Patterico's Pontifications


A Simple, Innocent — And Yet (I Think) Very, Very Important Question

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:55 pm

Roman Polanski’s defenders continually emphasize one thing: that despite raping a child in Los Angeles, he has never done anything like that since.

I have a simple question: how do we know that?

335 Responses to “A Simple, Innocent — And Yet (I Think) Very, Very Important Question”

  1. Simple, we don’t.

    If you don’t get caught, it didn’t happen.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  2. Roman Polanski’s defenders emphasize a number of things. Another would be that his accuser has publicly forgven him, almost invariably skipping over the intervening private settlement.

    Karl (246941)

  3. They also make a big deal about the passage of time between his escape and subsequent arrest, as if it makes a difference. Had he been re-arrested a month after his flight, no-one would have complained when he was imprisoned. So, are we to assume that the longer you evade arrest, the less culpable you become? Interesting set of values his supporters have.
    They use the same logic on illegal aliens. “Oh he’s been here 25 years, it would be cruel to send him back now…”

    Gazzer (22ecdc)

  4. Have mercy on me. I murdered my parents, leaving me an orphan.

    Karl (246941)

  5. I have an simpler question: who cares what he’s done since?

    Leviticus (30ac20)

  6. Also, bear in mind his affair with Nastassja Kinski when she was just fifteen. As the Brits say, it shows he had form. Are we to believe those are the only two incidents with minors in his 76 years on the planet?
    Hate to use this resource but from Wikipedia,

    At 15 Kinski began a romantic relationship with director Roman Polanski

    Gazzer (22ecdc)

  7. Leviticus:

    If your point is that he should be held accountable regardless, I’m right there with you.

    But if we were to learn, say, that he continued his activities with underaged girls while in France . . . would that really be irrelevant to the controversy?

    I think it would not.

    Patterico (64318f)

  8. I think we should give just a bit more consideration to the opinions of the actual victim (not hypothesized other victims who may or may not exist). Could she have been motivated by a settlement? Perhaps. But her counsel’s lawyer at the time of the plea and her own letter several years later are very clear about her feelings. I don’t think it’s appropriate to basically accuse the victim of accepting a bribe in return for requesting no jail time.

    In my career, I have seen a number of victims who sought leniency for those who committed crimes against them, with no monetary settlement in the picture at all. To imply that her thoughts are of no matter because of some settlement she or her family may have accepted many years ago is rude and heaping scorn of sort on somebody who is not only innocent, but the actual victim of the crime.

    True, prosecutors cannot always, and should not always, abide by the wishes of the victim. The prosecutor represents, first and foremost, the public as a whole and the law itself. But, as the initial prosecutor apparently found, it is at times appropriate. And many sex crimes involving juveniles, like this one, result in pleas to lesser charges, as here, precisely to avoid putting the victim through the torture and publicity which would be the inevitable result of a trial.

    PatHMV (a00c3c)

  9. Are we to believe those are the only two incidents with minors in his 76 years on the planet?

    That is an excellent question, I believe.

    Patterico (64318f)

  10. I think you should have Abner check his dick.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  11. he has never done anything like that since.

    We have not heard anything about him doing this again, but that does not mean he didn’t or that someone might not come out of the wood work after his arrest.

    Since the child rapist defenders don’t think that drugging and raping a 13 yr. old girl is wrong and should be prosecuted, what difference is it to them if he has done it since then.

    Has the bar been lowered so far by the “elites” that you have to be caught more than once for the same crime to deserve punishment for the perpetrator and justice for the victim?


    Baxter Greene (af5030)

  12. Gazzer, I believe Kinski was a teenaged girl in one of Polanski’s films, was she not?

    Patterico (64318f)

  13. he has never done anything like that since.

    We don’t know whether he’s done anything like that again, but considering he’s spent the last three decades in Europe where apparently they don’t so much as bat an eye over such heinous acts artistic behavior, how would we know?

    Dana (863a65)

  14. The victim’s opinion should hold weight as to the original offense, but not, I think, to Polanski’s crime of fleeing the country. That was not a crime against her, but against the state of California and its people.

    HowdySir (13222d)

  15. Leviticus said:

    I have an simpler question: who cares what he’s done since?

    Comment by Leviticus — 9/28/2009 @ 9:17 pm

    I do.

    Ag80 (592691)

  16. By the time she starred in Tess (1979) which was a Polanski film she was around 18 or 19. However, their affair had begun back in 1976 when she was fifteen. There is some mystery surrounding her birth year which seems to stem from a lot of nude work she did as a minor, and her desire to appear older for American consumers.

    Gazzer (22ecdc)

  17. Kinski was Tess, in Polanski’s film based on the Thomas Hardy book.

    Dana (863a65)

  18. I’m just flabbergasted that the people who lecture us about the morality of war, environmentalism and such are daring to lecture us about pedophilia, from the wrong side. Hollywood was already not getting my money, but Weinstein is tempting me to turn off Project Runway, now.

    Willa (03e7f6)

  19. PatHMV,

    Nice strawman. I didn’t write that the victim’s opinion was irrelevant, but that the settlement is routnely overlooked by Polanski’s defenders. If you think such terms are uncommon in civil settlements, you’re fooling yourself. And if the case had to be tried today, the terms of the settlement would be a legit ground of questioning a hostile witness.

    BTW, to the extent the victim’s opinions are relevant, she is also of the opinion that Polanski should return and face the music, which is again routinely overlooked by Polanski’s apologists. She said that in 2003 — years after the letter prepared by the lawyers.

    Moreover, as you admit, the bigger picture is that states do not pursue private justice (hence the civil track).

    Karl (246941)

  20. Well, Patrick, if he’s done it again, he’s done it in France, land of sophisticated thought and sexual liberation, where it’s probably, like, a misdemeanor at most, at least if committed by a Great Man.

    Ken (b1c452)

  21. Hey, how about Catholic priests in France? Can they have sex with 13 year olds after drugging them? And is that kind of thing equally sophisticated and misunderstood?

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  22. “If your point is that he should be held accountable regardless, I’m right there with you.”

    – Patterico

    That was indeed my point – but you’re right that other incidents would be highly relevant.

    Leviticus (30ac20)

  23. Actually, both France and Poland have some pretty severe penalties for the same crime, making their hypocrisy all the worse.

    epobirs (bec491)

  24. My simple, innocent question was: How in God’s name do these (Hollywood elites, Euros, journalists, and even some commenters) people defend a rapist? But now I know better. Thank you Whoopi, for enlightening me,

    “I know it wasn’t rape-rape. It was something else but I don’t believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like ‘You know what, this guy’s going to give me a hundred years in jail I’m not staying,’ so that’s why he left.”

    Dana (863a65)

  25. “As a director, he was 10 times more wonderful than as a lover.”–Nastassja Kinski commenting on Polanski’s abilities

    Dave Surls (dec7fb)

  26. His current wife is 43. Pretty old for a rock spider like Polanski.

    Dave Surls (dec7fb)

  27. well, if he had, i’m sure i would have read about it in the Times…..

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  28. In a London lawsuit Polanski filed against Vanity Fair alleging defamation, he reportedly admitted having sex with minors after his wife’s murder:

    “But the Polish film-maker told jurors he took solace in sex following Tate’s death, and seduced numerous teenagers from a finishing school in Gstaad, Switzerland …”

    I don’t know whether this would have been statutory rape but it does show a pattern regarding age.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  29. PatHMV….if she had written that she forgave him when she was 13, even if she then took a settlement, and he had stayed for the sentence, there would be no problem with “forgiving” him now…

    But, if she wrote the letter 20 years later, when she’s had time to mature and grow up, in my mind that has no bearing on whether or not he should now pay for his NEXT CRIME of jumping bail before sentencing. He has served NO TIME for the crime he plead guilty for.

    Time to pay the piper….

    reff (502473)

  30. DRJ, you just have to accept that people like you and me just aren’t sophisticated and worldly and nuanced enough. Yes, it looks like hypocrisy. But that is, again, just because we don’t have enough croissants and cigarets for breakfast, and go to Mr. Chow’s for dinner.

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  31. I suppose it leads to another question;
    What do we do when we meet a person who defends this clown?

    Richard Aubrey (d6c1f7)

  32. Since the child rapist defenders don’t think that drugging and raping a 13 yr. old girl is wrong and should be prosecuted, what difference is it to them if he has done it since then.

    Since they don’t think it’s a big deal, and they don’t want him to face consequences, why would they report him?

    Daryl Herbert (38e6a5)

  33. Bear in mind that the fact that the victim forgave him is legally irrelevant. He confessed his guilt, and was due to be sentenced…an action which has yet to be completed.

    The victim’s subsequent attitude towards the offender does not negate the fact the he committed a crime, was found guilty, and has yet to serve any punishment for it.

    Once again, it is “feelings” vs. the weight of law.

    Steve B (5eacf6)

  34. Ah, Patterico, you corrupt and abusive cop, are you still blogging? How many people have you murdered with tasers, pathetic Patterico bastard?

    You have defended tasering people by police in his filthy Nazi blog. You have said that whoever complains about the police is a gang member. Why don’t you move to the Soviet Union, or to Georgia to kill some Jews and blacks? come on, it’s abundantly clear you’re a corrupt and violent cop.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  35. Does this mean that everybody gets one freebie rape?

    Buzz Killington (3da0e1)

  36. it’s abundantly clear you’re a corrupt and violent cop.

    Since Patterico isn’t any kind of cop, but rather an attorney, you have invalidated everything you have to say by finding it abundantly clear that he is one. Congratulations, that’s usually hard to do in less than one full sentence.

    Buzz Killington (3da0e1)

  37. He can’t be guilty of any crime, he his spoken profusely of his good intentions for the poor and his desire to have everyone else riches used on their behalf.

    HeavenSent (01a566)

  38. My simple question is: Who cares? But beyond that, recidivism in pedophiles (and let’s admit here and now Polanski is a pedophile) is off-the-charts high. We can’t know (for now), but I’d lay 100 to 1 odds he’s done it a number of times since. It’s simply not plausible that it happened just that one time and not before or after that.

    It’s really a crime that he’s still breathing.

    Peg C. (48175e)

  39. Damn it, Patterico, QUIT MAKING ME LIKE YOU.

    ilyka (77278c)

  40. Earth to Asher!

    Earth to Asher!

    The bus to the asylum is leaving in 5 minutes.

    Please check your tinfoil hat at the ticket counter.

    We appreciate your business.

    Thank You!

    MU789 (9ab961)

  41. I like Asher. Me gusto mucho el loco. Muy muy muy muy loco.

    JD (0b1bd3)

  42. The average reader/commenter here gets hit with the same charge?
    I’d count myself as lucky to make it past my first baloney sandwich without a skull fracture

    SteveG (97b6b9)

  43. “You have defended tasering people by police in his filthy Nazi blog.”

    I always knew there was something fishy about this blog.

    Dave Surls (7cc926)

  44. Asher, just wait until Captain Patterico lets you know he even supports cops having guns.

    Dustin (0bdb72)

  45. And here is the answer to Patterico’s question, from the horse’s mouth:

    Yup. Polanski was certainly contrite, wasn’t he? Classy, too…

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  46. Where is ACORN when you need them? Roman should have a free house in LA by now, and not be paying taxes while he “auditions” illegal underage sex slaves. Perhaps he could be Obama’s Young Miss Czar. This is the new face of Liberalism. Nothing is too extreme for the Elite. You peasants just wouldn’t understand. Now back to your jobs, nothing to see here.

    halfacarafe (06675d)

  47. P.S.

    Both Polanski and Teddy Kennedy are registered to vote in Chicago.

    halfacarafe (06675d)

  48. Strictly for hypothetical use: On the other hand, Mr. Patterico, how do we know that you have stopped murdering little boys? Are we just supposed to take your WORD for it?

    That said, Polanski needs to “belong” to a prison gang. I don’t mean “join”. I mean “belong”, in the biblical sense.

    bobdog (166386)

  49. Hey guys, you like pedophiles, don’t you? You’re not bothered by Michael Jackson, a known pedophile. You sanctified, sheep goaded by the media. No no, just the Jew Polanski is guilty. Jackson could have sex with as many little boys he pleased – that’s his right, isn’t it? Certainly is for you guys.

    But the Jew Polanski? Oh no, we’re going to cook some rape accusation.

    And you little cowards like Patterico because he supports every kind of police brutality. You didn’t see war yet are machos. Go to war if you’re such men and then come and talk. But you’re just a bunch of beer-belly armchair nobodies with living room courage.

    Patterico works for LAPD and supports tasering of innocents, Mr. Dustin. To any of you who supports that: may you yourself and all those you love be tasered. May all that you wish to others be done to yourselves.

    But, as your idol Patterico (quite an idol you guys have found!), I know your answers: you guys feel you are entitled to do evil to others.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  50. I like Asher. Asher is muy muy muy muy muy muy muy loco.

    JD (8b3caf)

  51. JD, you don’t have arguments, so you write some Spanish words, you little pendejo. Maybe you can also bark for the audience. It would surely fit with the rest of your logic and your intelligence level.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  52. Go ahead, JD. Bark for us. You heard Asher.

    Patterico (64318f)

  53. Hey halfacarafe, you are the typical American conservative – stupid, ignorant and pathological liar. Polanski isn’t an American citizen. Kennedy is dead.

    Your ilk said Stephen Hawking would be dead in the British health care system. Hawking is British and has always lived there. But don’t cofuse a conservative with facts. The true red-blooded conservative doesn’t care about facts and likes police brutality in each and every circumstance.

    Once someone is accused by the police, that person is ALWAYS guilty for you. And if someone is harmed physically by the police, which is what Patterico likes to support, it’s even better for all of you guys. Cowards who’ve never been to war, you live vicariously through the actions of cops while patting you beer-bellies.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  54. Oh. Asher thought I meant him.

    Well, anyone who wants to can bark. How’s that?

    But Asher, it’s getting late, and the neighbors need to get some sleep. So, if you can . . . just bark quietly. Okay?

