Patterico's Pontifications


White House is Mystified About Health Care

Filed under: Obama,Politics — DRJ @ 10:50 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

According to an unnamed White House source, the Administration doesn’t know how it got in such a health care bind:

“Administration officials insisted that they have not shied away from their support for a public option to compete with private insurance companies, an idea they said Obama still prefers to see in a final bill.

But at a time when the president had hoped to be selling middle-class voters on how insurance reforms would benefit them, the White House instead finds itself mired in a Democratic Party feud over an issue it never intended to spotlight.

“I don’t understand why the left of the left has decided that this is their Waterloo,” said a senior White House adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We’ve gotten to this point where health care on the left is determined by the breadth of the public option. I don’t understand how that has become the measure of whether what we achieve is health-care reform.”

“It’s a mystifying thing,” he added. “We’re forgetting why we are in this.”

Another top aide expressed chagrin that a single element in the president’s sprawling health-care initiative has become a litmus test for whether the administration is serious about the issue.

“It took on a life of its own,” he said. “

Can it get any better than this for the Republicans? No, which is why the GOP should not let up now. And here’s some free advice to the Democrats: Don’t use the word Waterloo.


49 Responses to “White House is Mystified About Health Care”

  1. This fight is a long long long long long way from being over.

    JD (e19c2d)

  2. […] here to see the original: The White House is Mystified About Health Care Related articles:Majority Says No Health Care Reform At All Is Better Than ObamaCareWhite House […]

    The White House is Mystified About Health Care | Presidency News - News, articles and blog posts about The Presidency (7a7279)

  3. This is typical Democrat thinking and is one of their tried and true tactics all in one.

    Surely, the heart of what they mean to do is correct, it can’t possibly be that the flaw is central and fatal. So, isolate one piece, express dismay, and insist that EVERYthing else is just ducky.

    Folks, the full-frontal assault must continue. Do NOT make the mistake of hammering on this one thing. We’ve already won this point. Now we need to go after another, and another, and another.

    It is essential that the core desire of government control, across the board, is defeated as a philosophy.

    Ed from SFV (c4544e)

  4. And here’s some free advice to the Democrats: Don’t use the word Waterloo.

    The Democrats probably think they are Wellington, but we know they are really Napoleon.

    JVW (111cb0)

  5. True, but sometimes I also worry they think they are still in Iowa.

    DRJ (d8773e)

  6. I think pols of both stripes are “misunderestimatimg” the folks. Living, as they do, in their ivory towers, out of touch with the people and surrounded by sycophants,they are unable to grasp that many, many americans have had enough. After the stimulus and cap and trade and auto company bailouts, none of which have improved our economic lot, the headlong dash toward Obamacare is merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. Except they still don’t really believe it, so they cast any opposition as racist, due to the Prez being, at most, half a black man. The left’s classic projection of organised dissention and violence,supposedly by insurance companies, is so laughable that it is beyond credibility. Still, they persist with with their lies, never once responding to actual questions or criticisms, all the while demonizing the opposition. In truth, they have awoken a sleeping giant. It is a great time to be an American. At my blog, I constantly encourage people to vote out all incumbents. The entrenched power base needs to go. A complete quota of newbies could not harm this country any more than the reprobates that represent us now. In days of yore, there may have been a violent uprising. Today, hit them where it hurts. Take away their power.

    Gazzer (6d46a4)

  7. “It’s a mystifying thing,” he added.

    Well, of course it is. When you’re painfully deficient in common sense, a lot of things will seem mystifying.

    Mark (411533)

  8. Because this administration still doesn’t know the difference between campaigning and actually governing. Because Obama has no vision outside of himself and his own interests, he can’t craft or guide a piece of legislation and neither can his staff who seem to have little experience either. And then they whine that it’s gotten out of their hands. What do they expect?

    Ozwitch (78b346)

  9. […] Pontifications post titled White House is Mystified About Health Care contains a quote from an unnamed White House staffer that is priceless: Another top aide expressed […]

    A Solitary Conspiracy » White House is Mystified About Health Care (6ffebc)

  10. Ok, I see it now. Reading between the lines, Game Plan One, pass this stinker of a plan before anybody can read it, much less understand it. Game Plan Two, what plan?

    Translation, Team Ohama bet the farm that they could get healthcare pass, ala the Stimulus, without anybody actually read the bill.

    Well the public may be dumb like Barney Frank thinks but they don’t fall for the same stupid trick three times.

    DavidL (02e14f)

  11. […] Hat tip DRJ, Patterico Pontifications […]

    Team Obama’s Healthcare Game Plan | BitsBlog (33ff78)

  12. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what is the President’s sprawling health care initiative? I’ve heard him spout empty goals and banal rhetoric, but a plan? He hasn’t offered one. Instead, he has abdicated all responsibility as he plays golf and runs around the country still in campaign mode. If the media would stop coddling the President, maybe we could have a real debate on the issue.

