Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Staffer: Holding Man Accountable for Drugging and Anal Rape of 13-Year-Old Child Will Take Too Much $$$$

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 6:23 pm

I never thought I’d see the day when the L.A. Times published a piece arguing that it is too costly to pursue justice for the anal rape of a 13-year-old child.

In a post titled “Roman Polanski still being hounded by L.A. County prosecutors,” the L.A. Times‘s Patrick Goldstein makes an unusual argument against holding Roman Polanski accountable for drugging and anally raping a 13-year-old girl — namely, it would cost too much money:

With the state Legislature forced to make dramatic cuts in the prison budget and a three-judge federal panel having recently ordered California lawmakers to release as many as 40,000 inmates in response to the scandalous overcrowding of the California state prison system, it seems like an especially inauspicious time for the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office to be spending some of our few remaining tax dollars seeing if it can finally, after all these years, put Roman Polanski behind bars.

I can think of few crimes that are more deserving of punishment than drugging and anally raping a 13-year-old girl. And that’s what Polanski did. While I recognize that my office allowed Polanski to plead to a lesser charge because of his fame — the girl was reluctant to testify once it became clear that her anal rape would be discussed in international media for weeks — the girl’s grand jury testimony speaks for itself:

A. Then he lifted up my legs and went in through my anus.

Q. What do you mean by that?

A. He put his penis in my butt.

. . . .

Q. Do you know whether he had a climax?

A. Yes.

Q. And how do you know that?

A. Because I could kind of feel it and it was in my underwear. It was in my underwear. It was on my butt and stuff.

Q. When you say that, you believe that he climaxed in your anus?

A. Yes.

Q. What does climax mean?

A. That his semen came out.

Q. Do you know what semen is?

A. Yes.

Q. Did you see some semen or feel some semen?

A. I felt it.

Q. Where did you feel it?

A. I felt it on the back of my behind and in my underwear when I put them on.

The girl testified that she allowed this to happen because she was afraid of him, adding that Polanski had her take part of a Quaalude, which she washed down with a swallow of champagne.

To me, this crime seems like it’s worth spending money on. Goldstein, by contrast, apparently believes that anal rapes of 13-year-olds are too costly to prosecute — or, at least, if the defendant has managed to escape punishment by fleeing the country, and has obtained the moral support of the victim (whom he paid off in a settlement).

IRONIC UPDATE: At the bottom of Goldstein’s post is this standard disclaimer: “If you are under 13 years of age you may read this message board, but you may not participate.” I guess 13 is the age of consent at the L.A. Times, huh?

UPDATE x2: As I make clear on the sidebar and in other posts on this issue, while I work for the Los Angeles County District Attorney, I do not speak for him in any official capacity whatsoever. I write this post as a private citizen, and I express no opinion on what sentence Polanski should receive.

115 Responses to “L.A. Times Staffer: Holding Man Accountable for Drugging and Anal Rape of 13-Year-Old Child Will Take Too Much $$$$”

  1. Evidently, Patterico, we are just not part of the “in” Hollywood crowd or we’d understand.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  2. Patrick,
    Two points,
    1) Could someone ask this reporter what crimes should be pusued ? I understand child moestation/drugging/rape might not be serious enough to warrant punishment ,but I’d be interested in what is.
    2) If money is the problem, I’d be willing to contribut$100/month ad infinitum to Mr Polanski’s prison expenses.

    corwin (427300)

  3. Good points, except that the Times’s position is even dumber than you are giving them credit for. They cannot be onjecting to the cost of prosecution. The man is already convicted, there is no need to prosecute, so that cannot be the expense to which the Times objects. They seem to be saying a convicted child rapist is too costly to incarcerate.

    Sean Gleeson (b2b00e)

  4. I have the perfect solution. Polanski can save the taxpayers’ money if he agrees to castration and one hour in the company of maximum security inmates.

    aunursa (0e5924)

  5. Where is the Goldstein link? I clicked and found at the link an update on his arrest. From that, though, was this interesting tidbit of rationalizing,

    “Humanely, it seems to me unbearable that 30 years after the events, a 76-year-old man, who obviously presents no danger to society, and whose reputation on the artistic and personal level is clearly established, can be subjected to a single day in jail,” the lawyer said.

    Dana (863a65)

  6. Polanski is a creep.
    This is what the creep deserves. In fact, I think it would be great if he got a bit of something up his anus by way of a randy, body-builder type cell-mate.
    Hope they make Swiss cheese out of him.
    Now, since Mr. Patterico believes that really bad crimes should not go unpunished, whatever the cost, I assume he would agree prosecutors should follow any and all leads and with all diligence, thoroughness and fairness look at any possible war crimes by our side in recent years — on matters similar to those for which we have prosecuted others in the past.
    Sorry to have to bring this up here. But it’s apt, whether you like it or not.
    To a whole lot of people it seems like something worth spending money (effort) on. To be sure, for some of them it would make for great political payback. For for a greater number, it would be justice. Let the chips fall wherever.
    Of course the minions in this little room will jump in and shout, Oh, that would be political.
    But then, the rule of law is “political” to you folks when it applies to “your” leaders. It’s only paramount when it works against the other side.
    Any volunteers here to undergo waterboarding so they can show it’s not torture?