    Patterico (64318f)

  55. What’s the matter Patterico, have you come back from another tasering of innocents? Have you kiled anyone today? Tell us, you gloat in violence and abuse anyway.

    Knowing your blog means understanding why the Rodney King riots happened – because of abusive creeps like yourself. You’re no ordinary creep, you’re a creep who defends abuse in The National Review and in your sick neo-Nazi blog. No wonder you’re calling others dogs – that’s a standard Nazi insult, you only show what your allegiance is.

    Reading it also means understanding the mentality of demented cops and law “enforcers” hell-bent of brutalizing and murdering innocents. I hope your blog gets read more, so as people see more of the kind of psychotic creeps like yourself that “uphold the law” in Los Angeles. Good job Patterico! Wouldn’t it be time for you to team with Sharon Keller in Texas? You share with her the dementia and proud abuse of innocents. Like her, you won’t hold that law license forever.

    The truth is that you’re a nobody with no courage. All you have guts for is attacking innocent and unarmed people. If they’re Jews, even better. Perhaps you read a bit too much of Mein Kampf. I sincerely wish you to be tasered – what you have willed and defended doing to others, may it happen to yourself. It would certainly be fair.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  56. Hua majnoon jidaan.

    This clown has to be some kind of parody, or this one makes International Man of Parody seem sane and rational in comparison.

    Idiocy flows from this one like water from a spigot, a sick kind of verbal diarrhea.

    JD (3f1cb1)

  57. Asher, you are meshugganah! (I don’t care if I spelled it wrong.)

    I think Polanski is a serial child rapist and ought to sepend 48 days in San Quentin in the general population after his arrival is properly announced. Asher, you can provide Roman a bottle of ‘ludes and a bottle of Mogan David to ease his pain.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  58. JD, you cannot come with a single argument because you have no brains, pendejo. That is exactly what I expect from Neanderthals like you, and that motivated me while serving in the Israeli defense force while Calibans like you (violent, aggressive and invariably stupid) roam the world freely, there is no other way to protect people from murder, certainly not Jews.

    Listen JD pendejo (you very well know that’s what you are, and so does anyone else here), come here and I’ll give you a dollar and then you lick somebody else’s boot. Then you can get sip some Night Train when you hop on the fright train.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  59. PCD, you’re an asshole, and I think I got the spelling right. neither you nor the nincompoop whose boots you lick, Patterico, had any problems with jackson being a pedophile. I’m not defending Polanski. I am saying that you, JD, opatterico and bunch of other cowards do it to Polanski because he is a Jew. You had a non-jew doing much worse things – Michael Jackson did that with many minors, not one. But that didn’t bother you, for a obvious reason: you are an anti-semite, just like patter
    and JD. Where is your protest against Michael jackson?

    Where is Patterico’s? But I know very el the minds of nobodies like you: reflexive anti-Semites.
    Jew Jackson does something bad? No problem , you let him free.
    Jew Polanski – innocent? No way, the anti-Semites like you will always find a ;auy.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  60. I have to admit I came to this thread because I saw a name I liked, Asher Yosef. But, upon reading his logorrhea, I regret it. If Asher Yosef refuses to take the time to actually read things, then it is pointless to take the time to rip every single one of his false premises apart.

    And, Asher Yosef, I’ll contribute to your sons’ Bar Mitzvah if you’ll actually read all the articles on this site that you claim are Nazi-esque and write a full, cited research presentation. In fact, I dare you to find one anti-semitic article. I dare you to find even one racist article.

    But that’s not what you’re about, is it, Asher Yosef? Neither Asher (father of one of the twelve tribes) nor Yosef (owner of the multi-colored coat) would approve.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  61. Asher Yosef, regarding your defense of the indefensible Roman Polanski, I strongly suggest you read your sacred scriptures. In your sacred scriptures is a part which deals with Roman Polanski. It says a minor does not even have to yell out for help and the man indulging himself with her is guilty of raped. And the penalty for rape in your sacred scriptures? Stone him till he’s dead.

    I know, since I hold the Old Testament sacred. You might want to check it out some time.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  62. Well Hitchock, I have dealt with illiterates before and you certainly are one. Neither you nor anyone else on this thread has told me why they had no problem with Michael Jackson, who had sex with many young boys. You, Patterico, the donkey called JD and many others all have only one problem: with the Jew Polanski who did it once, but not with the non-Jew Michael Jackson who did it many times.

    Patterico of course is the worst of all, since he works in law enforcement in Los angeles. He might have done something against Michael Jackson, but he did not. It didn’t bother Patterico that Michael jackson had sex with many young boys, certainly younger than the girl who was already sexually active when she had sex with Polanski.

    My point is not that Polanski is innocent, but that:
    – he is prosecuted for what he didn’t do (rape) instead of what he did do (sex with a minor).
    – non-Jews who committed crimes of the same kind are not bothered by US justice – on the contrary, as child sex absuser Michael Jackson showed, they are sanctified.
    Until I see equal treatment for Jews like Polanski and non-Jews like Jackson, I’ll call it what it is: anti-Semitism.

    My larger problem is with you John Hitchcock, with Patterico and with other commenters, all of which only dislike illegal sexual behavior IN JEWS ALONE. It is very clear what that tells about yourself. And spare the offers about my sons’ bar mitzvahs, I find it insulting and indecent.

    Additionally, Patterico has many times defended tasering innocent people. That’s how he respects the law, which is particularly relevant since he works in the law enforcement. Having Patrick Fey, a.k.a. Patterico, enforce the law, is like having David Duke enforce desegregation.

    Neither you nor him have any respect for the law. Applying the law to a Jew? Oh yes, that you may do. The non-Jew meanwhile is the latest US saint, even though he did much worse.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  63. From Patterico’s 6/27/09 post commenting on Michael Jackson’s saccharine obituaries:

    Awww. Like many of the pieces, the fact that Jackson was a pedophile is relegated to a passing mention of accusations of child molestation — four words and move on. Some pieces don’t even have that much.

    I’m not even going to bother responding to the rest. You aren’t worth my time.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  64. JD, my experience with people like you -stupid and aggressive- is that they are incapable of any rational and fact-based arguments.
    Occasionally their aggression become violent, which can be fun since they tend to underestimate their targets and wildly overestimate their abilities.

    You wrote many times on this thread and have not made a single argument, because your two neurons are not quite enough for anything more than an insult. You are a nobody, just Patterico’s grunting yes-man, a sorry Caliban lost in the world. If you come by my table, I’ll give you a dollar and you go sing elsewhere.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  65. I have decided Asher Yosef is a Philistine and not an Israelite. Because Israelites are forbidden from providing false testimony and Asher Yosef is replete with false testimony.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  66. Mr Killington sarcastically asked:

    Does this mean that everybody gets one freebie rape?

    No, of course not. Only the artistes get that.

    The realistic Dana (474dfc)

  67. John Hitchcock, I challenge you to show what is false in my posts. I want to hear proof that even a single statement I made is false. As JD, Patterico and other idiots here, you are simply incapable of discussing facts.

    Until you come with facts, keep your filthy offers of money to yourself, you corrupt man.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  68. Does anyone hear a dog barking?

    Patterico (64318f)

  69. Asher, as DRJ already noted, you can look here on PP’s list of old articles.

    There, that’s definitive proof of a single statement that you made that was false. Or are you going to move the goalposts, Philistine? Are you going to defend your false witness?

    Since I proved you made false statements, as per your request, I have a demand for you. Prove I am corrupt. I double-dog-dare you.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  70. Heh, Patterico, you posted that comment while I was writing mine.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  71. Wow, that “Asher Yosef” writes a mean parody of an ignorant left-wing troll!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  72. The realistic Diane: somehow you forgot Michael Jackson. He had sex with MANY underage boys. How come only the Jew Polanski bothers you?

    There’s no evidence there was rape. There’s evidence Polanski had sex with a minor. That is illegal and he should serve time, of course. But rape? There was no rape.

    Moreover, your credibility, along with that of most commenters here, is strained by the fact that this crime (sex with an underage person) ONLY bothers you all if made by a Jew. Michael Jackson has sex with MANY young boys. No problem, he’s not going to go to jail. The jail is just for the Jew.

    Certainly Patterico, who works in law enforcement in Los Angeles and defends tasering innocents, didn’t prosecute that creep Jackson. The American media, the American justice and the American public also had no problem with the serial pedophile Michael Jackson. It is only the Jew Polanski who is made to pay. The message is absolutely clear: the Jew should pay, while the non-Jew can do whatever he wants, and many times so. Patterico and his cronies will applaud, while the background music is from Michael Jackson.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  73. Asher, that’s “Realistic Dana”, a very important note to consider, since Dana is an androgenous name, and “Realistic Dana” is “adj-laden Dana” as opposed to “Dana”. Adj-laden Dana is male, Dana is female. Just so you know.

    And, I refer you to the links I provided showing DRJ’s link to Patterico’s article proving you are providing false witness, a very specific point. And I repeat my demand for you to prove I am corrupt or retract that additional false witness.

    Of course, I won’t hold my breath, Philistine.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  74. Well Brother-something-or-other, you show yourself to a be a true Far Right fellow traveler – just like the rest of the your brainless herd, of which not a single one here who has a factual argument. But you guys sure know how to make the Jew alone pay. Meanwhile non-Jew Michael Jackson could fuck as many little boys as he pleased, no problem with you.

    And keep your quotations for your “mother”. Asher Yosef is my real name, whether you like it or not.

    Perhaps you’ll offer me money, as your brother-in-spirit John Hitchcock did. That’s how you guys think you can settle arguments – when you have no neurons and are incapable of discussing facts, you think some cash will do. Just because you can be bought and sold like cattle, doesn’t mean that everyone else can. Sure, your two neurons don’t really support that much imagination.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  75. Patterico, we all know you defend tasering innocents. That’s your idea of law enforcement, which you have defended. Not the law of United States of America, but of Patterico the Nut.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  76. Asher, I refer you to your challenge you gave me and I met. I also refer you to my demand of you. Do not try to slip and slide away from your false testimony, Philistine.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  77. And, Asher, when people like Biden double down on stupid, they don’t become smart. You’re doubling down on stupid on this site.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  78. There was no rape? You are a disgusting person, Asher, hate-filled and disgusting. Michael Jackson was a disgusting freak, though he has not one thing to do with Polansky assraping a 13 year old. Why do you deny the facts? If you would bother to know who you speak to, I declined to comment in the Michael Jackson threads for a good period of time so as to not say horrible things about the recently departed. You really are rather disturbed, Asher. Get help.

    JD (855966)

  79. Well Hitchcock, you haven’t shown any false witness here. Patterico’s passing mention of Jackson being a pedophile is nothing. Patterico didn’t ask for Michael Jackson to be prosecuted. Moreover is nota random person: he works for the Los Angeles law enforcement.
    But of course, only the Jew Polanski has to pay.

    Moreover, I will tell you once more, even if you have the brain of a bird, the rape accusation is false and unproven. The underage sex accusation is true and Polanski has admitted it. I have said clearly that he should serve time for that, although you are too imbecile to read a full phrase.

    It doesn’t bother me that Polanski might do time in prison. But it bothers me a lot that only the Jew is made to pay, and that this is natural for you, Patterico and all the others.

    As for the corruption, you corrupt Hitchcock should learn to not offer money in an argument, whether for bar mitzvah or other. The idea of getting support from a jerk like yourself is repellent to the extreme. Corruption might work in your life – keep it there, don’t come with your filthy offers to me.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  80. Asher, given your false statement above, why are you doublin down on the stupid?

    There were attempts to prosecute Jackson by the Santa Barbara county district attorney, who had jurisdiction for acts committed in Jackson’s Santa Ynez home.

    Your references to “the Jew” are grossly offensive false implications of racism. All the filth is from your hands.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  81. JD, you are completely demented. I have not denied at all that Polanski had sex with an underage girl or that this is a crime. I challenge you to show me any place where I defended that. Moreover, I said multiple times Polanski should serve time for that.

    What I HAVE said is that you and the others are a bunch of anti-Semites who only want to punish crimes committed by Jews. Your lovely Michael Jackson ass-fucked MANY young boys – and much younger than that girl, yet you RESPECT Jackson! How sick and twisted can you be, JD? You are truly a dangerous person.

    It didn’t bother you that this evil guy fucked small boys, MANY of them. No, just the Jew is a problem for you. I am not at all defending Polanski, although you are too stupid to see the obvious and the clearly stated. What I am doing here is pointing out that you, Patterico and the other lunatics are a bunch of reflexive anti-Semites.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  82. what a goofball

    I’m gonna try and finish that godawful stargate universe premiere thingy

    whoever did the casting for that is … a bad caster person.

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  83. Asher – Great comedy, keep it coming.

    Michael Jackson had sex with many young boys? You know this for a fact because you were one of them?

    Thanks for sharing Asher.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  84. Asher, I suggest you read Leviticus 19 and Deuteronomy 22. They are in the Pentateuch. Adonai said the words and Moses wrote them down. If you are the Israelite you claim to be, as per your name and per your references previously, you will know these passages.

    You are bearing false witness and you are supporting a rapist. And the penalty for raping a girl where that girl has no reason to believe there is any help coming? Stone the rapist until he is dead. So you are defending a man Adonai said must die.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  85. SPQR, don’t give me lessons of racism. So far only the Jew Polanski is made to pay, while the non-Jew Jackson could fuck as many small boys as he wanted and die a hero and a secular saint.

    “Attempts to prosecute”? What’s that, “attempts”? I have only contempt for attempts. That creep Jackson was easy to apprehend. But no, only the Jew has to pay in your world.

    I am a Jew and I see very clearly how you guys here have two measures: one for the Jewish criminal and one for the non-Jewish criminal – who commenter JD RESPECTS!

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  86. Asher – Tasering innocent people? Does it hurt to be so dumb?

    Tasering is not a judicially determined punishment meted out after a trial determines guilt or innocence. It usually happens before hand. Get a grip!

    daleyrocks (718861)

  87. And this is where I offered funds to Bar Mitzvah:

    I have to admit I came to this thread because I saw a name I liked, Asher Yosef. But, upon reading his logorrhea, I regret it. If Asher Yosef refuses to take the time to actually read things, then it is pointless to take the time to rip every single one of his false premises apart.