    Stephen (236526)

  13. Oh, I’m sure that at some point in the next 6 months or so, a bill titled “Health Care Reform” will pass. What’s in that bill is anyone’s guess. Probably anything they can actually get through, then declare “Victory!” and move on/stagger away.

    Techie (482700)

  14. They are in this mess because the President confuses cheerleading with leading.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  15. Remember when “Waterloo” was racist? But then, that was a whole month ago.

    Jim Treacher (796deb)

  16. “here’s some free advice to the Democrats: Don’t use the word Waterloo.”

    Too late – the WaPo reports:

    “I don’t understand why the left of the left has decided that this is their Waterloo,” said a senior White House adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

    “Debate’s Path Caught Obama by Surprise”

    Jim Halvern (5e1110)

  17. […] mine, and via Patterico’s Pontifications, who is laughing as hard over this as I am. Please also note that being for a public option is now […]

    Moe Lane » Now it’s the administration who’s using the term ‘Waterloo.’ (da2344)

  18. […] mine, and via Patterico’s Pontifications, who is laughing as hard over this as I am. Please also note that being for a public option is now […]

    Now it’s the *administration* who’s using the term ‘Waterloo.’ - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState (2dbb8b)

  19. From the same WaPo article Jim (#16) quotes is this gem:

    In search of new momentum, Obama plans to discuss the matter Thursday with thousands of his most loyal supporters in a nationwide “strategy call” hosted by Organizing for America, a grass-roots arm of the Democratic National Committee.

    So The One is admittedly going to preach to his choir…a ‘grass-roots’ arm of the DNC? And they have the NERVE to accuse their opponents of astroturfing?

    As usual, Democrat accusations are nothing more than projection.

    KB (5a6552)

  20. Treach – The list of non-racist terms continues to shrink. Codewords, and all.

    JD (b1f7fc)

  21. And here’s some free advice to the Democrats: Don’t use the word Waterloo.

    Waterloo, Waterloo – Where will you meet your Waterloo?
    Every puppy has it’s day.
    Everybody meets their fate.
    Everybody meets their fate at Waterloo!

    A song from the past just for you youngsters in the Obama Administration.

    GM Roper (85dcd7)

  22. Gazzer #6 – The Federal Government has been out-of-step with us for decades. And we need to be mindful that the Republican leadership will not make things better – they will only make matters worse at a slower pace. (you could argue that is a good thing).

    I don’t think voting out all the incumbents will work. There are too many in the wings that have been there before or are already too tainted to fix this mess. And too many people simply vote R or D based on the finger-pointing; too many voters simply don’t care enough to really examine the people they vote for.

    The Republicans have not shown a good, comprehensive plan to compete with the other bills. They simply point fingers at the extreme ideas in any bill. But what substance are they offering? They fuel the anti- side, but don’t step up and offer any clear solution.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  23. I smell racism here. You all hate Obama cos he’s not black enough. Denounce yourselves, party-racists!

    The Emperor (09c9e3)

  24. “The Republicans have not shown a good, comprehensive plan to compete with the other bills. They simply point fingers at the extreme ideas in any bill. But what substance are they offering? They fuel the anti- side, but don’t step up and offer any clear solution.”

    And why do they need one? The Public Option (or National Health Care, take your pick) is the Holy Grail of DEMOCRATS; why should the opposition party pay any form of respect toward that? After all, the Democrats NEVER paid respect toward the Republicans’ desires to have the Private Option for Social Security.

    You need to stop following the sales pitch Gingrich and Limbaugh made back in ’93-’95, vis-a-vis having an “alternative.” This is a different era; no alternatives are necessary. Just OPPOSE, BAMN.

    Brad S (45aa47)

  25. 13, When this Healthcare/Health Insurance/Continued Socialist takeover bill is passed, will there be any specifics in it or will Kenyan-liar-in-Chief be able to justify doing what he wants like his dictator friends Castro, Chavez, “I’minadinnerjacket” do?

    PCD (02f8c1)

  26. Imperialism: Obama Administration Threatens to Withold Funds If Oklahoma Makes English The Offical Language Of The State….

      Read Obama’s Imperial Decree: Target Oklahoma:
    Remember the good old days, when one only had to watch out for the Federal Government’s twisted interpretation of the commerce clause to justify tyranny?
    Well those days seem to be long gone. …

    The Substratum (af9967)

  27. Obama and his cronies are probably mystified because their demagogy of trashing the opponents as racists would have worked in their network in Chicago. They have little understanding of America outside of their Ayers-think group. Why don’t those ignorant peons accept the benevolence of their betters?

    What’s the matter, indeed, with Kansas? And Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Florida, Ohio, California . . .

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  28. You need to stop following the sales pitch Gingrich and Limbaugh made back in ‘93-’95, vis-a-vis having an “alternative.” This is a different era; no alternatives are necessary. Just OPPOSE, BAMN.

