for a decidedly non-glamorous company where several heads of the departments would go to the strip club every Friday night. Occasionally they’d hire the girls to go on golf weekends with them.
MayBee (34a54a) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:03 amI thought it was disgusting, but I didn’t say anything and I didn’t quit may job because of it. There was only so much I could control.
Hmmm. Maybe we need to reframe the issue. This is hard.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:11 amIs castigating an entire dirty socialist industry the same as castigating all the people what work in that industry?
I don’t think. No more than castigating dirty communist China is the same as castigating all Chinese, many many of whom are delightful. Same same I think.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:22 amhappy, you’re the one who brought up Levi Johnston @ 43, I was just following-up…
AD - RtR/OS! (814db9) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:26 amIt is, after all, news of the day.
yes. just so. news of the day. Levi. sans clothing. I bet NPR does a story. Maybe not but I bet they do.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:34 amIs someone with the initials AD trying to get me in trouble I wonder cause I’m all about the judicious silence when it’s judicious except sometimes.
Comment by happyfeet — 10/8/2009 @ 11:02 am
Should be illegal how much fun it is to read happyfeet’s posts what sound like this one above. LOL
no one you know (7a9144) — 10/8/2009 @ 11:57 amHappyfeet–keep it up. Sometimes I have to laugh out loud at your comments–they’re on point and humorous at the same time–not an easy thing to do in this age of The One.
Rochf (ae9c58) — 10/8/2009 @ 3:48 pmSick, twisted, Oscar licking glitterati.
daleyrocks (718861) — 10/8/2009 @ 5:41 pm[…] because it would cost too much money to sentence him. After a considerable backlash, Goldstein implausibly asserted that Hollywood doesn’t really support Polanski — a claim easily refuted with video of the standing ovation he received for winning the Oscar […]
Patterico's Pontifications » Patterico’s Los Angeles Dog Trainer Year in Review 2009 (e4ab32) — 12/31/2009 @ 10:32 pm