    And, Asher Yosef, I’ll contribute to your sons’ Bar Mitzvah if you’ll actually read all the articles on this site that you claim are Nazi-esque and write a full, cited research presentation. In fact, I dare you to find one anti-semitic article. I dare you to find even one racist article.

    But that’s not what you’re about, is it, Asher Yosef? Neither Asher (father of one of the twelve tribes) nor Yosef (owner of the multi-colored coat) would approve.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 10/2/2009 @ 11:14 pm

    I challenge anyone to find any bribery or corruption in that challenge I gave.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  88. And this is where I offered funds to Bar Mitzvah:

    I have to admit I came to this thread because I saw a name I liked, Asher Yosef. But, upon reading his logorrhea, I regret it. If Asher Yosef refuses to take the time to actually read things, then it is pointless to take the time to rip every single one of his false premises apart.

    And, Asher Yosef, I’ll contribute to your sons’ Bar Mitzvah if you’ll actually read all the articles on this site that you claim are Nazi-esque and write a full, cited research presentation. In fact, I dare you to find one anti-semitic article. I dare you to find even one racist article.

    But that’s not what you’re about, is it, Asher Yosef? Neither Asher (father of one of the twelve tribes) nor Yosef (owner of the multi-colored coat) would approve.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 10/2/2009 @ 11:14 pm

    I challenge anyone to find any bribery or corruption in that challenge I gave.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  89. Oops, double-post due to slow connection to PP. Please scrub this post and one of the 2 double-posts, kthx.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  90. Asher – I could not give a flying f*ck if Polansky is blue, white, polka dotted, Muslim, Baptist, Mormon, or Episcopalean. None of þhat matters one iota to me. That he is a rapist overrides all of that. And you inability to see that he raped her shows you are a twisted twisted person.

    JD (8b3caf)

  91. Hitchcock, if I met you in real life I would certainly signal you to the Anti-Defamation League and to US federal authorities. Your posts are offensive and anti-Semitic. I don’t need your lessons of how to interpret Jewish law, certainly not from a corrupt malevolent ignoramus like yourself, who offers his filthy money around.

    It’s also quite amazing how much of a liar you are.

    First, while Polanski is a criminal, he is not a rapist. That charge has neither been proven by the prosecution in 30 years (no wonder, given that the prosecution has dimwit sadists with zero respect for US law, like Patrick Frey/Patterico, working for them), nor has it been admitted by Polanski in the plea bargain.

    Second, I am not defending Polanski – I have said multiple times that Polanski should do jail time for the crime that he actually did commit: sex with a minor. But that is too much for your little hate-filed brain.
    That’s a crime that certainly doesn’t bother you, John Hitchcock, if non-Jew Michael Jackson does it. There are people here worse than you: JD even RESPECTS Michael Jackson. How sick and twisted do you have to be for that?

    Nevertheless John Hitchcock, if you think my saying Polanski should do jail time equals defending him – well, then I would be more than happy to defend you too, if there is chance that you too land in prison, preferably in general population.

    Would you like to be defended that way, John Hitchcock?
    Just let me know.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  92. JD, I haven’t seen that rape accusation hurled at Michael Jackson, who you RESPECT. Jackson had sex with many small boys. Not one, like Polanski – no, MANY. Yet you have no problem with that and you even respect him. How sick and twisted can you be?

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  93. My favorite was that one about the man in the mirror and how we can all make the world a better place. What was your favorite?

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  94. Asher, I suggest you learn what happened to Naomi’s accusers and you learn from their errors, because you’re repeating them here.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  95. this one. What a great song.

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  96. this makes me want to take a look at myself and then make a change

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  97. daleyrocks, it’s not my fault you’re illiterate. I said Patterico defends tasering innocents, simply because Patterico defends tasering anyone who the police likes to taser.

    In Patterico’s world, if the police tasers someone, automatically they are right and the tasering victim is deserves it.

    If you’ll get a tasering, count on Patterico to defend the police. There have been several murders of innocents committed by the police, not only in the US. In no case have the murderers been convicted.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  98. It’s probably something associated with kitty kat. The similarity in illogic is remarkable.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  99. Asher, how many times must you violate Adonai’s law before you stop? You are obviously a Philistine or a Moabite and not an Israelite, as shown by your rejection of Adonai’s law.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  100. Asher – That is a f*cking lie, and you are a fucking liar. How do you sleep at night knowing you spread lies in support of someone that drugged an underage girl, and then proceeded to assrape her over her protestations? You are a sick demented individual.

    JD (8b3caf)

  101. That’s a crime that certainly doesn’t bother you, John Hitchcock, if non-Jew Michael Jackson does it.

    Wait, wait: I bet there’s some essential, if unfortunate, differences between the Michael Jackson and Roman Polanski cases that do not include any reference to race or creed that Asher doesn’t want you to notice or think about.

    I’ll give you some guesses as to what that difference might be.

    Fritz (b79040)

  102. I’d say anti-Semite, Brother KKK.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  103. I’d say anti-Semite, Brother KKK.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  104. Come on Fritz, give your differences.

    This blog exists for a long time, yet when Jackson was alive, the self-righteous fellows here weren’t too worked up about him, even though his sexual crimes were far more numerous than Polanski’s.

    Where were they? Well, they had no problem, just as they have no problem now. One of them (JD) even RESPECTS that serial sexual predator Michael Jackson.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  105. “he is not a rapist. That charge has neither been proven by the prosecution in 30 years”

    Asher – You are a moron. The Polanski agreed to forego a trial on more serious charges to plead guilty on charges of statutory rape. A 13 year old cannot consent to sex with a 44 year old under US law and she did not consent. In your world, how young does the victim have to be before nonconsensual anal sex have to be considered rape? How young do you like them Asher?

    What proof do you have of your Michael Jackson allegations? National Enquirer articles?

    “daleyrocks, it’s not my fault you’re illiterate.”
    Asher, it’s your fault that you are illiterate and could not comprehend the contwent of a single comment. How do the police know a person they are tasering is innocent at the time they are tasering them if duilt or innocence is determined later by trial. Answer that one sooper Genyus!

    Great comedy Asher, keep it coming.

    What is your native language?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  106. If the nasty little troll were really concerned about antisemitism, it would focus here, and here and here.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  107. I agree with Asher. Patterico sent a French frogman to my yacht to tase my ship’s captain with a silenced taser while he was slicing me a roast beef sandwich and that made him all confused and he put mustard on it instead of mayonaisse and I never eat mustard because my disability horse can smell it on my breath and it made him buck and I’m pretty sure it was one of Patterico’s corrupt LA minions who had sliced through the saddle girth and I fell off and when they took me to the emergency room someone had deleted all my health insurance information from the system and I could not do anything about it because I had left my insurance card in my glove compartment and somebody had stolen it and replaced it with a learner’s permit and even though I am not Jewish everybody thinks I am because I have a big nose and it’s all endemic of the anti-Semitism that pervades blogs.

    nk (df76d4)

  108. Asher – Are you wearing size 25 shoes and a red ping pong ball nose?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  109. daleyrocks, is that the best you can do?

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  110. Oh, my…

    “…Hitchcock, if I met you in real life I would certainly signal you to the Anti-Defamation League and to US federal authorities….”

    Yes, he would remove his tinfoil helmet and do so with his mind.

    Normally we get college students trying to stir the pot. So to speak. But from time to time, we get people who genuinely disturbed, and need medical assistance.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  111. oh.

    hang in there, nk.

    It’ll get better.

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  112. Well Brother Bradley Fikes C.O.R., since you gave advice about where to look for anti-Semites, let’s look at an anti-Semite on the right, one who particularly likes Hezbollah terrorists who murder Americans.

    His name is Darrell Issa and he is a Republican congressman from California.

    How come you’ve forgotten your hardcore anti-Semite friend, Brother Fikes? Amnesia?

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  113. Normally we get college students trying to stir the pot. So to speak. But from time to time, we get people who genuinely disturbed, and need medical assistance.
    Comment by Eric Blair — 10/4/2009 @ 6:00 pm

    Those are not mutually exclusive. Just sayin’

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  114. Rep Moran
    Rep McKinney

    This Asher thingie really is an unlikeable sick f*ck, isn’t he?

    JD (9a8a4b)

  115. I love you guys. You’re just a bunch of yes-men who are never used to anything else than licking the boots of your sorry-ass bosses. Online, your boss is Patterico, which is quite laughable but says a lot about yourselves.

    In any case, once anyone dares question whatever garbage goes in your cuckoo-world echo chamber, you get aggressive – lynch-mob courage, mental independence of sheep.

    I wonder how many of you guys bothered to serve in the military. Most US conservatives I met were tough guys who studiously avoided to serve in the military. Eh, they were too busy being patriotic. But they are machos while in their living rooms guzzling beers.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  116. Not that it was a surprise, but troll has outed its left-wing agenda. Its purpose is to slime Republicans and conservatives. So it won’t denounce Obama’s associations with openly anti-Semitic enablers such as Jeremiah Wright. And then there’s Obama’s kumbayah with nuke-pursuing, Israel-hating Iran.

    But as Eric would say, that’s different.

    I’m sure the troll will get extra propaganda bennies on Daily Kos or DU or whatever left-wing site it frequents.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  117. Asher, you are just a foul-mouthed little creep who seems to find that defending a child rapist to be his only contribution.

    Guess you know your own kind if nothing else.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  118. Most US conservatives I met were tough guys who studiously avoided to serve in the military. Eh, they were too busy being patriotic. But they are machos while in their living rooms guzzling beers.

    Bogus anti-Semitism libels?
    Mound of strawmen?
    Attacks conservatives as war wimps?

    We have a trifecta of left-wing smears, ladies and gentleman!

    This had nothing to do with Polanski, everything to do with a left-wing nutroot desperately trying to distract us from the plunging popularity of Obama, along with his failing ObamaCare bamboozle.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  119. JD, before you get too excited, I agree with you about Reps. McKinney and Moran. As I wrote earlier, both the US Left and the Right have their share of anti-Semites, which are evil regardless of whether they are conservatives or liberal.

    What is most interesting on this thread is that commenter Bradley Fikes C.O.R. “forgets” about his PERSONAL FRIEND, Darell Issa, the pro-terror pro-Hezbollah anti-Semite from San Diego.

    But I’m sure you don’t have a problem with that, because you LIKE anti-Semites, you unlikeable sick f*ck. You just don’t like left anti-Semites.

    And don’t give me lessons about Ahmadinejad. It’s not you who he threatened to destroy, it’s Jews like me.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  120. Brother Bradley Fikes C.O.R., why do you take the discussion away from your anti-Semite personal friend Darrell Issa? Your friend likes Hezbollah who kill Americans.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  121. It just coughs up more noxious phlegm.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  122. You are a cowardly disgusting internet screamer. You hate hate hate people that do not agree with you, and have tried to slime those that you disagree with with all sorts of untruths, lies, smears, and asspulls. We do not need to defend ourselves to the likes of you. From the people I know and have met here, they are good people with lives well lived. Unlike you. Sadly. Get help.

    JD (9a8a4b)

  123. Speaking of needing a Taser …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  124. JD, I think you need a help. Maybe it will cure your anti-Semitism and make you stop respect sexual predators like Michael Jackson.

    I doubt you can be cured. Respecting such a sexual predator bastard is beyond hope and is all what one needs to know about you.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  125. The nasty little left-wing troll predictably lied about Ahmadinejad’s anti-Americanism.

    Iran: Israel, US will soon die
    Ahmadinejad: Be assured that the US and Israel will soon end lives

    Yaakov Lappin
    Published: 01.23.07, 22:24 / Israel News

    Israel and the United States will soon be destroyed, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday during a meeting with Syria’s foreign minister, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) website said in a report. Iran’s official FARS news agency also reported the comments.

    “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… assured that the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives,” the Iranian president was quoted as saying. . .

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  126. SPQR, you’re the dime-a-dozen conservative who would like to settle the discussion with a taser. You showed your face, creep. You prove perfectly what I said before – too coward to serve in the military, but ready to do physical violence against those who disagree with him.

    Go defend the country if you’re so tough. But you’re not, and you know it.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  127. You are a liar, Asher. Trying to attack others with pure lies. You have no basis for writing anything you’ve written with your poisonous little mouth. I served my country when you were still filling your diapers with what you repeat here.

    You are the one here trying to distract from Polanski the child rapist.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  128. Also, while I’m not a personal friend of Rep. Issa, I’ve certainly acquainted with him because he’s a local congressman in my area. And I’d far prefer Issa to the nasty little mendacious left-wing troll.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  129. Brother Bradley Fikes C.O.R., you think anyone will forget your PERSONAL FRIEND is Darrell Issa, who supports Hezbollah terrorists?

    That is who you are, a creep whose friend supports murdering Americans. There’s no way around that. It would be nice if the FBI monitored this thread. That’s how they got anti-US supporters of terror recently, so it would be a pity not to notice you.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  130. Repetition of lies is all you have, Asher.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  131. “Asher Yosef”,
    I’d love for the FBI to monitor this thread and find out why you’re defending the anti-American terrorist Ahmadinejad.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  132. “daleyrocks, is that the best you can do?”

    Asher – Actually, I’m doing very well. You on the other hand, don’t seem to realize that you’re getting your ass handed to you on this thread and keep repeating the same points over and over without any evidence.

    You keep proving the point that crazy people don’t know they’re crazy.

    Why haven’t you answered my question about how young is too young for nonconsenual anal sex between a child and an adult to be considered rape. Since you came on here as such a big defender of Roman Polanski, you must have an opinion on the matter. Is it a Jewish thing?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  133. SPQR, I served in the army and in combat. So shut the fuck up.

    It’s not my fault you can’t read. I said many times Polanski should do time for sex with a minor, but yo;re too much of a liar to admit that. I also said non-Jews who do the same should pay the same. THAT’s what bothers you.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  134. “Is it a Jewish thing?” daleyrocks, no one’s position on Polanski has anything to do with his ethnicity. Not even yours.