    Larry Reilly (45c8f2)

  7. I reserve the following for only the most vile of human beings:

    I want Roman Polanski to die. I want it to be slow, painful, and I would pay handsomely for the privilege of watching.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  8. Dana,

    I fixed the link.

    Larry Reilly.

    Hey! Look over there!

    I advise people not to respond to the threadjack. I won’t mandate it, but I advise it.

    Patterico (64318f)

  9. From the LA Times piece:

    The same goes for the Polanski case, which is full of echoes of “Les Miserables,” the classic Victor Hugo novel about Jean Valjean, an ex-con trying to turn his life around who is being obsessively tracked and hunted down by the Parisian police inspector Javert.


    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  10. Hollywood knows every drama needs conflict and a bad guy. Unfortunately, some in the media view this conflict as Polanski’s valiant fight against the ‘bad guy’ authorities.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  11. […] For a graphic reminder of what Polanski is accused of doing to his 13-year-old alleged victim — and how an L.A. Times sophisticate is pooh-poohing the brutal act — go here. […]

    Michelle Malkin » Lecherous fugitive director indignant about 30-year-delayed arrest (e2f069)

  12. At least Jean Valjean served his time and paid his debt to society…unlike Mr Polanski who fled.

    Gazzer (22ecdc)

  13. In the coming weeks, the Polanski affair will no doubt become a tabloid sensation, with op-ed moralists, excitable bloggers and the Glenn Becks of the world noisily weighing in on the propriety of his possible prosecution.

    I think Goldstein makes it clear he sees it as a conservative/liberal issue. I had my decoder ring on when I read this bit.

    Dana (863a65)

  14. […] Patterico has a post pointing out that the LA times thinks that the rape of a 13 year old child is ok (he […]

    Polanski « Something should go here, maybe later. (05b5a7)

  15. This arrest is the first step necessary toward his exoneration.

    RB (42a49c)

  16. when is bush and his cronies going to be prosecuted? Oh yea you pussy prosecutors never bite the hands that feed you.

    Roman Palanski is a hero (551f98)

  17. Interesting that the Swiss swooped him up at this late date.

    The most famous baby raper available for extridition within a week from when it was revealed that OBamacorn has been providing cover for baby rapers.

    Wasn’t there a bit of pressure being applied by Barry for the Swiss to open their books?
    Secret banking is lifeblood for Switzerland.
    Obie is becoming an existential threat to them.

    Perhaps this was their only available avenue to pay back in kind.

    papertiger (bd6c91)

  18. My comment to the article, I doubt it will be published…


    Polanski drugged and raped a 13-year old girl, and because his had means to flee the country and hide in France for 31 years, now it is “too expensive” to throw his butt in jail?

    I am absolutely disgusted.

    Polanski is not some noble thief who stole bread. He is an soulless, amoral bastard who rape. A. Thirteen. Year. Old. Girl.

    No one with even a shred of decency could even start to make excuses for this man. He’s enjoyed 31 years of freedom after pleading guilty to a vastly reduced charge. He deserves to rot now.

    And damn you to hell for suggesting otherwise.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  19. Three or four years ago, Polanski received a standing ovation – in absentia, of course – during the Academy Awards ceremony.

    As I watched that truly disgusting scene on TV, I thought to myself, “The people who are applauding this child molester are the same people who spend much of their time expressing nothing but contempt for President Bush and conservatives.”

    Needless to say, those Hollywood “stars” made me proud to be a conservative.

    Bubba Maximus (456175)

  20. Real justice would remove the expense of incarceration. I will happily provide the funding for the single live cartridge that would deliver his just desserts.
    Btw- pedophiles have been known to utilize the little blue pill to continue their sick activities.

    raugaj (020c66)

  21. Anybody want to get the National Organization of Women to weigh in? Or get some of his high-profile defenders to answer on-camera questions like:” So, do you think drugging and raping children should be legal? Or just for people like yourself”

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  22. The same goes for the Polanski case, which is full of echoes of “Les Miserables,” the classic Victor Hugo novel about Jean Valjean, an ex-con trying to turn his life around who is being obsessively tracked and hunted down by the Parisian police inspector Javert.


    Comment by Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. — 9/27/2009 @ 6:59 pm

    As Scott pointed out, stealing bread because you’re starving isn’t…quite…like drugging and violating a 13 year old.

    But then we’re talking about pretty much the same subset of people who think that teens can’t possibly control themselves sexually so give them condoms. I suppose if Pedolanski had used a condom they’d be cheering from the sidelines. These enablers can’t possibly reach the depths of depravity that Pedolanski did. But they’re sure trying.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  23. I suppose if Pedolanski had used a condom they’d be cheering from the sidelines.

    Pfft. They do anyways…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  24. Maybe Roman can be cell mates with Charles Manson…..

    Frank Drackman (899115)

  25. Is this how far into the pit the left has sunk: to somehow invoke Pres. Bush and conservatives in this sordid story of the rape of a child? Earth to lefties: Jimmy Carter was President 30 years ago and I’m pretty certain he would not approve of anal rape of a child no matter how famous the perp was. Why can’t you numbies stay on topic? This is not about Jean Valjean, President Bush, water boarding or any other of a plethora of leftist grab bag issues. This is about a man who raped a minor and then fled justice. Period. Either this is a reprehensible, illegal, and immoral act for which he has been convicted under the laws of the United States or it is not. All the posturing and handwringing in the world do not change the facts. The man deserves to receive and serve his sentence. Justice must blind to rank or it is not justice..