    This is why things will only get worse. We hold fast to ‘our’ party because it’s ‘the other party’ that is wrong. BOTH party’s are wrong – and they are leading us down a dead-end path.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  29. I think the problem may be that Rahm Emanuel-style politics don’t translate well on the national level. Here in Illinois, home of some of the most inept and corrupt politicians in the country, all Obama and crowd had to do was threaten, and people did their bidding. Bullying an entire nation is a different matter.

    rochf (ae9c58)

  30. Maybe the White House should stop looking for boogey men to insult and call names, and take up the benefits of the health care bill that doesn’t really exist.

    Neo (46a1a2)

  31. Maybe those missing C-SPAN telecast negotiations would have helped.

    Neo (46a1a2)

  32. “I don’t understand why the left of the left has decided that this is their Waterloo,”

    Isn’t it fairly obvious? The most overtly socialist fraction of the Democratic party wants and expects the most overtly socialist element of medical industry legislation to be passed.

    ashowalt (ac7f79)

  33. Why can’t just those why pay taxes get health benefits…how b’out that Obama and the rest of the health care reform starters??? NO seriously, this I could be in favor of, but not just letting any old person that comes to America, even the illegal’s to get healthcare and our taxes go up the roof???? No, sure, I will cont. to fight this…

    henryyoung (a13124)

  34. And here’s some free advice to the Democrats: Don’t use the word Waterloo.

    And here’s some free advice for conservatives:

    Remember the Alamo.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  35. DSCSA’s free advice is worth every penny.

    Bradley J. Fikes, C. O.R. (a18ddc)

  36. You realize that the people defending the fort LOST, right DCSCA?

    Dems really don’t get this whole analogy thing, do they?

    Scott Jacobs (6aff37)

  37. DCSCA, the Alamo was an awful defeat that galvanlized Texans to keep fighting in the face of Mexico’s lack of decency and honor.

    I do remember it and I think there’s a weak parallel to facing the dishonorable democrats today. They have the power to pass whatever they want, and are still blaming the GOP for everything. Their intent of spending ridiculous sums to massively increase the government and force people to depend on them is dishonorable.

    I’m not sure what you meant, though. Maybe you take seriously Bill Ayers’s promise to kill anyone who can’t be reeducated?

    Juan (bd4b30)

  38. Maybe Scott’s right and DCSCA likens himself to the freedom fighting Texans at the Alamo, and the GOP to Santa Anna. If so, that’s even funnier.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  39. You realize that the people defending the fort LOST, right DCSCA?

    Dems really don’t get this whole analogy thing, do they?

    Comment by Scott Jacobs — 8/19/2009 @ 12:06 pm


    eternal troll lament: butbutbutbut it SOUNDED so good!

    no one you know (7a9144)

  40. IMP was thinking about Remember the Titans, and just got confused.

    JD (1a3053)

  41. #37- You realize that the people defending the fort LOST, right DCSCA?

    Yes, do you? You’re surrounded.

    Dems Conservatives really don’t get this whole analogy thing, do they.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  42. DCSCA, what are you talking about?

    Are you just trying to conjure up massacres? You guys are LOSING on this issue. Obama promised a bill would be passed by now. Pelosi promised she had the votes.

    Protestors put the fear of God into the blue dog freshman, and we’re WINNING. Don’t you get that? The people have decided that Obama is not doing a good job. Likely voters dislike Obama.

    The American people trust the GOP more than the Democrats on this issue!

    What basis do you have for your Alamo statement? That the Mexican military ultimately lost the war? That they were dishonorable?

    Juan (bd4b30)

  43. #36- Of course mine is coin of the realm while conservatives trade in confederate currency.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  44. Remember the Alamo.

    Because Dggcrapp WAS THERE! Yes, he was there, along with Von Braun, the US Russian Embassy, the secret Latin American CIA assassination squads, the Navy SEALS, Margaret Thatcher along with Ken Lay and Skilling from Enron – and Davey Crockett. All were bravely fighting Sant Anna, but only Dggcrpp got away. I think Paul McCartney sang about it in his song “someone’s knocking on the door.”

    Dggcrpp still has Crockett’s Bowie knife. Really, just ask him.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  45. I believe that David Attenborough will be doing a bio shortly called “The Adventures of Dggcrpp, the Time – Traveling Chowderhead.” With a forward by Rush Limbaugh, who smells.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  46. #

    #36- Of course mine is coin of the realm while conservatives trade in confederate currency.

    Comment by DCSCA — 8/19/2009 @ 2:02 pm

    No, just plain current US of A currency, thanks.
    But quite a revealing admission – or Freudian slip – that you see your currency as “of the realm” (now whose “realm” would that be, precisely?) since Obama’s been criticized so many times for acting like he’s the monarch of the entire Earth.

    no one you know (7a9144)

  47. You know, the Democrats have some remarkably weak Senate seats: Dodd(CT), Open(DE), Open(IL), Gilliland(NY), Specter(PA), Boxer(CA) and maybe some others if things get any worse for them.

    Not to mention they are 5 points down on the generic House ballot.

    My advice to the Democrats is: double down. Go for single payer.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  48. […] cause of his angst is the Washington Post’s coverage of debate over a government-run health insurance plan: Administration officials insisted that they […]

    The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Obama’s real ObamaCare agenda (e2f069)

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