    Don’t feed the bile-filled little child rapist lover’s game.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  135. Bradley Fikes, you are the friend of a pro-terror bastard Darrell Issa because you are an anti-Semite. That’s the fact.

    I have certainly never defended Ahmadinejad, who wants the death to Jews like me – but YOU have a pro-Hezbollah jerk who murder Americans among your personal friends. No wonder you’re a hardcore anti-Semite.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  136. I always said Polasnki should be jailed and I challenge you to find any instance where I said he is innocent. I never said that.

    But yeah, daleyrocks, it’s a Jewish thing to want the non-Jew pay as much as the Jew under the law.

    I know it bothers you and the others a lot, as in your world the Jew is supposed to accept unequal treatment. And I’m not worried about antagonizing the creeps here. I’d be unhappy to be liked by hardcore anti-Semites like Brother Bradley Fikes, who counts pro-Hezbollah bastards like Darrell Issa among his friends.

    Aside from my Jewish thing of wanting equal treatment for Jews and non-Jews, I have a strong dislike, daleyrocks: I don’t like terrorists who murder Americans, or their supporters and their friends, like Brother Bradley Fikes. I know this dislike makes me crazy in your eyes and those of Brother Fikes, but that’s OK and is to be expected from you guys.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  137. I think this troll’s bile has gone on enough, clean up in aisle three?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  138. SPQR, I never suspected you of being capable of making any fact-based arguments. In return, you didn’t disappoint.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  139. “Asher Yosef”,
    You most certainly *are* defending Ahmadinejad, by denying the latter’s public statements wishing destruction upon the United States. It’s so easy to disprove you. Have you heard of this thing called Google?

    Your motives are transparent: You don’t want the United States to focus on a real threat, like Ahmadinejad. So you try to distract with nutbag attacks on conservatives and a contrived defense of the criminal Polanski.

    And your weird obsession with Issa and false claims that I’m his personal friend suggest you’re not quite all there. I suggest you get professional help, quickly.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  140. SPQR – Just asking questions. The ethnic heritage seems to be a big thing for Asher, but we don’t even know who he really is. What we do know is that he is dedicated spammer.

    From Anderson Cooper 360:

    September 29th, 2009 12:59 am ET

    “Calm down people. Polanski did not plead guilty to any rape and drugging charge. The only thing he did plead guilty for was having sex with a minor. as for the judge, he and the prosecutor were coaching each other and baldly lied about a rape occurring. Since when is this normal justice? Bearing false witness and calumny are crimes tat can and should lead to jail terms.

    I hope Mr. Polanski serves time for sex with a minor. I also hope the prosecutor and judge serve time in jail for false accusations and for conspiracy. I don’t hope they are disbarred – no, that would be too little punishment. Serving hard time behind the bars is what these lawbreakers deserve.”

    daleyrocks (718861)

  141. “I know it bothers you and the others a lot”

    Asher – So you admit you do work in a carnival, as a clown and a mind reader. You’re not very good at either, but worse as a blog commenter. Don’t give up your day job until you find a new one.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  142. Bradley Fikes, Obama is not my idol, but pro-Hezbollah Darrell Issa IS your friend. It is you who likes pro-terror people, not me. It’s YOUR personal friend who supports those murdering Americans. Maybe you should get psychiatric help before you lie that you listed that pro-terror bastard among your friends. It’s easy to check. It’s obvious you’re upset, as now it’s clear to everyone you have pro-terror friends.

    I surely see Ahmadinejd as a threat, and I see radical and mentally disturbed anti-Semites like yourself as a threat too. It’s not for nothing that you have a friend who is a Hezbollah supporter.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  143. daleyrocks, you’re quite unhinged, and surely fact-free. Perhaps you tell everyone some more about Jewish things, eh?

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  144. Asher Yosef,

    You have two choices:

    1. Apologize for calling people anti-Semites and stop using such inflammatory rhetoric in future comments.

    2. If you refuse, your future comments will be placed in moderation until I approve or delete them.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  145. I’m quite positive that this won’t be the first occassion on this blog that “Asher’s” comments have been either banned or put into moderation.

    AD - RtR/OS! (4702ac)

  146. By the way daleyrocks, thank you for quoting my earlier post. It shows exactly that I said Polanski should serve time for sex with a minor.

    As for false prosecution, that went out of the discussion. I am happy when false accusations are thrown out. The best case is the Duke lacrosse case, when a prosecutor making false accusations was disbarred. So it should be. Had the accused done time, he would have deserved time too.

    Criminals should be convicted for what they did. But prosecutors should have responsibility too – false prosecution should be punished. In Texas they led to the execution of an innocent man in 2004 – and they are free! They killed a man? No problem.

    Polanski is not innocent, but he should do time for what he did, not for other things. Aside from that sexual predator Michael Jackson who JD respects, there also quite a few Catholic priests and Mormon bastards who fuck minors – MANY minors. I hope they get in jail too. NOT just the Jew.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  147. If “Asher Yosuf” really is worried about anti-Semitism, you’d think he’d be busy warning Americans that Ahmadinejad is a common foe of Jews, Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad has given ample proof of his malign intentions through his own utterances and pursuit of nuclear weaponry.

    Instead, he gins up an anti-Semitic threat from a conservative Republican, Darrell Issa, who has voted for a resolution backing Israel against Hezbollah.

    One can rightly quarrel with Issa’s criticism of Israel for “apartheid,” — I think that goes too far myself — but Issa isn’t the one trying to wipe Israel off the map.

    If “Asher Yosuf” is what he claims to be, and not just another Obama-loving left-wing troll, then he urgently needs better education on who Israel’s (and America’s) real enemies are.

    Let’s see more of this and less of this.

    But considering his smear campaign against conservatives, while ignoring the vicious anti-Semites on the left, odds are he’s just a troll.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  148. Asher Yosef,

    I will moderate your comments from this point on. That means that you and I are the only ones who will see your comments unless I release them, so I recommend you tone it down.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  149. Asher – Are you wearing size 25 shoes and a red ping pong ball nose?

    I just went through this thread for the first time and OMG. Your description is dead on. The image of Asher being a clown spewing forth the words he’s posted does make me laugh.

    I normally don’t apply, or like using, the word “troll” to people who strike me as being merely more of a contrarian, or a Devil’s advocate, or someone who’s simply rebutting a POV that otherwise prevails throughout a forum. But in this case the word “troll” fits.

    suggest you’re not quite all there. I suggest you get professional help, quickly.

    That thought did cross my mind too. Either that or he is a very immature, nonsensical teenager. If so, hopefully he’ll eventually grow up and see the errors (or goofy idiocy) of his ways.

    Mark (411533)

  150. Darrell Issa, who has voted for a resolution backing Israel against Hezbollah.

    Poor guy seems to be caught in a philosophical crossfire. I give him some leeway because his roots are Lebanese. But more importantly, since he’s aroused indignation from both the pro-Israel and anti-Israel crowd, he appears to be walking a tightrope. Or sort of like the idea that when a person is being slammed by extremists on both sides of the aisle, he must be doing something right, or truly can be labeled a so-called centrist.

    Mark (411533)

  151. Thank you, thank you, thank you DRJ.

    But I’m concerned for your well being if you need to referee too many posts by AY.

    MD in Philly (d4f9fa)

  152. “daleyrocks, you’re quite unhinged”

    Asher – Try a mirror, dood, you’ve lost it.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  153. This one is perplexing, because it just keeps making things up, attributing things to others, and when called on it, just screams louder. You have to be intentionally and aggressively dishonest or stoooopid to read what I wrote in a manner that suggests that I respected Michael Jackson. Add in the anti-semite claims, chickenhawk, and the rest of its drivel …

    JD (454fb4)

  154. DRJ, I certainly have nothing to apologize for. Here people have been extremely insulting from the very beginning – before discussing anything. I wonder whether that was your intention, of creating a group of supporters who bully immediately whoever disagrees with them. If not, that’s what came out anyway.

    As for the substance of the anti-Semitism, it is very clear.

    First, no one here agrees that non-Jews should pay the same thing under the law as do Jews. It’s not for nothing that I pushed Michael Jackson as a subject. He did much worse than Polanski and what he gets on this thread is RESPECT.

    Second, commenters like John Hitchcock, daleyrocks and Bradley Fikes (he with the pro-Hezbollah friend) gave me answers that come straight from radical anti-Semitic groups’ repertoire.

    I haven’t seen you bothered by that, or warning them of censorship.
    Of course, it’s your blog and you do what you want.
    In the future you’ll have the pleasure to let people sneer how “it’s a Jewish thing” as much as they please, unopposed.

    It was my first experience commenting on your blog, and it was very instructive. I guess I should count myself lucky it wasn’t in real life. While I very much doubt that in real life any aggressive commenter would dare threaten if facing me alone, they certainly suggested physical violence – tasering, to be specific.
    That’s how disagreement plays here – threat is the stage after sneering about “Jewish things”.

    All in all DRJ, thank you for the instructive experience provided by the commenters on your blog. It’s an excellent thing to know what one may realistically expect, and wherefrom. There may be swans around, or wolves. Knowing what is where is essential for survival.


    1. This comment was released from moderation.

    2. This is not my blog, which is why you are only in moderation and not banned.

    3. I responded to your Michael Jackson claim yesterday but you ignored my response.

    4. You don’t have to be a victim but it seems you have chosen to play one here. Why is that?

    — DRJ]

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  155. “Asher Yosuf”
    You’ve lied about me repeatedly, and about others. And if we had seen you in real life, we’d have noticed your tin foil hat and stayed far away.

    But if you get a respite of sanity, do look into Ahmadinejad’s history of threats against the United States, along with Israel. Funny that you minimize his threat while sliming others who are no threat. I wonder why that is?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  156. Michael Jackson was a pedophile.

    I don’t think I have ever said different.

    I don’t think any regular commenter here has ever said anything different.

    Asher sees anti-Semitism everywhere he goes in life — whether it’s there or not. If it’s not, he’ll misrepresent people to make it seem like it’s there.

    Patterico (64318f)

  157. Let’s see … It comes here for the first time, starts calling everyone bootlicking anti-semites and makes up lies out of whole cloth about people using anti-semitic rhetoric, being personal friends with people, and respecting homosexual pedophiles, and then it has the temerity to act shocked, shocked I tell you, when people do not respond well? Does that about sum it up, Asher?

    JD (454fb4)

  158. “First, no one here agrees that non-Jews should pay the same thing under the law as do Jews. It’s not for nothing that I pushed Michael Jackson as a subject.”

    Asher – It is only in your mind that these things occur. Point out specifics on this thread if you can that illustrate your arguments.

    You seem very unfamiliar with the laws of this country. If there is convincing evidence and willing complainants, perhaps Michael Jackson would have been convicted of child molestation. He reportedly reached private settlements with several families. Without witnesses there is no prosecution, but you seem ignorant of the process. In Polanski’s case, the was a grand jury witness.

    In this country, we also believe in equal justice for all races and religions, except for liberals with hate crime legislation who want to nake some gtoups more equal than others. Your bigoted and racist attacks on commenters here without a shred of evidence just reinforces the conclusion that you are sick and demented person.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  159. As for Michael Jackson, if “Asher Yosuf” can follow elementary legal facts, Jackson didn’t plead guilty, nor was he convicted. Under the law, there is a presumption of innocence. Jackson was obviously a sick, sick, individual, but legally he was not a criminal.

    Polanski pled guilty, removing the presumption of innocence, then fled, compounding the offense. So the cases are not at all similar.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  160. I forgot to include the part where Asher tried to claim that Polansky did not rape anyone. That was special.

    JD (454fb4)

  161. Fikes, your “Asher Yosuf” quip may be good on Rush Limbaugh, but not anywhere else. It’s not my fault you befriend a pro-Hezbollah and pro-Arafat man called Darrell Issa.

    Your posts are models of non-sequitur, some so far away that they are rather amusing – you steered the discussion to Obama, who apparently is my idol. I didn’t know that, but the perhaps you have a crystal ball under that nice shiny hat. Or maybe you heard some voices that told you that. I have never said anything about Obama, so you just made things up.

    Somehow you also pretended I like Ahmadinejad. I have said very little about Ahmadinejad, except that I know the man threatened Jews worldwide, and Israel with a nuke. Perhaps you over-compensated for your terror-loving friend Issa.

    Given that I served in the military and saw action against the people your friend Darrell Issa supports, you are the last person from whom I would accept lessons of that kind – or of any kind for that matter.

    [Released from moderation — DRJ]

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  162. No JD, you were too busy insulting me in Spanish (no doubt your habitual conversation opener) to include that.

    Guess what? Polanski didn’t murder anyone either and he didn’t steal – there are many crimes he didn’t commit. It’s the one that he DID commit that should land him in jail.

    That crime (sex with a minor) should hopefully land in jail many others, such as many Mormons and Catholic priests. Why stop at Polanski?

    [Comment released from moderation — DRJ]

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  163. DRJ, I have received a warning from you. Please have a look an the marvelous excerpt from daleyrocks. Or is moderation just for Jewish liberals?

    From post #168, daleyrocks:
    “In this country, we also believe in equal justice for all races and religions, except for liberals with hate crime legislation who want to nake some gtoups more equal than others. Your bigoted and racist attacks on commenters here without a shred of evidence just reinforces the conclusion that you are sick and demented person.”

    [Comment released from moderation. — DRJ]

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  164. Asher sees anti-Semitism on the right everywhere he goes in life — whether it’s there or not.

    Fixed that for you, Patterico. 😉

    “Asher” doesn’t want to talk about left-wing anti-Semitism, but is eager to smear conservatives and spouts the typical lefty talking points. “Asher” even lies that Ahmadinejad isn’t a threat to the United States.

    This is a blatant left-wing troll, and its political agenda should be pointed out and challenged whenever it speaks.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  165. Commenters:

    Please argue about politics and policies, not personalities.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  166. Asher – What happened to defending your child rapist idol? That’s where things started. Have you dropped that crusade?