    Otrere (029e66)

  26. I’ll give my view on the overall subject, which will obviously consume this particular subject. But first, about me:

    I am a Conservative Christian. I am not a Catholic but a Protestant, if you are one who separates Christians that way. I believe in the Bible, the Whole Bible and nothing but the Bible.

    That being said, I am a firm believer in OT justice for rapists. All rapists. Any rapists. And I don’t care about their money or political connections. OT justice for rapists.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  27. Maybe he thought we don’t enforce laws against illegal acts anymore since the bushies got away with torture?

    liberalism is beautiful (551f98)

  28. Patterico – you need to fisk the language of the LAT coverage today. Some really egregious mis-statements.

    This is from the LAT Blog “LA NOW”:

    “Director Roman Polanski and his attorneys were stunned by his arrest in Switzerland on Saturday on a child sex charge filed decades ago in Los Angeles…”

    This is from the article on the top of the website:

    “Three decades after he fled the United States following his arrest for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl…”

    A couple of interesting issues are presented by his detention and the extradition request.

    First, it’s likely that the Swiss courts are going to grant him bail while he fights extradition.

    But, I presume a condition of bail will be that he not leave Switzerland — otherwise the Swiss courts would lose jurisdiction over him.

    If he were to leave, he would then be a fugitive from Swiss justice as well.

    But, it might just turn out that the Swiss aren’t really interested in whether or not he’s ultimately extradicted, and wouldn’t care too much one way or the other if he left.

    Shipwreckedcrew (7f73f0)

  29. How many other little children also suffered at the hands of this man? Drugging a kid? that’s a crime of domination, power, and pure evil.

    I’m glad the man is going to have his day in court. Child rapists should know in their heart that no matter how long they have gotten away with their crime, justice could still find them. It’s a great message, and it’s worth a lot of money.

    I am sorry this man has had so much misfortune in his life, and perhaps he’s paid for his sins in some way. Let him have his day in court, like anyone else, and have that determined. It’s not asking for much to ask that he be sentenced in some way for a crime he was convicted of.

    Dustin (0bdb72)

  30. I’d note a couple of things:

    1. I think this is mostly a sort of statute-of-limitations type argument, not a raping-13-year-olds-is-cool type of argument.

    2. I’m not sure that the failure to disclose by the Post writer (in the other thread) is as serious as some other failures to disclose.

    3. The liberal/conservative breakpoint doesn’t seem necessarily correct to me here. The Democrats in my office would, as a rule, want Polanski delivered promptly to a California cell.

    That said, people who flee justice can’t get a break, ever. Otherwise, you reward fleeing justice. They spent a lot of time getting Ira Einhorn back, and it was well-spent. Andrew Luster ran, and someone chased him.

    Because otherwise there’s a reward for running.

    This is different than if somebody were alleged to have done something like this 30 years ago, didn’t flee, wasn’t found, and wasn’t arrested until now (though charged many years ago.) Hey, I get that’s a problem.

    But he drugged and raped a 13-year-old, pled out, then ran away. He was already convicted. (Even if he hadn’t been, he ran away to a foreign country that wouldn’t give him up; no soup for him.)

    Let’s suppose we don’t believe in punishment (but rather deterrence and prevention) as goals of jailing people. Let’s further assume that Polanski will never do it again and that he currently a paragon of wonderfulness.

    There’s still a moral imperative to imprison Polanski. We want to deter child-raping, and we want to deter running.

    And, of course, we don’t know that. We don’t know when we let out a creative person with, uh, troubles what will happen. Maybe everything will be fine. Or maybe we can ask Richard Adan what he thought of Jack Abbott.


    JRM (355c21)

  31. Don’t you just love the moral relativism of the media elite? In Hollywood, if a person utters a racial slur, they are lucky if they ever work again.  If they utter an ethnic slur, against the wrong group, their reputation will be ruined forever, and no matter what they do or sayforgiveness will not be forthcoming.

    But drug, rape and sodomize a 13 year old girl (and in 1977, pre-Brittany Spears, 13 year old girls still played with Barbies), and there are no professional consequences, that person not only still finds work, and actors willing to work with him, but he goes on to win an Academy Award!

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    Indentured Servant Girl (4eb712)

  32. 3. The liberal/conservative breakpoint doesn’t seem necessarily correct to me here. The Democrats in my office would, as a rule, want Polanski delivered promptly to a California cell.

    In #13, I suggested this based on Goldstein’s selective choice of words, and conservative personality,

    In the coming weeks, the Polanski affair will no doubt become a tabloid sensation, with op-ed moralists, excitable bloggers and the Glenn Becks of the world noisily weighing in on the propriety of his possible prosecution.

    Also, as has been mentioned, Hollywood has continued to revere him and come to his defense.

    As I recall, you are a lawyer with the city or state and therefore I would really hope expect that your colleagues, whether left or right, would want to see him incarcerated and serve his time.

    Dana (863a65)

  33. Polanski will get nothing. He’s got the entire weight of the jewish hollywood mafia behind him.

    Just watch. Nothing.

    Cindy (88f4cd)

  34. JRM:

    I think this is mostly a sort of statute-of-limitations type argument, not a raping-13-year-olds-is-cool type of argument.

    My first thought is just the opposite — that any statute of limitations would be tolled, not only because he plead guilty but also because he fled the jurisdiction.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  35. Patrick Goldstein is a sicker twist than the child rapist I think. I don’t think Polanski has done as much to advocate on behalf of child rapists as Patrick did here.

    The LA Times will have to discuss this I think at an editorial meeting. How do we feel about punishing child rape? You go first Janet.

    Janet: Well, what if they’re really really sorry?

    Good point Janet, how about you Bob?

    Bob: My problem is … how much would it cost you think?

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  36. oops sorry didn’t mean to cuss ….

    summa (3454df)

  37. Cindy, don’t bring your antisemitism here. It is unwelcome. You are a poison to society, so leave as quickly as you arrived and don’t let the door hit you on your two-ton butt on your way out.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  38. #35

    LOL. Good one.

    Dave Surls (2eb5aa)

  39. To John Hitchcock….yeah, antisemitism is the only unforgivable sin in Hollywood.

    You can drug, rape and sodomize a 13 year old girl, and still win an Academy Award…but if you say something racist or antisemitic…you’re toast.

    Indentured Servant Girl (4eb712)

  40. 34/DRJ:

    Oh, yeah, it’s a non-existent legal argument and a crummy moral argument. Sorry if I didn’t make the first part clear. (Statute doesn’t matter in this case, because he’s already been found guilty; if he hadn’t, it would have tolled.)


    JRM (355c21)

  41. He wasn’t FOUND guilty. He PLEAD guilty.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  42. Jewywood will make sure this child predator walks.

    Robert (88f4cd)

  43. Same thing Scott Jacobs…he plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to avoid a longer jail sentence, and more negative publicity.

    8 felony counts would have meant 50 years.

    Indentured Servant Girl (4eb712)

  44. I don’t want Polanski to die.

    I want him to pay for his crime. How that payment works out is beyond my pay grade.

    However, I am amazed, sick and disgusted by those who rationalize child rape in an attempt to make cheap political points.

    Ag80 (592691)

  45. The Talmud makes clear that if a clean Jewish believer wants to take a goyum for his pleasure, he has every right.

    [Eli/Robert/Cindy is in moderation. –Stashiu]

    Eli (88f4cd)

  46. Oh good grief. Is the Stormfront out this evening?

    I could not care less what religion Polanski is, but apparently some people are so crazed about this issue they are letting the most idiotic part of their brains speak for them.

    Go away, anti-semites. You are not wanted here, you are not welcome here, and you are toxic to conversation and discussion.

    steve miller (c56ca1)

  47. Where are all these antisemites coming from? And why do they think their fecal matter don’t stink? Antisemitism has no value in any convo, ever, under any circumstance, other than at the execution of the antisemite.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  48. Where are all the pro-child rapists coming from?

    Can we execute them with all the antisemites?

    Indentured Servant Girl (4eb712)

  49. Larry – Every US service memeber who has attended SERE school has experienced waterboarding and thousands of them have reported on the experience. Is that enough testimony for you?

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  50. Scott/41:

    Not to get too tedious, but I’m fairly confident both occurred. In California, the finding of guilt (in this case, by the court) triggers some fairly important things that the plea itself does not. If the court had not found him guilty, it might be a problem.

    At least, under the laws as they are today and have been for a long time. If you know more about the plea or California law at the time, I’d be pleased to hear about it.


    JRM (355c21)

  51. ISG, allow me to be clear since you beat on me for beating on antisemites. I strongly believe all rapists should be executed quickly. I also strongly believe all antisemites have their own special place in Hell, a place that burns hotter and darker and lonelier than anywhere else in Hell.

    Are we clear on this?

    Now, antisemites, go away, crawl back in your holes.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  52. John:

    I don’t think the anti-Semitic posters here are Storm Front or any other right-wing nutjobs. They spend most of their time looking for conspiracies.

    I’m pretty sure they are Kos Krowd and DU trolls trying to get a sympathetic response so they can go back to their havens and prove the inherent racism of “wingnuts.”

    Ag80 (592691)

  53. I’d be interested to know what sort of sentence a person convicted of drugging and raping a 13-year old normally gets.

    Steve Smith (9c72c6)

  54. To John Hitchcock,

    Yes, I pounced on you for pouncing on antisemites…I guess I’m just not sure what you are calling antisemtic…stating that Polanski should get jail time?

    What exactly earns one that label?

    Also, if you think that what is essentially a thought crime is the worst crime anyone can be guilty of, then you prove my point about the screwed up morality at work here.

    Indentured Servant Girl (4eb712)

  55. I so hope the Swiss hold him without bail. Isn’t that usual with a flight risk?

    What bailbonds would post money on this guy showing up at the airport?

    Of course this could make a heck of a good episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter.

    papertiger (db6433)

  56. Comment by Indentured Servant Girl — 9/27/2009 @ 10:38 pm

    The anti-Semites would be the “jewywood” folks, and Eli at #45…

    Saying that Polanski should burn for what he did isn’t anti-Semitic. The other stuff is.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  57. Eli, Robert, and Cindy have been placed in moderation until DRJ or Patterico gets a chance to review their comments. Funny that I only had to put in one IP.