    What was wrong with my comment #164, Asher? Please be as specific as possible.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  167. Bradley Fikes, you have never been able to make an argument without ignoring reality. I have never said Ahmadinejad is not a threat to the US – so you invented that.

    And I have said multiple times here that there are anti-Semites on the Left too. As far as I am concerned they are all -Left, Right- equally bad. But I am not friends with any of these bastards.

    It is YOU the person who counts among friends Darrell Issa, the man who supports Hezbollah and other evil groups who murder Americans and Jews whenever they get a chance. Some patriot! Tell it to the the families of the 243 American soldiers murdered by the Hezbollah your friend Darrell supports.

    [Comment released from moderation — DRJ]

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  168. DRJ – Asher’s mother dresses him funny.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  169. ZOMFG You racist wingNazis are personal friends with Issa!!!! And you are chickenhawsk!!!!

    JD (5ac44e)

  170. Issa that Lebanese descended swine!

    daleyrocks (718861)

  171. I’m tired of monitoring this thread so I’ll leave everyone to debate at their own risk.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  172. daleyrocks, if you say Polanski is my idol, perhaps your idol is child rapist Michael Jackson. My defense of Polanski was that he should serve time in jail for what he did (sex with a minor), not for what you pretend he did (rape).

    Perhaps you should learn more about the laws of this country.
    Polanski pleaded guilty for one count (sex with a minor) and not for the other offenses. The guilty plea for that count was accepted. Had the prosecution been so sure of their other accusations, they would have pursued it in a trial. They didn’t.

    It is Polanski’s fault to have fled, and he should serve time for that – for that alone. If the prosecution wishes to prove the other counts, they can go for a new trial. Until then, there is presumption of innocence for all the counts except the one where Polanski already pleaded guilty.
    That is going by US law – unless they take your selective application of the law in consideration, in which liberals are not entitled to the law.

    If you think wishing Polanski jail time is a defense of Polanski or idolizing Polanski, I’ll defend you the same way too, hoping for the same outcome.

    And what happened to your “Jewish things”? Come on, tell us some more, don’t be shy after such an open and promising start!

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  173. Jeez. Off grading papers, I read crazy stuff from a new poster saying that folks around here:

    “…gave me answers that come straight from radical anti-Semitic groups’ repertoire….”

    Um. No one on this blog does that. All I see is that this character comes out of the box accusing people of anti-Semitism, while at the same time making insulting comments about others.

    If this guy is for real, I think he needs to take a stress pill and chill out.

    The Michael Jackson thing was just plain weird. No one was bringing that up. And then soon we are off to Hezbollah.

    It’s like that scene in Wood Allen’s “Annie Hall” where he tells a friend that Hollywood is full of anti-Semites. How did he know?, he was asked.

    Well, he replied, they would say things like “I was going out for lunch today. D’you want to come along?”

    Sounds pretty similar.

    On the other hand, this guy could just be a troll playing games, since he seems pretty much unable to stick to the topic, and is very interested in derailing threads.

    What a world, huh?

    Eric Blair (184ac1)


    JD, you’re not the first person ignoring evidence about pro-terrorism. But it’s good you stand by your man Bradley Fikes.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  175. Asher Yosef,
    You can repeat your lie about my being a friend of Issa, or Issa’s supposed support of Hezbollah, a million times and that won’t make it true. It only shows you think if you lie enough that people will believe you.

    And as for your saying. “I have never said Ahmadinejad is not a threat to the US – so you invented that.”

    Earlier in this thread, you said:

    “And don’t give me lessons about Ahmadinejad. It’s not you who he threatened to destroy, it’s Jews like me.”

    Google is not your friend.

    Iran: Israel, US will soon die

    Ahmadinejad: Be assured that the US and Israel will soon end lives

    Yaakov Lappin
    Published: 01.23.07, 22:24 / Israel News

    Israel and the United States will soon be destroyed, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday during a meeting with Syria’s foreign minister, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) website said in a report. Iran’s official FARS news agency also reported the comments. . . .

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  176. Eric Blair, all I said is that non-Jews should pay the same as Jews for crimes. Michael Jackson was a clear example of a man who committed the same crimes as Polanski, only many more times.
    Why did he not pay? Why are the Catholic priest child abusers and the many Mormons with multiple underage “wives” not paying the same?

    Oh yes, I’m sure I’m a troll for asking that. If a crime s committed by a Jew, it’s a crime, if it’s committed by others, that’s fine. Yeah, find some Annie Hall reference for that.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  177. “unless they take your selective application of the law in consideration, in which liberals are not entitled to the law.”

    Asher – You misread my comment. Liberals want to make some groups more equal than others under the law and have created statutes such as “hate crimes” to reflect that status. Reread the comment if you doubt me.

    Polanski was not sentenced for the crime to which he pleaded guilty. He fled the country before that event could occur. In my mind he has to face the court for two things – his original plea and fleeing justice, not merely one as you claim. Your facts, as they consistently have been on this thread, are wrong. Your statements about Michael Jackson, while most people except his most ardent fans believe him to be a pedophile, that does not translate into the simple ability to convict him in a court of law. Your ignorance and bias in translating that basic fact into judicial favoritism and anti-semitism is startling.

    Good day.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  178. “DRJ – Asher’s mother dresses him funny.

    Comment by daleyrocks — 10/4/2009 @ 8:56 pm”

    daleyrocks, Glad to see you at your true level. Perhaps you’ll tell me again how it’s a Jewish thing, eh?

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  179. Asher Yosef,
    Yeah, yeah, I saw that Debbie Schlussel column about Issa. But even if that is accurate, that was in 2001, and in 2006, Issa voted to support Israel against Hezbollah. Why don’t you give him credit for that?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  180. Asher Yosef,
    You wrote, “Michael Jackson was a clear example of a man who committed the same crimes as Polanski, only many more times. Why did he not pay?”

    I’ll write this very slowly, so perhaps you can understand it:

    — Polanski pled guilty, then illegally fled the country.

    — Michael Jackson did not plead guilty, he was not convicted, and he didn’t illegally flee the country.

    Got it this time?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  181. daleyrocks, I agree Polanski should be sentenced for fleeing as well on top of te count he pleaded guilty for.

    You avoid the issue of the guilt and presumption of innocence though. The prosecution accepted the guilty plea – which was for one count of six they had, and not for the five others. So there is presumption of innocence for the five other counts, unlike what you have erroneously claimed on this thread.

    Moreover, so far I have said nothing about mothers and dressing – do you think your arguments are more persuasive when you do that?

    Good day.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  182. Jeez…

    “..Eric Blair, all I said is that non-Jews should pay the same as Jews for crimes. Michael Jackson was a clear example of a man who committed the same crimes as Polanski, only many more times.
    Why did he not pay? Why are the Catholic priest child abusers and the many Mormons with multiple underage “wives” not paying the same?..”

    Are you mental? First, why not go dig up Michael Jackson and try him? Most people here have told you that we felt he was a child molester. As for bigamists (and most LDS folk will tell you that you are, ironically, being a bigot by including all Mormons in your little hate-fest) and Catholic priests who abuse children… Oh, yeah, you betcha. We want them all to get off scot-free.

    Um. Where did you see ANY OF US WRITE THAT AT ANY TIME?

    You didn’t. And you should apologize for the things you have said to people. Because you arrived acting like a rabid loon.

    And are you seriously claiming that Polanski has been differentially and negatively treated because he is a Jew? Award winning Polanski, with his chalet and supermodel wife? Honestly?

    Either you are need of medication or you are, as you imply, just a troll.

    Personally, I think you are nuttier than a Payday bar. Go seek help.

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  183. Wow, this thread has gone on for a long time.

    Why do some go on for so long fishing for antisemitism where none exists except to prove that those who disagree with them are Jew-haters?

    All anyone can say is give up, go home and find some real Nazis. But that’s not your point, is it?

    If you really want to find Jew-haters, stroll on over to Kos or DU. Otherwise, stop wasting your time here.

    Ag80 (4254fd)

  184. No Fikes I didn’t get it. You know why? Because they could have prosecuted Jackson vigorously, as they did with Polanski. But they chose not to. As they chose not to with many other similar bastards – Catholic priests, Mormons.

    I don’t have any problem with them going after Polanski. I have a problem with them not going after many other equally notorious and similar offenders.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  185. Asher Yosef,
    You are correct that there is a legal presumption of innocence for the other counts Polanski faced. The same thing is true for Michael Jackson, who was never convicted nor pled guilty on any count.

    However, one can be presumed legally innocent of a crime which in fact was committed. Patterico has said this is the case with Jackson and his pedophilia, and Polanski and his rape. If you look at the distinction between what was legally proven and what actually happened, you will find Patterico treats Jackson and Polanski the same way.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  186. Asher Yosef,

    I don’t have any problem with them going after Polanski. I have a problem with them not going after many other equally notorious and similar offenders.

    Again, I agree with you. Many Catholic priests got away for decades with the most hideous crimes of abuse. The Church routinely protected them. In recent years, some of them have been prosecuted and convicted. The Catholic Church’s record in this matter is extremely shameful.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  187. Eric Blair, I haven’t seen anyone getting worked up about Michael Jackson when he was alive – and I’ve seen this blog before. As for your assurance that the catholic priests and the Mormons will be prosecuted, yeah, I believe you, you betcha. Just as they were prosecuted so far.

    Award-winning, chalet, wife – what the hell does this have to do with the law?Are you nuts? This whole thread is about treatment before the law. Read some more before you speak.

    As for your recommendation of medication, maybe you should get some. Clearly the threats of violence directed to me seemed very normal to you. Dissent? Let’s taser the guy. What better suggestion than that? Yet it was made here and it didn’t shock you.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  188. Bradley Fikes, it seems there is some common ground. It took hours, but better late than never.

    All I’m saying is that bastards should be prosecuted equally, and with equal resources. Also I don’t hold the Catholic church responsible, just as I don’t want those priests “disciplined” by their own institution – this never works. I want them in state or federal jail.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  189. Um…

    “…Eric Blair, I haven’t seen anyone getting worked up about Michael Jackson when he was alive – and I’ve seen this blog before. As for your assurance that the catholic priests and the Mormons will be prosecuted, yeah, I believe you, you betcha. Just as they were prosecuted so far…

    Now that was weird enough. Because everyone here fully approves of Michael Jackson’s antics. When Patterico said he felt Jackson was a child molester, that was just a anti-Semitic smoke screen. And of course no child-abusing priests or bigamists have been prosecuted at all. Ever. And when Bradley tries to respond fairly to you, you still see him as some kind of anti-Semite.

    Then look at the rest of the post. Brrrrr.

    Hey, Asher, since everyone is so mean and threatening to you, why not go somewhere else? I mean, unless you are just trolling, looking for fights?

    Or are nutty.

    Either way, why waste the electrons? But I think you are just a sick little boy playing tough guy games on the Internet.

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  190. “Because they could have prosecuted Jackson vigorously”

    Asher – If you have information that the authorities ignored prosecutable evidence concerning Michael Jackson, please present it now, otherwise you are just repeating your stale talking points and prejudices. If you’ve got something, prove it, otherwise, STFU, you know nothing.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  191. Asher Yosef,

    You weren’t threatened with violence. The “Jewish thing” comment made me wince. But if you want to have a civil discussion, in the future I suggest you avoid saying things like this:

    “Ah, Patterico, you corrupt and abusive cop, are you still blogging? How many people have you murdered with tasers, pathetic Patterico bastard?

    “You have defended tasering people by police in his filthy Nazi blog. You have said that whoever complains about the police is a gang member. Why don’t you move to the Soviet Union, or to Georgia to kill some Jews and blacks? come on, it’s abundantly clear you’re a corrupt and violent cop.”

    After saying that, you shouldn’t expect the response to be bouquets of roses.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  192. Ah, but see, Bradley? That’s different!

    Eric Blair (57b266)

  193. OK, I’m done for the night.

    And a good night to all! The new week awaits!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  194. And plenty of mental trolls!

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  195. Bradley Fikes, for the record, I don’t bear grudges. At some recent point our discussions became civil from both sides, and I enjoy keeping them that way. We don’t have to agree on much, yet we may as well disagree in a civil manner.

    However, if mothers and tasers and “Jewish things” are brought up (not by you, but by several others here), I can give back in kind, no holds barred. That is the essence of tit-for-tat, which I like: give back as you receive, in full.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  196. Fair enough, Asher. I suggest hanging out here and getting to know the people. They’re a really good bunch.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  197. And try to not come out of the box as he did with Patterico, calling him names to begin with (as in #198, for which I think he owes Patterico an apology outright)…and then saying that people have been combative toward him.

    The whole “bastard” and “Nazi” business takes away from cries of unfair treatment.

    Calls for temperate language need to be matched by deeds.

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  198. Tit for tat? Brother Bradley quoted from your first comment, which certainly did not cover poor widdle Asher in glory. Plus, you continue to deny that Polansky raped that little girl. How else would you describe drugging someone, and assraping them over their protestations, Asher?

    JD (5ac44e)

  199. DRJ, why are you releasing comments with obvious lies in them?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  200. Perhaps I’m too naive, but quoting Asher’s comments back to him seems to have done some good. Perhaps he’ll return and be more constructive. Asher could start by apologizing to Patterico for saying he has a Nazi blog and that he’s corrupt and violent.

    As for the dispute over whether Polanski raped the girl, I explained that Patterico’s point is that is what happened in point of fact. Asher said there should be a presumption of innocence, because he hasn’t been convicted or pled guilty to that. Both can be true. Someone can have committed a heinous crime and still not be guilty in a legal sense. (Hello, OJ!)

    Patterico quoted from the girl’s testimony to establish that what anyone in their right minds would define as rape actually did take place. The plea bargain meant Polanski avoided being tried on that much more serious charge (and others), which he would almost certainly have been convicted. So Polanski already had been treated far more lightly by the judicial system than he had any right to expect.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  201. I was kinda looking forward to explanation for how Asher felt he could inform me of my lack of service.