    Stashiu3 (8cadeb)

  58. Yeah, funny that, eh Stash?

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  59. Relieved to know that I’m not going to be confined to the hottest place in Hell…well, at least not for antisemitism.

    Indentured Servant Girl (4eb712)

  60. Yeah, funny that, eh Stash?
    Comment by Scott Jacobs — 9/27/2009 @ 11:05 pm

    It certainly saves on keystrokes. 😉

    Stashiu3 (8cadeb)

  61. On the bright side, they could have Polanski share a cell with Charles Manson. They’d have lots to talk about.

    epobirs (bec491)

  62. Comment by epobirs — 9/27/2009 @ 11:24 pm

    That is so evil, I am ashamed that I didn’t think of it first.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  63. A. He put his penis in my butt.

    And why do they think their fecal matter don’t stink?

    Speaking of which, even if Polanski’s victim had been of age and had given her consent, that doesn’t explain why someone like her fugitive apparently was plagued with a very weak olefactory system. IOW, Polanski is screwed up in more ways than one, and it’s surprising more people like him don’t end up contracting or spreading diseases (or more diseases), specifically a variety of STDs.

    Mark (411533)

  64. Ewww, yuk.

    I had a friend who was a blues fan, and he thought it was a terrible crime that the talented drummer Jim Gordon was locked up and unable to ply his art in public. It didn’t seem to faze him that Gordon was confined to a secure psychiatric facility after butchering his mother.

    Hmmm… well, matricide is a crime with a zero recidivism rate. I’m not so sure about teen-buggery. Does any of these creeps commit just one crime, just one time? Or do they do it over and over again until they finally get either locked up for good, or their junk stops working from old age? In order for something like doping and doing a 13-year-old to seem acceptable to a guy, he’s got to have something awry in the hard wiring in his brain housing group. That kind of dysfunction doesn’t heal, it festers.

    How many other kids never went public with what Polanski did, and is probably still doing, to them? Frankly, he will continue to be a threat to children until he’s worm chow. Any wise and merciful judge would ensure he spends the interim somewhere that does not contain children.

    As far as Applebaum and Goldstein are concerned, it seems like they’d even hold the kids down for Polanski. Despicable people, these pedo pals.

    RE: Comment by Steve Smith — 9/27/2009 @ 10:32 pm

    I too wonder what the average perp would get, if convicted on these facts, or if pled out to the charge Polanski was permitted to plead. (And, would the average perp — gruesome thought, that there even is such a thing for a crime like this — even get the chance to plead to this charge on these facts?

    I remain convinced that, for all the admiration its cogs have for our wondrous machinery of justice, the beastly machine’s output is random with respect to all inputs except money.

    Kevin R.C. O'Brien (491137)

  65. “the L.A. Times’s Patrick Goldstein makes an unusual argument against holding Roman Polanski accountable for drugging and anally raping a 13-year-old girl — namely, it would cost too much money:”

    Enact a $1.00 per purchase excise on leftoid newspapers. That ought to cover it.

    Dave Surls (2eb5aa)

  66. […] drugged, raped and sodomized a thirteen year old girl and then pled guilty to a lesser charge. The relevant portion of the victim’s grand jury testimony can be found at Patterico’s Po…. Before that he seduced Nastassya Kinski, then fifteen years old. And then Polanski fled […]

    The Los Angeles Times is Sicker Than Polanski | American Phoenix (2a87c0)

  67. “…prosecutors should follow any and all leads and with all diligence, thoroughness and fairness look at any possible war crimes by our side in recent years…”

    Yeah, But I don’t want to prosecute Bill Clinton for illegally attacking Yugoslavia.

    He’s married to Hillary! The poor man has suffered enough.

    Dave Surls (2eb5aa)

  68. […] me. Now I see he was a fugitive, and just how sick his crime was and see justice catching up. The details are sad and sick. Basically, he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl! This is one of the most horrible crimes […]

    L.A. Times Defends Monster Child Rapist Roman Polanski : Stop The ACLU (dae8af)

  69. I want to weigh in on the reporting on the issue of the victim wanting the case dropped, having “forgiven” him and feeling violated by all the press attention, both then and now.

    The fact is — and it is a FACT — the desires of victims do not drive the criminal justice system because it’s primary function is not the vindication of victims or their interests. The case against Polanski was not called “Greime v. Pollansky” — it was called “People of the State of California v. Polanski”.

    Criminal prosecutions vindicate the rights of the collective population of the state to have violators incarcerated for their crimes both for purposes of punishment and deterance.

    By fleeing when he wasn’t confident in how his sentencing would turn out, he defeated the interests of the State in seeing him punished and others deterred.

    So, while it might seem incongruent to some of you, what Ms. Greime wants is quite irrelevant to the question of whether Polanski should be sent to jail or not.

    Shipwreckedcrew (7f73f0)

  70. It is well to note, that since she was 13, it was a statutory offense. The victim has no say as to whether the crime will be prosecuted or not. Once the crime has been brought to the awareness of the authorities, it must be pursued if there is sufficient evidence of a crime.

    The victim at this point, really doesn’t want to go through all of this again – an embarrassing and painful series of memories, I’m sure. She has has been recompensed by Polanski in a private settlement. So she may see the matter as closed. However, the courts do not.

    Had he gotten away before he was charged, the statute of limitations would have expired, and end of story. But he had already been prosecuted, found guilty by way of plea bargain, and successfully convicted in the US legal system. He then proceeded to do a runner to Europe. At that point, not only is he still required to do the time (no if’s, and’s, or but’s), but time may be added to his sentence for running. As it is when convicted felons escape from jail. So in all honesty, there is no way to justify his not being made to serve his entire sentence.

    Now if he is granted a new trial, the original evidence is so overwhelming, that he would likely get a longer sentence, and I doubt he would be offered the same plea deal again. I’m also not sure if he would qualify for the 3 strikes law, as he was originally charged with 8 felonies, most aggravated offenses.

    There just is no excuse – the man needs to serve his time, even if it is an effective death sentence. He could have served it when he was younger, but he ran. Now that he is older, there can be no leniency permitted. As they say, don’t do the crime if you’re not willing to do the time!

    Captain_Conservative (0bf825)

  71. Polanski is damn lucky that he wasn’t sentenced to prison time for the MANSLAUGHTER of that 13 year old girl because surely Polanski had no idea of what kind of pharmaceutical reaction might take place when he gave that girl a Quaalude WITH a champagne (alcohol) chaser. There isn’t a responsible physician alive on the face of the Earth that will advise ANYone to take drugs (let alone tranquilizers) with *alcohol*. Polanski demonstrated (IMHO) what is commonly referred to as ‘depraved indifference’ when he administered that Hollywood Mickey Finn to his victim.
    And I can’t help but consider that IF instead of Roman Polanski, we were talking about (for example) Clint Eastwood, known to be politically right of center, all of the liberal-leftist nattering nabobs (tip of the hat to the late William Safire there) of nubile-nymph exploitation would be hollering and screaming for *JUSTICE* !!! The Polanski defenders and apologists would be demanding that Eastwood be locked away for the rest of his natural life.
    Effin’ hypocrites, that’s what they are.

    Marc McIntosh (8e0744)

  72. I think Polanski also got some sympathy because of the murder of his wife by the Manson family. I do wonder if he has been doing this sort of thing since fleeing.

    MIke K (2cf494)

  73. Someone should ask the LA Times editors, reporters, and owners why do they want to perform anal sex on 13 year olds, and how young is too young for children to have sex with them.

    Only perverts who want to practice perversity support letting Polanski go.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  74. But laws are for the little people.

    John the Fierce (f6fe05)

  75. When this pervert finally winds up where he belongs, which is in a pen, he will get the same treatment from other inmates he gave that unfortunate girl. They hate pervs in prison. That will be the justice he has avoided for so long.

    Randolph (93d3c6)

  76. I have an idea: Bring him home and let him share digs with these similarly minded people in the woods in Cobb County, Georgia:,2933,556300,00.html?test=latestnews.

    Who knows, maybe he would be able to use his $$$$ to provide them with basic amenities.

    It’s kind of unjust: Polanski violated that kid as an adult, with considerable malice aforethought, and LA doesn’t see that as a problem; one of the people in the camp in GA had a problem with a 12-yr old girl when he was a 15-yr old kid, has served his time, buy now he’s not allowed in church or to live with his wife. Different states and all that, but still an imbalance.

    I don’t condone child molestation or rapists, but sometimes I think the laws are draconian and the penalties excessive, especially when applied to juvenile offenders. For instance, if Michigan catches a pair of kids engaged in consensual sexual activity, the boy will be tagged as a sex offender for life – don’t know what happens to the girl. I’m not sure that serves any purpose.

    elephant4life (96e5fe)

  77. Is it going to cost a lot of money prosecuting him?

    He has already pleaded guilty! Excuse me but all that is left is sentencing. He ran.

    I just heard a radio news report that he was picked up on an “arrest warrant.” Well, no. He was picked up on a bench warrant. He is in contempt of court for not returning for his sentencing.

    The media has a lot of sympathy for the movie producer but he was given a sweetheart deal 40 years ago when he was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of statutory rape. That charge could be reduced to a misdemeanor, in fact. It is a low-grade felony that does not even require registration as a sex offender.

    It is likely that he won’t do any jail time on the stat rape but if he does any time it would be for not coming back to court when ordered to do so.

    Alta Bob (e53677)

  78. This is boilerplate liberal stuff. . . time heals all wounds. . . it was a “different” time. . . etc.

    Put Roman in general population for a day. Justice will work itself out, I guarantee it.

    MarkButter in SoCal (5d43c6)

  79. […] anally raping her and ejaculating inside her anus. (Excerpts of her testimony are provided in my takedown of Goldstein’s piece.) Some of this information is contained on the back pages that hardly anybody reads — the […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » L.A. Times Front Page Headline: Polanski Merely “Accused” of Sexual Assault (e4ab32)

  80. People who flee our justice system, after pleading guilty, or being convicted, need to be pursued. We shouldn’t condone this–it encourages other criminals to do this. The bottom line is that Polanski is a CRIMINAL–he committed a heinous criminal act and then fled the country. He needs to be sentenced like any other criminal and serve out his time. I can’t believe even liberals are arguing that we should let a rich criminal defendant avoid punishment when there are plenty of poor criminal defendants who are convicted and sentenced.