    I was really looking forward to it…

    SPQR (26be8b)

  202. Bradley, all that is well and good….but…

    “…Asher said (about Polanski) there should be a presumption of innocence, because he hasn’t been convicted or pled guilty to that….”

    Notice what our fine friend had to say about Michael Jackson, in that light?

    Tell me how that isn’t hypocrisy on his part? Either an angry person on medication, or a vulgar troll.

    As you say, he may return with manners. But don’t hold your breath.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  203. Asher arrived being an asshat, continued being an asshat and only calmed down in his last couple of comments. He still maintained untenable positions with respect to our justice system and the commenters on this blog. His motivations are unclear to me given the range of topics he brought up. He doesn’t deserve any mercy without a demonstrated change in attitude.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  204. SPQR, what are you going to do, taser me? You’ve shown that’s your idea of dialogue when someone disagrees with you.

    Moreover, I see you’re really upset I’m not censored. Perhaps you write from Venezuela or Iran, that’s where they think like you.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  205. SPQR,

    I got tired of monitoring Asher’s comments last night (see comment #177) and released him from moderation. I know it can be interesting to engage in debate with people but feel free to join me in ignoring Asher if you’ve reached your limit.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  206. Muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy loco. And, majnoon. Shalom, Asher. Get help.

    JD (b78ff7)

  207. Asher Yosef,
    You really should apologize to Patterico, for saying he has a “filthy Nazi blog.” That really was an outrageous and hurtful thing to say.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  208. Hey, if we’re gonna stand in line to taser the Philistine, can I taser it first? Pretty please?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  209. Bradley, I offered to contribute to his Bar Mitzvah fund if he could document anti-semitic posts on this site. He totally ignored my contract offer and lied by insinuation about what my contract offer was. And since he’s so into providing false witness, he has to be a Philistine or a Moabite.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  210. You guys are trying to reason with a barking dog.

    Patterico (64318f)

  211. A barking dog what ate my Hershey bar.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  212. A muttering troll, Patterico. I think its a schtick.

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  213. I am not trying to reason with it. I am encouraging it to get help.

    Is it a Shi-Tzu?

    JD (3086d2)

  214. Is it a Shi-Tzu?

    Comment by JD

    It’s a mutt. Part Cocker Spaniel, part Poodle, part Shi-Tzu.


    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  215. what ate my Hershey bar.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  216. “You guys are trying to reason with a barking dog.

    Comment by Patterico — 10/5/2009 @ 8:43 pm”

    Patterico, it’s better than trying to reason with a filthy pig who defends tasering.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  217. Asher, I bet you love the taste of left-over ham sandwiches. (Two can play at this game.)

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  218. Brother Bradley Fikes, the people who you say are good actually wish to taser me. Brother Fikes, are you aware that tasering KILLS? Does it appear normal to you to wish someone murdered? That’s precisely the wish of these people.

    These guys are so gentlemanly and so smart that their comments are worthy of psychiatry wards: they’re about mothers who dress me, Jewish things and medicines. Ah, the deformed face of the ancient hatred of Jews is never far… it came out pretty quickly out of the gutter here.

    Several of you fellows -Hitchcock, SPQR, JD, Patterico, and most of all daleyrocks- are a lynch mob.
    Hitchcok and SPQR really itch to murder. They both what to taser. Hitchcok even wants to it himself! Tasering kills, so your murder intention couldn’t be more clear than that. What you wish to others, may it happen to yourself: may you two get tasered, Hitchock and SPQR.

    It’s all a Jewish thing to defend myself eh? Well daleyrocks, you showed your true face with your attack on my being Jewish. Swastika boy, if we met in real life and you talked like that about my being Jewish or about my mother, you’d then cower like a little dog, shut up and beg for mercy. It’s easy to be courageous behind the screen, when commenting about someone’s Mother and being a Hitler-boy has no consequences. Here’s a piece of advice: make sure you always stay behind the screen, daleyrocks – in real life you would get a stiffly appropriate payback.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  219. Suweet! I’ve gone from being anti-Philistine to being anti-black! Woot!

    And, daley, I think you found a new special friend.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  220. Read these two, Brother Fikes:

    “Fair enough, Asher. I suggest hanging out here and getting to know the people. They’re a really good bunch.

    Comment by Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. — 10/5/2009 @ 5:57 am”

    “Hey, if we’re gonna stand in line to taser the Philistine, can I taser it first? Pretty please?

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 10/5/2009 @ 8:39 pm”

    Brother Bradley Fikes, do you know tasering kills? Do you think Hitchcock’s incitement to murder is compatible to being good?

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  221. Hey, Asher. You’re gonna love an article I wrote on my site. Full of hate and stuff, ya know. No logic and no reasoning. You’ll love it.

    But you’ll have to ignore everything else I’ve written to find the hate you’re looking for. (Oops, you already do that.)

    And quit eating my Hershey bars!

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  222. Show me one thing I have said that is anti-semitic, Asher. You will not because you cannot. Get help, or step away from the bong.

    JD (6cce87)

  223. Ya gotta love those Philistines who love their Jimmy Carters and Billary Clintons and Barack “I bow to Mohammedins” Obamas while hating their Ronny Ray-guns and George Bushes and Maggie Thatchers.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  224. Hithcock… you kind of lynch mob has lynched Jews too. Mob is key.- if we faceto face without your mob, I bet you’d surprisingly accommodating.

    Otherwise, of course, you’re too ignorant to know lynch mobs killed Jews too. In fact, while your type often killed blacks, they also liked to kill whoever stood in their way. That perfectly describes John Hitchcock, who wishes to murder people in disagreement.

    Your itch to taser me is a direct wish to murder. That is who you are, a would-be murderer. Whatever you wish to me, may it happen to yourself.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  225. Not that a Philistine such as you are interested at all in the truth, but here ya go anyway, from my site. I highly doubt you’d even deign to travel there, Philistine, since you’re too busy eating your Rocky Mountain Oysters. But there it is, anyway, in all its glory.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  226. “your type” ? Are you kidding me? Your type?! Tacist !!!!!!!!!!

    JD (848a9f)

  227. JD, I didn’t say you are anti-Semitic, I said you are part of a lynch mob. You arguments were from the very start a series of insults. That’s because you can’t deal with facts.

    You’re part of a diverse group. The resident anti-Semite here is daleyrocks. The really violent wannabes are SPQR and John Hitchcock, who wish to taser me. Tasering kills, JD. You haven’t expressed that wish.

    Or perhaps you want to taser me too? At this point nothing is surprising anymore.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  228. Taser-crazy Hitchcock, aside from being a wannabe murderer, you’re clearly the most imbecile of the bunch. I never expressed any opinion about those US politicians. Only a cretin like yourself could believe that Zionist Jew likes Jimmy Carter.

    Violence you can do – fighting less. I can recognize fakes -that’s what serving in the army and seeing combat is good for- and you are one. You’re as genuinely tough as a three-dollar bill. I saw your website, it fits with rest.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  229. “The resident anti-Semite here is daleyrocks.”

    Asher – Who knew? What do I win?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  230. Hey, Asher, I hope you choke on that Rocky Mountain Oyster you’re eating right now. And you really should down your shank of veal in milk sauce more quickly. Ya know? (I’ll keep playing as long as you keep playing.)

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  231. I volunteered to be tazed in another thread, Asher. You are still quite majnoon. Shalom, bint. Get help.

    JD (848a9f)

  232. Asher, honey, you haven’t read enough of me yet to know my history, or that of my daughter, sweety-cakes. Can we kiss and make out up now?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  233. I always lurv the chickenhawk types …

    JD (848a9f)

  234. Asher – You arguments were from the very start a series of insults. That’s because you can’t deal with facts.

    You wild and crazy guy you. Pimping for Polanski!

    daleyrocks (718861)

  235. John Hitchcock, your website has that most interesting post addressed to Jews. Apparently we should see Jesus as the Messiah.
    Could you care to explain that? I read the post very attentively.
    I had some ancestors who died by fire rather than convert.

    Otherwise, your offer of peaceful dialogue, if true, is perfectly fine. “True” means its is clear that a taser is a murder wish and as such is unacceptable.

    If there can be dialogue with Brother Bradley Fikes, there can be with you too.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  236. I volunteered to be tazed in another thread, Asher. You are still quite majnoon. Shalom, bint. Get help.

    Comment by JD

    Yuppers, so did I on that same thread.

    Tell ya what, Philistine, I’ll get tazed first and then I’ll taze you second. Deal?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  237. Asher,

    If you are serious in your nonsense, you’re paranoid, delusional, and hysterical. I’m not convinced you’re serious… you are likely just an undergrad-level troll who has been here before and banned long ago. Probably more than once. Regardless, the only racism here is yours and you’ve been challenged repeatedly to show otherwise and failed to do so. You started off calling people Nazi’s and haven’t stopped for more than a comment or two.

    Oh, and as for you being such a tough-guy in real life? Real tough guys don’t make multiple fake internet threats of punishment, especially while crying about non-existent anti-Semitism on a blog.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  238. JD, go back to your multilingual insults. It’s all you know.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  239. Just a sec, cross post there.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  240. Stashiu3, keep your judgments for yourself. So far no one asked about your mother or insulted you because it’s a “Jewish thing” and no one expressed the wish to taser you. Tasering kills.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  241. No deal onthe tasering Hitchcok, no tasering. It’s like saying “I get shot first, then you shoot me”. Tasering kills. Just check that.

    I wouldn’t taser anyone, unless in legitimate defense anyone, because tasering kills. And if I was in life-and-death legitimate defense, I might be able to pull some other tricks.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  242. ““The resident anti-Semite here is daleyrocks.”

    Asher – Who knew? What do I win?

    Comment by daleyrocks — 10/5/2009 @ 10:28 pm'”

    You should choose what you win. How about we start with something about your mother?

    What you wish to others, may it happen to you.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  243. I’ll reject your “tazed is death” meme but I’ll focus in on the Messiah query.

    Yes, I do believe Jesus is the Messiah. I believe Jesus fulfilled every prophecy about the Messiah in the Old Testament. (Talmud? I’m not certain what it is but it is Jewish sacred text.) I also believe nobody who says “convert or get roasted” is a true believer. Adonai would not approve. And, yes, I believe Adonai is God. I believe that name is less troubling to use among some circles?

    My point in my article with the “My Jewish Friends” title start was not necessarily to convince you that I am right about the Messiah, but to explain why Christians can be very pro-Israel while at the same time believe the anti-Christ must be Jewish. I tried to explain if Christians are right that Jesus is the Messiah, then the Jewish faith is still looking for someone of the lineage of David and wouldn’t be fooled by a Gentile.

    Do I want you to view Jesus as the Messiah? You bet. Do I want to kill you if you don’t? Absolutely not. That would not be a true, faith-based choice. I do want you to understand why “end-times” Christians, such as myself, fully believe the anti-Christ must be of the line of David. And that is because no Israelite would accept any but one of that line.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  244. Asher – Tasers are considered nonlethal force. I have been tasered four times in my life, for training and demonstration purposes. (I have also been pepper sprayed. Of the two I think I would take the taser.) That said any application of force, applied for whatever reason, can result in death. That does not indicate that the purpose or the intent was to cause death.
    Further to claim that a mocking reference to a desire to taser a troll is an actionable, or even real, desire to commit murder reveals a disconnect with reality.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  245. “Oh, and as for you being such a tough-guy in real life?”

    Stashiu3, in this thread people expressed the wish to taser me, after commenting that I was a midget or a dog. That’s the normal way to discuss, isn’t it?

    I never said I’m tough. What I did say was that, if I met any of these guys alone in real life, I’m sure most would have no courage whatsoever to say to my face the same things, because they would realize there might be consequences. And if they did say it, perhaps there would be appropriate consequences.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  246. Comment by Asher Yosef — 10/5/2009 @ 10:42 pm

    And if I tell you to keep your judgments to yourself are you obligated to do so? Your very first comment here (under this name and IP) called this a Nazi blog. I know you’re just dying for someone to deny that Tasers kill… not gonna happen kid. Everyone here knows that it’s possible. But using a Taser is not an attempt to kill no matter how many times you claim it is. You’re a liar and a racist.

    You just want to be banned (again, I believe). Definitely a troll. I’m sure you’ll get your wish eventually.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  247. Have Blue, there have been several deaths caused by tasering.
    I’m sure your words are great consolation for the families of the murdered, not only in the US.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  248. Have Blue, there have been several deaths caused by tasering.
    Comment by Asher Yosef — 10/5/2009 @ 10:57 pm

    And people have choked to death on peanuts. That doesn’t mean that I’m trying to kill you if I offer you a Snickers. You are an undergrad, aren’t you?

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  249. Hitchcock, tasering is often enough death. Bullets are not always death either. Tasering usually kills with inducing cardiac arrest. It is a significant health risk – significant enough when people end up at the morgue. I’m all for law enforcement, yet this weapon comes with this false advertisement – oh, it’s not dangerous. Yes it is. Sometimes police have to use lethal weapons, I understand. This too is a lethal weapon, and is easier to buy than a gun.

    As for the other discussion, your post truly disappointed me. There were vicious insults between us before. Do whatever you want. I’m out of this.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  250. Why Stashiu3, are you an undergrad? I don’t think you got that far. I’d say middle school. How about we make a deal? You get me a peanut and I taser you – three times, on the chest.

    Asher Yosef (1eed74)

  251. Asher – A co-worker of mine killed a man performing CPR on him, while trying to save his life. (The effort probably would have been futile even if a rib had not lacerated a major blood vessel.) Are you going to claim that my collegue murdered a man?