    Is this LA Times suggesting that we don’t have enough money to pursue poor criminals, or just those with money and fame?

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  81. Comment by Randolph — 9/28/2009 @ 6:20 am

    Generally we here at Patterico’s frown on speculation/wishing for prison rape…

    In this case, however, I myself certainly waive that stance. While I cannot claim to know the mind of our host, I think many here would agree that being made someone’s bitch is just punishment for someone who anally raped a 13-year old girl.

    I think he would find it unfortunate, however, that he would not get to enjoy what little comfort quaaludes and booze might provide.

    Scott Jacobs (in class) (218307)

  82. I have to say that, while it is all in good fun, the presence of prison rape as a major problem in prisons is not a very good topic for humor. I’ve even seen legislators make jokes about it. Anyone who hasn’t seen it should watch “An Innocent Man,” a Tom Selleck movie that I think is great.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  83. Mike, I’m very much NOT using the concept of prison rape “in good fun”, at least as far as Polanski goes.

    He deserves whatever he gets in prison, a place filled with people who care even less than I do about his brilliance as a director.

    Scott Jacobs (in class) (6aff37)

  84. It depends on what kind of man you are. Early in my career, I had a client in jail who was a little guy. I went to visit him and brought up the subject of his possible vulnerability. He looked at the lawyer in his button-down Botany 500 shirt and silk tie and said, “I can take care of myself. And, you know, bad sex is better than no sex at all.”

    nk (df76d4)

  85. Anyone who hasn’t seen it should watch “An Innocent Man,” a Tom Selleck movie that I think is great.

    Comment by Mike K — 9/28/2009 @ 10:06 am

    Thanks for the nightmare reminder. That prison yard murder scene was shocking, and horrific. *shudder*
    Yeah it was a good movie though.

    no one you know (7a9144)

  86. Why is it considered liberal for a man convicted of evil acts to go free?

    Not just this case, but so many murderers, terrorists, etc.?

    Teflon Dad (1d3db7)

  87. I have the perfect solution.

    Does not this child raper have a boatload of money?

    Sentence him to 25 years to life or a fine of his total net worth.

    There is restitution that will take a bite out of crime and pay the state too!

    Bryan (af157c)

  88. “He deserves whatever he gets in prison,”

    Scott, no he doesn’t. Rape in prison is not deserved by the prisoner victims. It’s a problem that we need to try to address. it’s not a perfect world, and I don’t want prison to be a pleasant place, but saying ‘they deserved it’ is an endorsement. And people who endorse rape… are at best deeply disturbed.

    I heard an idiot once say ‘do the crime do the time’ to justify prison rape. If a jury assigns a punishment… that is 100% of the time. Rape justice is for islamofacists and cowards.

    Dustin (0bdb72)

  89. Sure, for most crimes…

    But when the crime itself is anal rape, I guess I just find it a fitting irony.

    Scott Jacobs (in class) (9b5ed3)

  90. As noted by others in passing, per the (unchallenged or undisputed) testimony, Polanski vaginally raped the 13-year old in between drugging her and anally raping her.

    jim2 (a9ab88)

  91. #25 Otrere said,
    “Is this how far into the pit the left has sunk: to somehow invoke Pres. Bush and conservatives in this sordid story of the rape of a child? Earth to lefties: Jimmy Carter was President 30 years ago and I’m pretty certain he would not approve of anal rape of a child no matter how famous the perp was.”

    I dunno Carter might have been ok with it if the victim were a Jew.

    Mike Dugas (c3e8c3)

  92. What a noble crusader for justice! That is unless you’ve read interviews with the girl… who isn’t interested in prosecution because she so desperately wants to move on. She specifically mentions how often this graphic testimony is reprinted and how difficult it is to deal with the publicity as a mother of 3 children. Fortunately we have true Americans heroes helping her relive these horrors for the sake of talking points!

    Cat (544159)

  93. Cat,

    Would you grant the victim the same power over Polanski if she wanted brutal vengeance — for instance, if she felt the only just punishment was to execute or castrate him? After all, if the victim’s feelings are what matters, how can you justify any other result?

    DRJ (b008f8)

  94. Cat, so, your position is that so long as the rich buy off their victims, the state should vitiate any prosecution?

    Fleeing justice is OK if you are rich and famous, right?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  95. […] Patterico has more, though it doesn’t necessarily make for easy reading. For years, I was lied to about this […]

    What’s a Little Rape Between Friends? | Little Miss Attila (62389c)

  96. The Cats of the world disgust me.

    JD (b09d7d)

  97. Hmmm…

    “Fortunately we have true Americans heroes helping her relive these horrors for the sake of talking points!”

    Fortunately, we have knee jerk Leftist elitists who are willing to overlook the prosecution of child rapists who plead guilty then flee the country for the sake of talking points. And a couple of movies.

    This is no different than the Kennedy business. Heck, pundits there suggest that MJK would have been willing to die for the wonderful legislation Our Kennedy promoted.

    What is with the Left? Sheesh.