    Stashiu – From a very early comment on this thread I thought that Asher might be SWMNBN. (The “no neurons” comment.) But if it is they are doing a wonderful job of disguising a very unique web persona.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  252. Regarding the other? Interesting way to put it. My post? You mean my comment here explaining my article or do you mean my article? And how did my “post” disappoint you?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  253. Asher,

    It’s a deal if you can pull it off. I pretty much guarantee you can’t. The internet tough-guy thing isn’t really working for you. Middle school? That’s the best you can do? Try harder kid, too many people here know me. Maybe another chickenhawk slur? No, that won’t work either. Well, I’m sure you’ll think of something. Won’t be good, but something.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  254. Have Blue,

    It’s not her.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  255. Sorry to destroy your fun, Stash, with these two links, but I can’t help myself. Easy to find, if someone actually wants to.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  256. Stashiu3, you have no substance whatsoever. That is why you need to use words like “chickenhawk”. You sound like like a bad newspaper, full of stupid cliches, because you have no thoughts of your own. This whole kid shtick proves nothing except that you feel yourself older and wiser. I have no idea what your age is, just as you have none of mine, and it is not interesting in any case. Arguments would have been interesting, but you have none.

    You are however quite entertaining – not that you intended to. Your supposition that I have been here before and was banned is quite amusing. Do you honestly really think you’re worth returning to? I only commented on this thread – first and last. If anything, your presence here is an excellent argument not to come back.

    As for the deal, I see you may be stupid enough to risk being killed by taser, but I’m not willing to go to prison for you, just because you do not know the risks of an often-lethal weapon. I wouldn’t be surprised if you took the deal of drinking a potassium cyanide bottle too. Hey, it’s just a chemical. Keep at it, Stashiu3, and one day you might get a Darwin award.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  257. This one is comical. The tough-guy chickenhawk idiocy is the most amusing.

    JD (86e892)

  258. Have Blue – your co-worker tries to someone’s life. Are you arguing that people who taser others are trying to save their lives?

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  259. I’ll give him the doubt and say we cross-posted. Maybe he’ll return to apologize to stash. I can hope (to win the lotto) can’t I?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  260. JD, is it because you didn’t serve? Or because you feel the need to speak in cliches – that is, when you don’t recite curses in other languages?

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  261. the *benefit of the* doubt

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  262. Quick, Asher, did Stash serve?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  263. Holy Moly! I just caught something! Asher claims this thread is the first thread he’s been on here! And all his previous accusations just left the toilet and entered the sludge pit!

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  264. Whether or not I served has no bearing on the idiocy of your “argument”.

    FWIW, I never cursed at you in a foreign language. I did call you crazy in a couple languages, Spanoish and modern standard Arabic.

    JD (86e892)

  265. Hitchcock, keep your apology suggestions to yourself. For what, not accepting Stashiu3 wisdom and stock cliches about hysterical? That was his grand opening.

    As for your “post”, I was referring both to your website and to your answer. I do not wish for any acrimonious debate. I did not expect that. It would have been much better to keep hearing from you vicious insults and tasering wishes – than to read your 10/4 posting. Your subsequent explanation didn’t change anything. Have it your way, and good luck explaining it to others like me.

    I am however grateful that you sent that link. It is a link worth seeing, and not just by me – very clearly written, very open. I do not need to explain more, or more publicly, because it is clear enough. At least you’re open. I appreciate that.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  266. JD, calling someone crazy is an insult, pendejo.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  267. I love how it whines about acrimony when its first post accused people of being Nazis and murderers. Unintentional irony rocks!

    JD (86e892)

  268. Asher,

    I am older and wiser. Your first comment shows that. Also, the deal was you could try to taser me… nothing about me letting you succeed. About calling people chickenhawks:

    You didn’t see war yet are machos. Go to war if you’re such men and then come and talk. But you’re just a bunch of beer-belly armchair nobodies with living room courage.

    Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe. (That “kid” thing really bugs you, doesn’t it? Truth hurts.) As John Hitchcock said above, it’s not too hard to find out about me.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  269. Hitchcock, it is a long thread. I’ve read before occasionally and do not remember ever commenting. Nor will I ever comment once I’m out of this thread.

    But I will look at your website – that was by far the most informative detail here. I will show it to others too.

    Otherwise, interesting to see you’re back in your insulting mode.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  270. Never said it was not an insult, it was more a statement of fact. Crazy is not a curse, which is what you claimed I did. Now, you call me a pendejo, which is certainly a curse, yet moan about the acrimony. Rich. Why are you a racist?

    JD (86e892)

  271. Stashiu3, that kid thing doesn’t hurt at all, it simply shows you are clueless. You have no idea, so you just make things up. With your confidence, I’m sure you read palms too, and know Zodiac signs as well, especially when you ask women in bars what’s their major.
    Otherwise, you may be older, but you are certainly stupid.

    As for your view of the taser-and-peanut deal, I think your confidence is dangerous. I believe using what I learnt in the military where it belongs: in missions, if and when called to serve again.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  272. JD, pendejo means idiot. It is a statement of fact. You can dish it, but you can’t take it.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  273. JD, there is no point in your commenting to what I write for Hitchcock. What is pathetic about yourself is that you are a zero.

    Hitchcock has something to say in his site. Something very bad, but substantial. You are a zero.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  274. You are one bint majnoon, Asher. Shalom. Get help.

    JD (86e892)

  275. JD, why don’t you learn some more words? I’ll give you a dollar if you go sing at another table.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  276. Asher, do take the time to look at the two links I provide regarding Stashiu3, before you make yourself look even more foolish than you have already done (if that is possible.) That is research that should take you a couple hours to get through if you read every word. I doubt you’ll actually read it all, though. It would hurt your adamantly ignorant stance. But it would help you out with your intentional false witnessing you are doing here.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  277. Asher, JD doesn’t want your dirty money.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  278. Asher,

    I have a few clues and even more ideas. I don’t go to bars, I’m not eligible for a Darwin, palmistry and astrology hold no interest for me, I’m in MENSA, retired military, and a moderator here. There’s really nothing you can say that will get under my skin. Trust me on that.

    Here is your very first comment here:

    Ah, Patterico, you corrupt and abusive cop, are you still blogging? How many people have you murdered with tasers, pathetic Patterico bastard?

    You have defended tasering people by police in his filthy Nazi blog. You have said that whoever complains about the police is a gang member. Why don’t you move to the Soviet Union, or to Georgia to kill some Jews and blacks? come on, it’s abundantly clear you’re a corrupt and violent cop.

    First, Patterico is an attorney, not a police officer.
    Second, calling him corrupt should have gotten you the boot immediately if he was as bad as you claim.
    Third, I doubt he has ever tasered anyone.
    Fourth, there has never been a post approving of Nazis here.
    Fifth, there has never been a post claiming that complaining about police makes someone a gang member.
    Sixth, calling the host a racist and potential murderer in your very first comment is evidence you’re not only a troll, you’re an ignorant one.
    Seventh, repeating that he is a “cop” does not make him one. It makes you look stupid.

    That’s just your first comment. Six sentences, all wrong. Pathetic.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  279. #280

    Me aburre a la muerte, pirujo.

    Taco Bell Chihuahua (445f08)

  280. John Hitchcock, please be assured that I will show your website widely. It is very clearly written and it certainly deserves publicity.

    As for my money, it is rather amusing hearing you to talk of money. Earlier on this thread you have offered, between furious insults, your support for my sons’ bar-mitzvah.

    By the way, if you were to calm down, however acrimonious the discussion, it could be more civilized. And remember, I offer civility while I didn’t write that 10/4 posting, YOU did.

    Otherwise, support? From you? The best support I can give my people is have them read your 10/4 posting. It is good for them to know what’s out there.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  281. By the way, if you were to calm down, however acrimonious the discussion, it could be more civilized. And remember, I offer civility while I didn’t write that 10/4 posting, YOU did.
    Comment by Asher Yosef — 10/6/2009 @ 12:30 am

    Like your first comment? And almost every one since? I doubt you could hold a civil conversation here under any circumstances.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  282. We can’t miss you if you don’t leave. We can mock you though. Bark for me.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  283. Repeating my repetition:

    And this is where I offered funds to Bar Mitzvah:

    I have to admit I came to this thread because I saw a name I liked, Asher Yosef. But, upon reading his logorrhea, I regret it. If Asher Yosef refuses to take the time to actually read things, then it is pointless to take the time to rip every single one of his false premises apart.

    And, Asher Yosef, I’ll contribute to your sons’ Bar Mitzvah if you’ll actually read all the articles on this site that you claim are Nazi-esque and write a full, cited research presentation. In fact, I dare you to find one anti-semitic article. I dare you to find even one racist article.

    But that’s not what you’re about, is it, Asher Yosef? Neither Asher (father of one of the twelve tribes) nor Yosef (owner of the multi-colored coat) would approve.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 10/2/2009 @ 11:14 pm

    I challenge anyone to find any bribery or corruption in that challenge I gave.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 10/4/2009 @ 4:15 pm

    And my reference to “dirty money” came from:


    John Hitchcock, I challenge you to show what is false in my posts. I want to hear proof that even a single statement I made is false. As JD, Patterico and other idiots here, you are simply incapable of discussing facts.

    Until you come with facts, keep your filthy offers of money to yourself, you corrupt man.

    Comment by Asher Yosef — 10/4/2009 @ 3:08 pm

    Where you completely ignored the parameters and imputed a completely false set of parameters.

    Do try to keep up with all your lies. Or, better yet, try the truth. It requires a much less accurate memory.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  284. Stashiu3, you are absolutely right that Patterico is an attorney, not a policeman. I confused him with “Jack Dunphy”, a Los Angeles cop who sometimes is a guest on this blog.

    Notably, his guest “jack Dunphy” has been a notable advocate of police brutality and tasering in The National Review.

    I stand corrected. I feel no need to apologize after being a called a dog by Patterico, and seeing his gleeful comments after people wished me tasered, commented about my mother of how about it’s all a “Jewish thing”.

    Otherwise, what I argued on this thread is not that Jew Polanski is innocent, but that the other similar but non-Jewish bastards are not prosecuted. I wish they had been prosecuted just as strongly. They certainly were NOT.

    Michael Jackson wasn’t and is now a national icon, and neither are the many Catholic priests and Mormons, of which preciously few were convicted. The state of Utah is full of these bastards with many wives, many underage. Why are the police, the DA or the FBI not going after the local holy men?

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  285. And, looking thru the comments, you’ll find I did in fact provide an example you demanded.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  286. “We can’t miss you if you don’t leave. We can mock you though. Bark for me.

    Comment by Stashiu3 — 10/6/2009 @ 12:39 am”

    That’s your civility, isn’t it? It would be surprising if you ever rose above the gutter.

    As for when I leave, I’m surprised you haven’t called yet for me to be tasered or censored, or both. Your friends have done that already – nothing excites them more than the prospect of violence, preferably committed as a mob. They don’t have courage individually, but as a mob they feel empowered.

    I’m sure it’s just a matter of time, once you get past that dog name-calling – don’t look in the mirror so much.

    [I don’t need to call for you to be censored, understand? –Stashiu 😉 ]

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  287. Asher, honey, I really wanna kiss and make out up. Can we, please?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  288. Asher,

    You’re a proven liar beyond mistaking Patterico for Jack Dunphy. Jack has never advocated for police brutality, that’s a lie. The dog reference came from you originally, remember? Can dish it out, but can’t take it, eh? What about the other things in that first comment? Too hard to admit you were corrected on those points as well? That’s what comes from trolling. Toying with you isn’t even a challenge because you haven’t said anything factual to discuss. Who here defended Michael Jackson or abusive priests in a post? Nobody. Making things up and repeating them endlessly does not make them true. It just proves you are ignorant.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  289. Hitchcock, keep your advice for yourself. From the very beginning you started explaining to me how exactly should I be observant. I didn’t appreciate your offers after that, and I would have appreciated them even less -a lot less- had I read your website.

    The difference between has happened and what should have happened, is that, had I read your website before, I would have not talked to you at all.

    As I said, now I appreciate what you put there and I will show that website to those who need to know and who are your intended audience. This must be known.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  290. (And, specific un-named commenter of value, if you’re reading this, hope you don’t mind.)

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  291. Yes, stash, it is very easy to mock the Philistine. He has spent most of his time giving false witness and doubling down on stupid. Which is why I can mock him.

    I’m not good at the mocking thing, like many others here, but I try.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  292. Shi-Tzu, or a Chihuahua. A mangy one.

    I do not get this one … usually they are easy to figure out, but this one is all over the place.

    JD (145e30)

  293. John,

    He’s almost like Kagu or Spurwing (yes, I know they’re the same) after a weekend meth binge. I’m waiting for him to get at least one thing right. I’m sure he didn’t go to the links you gave, but that’s okay… let him remain clueless. 😉

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  294. Stashiu3, the dog reference came from Patterico, JD and others from the very beginning.

    First, I recognized my error in confusing Patterico and Jack Dunphy.
    Patterico is hardly much a nice guy. The district attorney’s office of Los Angeles has been so keen on Polanski and so oddly forgiving of similar sex offenders.

    Second, it will be night at noon before you admit a mistake. Given your amusing imbecility about guessing undergraduate and such, you are wrong from the start.

    Third, Jack Dunphy has defended tasering in The National Review, September 20, 2007.
    You lie as you breathe.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  295. Umm, stash, I doubt the Philistine will actually go back and re-read his posts. But that was indeed cute.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  296. Yes John Hitchock, indeed, you are not very good at mocking. Niether are the others. You are quite surprising though.

    First you want peace. Then the next posting you call me Philistine and insult me. Are you always that shifty?

    Philistine, eh? Now that I read your 10/4 posting website, I know why you call me like that. Have no fear, your intended audience will read your clear word – even though the reception might be different than what you hope for.

    Otherwise, it’s still progress from wanting to taser me. Congratulations!

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  297. Goodnight gentlemen, and puppy.

    JD (145e30)

  298. So oddly forgiving of all the charges against Polanski which would’ve given him life without opportunity to avoid yellow vegetable-cylindrical entrenchment. That’s what the LA DA was back in the 70s.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  299. Stashiu3, I read the posts about you as linked by Hitchcock. Very good, but so what? I served in the military and saw combat against similar guys, so I don’t need your lessons. Otherwise, good for you, but you have no upper hand on me.

    On the bright side, at least so far you haven’t asked me to convert and recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  300. Goodnight pendejo.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  301. Asher,

    Any more talk about Patterico’s job and you’re back in moderation. I will not approve anything and will just leave them for Patterico. This is his rule and I don’t think he’s around just now. If you doubt I can do it, take a look at your 12:48am comment.

    You made the dog reference first and I linked to it. Also, I have no problem admitting mistakes and can prove it. Next, undergrad was a guess, but I still think it’s a good one. Are you giving me permission to explain why? Moving on, tasering is not police brutality, just like it’s not attempted murder. You asserting it does not make it so.

    Finally, point to a single lie I’ve ever told on this blog. Ever. There is plenty to look at, start with John’s links, although those have been picked pretty clean and not one lie found. I double-dog (heh) dare you.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  302. Asher, do pass that link around to folks. And do tell them that I welcome honest debate, which you are incapable of providing. I even allow froot-loop comments, as provided by that one who commented on that particular article and further evidenced by blubonnet’s appearances in commentaries.

    But I prefer honest debate, which you have yet to provide. You almost provided it once or twice but pulled back.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  303. Asher, you may wish to rephrase yourself.


    My point in my article with the “My Jewish Friends” title start was not necessarily to convince you that I am right about the Messiah, but to explain why Christians can be very pro-Israel while at the same time believe the anti-Christ must be Jewish. I tried to explain if Christians are right that Jesus is the Messiah, then the Jewish faith is still looking for someone of the lineage of David and wouldn’t be fooled by a Gentile.

    Do I want you to view Jesus as the Messiah? You bet. Do I want to kill you if you don’t? Absolutely not. That would not be a true, faith-based choice. I do want you to understand why “end-times” Christians, such as myself, fully believe the anti-Christ must be of the line of David. And that is because no Israelite would accept any but one of that line.

    Any pseudo-intelligent person can understand I did not, in any way, ask you to convert. I said I wanted you to view Jesus as the Messiah, yes, but I also said that wasn’t my point. Again, my point was for Israelites to understand why Christians believe what they do. And it wasn’t anti-semitic or proselitizing.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  304. Stashiu3, do you think you scare me with the moderation? I know how this is applied here. No moderator had any problem with anti-Semitic comments made to me by daleyrocks, or to comments about my mother, or to calls and direct offers to taser me – which I remind you are calls to VIOLENCE. Have you warned any of these people? Or is it just because I dare defend myself?

    Second, your undergrad guess is simply to make yourself sound older and wiser, as you have in fact proclaimed to be. It is wrong.

    Third, I have not insulted your past as seen from those links provided by Hitchcock, quite the contrary. I simply think they are irrelevant, especially given I have quite a bit of direct experience in the matter. I wasn’t sitting in any room with them, I was out in the fields. But that has nothing to do with the the rest.

    Fourth, tasering kills. Several people were killed like that. If you like that, so be it. I take the sides of the families of the murdered. I have this strange notion that in a democratic country police should not be able to kill or maim with impunity, and that they should be prosecuted when they do so.
    Jack Dunphy, unlike what you said, has defended police tasering in the pages of The National Review, in blatant disregard of the deaths caused by tasering. You denied he defended that. I gave you the reference.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  305. Hitchcock, you can’t write a single post without insulting, eh?

    Be assured I will pass around your website and your 10/4 post. It is not often that I see something like that. Jews need to know what is acceptable to ask them in contemporary US.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  306. Stash, can I taser him now? Please? I got this new 4-shot taser I wanna try out!

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  307. No, Asher, babe, I have never in my life authored a single comment or article which didn’t have any overt insult or desire for violence in one way or another. Not a one, sugar muffin.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  308. Hitchock, very amusing.

    If you tried tasering me on real life, I would take it as a case of life-threatening legitimate defense.

    Of course, I would expect you to attack things from behind. At least the army taught me assiduously how to defend myself.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  309. Aww, yer only Army. I was USMC trained. 😉 And we all know how much more skilled the Corps is than Army, right stash?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  310. Asher,

    I’m not trying to scare you, I’m stating a fact. Leave Patterico’s job out of your comments from now on.

    Nobody here made anti-Semitic comments, including daleyrocks. You have no standing in my eyes to complain about hostile comments until you redeem yourself for your own. You are a coward who wants to dish it out but can’t take it in return. Typical internet tough-guy. Well, you are still commenting so don’t complain about them. “Look over there!” doesn’t work with me.

    I am older and wiser. Again, your first comment here proves it. Deal with it.

    I never claimed you insulted my past so don’t bother burning that strawman. You called me a liar which is untrue. Once again, you prove your ignorance. Find a comment on this blog where I lied. We’ll wait.

    Tasering can kill, although this is rare. Peanuts can kill too, as I mentioned. This does not make it murder or police brutality. I defend Snickers, despite being sure that people have choked or had allergic reactions that resulted in death. That doesn’t mean I defend murder. You asserting it doesn’t make it so. Your conclusion is flawed about Jack. Defending the use of tasers is not defending murder or police brutality and saying it does is a lie. That’s what I denied.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  311. At least the army taught me assiduously how to defend myself.
    Comment by Asher Yosef — 10/6/2009 @ 1:45 am


    As for your view of the taser-and-peanut deal, I think your confidence is dangerous. I believe using what I learnt in the military where it belongs: in missions, if and when called to serve again.
    Comment by Asher Yosef — 10/5/2009 @ 11:58 pm

    My irony-meter just pegged.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  312. Back to lurking. It’s not really that fun to troll-bash when it’s this easy.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  313. Whack-a-mole gets more fun when the mole jumps around faster, eh?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  314. Oh, one more to demonstrate how ignorant Asher has been. Here. (bold mine)

    What’s the matter Patterico, have you come back from another tasering of innocents? Have you kiled anyone today? Tell us, you gloat in violence and abuse anyway.

    Knowing your blog means understanding why the Rodney King riots happened – because of abusive creeps like yourself. You’re no ordinary creep, you’re a creep who defends abuse in The National Review and in your sick neo-Nazi blog. No wonder you’re calling others dogs – that’s a standard Nazi insult, you only show what your allegiance is.

    Reading it also means understanding the mentality of demented cops and law “enforcers” hell-bent of brutalizing and murdering innocents. I hope your blog gets read more, so as people see more of the kind of psychotic creeps like yourself that “uphold the law” in Los Angeles. Good job Patterico! Wouldn’t it be time for you to team with Sharon Keller in Texas? You share with her the dementia and proud abuse of innocents. Like her, you won’t hold that law license forever.

    The truth is that you’re a nobody with no courage. All you have guts for is attacking innocent and unarmed people. If they’re Jews, even better. Perhaps you read a bit too much of Mein Kampf. I sincerely wish you to be tasered – what you have willed and defended doing to others, may it happen to yourself. It would certainly be fair.

    The first bold part seems to indicate Asher is actually talking about Jack Dunphy. The second bold part seems to be talking about Patterico since Jack doesn’t have a law license. The third bold part shows where it’s okay for Asher to want someone tasered, even though by his reasoning it’s an attempt at murder!!!! Yet, he complains when others use hyperbole about tasering him. So, he’s ignorant and a hypocrite. Too easy, as I said.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  315. Stashiu3,

    First, I strongly disagree with you regarding the anti-Semitism here.

    daleyrocks did mock my complaints are a “Jewish thing”. That was before he started talking about my mother. No insult is too bad for you or other moderators if its’ directed to me, isn’t it?

    Hitchcock did, in his message from the very beginning, order me what I should do and how I should interpret the Torah. After that, he offered support for my sons’ bar-mitzvahs if I follow his advice. (That was quite outlandish.) After that, he started calling me Philistine. Calling a Jew a non-Jew (and preferably an enemy of Jews) is a standard anti-Semitic practice. PLO did it all the time – they dictate to the Jews how they should behave and they deny their Jewishness, once the stiff-necked Jews refuse to conform to what is told to them is Jewish. The Nation of Islam does it too – same thing, we’re not true Jews because we don’t do what they want.
    You see, he knows something about Jewish law. His website and his relating postings on this very thread have the exhortation for Jews to recognize Jesus. I understood him much better after I read these things, and I will certainly pass that website around, it needs to be seen.

    So with these people here, I don’t need you tell me what’s anti-Semitic or not. I’ve had enough of this to know I need no approval for that, not from you certainly; enough people were and are killed in the world because of being Jews and for no other reason. If you don’t realize how offensive a Messiah call is to contemporary Jews, you haven’t learnt the first thing about it, or about Jews.

    Second, for police tasering, I”ve heard your analogy with peanuts before, especially when you offered the deal with peanuts and tasering. If you think tasering is as harmless as peanuts, why would you prevent yourself from being tasered?

    Third, I did give you an example of a lie. You said Jack Dunphy did not defend tasering. I gave you the reference – twice. So you lied.

    Otherwise, concerning your past from those links, I respect it. I don’t like you one bit more as a person (based on what I have seen here), but I respect it.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  316. Stashiu3, i don’t quite understand why are you surprised that I would wish tasering on someone who approves tasering.

    It’s a very simple rule: what you do and wish to others, may it happen to you. Does someone defend tasering?I hope that person will be tasered. It is only fair. It’s called the Golden Rule.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  317. Asher, let me be very clear here, since you’re incapable of understanding. I called you a Philistine because a devout Israelite would never deign to provide false witness so frequently as you have. Had you actually attempted to be truthful, I would not have declared you a Philistine. And, I know of a Moabitess who did not-so-nice things before she immigrated to Israel and the faith. I also know of a couple Moabites who claimed to be of a tribe of Israel. The Moabitess was welcomed into the family while the two Moabites were not. So, yes, I do know a little sumpin sumpin.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  318. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you wish done unto you.

    Do try harder, next time.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  319. And every law enforcement officer, at least every Ohio State Highway Patrolman, who has access to a taser has already been tasered.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  320. Hitchcock, I don’t need you to tell me how to be a Jew.

    I didn’t need it from the beginning and I certainly would not accept any kind advice after seeing your website. I’m glad I saw it because it clarified things.

    There are lots of people in the world who tell us how we should be Jews and to cease to be Jews or be true Jews or whatever – Hamas, The Nation of Islam, Southern Baptists, the Catholic Church, Mormons, Communist parties. Some are violent, others are not, or are even operationally friendly, but they all want something with our Jewish identity.

    Many take interest In Jews and feel entitled to hector them about how they should be Jews. The interest would be flattering if it weren’t so disastrous. I don’t want to hear any of that anymore.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  321. I never said Jack didn’t defend tasering. I said he didn’t defend murder or police brutality. That’s not a lie and you claiming it is doesn’t make it one. I also never claimed that peanuts are as harmless as tasering, just that neither was an attempt to murder someone. Get your facts straight and stop distorting what others say lying.

    Nobody cares if you’re Jewish. We care that you’re a dishonest, lying troll claiming that the only reason people want Polanski punished is because he is Jewish. Make all the moral equivalence arguments you like, we don’t really care about who he worships, if anything. We care that he drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl and never was held accountable. I didn’t even know he was Jewish until you brought it up and I still don’t care. I hope he goes to prison and never gets out.

    Any further lies you have, about me or anyone else, can wait for a while because I’m done with you until later unless you bring Patterico’s job into it again. I’ve wasted way too much on you already.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  322. “The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you wish done unto you.
    Do try harder, next time.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 10/6/2009 @ 2:27 am”

    Hitchcock, don’t be so cocky. The Golden Rule exists in many formulations, which don’t have to be taken from your King’s English variant. That is especially true since it existed in ancient Egypt, in ancient Greece, for Jews, then Christians, etc. You have a lot to learn.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  323. And it’s approx 0540 here. 4 hours from now and my dog’s gonna be telling me to take her outside, so I gotta get a nap in before that happens.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  324. Stashiu3,

    Yeah right, nobody cares that I am Jewish except that I am told all complaints are Jewish, and that I should take Jesus as Messiah in the bargain. Sure, that’s normal for you, the Jew should shut up when asked such things, and take as normal the calls for violence against him. This is the most shocking part of all – the incitation to violence that you, as moderator, certainly didn’t see fit to curb.

    Yes, I say Polanski is worth prosecuting, but are so the non-Jewish sexual criminals so sluggishly pursued – the myriad of multiple-underage-wives Mormons, the Catholic priests, the lovely Michael Jackson that was left out in the same years when the Los Angeles DA office pursued Polanski. If the law is meted to a Jewish criminal, it should be to the non-Jewish criminal too. But it’s hard for you to understand I dare ask for equality under the law. So the sexual criminals are free to roam the streets. That’s justice, isn’t it?

    Of course for Jack Dunphy all tasering is normal and all resulting deaths and maimings are tough luck and definitely not imputable to the perpetrators. This doesn’t make it any less murder. He defends it and you try to cover it up with words – you’re consistent.

    Otherwise, why do you bring Patterico’s job in it? It’s the third time in a row, while I haven’t said anything about it after you asked that. What’s your problem exactly?

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  325. Feel free to ask for as much tasering, barking, insulting my mother and for me to accept Jesus as Messiah as you please, and as you did in the past. I’ve had enough. You can be among yourselves, and free of dissent.

    Asher Yosef (4b9610)

  326. If someone else does it, it’s an “incitation to violence”. When Asher does it, it’s “The Golden Rule”. Neither was moderated, seems like the definition of fairness to me.

    What if the rule for prosecution was for every rape or murder committed by a non-Jewish person, a Jewish person had to be prosecuted as well, regardless of whether there was admissible evidence or probable cause? Does that sound fair Asher? Turning it around doesn’t seem quite as reasonable to you I bet.

    You try to redefine murder on a law blog? Not hardly. More proof of ignorance.

    I warned you about the rule concerning Patterico’s job and you claimed I was trying to “scare” you. I explained why this was not so and that I was just stating a fact. Then as I left for a while, I gave you fair warning that I would be watching… incredibly fair warning considering your first several comments here. So let’s count them… hmm, that seems to be three total, only one was after you stopped talking about it and that was the farewell warning. Seems like you don’t count well or are lying again. Shocker.

    Stop whining, lying, and playing a victim. You have been getting to spout your nonsense, don’t complain when you’re confronted on it. It doesn’t have anything to do with being Jewish, it has everything to do with your dishonest comments. That’s my problem, always has been.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

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