    Eric Blair (184ac1)

  98. Would you grant the victim the same power over Polanski if she wanted brutal vengeance — for instance, if she felt the only just punishment was to execute or castrate him? After all, if the victim’s feelings are what matters, how can you justify any other result?

    I fail to see where I stated that arresting him or the justice system was wrong? I simply find it amusing that all these people claiming to crusade for victim’s rights are essentially as bad as the Huffington post apologists. Neither side really cares about the victim’s feeling.

    The phrase “anal rape” should pretty much suffice for anyone who needs to understand the situation. The rest is just the same graphic sensationalist crap that has ruined journalism and our mainstream media. It’s pathetic that this horrible situation is mostly an opportunity to report graphic, personal material while spewing talking points. Save all your canned “pro-huffington libtard” responses cause I think they’re embarrassing themselves as well.

    Cat (544159)

  99. Fortunately, we have knee jerk Leftist elitists who are willing to overlook the prosecution of child rapists who plead guilty then flee the country for the sake of talking points. And a couple of movies.

    Good example of the aforementioned canned responses. Learn to read posts carefully please.

    Cat (544159)

  100. “all these people claiming to crusade for victim’s rights …”

    Hey, don’t hurt that strawman, it might be a celebrity.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  101. “Cat” demonstrates beyond dispute why the Left cannot be trusted to maintain a Republic.

    AD - RtR/OS! (4994e0)

  102. “She specifically mentions how often this graphic testimony is reprinted and how difficult it is to deal with the publicity as a mother of 3 children.”

    She’s been perfectly willing to talk about it in graphic detail. If you’re really trying to avoid publicity, going on the Larry King show probably isn’t a very good tactic.

    Dave Surls (b0a33f)

  103. Cat:

    I simply find it amusing that all these people claiming to crusade for victim’s rights are essentially as bad as the Huffington post apologists. Neither side really cares about the victim’s feeling.

    Which comments do you find so offensive? I think you are confusing the desire to enforce the law with the issue of victims’ rights, and they aren’t the same. But if your concern is victims’ rights then there is more than one way to help victims. For instance, I think it helps victims when we enforce the law and deter existing and potential criminals from creating new victims.

    DRJ (b008f8)

  104. Oh, don’t discourage him, DRJ. I am anxiously awaiting to learn what my real motivations are.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  105. You know Cat, we have seen over the last couple weeks, a thirty eight year old woman who has spent the greater part of her life as a sex slave/prisoner/brood mare to a kidnapping pedofile from the Bay Area, the systematic endorcement of such activities by the premier Democrat boosting/sub-prime homeloan defrauding/racebaiting/voter registration scamming/community activist organization,
    and now finally we catch the man whose name is practically synonymus with pedophilia, and you want to talk about justice?

    Polanski in prison doesn’t come near to the justice.

    This is about retribution by the Swiss on Obama. He attacked their undercover criminal banking empire, so they are giving his undercover criminal empire some publicity.

    What we want I want is a RICO suit filed in Sacramento and ACORN top dogs in SF frog marched all the way up Interstate 80, the whole 100 miles, hop hop hop.
    What I want is Phil Gariddo’s house burned to the ground, along with his child rape enabling neighbors who turned the blind eye for 18 years.

    What I want is Joan Rivers to ask each and every actor as they walk the red carpet if they think 43 days in jail is a fair sentence for someone who slips a drug in a 13 year old’s drink for the purpose of sodomising her.

    They clapped and gave him an award when they were together. Let’s see how deep their admiration for Polanski is when they are alone on the red carpet with a microphone in their face.

    These things would be justice.

    papertiger (fbc22c)

  106. Comment by papertiger — 9/28/2009 @ 6:54 pm

    Well said!;
    and, Payback is truly a bitch!

    AD - RtR/OS! (4994e0)

  107. “That is unless you’ve read interviews with the girl… who isn’t interested in prosecution because she so desperately wants to move on.”

    Oh, I don’t think she’s really all that interested in putting it all behind her.

    Dave Surls (bb9cf5)

  108. Cost too much? Get the money from the defendant, he’s got plenty.

    Tom Jones (5fdc8f)

  109. […] also noted the brutality of the drugging and forced anal rape of a 13 year old girl with a snippet of the grand jury testimony. I won’t reprint it here but you can read it for […]

    Watcher of Weasels » Would the Left Defend Roman Polanski if He Were a Priest? (b53008)

  110. […] with the powerful, rich Hollywood types who defend child rapist Roman Polanski. Subscribe to blog feed. « Obama Has Reagan […]

    Living it up in Europe, or… | (46c2c6)

  111. […] anally raping her and ejaculating inside her anus. (Excerpts of her testimony are provided in my takedown of Goldstein’s piece.) The article includes some of this information on the back pages that hardly anybody reads — the […]

    Why Don’t The World-Wide Apologists Understand That Polanski Is A Perverted Criminal? « (ea1fd5)

  112. […] supporter Patrick “Sentencing Child Rapists Costs Too Much $$$” Goldstein, in his latest silly piece at the L.A. Times web site: There’s no petition going around with […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » Patrick Goldstein: Hollywood Doesn’t Support Polanski, Silly! What? They Gave Him a Standing Ovation?? HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!!! (e4ab32)

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